Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Q.  Had not one state any power over the other ?
A. None at all and the several states might have remained entirely distinct countries, as much as France and
Q. Did they?
A. No. Having been led to unite together to help each other in the war, they soon began to find that it would be much better for each of them that they  should all continue united in its farther prosecution, and accordingly they entered into an agreement which was called a Confederation in which they made some laws which they all agreed to obey ; but after their independence was obtained, finding the defects of this plan, they
called a Convention in which they laid a complete plan for uniting all the states under one GENERAL GOVERNMENT this plan is called THE FEDERAL, CONSTITUTION. On this great plan, or constitution the safety and happiness of the United States does, under Almighty God, mainly depend : all our laws are made by its direction or authority ; whoever goes contrary to it injures and betrays his country, injures you, injures me, betrays us all, and is deserving of the heaviest punishment. Whoever, on the contrary, loves and
keeps it sacred, is his country's friend, secures his own safety, and farthers the happiness of all around him. Let every American learn, from his earliest years, to love, cherish and obey the Constitution. Without this he can neither be a great or a good citizen; with out this his name will never be engraved with honor in the pages
of our history, nor transmitted, like that of Washington, with praises and blessings to a late posterity.

Notice same year as Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" in which "To All Americans: That the Principles of Republican government have their origins in the Scriptures."

In the above 1828, there are no body parts for sex; for drug testing, for fingerprinting, for groups according to skin color-country of origin other than the USA/ culture, wealth or lack thereof,  air as global warming's  CO2 to be traded starting Aug. 12, 2012 for one company to another with the current 3rd Socialist State of the USA California's State Legislative, union-based regime, government decree (except Congress) supporting the UN's sustainable Energy aka Agenda 21; atoms as airwaves of words, alphanumeric/graphic - internet or television or any medium of communication under the guise of the FCC's rhelm of control;  electricity from coal --- no, no, no against the EPA's mandates as much, more important than Constitution of "The Minority of One Protected.  ..And downward into the dark pit of submission, subjugation, obedience and ....yep -- the great slavery of power - control - ....

Be Clear America. our Constitution, Article V is extinct and vanquished to homo sapiens' open society ruled by Social Plunder of all rights and completely  absent "Person" with conscience as Soul of the unalienable rights to life, liberty, .... and don't even think in terms of Pursuit of ..... that is completely removed especially to learning of all youth of our Nation.

Our government by consent of the governed to protect and give safety to The Individual is now sacrificed to purveyors of group-think or society which can determine right and wrong judgement much, much better than God.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

So many PERSONS Do Not Know the Principles. Here are SOME:

  "--Upon establishment of the social contract, the natural right of what in the state of nature would be SELF DEFENSE is transformed into the DUTY TO DEFEND THE STATE AND THE CONSTITUTION,  including oneself as a member of the state.   ---DEFENSE of the state and the constitution includes defense against threats of all kinds, including invasion or attack, insurrection, criminal acts (Department czars v. private citizens), natural and manmade (California Delta Agriculture of turned-off water) disasters, or public ignorance or apathy.   ---The DUTY to defend the state and the constitution entails the RIGHT to acquire the means and the skills to exercise that duty, including the skill of the soldier, the policeman, and the fire and rescue worker, to be organized to act ALONE or IN CONCERT(think orchestra) with others to exercise those skills to MEET ANY THREAT THAT MAY ARISE,  and the POWER to exercise those skills and use those means, alone or in concert with others, with OR WITHOUT official direction or participation.   ---Whenever ANY PERSON is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the PRINCIPLE OF NUREMBERG.  --- MILITIAMAN IS ANY CITIZEN or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution. A MILITIA is ONE or MORE PERSONS acting in concert in that capacity. The GENERAL MILITIA is the totality of all such persons, which, because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution at a low level, comprises all law-abiding citizens and would-be citizens. .. .    ---Whenever A CITIZEN or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a CALL-UP to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and all persons who receive that CALL-UP have a duty to respond and act as a MILITIA to meet the threat. In the context of the social contract, as act of "self-defense" is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting on oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself."  Jon Roland - 2012 Candidate for United States Senator from the Great State of Texas...and a court recognized Constitutional - Declaration Historian and founder of Constitution Society....... and that is not all that is contained in this very important    "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" -----

Remember the Words of the Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the SECURITY OF A FREE STATE, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.   [nor government record checks of credit histories, who purchases what ammunition; and voter ID for government use --- it SHALL NOT prevent Voter Fraud because Voters are Not Fraudulent... State officials who fail in performance of their responsibilities of duty and service to the INTEGRITY of WE THE PEOPLE'S CONSENT TO GOVERN...own that responsibility .... and THAT COUNT IS AMONG THE "FIRST TABLE OF LAW" for it is how PROTECTION AND SECURITY FOR LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS  are given to EACH ONE PERSON.  Along with the very, very important Principle that each-American's most sacred property IS HIS PERSON with his Soul which is answerable Only To Our Lord God.

Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth....without these no member of homo sapiens with cognitive attributes competing for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness....AND AVOIDING REMOVING THOSE RIGHTS from another person.... is the ABSOLUTE, ONLY WAY our Democracy In a Republic can continue.... and should be the long-term Goal for Every Nation on This Planet and In God's Universe....

