Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: PROTECT YOUR OWN VOTE

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: PROTECT YOUR OWN VOTE: MAIL-IN-BALLOTS ARE A MAJOR SOURCE OF VOTE FRAUD:  — Americans, you have noticed the increase in the OCCURRENCES of Very and Very, VERY CLOS...



— Americans, you have noticed the increase in the OCCURRENCES of Very and Very, VERY CLOSE differences in the number results in races both Candidates and Issues.*

— There are hundreds of Voters who Never Receive their Mail-in Ballots.

— MAIL-IN BALLOTS ARE NOT SECRET BALLOTS— THEY HAVE YOUR NAME ON THEM. [They have Not only your Name; but also your Party Affiliation readily available.]

— Lost or Not Received, voting at your Precinct, == Provisional Ballot. At the Registrar of Voters, If the Mail-in Ballot Is Received and your Provisional Ballot BOTH are Present— your Provisional Ballot is DISCARDED.

— There Is No Confirming Process regarding One voting Person’s Mail-in and Provisional by the Registrar of Voters; There Is No Check or Balance that the Mail-in BALLOT is the SAME Person. OR NOT, as the Provisional Ballot.*

— MOST IMPORTANTLY: Your NAME Remains UN-VOTED in your own Precinct, and Becomes Vulnerable to VOTER IMPERSONATION; Should this happen, Your Provisional Ballot is Rejected, and There is the Appearance of an Attempt to Vote Twice.

The sole guarantee that your “person” of “Consent to Govern” is SECRET AND COUNTED... IS TO GO TO YOUR PRECINCT IN PERSON, and WATCH YOUR BALLOT INTO THE BALLOT BOX!!!!

That means, that the State of California can easily join in the 50 State Data Base for moved, or relocated out of State Voters. There is no guarantee that a voter moving to Oregon, or any other State, will notify CA of that Voter’s move out of CA.

It doesn't take that many same person Mail-in / Provisional or lost mail-in Ballots to turn the outcome for a Candidate or for an Issue; and there is no way to Trace the problem, for the Provisional Ballots are discarded.

THAT IS THE REASON, IN Amendment IX and XIV, “Absentee Ballots” were invented:

The only reasons a voter did not have to go to the Precinct to Vote was Illness, Infirm, or out of town ONLY on Election Day; for you can Vote IN Person at the County Registrar of Voter’s Office Before Election Day.

PLEASE DO NOT BE IN A HURRY about your “1776 in 2012 Election" mail-in Ballot. You do not have to mail it until between Sunday, 10/28 and Thursday 11/1. Otherwise you cast your Vote Without all of the Information Necessary to Guarantee yourself an Informed Vote!



If you Plan to be out of Town you may vote:
IN-PERSON VOTING; You may also come to our office located at 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 and vote. In person voting begins 29 days before each election. Hours of operation are:

Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday before Election Day 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Election Day 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
29 Days before the election is Tuesday, October 9, 2012
VOTE by Mail-in ans serve the 'state' of government-over-man absent Oath of Office and Respect for Person; -- compromise you secret ballot, and going through many hands, and subject to LOSS or ALTERATION.

Protection of Your Person and Your Vote is the Consent of the governed to secure and Protect: Life, Liberty, and pursuits of Happiness!


EMAIL AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEIR FRIENDS!!    We are One person before God, and Before the "1789 Rule of Law. We are One Person = One Vote Secret, Secure, and Voted... IN OUR PERSON!  The Best protection against Fraud!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

#3 Series: Barry Goldwater: THE UNITED NATIONS and Today

I support unconditionally, the purposes the United Nations was originally intended to serve — peace among nations, based on mutual tolerance, respect for the sovereign independence of all nations, and a common sense of justice.

I believe the United States should make the fullest possible use of its membership in the U.N. as one means of achieving these goals.

The U.N. today is not all it should be.  Even so, it is a useful forum. It can still provide machinery for valuable conciliation among nations. But I want to see it come closer to achieving its real goals. It can do so, only when all of its members live up to the spirit of the Charter.  I have in mind, particularly, the Charter’s definition of “peace-loving” nations, and the obligations of membership. These include moral as well as financial obligations.

For nineteen years, the Communists have held the U.N. in contempt. They havve repeatedly undermined its operations and its principles. Should the Red Chinese now, in effect, shoot their way in, the Charter would be all but a dead letter. In that event, the United States — in our own best interests, and for the good of the original U.N. idea — would be forced to undertake a serious reassessment of its basic commitments.

In recent years, the flood of new members, added to the increased powers of the General Assembly, have put burdens on the U.N. that are beyond its realistic capacities. These new burdens have not always been matched by a mature sense of responsibility on the part of many participating countries. Member-nations representing only 10 per cent of the world’s population can command fully two-thirds of the votes in the General Assembly. Some form of weighted voting may have to be seriously considered as a way of bringing the U.N. into line with these new realities.

We must never attempt to use the U.N. as a substitute for clear and resolute U.S. police. It is only with such a policy that the U.S. can represent the principles of free ment everywhere, in support of the U.N.’s original promise.

["The U.N. Charter"  Sen Goldwater addresses does not exist anymore. Here is The Table of Contents for the U.N.’s Agenda 21:
 Table of Contents

Chapter Paragraphs
1. Preamble 1.1 - 1.6

2. International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development 
in developing countries and related domestic policies 2.1 - 2.43
3. Combating poverty 3.1 - 3.12
4. Changing consumption patterns 4.1 - 4.27
5. Demographic dynamics and sustainability 5.1 - 5.66
6 Protecting and promoting human health conditions 6.1 - 6.46
7. Promoting sustainable human settlement development 7.1 - 7.80
8. Integrating environment and development in decision-making 8.1 - 8.54

Chapter Paragraphs
9. Protection of the atmosphere 9.1 - 9.35
10. Integrated approach to the planning and
management of land resources 10.1 - 10.18
11. Combating deforestation 11.1 - 11.40
12. Managing fragile ecosystems: combating desertification
and drought 12.1 - 12.63
13. Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development 13.1 - 13.24
14. Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development 14.1 - 14.104
15. Conservation of biological diversity 15.1 - 15.11
16. Environmentally sound management of biotechnology 16.1 - 16.46
17. Protection of the oceans, all kinds of seas, including enclosed
and semi-enclosed seas, and coastal areas and the protection,
rational use and development of their living resources 17.1 - 17.136
18. Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources:
application of integrated approaches to the development,
management and use of water resources 18.1 - 18.90
19. Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including
prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic
and dangerous products 19.1 - 19.76
20. Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes,
Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in
Hazardous Wastes 20.1 - 20.46
21. Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and
sewage-related issues 21.1 - 21.49
22. Safe and environmentally sound management of radioactive wastes 22.1 - 22.9

Chapter Paragraphs
23. Preamble 23.1 - 23.4
24. Global action for women towards sustainable and
equitable development 24.1 - 24.12
25. Children and youth in sustainable development 25.1 - 25.17
26. Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people
and their communities 26.1 - 26.9
27. Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations:
partners for sustainable development 27.1 - 27.13
28. Local authorities' initiatives in support of Agenda 21 28.1 - 28.7
29. Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions 29.1 - 29.14
30. Strengthening the role of business and industry 30.1 - 30.30
31. Scientific and technological community 31.1 - 31.12
32. Strengthening the role of farmers 32.1 - 32.14

Chapter Paragraphs
33. Financial resources and mechanisms 33.1 - 33.21
34. Transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation
and capacity-building 34.1 - 34.29
35. Science for sustainable development 35.1 - 35.25
36. Promoting education, public awareness and training 36.1 - 36.27
37. National mechanisms and international cooperation for
capacity-building in developing countries 37.1 - 37.13
38. International institutional arrangements 38.1 - 38.45
39. International legal instruments and mechanisms 39.1 - 39.10
40. Information for decision-making 40.1 - 40.30
?Copyright © United Nations 2009 | Terms of Use | Privacy Notice
Comments and suggestions

[Italic are writer’s - and they just touch a few areas of life, libderty, and UN defined pursuits of UN defined happiness....   Communist in Total.

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: Church state Religion and Morality....are confus...

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: Church state Religion and Morality..

..are confus...
: Church state Religion and Morality.. ..are confused, and often intermingled quite wrongly,  in the minds of many PERSONS, individuals. ...

Church state Religion and Morality..

..are confused, and often intermingled quite wrongly,  in the minds of many PERSONS, individuals.

The distinction between the terms is important in regards to the manner in which the ‘terms’ are utilized in life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness from our Creator, Jesus, who through Each-One-Founder’s choices in those NATURAL rights applied to George III; but because of the inherent ‘Nature of Man as the species Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes - BODY often prevails over “Truths which are binding at all times and under all circumstances.”- SOUL.

Natural as in: “In the course of Human Events..; “..Laws of Nature..” - Person exploring, learning and teaching the essential elements: fire, water, earth, air, Tools, and accouterments: Inanimate objects**;  with physiology, anatomy of all: Living objects**; “..and of Nature’s God..”: Religion and Morality” - Soul.

This “Lesson” requires “Noah” Webster’s Unique, in human history, for its comprehensive study of all aspects of Definitions involved Language spoken and written specifically for “our unique form of Republican government requires the definition of words”.  Over the years of discovering another DiVinci, this writer uses “Noah”more than once each day, – is the website, but treat yourself and your hands-on library of YOUR books — buy the Facsimile*:

Church and state are forms of ‘government’ because among the definitions included is: “Direction; regulation. These precepts will serve for the government of our conduct.
1. Control; restraint. Men are apt to neglect the government of their temper and passions.”. Please note temper and passions are located on life’s continuum as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘good’, ‘evil’; government’s: safety - protection versus Declaration/Constitution’s safety - protection; risk - reward, to use the appropriate to this essay opposites and contrasts.

