Saturday, November 26, 2011

Majority and George Washington

Yes, George Washington did considered the will of the "majority" as an imperative to government and it is...
1) BUT add: the enemy was George III with his minions of administration, not Great Britain per se, with many of the members of Parliament who opposed the King.  One of which was removed from his office in Parliament by George III who declared him treasonous against GB, because of his support: This man said: “I am one man, I cannot do everything, but I can do what I can do; and I shall do what I can do.” ....and did! His Name: Edmund Burke.

2) There was no word “socialism1”.  Look at The closest to the word is “Democracy” which is an expression of the “majority”: “n. [Gr. People, and to possess, to govern.] Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens. BUT

When you add the definition of “society” to arrive at the other description of ‘content and majority comprising..’ you get: “1. The union of a number of rational beings; or a number of persons united, either for a temporary or  permanent purpose. Thus the inhabitants of a state or of a city constitute a society, having common interests; and hence it is called a community. In a more enlarged sense, the whole race or family of man is a society, and called human society. The true and natural foundation of society, are the wants and fears of individuals. 2. Any number of persons associated for a particular purpose, whether incorporated by law, or only united by articles of agreement; a fraternity. Thus we have bible societies for various objects; societies for mechanics, and leaned societies; societies for encouraging arts, &c.”.

Note Well in relation to the definition and purpose of choosing “a Congress” in US Constitution-Article One: Both words “Democracy”  and “Society”  define  group as “collective” with society for purpose in a community versus “true and natural foundation” as “wants and fears of individuals” with “ANY number of persons associated”. SPECIFICALLY: “to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.” AND from “The Declaration of Constitutional Principles”2 : The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes (rational beings) of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights (wants and fears) of life, liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights (The Bible, the history of mankind as good and evil in community,  and The Declaration as 27 Abuses of George III) and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole (true and natural foundation of society..individuals) or for their common posterity (family3).”.

Our “Indispensable” reason This Nation exists at all, Mr. Washington did not consider, in his period of history, the road “socialism” would take. Every word he did consider was the people as individuals in the whole with God integral to all this Nation is or ever will be. That the “people” control its destiny and that destiny is integral to God’s Law as applied in The Constitution of the United States of America. For every founder writing the Constitution, including “Federalist” Hamilton, knew the Lord God was Truth - Life - Liberty  - Pursuit in obedience and accountability of “Person” to God.

3. “The Hand of providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations. (George Washington, letter to Thomas Nelson, 8/20/1785)”4

Enforcement of our Constitution lies in EACH and EVERY “PERSON” whether giving consent by vote or elected to office at any level of government :
First and Foremost: “Religion and Morality”:
Definition of Religion: “1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.
Definition of Morality: “ n. The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.
The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel.
1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.
2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.”
Article II:8 ..he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation5: I____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully6 execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States;
Article VI: “..shall be bound7 thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ...shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution..”

There is no punishment as in man’s law, for violating our Constitution or Supreme Law of the Land. The consequences are the destruction of God’s Laws applied to our Representative, Republican Form of Government with the loses to each and every “person” who lives as a citizen with the” privileges and immunities” “Guaranteed”.

This destruction started with our President placing his mortal body and philosophy onto private property to remove “person”; and to perform replacement with his chosen individual(s) (each of whom also chose disobedience to Constitution)- Chrysler Corporation; and followed by his implemented “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” absent the “Whole” of a Political Party’s Elected, Congressional Representatives with 34 members of the Administration’s Party joining in “concert of measure” to refuse signature as law.

Patient Protection and Affordable Act is unconstitutional not in relation to “majority”; but to the ESSENTIAL FOUNDATION in LAW of “Religion and morality” and by disobedience to “Oath of Office”.

George Washington would recognize, as do so many Americans in and out of Congress, that President Obama and his minions in Congress “..who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, in the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?”

“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”; each and every decree and dictate performed by this President’s cabinet, Agencies, and Commissions; the control of commerce through “America’s financial Security Act”; and all statutes, EO, regulations , court rulings (including the separation of religion from government) which are INCONSISTENT and NOT DERIVED from our Nation’s Republican Form of Government, must be repealed, made NULL AND VOID from Inception.

 “Majority” has no value in Law over “Religion and Morality” with Oath of Office.  

Bibliography and Notes:
1. “Socialism” didn’t have ground to control “collective” concept until middle of 1800's forward.  Frederic Bastiat, French Parliament,  was the writer who opposed ‘that thinking’ against the individual in his essay “The Law”. “The Law”  is complete and present by  Googled or searched by  typing “The Law” or “Bastiat”.

2. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland; , founder Constitution Society; court recognized authority on history of Constitutional Law; and 2012 Candidate for Senator of the United States of America from the Great State of Texas.

3. Noah Webster said this about family: “All government originates in families, and if neglected there, it will hardly exist in society. ... The foundation of all government and of all social order must be laid in families and in the discipline of youth. ... The Education of youth, an employment of more consequence than making laws and preaching the gospel, because it lays the foundation on which both law and gospel rest for success. ...(“NOAH WEBSTER, FOUNDING FATHER OF AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP AND EDUCATION” by Rosalie J. Slater, M.A.; in Foundation for American Christian Education’s facsimile edition of “FIRST EDITION OF AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE”). Should be in every Public, School, College, and University Library in the United States of America and every Family who is concerned about their children; including every “single-person” who is a member of “In a more enlarged sense, the whole race or family of man is a society, and called human society.”

4. “THE FOUNDERS’ ALMANAC, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders and Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding” Edified by Matthew Spalding; Heritage Foundation Publisher 2002; p.190.

5. Affirmation: ”4. A solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury, by persons who conscientiously decline taking an oath; which affirmation is in law equivalent to testimony given under oath.”

6. Faithfully:”3. With strict observance of promises, vows, covenants or duties; without failure of performance; honestly; exactly. The treaty or contract was faithfully executed.”

7. Bound - Bailiff: “. An officer appointed by a sheriff to execute process; so denominated from the bond given for the faithful discharge of his trust.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


of ALL LAW in our Nation by negating 56 Founders “..who mutually PLEDGED to “each other” the PROPERTY OF THEIR “Lives”, “Fortunes”, and “Sacred Honor”- did exactly that through 1784; and in 1789 - 13 Colony’s Representative government signed the Constitution into supreme Law of the Land.  In 2009, this Executive Branch of government declared a “majority” as “Flock1 among homo sapiens participators of group- mass”; and  “opinion without interference2” are sufficient to rule our Nation as definers, enforcer, and adjudicator” of legislative law at Federal and many States levels of government.

 “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. (Thomas Jefferson 3/4/1801)”.   “Republican government loses half of its value, where the moral and social duties are imperfectly understood, or negligently practiced. To exterminate our popular vices is a work of far more importance to the character and happiness of our citizens, than any other improvements in our system of education (Noah Webster)3”.  Neither The Declaration, Nor The Constitution can exist when they are brought down by each member of today’s Congress believing that “They (opposition party) have the majority” is the sole content of Law; and “50 minutes/Case” of the Judicial Branch adjudicating The supreme Law of the Land means the Review Decides the Case before it is heard; that Property does not include Person, Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor before God; or that the Declaration of Independence – of faith in God which resulted in our document detailing the Christian philosophy of American Government.

“Religion and Morality” gave birth to America in 1620;  and gave rise to “The Experiment” of  “The United States of America in 1789. “Religion and Morality” remain the absolute Cornerstone of Law in 1789 through 24/7, to this Day in 2011; and remains an important, 2011-2012-2013..., open to question for “ the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity as the last 52 years and today’s kindergarten through state and federally educated posterity arrives into adulthood absent both religion and morality - if taught in public schools, and in too many religious or private schools where God is taught in absence of Laws of governance from Divine Law which our founders, persons of history knew very well. Noah Webster enhanced our early history through his education which work to “..gain the esteem of all virtuous people...and so live as to obtain the favor of almighty God..(Mr. Webster’s parents)”. All of Noah Webster’s life and work was to enhance understanding of life, liberty, and all pursuits “spirit of God’s Laws” and recognition of mortal homo sapiens failing.

Both Flock and “The Numbers Game4", as ‘time’, abandon; fail to recognize education of our Posterity; and punish, spiritually as well as mortally, as many “Person(s)” as possible who subscribe:  “To my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which ALL children, Under a Free Government, ought to be instructed. ...No Truth is more evident to my mind that the Christian religion must the basis of ANY government intended to Secure the Rights and Privileges of a Free People. ...When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms, and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience. I mean primitive Christianity in its Simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfections, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men as the supreme rule of action; in man’s accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God’s commands in the moral law and in the Gospel. This belief and this practice may consist with different forms of church government, which, not being essential to Christianity, need not enter int any system of education.(Webster)”.  