It genuinely is a fragile as "a whale thorough a fisher's net."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Starting from the back of our Voter's pamphlet.. are my OPINIONS with SD County Official Ballot: CITY OF SAN DIEGO: YES - YES for BOTH PROPOSITIONS A & B  which by default alone: Carl DeMaio Is The Mayor Of San Diego - he just requires the continued confirmation of all residents who supported the greatest majority of signers to any Petition circulated in SD City History -- Pension Reform. And this means replacement and retirement of ALL, Union-supported City Council members. VOTE: Ray Ellis - Dist.1; Carl's replacement - Mike Kersey #5; Scott Sherman #7. WHAT HAPPENS IN OUR CITY --- HAPPENS IN OUR ENTIRE COUNTY!!!

Statewide Ballot Propositions ---  Me and County are in total agreement:  No, No, No,...not another commission - 29; and NO, No, No to the myth of 28's Term limits...there is no term limits for the closed, shop, union administered regulation-writing, APPOINTED, implement-ors of regulations absent any Declaration of Independence,  Constitution of US AND CALIFORNIA'S!!!  That goes for the Initiative being circulated.... as long as unions control seats in legislature AND in the power imposed by implementation of that Legislation - The Sole Source of We the People's Voice -- term limits of any kind.. are completely out-of-the-question!  Fix the unions - ie Open or No Unions -- especially when they strike against taxpayers who pay any part of their retirement entitlements -- not many in private business ever receive -- and write regulation enforced as law WITHOUT COURT RULING REQUIRED!!! - no.

Having said that, fix the unions and remove the "covet" of the seats occupied by law writers of sexual deviation, plastic bag, and refusal of asset development in Nuclear, agriculture and Petroleum;  then yes, it should be considered; but there is a down side. Read Jon Roland a Texan running for US Senate before you join-in the bandwagon... and remember the best control over government is One Person's conscience as a good and righteous man... 235 years ago our Founders declared Each-one-of US(A) are!!! Trust Yourselves  and your Goodness before Your God... then Just Trust that God's word is Exactly What He Says It Is!!  Mike Raegan is is a problem of timing in view of the DINO-Socialism!

I don't really have to say continue the Best City I?

SD City Board of Edu:  Just remember whoever is running... The first 3 minutes of any school board's meeting Is A Huge Political Statement for this NON-partisan office:  No Invocation....which is moved to the Indoctrination of the children via implementation of closed-shop union's opinions on how teaching shall be implemented... Any relation to learning 4R's of Classical learning: Read, Relate, Reflect, Record and Act... Is very Purely Co-incidental --Oops can't think--just cooperate and if you don't then medicate.
County Board of Education - Loves the State superintendent of Public sequestration of knowledge to regimented textbooks of "Approved" text publishers!  Charter and Home Schooling --- way too successful....Must be stopped at all costs... especially one-sided, bias judgement of Only Facts supporting Opinion and never, never let the opposition - charter School have equal time for presentation or recognition of accomplishment in the Califronai Law which is written to allow the charter School as much leverage to open as is possible given indoctrination and limited information - well managed and dictated absent all fact except prevailing Political Opinion...

DO NOT VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT!  Those of us living in N. County Fallbrook --- know exactly what the above means.... don't forget!  VOTE JOHN M. RAJCIC - District 4.


SUPERIOR COURT:  DAVID BERRY - 24;  JIM MILLER #25, GARY KREEP#34 -- JIM AND GARY are BOTH PRO TEM SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES as well as 100%  WELL QUALIFIED for all 5 SUPERIOR COURT CASES: Criminal (DA and Asst. DA have experience in ONLY this area); Family, Probate, Juvenile, Civil... It is too bad that information is not available regarding the other 42 Superior Court Candidates for We the People's Informed Consent to continue or enter the Article III rhelm of justice.

COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: DISTRICT 3 STEVE DANON;  and i agree with County on the other two Districts.

STATE ASSEMBLY: Of course, Marie Waldron! I wish you could join us here in Escondido as we continue Planning and Charter City v. Union, DINO / SOCIALISM present at our council meetings.... Watch Marie work! She is Terrific and very much into Joseph Andrews, Our Founders and ALL Founding Documents...She will stand and say legislation is Unconstitutional!  I'm with Republicans here also.

STATE SENATE and US CONGRESS --- ME, TOO!  Though the effect of Article II of State's Constitution of the change from Article IV:4 Guarantee of a Republican form of Representative government under God and Constitution vaporized and extinguished in favor of bastardized-Democracy of DINO/Socialism's "top two vote-getters regardless of political party affiliation" stated by candidate or voter...stupidity... which allows subservience to number as much more important than "If men through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce and give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the great end of society, would absolutely vacate such renunciation; the right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave. ---J. Adams, Rights of the Colonists, 1772.".