Government does have a specific definition applied to our Republic as a Constitutional Principle, but for now, we will leave that as an important aside.  What the word ‘government’ does allow is more than 2 Persons, a group.  Church, state are composed of many persons, though there are very small churches of only less than 10 people.

1828 - Government means  “2. The exercise of authority; direction and restraint exercised over the actions of men in communities, societies or states; the administration of public affairs, according to established constitution, laws and usages, or by arbitrary edicts.

“state” used herein means: “5. A political body, or body politic; the whole body of people united under one government, whatever may be the form of the government.     It also means: “1. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time. These circumstances may be internal, constitutional or peculiar to the being, or they may have relation to other beings. We say, the body is in a sound state, or it is in a weak state; or it has just recovered from a feeble state. The state of his health is good. The state of his mind is favorable for study. So we say, the state of public affairs calls for the exercise of talents and wisdom. In regard to foreign nations, our affairs are in a good state. So we say, single state, and married state.”.

Church means: “ 1. A house consecrated to the worship of God, among Christians; the Lords house. This seems to be the original meaning of the word. The Greek, to call out or call together, denotes an assembly or collection. But, Lord, a term applied by the early Christians to Jesus Christ; and the house in which they worshipped was named from the title     3. A particular number of christens, united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed, and using the same ritual and ceremonies; as the English church; the Gallican church; the Presbyterian church; the Romish church; the Greek church”  . Please note this is the number 3 - definition of 9 – Synagogue and Temple fall into the definition for our Republican form of government which is the use intended in the 1947 Everson versus the New York Board of Education.

‘Church and state’ as Article III Judiciary uses the terms,  is Not synonymous with “Religion and Morality”, the consequence of how the courts “decided” became evolved into the pinnacle of removal, well beyond reason, at the “Government-over-man/Democratic (a nearly archaic word) Convention, of God – “Religion and Morality”.

Government cannot regulate itself without Religion and Morality (affirmation). It is the nature of evil-side, mankind to expand the court’s separation of church and state — meaning to “No ecclesiastical: “ [L; assembly or meeting, whence a church; to call forth or convoke; to call.] Pertaining or relating to the church; as ecclesiastical discipline or government; ecclesiastical affairs, history or policy; ecclesiastical courts.   Ecclesiastical State is the body of the clergy.” by our government.

Church and state share ‘people’. Our Nation’s Republic also share ‘people’.

The difference between ‘people’ is the essence of our Nation’s Republican form of government Versus ‘government-over-man’s Socialism/Fabians Socialism, Islamic Brotherhood “Contract”, United Nation’s Communism, European Union’s top down Money Management among its member nations: 4 collective mass forms of government by few men or “Majority decides right and wrong, good and evil”***.  We will call them: ‘Collective 4'.   It is shorter.

The ‘Collective 4' also share the word ‘state’ as does our Republic – . The Essence of the difference Remains. Natural Law: “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.” The Collective 4 forms church and  state because of people.

Noah wrote definition of our Republican form of government under the word “Congress”: “1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. 3. The assembly of the delegates of the several United States, after the declaration of Independence, and until the adoption of the present constitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. During these periods, the congress consisted of one house only.  4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; ..  5. A meeting of two or more persons in a contest; an encounter; a conflict.”.

The “Whole” of the Republic is composed of Each-One-Part, whether Person, City, County, State, or Nation, and the sovereignty is important to “Religion and Morality”; for “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a Just government which impartially secures to every man whatever is his own.”—James Madison, Essay on Property, March 29, 1792.****

People  within our Nation’s Republic have church and state derived from The Individual - Person; or if a minority, corporate Persons which are composed of individual persons.  People as a collective mass are not equal to People as individual Persons comprising the Whole of our Nation’s Republic With God’s Laws expressed as “Religion and Morality” in Scripture.

No-one can beat President Washington’s words of essence of ‘people’ difference: “Of all the dispositions and habits which least to political prosperity; Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness ---- these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”!!  
But the ‘Collective 4' does “subvert these great pillars of human happiness”; remove  “the duties of Men and citizens”; remove “ought to respect and cherish them”; abdicate the “sense of religious obligation desert the Oath of [God from Scripture as well as Article II and VI], which are the Instruments of Investigation in Courts of Justice; and Reader, — do we really need to say more re “exclusion”?!!!.

The ‘Collective 4' cannot and shall not, ever, be able to allow “PERSON” as an individual. At all times and in all circumstances, Collective-mass-People is the working unit composed of  the “bodies of the people, absent their Souls.”.

An interesting observation is that two of the four collectives share the same goal: “World Domination of all life, liberty: The Socialist/Fabian Socialists (George Orwell’s 1949 publish date of “1984": “crimestop, doublethink, black-white”– GB and USA) and “The Muslim Brotherhood” (hate, submission and subservience or death, physical mutilation because there is no Soul and the Body gets lost with the head removed; revenge, and a god - Mohammed over God of the Universe for all the remaining parts of the Mansions of God by All His Names.).

Both of these know to work slowly, over years; and both of these Have Infiltrated Virtually every aspect of Our Nation - especially our Posterity, the most precious and vulnerable youth of the future of our Nation. One sect within the Muslim whole performed the “Trial Balloon of Atheism” at what is left of the Democratic Party; for 50% recognized both the absent God and Nation Lies. Very few, if any, to this moment in time, realize that putting “the words” back into the Platform does not return the Acts against the Laws of our Declaration and Constitution.

For Example: UN’s Global Warming/CA’s AB32- 11/6/12 Proposition 31 - City Plan Prop. N: General Plan/Agenda 21 sustainable development and smart growth - re-zoning and city plans throughout the USA without any “We the People” consent by ballot,  knowledge, decision; and without “Elected We the People’s consent as Bills for same ---- never passing Congress of DEM - in 2009 the majority both Houses of ‘government-over-man’.  Most important of all, the General (City) Plans are duplicates all over-the-nations in which implementation has occurred.  The future design of cities are designed to be absent boundaries, States and Federal also absent boundaries – though the UN and Collective 3.  Islam is probably not involved for their’s is their world domination is unique definition of secular-religion of Allah and Koran.  And Reference 07/05/12 “Refusing Religion and Morality” for some of the direct attacks: link;postID=6450061676391982264;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=25;src=postname

The Nation’s of the “Collective 4" have Never, in their respective histories, ever accepted our Nation’s Republican form of government which solely  “Do Ordained and Establish this Constitution for The United States of America.”.

Please Take a Moment...let the cursor flash...Relate and Reflect....The Sanctify of One Unique in mankind, PERSON as the basis of law, Bills, legislation, Natural Rights...We the People has So Badly Taken For Granted....Yet, how humbling to realize – midst this incredible attack and chaos of Anti-Law / denigration of All our Jesus has given bad and as good and as right and as wrong as We the People are...for our government is Our Government — even with this appendage-government- absent Religion and Morality - Duty and Honor..Each-One-Citizen Continues To Own Their Duty and Service To Love It, To Support Its Declaration-Constitution, To Obey Its Laws, To Respect Its Flag, and To Defend It Against ALL Enemies. (Last part of “The American’s Creed”; W. T. Page).

The Laws of our Republic are contained in Both The Declaration, God’s Laws, And The Constitution, “Oath of Office (affirmation)”.  Laws include the civil and criminal laws of mankind.

The Unique Form of the basis of Laws in our Republican government is stated by Hamilton A. Long, Constitutionalist in “The Spirit of 1776" in 1976: “The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.
Religious Nature
2. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.”.

Only our “..One Nation, under God, indivisible..” is composed for The Person as the Individual Component of the Polity. Our Laws are written for the “Soul” of Person in each one’s conscience of “1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”..

*Books are and always will be, much more valuable for knowledge, wisdom, and truth because each represents your unique Person to own and control. Your Personal-Individual Tool(s).

The ‘new love’ software “books” are placed into the hands of invisible and unaccountable people who write the software to work in the hardware of a tool which is solely Yes/No; Open/Close — binomial intertwined with Boolean Yes/No - Decisions Trees.  When Yes and No are the only two words in the language of your Nation, then the Person within the Whole of that Nation is lost ---- to the Collective 4 or any design of the logic of reason with research, relate, reflect, and record/Act – thereof.  Questioning and Critical Thinking are not included...and by force and power-mongers of the Collective 4 — important to totally eliminate from learning and memory.

**Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and Living objects Not Capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law May Not Be Parties To An Action At Law.—Declaration of Constitutional Principles”; Jon Roland; Constitution Society; “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution for the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language”

***”There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current on that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong. ...In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more Specious Form, FORCE as the measure of right..”—James Monroe, 1786.

****The Resource for Most of the quotes from the Founders are contained in Matthew Spalding’s “The Founders’ Almanac; A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding”; The Heritage Foundation; 2002.

Monday, September 24, 2012

#2 Senator Barry Goldwater Series: The Income Tax

Writer: Abolish the graduated income tax? No practical person experienced in government and its operation could suggest it — least of all Senator Barry Goldwater. But the nation’s income tax structure urgently calls for serious study and reform to make it equitable and to keep it from becoming a means for penalizing individual success.