Both Flock and Time abandon “...the practice of our country has annexed to them (Jacobin in 1800 America) and established a different signification. By Democracy is intended a government where the legislative powers are exercised directly by all the citizens, as formerly in Athens and Rome. In our country this power is not in the hands of the people but of their representatives. The powers of the people are principally restricted to the direct exercise of the rights of suffrage5. Hence a material distinction between our form of government and those of the ancient democracies. Our form of government has acquired the appellation of a Republic, by way of distinction, or rather of a representative Republic. Hence the word Democrat has been used as synonymous with the word Jacobin in France; and by an additional idea, which arose from the attempt to control our government by private popular associations, the word has come to signify a person who attempts an undue opposition to our influence over our government by means of private clubs, secret intrigues or by public popular meetings which are extraneous to the constitution. By Republicans we understand the friends of our Representative Governments, who believe that no influence whatever should be exercised in a state which is not directly authorized by the Constitution and laws.(Webster)”.

Time becomes an enemy of governance because it supplants the “Person” with “Religion and Morality” for an object tool of man named time;...not the spirit of conscience which determines quality, or lack thereof, of person. Time becomes an enemy of justice, because it is an object tool of control over “person” as spirit entangled with other spirits or even objects of man; and because justice refuses to acknowledge that All Law derives from God’s Law either directly or indirectly through the learning contained in Bibles and in mankind’s history as participators, inventors, manipulators, definers of the objects known and unknown.

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, with and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few. (John Adams, An Essay on Man’s Lust for Power, 08/29/1763).”  Flock is purposefully derogatory because it does represent the difference between the “person” in a mob, mass, collective group flowing with ignorance, absent, distorted information about whatever is occurring at the point in human time of governance regardless of location on this planet; versus; the “a Congress” as an “Assembly of envoys, commissioners.. as meeting to ..concert measures and adjust mutual concerns..” and “4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representatives.”.   Flock is also, demonstrably, required in order for occupants of the mass to become obedient to the power, dictate, decree the few men represent; and includes the absence of duty to country and support to Constitution each time a Bill or An Act moves forward which is clearly unconstitutional because a ‘smaller number’ refuse to support representative republican form of equality of all men and in formation of supreme law because they choose to think a citizen, giving consent to govern as a security to their unalienable rights, is not possible unless an attorney with judge is present. Thus giving right of law formation to person as attorney or judge, rather than person with “religion and morality” from God. Politicians are more and no less. They derive their name because of forgetting or thinking no-one notices when they are disobedient to Nation of Republican Constitutional Law, State, District  — 2012 is about person as citizen- President - Executive Director...not appointed cabinet...and about person as citizen with the same privileges and immunities of any citizen for “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” will never change.

2011-2012 shall address the disconnect between “persons” who understand the intertwining of Bible: Declaration :Constitution “Region and Morality” versus “Political Party’s positioning on a continuum of centrist, polls-surveys (time as numbers relative to questions asked in time without regard to person-religion-or morality), attraction of “popular”- youth voters;  versus socialists using democracy for their “opinion without interference” to add execrable cruelty combined with Cloward-Piven and Alinsky tactics to increase confusion and distrust: “#4 Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules (Constitution as well as “Religion and Morality) You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.".

What remains of the Party named Democratic and the wish to remove from sight, sound, or information contained in the Party named Republican is an important goal – which is the demise of already believed to be accomplished by socialist’s of Declaration with the very critical, but alive and working “guarantee of a Republican form of government. The removal of our Article IV:4 Republican form of government is demonstrated daily: Removing party affiliation from sponsors on Bills - State and Federal levels;  States which remove “Political Party from Candidates running for Political Office or not political in name, but in power of force of department or office, very political; super budget committee; dictate that illegal aliens shall receive privileges and immunities of citizens as education in college and as paid medical care utilizing the “property named earnings as taxes”; sexual deviations shall be taught in public schools kindergarten through 2nd year junior college — but any teacher who dares to place a sign stating “In God We Trust” shall be sued by the Board of Education for disobedience to man’s need to negate Declaration and Constitution with constitutional “person” of Religion and Morality; one branch out of three branches of government shall become the sole provider of health in 100% of life, liberty, and pursuit of medicine..Executive and one person in that appointed cabinet shall be in charge: the same person who declared and decreed that illegal aliens may be lawless..and still receive citizen’s earnings as taxes. The United Nation’s 100% belief in the accuracy of Global Warming has decreed and declared its environmental ICLEI which, while signed as a so-called “soft treaty” before the absolute Socialism regime of 2009, is allowed by the current Executive Branch President with appointed EIP persons of instilling all UN requirements onto city, county, state, and Federal levels of government. This “Soft Treaty” also defines parenting and children’s rights which this current Regime has E.O and supports fully.
Worse, our elected, legislative “persons” allow the “Rule by majority” ...before believing in the “Religion and Morality” represented in both the Declaration and the Constitution of the United States of America. In defense, it is forgetful and it is pervasive ignorance; but that is what socialism-dictatorships of all names Hitler, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong-il require ignorance, and better still, absent “religion and morality” because those principles are the borderless nation and jurisprudence of God’s Universe. Playing into socialism’s hands by silence in the face of absent responsibility to “religion and morality” combined with: “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is ILLEGAL, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION of one or more of the constitutional laws against doing so.” WITH “Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights (life, liberty and pursuit of...), has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT IT AS A CRIME, and to ARREST the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.6”. Or put the same way with difference in the location of the citizen: Any Congress-member or State Legislator who becomes aware of an illegal or [should be ‘and’] unconstitutional, ceasing the Bill or Act under consideration, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law projected. The ‘arrest’ meaning “Stop Now!” occurs by not allowing the “vote” if the “vote of members” allows dictate, decree, amoral adjudication of any sort, and plain lawlessness. Should the “majority” push its power - not authority because the Constitution is the Authority - then it has become, and is a regime of anti-law.

While Americans aren’t of a nature to ‘just throw them out’ via impeachment..or not,  if the current socialists in Congress and the White-House continue to declare Citizens as the un-American, astroturf extremists, traitors, religious zealots, terrorists, racists and just about every other expletive known to mankind, while the famous ‘He who yells the loudest, is the most guilty,’ reigns supreme as anti-law.  Anti-law means any law which is” inconsistent and not derived from the Constitution is Unconstitutional” and to the degree - this majority - continues to perpetrate anti-law onto the citizens who are the consent to govern, the next election will continue ‘return to republican representative government.  Destroy the existing regime of dictate, decree, lawless behavior by government against the people; whether all citizens are aware of anti-law or not!!

Law is immutable when derived from representative Republic of Constitution under God’s Divine Law. It is Not Subject to Greater Number of person or government because it stands as Truth in God’s Word, Promise, and His delivering on His Promise.  It is also not subject to the select-in-caselaw concept of precedent, or just that part of a previous case, anytime in history-though related somewhat in topic, applied to the current case without the origination in the supreme Law of the Land.  The squeezing or inventing of meaning from the text of the Constitution because that law becomes the property of person of attorney and judge’s interpretation...not of The Document and Its origins in Declaration or Divine Law of representation via a Constitution. All herein contained requires more than the normal amount of classical education in Research, Reflect, Relate and Record/take action of Learning from Original Texts and from History with The Bible’s God and His Son with apostles, counselors, disciples, and believers in the Way, The Light, and The Truth which gets to knowledge and wisdom. All herein contained does require of each person, the “ask and it shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find..”.  Turth, Knowledge, Love of God and of our Nation belong to each and every one of us as the unique nature of Americans continue.  We have made a mistake. We have confessed and acknowledged our mistake, though some still do not recognize the enormity of “Religion and Morality’s” loss has incurred.  That’s OK, the Lord Knows and He will never leave US(A) or we Him...We may forget, but not for long...and never, never forever!  We Have Work to Do.

Congress-member-State Legislator, reminder you are One Person at a Time before God, your “Religion and Morality”, your decision to continue a lemming or to be a citizen under the two most magnificent documents ever written in Man’s history on this Planet – ; and though some religious denominations might faint from heresy, these two Documents are from 56 Men who live God as written and performed as Disciples of Christ just as written in Matthew and in the Books of Peter complete with Colonel Washington’s bullet-proof person and horse. “Religion and Morality” was the Zion for 156 years of America before the Revolution.  Soon to be available is a 1940's reproduction of: “The Boston Gazette, and Country Journal.Containing the fresheft Advice, Foreign and Domestic. Monday, March 12, 1770.”.  It says all that is said from 56 founders to Noah Webster (he would have been about 12 years old and living in Mass.).

