Tuesday, December 27, 2016

And To The Republic for which it Stands, One Nation, Under God, 1789 Ratified supreme Law of the Land, is Not a Commonality-collective-Deluded Democracy

First published on May 20, 2015 5:50 pm:

Whenever Any One Person, alone, in any form of church or state organization, private or within our unique, Federalist Equilateral Triangle of 320,896,766 INDIVIDUAL-CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSONS, transitive and recursive, must violate by blasphemy and apostasy The Creator of His Universe, man in His Image --- the Creator of "The collective name of heaven and earth - ALL THAT BELONGS TO THEM, the WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED THINGS," through violation of the Two Greatest Commands of God within the Ten Commandments; with complete conceit, arrogance, sophistry, ignorance of Both John 8's "the Devil-father evil-father-lie" And Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise; as well as felony,  "convey without notice or clandestinely; gain by address or gradual and imperceptible means,--- with an intent to take what belongs to another, and without his consent--steal in killing of mind/ heart/ will/ truth-conscience of each-one-Constitutional man, woman, and child/ posterity, then:
              "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. I Tell YOU...." [[ALONE-YOUR PERSON, transitive and recursive to all you know and will never know]] "... therefore, men will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, But They Will NOT BE FORGIVEN FOR BLASPHEMING THE SPIRIT... -- TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE. ....Whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven, But WHOEVER SPEAKS AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT - THE TOP OF THE HOLY TRINITY, YOU, ALONE, ON GOD'S LEFT - "...WILL...NEVER....BE.....FORGIVEN, Neither in this world Nor in the world to come. .."            "Either make the tree good and its fruit good...":
Our unique in all mankind's history from the beginning, Republican Form of First / Religion and Second/ morality Table of Laws- moral government of The One Law within the Laws of the THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS:Bible/ God, Declaration of Independence/ Christ -- Right Side, Applied Government of Laws-1789 Ratified Constitution of the United States of America/ YOU, alone --Left Side.

On 11/4/2014 Consent of the Governed to protect and secure Person's unique, Immortal-Soul-Right/Good---- Banished this current 01/20/2009-Anti-Republic under God Regime  by We the People---49-1; though, WE are just beginning to see/ perceive, understand/ listen "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED,----that WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS,  it IS THE RIGHT OF [CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED] TO ALTER OR ABOLISH it, And To Institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect the SAFETY AND HAPPINESS" deriving from "Abide by my words and YOU [[alone, transitive and recursive in all you roles of life]] really will be disciples of mine. YOU...WILL...UNDERSTAND... THE TRUTH...AND THE TRUTH...WILL...SET...FREE.  FREEDOM IS TRUTH IS GOD IN CHRIST IS YOU IN GOD/ CHRIST JESUS---"separate and equal station, Nature's God in Nature's Law "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other;" and "The WHOLE is the SUM of Each-One-Part/ Person composed of unique-Immortal-Soul traveling supreme Law of the Land/ Earth, water, atmosphere, Body.

God in Christ Is Not  just a sect/ form - Church/ Religion, too often performing sin "..—Was there ever a Clergy, that have gained, by their Natural Ascendancy over private Consciences, any important Power in the State, that did not restlessly aspire by every Art, by Flattery and Intrigues, by Bribery and Corruption, by wresting from the People the Means of Knowledge, and by inspiring misterious and awful apprehensions of themselves by Promises of Heaven and by Threats Damnation, to establish themselves in oppulence, Indolence and Magnificence, at the Expence of the Toil, and Industry, the Limbs, the Liberties and Lives of all the rest of Mankind."---John Adams "An Essay on Man's Lust for Power" 3 about three and a half months before the Tea Party,  which is what the rest of his essay performs, i.e., the 5W and H of American Whigs (God and Nation First) against American Tories (Social Progressives-confused-Republican-Liberals-socialist atheists - though most of these folk have no idea that when they lie -- they are violating the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -- among all deeds and words affecting evil store's fiscal, scientific, infringement of Rights of Constitutional person in favor of Judiciary's 1969-70 new superior Law of the Land, often called "Rule of Law" by the UDHR human precept folk, and stated in CLPV-UDHR's government interests against the collective people defined by the self-same government interests -- divorced from We the People, and especially Consent of the Governed.. i.e., What do you think you will receive when the fox's in the chicken coop are defining the chickens they will eat, scare to death, or just plain de-feather?