“We must stop the steady engulfment of our economy by government , particularly at the national level. We want a government of compassion, leadership And Restraint. This means reforming a tax structure that steadily collects and increasing share of the nation’s product and stifles the private sector.

I share the opinion with virtually every other American that our present tax burden is onerous, often inequitable, and in need of reform. But abolition is the answer to nothing. Such precipitous action would create very serious and damaging results to the whole business of running the government. It takes money – great amounts of it—to carry on the legitimate functions of the Federal system.

I believe an intense study of our entire tax structure would disclose better and more equitable ways of raising money for the Legitimate Needs of Government. The steep rate of progressivity in our individual income taxes is damaging to our nation as a whole. Rather than stimulating economic growth, it often acts as a brake on that growth, dampening individual initiative rather than stimulating it. The impact of sharply rising tax rates in the middle income areas–on which we must depend for so much of our economic well-being—is particularly disturbing.

I reject completely the Administration position that the income tax is most useful as a means to redistribute wealth according to politically conceived blueprints. I hold, firmly and unequivocally, to the position that Federal taxes should be used simply and solely to discharge Federal obligations. They must be accounted for honestly and voted on openly, in that light alone.

As President, one of my first priority tasks would be to secure a complete overhaul of our present Federal tax codes, so that we might quickly achieve the reforms which are so long overdue.”

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Senator Mark Wyland's weekly column.. "THE PAPER"(Lyle Davis; San Marcos/N.County SD) re pension "spiking". There is a poorly enforced law against spiking.  "Last week, the State controller's office released a report stating that many school districts routinely spike their member's pensions. They have gotten away with this abuse because because there is inadequate oversight within CalSTRS.  The report Revealed that, at the current CalSTRS auditing rate, each school district [that's a Minimum Number of 433 school districts = the basic number of cities in the 58 counties of our State] would be reviewed ONLY ONCE IN 48 YEARS!  Remember, Los Angeles Unified School Districts requires 40% of the General Fund.

There are 3 Tax Increases forced-demanded by this governor: Propositions 30,38, and 39, though 39 is another "lower the oceans and heal the planet - AB32/Agenda 21/ CO2 - anti-business proposition.

There are 652 State Agencies of which Governor APPOINTS his political bias to 302 of them.  All 652 are Union Administered-closed shop-top/down-Pensions. The Governor in February and March this year, Absolutely Refused to release information regarding our State Budget per our California Constitution " ARTICLE 1  DECLARATION OF RIGHTS.... "SEC. 3.  (a) The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.     (b) (1) The people have the Right of Access to Information
concerning the Conduct of the People's Business, and, therefore, the meetings of public bodies and the writings of public officials and agencies shall be open to public scrutiny.
   (2) A statute, court rule, or other authority, including those in effect on the effective date of this subdivision, shall be broadly construed if it furthers the people's right of access, and narrowly construed if it limits the right of access.  .."

The current Federal Debt per Tax-paying Citizen is $181,252.00 + $10,279.00 here in California's decreasing citizen-business-high regulation-absent Declaration and Constitution-"Government-over-man"-Secular law.  That is $191,531.00/California Homeowner/Taxpaying Citizen.

Now add the Real Estate Market with its new bubble -- The Federal Reserve purchasing, with thin-air-borrowed-$$$ from Posterity's life and liberties, all Mortgages in the 50 States.  Home owners who cannot pay their mortgages - also have great difficulty paying their property taxes.  Howard Jarvis  - Proposition 13's consent of the governed -- has been protecting home owners; but now mortgages exceed the property value of the homes purchased.  You think the Schummer, Frank,Obama bubble was bad, you know you haven't seen anything YET ---- have you!?

Now add the above not even close - pension costs: regardless of fire, police, teachers - don't even count them....Just 652 State Agencies with their Bureaucrats of Law maker/enforcement absent our Republican form of government with the Laws of Both the Declaration and Constitution.

Now add the 'STUFFED BALLOT BOX' of "California Voting Rights Act/CVRA Trustee Voting Districts"; Citizens Redistricting Commission's (CRC) gerrymander State Senate Districts including Congressional and Assembly, and Article V's "top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation" with a greater 'god of number' for the 'government-over-man-DEM - DEM Districts absent balance or accuracy from REP-REP Districts.  Please Note --- we are not even concerned, anywhere herein with 'Voter ID'!  It is one 'distraction tactic' to the entire content of ACTs by government-over-man noted above.

Proposition 40 is a "NO" vote if you would like the California State Senate Districts redrawn to eliminate the CRC  gerrymandered Districts.  Voting "NO" on 40 could also assist the REP in maintaining its Prevention of Tax Increases via the required 2/3rds vote.  That is the reason the Governor Had To Present 3Tax Increase Propositions: 30, 38, 39 to "consent of the governed'.

This will not affect the CRC gerrymandered Congressional and Assembly Districts; or the greater 'number-god', government-over-man secular laws.

Here is Secular, as demonstrated on the floor of  "government-over-man's Convention" and currently enforced: " principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.

Now the Obama Regime's newest tactic to remove the stigma of their Convention Floor, taking the name of "The Lord thy God in Vain" with Judges of other Nation's Property,  cover any and all Declaration - Constitution - We the People - Take Back America - Teapartier, Libertarian, Independent, left-over-not progressive-Republican and any Candidate which espouses agreement --- COVER with the BLACK VEIL of silence - ignoring - removing from sound or view/media - bearing of False Witness, Distorting and down-intelligence of collective people.  OBAMA KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING AND IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHAOS WHICH IS ENSUING HERE AND ABROAD - All any Person has to do is observe his handling of Netanyahu and Israel with his anti-law/EPA/Agenda 21/UN implementation , absent law of our land, human habitation/sustainable growth.  What our "President Romney" correctly said "Lower the Oceans and Heal the Planet" god-.  

Republican government is why the Federalist Paper's phrase is 'government-over-man' because it is the SOLE way our Nation's unalienable natural rights can be enforced --- conscience and responsibility to Oath, duty, and service of Each-One-Person.

Republican government is "Religion and Morality (affirmation)" per Pres. Washington's Farewell Address.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Number 1 of a Series of word and actions: Barry Goldwater

Americans! We Are Our Government — as Good and as Bad as it is.  Do not Blame Politicians, Parties as if their activities are somehow, separate for Each-One-Person’s Life, Liberty, and pursuits of Happiness. Blame belongs to Each-One-American who says “Just tell me where to put my “X”.”; “That’s too difficult - I don’t understand.”; “If you use that word — you will turn people off.”; “All politicians are dishonest I don’t care what party they come from. I can’t trust any of them. I’m not going to participate in government any more.”.  The last two quotes are the most damaging to the work of our Founders and to the Two Most Unique In Mankind’s History Laws in Both Documents.

When “We the People” decide they need to ‘compromise’ the Truth of history by mitigating words; or decide “I’m not going to play with you anymore! You are not nice and I don’t like you!”, rule ---- then Socialist-Secular government will prevail as it is in our State and in our Nation.  Americans, don’t put the words government, politician, party in a location in front or behind your person!  All 3 Belong to Each American — naturalized and natural.

 It is each one of US(A)’s responsibility to Learn and Teach — even the most “Money Only -opportunist or illegal” usurping the right to vote given to them by the dishonesty and disrespect of State and Federal government’s few, elected-Un-American Persons of power and greed, before God and Nation.
Because of the irresponsibility and dishonesty of Our State Government, and of the content of the Propositions on the November 6, 2012 “Consent of the Governed, this is going to be #1 of a series of An American like me, and like millions of US(A) who attended Washington Mall with our First Amendment Grievance on August 10, 2010.

The Man is Barry Goldwater. The time is 62 years ago, 1950.  The Subjects of this series are what has actually occurred in EVERY single issue he addressed, along with the Republicans who gave everything they could — to get him elected*:

The series will speak for itself. It does not require comment or translation or talking down; for every single American of God and Nation First will recognize our Declaration and Constitution in action.

As a businessman, Senator Goldwater knows from experience that no enterprise can ignore the methods os sound management— least of all, the world’s largest enterprise: the U.S. Government.  He has always run on a platform of fiscal responsibility, even when it was “unpopular”, as in his vote against the tax cut. While he agreed with the Wish to curt taxes, in the absence of a corresponding cut in government spending he could only consider the move fiscally irresponsible and dangerously inflationary in the long run.

More than lip service and more than reduced light bills at the White House are contained in these statements of fiscal responsibility by Barry Goldwater...

“The first fiscal responsibility of government is to preserve the value of the dollar. It can do this by prudent budgeting, by living within the means of the people who pay the bills, and by encouraging individual enterprise.

The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimat3e business. As long as the Federal government acknowledges responsibility in a given social or economic field, its spending in that field Cannot be substantially reduced. The only way to curtail spending is to eliminate the programs on which excess spending is consumed.

 BG quote: “I believe that, as a practical matter, spending cuts must come before tax cuts.  If we reduce taxes before firm-principled decisions are made about expenditures, we will court deficit spending and the inflationary effects that will inevitably follow. The nation’s younger citizens will live under the hysteria of inflation throughout the rest of their lives—if it is not checked now.

By reducing taxes and spending we will not only return to the individual the means with which he can assert his freedom and dignity, but also guarantee to the nation the economic strength that will always be its ultimate defense against foreign foes.

I believe individuals and individual local governments, city councils, county supervisors, and state legislators must reassert their independence and responsibility. The tendency of the Federal government persistently to live beyond its income has seriously weakened fiscal responsibility at every level.