Congress-members - State Legislators become and act as Citizens you are. Discontinue to denigrate our Constitution and choose to believe as a Collective-flock, such as, ..a super committees of same ole: tax the earning-people, but never, never reduce and close; or have government officials take responsibility as appointed agents for regulations which totally ignore constitutional representative republican government. Start working with “Religion and Morality”.  If you aren’t sure, use Noah Webster’s “1828 American Dictionary of the English Language”. It is published by Foundation for American Christian Education to Document and Demonstrate how Dr. Webster wrote it for “I. The unique Nature of our Form of Government and of our civil institutions which “requires an appropriate Language of the definition of words.” II.  To the youth of the United States “The Best American and English Authors as authorities in the use and definition of language.” III. To All Americans “That the Principles of Republican government Have Their Origin in the Scriptures.” Psalm XI:3 “If the Foundation be Destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

1. Flock in M-Webster’s, definition of collective: “: denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole <flock is a collective word>  2 a : formed by collecting : aggregated. ..

2. ”Opinion without interference” occurs in the “Declaration of Principles” of the United Nation’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS 2003-05) #4;  represents an ‘adjustment’ in definition away from the well recognized  “The end justifies the means.” expressed by Marx, Lenin, Abomey-Aklinsky. It is, and has been, a common argument “arrester” in general conversation of people; and of government in “..trying what meaning may be squeezed or.. invented against..” representative constitutional government. 1828 Opinion: “ 1. The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.”  In 2011, Merriam-Webster: “a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge.

3. NOAH WEBSTER Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education by Rosalie J. Slater, M.A. as Preface to “An AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE: INTENDED TO EXHIBIT, ..”, S. CONVERSE, Printed by Hezekiah Howe— New Haven, 1828..

4. “The Numbers Game” by Catherine West 03/09/2009 in

5. 1828 and 2011 Definition ‘suffrage’: 1. A vote; a voice given in deciding a controverted question, or in the choice of a man for an office or trust. 2. United voice of persons in public prayer.

6. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland, Candidate for Senator from State of Texas 2012.

Friday, November 18, 2011


UNCONSITTUTIONAL because it is not the Representative Government of Article IV:4 and because it DID NOT PASS CONGRESS BEFORE IT WENT TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for signature into law.
1. WHEREAS, this Act, and any Bill or Act passed by a Legislative Body of a Federated form of government: City, County, State or Federal, does not have Signature of an entire Political* Party of the People; AND
WHEREAS, “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” does NOT HAVE EVEN ONE ‘Yes’ vote from 137 Republican Party Plus 34 Democrats Members in the House of Representatives AND All Republican Party Members in the Senate; AND
WHEREAS, this ACT and ANY LEGISLATION any level of the Federated form of Government, is ABSENT Consent to allow this Act” from “We the People” elected and represented by the 171 Districts and at least 51% of EACH State which has a Republican Senator; AND

2. WHEREAS, Because the “Patient Protection and Affordable Act (or any name attached to identify it as such)” violated Article I: 1 and 7, it should not have gone forward for signature into Code because  the ACT declares, a  MAJORITY is the “right to opinion without interference (United Nations WSIS Declaration of Principles and common usage among ‘popular’- ‘legislative’ persons)” combined with absence of Political Party Affiliation” is Representative Government and  is all that is required to pass any Bill, Act, Statute or Legislation and further; AND
WHEREAS, this ACT, is ABSENT “CONSENT TO GOVERN” of  Citizens Represented by the State  District’s  Voting Citizens of 137 Republican and 34 Democratic in the House of Representatives AND in 51% of Voting Citizens States with Republican Senator; AND
WHEREAS, the EXECUTIVE Branch of Government allows removal of Party designation from the Roll of Congress-Members; AND
WHEREAS, the Checks and Balances Between Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of government written into The Constitution of the United States of America since 1789 as integral to the Republican Form of government are removed; AND
WHEREAS, the “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” allows 100% Executive Branch Power, with Citizen’s Earnings as “property” removed to provide funding,  and Control via an appointed Position of one Cabinet Member has removed the  Republican form of government by violating  “4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representatives... (“1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster)”, recognized as the definition of “Congress” in Article I:1; AND

3. WHEREAS, Both Article IV:4 and Article V of The Constitution of The United States of America** are violated by REMOVING the guarantee of a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT and by IGNORING the Amending Process to Alter or Change the Government of the United States of America, for the purpose of imposing a “Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.(ibid, 1828 Dictionary definition of Democracy) combined with the change to power with authority to act placed into One Branch of Government at an Appointed Cabinet Level or “: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state; 3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done (2011 Merriam Webster Dictionary)”; AND
WHEREAS, there is no lawful consensus either from Voting Citizens or Elected Voting Citizens who are “bound by Oaths or Affirmation”  to Support and Defend  the Constitution and The Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic; AND
WHEREAS, “collective” in 2011 means “1: denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole <flock is a collective word>; ..b : involving all members of a group as distinct from its individuals <a collective action> and in 1828 means: “1. Formed by gathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated, or aggregated”; or ‘greater number’, “top two vote getters”,” popular ”, or in legislation for law as Code:  “Majority of number without political party affiliation”; AND
WHEREAS, “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”, including all which, following this Act at the Federal Level and any Law written at the State Level,  negates the 2/3rds protection of Citizen’s rights and allows disobedience to service, morality, and duty of individuals as one person within an “1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. (1828 and 2011 dictionaries)” definition of Congress;

THEREFORE, “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” is violates, alters, and removes The Constitution of the United States of American as Ratified in 1787 and replaces the Constitution with a Democracy of Collective with Socialism of Centralized - Executive Branch Government with authority over “Consent of the Governed” and over the “Elected - Consent of the Governed” and removes sovereignty of Person, of State, and of Nation.

Catherine West, American Patriot and “Person” who is a member of the “Posterity” our Founder’s Wrote Our Unique in History Documents named  The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America; and is one member of “We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, Establish Justice, ensure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote  the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity do Ordain and establish this Constitution FOR the United States of America; and Yes, One Person can state Law and Principle without a lawyer or court of law...that’s why it is We the People.  Each One of US(A) answers to God; and Each One of US is Sovereign before both Declaration and Constitution.. We govern based on “Religion and Morality” of 1828 American Dictionary because we are human, sometimes don’t remember or realize importance of our Person in Life, Liberty, and Pursuit____.
Escondido, California

*1828 definition of Politics: “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”.  And in “Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution Using Original Texts and the Classical Learning Methods of the Founders” by Joseph Andrews.

**A republic is CONSTITUTIONAL if power to amend the constitution is Not delegated to elected legislators of the highest legislative body to adopt like ordinary legislation, but requires either a supermajority of citizens, or majorities of citizens or their representatives elected to lower-level political units in a supermajority of such political unts, to ratify it; and if no such amendment infringes on either the Natural Rights of PERSONS or the Civil Right of PERSONS to be equally represented in at least one branch of the highest legislative body, or th have members of government act as other than the agents of the people, exercising only limited and specific delegated powers, and to be FULLY ACCOUNTABLE to them. (“Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland, Constitution Society; court recognized Constitutional Historian; 2012 Candidate for Senator from Texas)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Listening to Glen Beck today re...

his "unsettling feeling" brought more than 109 comments.  One was:  snowleopard (cat folk gallery) 9 hours ago:
"Glenn let me try to explain some of it why you are probably having the same feeling many of us around the nation are as well; those of us listening to the warning bells from God and looking to see the pattern.

Today we seen the part of the OWS and their protest linked to the Nov 17 date, the N17 terror group in the nation of Greece, and why many of the Muslim extremist groups are holding American style civil rights era protests --- world stage productions, this is a global movement.

Another link -- Van Jones, declared about phase two of the 99%s movement, that there will be 2000 new candidates running for offices around the nation in the next coming series of elections under that particular party and groups.

Another link -- You mentioned a great clue, austerity packages Greece and now Italy are facing; while the fact is clear Obama is spending us into the grave, and no end is in sight.

Consider this though...

Before the next elections; the super committee fails completely (as expected by the Democrats design and intentions). The expected blame will be dumped solidly upon the conservatives and the tea party by the administration and the media...the warning bells of impending disaster will sound yet again over the debt and so forth...

Europe destabalizes even more, the "experts" sound the panic buttons here at home, mass sells go across the place, banks have runs made on them and the government over the next few months calls for a 'do not panic, we are here to help...' series of bailouts and such with more massive debt...

Our credit rating internationally tanks, and with massive supplies of money in circulation, hyper inflation begins with no end in sight; another economic collapse appears to be imminent.