This 3rd, because Hawaii and Wash. State have both succumbed to this mythical world of number absent philosophy of righteousness...State - ours will experience for the first time ---very excellent and honorable men and women who are and will be great Representatives to We the People ... are silenced... for love of a number!!  "In a Democracy, either Representative or direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing god-given, unalienable rights..(Hubert Long, "The Twelve Basic American principles" 1976; at"

STATE SENATOR AGAINST "FISHIES and RADICAL JIHAD LOVE FEINSTEIN"  is a bit harder... I will support Elizabeth Emken;  But Orly Taitz is the only fighter against the unconstitutional placement of Obama on any ballot....because there Exists an Evdence-based Doubt and the Courts refuse to open their eyes to see; or their ears to Hear; and remain Stiffnecked....That set of "Reason" should have been enough.... Private property in February of 2009 --- should have been enough --- Carbon Chips even presented as Global Warming's absent "Reason" of Science --- should have been enough......  Hopefully enough is enough for this Anti-Law individual of Self Aggrandizement more important than any Nation especially the USA!  That there are 22 Candidates, supports the bastardized-DINO/Socialist-Democracy of Number to force a particular, politically correct philosophy of win --- just makes this "
Founding Father's" American sick!  

PRESIDENT OF OUR NATION'S  to RETURN BOTH DECLARATION INTERTWINED WITH CONSTITUTION AND SCRIPTURE:  Again I shall support our Party's Candidate --- here's the But:  ALL of the ABOVE referenced fact and opinion based on the facts...

Ron Paul IS THE ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL CANDIDATE who, like Carl DeMaio, has actually assessed, made a plan, and acted - in the House -- on that Plan...He is the Only Candidate that recognizes sovereignty of the Constitution's "Person" as an individual --- though I'm not sure the founder's would have enjoyed the method, i.e. "Marijuana, sex, whatever you want....your choice; BUT SO ARE THE CONSEQUENCES.  If you abort the "soul" of a Fetus -- it is a crime of person; if you have the fun part of sex and require medications to not have to abort a "soul" - then it's your money....NOT society's as earner's $$$ paid as taxes... We the People do not support immorality or ungodliness; and if you become mentally incompetent from marijuana or its cousins...then you become mentally incompetent -- as a "free agency choice --- to be as Wrong or as righteous as you decide....Society is not required, nor does it have to condone your choices... and perpetrating your choice unto children under the age of adult-hood --- is a crime of Abuse!

As close as anyone can tell...this person included...not ONE PERSON .. except Pres. Bush and his Administration all the way down to Duncan Hunter's "Victory in Iraq, How America Won"...understands that inalienable Rights are for ALL MANKIND ON EARTH and it is a severe violation of God's Law to with to eradicate any nation or "Persons as Corporation" of those GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS....  The Middle East War Is A Religious War which makes the Crusades look like a venture in the park of horsemanship!  God Knows it---- when will "We the People" elected or not--- realize evil is just that...and the Reason God gave individual laws....

Romney thinks the Constitution has to go to the Supreme Court for Defense.  The converse of this opinion is what the family in Idaho, Florida, the commentators of the Right having "fair" determined by the FCC of the DINO/SOCIALISTS, Carbon-chips of AB32 starting Aug. 12, 2012 - of that very unconstitutional UN Agenda 21 belief in Global warming perpetrated through EPA / EIR's in hundreds of cities throughout our not-so-sovereign State from the Obama Regime of No Treaty through Congress is necessary....  In other words, it is perfectly OK to write unconstitutional and enforce unconstitutional laws.... but to not allow the unconstitutional law to go forward!....Never, never, wrong, profane, lie,unsound doctrine, ungodly, evil is never to be question when it becomes a law....  The Principles of One Person Protected from government !  No... fishes, plastic bags, medication to support unethical sex organ behavior, same-gender relationships much better and must be approved by society...way more important --  it is 'tolerance' -- in case you didn't know!

So I'm voting RON PAUL for President!  His Track Record is Much better measure of a Person among "We the People" than $$$$$Romney's dollars... with his misunderstanding of person in the Constitution as militiamen, as member of the court of jurisprudence because of Scripture... and therefore well-able to determine an unconstitutional and unjust laws, statute, executive order, regulation or court ruling!!

Probably neither one - understand BOTH Founding Documents well --- it has been many, many years since We turned away from Scripture and righteousness for political expediency, power, $$$ gain....but we can turn back.... and Our Lord God is Asking US(A) to do exactly that...

We gave Ourselves this Adversity and Anti-Law.... We have to return Our Selves Back to Our Lord God!  

S.D. Freeway, Southbound, W.L.A. offramp .

...before LA International Airport, between 10 and 11 am, Fri. Before Memorial Day.... 2 Highway Patrol cars have completely stopped all southbound traffic...... The Backup onto all offramps north of the blockage.. are stopped nearly completely, and of course, the SD Freeway backup to north of Sunset...and then the Ventura North of that.... .

Exercise in the ‘Threat’ of enemy within bombs at the airport for safety and protection....but

if it were a suitcase nuclear bomb....the threat as a reality would not only not protect everyone — the damage incurred would increase at least 5 fold...for the offramp blockage isn’t far enough away.....Is It!!!!!; AND

What if the performers of the bomb, were observant: they would realize, that by blocking the freeway ---- by placing their bomb in a small store — they could not only kill thousands; but also the side effect to the people within the hundreds of business within the catchment area of this 3 mile area of W.L.A!