What we desperately need are some clearly stated and clearly understood Priorities for national programs. We cannot do everything at once and there are many things the Federal Government shouldn’t be doing al all. Local governments must take on more and not less responsibility in meeting needs when those needs are fully established.” “

*Editor—Martyn J. Hodes; Keyfax Publications Inc; Statler Center; Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Before the cock-crow today, you will...

..disown me three times.” as Peter remembers what The Lord told him.” (Moffitt translation of The Bible; Oxford, England - The beauty and clarity of the English Language)

The Socialist (DEM) Convention Floor: A two-thirds vote is necessary for passage.  The motion on the floor [of the Convention] is God will be returned to the Democratic Platform; and Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel; But...

...  “Religion and Morality [Affirmation]”, Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, “Oath of Office in Articles II and VI with 1789 supreme Law of the Land:  Disowned Three Times.

Jerusalem is also The Son of God’s territory. Jesus is a Jew.

Nearly 50 : 50 response ---- Three Times.

There was Never a two-thirds approval for the motion by the “collective mass of people-- Democracy - majority - inanimate object number” composing The Socialist (DEM) Party present at their Convention!

The Chairman of the Socialist (DEM) Party had to unequivocally state that the Motion has passed — God is returned to the Platform and Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel!

 Here is Irony of ironies:  His Passing of that Motion-Statement was a demonstration of our Republican form of government in action; and it was demonstrated by the greatest, enemies-within our America,  from 1620 Mayflower Compact to Both our Founding Documents,  ever to set foot on our Nation’s Soil.

Here’s how: “1.  The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.

2. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.” (“The American Ideal 1976, The Twelve Basic American Principles”,1. The Spiritual is Supreme”; Hamilton A. Long; )” .

This statement, with the First Part of five of the First Amendment,  the Basis of Our Nation’s Republican Form of Government - The “Soul” as one part of unique-Person-One individual before God; and our Rule of Law,...and the minority...all minorities: “There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong [italics writer]....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, force as the measure of right.”(J. Madison); and, “.. In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others. As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure..”(Hamilton A. Long; “The American Ideal 1776").

Mr. Long’s statement clarify’s the irony.  Returning God to the American-Democratic Party Platform... and recognizing Israel’s inherent right of Jerusalem as its Capital,  was decided against the “popular - all of the Delegates - majority - collective-Democracy” which sought to establish and determine the standard of right and wrong on this subject.

None believers in a supreme Lawgiver - the entire Socialist (usurped DEM) Party - would never acknowledge; and way too many of US(A) Believers in Jesus Christ, fail to recognize the hand of our Lord on the floor of the Convention.  He is magnificent.  So are the Founders who could make a Republican form of government express and demonstrate its intrinsic Truth, by making use of the evil-side of the question.....Big — BIG Smile for ALL who “Those who listen to me, know the Truth.”.

This, seemingly corrected - let’s move on,- event is a huge and imperative fact regarding learning to Research, Relate, Reflect, and Record/Act: There is as much to learn form what is Not Said...or appears the straightforward, visible difference — it is very important to relate and reflect the contents of the half-full glass of water for the container, the ‘empty’ of air, and the content of water – to say nothing of shape, location and how it arrived in that state; i.e. Why isn’t it full!?

Glory Be to God and to our Nation on His Planet and Universe..  But there’s more....

About those Delegates of ‘for the third time  “NO-50%”!

In point-of-fact, Socialist-Secular government of legislative, judicial, and international through supporting United Nation’s borderless nations and jurisprudence / Agenda 21 Human Habitation; define, allow investigation by appointed Departments, decree, adjudicate, punish, Person, corporate Persons based on precedent of ‘collective-government defined-people; living and inanimate objects’ as 2009-2012 supreme law of the land.  2009-2012Socialist-Secular law has become the rule of law by overthrow and usurpation of 1789 supreme Law of the Land with “Oath of Office” in both Article VI and Article II.

Legislation: “Patient Protection and Affordable Act (writer is a RN who refuses to misuse the word ‘care’)”; “America’s Financial Security Act”; Freezing All Assets of our Nation; supporting union administration and growing bureaucracy by 15% over the private-“We the People” life, liberty, and pursuits; Departments writing Law disguised as “regulation” — absent any part of The Bill of Rights – the first 8 of which directly address the unalienable, Natural Rights; a Leader who cannot allow or be accountable to “NO” from Congress – so he reneges on a budget and misuses Executive Order.  At State levels: Illinois State Teacher’s Union Striking to be allowed to continue extort excessive tax resources from the citizens of that State: Thou shalt not bear false witness and shalt not covet

In California, a law which states: all kindergarten, youth, community college young adult persons shall be taught sexual deviation – and no teacher shall opt-out from the instruction [God / “Religion and Morality (Affirmation)” is forbidden].   Water for the agriculture of thousands of families in the Delta shall not be allowed to flow — fish lives are at stake!  Air, Water, Land, Minerals, living objects are part of life for the entire planet from God — not man.

In Judicial, Mount Soledad Cross is OK to remain, but the judge of the court states, the court would be indifferent to removing the Cross and leaving the Memorial; an un-bias statement!
              Catholic Parent of Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder is having a Memorial Service versus Baptist Minister of N. Carolina, who with his family, has a bullhorn and a 3 x4 foot sign with this message “GOD HATES THE U.S.A.”, being held by his young son who is just shoulder and head taller than the sign:  Justices 8 to 1, The Baptist Minister, as bad as he is, has freedom of speech; but the Justices ignored and neglected - The Third of The Ten Commandments: ““You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”.

It could be argued that the Justices, except one-Person, continue to use the “impregnable wall of separation” of Jefferson’s Letter to Danville Baptist Church,  as the excuse; but this argument would probably not hold water — for the connection between Scripture and the Baptist Minister never entered any of the Justice’s minds....let alone their Person of Oath of Office and responsibility to understand that Law Is Nature (Physical) and Nature’s God (metaphor and analogy - as well as mammalian-temporal).   There are many other cases for riding our Nation of any semblance of God is imperative for Socialism; and they are successful as long as every public school, ‘regardless of the skin-country of origin-language or other physical-body or physiology group’, determines the education of any child to young adult; and / or the information and learning which must continue throughout adulthood, ceases, is censored, or ignored. The Mental Stealing of children’s learning to think – must stop ASAP.

One Little, United States District Court case, Amended Three Times, Plaintive defending Declaration - Constitution with "Religion and Morality"  verses "state of Department.  Socialist-Secular Law of living object Fingers.  Each one of the Amended Complaints never, never varied: Plaintive's argument of God's Law and One Person of the Republican form of government -- no attorney and no money beyond taxpayer costs; versus the state of Department's socialist-secular law of body physiology, living object - fingers; and groups named professional and professional of "suspicion-less drug testing", precedent of superior, district and supreme court adjudication.   With the judge, the 'state' Departments of  living object - absent "Oath of Office" ruled supreme; over Pledge in Catholic Church and One-person's, professional, obedience to sacred honor .

What happened on the Socialist (usurped-DEM) Secular convention floor is very much a part of this "2009-2012 Open Society-UN borderless nation and jurisprudence-Socialist-Secular overthrow/usurpation of our 1789 Rule of Law".

Since the incredible and wonderful entomology and understanding of “our unique form of Republican government requires a definition of words” writing of  “American Dictionary of the English Language”, Noah Webster’s more that 25 years of work in America and abroad, his understanding of phonetics and of at least 10 languages — including tracing the languages of the 10 Tribes of the Bible – in writing this available facsimile edition of the

This entire essay, most of the other essays in both Pyrrhic Change and Declaration and Constitution Speak To Today’s Issues, have their content directly [adds innumerable “word counts” to the essays, oh well!] and indirectly resulting in the “classical learning methods of the Founders”: Research, Relate, Reflect, and Record - Act not Acted upon - from Noah’s and our Posterity’s Dictionary.  Noah’s work is the Reason That Any Person who declares they wish to return to the 1789 Rule of Law, Must Utilize this completely, indispensable, original text of the complete understanding in the intertwining of Scripture - to Colonial life - to the Founder’s - The Puritans – even understanding of the KJV and Geneva and the original Bibles – to The Federalist Papers, and all of the Original Texts here and abroad!  Using as an important place on your menu or most frequently visited bar, will surprise and please any-one who uses Noah’s Dictionary...   It is so complete, that moving God out of the schools and learning, starting with Horace Mann, would not have occurred - except for the jealously of conceit and arrogance that pervades when ‘Pharisee  -Temporal - Body man” replaces God’s gift of eternal soul and conscience - to each-one-Person  — as it has in all that occurs in this essay!

2009-2012-socialist-Secular Law of the Land does not recognize, purges, controls content, and does not allow: “Religion and Morality”; the Laws of Both Founding Documents; or the lessons of usurpation, tyranny, treason, abuses, Human events, Nature and Nature’s God, unalienable rights, reason for our emigration here,  Supreme Judge of the World, and “We mutually Pledge to each other (means from 7/4/1776 to this day, date, time, and the future of our any time in our Lord God’s Universe of His complete perfection.