               "..or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you speak good when you are evil? For the mouth utters what the heart is full of  (Matt.12):
Very few men's hierarchy in horizontal-concrete-layered, Catholic-Papal-humanist-collective-people-democracy-1931's-subsidiarity-committees rule of conduct-force in extortion, martinets;  arbitrary rules of conduct- extortion, devoid truth, trust, promise, just, right; and completely divorced from its 50 State's Citizens, including the enjoinment, violation of Articles I, IV, V, VI, VII with Article II to Article III - Judiciary officially, in word and deed, seceded from 1620-1770-1776-1789 Laws of God and Nation First, ---Treason --  overthrow of our Republic under God to "Foreign Law: socialist-communist-drafted-arbitrary human precept's UDHR-NGO-UN/ EU Empire, World Court, International Court of iniquity - No God/ No Truth = no such word as "Justice"; Federal Reserve-World Bank-Federal Reserve-Group of 10-Federal Reserve-BIS, Federal Reserve-IMF (to name just a few of the disastrous- rapidly catastrophic economic to justice dissolved) 'deluded-collective-mass people Democracy -- arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct- absolute unquestioned obedience to manipulation and control of all knowledge, of, by, and for power, manipulation and control by subjugation and enslavement of We The People/ Consent of the Governed, i.e., the ONLY Nation on God's Earth which has Government of Laws to stop this anarchy, anti-Republic under God's Regime, in their "government of men," -but held back, by preventing UNION of ONE PEOPLE, as well as each-one-Person's own ignorance and conceit, including over all the people forming each-one-sovereign Nation on God's Planet Earth.

There is no more "wall": "Article III judiciary's  February1947 "...has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable."---Judge Black, for he has been judged in exact measure as he and four others, judged. That "wall" has another name, Wisdom of the First and Second Table of Laws: Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise; and church is enjoined, officially ESV and several 01-02/2015 magazine articles, to CLPV-government interests, specifically, UDHR's human family, in communities by all physical and environmental characteristics, with every-individual-body's duties to those communities in committees, Articles 18, most importantly "19's opinion" supreme to Truth, Trust, Promise, so that 18's re-writed of Old and New Testament Bible will ring true....to the church/ priests-clergy hierarchy's conceit in arrogance and pride--ignorance continuing the most important tool, with the binomial-think-decision-tree-machine or archetypal-absolute-obedience - software and hardware invisible-unaccountable-persons, who if they cannot manage the incredible stack of bits in megabytes, simply say "it can't be done" because they, too, are secured-in-mind/ will prison.

You see, Fellow-country-Persons, among Article I Congress, and among the several States, the powers of deceit and collusion, actually believe that their very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's bigger number -- the 2016 election, will completely eliminate the Laws of God in the Laws, Lessons, Instructions, warnings, enforcement within the Bible, Declaration, Constitution, because to them....there is no God, even among those of the absurd idea that "It is important in learning about Truth, that you separte devine truth from secular truth...Secular has a lot of other names, but notably man's humanist-favorite manipulation and control of Truth, Trust, Promise - Conscience, "precedent" is probably along with "DoubleThink's C but only when attached to O2's all life on laws of nature- planet earth, water, atmosphere, a.k.a., "Chicken Little's Falling Sky" losing the "The Emperor's New Clothes" ---- the entire planet and especially the food souce for government's forms of hierarchy in the name of removing poverty --- Taxation-Grant-Fines-Spending when there isn't any money of any kind, for there is No Commerce --.

"“In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.
“...When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms/ [[denominations]], ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience [[Matt. 7's workers of iniquity]].
           I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfections, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme rule of action; in man’s accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God’s commands in the moral law and in the Gospel.  This belief and this practice may consist with different forms/ denominations of church government - ecclesiastics, which, NOT Being Essential to Christianity, need not enter into any system of education,” – NOR to civil government of any form, ...Noah Webster.

You here in FB NF and round about ---- LOOK at what you are saying as you, and candidates among you, ask if they can obtain $$$$ and support, with $$$$ and the vain-idol-god's forms of "Bigger number"-Deluded-Democracy this current President with the Judiciary actually believes they can get away with,..... that there aren't any more Americans who know themselves, alone, and their accountability to their Lord God in Christ/ Jesus....and even if We have, for we are as earthly fooled and misled -- as those of UDHR-communist-socialist-atheist (Any One Who Sins Is A Slave - John 8) of double-Think, anomaly and degradation of all language and communication of ideas - assets of our Republic left to US(A) NO Central Government at ALL; and at least until 1913, well Confined within the Enumerated Powers which are the Chains to bind them within their own, soul's innate inability to control "Lust for Power"...   [Resident Theodore Roosevelt had a huge dose of "compulsion of conscience" pour on him; and because of his life-style, was vulnerable to it, as are all of US Persons who never bothered to find out why, among other 'things' of our Colonists and Founders, including underestimating the Age of Enlightenment - persons, Hamilton, Jay, and Madison used the 'penname" "PUBLIUS" on all 85 Federalist - Papers/ Acts 28 or that "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, ...They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity," as "Laws of Nature's God in separate and equal station".   Not the false-hoods of just 4 times, the vain-idol-god's requirement in superior power ruling the world need to count as a number God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is...Performing Precisely what He said He Would Perform; and because Jesus asked His father to create a "Helper" for you, and the reason He, Christ Jesus will forgive your every sin, except Spirit -Truth, Your Soul goes to Your Lord, Christ, before God.