Warnings go out of draconian cuts will need to be made, austerity packages to "save what we can" while blame falls again on the rich and the conservatives...

During the spin up of the election cycles, the Democrats slam home the repeated messages of the failure of both conservatism and the free market system with the usual suspect reasons (too little regulation, too little government, etc.)

Mr Obama and many others come right out and declare their support for a "new society" with the phrase of "FDR gave us the new deal, we will give you the New Dawn or something along those lines.

The counterfeit tea party, the 99%s arise suddenly (via Soros backing through Van Jones and the many groups he supports), and when swept into power as an alternate third party to the Democrats and the Republicans, make the final transformation into a socialist-progressive nightmare that is the end game for the Republic and our nation forever.

Think it cannot happen?
Just consider it from their point of view and see how crazy it really sounds?  

I added to snowlepard "
Your right! Problem and reason Glen is feeling, with a lot of US(A), the uneasy? Choices regarding which law to support between internal government of Conscience with Declaration of Principles-Independence with applied Law as Constitutionally protected sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation versus External Government of "Group-think socialism" is heading it's tyrannical, usurptive "Flagship - The Patient Protection and Affordable Act (forget the word 'care')" to the "Supreme Law of the Court" sans "Common Law" and Declaration of Principles because at least 3 of the 9 Justices deny the existence of the Declaration as a document of the rights of the Individual and of the individual as part of the whole named America with security to those rights inherent by the Consent to Governed....!!  "We the Elected People" have chosen not to support law which is unconstitutional from the Floor(s) of Congress...for many years; but now there is G. Soros and B. Obama with all the cohorts including the traditional-heartbed of socialism - Unions especially as Government-taxpayer supported income of control...and the biggest difference:  FDR finished his Socialism, our Soldiers came home, we had General Eisenhower, and a NATION  with complete FREEDOM from government to produce, distribute, R&D in virtually every aspect of Life and Liberty with Pursuit the goal..of every person.  WWII was also clearly a statement against the blatant inhumanity by certain few, well-known, friends of the most deadly killers of person..their 'spirit' against Jews and other races including POW's.  That came together to save our Nation.  

But in 2011, forget all of post-WWII's opportunities because we now are locked-signed-sealed and delivered to:  write EO to disregard Congress, Central controlled including all cabinets joined into each one cabinet - interlinked (See EO 13575) -  Executive Branch of Congress. 

Our resources, assets which include each person and person-as-business, and everything that is part of "But we know the Law is good, if a man use it Lawfully; Knowing this that the Law is NOT MADE FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners (those not of "Religion and Morality"), for unholy and profane,....for liars..and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine..(I far as you want to read); is being removed to control by the Executive Branch. This usurpation is not recognized by the general public and is not addressed by Congress. There is no business or thought of business which will take place.....unless the one or more of 2600 Federal (and State) Level Agencies determine, define, write Regulations, enforce Those Regulations, and adjudicate without a court of law regarding their own inspector's reports of violations of those regulations. 

If you aren't sick, you should be. If you don't think it's important, that's why Glen and everyone else (mostly Teapartiers relating to 2nd and 4th Amendment violations) is worried; and that's why the One Candidate for President, Ron Paul, who has said he will defund Agencies like EPA, Education, FCC and Energy, is ignored!  He represents the best impediment to the Socialists, because more and more of America of "Religion and Morality" KNOW the Law is Good, but there is 100% absent lawful use of the Law...and the law is mostly very, very "inconsistent and not derived" from the Law which is Supreme - "..superior to ALL OTHER public acts, whether by officials or private citizens.  Any Statute, EO, or COURT RULING.."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Important Part of: Why when we say "We are a Nation of Law, do we disparage..

 Here's the James 2:14, 17-19: "My brothers, what is the use of anyone declaring that he has faith, if he has no deeds to show?...So faith, unless it had deeds, is dead in itself. ... someone will object, 'And you claim to have faith'! Yes, and I claim to have deeds as well; you show me your faith without any deeds, and I will show you by my deeds what faith is! You believe in one God? Well and goods. So do the devils, and they shudder. .." because...

 The "deeds to show" represent the work of life, and liberty at learning, living and writing the "Nature and Nature's God"; then acknowledging the evil present in the 1770-76 lives here and in England of "They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ..(paragraph 28 of Declaration)". The direct parallel is striking between events of 1776 and 2011: 13/26 "abuses" complaints are true of Obama's Regime and the 2011 abuses have as much injustice as all the George III abuses combined.

Because 100% of the list, albeit a short list because there isn't enough electricity to make a complete list, are with full knowledge and intent to perform evil against the 235 year Constitutional Republic of the United States. This history created for the man-made 'open society' which forbids "Speak, act, as those who are to be judged by the law of freedom; for the judgment will be merciless to the man who has shown no mercy----whereas the merciful life will triumph in the face of judgment. Do not defame one another, brothers, he who defames or judges his brother defames and judges the Law; and if you judge the Law, you pass sentence on it instead of obeying it. One alone is the legislator, who passes sentence; it is He who is able to save and to destroy; who are you, to judge your neighbor? 

Faith in God's Law. Faith in the Principles and Application of the Principles in our unique in mortal-man's history on this Globe "Rule of Law"...and Congress-members, you are "faith, unless it has deeds, is dead in itself" as you allow by each-member's deeds of silence, by your submission to a belief in the power of one man with a political-group named "union administration" supported and paid for by tax-paying Citizens of OUR NATION; and by your belief that Only the Greater Number - Collective, determines how Law shall be defined, written, enforced, adjudicated and under what circumstances.

Thus you aid and abet the actions of evil the partial list delineates; compromise the sovereignty of person, State, and Nation. You allow the Republic to be replaced by a form of government disguised as Democracy, but in fact-- borderless nations and jurisprudence - ruled by the United Nations's via its Charter-Mission Statement-WSIS Declaration of Principles-and its demand to be the Only Source of Enviornmental control over 'saving the enviroment' via "right of opinion without interference-#4 of WSIS" ... and

as long as you ignore the 'monolith' government has become from State to Federal levels, the destruction of our Creator's greatest gift to man on this Globe: Natural rights to control each person's and each person-as-business, life - Liberty - and PURSUIT of whatever happiness looks like...which includes the right to be long as it does not interfere with "..and avoid depriving others of those rights..". Allowing perpetration of injustice by refusing to Legislate respect for and the complete nature of the Constitution as applied Law, FROM THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS, by demanding and not acknowledging or allowing 'ANTI-LAW' to have voice in deed or law. We are a Republic and that is the purpose with the reason "A CONGRESS" IS the word for "All Legislative Powers herein granted..".

Please stop working with a budget from a Committee designed by 'open-society' - socialists who have no regard or respect for Rule of Law - especially as governance expressed "---That to secure these rights, GovernmentS ARE instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed.

Please take action against the absent "Rule of Law" occurring daily through at least one of the 2600 Agencies of the APPOINTED stronghold of Union-Administered, Employee-member, line management of Regulation via injustice and distorted Nature - absent Nature's God. Just closing down and or defunding Education with EPA would save several Trillion dollars. And yes, remove the 15% increase and growing employment of bureaucratic, union employees with the union's agenda of power-control-demand-decree. Making All government Employment 'Open-shop' would help a tiny-bit; adding self-responsibility for retirement costs a large amount of tax-payer saving; and our Nation could, again work without "the list" of partial injustice continuing...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why, when we say “We are a Nation of Law”, do we disparage..