Our Nation is special, but only if “We the People” continue to Own Our Nation – in the Religion and Morality of His gift of Free Agency to join Him in the love, joy, and happiness of “Thy will, not mine” and in obtaining and giving of knowledge for wisdom and Truth of the Perfection and not – of our Earth...  We must never prevent any child to not learn or have the opportunity to choose each-one’s-own-Free agency of “Religion and Morality” ... and as the leaders of our fmailiy, friend, work world of relationships, our personal conscience in life, liberty and pursuits of happiness ... to interfere with Nature and nature’s God – or We Mutually Pledge to Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor....  There is no life or soul, unless we do strive and always allow our ‘reach’ to never exceed our grasp.  That is the excitement and beauty of life and of liberty and of pursuit... each one of US(A) here and anywhere in His Universe.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

California is a written-off Democratic State, Part I of II....

The Socialist (DEM) Party’s color is RED... as in red scarfs on Russian Children and “Red China”.  Presidential candidates do not need to ‘waste’ limited funds here. Our two Senators have not represented the Republic of California in any of their years of office.  They are AINO’s of both their State and Nation.

Our Districts are gerrymandered by the so-called “Citizen’s Commission of Nonpartisan Redistricting”, for example:  creating districts like #51, Filner’s old District and home of Acorn in San Diego county: CRC redrew it larger size to Start at Imperial Beach - and extend south and east to the border of AZ and northward along the same Riverside-Imperial County lines, west to the edges of Anza Borrego.  It is drawn solely on Community of Interest, i.e. skin color except white/country-of-origin, and most often language other than United States and California, English.  While the now (Delta closed-down), Imperial County, largest agricultural growers in the United States, farms and ranches remain disenfranchised and politically absent representation in California’s Socialist State, for this 2nd 10 years 2010 to2020.  Gerrymandering via ‘Socialist Party (formerly the ‘DEM’)of number by government tyranny and force’:
— by skin-color/except white/ race combined with country-of-origin/except a naturalized citizenship United States; and most often Language other than English which is the official language of our State and Nation’s Republican form of government of, by, and for “Consent of the Governed forming “By-area trustee voting systems” and removing “1620 to date At-large / consent of One Man = One Vote”;
.— by the absent, often lip service, use of department-layered down Secretary of State - force - a consequence of tyranny of the majority and of the effects of number as the determiner of good/ bad law and regulations-enforced by law absent court and “ the America Rule” of absent court ruling-attorney-adjudication by $$$$ negotiation[1].

 2002 to this date – The State of California Is Not connected to the Nationwide Voter Registration Software program to prevent voter fraud – it has no intention, after 10 years of ever protecting constitutional person’s one vote by using this form of voter fraud prevention”.  America First - Constitutional- “Election Integrity Project” can verify voter’s registration.

—by top two vote getters regardless of Political Party affiliation; —by the bad-law, consequences which occur from the ‘Intended’ circumstances of the above; —by preconceived conclusions of Supreme and some Superior-secular courts of law. The California Supreme Court has refused to comply  the “consent of the governed’s Initiative” to have retired judges redraw the State Senate districts for June 5th election.  There are a greater number of Districts with top-two voter getters DEM-DEM, than REP-REP.
— Since elimination of political party affiliation is quite impossible, witness the writers of this ridiculous Anti-law, Party’s have had to stop obeying their own bylaws to protect a “number” dividing the minority vote in such a manner that even in somewhat balanced Districts of DEM/REP philosophy by choice of ‘consent of the governed’ becomes important.

November 6, Proposition 40 allows and approves  the Citizen’s Redistricting Commission redraw, partisan,  (DEM)-Socialists  lines to remain partisan in favor of the PREVENT the Citizen’s nonpartisan, Redistricting committee’s redrawn - State Senate Districts.

We the People in order to “ensure domestic tranquility...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..” have never been confronted by “Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression” at Nation and Our State of California.   We the people are not disposed to settle and correct wrong and evil with guns or riots — that’s for the ignorant, Democratic masses like OWS and other members of the DEM-50%-vocal-Zeitgeist members at their convention of despotism and oppression.

We the People will be voicing our “consent of the governed” on Nov. 6; but with the above — completely ‘state’ manufactured and stuffed ballot-results - already counted and just waiting for the ‘official’ declaration of death for our Republic— it just may not be possible for our voice to be the ‘Number’ needed to remove all vestiges of the tyranny-oppression-despotism of legislation, regulation and court rulings.

‘ Number in any format’ as the determiner of right and wrong allows “"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.” (Thomas Jefferson) And “The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual”. .... This type of tyranny, by Omnipotent Majority, is always possible under any Democracy as a form of government. This is what The Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution and their fellow American leaders meant when, in the 1787-1788 debates with regard to the framing and adoption of the Constitution, they denounced the 11 excesses of democracy. They were, of course, not criticizing popular government as such--for instance as it exists under the Republic of the United States featuring constitutionally limited government, as limited by the Constitution. They were, therefore, not condemning democracy in the general sense of the term--meaning merely a popular type of government. They were speaking in support of America's being a Republic, not a Democracy, as a form of government. The more general meaning of Democracy--popular government--also applies to America; but this use of the term is only confusing in any discussion, as here, of the characteristics of different forms of popular government: a Republic in contrast to a Democracy.”[2]

That is the reason for this Essay.

There are many, but 4  main – take Action – principles, in Jon Roland’s “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”,  We the People for: 1) “Defense of the state and the constitution includes defense against threats of all kinds, including invasion or attack, insurrection, criminal acts, natural or manmade disasters, or public ignorance or apathy.”.  2)“A citizen not only has the duty to Obey the law, but to help Enforce it, within his ability, and to do what he can to Prepare himself and others to do so.”.   3) In a constitutional republic, the 1789Constitution is the supreme Law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is Inconsistent with that supreme law and Not Derived from it Is Unconstitutional and Null And Void From Inception.

4) The judgement of the consistency of an official act with the constitution is called CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW. When this duty is performed by a judge, it is called Judicial Review.  It is not a power of government but The Exercise of a duty of Citizenship.:

Part II following this is a “CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW” DRAFT.  Its purpose is to give US a  format for First Amendment Grievance With Plan for Redress.  Its format is like a Proposition: Statement of Problem, Statement of Constitutional violations, Plan to Repeal, alter, or Add the necessary areas which are “not derived from or consistent with that supreme law”.

There is one more important Principle consistently ignored, disobeyed, and disrespected which the Founders gave to “1776-1789 in November 6, 2012 Posterity of God and Nation First": “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it many be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law.  What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the Regime is not Llaw but ANTI-LAW”:

The State of California’s and of our Executive Branch with Judiciary Government is ANTI-LAW because 2009-2012-Socialist-Secular usurps 1789 Constitution’s Article VI supreme Law of the Land, Oath of Office, by removing under God as “Religion and Morality” as the basis of law in our Article IV:4 Republican form of government.  By removing “Religion and Morality”, the Declaration’s Law are also removed.

Therefore, the First Table of Law is also removed: “The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits. .. .

The concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights. They are maintained by requiring that government and other Individuals respect them, as well as by his dedication to his own unceasing growth toward realization of his highest potential--spiritually, morally, intellectually, in every aspect of life. This is in order that he may merit maximum respect by self and by others. ...

This concept of Man's spiritual nature excludes any idea of intrusion by government into this Man-to-Man spiritual relationship. It excludes the anti-moral precept that the end justifies the means and the related idea that the means can be separated from the end when judging them morally. This concept therefore excludes necessarily any idea of attempting to do good by force--for instance, through coercion of Man by Government, whether or not claimed to be for his own good or for the so-called common good or general welfare.

It excludes disbelief in--even doubt as to the existence of--God as the Creator of Man: and therefore excludes all ideas, theories and schools of thought--however ethical and lofty in intentions--which reject affirmative and positive belief in God as Man's Creator.” [2]

While there was Not a two-thirds vote of approval from the floor of the Democratic Convention, both God and His Son Jesus main areas of Scripture – Jerusalem, were returned to the Platform, the act against our Nation cannot be removed...and remain the Statement of Socialist-Secular legislation, support of UN tyranny of borderless nations and jurisprudence, and law of all levels  of the courts.

Initially, and in demonstrated actions, the Obama Regime  was actually stating the overthrow of the Republic via changing “Rule of Law”; And This Has Already Occurred via removing the Judiciary as a source of Truth and Justice – because removing “Religion and Morality” / The First Table of Law removes Both Founding Documents.

Part II is for We the People singly, in established assemblies for the purpose of stating their opposition, with Both Founding Document’s Laws, and Creating the Act to remove, alter, and correct the wrongs against the Republic – One Person Protected.  It is a DRAFT.

Part II is not the sole location of Americans for God and Nation First.  “The United States patriots Union, LLC, Constitutional Justice division;  Has performed a “callup” “A Ceclaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic”.  It is an excellent statement of the Declaration’s usurpations, despotism, and tyranny with abuses of this 2009-2012 Obama Regime with assistance from the UN’s borderless nations and jurisprudence.  In conjunction is . And I believe, last week, Glenn Beck started a “call-up”.  Long and short — Duty-Honor-God-Nation — mandatory regardless of ‘number’.  God’s Law in both our Founding Documents — Person Protected in Mandatory.

1. American Rule: “4. Good Ideas Spread, Bad Ones Don’t”  in “Economic Lessons from American History”; John Steele Gordon; Impremis; July/August 2012; .

2. “The American Ideal of 1776.  The Twelve Basic American Principles. 1. Spiritual is Supreme. 12. The Majority – Limited for Liberty”; Hamilton A. Long;

Among Socialist-Secular 2009-2012Rule of law's ..