Hard as this may seem for our ‘watchful, big brother federal police of protection’ under their new toy of liberty removal, The National Defense Act - supported by some Republicans and of course Obama’s Lemmings to the Open-DINO/Socialist-Society — Senate; this Declaration-Constitutional American knows that “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben .... and in Ecclesiates 3:14-22, but 16-18 “Once more I looked into the world, and there I saw wrong within the courts of justice, Iniquity within the courts of religion![Yes, but (I said to myself) God will deal one day with the just and the unjust; ‘tis he who appoints a time for everything, for all that men devise and practise.] This, I reflected, is God showing what men are, to let them see they are no better than the beast, for both are vanity [Emptiness; want of substance to satisfy desire; uncertainty; inanity], both are bound for the same end; both sprang from the dust, and to the dust they both return....(James Moffet version 1937) .

No physical bomb of any sort does as much damage as what is spoken of in Ecclesiastes.  The DINO/Socialist Shall Only Use Visual Law ... law of living and inanimate objects to which the only answer is agreement — protection and Safety — defined by that selfsame government...What We the People, sitting on the feeder side streets and freeways, experienced.....and will continue to suffer under..... - “Consent of the Governed” HAS NOT ONLY NOT BEEN ASKED — WE ARE DICTATED TO BECOME SUBSERVIENT AND what Open society of DINO/Socialism’s Distorted, New Speak, Democracy - “popular”, "see law"  because truth is relative to the "winds of mouth"...

Here is “‘Protection and Safety” our founders were addressing in the First Eight Amendments of the Constitution: The UNALIENABLE, NATURAL RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT of happiness of the Declaration, expressed by James Otis, T. Jefferson, J. Madison, B. Franklin, S. Adams, P. Henry, 52 others with John Adams: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property IS NOT AS SACRED as the Laws of God, and that there is Not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If “Thou shalt not covet” and “Thou shalt not steal” were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made INVIOLABLE PRECEPTS in EVERY SOCIETY before it can be civilized or made Free.”.

The State of California’s Legislature, Education, and Appointed Departments, Bureaus, Commissions, with the Obama Regime of the same; + added private corporation - not ANSWERABLE TO ANY LAW, Federal Reserve System of disaster with absent ethics and governance of our Taxpayer earnings; + Closed-shop Union Quasi-Government of taxpayer money control and purchase of seats in legislatures throughout the Land — EXCEPT NOTABLY “We the People’s” States which are NOT closed-shop.

There are 10 days left before June 5 - has voting records including 4310 Howard Buck McKeon CA 25th Congressional District – CA Voters DO NOT SEND BACK... He is EQUAL IN STATURE of Anti-Law TO OBAMA.

Please Notice as you read at — the DINO / SOCIALIST party with Progressives do not like “Political Party Affiliation” stated either.... That means if you are a Socialist — you don’t have to take responsibility for Anti-Construction Acts... including the Oath of Office given before God’s Laws.  See, if you put your head in the sand....then there is no problem...It is that simple ------minded!!!!!

The Declaration of Equal Station of Nature and Nature’s God with the freedoms expressed as Unalienable Rights with Consent of the Governed ....And The Constitution of the United States of America are being removed ... Article V is Not To Be Recognized..   And air, land, water, atoms of communication, chemistry and life; with all production requiring the tool named money - with abandonment of God’s Laws as the use of Living Object required to have sex – for any purpose mankind can devise - via the organs attached for pleasure — without ethics or responsibility – that Open Society of DINO/ socialism adores for they can use other “Persons” Property as earnings as well as righteousness – against them.

PLEASE REMOVE ALL Legislative - government appointed - minions of Obama’s and our State’s Regimes....from office on June 5 ... and TELL Your Friends - Family - coworkers....THIS ELECTION IS ABOUT  “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which IT STANDS, One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL.”  — not government defined any level.

The Bible With God’s Law as taught by Jesus and the Apostles with Both Founding Documents are Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth... and therefore SACRED DOCUMENTS before God.

Thank you, Catherine West

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: For President of the US -- June 5 Is a Primary..

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: For President of the US -- June 5 Is a Primary..:  - first, Nominating election.  For this reason alone, Ron Paul is the choice for those of US(A) who want BOTH founding Documents returned, each-one, of our lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor.

Mitt Romney, like too many of our  REPRESENTATIVES in Our Congress, are folding their knapsacks and stealing away into the darkness of Soros-Obama's 'Open-society' with the UN's continuing "Humanist-society, mass collective support of what ever living or inanimate objects, or person is at the top of government-controlled group-think"-absent God's Laws  regime of Anti-law.  There is a reason why the Members of "We the People"--Mitt and each-one-Representative believe they must compromise or otherwise go along with the "..devil for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness."(2Nephi 26:22; Book of Mormon).

Ron Paul is the only Candidate remaining who speaks to our Constitution for our Nation; the only candidate who Knows - as Each One of US(A) Know - that as long as this Federal-Obama’s specific Executive– but not excluding Congress’ roles in support by compromise or in the increasing myth that “If Congress doesn’t make a program or expense, then nothing can succeed.” ; or judicial’s living objects - fingers, body including sex and urination organs, animals, vegetables, atoms which comprise those objects and Inanimate objects: airport scanning, personal computerized information as Voter ID, credit card information, recycling plastic and aluminum for money; ammunition for the guns-the bane of government decree.