Why, when we say “We are a Nation of Law”, do we disparage the”..showing faith in deeds..” of our Founders written and expressed through both Declaration and  Supreme Law of the Land; in favor of  “.. faith without deeds, is dead in itself..1”, demonstrated by  the following?:

— Close canneries, an exercise of religious practice of  more than 211 years for Dept. of Agriculture “sanitation” reasons; 
— remove or attempt to remove ebony from a guitar company, who orders this product from a 3rd world Nation, because of “threat” to environment — after more 121 years; 
— remove a family’s home, bordering the Everglades, because of “threat” to environment including the new requirement, of no more paved roads - lets fires burn- no “person4” has access unless defined and enforced by EPA and the United Nation’s “International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)” supported by Executive Order twice; 
— 331,000 lbs. of ground beef confiscated because of E.coli - absent important fact; 
— illegal aliens are entitled to the privileges and, therefore, immunities in declaring by appointed Dept. Director care in illness and education from kindergarten through university; 
— legislative ‘persons’ decree that sexual deviation not only shall be taught in kindergarten through Community College, but also ‘persons’ as teachers shall not “opt-out” from teaching the indoctrination of facts defined by government decree; 
— States shall not protect their borders above the dictate and decree of the Federal level of government - with the Federal level of government disobeying the Federal Code of Regulations; — ‘persons’ may carry handguns and rifles, but all shall be registered by the State; 
— All citizens (including illegals from above) Shall Participate in “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”; The Director of Health and Human Services of the appointed Executive Branch of government shall have 100% jurisdiction of this Act, ‘grants’ shall be utilized to support 122 new bureaus over 5 years; the 5W’s with H of providing care shall be dictated and defined by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, and review of these decisions by Congress are allowed only as an “up or down vote”- no amendments or changes via debate; and all loans for college shall be administered and controlled by the Federal government;
— no building, opening of business - any size, nature, purpose shall be allowed unless EPA, City, County, State, and Federal fees, taxes, requirements for licensing, descriptions of limitations, and use of light, water, heat, cooling, furniture, toxic elements, dangerous elements, are properly ensconced into the proper, multiple, duplicating, parts of government. The fines and fees are necessary to the self-perpetuating, financial resource for each area of that government’s department existence; 
— fingerprinting, criminal record checks, scanning ‘mortal body’ for “threat” of bombs or other crimes also discovered by search and seizure; identification to declare self-identity with failure to submit resulting in:  person-property-effects are confiscated; detainment with arrest; ‘person’ is not allowed to enter or to continue Pursuit of an occupation; and applications for employment shall be ignored and discarded - regardless of resume of qualifications.
— cities are threatened by fine for not allowing the ‘EPA’s - EIR planning employee’ determine the redevelopment project - going forward - on city land defined in purpose of housing placement and design by EPA via ICLEI. Governments fining governments all with taxpayer money!!!! 
— California Constitution: Article II:5(a): “..All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by the candidate or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise qualified to vote for candidates for the office in question. The candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall, regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election...... (b)..a candidate for a congressional or state elective office may have his or her political party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicated upon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute. A political party or party central committee shall not nominate a candidate for any congressional or state elective office at the voter-nominated primary. This subdivision shall not be interpreted to prohibit a political party or party central committee from endorsing, supporting, or opposing any candidate for a congressional or state elective office. A political party or party central committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office...”.  Elimination of We the People’s right to determine who their candidate shall be within the philosophy of the Party - and the elimination of candidates competing for philosophical political party position at the Primary or first selection of party candidate by “We the People”!!  No Political party = only one political party or that collective-group which comprise greater number without any governance philosophy stated, required, or accurately represented by that candidate; and absent recognition of political party named “union”.
— Education - controlled by  state, federal: determine content of indoctrination disguised as education of the Posterity of our Nation. Mayflower Compact is taught without the first paragraph2; Declaration is taught without the first paragraph2  Axiom “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..”; God is forbidden and the expression of America via “The American’s Creed” by William Tyler Page 1917, Clerk of The House of Representatives - is also forbidden. Islam is not nor is any of the above.
— Leaning English is slowed and/or forbidden (San Diego County grammar sch. which allow ALL classes and assemblies in Spanish), often by the cultures arriving in the U.S.A. The “person’s” who allow themselves to be controlled by the ideas, principles, law, and anti-law of the English-speaking persons...deprive and dispossess themselves of their ‘person’ natural rights to life, liberty, and happiness.  Further, when the no-English immigrant allows his vote to be determined by another English-understanding person...they give-up their “One with God” - One with The Declaration of Independence and Constitution” which means the non-English understanding-writing individual also deprives and dispossess his “self” of Sovereignty. “English is the Language..California’s Constitution Article III:6(a-d).”

Constitutional Law or the Republican form of Government: “A people governed by a Republic must be controlled by their own virtue. Virtue is determined by individual character. In other words, people with less self-control need more external control [or dictated, control by despots who treat and persistently perform ill will “ law is ever made for honest people..3”]; people with more self-control do not need much external government.”3 Jefferson, Madison, Reagan, Fred Rogers, Walt Disney, you and most of the people you know...Americans as Americans shall always have conscience of self-governance, in spite of the Soros-Obama-United Nations Charter-Mission Statement and MSIS dictates to the contrary. 

The point, from the list above: Some actions against person or ‘person as business4’  will never see a court of law at any level of government; some mostly as Referendum or Initiative process, some at the State Levels of adjudication, some District, and fewer still, Supreme. But each and every one is a violation of faith and the Divine Law which is the American Soul and Spirit..written as Principle in the Declaration and as Law in our Constitution. 

Most important, from Article I:1,7clause2, when a Governor or President signs the “Law”, regardless of “Supreme Law”, the Act or Bill, and now Executive Order, Shall be implemented by  all Departments, Division, commissions, bureaus, without regard for consent or life, liberty, and Pursuit of happiness of every”person” and “person as business” in the State or Nation. Because the specific Act or Bill has not finished, considered, or answered either legislative or the  courts process of the outcome of adjudication for law versus anti-law4. And Yes, that does mean that though we are a Nation of Law, the law is selective between mortal man’s definition and interpretation without Divine, Common, Constitutional Principles in law.  

So,  many months pass before any adjudication takes place. Anti-law which is what the above list represents, becomes the spider crawling through government’s halls to create its web...against our Constitution’s document of Responsibilities. “Our Constitution is actually composed of two parts: responsibilities and rights. Responsibilities are underlying duties associated with our form of [republican] government and rights are the protections afforded to [US(A)] by the Constitution.3”.

The implementation as law of any Bill or Act, which is under question for legality or constitutionality, whether by one person or ‘person-as-business’, or against regulations by appointed agents of government acting without constitution,  court, initiative, referendum, should - shall not be implemented because the duties and responsibilities of government are in question from “We the People’s consent.   

Those born and educated-indoctrinated for the years approximately 1958 to this date in public schools, never learned and are not aware that The Bible, Common Law, The Magna Carta, The Declaration and The Constitution, not have age. Age is a term for mortal-man. God’s Divine Law continues from Adam and Eve, with repetitions throughout the history of mankind, to this day, and forward so long as there is the presence of mortal-man who writes Bills, Acts, Laws, Regulations, Definitions, Distortions, Censorship, Absent science of fact, manipulated of those persons of little knowledge, those who deny a supreme Lawgiver, and deny Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom that God promises and delivers.  

1. James 2: 14, 17-19; The Bible, a New Translation; James Moffatt, D.D., D.LITT,  M.A.Oxford); 1954

2. “Quit Bossing Us Around” The Declaration of Independence” by Carole Marsh, Gallopade International; ; “Colonial America - History Pockets”; p.24 Mayflower Compact; Evan-Moor, EMC 3709 – Both absent “Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties.” or God in history from this date backward to the writing of the Bible.

3. “A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution, Learning From the Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders” by Joseph Andrews;; pp.30-31.

4. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland:— “The individual component of the polity is the “person”, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including Both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.”    —  “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statue, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it Is Unconstitutional and Null and Void from Inception.”  — “An unconstitutional statue is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.”

Friday, November 11, 2011

Supporting our “Rule of Law”

The so-called “Super-Committee” made -up of just the string instruments of the orchestra representing “ particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns (Congress 1828 dictionary)” is not enough to accomplish Representative Republic Form of Government for 308, 053,871 people.  Congress is made up of 531 “Persons” or 580,140/Person. That is the responsibility, “Religion and Morality”, service, and duty Each-One-Of-You decided to undertake in becoming Members of the Congress of the United States of America.

The “Super-Committee” as has been said before, is solely the “grey-matter” design of one Person who, with his cohorts, has decided, al la Chrysler Corporation, that “Rule of Law” is old, dusty, and totally irrelevant to modern history (Time Magazine writer and Obama/ghostwriter biographies). These People are also the hirelings of separation of church and state when church means “religion” of the First Amendment. Also, wrong “religion” means obedience to God’s Law from which All Law is derived...  That Means the Rule of Law is no more dusty than the “grey-matter” of this group of <20 “dictators”.  This group of <20 dictators (just counting President and Congress-members with Obama-ilk for this essay), has managed to place more of their disobedience both into Bills and Acts into District Courts, while implementing contents before ruling is made and their version of “stuffing” and “steam-rolling” Socialism into all life, liberty, and Pursuit of ___yours to fill-in (Freedom), than Roosevelt, Wilson, Hoover, and FDR combined.

“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” is the Flagship of the Socialist Party of the United States in conjunction with Open-Society of Soros-Obama. These  can be fully understood in their ‘man-kind absent Devine law or Declaration of Independence’, at the United Nation’s Charter, Mission Statement, and MSIS’s 12/12/2003 Declaration of Principles, and on You Tube in Free Movies “Zeitgeist: the Movie”.  Because of these,  “greater number” or “popular vote” have become the “Rulers of Law”.