...preconceived conclusions is one which 'argues' living object-body parts are the sole determiner of innocence of criminality/malfeasance or the "threat" of criminal malfeasance. This is commonly referred to as "suspicion-less" drug or body part testing. Socialist-Secular law states that living and inanimate objects are parties to an action at law.

This preconceived conclusion is especially directed to those persons who have pursued and accomplish professions which give care to the public and/or the production and distribution of the means to give that care.  A professional has no expectation of the right of privacy because he/she chose a care-giving profession.  A Person's liberty of profession is not a natural right of the Declaration of Independence. The Laws of The Declaration of Independence do not exist.

Therefore, only the excrement from kidneys is allowed as proof there is no drug in the urine; and  is the absolute, method for a person to be drug-free.  Or, like-wise,  fingers, the None-else is acceptable "see law" that a professional person has no "criminality".  Fingers are an indispensable, effect, property, body part and instrument for the assessment and provision of the professional person in giving or supplying  an ill person's care.  

In 1776-2008,written Article VI supreme Law of the Land, Person is an individual who  "..asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances.." and accountable to "Religion and Morality". Article VI Rule of Law states the principle "Only individual persons or corporate persons, which are composted of individual persons may be the subject of legal process.  Person is composed of body and soul. When body dies, person dies. In the meaning, before 1620 and to this date with eternity, christian, 1789-First Amendment, religion: Not soul.

Living and inanimate objects cannot be parties at law, because the law cannot be applied in all cases equally...  How a gun is used is totally dependent on a person performing the mechanics of operation -- in the life-milieu of target shooting to criminal and criminally insane killing; or how a person(s) plan to use their body's physiology and neurology to have sex which results in an embryo or not.  1789 to 1960's, neither gun, nor person(s)'s choice of sin, or no sin sex, would ever have been heard in court, much less, a subject of legislation especially as the Second Amendment Natural Right of Person; or a person's personal free agency with their responsibility of consequences.

The living and inanimate object are totally dependent on person(s) or corporate persons - for its outcomes in terms of good-bad, right-wrong, productive-nonproductive, functioning or not-functioning -- therefore, not possible to mount a defense in its own behalf --- let alone understand concepts of the "soul" of person like "binding truths".

This "overthrow" of the 1789 Rule of Law principle: "The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin."(H.A. Long 1976),  is actually what was "demanded" by 50% of the Socialist Party Convention, a.k.a. usurpated Democratic Party, which supported removal of God from its Platform; and the center of the world for both God and Jesus - Jerusalem - as the Capital of the Nation of Israel.

2009-2012Socialist Secular rule of law Is The Law of our Land.

Socialist-Secular rule of law does not recognize truths, person as one individual accountable to those truths, and declares itself the sole determiner of the privileges of 'negotiated', precedent-adjudication, absent Nature and Nature's God.  

Secular law does not require Oath of Office, integrity, or the Pledge of Allegiance, or of physician, lawyer, nurse or other Profession's code of ethics, or Pledge of Pledge of performance.  Sin does not exist, except as the collective mass government defined and is relative "body-temporal-belief systems acceptable versus traditional.

Truth and Justice are relevant and immaterial -- especially applied to One Person.

It occurs at all levels of State and Federal legislation.

The Center of Action against 1789-Article VI-supreme Law of the Land, occurs in our courts of law / Article III judicial which, having determined God's Law unlawful in court -- prefers "body, temporal, Phari-"see", collective. mass people law" as supreme to God's Law.  

The proof of the above 2009-2012Socialist-Secular rule of law as supreme abounds; and is, also a specific, completely adjudicated United States District Court Case.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC is Officially “The Socialist-Secular Party of the United States”:

How many Americans are out there  recognize the,  missing Both Founding Documents,  purpose in DNC”s video “The Government is the Only Thing We Belong To”?  Its  clearly expressed opposition to our Pledge of Allegiance " the Flag, ... and to The Republic for which we Stand, One Nation, under God, indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All.";  AND the removal of "Religion and Morality", and therefore, becoming completely Secular in the collective mass people as groups, inanimate and living object law applied to all life “Things” and forms, liberty by permission and privilege only; and no pursuits - unless government mandated, defined-controlled, adjudicated, investigated and judged. The official arrival of  Open-Society-Socialist, hiding behind the old words "DEMOCRATIC"?

Many Americans, including this one, have been stating that "We the People" may not make it to November 6, 2012, before the Open society-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence -Socialist-Secular overthrows our Republican form of Government:

Removing God from the "Socialist" Platform, which exploits the words "Democratic party" and including this video, the Obama Regime’s  Socialist Party of the United States of America declare they are seceding from: The Republic of the United States of America, The 1776 Declaration, The 1789 Constitution", and The lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor of not only The Founders and Colonists; but also of the entire history of our Nation up to January 20, 2009.

The Socialist-Secular Actions to undeniably overthrow: 1789 Constitution include, but not limited to: Article I - Legislation, Article II - Oath of Office, Article III Judiciary as Lady Law's blindfold -independent and Balance - Truth and Justice, removed; Article IV: Citizenship and the guarantee of a Republican form of government; violation of Article V by  "changing" the Constitution and form of government by usurpation;  and Article VI, which  has its own paragraph; and

.... Are present in each level of our  Federated form of government 's sovereignty of  Person/Individual, City, County, State and Nation.

“We the People in order..establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do Ordain and Establish” — the  need to Act on this Constitutional Principle: Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a CALL-UP to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and all  persons who receive that CALL-UP have a duty to respond and act as a militia to meet the threat. In the context of the social contract, an act of "self-defense" is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself." With "A militiaman is any citizen or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution [Declaration]/ A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The General Militia is the totality of all such persons, which because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution [Declaration]." (

The Socialists have accomplished overthrow of the Republic, through the Anti-laws of Legislation, of Decree and Dictate by appointed Departments under Executive Branches of State and Federal governments, and by removing ‘independence’, - the Lady of Law’s blindfold, and removing her ‘Balance” the Truth and Justice from God’s Laws from nearly all courts or sources of truth and justice — including the Attorney General of the United States of America.

The Socialists, by removing “Religion and Morality (affirmation)” also repudiate One Person’s accountability to God, to our Nation in Honor, Duty, and Service – “Oath of Office” in Article II and VI.
When Mitt Romney, beautifully stated “Freedom of Religion” with the few seconds of silence; and then later in his speech: “Obama has promised to lower the Oceans and health the planet”..., that has turned-out to be the Exact Truth stated in both video and Socialist Platform. — And—  he isn’t alone in the control of air, land, water, living and inanimate objects, collective mass nations with jurisprudence according to affirmation of “opinion without interference”, there is the United Nations of world control with radical jihad / brotherhood of Islam to support – G. Soros’ continued profit-building in Gold for it will exceed $16,000/oz with the above becoming “supreme Law of the Land”!

Open Society Socialists have succeeded in usurping  1789-Article VI-supreme Law of the Land And "Oath of Office" with 2009-2012-Socialist-Secular supreme law of the land:  Secular Law repudiate "Religion and Morality":

"Secularism is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence." (Wikipedia).

Removing God's Laws from the courts of law is removing Truth and Justice.  --- Americans are very, very aware this Act  is the enemy within our nation  occurring;.... and why Holder;  - Socialized Control, distribution and production of medicine for the collective named ill and healthy, persons and are moved to after 11/6/2012.

 ---- The collective mass - Democracy of Number - majority - popular --- top-down, do not speak or oppose is believed to be the "winner by number" shall prevail in on Nov.6.  They have worked hard to be sure all ballot boxes are properly stuffed and packed.  Collective people that use body parts to make “x”and punch buttons as the best method of remove and repudiate Republican representative government under Constitution.

God is the basis of our Republican Law stated in the Laws of Both Founding Documents: Constitution: - "Oath of Office" which is one Person’s Soul  with his "sacred Honor before God; intertwined with the Declaration of God in Nature, Nature's God, natural rights of One Person, and the Protections which are the Promise of our Lord God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Ghost -- Truth---intertwined with scripture. When that Elected-Individual raises his/her own right hand, it includes the visible-concrete each-one-person in the Whole of our Republic – raising their hands together in a contract of natural rights as unalienable with Nature (living and inanimate objects) and Nature’s God – the Soul of Person.

The definition of our Republic is found in Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary by the definition of the Article I:1 word “Congress”: “ 1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.
2. The assembly of delegates of the several British Colonies in America, which united to resist the claims of Great Britain in 1774, and which declared the colonies independent.
3. The assembly of the delegates of the several United States, after the declaration of Independence, and until the adoption of the present constitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. During these periods, the congress consisted of one house only.
4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States...”.  

This TYRANNY OVERTHROW is despotism and usurpation.  There may be Centrist-Left Republicans who also subscribed to the Obama regime’s overthrow of the Republic.

To repeat, the Overthrow is the usurpation and removal of 1789-Article VI supreme Law of the Land” with Bound by Oath of Office which is repeated from Article II - God’s Laws.

Article #6 is, if the Socialist-secular-supreme law of the land continues to go forward in their tyranny, becomes the collective-mass people composed of government, groups by living and inanimate objects which define the masses functions and reason to exist, demonstrated by the Socialist (a.k a. DEM) Platform and by “ DNC"s video "The Government is the Only Thing We Belong To".  Another affirmation of the same age-group denoted in the video (notice the background youth) this as a Fact: a Winner of the best essay on the Founding Documents stated this sentence: “We the people answer to our government”.  No-one at the Socialist Convention and No-one judging the essay entries recognizes the errors.