Ron Paul is a “free thinker-Libertarian” where every person does whatever he wants — but must take 100% responsibility for the consequences.  So if you have a baby out of wedlock– you pay for it....; aborting a fetus is a crime; and if you use drugs including alcohol then the illness and losses of mental function are your consequences.

Ron Paul does continue the infamous secularization of God out of the Question in relation to governing which is especially visible in relation to Israel and the Religious War which Shall outlast all the Crusades... and all religious wars in the history of mankind.  Especially with the Obama-Clinton-UN view of Radical Islam and Islam of tolerance who REMAINS SILENT as the violations of The Ten Commandants and The Beatitudes of the Lord God continue... SILENCE IS AGREEMENT!!

Only Ron Paul is speaking to Gold and Silver as the basis of our inanimate object - among the Tools - the Lord knows we need to live on earth.

Support for Ron Paul is to say to Mitt Romney: “You Know The Lord Is The Way, The Truth, and The Light” much better than Ron Paul and You know how to apply God’s Laws; But you won’t recognize the work of the Founders in securing those rights — not by the collective word ‘society’; but the Founders’ word “Whole of the Polity”  – The Physical Law of “The Whole is the sums of Each-One-of its Parts or Constitutional Persons.”.

The support of Ron Paul is to waken all Americans to The Lord Knows Exactly What is at Stake. He has placed our current National and International disasters occurred, occurring, and yet to occur – exactly the way they are meant to be-------including the Financial Disaster we are currently experiencing: WE MUST NOT FALL INTO THE PIT OF MONEY over “LIVES, FORTUNES, AND SACRED HONOR OF EQUAL STATION OF NATURE AND NATURE’S GOD WITH UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.

Money — Time  — living and inanimate objects are Not Superior to the Laws Contained in Declaration and Constitution!   Mitt, Ron, every Candidate for every office in every State in this nation from you city, county or whatever school board, water district, mosquito abatement, Must Trust and speak with God  — He Will Not Leave.   We Must Obey Him and His Word..If we are not sure; then is there and Each One of You Shall find...

The Choices are terrible and catastrophic! There is no good side...

We have left the Good of the Lord behind.  Our decisions Must Be for Today forward...  We need to use our Bibles and our Book of Mormon, Zen Buddishm and other righteous expressions of attaining the perfection that only God has — to solve and move forward in each-one-person’s life, liberty and pursuit of..

Hal Lindsey's 1948 and the video below re Federal Reserve help you understand just how much "..And the gentiles are lifted up in the pride of their eyes, and have stumbled, because of the greatness of their stumbling block, that they have built up many churches; nevertheless, they put down the power and miracles of God, and preach up unto themselves their Own Wisdom and their Own leaning that they may get gain and grind upon the pace of the poor. And there are many churches build up which cause envyings, and strifes, and malice. And there are also secret combinations, even as in times of old, according to the devil..[above]

Our Representatives and Candidates for President, have turned away from the Scriptures contained in Declaration and Constitution in favor of Fear Of Loss of Money.

While it is very, very true that everyone government, closed-shop, union member and administrator (except in Obama's next door office), person - as homo sapiens with cognitive attributes in this and therefore all Nations on this planet -- will undergo terrible wrath and the terrible Truth of Debt plays out the inevitable disaster the devil is waiting to celebrate:  living death of body -- soul subjugated; But

Our Lord God has give each person His Word...and each 'person with his unique Soul' is Accountable to that Word through:"and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them intertwined with UNalienable Natural Rights - secured by consent of the governed(each person's vote), with "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the PROTECTION of DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we Mutually Pledge to Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And OUR SACRED HONOR; which connects Each-Person-Oath of Office- to support the Laws contained in the Constitution to provide protection and security of person, property, papers, and effects along with "The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall Not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Saturday, May 5, 2012

God, The Minority of One Protected, and Credibility are

combined.  The commentaries of this “Founding FATHER’s Patriot” related since Pres. Bush’s first 4years in office - before blogs started; and with persistence and hard work, in both blogs since 2009 to Renew our Two Sacred Documents into The One — expression of God’s Love for each-one-Founder and each-one-Person-On This Planet, from 1620 to this date —And Forever.  We the People may leave Him-----He Shall Never Leave US-(A) or any Nation –

Renewal is the word; for this Person’s Love of God and of Our Nation rests firmly in “The American’s Creed” by William Tyler Page; is not in any way original with me; and is the basis for the United States District Court Case written by me and now being heard in Court. This case is the basis of the “credibility” of the Testimony Statements made on Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter; for they have been tested and witnessed. ....

...The Shared Faith of Millions is That Each-One-American who reads this Shall Understand or Relearn The Most Important Lesson of “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle. them..”;  in unison with: “..We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that All Men (in God’s universe) are Created Equal..”; and own their Soul of oneself’s life, liberty and Pursuits which Cannot be “Transferred or Sold to any other2” living object, inanimate object, or group-mind by characteristics and descriptions of living and inanimate objects3: “UN-alienable”.

The Sovereignty of “Person” within “The Minority of One Protected1".   The absolute reason The Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America came to be...God’s continuing Plan for Mankind..