 This is a repudiation of All the Mayflower Compact - 150 year of Colonial America, 1776 and 1789 with 57 Founders gave their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor to Leave this 2011 Congress and People. This is a repudiation of “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men..” — The first time in human history since Adam and Eve, both documents apply the ultimate statement of God’s Law has occurred here on earth as evidenced by “The Bible”, though Britain made the first start with the “Magna Carta”.

When “a Congress” is looking at passing this budget, or anything else set before it; Congress as “The Assembly” of 531 members of “We the People” must act as if each-one-person is at home with their individual family..With God first, Nation Second, family third..then downward.  The ‘revelation’ that we Congress-members) can’t possible read all the Bills, Acts, Amendments that come before “A Congress”, is a repudiation of the “Concert” or orchestra with music and harmony that “All Men are capable of”.  It also reflects the absence of Step One of “All Legislation Powers herein granted..” which means before a Bill, Act, or anything goes anywhere in the megalith of Federal level government, The Question is Answered: Does it belong in the Federal Government? The debate, if required (yes, for Socialists and Democrats) must follow the rules of debate: challenge: this __ does not meet requirements for Federal Level of gov. for the following reasons:__.   Writer/Sponsor Must answer and must prove - not justify - prove why the Bill conforms To the 1789 + Amendments up to the 16th (16th is not included - inconsistent and not derived from the 1789 Constitution). The Bill goes nowhere if not consistent and derived from the Constitution.  The is a “Hamilton’s Test for Constitution of Bills” available.

Given the Budget is probably in excess of 212,000 pages in 529 Federal Programs, 531 members take one Department each, and with their staff, at least get a glance-over of the location and topics/depart income v. expenses. Though cursory, for “Rule of Law” purposes, easily several billion dollars would be saved- time and money- to All Taxpayers, including the Congress-member with their family; by reading the Article I without the No More Elastic is Left: clause 18; 10th Amendment eliminating, returning to States and Cities, defunding, repealing, and even supporting areas (like the essential care to those who genuinely need assist of Home Health/Hospice RN, LVN/LPN, PT, OT, SLP, MSW, and CHHA) of Federated “Tiny-Tip” level of government.

An example of elimination: Education. Why?  Indoctrination complete with distorted, absent, lie, and any resemblance to history is a mistake - forget God and Country, but Sexual Deviation and Islam are extra credit.  Management 101 at Palomar Community College is Boss - Linear - downward to worker- who must only answer bosses questions and when logic or fact is missing = eat(your information) it because it shall be ignored.  Meaning we have students indoctrinated without Management’s #1 Rule: “DO unto others as you would have Others Do Unto You”.  All Management studies by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Powell and other Leaders in Learning for Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom (Proverbs) are forbidden.  State Level Education also requires removal - same reasons. I have in my possession educatorers Declaration, Constitution, and colonial America written  by university grads with lots of letters after their names.  Declaration is taught without the first paragraph, without the 27 complaints to George III or with 9 or less depending on the writer’s “opinion without interference” (“that’s your opinion and you have a right to it” - if you haven’t looked-up “opinion” in 1828, you cannot appreciate the damage this one piece of “focus” education has caused to several generations). The Constitution is ridiculous written piece of political distortion; and Mayflower compact is taught without its 1st Paragraph.  BTW, the first paragraphs are acknowledge to God and to His Law as applied to the futures of life, liberty and Pursuit of happiness for all the above.

All 531 Congress-Person’s earn their Seats, Perform their Duty not only to our Nation; but also to their Person before God and for the Posterity whether they have children or not. Parenting is Not a prerequisite to responsibility for “Learning” for all Posterity as a duty of each Natural and Naturalized Citizen of the United States.

All 531 Congress-members have the duty, service, to stop any Executive Order from funding or notice.  This President has no regard for or respect of Person as individual or Person as business work for their Pursuits which are the Base of the Federated Pyramid because those Persons represent “Congress” and concert which provide the music(taxes) the ‘tiny-tip’ Fed. Require for only its enumerated powers.  He demonstrates both disobedience and disrespect for “Rule of Law” which means his “Religion and Morality” do not exist — just as the Principles of the Declaration do not exist.

Now can you see why enumerated powers are necessary: Not just limiting government. Making it practical considering the Nation and its International Roles. Maintaining sovereignty at the person (Orchestra Pit), Person as business (instruments to hear with); Town, County, State representing interests of local through state. All with respect to 10th and the protection to life, liberty, and pursuit of “person”.

Just performing the above, will return our Nation to responsibility to Both our Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America with the required fiscal, lawful respect to Our Founder’s work, and to every American in or out of War, who goes to work and lives life with liberty every day...the vast majority with inherent “The Law is good if a man use it wisely. Knowing this that the Law is good, Law is Not written for the righteous, but for the wrongdoer, the disobedient, the ungodly, the murderer, the profane,....(from I Timothy 1: 8). Because God is Inherent to our Nation and to His Universe.

1) Please realize when you vote, that you are also voting your agreement with Socialism and the current monolith; perpetuating Departments which should not exist at the Federal Level of government; and Shall Continue, uncontrolled destruction of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of which is locked into “Religion and Morality”.  See the two-sided sword: spend-die; stop spending - allow person as sovereign — life liberty as enterprise, jobs, ....

2) Please discontinue any relation to a “Super” committee.  The bias and predetermined use of taxation against people and people as business is so well documented by the US Debt Clock of $133,218.00 per Taxpayer (includes you) and $47,915 per Citizen. Difference is $85,303.00 or at least 1/4 of the money required for a small business to start-up!!!

Thank you, One Patriot among several million

Monday, November 7, 2011

You, me, every Natural and Naturalized Citizen are now official members

of the ‘Collective of the Socialist States of America’ created with George Soros, Barak Obama, United Nations, Radical Islam, as the ‘Absolute Rulers’.  Obama’s words, actions and deeds actually prefer the transitional manipulator-descriptor: “Democracy” without the Socialist attached, because that way he can obtain support from Citizen’s, emphasis on college-age demonstrators of ignorance and entitlement who genuinely do not know anything about founders or the Two documents,  who have never questioned government size, force, confiscation, dictate, decree, including absent, censored and twisted information.

Congress-Members, Lawyers, Justices, and Judges of both Nation and State support all actions by the Obama Regime by their Silence.  Their silence combined with the ease by displacement for taxation and maximum damage to our economy, with the losses to business, ownership of property and jobs; which act to divert attention from the violations of our Nation’s “Rule of Law”.  When confronted, too many Congress-members lose their “sovereignty of person”  because they cannot and will not have faith and/or believe the Way, the Truth, and the Light of  “Religion and Morality” contained in Both Declaration and Constitutions of the United States of America..

Our Republican form of Representative government-members do not believe the Founder’s word and work in writing, stating and acting for Both Founding Documents: That unconstitutional Bills, Acts, Amendments, can be stopped from the floor of Congress by filibuster; by absent signatures of 2 members or Less from one Party of the People’s Representatives; by the current majority of Republicans in the House - stopping both Senate (socialist majority with traditional Dems forbidden to be heard) and the President from perpetrating more financial damage on the life, liberty, and pursuits of US(A). Or that declaring on the floor of Congress that a Bill, Act, or Amendment is unconstitutional and the writer of the Bill, Act, Amendment must answer - using ‘logic and classical argument’ with up or down being determined by the Principles in the Declaration and the Law of our Constitution “concert measures of common good and mutual concern” for our Nation as Representatives of “the People”.  Both Document’s support require participation of every one member of the total 524 in Congress.  Both require each person as individual and as member of a political**** party***** in concert with all principles of governance including Internal Government of Conscience manifested by their Oath of Office.

Each one Congress-member is in the orchestra. The Conductor is We the People through Declaration as Principle and Supreme Law as Constitution. That is the Standard of Supreme Law: Internal Government of Conscience - ‘Religion and Morality’.  You see, it is only easy for the power and authority of Socialism to eliminate from Law the “Political” “Party” meaning any group which doesn’t agree with ‘socialism-democracy-union-political party-member of collective humans- controlled and defined by the now, Executive Branch of our Nation’s government.’ If you think Obama is out campaigning for 2012 President— you are wrong. He is out utilizing Lucifer Alinsky’s 14 tactics (#13, 3-5, 8 ranking as favorites, but all 13 are used) often combined with Cloward-Piven (Piven is ‘in Person’ to impress the eager, never-taught America, college student6), but can be Piven alone - not capitalism - they have pretty much devoured that problem; now its regulations, licensing, inspection with write-up penalty decided before entering the business (Ebony at Gibson Guitar, or all plans and requirements met to build a home near the coast- until EPA arrives, unannounced!).