The Founder's Gift to You and me in God's name is the "Government of Laws and not of men"--- It behooves, US to begin to start NOW.  No Candidate is of Money or a Sports elimination contest, nor direct election by the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's bigger number form - vote Collective mass people, superior to One Constitutional-Person's right/ good -- The reason that has never and will never work, is that One Person, can stand alone among the 320+ million of US....and be One in Following God in Christ --- Government of Laws is Government of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise that in abiding by Jesus' and our Everlasting Father, The Eternal's Teaching, this sentence of the Lord's Prayer and in Matt. 5, will be True for not only US, but every nation under God, whether they know His name or not....they all know good/ evil, truth/ falsehood, right/ wrong in whatever form it takes among "My house has many mansions" and "I have other sheepholds you do not know about, I must bring those sheep along with you" --  Right now, Fellow Americans, among Fellow persons who love God in Christ, and their nation first in His name  "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven..give us this day our daily bread -- is not egalitarian or a group activity...

Candidates for any Office any level of our government  before 2016 -- must state their "Person of the First and Second Table of Law which must also demonstrate understanding of the connections between the One Law within the Three Sacred Documents ... That must come together in the Rep[ublican National Conventilon -- the reason, ANY ONE QUALIFED, regaardless of $$$$ or hierarchey or any other 'thing' other than Government of Laws and not of men" shall be decided, with the small populations of constitutional-persons -- having justice in their separate and equal station -- so that our greater, but frozen, targeted, polarized in "ridicule" == can be considered as a Whole of our Polity - that Person, regardless of level of office, most especially including the voting members called "Republic Central Committee" ostensibly the closest to botaining and instructing their fellow-countryment in their respective districts, or what's left of them after the whoelsale destruction of jurisdcition and consent of the governed,  work from Person up to the many "Position descriptons of accoutability to the First and Second Table of Laws" Oath:
" I (candidate - proposed or elected who appoints, and commissions, hires any official at any level of UNIQUE AMERICAN LAW) DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR [[ We can't use "Affirm" yet.... because we have left Truth, Trust, and Promise with accoutability to self and all other 320 million plus...as if it doesn't exist]] THAT I WILL FAITHFULLY EXECUTE THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND WILL TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY, PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUION (INNATE TO BIBLE AND DECLARATION] OF THE UNITED STATES.".

To be Sure, the vain-idol-god's bigger number does not rule supreme and that some of our best Americans of God and Nation First -- WE THE PEOPLE  have all Candidates considered --- Ron Paul, his son Rand, the only government of, by, and for the people who realizes the extent of the Federal Reserve's interlocked-economic-ANARCHY & with absolutely no connections to our Republic under God; Sarah Palin, who knows Truth, Trust, and Promise very well; Michelle Bachmann, one of our most capable and devoted American of God and Nation First -- who won't play tidily-winks with tiny-thin-spots - aimed at a gigantic-monolithic-bureaucracy; and John Bolton --- another completely knowledgeable of all the "UDHR's Artocle 19 "opinions without interference regardless of frontier, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, No Truth, trust, Promise or God; with the Senator's and Dr. Carson, who has never held public office, and should consider that...though his Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise appears in good shape, though his very good effort in "One Vote, make your voice heard" book does contain some mid-information, common to all AMERICANS, OUR REPUBLIC IS GENUINELY GOD'S NATION & THAT INCLUDES ACCOUNTABILITY TO OUR LOVE FOR HIM AND FOR OUR NEIGHBORS AS OURSELVES.  -- And there are many others.... Candidate for Senator from the Republic of California, Tom Del Becarro running against not-qualified-for-any office in Republican Form of One person protected by one Person's Oath of Office-Government-Anti-Republic under God-Senator-Boxer's repudiation of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents; and Carl DeMaio's running for our State Assembly -- though I have no idea who will work to get rid of the current slave of unquestioned obedience-to-the-anti-Republic-under-God's Regime currently sitting, unlawful office-holder of not qualified since he also, has no intention of obedience to Oath or government of Laws, most likely he has no idea what the Laws contain in the Three Sacred Documents.