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution [and Declaration] as a whale goes through a net.  Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."(John Adams).

Tyrannical, despotic overthrow of 392 years of government by “Religion and Morality” This Is another Call-up, among many*, the 11/6/12 ballots of one person – one vote,  may be so stuffed fraudulent by gerrymander, and the covet of sacred racial/culture/sanctity of non-English language; that the result could be a false god of socialism!  We the People — the election’s results may not be enough,....but we shall see......every day that passes wakens more and more Americans of God, Nation, before anything else...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Restoring our Republic and Believe in America

This Republican of 60 years is very aware that both our Candidates represent more than usual and customary Politics..with every nuance of meaning that word carries; and it was an incredible contrast between the incident on the floor of the Convention refusal to “open to the floor of membership” what is an unconstitutional change in two rules from the decision of the Rules Committee and Mitt’s nearly, first sentence: Return “Freedom of Religion”  - an important reflection of “Washington Mall, August 28, 2010: “Restore Honor”. Religion and Morality are the Origin of our Republic.

Their absence, with repudiation, is evident below, throughout the Six Dimensions of restore and rebuild; and just pursuing each individual’s life and what is left of liberty in the name of safety and protection,. — which you know result in Neither one; for all we the people are choosing between are the evil of physical loss of life versus the more terrible evil to our “souls” of submission, subjugation, and slavery to the ‘threat’ of inanimate objects which can only function if a homo sapiens performs the mechanics.

The Republican form of government is about One Person. Person is comprised of Body and Soul. Republican form of government is Law of Soul so that the unalienable rights, the equal station of Nature and Nature’s God is preserved and protected of, by, and for that person.   There is no government on God’s Earth which can produce “safety and protection”. That has the same ring as Mitt’s speech where Obama proclaims he will “lower the oceans and heal the planet”, while Mitt will do the Six Dimensions of our Republican Platform.  Ryan will be right alongside; and Every American First — must give them a Republican Congress and California a Republican Assembly and Senate — even with the Gerrymander/districts of tiny nations for the purpose of removing 1620-At-Large “consent of the governed” — and something like 20 or 30% more socialist (DEM) – socialist (Dem); than REP-REP districts in this Anti-law of “regardless of party affiliation” unless of course it is Socialist.

There are contrasts throughout the Party which much of the Party ‘establishment’ doesn’t see or hear; or Mitt and Paul are paying attention to because the theme of the party remains jobs, economy, way to big government with a capital “B”ut....

The Problem: The word and full intent of Article IV:4 our Nations’s Republican form of government whose definition is actually found in Noah’s, our Saver of “The unique nature of our form of government and of our civil institution which requires an appropriate language of the definition of words “, 1828 Dictionary under the word “Congress”:
“ 1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.
2. The assembly of delegates of the several British Colonies in America, which united to resist the claims of Great Britain in 1774, and which declared the colonies independent.
3. The assembly of the delegates of the several United States, after the declaration of Independence, and until the adoption of the present constitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. During these periods, the congress consisted of one house only.
4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representatives. Members of the senate are elected for six years, but the members of the house of representatives are chosen for two years only. Hence the united body of senators and representatives for the two years , during which the representatives hold their seats is called one congress. Thus we say the first or second session of the sixteenth congress.” , AND

All 4 meanings instill and entail “Religion and Morality” stated best of several of our Founders by President Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which least to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let is simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structures, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

If Pres. Washington’s statement doesn’t light a fire under your chair — there is no hope for our Republic.  Just look at the quote, “Democratic Convention” of Lucifer or Secular-Group think-inanimate and living objects comprising history as far back as 1991 [see “Zeitgeist, the Movie” on you tube where OWS updates its news]!

Back to our own Kettle to call “Black” for we must address it:
The Table of Contents for our Platform is among the locations of the continued contrast of “establishment” versus “Republic”; — disapprobation**.: 9 We the People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government and 31 Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods.   Do you see the contrast? I hope you do because that would be the beginning of Renewal and Restoration....[cursor flashing for Relate and Reflect]

Is it possible for any government of any kind and any location, especially We the People, Federated form of government, to accomplish any part of this Title?  ....Define the “healthy” “Great” and “Safe” in a manner which is improved over family and the closest to home – school, which is now an “indoctrination-system”, rather than the location of Learning: “ppr. lern'ing. Gaining knowledge by instruction or reading, by study, by experience or observation; acquiring skill by practice.   1. The knowledge of principles or facts received by instruction or study; acquired knowledge or ideas in any branch of science or literature; erudition; literature; science. The Scaligers were men of great learning. [This is the proper sense of the word.]    2. Knowledge acquired by experience, experiment or observation.    3. Skill in anything good or bad.”.

In Constitution, and Declaration, terms, the Federal and the State levels are, demonstrably since 1947's Everson v. New York Board of Education, “NO”; for government, over ‘local persons’ as Posterity’s education*, is, this day,  a complete Tyranny against our Youth, college age, including the tyranny of the professors dictating “opinion without interference” producing the governmental and private leaders of absent “Religion and morality” of today...worse, most are completely blind, deaf, and stiffnecked on their credentialed subject of ‘opinion without interference and doublethink: never let fact get in the way of preconceived conclusions. Socialism would vaporize and disintegrate just losing “preconceived conclusions” whatever the subject matter.

The Platform Preamble mentions Providence, which also is used in reference to “Religion and Morality”;  in combination with the paragraph it occurs these ‘buzz’ words:  “Opportunity”, “unemployment”, “Big Government”, “entitlement society”, “grand dreams”, “keep taxation, litigation, and regulation to a minimum”.  The Platform is to “return to proper role”, “celebrate entrepreneurship and innovation”, “Lift up the Middle Class”, [international]“torch of freedom and Democracy”[torch could also represent ‘The Flame of God’], “..the Constitution the greatest political document ever written..”

Not one sentence in the entire Platform even mentions The Declaration of Independence, let alone its Laws with even more principles and lessons on mankind and malfeasance.  The Platform caught onto Joseph Andrew’s “Owner’s Manuel”, but never reading or being informed regarding “Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution using Original Texts and the Classical Learning Methods of the Founder’s” [], would not know “The Twins” or The Reason our Nation Is A Republic: The intertwining of Laws of the Declaration – to Application of those Laws in our Constitution - which contains, besides the meaning of ‘Congress’, the connectors to God through Article II and Article VI’s “Oath of Office”: “A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.”. [Note its opposite, for perjury is commonplace and the working definition of the Obama regime of ‘allowed’ oppression and tyranny of the majority - force]

Throughout the six Dimensions, our Party’s “apologist’s of God” in our government continue — fearful of forcing religion onto non-believers, who also existed long before and at the time of Both Founding Documents, i.e. reason for “Affirm”.  They feel they must perpetuate “the impregnable wall of separation”, Supreme Court Justice’s ‘majority’,  misread of President Jefferson to Danville Baptist Church.  The Article III Judicial continues, to this day, throughout all levels of “Justice”, which because “Religion and Morality” are repudiated, mean negotiation and “American Rule [used by Appointed Departments and State-Federal Attorneys][1]”; and Truth is not even a consideration worthy of argument.

When will the courts of justices return to the understanding that their agreement, or not, to the presented “arguments” is: Which argument is closer to the Truths of Declaration, Constitution, AND Scripture — mankind’s source of Article VI’s: “supreme Law of the Land”?  They certainly missed the marks-in-law contained in Mt. Soledad [courts refusal to hear], Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder v. Baptist “God Hates the U.S.A. Minister Phelps; “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” – which is completely void of Truth in any aspect of title and purpose - not stated, but historically demonstrable, etc..

The terrible, tragic “wall” misread has contributed to the natural consequences of bad adjudication growing into worse wrongs because of Posterity’s innocence and ignorance – removed from public education and public elucidation at Christmas and Easter holidays, etc.

The most important consequence is the formation of the “state- religion” named “IRS-501C3" which defines and decrees that which “church” is acceptable and not acceptable in order for the privilege of  Donations to be “Allowed”: Law, not regulation,  made by a subdivision of an appointed office of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Thank God, whoever has been in charge at IRS has overtly refused to enforce 501C3 which is exactly what they should do: “The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it....No One Is Bound to Obey an unconstitutional law [or action], and no courts are bound to enforce it. [16 AM Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256]”.

Because the life, liberty and pursuits of “corporate church” applied to charity, hope, service, and love, depend on the donations----fear, with non-belief in the entirety of law contained in Both Founding Documents — rule and Remove — the study and evaluation of righteousness among persons of government who enforce laws and acts of those same persons.. Those God-fearing Americans who practice their personal Love and obedience to God – have their more righteous opinions removed from “life’s stage”.  Thus the crimes by omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression.

Mitt’s “Freedom of Religion” is the beginning of the end — of that ‘Lucifer-Dance’ over Person and Corporate*** Persons, by enhanced atheism of Secular-Socialist-Anti-Law; and the reason this essay can use “ Providence” in its Declaration and Religious meaning.

It is past time.   “Religion and Morality”, absent revisionist history, must return to public education throughout the land — tomorrow, if not last week!!! Joesph’s Teaching and Learning Manual is easy and an excellent correction — it is excellent in every way related to the 1828 definition of “Learning”.  This Patriot started and wrote a Three Time Amended Complaint as Plaintive in a United States District Court Case – One Person Protected; but the principle did: Both Founding Documents of written for One Person as Citizen — and with the responsibilities and duties — attending to God’s unalienable natural rights.  Though that part didn’t work well:  – secular-person’s body-living object fingers are usurped, Article VI- 2009-2012supreme Law of the Land, superior to a Person’s Soul sacred honor in Catholic Church.