 The saying is that “We are a Nation of law.”; but that law does not include understanding, supporting and defending our Supreme Law of the Land on the floor of Congress before and not require any lower court of man - Judges.  Refusing to support from the floor of Congress one man is qualified and capable of determining unlawful applications and reading of “We the People in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice...”, is an blatant not Truth.  And by making the decision to support the myth that another court, below the Supreme Court must rule, Congress as Representative of Natural and Naturalized, honest citizens must wait - interminably long periods of time while injustice and absent consent of the People continue “Anti-law1”  applications of Regulations, Acts, Fines, Fees, usurpation with violations of just about every Article in our 1789 ratified Constitution, with many of the first 14 Amendments - including the 11th .  Obama’s Laws become signed Law and “anti-law” but wait for court action,  application of bill, act, regulation via 2600 Agency defined illegal penalty of person or person as business, continue to be implemented into the spider-web structures of life defined and implemented by Socialism.

To put Obama’s and California’s Socialist anti-law writing another way, they put the law in court--- time passes, We the People wait.  The attorneys decide which question to ask, with which precedent to utilize----time passes; the AG holds off any action by any lawyer in government (in California - simply refuses on personal grounds or ignores completely as non-existent question)-----time passes; a court date is set and the preliminaries take place including whether the court will hear the Bill, Act issue at all ------ time passes.  No information is imparted to the People who give consent or no accurate, often censored information is given to those ‘People’ who depend solely on the TV for facts. The “fair” regulation of FCC infamous definition continues and-------time passes.  It is only 48 months..but look at all the ingrained into every level of life, liberty, and pursuit of people by city-county-state-federal government, taught to children and to aliens coming to America about ‘democracy’, - ‘terrible Republican or Teaparty’; but– never, never the great savior Union Political Party or Islam, or group-think without the think-part of education.. ‘We are a Nation of Law’ becomes the entrapment of Socialist Law into life, fortune, and sacred honor of each “person”; with Law determined and written, .rather than Congress... by appointed Judges and Justices who rule and adjudicate based on the precedent of the decision of what part of the minutia of law decided to be heard - if it’s heard (Obama’s Birth location).

Even though all men are created equal, are Members of the species Homo Sapiens with cognitive attributes5 which include the contents of Proverbs, I and II Timothy, Deuteronomy, Peter, Samuel, Jacob, ‘Maroni, Mormon from The Book of Morman’ and the other Chapters of  The Book of Law for each one “man” in God’s unchanging time as history of mankind.   If the Bill or Act doesn’t have to go to court, the People’s Representatives  prefer to support, either through silence, or passive agreement with Obama’s socialist “greater number” as the absolute determiner of the stature and content of Bills, Acts, or Amendments without Political Party affiliation – exception Union Administration Political Party which taxes without representation via closed-shop payment of government employees wages and benefits  – determined, written, defined, and regulated by the Union’s Administration with union paid attorney’s = quasi-government.  Union Administration is the manager for the employed members of 2600 Agency’s of Federal and Lesser number of Agency’s of States.

Thus the Principles contained in the Declaration:   “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.. with Creator given unalienable Natural Rights, which combined together are the essence of freedom for All Mankind regardless of location or circumstance on this Globe of God’s Universe; and The Principles of the Constitution as Protection: sovereignty of ‘person’ as one-at-a-time; of State, and of our Nation; and
Biblical: I Timothy 1: 6-11 “..Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp. I am well aware that ‘the Law is admirable’ — provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane*, .....immoral persons,...liars, perjurers and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted..2” are inclusively        
over-ruled by ‘collective, mass, greater number-popular vote’ rule commonly referred to as Democracy but are socialist with Obama’s regime, and include the Socialist States lemming agreement.  Obama has the infamous distinction of the Only President in our history to completely abandon from within 24 days of entering office, the entire Federated - Republican form of government; and from Chrysler Corporation edict with confiscation, to many EO’s, to “Patient Protection...”; including all regulations deriving from the Executive Branch, Agency czars, White House policies.

Absent is any  resemblance to government with the consent of the governed represented by “elected We the People”.  Granted, “We the People - elected and citizens” have enough ignorance combined with absent information; and with utter disbelief at the intensity and speed at which this President has demonstrated his failure at “Religion and Morality “;  “ a conceited, ignorant creature, with a morbid passion for controversy and argument which leads only to envy, dissension, insults, insinuations, and constant friction between people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the Truth. ..(I Timothy 6:4-5.)2” of his, from birth, Socialism.

Here are the parts, often totally absent from ‘We the People” and state-federal-local school board’s education of the unique characteristics of America and Americans, acting against our Declaration’s “..when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,..”; and acting against the Constitution’s Article IV:4 guarantee of Republican form of government, with Article V which instructs in how a change in the Republican form of government may take place; and the 9th and 10th Amendments for direction in protection from Obama-Soros-UN governments. The Declaration delineated in the 27 abuses perpetrated by George III; and repeated by Obama in  13 of the 27 abuses as follows: 1) “He has refused his Assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”: — Chrysler Corp. - Patient Protection - Executive Orders 97/97 many of which were initiated without going through Article I Legislative Process - shifting all Power to the Executive Branch of Government — power, edict, control of money and business through “America’s financial Security Act”.

 2) No change in 2010-11 from 1776 required:  “He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained...”---- Illegal crossing into Arizona, who lawfully wrote law to correct and protect its Citizens - Natural and Naturalized; providing taxpayer money for medical and education benefits as edict and decree via ‘appointed Department Heads (HHS, Homeland Security); supported illegal gun-running for drug cartels who use Illegal aliens as a means to cross and control border trafficking.

3)       2009-2011 Obama Requires  adjustment in word order: 1776 “He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in legislature, ..”  Changes Article I:I defines “..a Congress..” as 2011 “coitus” or rhythm of intercourse verses 1828 “concert measures for common good” with “The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic”; resulting in relinquish the right of representation of the people living in the Districts of 171 Republicans and 34 Democrats elected House of Representatives. These 205 elected Representatives in the House of Representatives by Not Placing their Signatures to “Patient protection and Affordable Act”, did not arrive at any harmony in concert of measures for common concern; and while not the majority of both a Republic when One Party does not participate in Law formation, – the  law is not passed by both houses  – before signature to Law by the President (Article I:7,8). And Obama’s instituted ‘collective’ mass of people as greater number or popular - without Party Affiliation, - as the Standard by which all Law in our Nation Shall be written.

Party designation is removed from the “writers and sponsors” of Bills, Acts, Amendments - in Congress (see; and in Hawaii, Washington(see websites of respective states with attention to socialist (D) v Repub.); and California’s Constitutional, Republican form of government,  new Article II:5(a)(b) as expression in anti-law of  “the candidates that are the top two vote-getters” “may have his or her political party preference or lack of political party preference disclosed by the candidate”. Please Note, all readers: The Republican Party (of party affiliation must not be mentioned by candidate or voter and party cannot endorse) of Congress and of California’s Senate are the minority party. It Is The Smaller Number Party in Both Houses of Legislative Government, in governments currently PREVENTING in Congress ‘steam-roller, socialism with spending to completely destroy or reduce the 1% increase in the people’s business world of jobs and life with liberty to less than 1% while, socialist-obama government increases 15%; and in California from the Socialist Legislature from increasing taxes because there are just enoough Republican Senators to stop the 2/3rds Majority Socialists from passing tax increases..and our Referendum for Re-mapping precincts and districts for those running for Congress, State Offices-Senate, and the little known, but very dictate-decree-demand with force Board of Equalization shall go to the California Supreme Court for re-drawing.

 ‘We the people’ are also members of “a Congress” or assembly.. Demonstrated by the ‘concert measures of the common good and adjust mutual concerns’ echoing by our Votes- our consent to our Legislators in Congress and in our State.  Obama declaring Democracy does not make it so.  California’s Union Political Socialist Party (demise of Democratic, with Republican under attack) also may not declare a State- to be a Democracy - in opposition to Supreme Law.  Open-society, a..k.a “zeitgeist” can’t have a group-mind named party affiliation.

4)         In relation to “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” requires no alteration and occurred exactly as stated 1776 and 12/2009: “He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository or their public Records, for the sole purpose of
fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.” This is Mrs. Pelosi’s contribution to unconstitutional force, dictate, control.

8)        “He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.”  Guantanamo and the Radical Jihad; the building of a mosque on American soil by a member of Radical Jihad; using taxpayer money to sue Arizona and attack BP an accidental (albeit suspicions) spill - outside of Law...Executive Marshall Law with the entire closing of all America’s offshore drilling thus allowing foreign nations - with at least one enemy of this Nation, access to drilling platforms and equipment for the President’s “Opinion without Interference” of Petroleum Companies in General and BP specifically — absent equal protection. His selection for Supreme Law of the Land Justice Kagen at You Tube video - has no idea of the connection between the Principles of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States - let alone the Bible of Divine Law from which Magna Carta and Common Law derive - even grating the Senators allowed and gave permission for this injustice to occur.