It is Your task, Americans of God and Nation First to make you Will's known to your Republican National Committee member, and if you don't know who that is....call and ask...Your County Does.... Also, you among the Republican National Committee member --- GET OFF YOUR DUFF -- WAKE UP & START EDUCATING YOURSELVES FIRST, THEN ALL OTHERS....GO TO YOUR PARKS -- THAT IS ACTUALLY THE PURPOSE OF A PUPLIC PARK -- A MEETING PLACE FOR WE THE PEOPLE AS LOCALLY AS POSSIBLE WHERE ANYONE WHO NEEDS TO BE HEARD CAN BE HEARD...AND WHERE ACTION CAN, INDEED & IN CERTAINTY OF TRUTH OCCUR...... And open your FB and social media pages to anyone -- Do Not write "subject to approval" unless of course you don't believe in God or the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents...  How about making One big Website -- only for All Americans of God and Nation First - Person -- where  UNION OF ONE PEOPLE is the Goal. One nice 'thing' about having our Republicans, as fractionated as they are, is that Fox and all the Commentators can come out of the woodwork...and be heard...and among your local TV stations, how about ongoing forums -- tax deductions for you -- where it is an open mic and where issues can be discussed; as well as candidates; and how about taking it to the parks in town.....  Also, dont' forget the youth..They been brainwashed to distrust anyone over 45...or anyone who even breathes the word God in Christ.... so no bands, no loud music, just talk to them, they are actually looking for you, they just do not know it.... Remember, in colleges and universities, especially the ones 100% supported by grants of and taxpayer money -- to spend of, by, and for complete anarchy in dictatorship of extortion --- how to get a 'grade point average' blank paper' where they learn, or they leave, No Truth, No Trust, No God; and only their group-robot-think-is their safety: public service, social science, medicine of all professions, international- think, and most important of all "human precept's rules of conduct - despotism of the judiciary of, by, and for its own, untouchable, unaccountable, except among themselves and any One who dares to step -out-their-hierarchy-goose-step-sultan-hood

I am your teacher....and that is said with great humbleness!
           But while you were sleeping and all this took place among its various tracks and trails;... I am the only one Person, virtually One - Never at any time - alone, who has actually applied and re-made, sometimes with slightly new forms of expression, not ideas,  the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents; and the Only One who has "knocked, asked, seeks, and ...does find...in much abundance.... exactly what God Says Is....   One example, your unique, Immortal-Soul.  Do you realize that all of the Founders (I don't know about the word 'all', but logically its true) including Colonists, and all Americans from 1620 to your immediate ancestors, who are in heaven.....are Not Dead!  God is Not Dead. Christ is Not Dead.  You are not dead, are you? "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other." Matt. 18 "Whenever two or three are gathered in my name I am there."

Well, guess what, whether or not you actually say an 'invocation' --- or you decide to remove "so help me God" from a witness or jury or any member of "JUstice in all Life == Truth/ SPIRIT..... the Founder's are there, and they are alive, and in being with God, will show where they have spoken or acted, they cannot intervene directly, learning them, is the same as seeing them.. where seeing is in your Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Holy Living Trinity Ghost = Truth --- Truth, Trust, Promise,  the reason there is no gender in Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Holy Living Trinity - Ghost, and that is what you will stand before, on you last day....

I'm here on FB... I'm in Balboa Park on Sunday afternoons..though after the 2 to 3 pm, more than 5000 Sundays since 1915, 100.5 year old  Spreckels Largest, compressed air, 4,725 voices, each-one-pipe's name with "Toys"-- drums, castanets, oo-gah-horn, xylophone, King of Instruments-Organ, including Monday evenings starting June 22; and I will be going back to the many Republican meetings I have been attending since 2004, including the two who required "H. Clinton, B. Obama-Saul Lucifer Alinsky's Handbook for Violation the Ten Commandments of God"  because your ignorance, arrogance, and deluded-democracy' outweighs your understanding of just how magnificent our Archetypal Republic under God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is.... I will be making presentations, and I Shall Never Again -- perform any word or deed to disparage or disavow my Love of God and of the persons who form our magnificent United Sates of America.  (I do know you, I have visited thousands of you over 40+ years of Home Health Care, before humanist-atheist-decision-tree-binomial-think-colective-people do as you are told-never give information-plan of dissolution of personal accountability-medicine, like judiciary daily with Christ sitting on your shoulder,  --- devoid any idea of the Art connecting the Science of the Laws of Nature's God in separate and equal station, among all the stories and lessons I received, among you, your dogs, cats, fish, birds, neighbors, friends, extended family and sphere of influence for each-one-of-you in all your Life's roles..)..