Since as Father Washington says “Sometimes it is amazing how people cannot see the light shining in their eyes!”, here are the connectors of two sacred documents into one: above statements in Declaration to Article VI with the First eight Amendments in the Constitution, to Noah’s definition of religion: “1 (of 5). Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”   (Please note - “atheism” with Mohammed is well known);    and
The Righteous, Greek Philosophies of “Star Trek” or “Star Wars”– if you will; but With God; ---- not apologizing, ignoring, or removing Him  to adjust to homo sapiens’ requirements for body, temporal, cognitive attributes.   Because the “Whole” of 1776 is synonymous with “Creator”, the Sovereignty of Person engages Sovereignty of each State and each Nation–in that order. The Physical Law-“Nature”- within God’s Law - “Nature’s God”  of “The Whole is the sum of Each-One-Of-Its-Parts.”

I will flip into first person Only because it makes writing easier.  I will, sometimes,  use “God” over Jesus because Jesus said that is OK: “I am in My Father. My Father is in Me. I am in You. You are in Me.”  We as Person are in God AND in BOTH Founding Documents.  But what you are about to read, has little to do with me...except as the facilitator to help get US(A) back onto the Founder’s Absolute of Classical Logic toward Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth of Psalms, Proverbs, and the Entirety of the New Testament with “Iron-Rod Road” to” The Tree of Life Bearing the Purest, Whitest, Sweetest Fruit3” of “God’s Laws4”.

Capital “L”etters are used the way they were — to emphasize thoughts or logical connectors, integral to the classical learning methods of the Founders and  The Learning method of Noah Webster “for American Youth”.

The resources are stated because as Joseph Andrews’, Founder, “The Center for Teaching the Constitution” states “[Each Person] Has To Learn for their Personal Self 6“ — “I am..”  Tested by “Am I..??”! : “Whenever Any Person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official [life] acts are in conflict, he had the duty [accountability] to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution [God’s Law - except the “enforce” remember ‘free agency’], Means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated [“conscience is the most sacred property”–Madison] to another person: not to a superior, [a preacher, a minister, or leaders of a church as they are also facilitators] a court, or a legal advisor.  It Is Not a defense that One was ignorant of the law or just doing One’s job or following orders. — Principle of Nuremberg.5

These Documents are active and involved – each and every day of our lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor here and internationally – precisely because they are God’s Laws. That is the reason Joseph Andrews states and any who follow-up on his “Learning and Teaching..[both documents]..using original texts and the Classical Learning Methods..” come to know: There is no National or International Problem which cannot be solved by the Founding Documents.

Knowing some content of both Founding D’s.; but learning a tremendous amount in addition, is the herein ‘summary’ – there’s not enough (:-) room for the, to be published, “ whole” “situation in which two or more official act are in conflict –[ the case isn’t over till its over.]...”:

The first episode of  “For Those Who Wish To File A Complaint On Their Own Behalf” started back in 1990 when my friend and mentor, Belinda said to me: “Nurses are going to be fingerprinted. and criminal record checked.”.  “No! They can’t do that!.”  “Yes, They can!”  “Well, I’m not going to be fingerprinted!”  “Oh yes you are!”  “No, I’m not!”  “Yes, you are, if you want to continue nursing; you are!!”.  Another, No; then: “What are you going to do about it!?”.  “I have No Idea!----But I’m not going to be fingerprinted!!!”.  Fast forward to February 2009, 38 years of RN, BSN, PHN nursing practice -- Without fingerprints or criminal record checks.  Renewal form comes in mail with all instructions regarding the “required” fingerprint scan----and a “No box” to check.

I announce to my coworkers and director that I was not going to be fingerprinted and was seeking attorney assistance and performing all that I could to avert the impending disaster for me. I honestly could not comprehend that any American – as government employee or not – would actually enforce such a travesty of justice.  To say they were incredulous at the decision is putting it mildly...and it was distressing to many of the patients who were part of my  “caseload” as RN Case Manager — me too!  It would take more than 12 months, alone, for me to actually realize that if I was going to make this decision, this “ONE” Person would, in real time, have to do it Alone. In February 2009, I had never been Baptized, had and did read the Bible; and knew Jesus was part of my work in the “Art and Science of Nursing Practice”.

I got all kinds of responses: “What do you have to hide?”; “Paycheck or fingerprints? No brain-er, fingerprints every time”,-- which said in front of another RNCM friend – caused her to look at me – exasperated with what we both recognized as coercion.  “How can you be against arresting those bad nurses?”  Perhaps you are receiving a hint of the reason for the court case... as you see, most did not and do not. Then, most, still place “personality” over the essence of “Person” as Minority of One Protected by the Constitution as “Rule of Law”.

I am the Plaintive of The Complaint(s), since I’m not an attorney and knew that I may have only one chance for United States District Court to hear my “Civil Rights 440 other Civil rights” arguments, put everything...including the kitchen sink, into the complaint.  It was 36 pages — not counting the exhibits list.  There are two Defendants in the complaint, but I’m going to deal with only one of them–for now.

This part of the ‘Minority of One Protected’ is directly to address “credibility” of the reasons I speak as I do – in regards to FB, my Blogs, and the shared concern over “Open-society, borderless nations and jurisprudence — implemented without Either Founding Document considered relevant — versus the #4 Definition of the word “Congress” in Noah’s Dictionary: “4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representative..”....with “Religion and Morality” intrinsic because of: Article VI and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to the Republic, One Nation, under God.