10)        is another which requires no change word for word 1776 to 2011: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat** out their substance.

13)       “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation”. Obama’s acceptance of the United Nation’s 100% belief in the Truth and Accuracy of global Warming with the addition of the UN right to affirm that it can define, decree, and enforce via World Court parental absent rights with regard to their family’s children3; then the new expression of Socialism-Open Society: “Opinion without Interference” manifested by taxpayer-EPA going to cities to enforce or fine EIR’s by requiring fees for placing DUA housing on city property4 - there is no due process in the EPA vs City in 50 states - simply decree and dictate. The city is using taxpayer dollars to pay the fees and fines; and losing the land rights to boot! Loans from China with imports to such a large degree, that no USA products are available and few other nations import such as Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, South American not under dictatorship, but increasing agricultural products from Mexico while shutting off water to California’s Delta.  The Marxist-Alinsky  “The end justifies the means is out-dated in dictate, centralized Socialism of the Soros’ mentality and replaced by  “opinion without interference3”.

16) “For cutting off Trade with all parts of the world.”  Does need change because it is backwards: Debasing, closing, fining out of existence via EPA, Sanitary, Agriculture, Mining and any of the 2600 Dept. at Fed + thousand at State Level Departments with regulations and requirements costing thousands - so that the United States shall not remain a world leader in production, research and development of goods and services with the benefits to the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of its people over the other nations of the World as Obama-Soros-13 men of Zeitgeist interpret government on this globe sans God, but trade as imports overflow our markets.

17) “For imposing taxes without our consent.”   That’s the PPAA redo named “Super-committee” job of finding dollars throughout the United States by “opinion without interference”   And the silence of the Union-Political-Party of Guaranteed Seats in State and Federal legislatures and all “super trains” - roads, bridges, public buildings, communications, computer airwaves, drugs, agriculture, energy, mining, public lands as parks, private lands as EIR’s with coastal commissions, and now utilizing - majority-greater number-popular, without political party as sole means of top two  vote-getters, to keep the 2/3rds minority party from stopping the relentless  “Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and with regard to any census or enumeration.” The 16th Unconstitutional Amendment masquerading as an important addition to the Supreme Law of the Land, but as you can experience now in 2011 and throughout our history since its inception, a very, very “inconsistent” and “not derived from it” and is therefore Null and Void from inception. Again, not directly related to Obama, i.e. Obama didn’t write it, but he sure does love it for its Socialism applications!!  Unions are the employers of all government workers City, County, State and Federal – except for the 3 or 4 States which are open-shop. It is tax money which pays these “workers” their wages, benefits, and dues to their administrations. No member of “We the People” elect, or have any say over the use of Minimum prevailing wage- retirement packages, or the 15% growth of employment at the government levels versus 1% in what has become the socialist’s antithesis and what is left of business in America...the location of real jobs with income which gives taxes in proportion along with the life, liberty and pursuit of individuals interests, hobbies, and life in general.

18)     “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of  Trial by Jury.”. Trial of any sort: the antithesis of ALL Departments, Agencies, Commissions, agents, contractors, and people of all sorts hiding behind the 11th Amendment (bearing in mind the 11th hadn’t been written yet; and when it was..didn’t even consider these actions by government as part of protection of government’s actions).  What is one of the worse parts of government without “Religion and Morality” or Law based on God’s Laws, is that there is 100% absent accountability in any real sense of the word, for the damages as loss of life, liberty, fortune and sacred honor suffered by any one person or ‘person as business’. Disaster happening in real time against real people - like California’s Delta water - stopping nuclear and petroleum development - exploration of outer space, and the inner space of spirit and mortal man, regulation by decree, dictate, enforcement and adjudication will continue to occur under our Nation’s Obama-Socialism.

20)      “For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging it Boundaries *** so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies.”  2011 change province to State with airports for Homeland security’s government approval of accusation of criminal act of bombing by performing searches and seizures, via promotion and enforcement of Law against the honest person with confiscation of not only possessions, but also life and liberty – no due process!

21)      “For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our government.”  Constitution is abolished, unless it helps “opinion without interference” or the 11th Amendment; Socialist of collective mass with greater number and without political party. Voter-getters of greater number. Political Party of Unions unaffected and unaltered in quasi-use of taxpayer money to seat elected officials of their “opinion without interference” throughout government from mosquito abatement to President of the US with every substructure of government in between. Union is synonymous with Socialism - communism.

24)      “He has plundered our seas (commercial fishing), ravaged our coasts (no offshore drilling for the asset named petroleum, natural gas, forestry and other valuable minerals),  burnt our towns, and destroyed via regulation, the lives (and fortunes, liberty, and pursuit) of our people”.            

The Obama Regime, the United Nations, George Soros’ “open-Society”with Zeitgeist are the descriptor of absolute totalitarianism: “centralized control by an autocratic authority; 2.  the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority (Merriam Webster)”.

Why would an otherwise intelligent group of individuals subjugate ‘self-rule’ of our Founder’s magnificent works named Declaration and Constitution to Totalitarianism? Largely because of allowing ‘forget’, ignorance, and lack of foresight regarding the effects of removing the 1828 definition of Religion, with morality recognized a “practical deity” for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver, as the separation of church and state.  Where church means denomination and  is not synonymous with religion as obedience to God’s Laws (www.1828, All 13 abuses combined with ceasing to instruct regarding the Bible, with history, and allowing ignorance to advance combined with absent of Truth. Now add socialism’s requirement of indoctrination induced by Federal and State control, but not by Constitutional Law, over the education of Posterity from Kindergarten through technical schools, and universities.  Controlled censored learning with an idea of “focus” rather than the obtaining of learning techniques revolutionized by Maria Montessori and others which encourage Research, Relate, Reflect, Record/take action with the joy of attaining life’s journey to Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom reflected in Proverbs.  This while rewarding Islam and conformity of person inside the group; rather than ‘concert’ of each member of the orchestra contributing to the successful production of harmony of the whole in the expression of beauty of music with or without words. Education and many areas of ‘person’ with duty, love of nation, combined with the need to support it by voting and participating to protect and defend our Nation of Law Under God.  The problem has been present for more than 40 years.  This President studied Constitutional Law to undermine it and destroy it utilizing cohorts brought together with Soro’s assistance directly or indirectly.

1.        “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.”  Declaration of constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland.

*profane:1828: “1. Irreverent to any thing sacred; applied to persons. A man is profane when he takes the name of God in vain, or treats sacred things with abuse and irreverence. Irreverent; proceeding from a contempt of sacred things, or implying it; as profane words or language; profane swearing. 3. Not sacred; secular; relating to secular things; as profane history.
    Profane 2011: “: to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt : desecrate
                     2. : to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use”.

2.  THE BIBLE A New Translation; James Moffatt, DD,D.Litt, M.A. St. Andrews, Oxford;1954.

**eat: 1828 and 2011 “2. To corrode; to wear away; to separate parts of a thing gradually, as an animal by gnawing. We say a cancer eats the flesh.”

3. United Nations: Charter and Mission Statements; WSIS - Declaration of Principles #4 “..freedom to hold opinions without interference..”; UNICEF “The Children’s Rights and Business Principles Initiative”; “Annex I. The State duty to protect human rights” does not include God’s Laws and is written so that dictators and lawless behavior is tolerated because the UN is the Globe’s Government and could not possibly protect one-person-one-at-a-time; Ecosystem Management.    

4.  City of Escondido, California 10/05/11; Agenda Item 18. “General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report (Case No.: PHG 09-0020)" request for $250,000.

***boundary “A limit; a bound. This word is thus used as synonymous with bound. But the real sense is, a visible mark designating a limit. Bound is the limit itself or furthest point of extension, and may be an imaginary line; but boundary is the thing which ascertains the limit; terminus, not finis.”.

****1828 Political: “Pertaining to policy, or to civil government and its administration. Political measures or affairs are measures that respect the government of a nation or state. So we say, political power or authority; political wisdom; a political scheme; political opinions. A good prince is the political father of his people. The founders of a state and wise senators are also called political fathers.”

*****1928 Party: “1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.

5.  The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common Posterity.” Declaration of Constitutional Principles by Jon Roland.

6.  I had the opportunity to observe young, college socialists in training while working for the “Pension-Reform Initiative”.  They have their ‘duckies in a row’ as long as you don’t give them to much in the information as fact department.