Here’s one among many of the “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland ( ) which “bridge” Declaration Laws to Constitution application of those laws: “Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.”

Do you see why The Principle of Nuremberg is added here? Part of this Patriot’s mission and work is to have each and every Naturalized and Natural, individual Citizen along with ages 8 to 108, understand why This Party and This Platform Must Occur At This Time In Our History.

Both Founding documents and the Founders who had the sacred Honor of giving their lives and fortunes; — and a lot of wonderful, trying, heartfelt sacrifice of 250 years of No Central Government (The Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers); — just one Colony doing business of life, liberty and pursuits, — before the Revolution was even though of...many never did want to leave GB.
Joseph, and many other of the Constitutionalist throughout our Nation, know and love these Documents for their Sanctity ... and this particular Constitutionalist, proof — That Both are as Sacred and as Important as The Bible.  So to continue.  BTW, Jon states that before you can call yourself a Constitutionalist, you must have stood and fought for the Principles stated. Jon is pretty-much the Leader for his contains the greatest collection of works outside the Library of Congress, on the Constitution.  If you aren’t donating and reading this site, you should be — especially if you are elected to mosquito abatement.

Nuremberg is included here because it is throughly and completely ignored as if it didn’t exist...and that’s just one of the Principles — same is true for many; and while not an excuse, ignorance is what has made the Socialist doctrine so easy to inculcate, like the black-widow spider with her web, throughout the entire Federated form of government, paperclips to international affairs, with or without the atoms of wireless and digital dollars - so the wheel barrels of cash won’t be visible to the naked eye like the pictures of Germany before WWII.  Nuremberg is part of a working day for virtually every single person, in every single part, of every single office – any level of government- elected or not; and that’s connected to and mis-adjudicated outside of Both Founding Documents....and given permission by each-member,  “Representative”, We the People— because elected or appointed you are. Just a grain-of-sand-in God’s how you define your Person-of-Legacy is Yours — Completely Alone ---- and your Soul to your God.

Further, please realize when you raise your Right Hand in sustaining The Oath of Office, where-ever required, Your Person is swearing that you are a member of the Nation, State, County, City, Borough, province and Shall Obey not only Both Founding Documents; but also God’s Laws as “Religion and Morality”: “ 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.   2. Religion, as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. James 1.   3. Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law.”

In “BELIEVE IN AMERICA” there are the Six Dimensions: 1 Restoring the American Dream: Rebuilding the economy and Creating Jobs; 9 We the People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government; 15 America’s Natural Resources: Energy, Agriculture and the environment; 21 Reforming Government to serve the People; 31 Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods; 39 American Exceptionalism:

Since the Declaration is not included to restoring or reforming any part of the above, “Equal Station of Nature and of Nature’s God, respect for the opinions of mankind, unalienable Natural rights, securing and protecting those rights, ignoring the lessons of tyranny, usurpation, and treason with the abuses [You need to review them. 6 or 7 do not need rewording from the 1776 version], the Act of the Colonists for redress of grievance, deafness to justice; supreme judge of the world; reasons for emigration and settlement, and divine Providence, are removed from consideration as the already present solutions to all the above Dimensions.  The absence causes an unnecessary redo of what already exists!

– If only because of “Oath of Office” relating to the Balance Budget Amendment.   — You know that is a responsibility of your person to yourself and to those you love...why on “God’s Green Earth’” you wouldn’t apply that same love and responsibility to the Nation which is a unique Republic — requires some thought on your part.. Mormons, you wouldn’t exist except for the work of the Founders... among many Nature and Nature’s God!

The Oath also provides for The Ten Commandments which includes though shalt not murder, lie, covet or steal – all of which occur.  Think about it.  Murder: 2. An outcry, when life is in danger.  2. To destroy; to put an end to.
Lie: 1. A criminal falsehood; a falsehood uttered for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth. Fiction, or a false statement or representation, not intended to deceive, mislead or injure, as in fables, parables and the like, is not a lie.   2. A fiction; in a ludicrous sense.    3. False doctrine. 1John 2.    4. An idolatrous picture of God, or a false god. Romans 1.    5. That which deceives and disappoints confidence.   V.t. 1. To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive, or with an immoral design.   Thou hast not lied to men, but to God. Acts 5.
2. To exhibit a false representation; to say or do that which deceives another, when he has a right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation.   9. To be sustainable in law; to be capable of being maintained. An action lies against the tenant for waste.  An appeal lies in this case.   Covet: 2. To desire inordinately; to desire that which it is unlawful to obtain or possess; in a bad sense.   Steal: 2. To Withdraw or convey without notice or clandestinely.   They could insinuate and steal themselves under the same by submission.    3. To gain or win by address or gradual and imperceptible means.    Variety of objects has a tendency to steal away the mind from its steady pursuit of any subject.   So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel. 2 Samuel 15.
STEAL, v.i.1. To withdraw or pass privily; to slip along or away unperceived.

Examples of each occur throughout all Six Dimensions. There is no issue absent.

Agenda 21 is never addressed as a whole, but appears in multiple formats in many of the dimensions,  for its murder- covet - lie - steal by the new, overthrow of nation-members of absent borders and jurisprudence.

International is the “Democracy” which is synonymous with majority - popular - top down decisions by few for collective mass people who only agree and may be punished by exclusion for disagreeing.  ..Number as majority is the decision-maker of the “Political standard of right and wrong(Madison)”;  never inform “We the People” – censorship or “flagging” “spamming”;  “red light signaling” “DUI/Registration Random Policing” – all lie, steal, murder, with the covet evident in the power and force the few have by default.

American Exceptionalism states the “adversaries are different”.... no they are not — it is still the mankind of Bible, Book of Mormon, and individual working to stay on the iron rod road to the Fruit of the Tree of Life and avoid the mansions of yelling people, and  the people who just walk away and are lost (I Nephi).

It defends HSA as necessary, while at the same time aware that a little safety loses both liberty and safety...  The second part is more the truth than the first.   The first is a form of denial of God’s Laws because you hand the evil a victory in removing the liberty. Removing the liberty allows evil to expand its power and force...because the non-entity government cannot control itself, person with his most sacred property conscience is much more reliable demonstrated by the Mall on 08/10/2010.  Removing risk is impossible because removing evil is impossible...  That’s why blackmail, biological warfare, lie and distortion can work.  Best is to educate regarding danger and prepare... best is to deal with the evil at its home location - best is to know the devil and how that non-entity works — pay attention to the pre-Obama-CIA those men are still around and working - even if not attached anymore.

American Exceptionalism without “Religion and Morality” included, is not where the exception-alism lies.  Duncan L. Hunter’s, self-published “Victory in Iraq, How America Won” and Dr. Henry Kissinger’s “After Lebanon, a cease fire won’t end Hezbollah’s war against Israel”;
(09/10/06; San Diego Union Tribune) are both excellent, unchanging examples of righteousness to control, if not end the evil of radical jihad which has tribes who are responsible for the ongoing Syria - Egypt - and worldwide additions of absent life, liberty, and purists because of government by few.

American exceptionalism is a coach, teacher, mentor. and source for safety to the people of the world – Our Service-persons, concurrent State Department witness how successful the lover, charity, and respect each American gave to each village of Persons.  

Not the complete disrespect and vanished disregard by 2009-2012..?beyond-Black Widow spider legacies of the collective mass of the borderless nation and jurisprudence of UN Agenda 21 - Open Society Socialism.

The above is criticism, because that is necessary for Truth – the only restore and rebuild; which means “We the People” believing and Trustiing yourself and ourselves as Nation, when “all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting to....”.  It is our Person and persons which must look to Both these most magnificent and sacred Documents AND apply them to all leverls of the Federated form of government here and on this Planet — ever humble because There Is Only God’s Perfection with the Perfection of His Son Jesus Christ who lived among homo sapiens for 32 years — without a single, homo sapiens mistake.

The above is intended, just as said, to add information — to work to increase understanding that There Is Only One Way — One Truth — and One Light; and our Founders, with the Colonial Persons – knew exactly what they were doing; because The Bible and its lessons were integral to life which allowed attention to God’s creation of Person in His Image with the possibility of attaining His Discipleship in His Desire to Give all He Has To Each-One who seeks, asks, and obeys---- Most of US(A) do.  Jesus said for then and now: “Those who listen to me, Know The Truth.”.  
Resources and comments:
*EDUCATION: “n. [L. education.] The bringing up, as of a child, instruction; formation of manners. Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.

1. “Economic Lessons from American History”; John Steele Gordon; Impremis; V.41,No. 7/8; Hillsdale College; and at You Tube. #5 discusses “American Rule”.

**I’m using as many ‘big’ words as I can because this business of translating everything in print to ‘accommodate’ and “allow understanding for the collective, mass-think” of “opinion without interference”.  What has been done to the Translations of The Bible – is unconscionable – especially when the pure English Literature is so succinct and beautiful...even in analogy and metaphor.  Read the James Moffiatt Bible...and have a Blessed Event:-)

***corporate: “1. United in a body, or community, as a number of individuals, who are empowered to transact business as an individual; formed into a body; as a corporate assembly, or society; a corporate town.   2. United; general; collectively one. [Note its opposite: democracy’s collective mass - people as groups defined by a few men: collective - people]