Among the huge learning, the microcosm of The Complaint to this individuals comprising this administration with its report to the President Czars, is, itself, a statement demonstrating that the attack on our Nation’s unique in mankind history Founding D. is real; and must be fought...there is no other way for survival of:  “and to secure the blessings for ourselves and our Posterity, do ORDAIN and ESTABLISH this Constitution...”

 The last sentence of the Complaint reads:  “I will be very happy to place my hand on God’s Bible and declare it so...for His hand is contained herein also.”.

It didn’t fly well with the court and while dismissed; the Complaint was .not removed.  Thirty additional days were given me to write an Amended Complaint based on the contents of the Court’s ruling; But

It was filed on or about August 8, 2011...everything about life, liberty and Pursuits came down on August 1, 2009 - the date when my Renewed,  RN License was withheld by the Board of Registered Nursing; -- as a result of my full knowledge and choice – to not only refuse compliance to the “required’ acts-named regulation; but also take the reasons to the Court below the Supreme court; for Constitutional Arguments go directly to District Court....not State Superior or Supreme Court. I learned this from “ONE” attorney who listened, read, and taught v. 8 other who did not- including constitutional.

The Dismissal part was crushing.  For several days, I drifted around.. Not knowing exactly what or how to proceed.  I couldn’t concentrate, comprehend, talk to anyone, or move forward.  When spoken about– lengthy conversations to explain to me why 100% of registered nurses where held accountable for the actions of 0.001% of bad registered nurses.

Turns out the Lord was waiting for clear my ‘soul’, listen to Him, and just begin to understand what “Thy will, not mine” means. Re-read, for the 3rd time, what the complaint dismissal said.  When I re-read the dismissal, I understood what was said by the Court and What Action I would Take...

Side-bar: the 36 pager did connect Declaration with Constitution with, in turn, involved Oath of Office.  I was fully cognizant that I was, on purpose, adding Religion into the Complaint simply because of Creator and unalienable.  During the writing, often when utilizing a reference or searching for would fall into my vision, hearing or understanding.  I mean ‘fall’ - for I had no idea the location in The Bible, or background for Declaration or Constitution resided; but have always been a lover of work, learning, and a good searcher and researcher.

The Complaint is filed “In Forma Pauperis” and served by United States Marshals. The Judge is blindfolded.  I was refused the 8th Amendment because $20.00 gold = $28,000.00 and jury would be costly, and I didn’t have an attorney; and the Judge Is Well Able To Handle All That I Asked To Have Examined In The Complaint.  As a matter of fact, in this citizen’s view, the Judge should be the next nominee for Supreme Court Justice - that is how beautifully he has executed and lead this citizen of “Minority of One Protected” – through Court Process to bring me to writing this... because the Complaint is not finished....neither is what I have learned:
—Article III and VI, Amendments 4, 5, 9, 11, 14;
—Absence of “Person” comprised of body and soul;
— Complete Absence, both Amendments answered by the Defendants with their Attorney Generals-plural, of consideration of Integrity and Honor...not just my person...but each person addressed by this complaint.

The 30 day-Amendment went down to 8 ½ pages..directly addressed every, single content of the 36 pager noted above!  If you think I could write that – alone – just look at the size of this — 2,021 words to this point!!  I didn’t write it alone; nor could I manage the depression, angst, devastation, misunderstanding, and judgments that were part of hourly life.  It contains the “Nightingale Pledge” and  this Sentence: “Cruelty in applying financial hardship and professional disrespect, is present. Unusual and unique only because of approximately 350,000 RN’s, many of whom are very aware of the effects of Regulation 1419(b), just One says: God - First. My Nation and its Supreme Law: the Reason Plaintiff came to United States District Court. Plaintiff is not an Attorney; but is very comfortable addressing my peers.  Sometimes courts forget the source Original Text of Law.”.

The Second Amended contains this sentence: “There are many persons as citizens who do not believe that the “Rule of Law” can be determined unless an attorney, judge, or justice is present in their person. To this myth and in remembrance of each Person comprising Leadership and Public of the 13 colonies of 150 years of age—before 1776, the answer is: Do you need an attorney, judge, or justice to help you read the Old and new Testaments of The Bible?  All three Documents are intertwined by faith in divine Providence, logic, knowledge and wisdom of Truth in God those 58 persons knew to be absolute.”.

The Lord, with my new understanding of the Holy Ghost - who often advised me in my nursing care, when I paid attention which was not often enough, and by now, I did immerse Baptize and began learning more about the Gospel in 6 short months than all of the previous years of my Life. I learned more about forgiving of sin; how strength works — and doesn’t; and why “on your knees” with the Prayer the Lord gave to Each-One-Unique-Homo Sapiens with Cognitive Attributes able to compete for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and avoid depriving others of those rights.

  The rare, third Amendment is under consideration and contains a lot, but not all, of what you are reading here.  I bear the Testimony of my continuing love of Jesus, reinforced by The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, that this “report” is written with His full knowledge and support... and that He is my “Credibility” and more said...  Thank you.

Resources for your study – by no means even a fraction of what I have read and studied with The Lord over the last 3 years and more:

1. Chapter 12 of “American Ideal of 1776; The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hamilton Abert Long, c1976; available at

2. “American Dictionary of the English Language” by Noah Webster 1828 available at but Should Be in every Library, every Home, and every Church Library throughout this Land..for this is What Noah Accomplished for our Founders and Each One Person: “I. The unique Nature of our form of government and of our civil institutions which requires an appropriate language for the definition of words.  II.  To the Youth of the United States: The Best American and English authors as authorities in the use and definition of language. III.  To All Americans: That the principles of Republican Government have their origin in the Scriptures.”  You can learn every principle and authority of government just following the definition of core words in each document.  Purchase at

3. “The Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ”; I Nephi: 8:10-35; by Joseph Smith 1830.

4. “God’s Law” is “Religion and Morality” and the basis of all Law here and in GB is expressed best by Father Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, If The Sense of Religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the Instruments of investigation in courts of justice?  And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education....reason and experience both Forbid US to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”.  In his “farewell Address” which outsold The Bible in publishing and reading on 9/17/1796 at

Religion in Noah’s 1828-Dictionary has 5 definitions - The #1 is the “Religion of the First Amendment including the “free exercise thereof..”  Which is extremely important to the mis-direction of courts of law we see too often - in 21st Century law: “  1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”. [Aside: another example of learning Truth exercise: Please note the changes in the definition in 1913, and then in the direct descendent: 2012 Merriam Webster - these differences extend to many words used in Both Founding D’s. which reflect history’s change in direction - The British Oxford - does not change that much...!]

5. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland: who states: “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue the certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and the original language of the Constitution For The United States did not anticipate all the ways [actually the Flounders did - when the Declaration is included to make “One document”] it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language: . Jon is the Founder of the Constitution Society and a supporter of The Constitutional Alliance with Michael Connelly. Jon is also running as 2012 Independent Candidate for U.S Senator from Texas....Texans Take Note!   Declaration of Constitutional Principles will be placed at  Also available at , right hand menu under “Duties, powers, responsibilities”

6. “A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and U.S Constitution. Learning from Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders” by Joseph Andrews; The Center for Teaching the Construction;    This is “Must Read” for herein is the connections between Scripture to Declaration to Constitution to Political Science of Noah Webster to Research, Relate, Reflect, Record - the 4 R’s of Classical Learning.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Went to Ron Paul's speech tonight at UCSD.

Disappointed:-(   Neither Romney, nor Paul recognize the intertwined Declaration with Constitution so neither completely understand "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?"...G. Washington.

Paul understands life, liberty and pursuit for individuals all the way through 'free agency' ---including making the individual responsible for the consequences of their own choices to do wrong...pregnancy before marriage; sexual choices; drug and smoking habits..

Because Paul does not consider the 1st or 2nd paragraphs of the Declaration connected to the Constitution, he does not understand why America has a responsibility to defend Nations who are unable to defend themselves against radical jihad, tyrannical dictators of murder and mayhem in the name of complete subjugation and control of all life...forget the existence of liberty and of God's Law which is for ALL men --- not just Americans. He wants to be peaceful and friends with borderless nations and jurisprudence and open society with control of the mass, collective of the group named people --- he wants to love evil in the name of cooperation.

He is correct and does understand the reason for Gold and Silver standard of coinage as responsibility of the Federal Level of government...and the closing of the Federal Reserve of control over investment and cash flow by the group of banks....Never given Consent of the governed...completely self-contained and unanswerable to any American..and comprised of large, private banks as supreme over any "Rule of Law".

Romney doesn't know anything about the above. Constitution is in the hands of the Supreme court. Congress does not have oversight to the lawless regulations implemented by the Departments of the Executive Branch of government.. Romney is aware that the Regulations are unlawful  ... but is incapable of saying "unlawful" - let alone unconstitutional.  He does well with right to work returned with open-shop and secret ballot for union formation in private industry...but never, never addresses the extra-quasi government of union administration as the controller of an individual worker under the top-down -- absent accountability, socialism of union structure.  The taxation resulting as retirement pensions is prohibitory... neither Romney, nor Paul can handle that topic... such is their fear of union power --- Not Authority --- POWER!!!

"We the People", we just have to keep working.. Now I am worried about Paul's foreign policy...I wouldn't call it isolationist...I call it ignorance of the importance of fighting for God's Law in other Nation's of the world -- where that fight cannot be started or won...and Satan can continue to dance over millions of people in too many corners...and growing parts of this Globe.  Our Lord does not want this...that is the reason Declaration with Constitution was written the way it is. Romney's idea that both Documents cannot meet today's requirements stems from his love of life and quantity of liberty determined by society over the decision of  "conscience is the most sacred property" of sovereignty of Person.

The absence of "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" is very apparent in both candidates.  The "principle of fairness" is nowhere to be found in Romney's world...and Paul considers the individual as supreme in free agency ... with "fairness" having no place in government any level  - especially when government is going to define the word.

It is an unhappy time for "obedience to Gods law because of man's accountability to Him" with practical piety of human relations..; but a very happy time for socialism's living object and inanimate object laws over all mankind including the supreme Law of the Land.

Such is the forgetting, ignorance, and absence of our Founder's principle and basis of our government since 1620:  where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?"...