Saturday, May 5, 2012

God, The Minority of One Protected, and Credibility are

combined.  The commentaries of this “Founding FATHER’s Patriot” related since Pres. Bush’s first 4years in office - before blogs started; and with persistence and hard work, in both blogs since 2009 to Renew our Two Sacred Documents into The One — expression of God’s Love for each-one-Founder and each-one-Person-On This Planet, from 1620 to this date —And Forever.  We the People may leave Him-----He Shall Never Leave US-(A) or any Nation –

Renewal is the word; for this Person’s Love of God and of Our Nation rests firmly in “The American’s Creed” by William Tyler Page; is not in any way original with me; and is the basis for the United States District Court Case written by me and now being heard in Court. This case is the basis of the “credibility” of the Testimony Statements made on Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter; for they have been tested and witnessed. ....

...The Shared Faith of Millions is That Each-One-American who reads this Shall Understand or Relearn The Most Important Lesson of “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle. them..”;  in unison with: “..We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that All Men (in God’s universe) are Created Equal..”; and own their Soul of oneself’s life, liberty and Pursuits which Cannot be “Transferred or Sold to any other2” living object, inanimate object, or group-mind by characteristics and descriptions of living and inanimate objects3: “UN-alienable”.

The Sovereignty of “Person” within “The Minority of One Protected1".   The absolute reason The Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America came to be...God’s continuing Plan for Mankind..

Since as Father Washington says “Sometimes it is amazing how people cannot see the light shining in their eyes!”, here are the connectors of two sacred documents into one: above statements in Declaration to Article VI with the First eight Amendments in the Constitution, to Noah’s definition of religion: “1 (of 5). Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”   (Please note - “atheism” with Mohammed is well known);    and
The Righteous, Greek Philosophies of “Star Trek” or “Star Wars”– if you will; but With God; ---- not apologizing, ignoring, or removing Him  to adjust to homo sapiens’ requirements for body, temporal, cognitive attributes.   Because the “Whole” of 1776 is synonymous with “Creator”, the Sovereignty of Person engages Sovereignty of each State and each Nation–in that order. The Physical Law-“Nature”- within God’s Law - “Nature’s God”  of “The Whole is the sum of Each-One-Of-Its-Parts.”

I will flip into first person Only because it makes writing easier.  I will, sometimes,  use “God” over Jesus because Jesus said that is OK: “I am in My Father. My Father is in Me. I am in You. You are in Me.”  We as Person are in God AND in BOTH Founding Documents.  But what you are about to read, has little to do with me...except as the facilitator to help get US(A) back onto the Founder’s Absolute of Classical Logic toward Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth of Psalms, Proverbs, and the Entirety of the New Testament with “Iron-Rod Road” to” The Tree of Life Bearing the Purest, Whitest, Sweetest Fruit3” of “God’s Laws4”.

Capital “L”etters are used the way they were — to emphasize thoughts or logical connectors, integral to the classical learning methods of the Founders and  The Learning method of Noah Webster “for American Youth”.

The resources are stated because as Joseph Andrews’, Founder, “The Center for Teaching the Constitution” states “[Each Person] Has To Learn for their Personal Self 6“ — “I am..”  Tested by “Am I..??”! : “Whenever Any Person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official [life] acts are in conflict, he had the duty [accountability] to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution [God’s Law - except the “enforce” remember ‘free agency’], Means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated [“conscience is the most sacred property”–Madison] to another person: not to a superior, [a preacher, a minister, or leaders of a church as they are also facilitators] a court, or a legal advisor.  It Is Not a defense that One was ignorant of the law or just doing One’s job or following orders. — Principle of Nuremberg.5

These Documents are active and involved – each and every day of our lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor here and internationally – precisely because they are God’s Laws. That is the reason Joseph Andrews states and any who follow-up on his “Learning and Teaching..[both documents]..using original texts and the Classical Learning Methods..” come to know: There is no National or International Problem which cannot be solved by the Founding Documents.

Knowing some content of both Founding D’s.; but learning a tremendous amount in addition, is the herein ‘summary’ – there’s not enough (:-) room for the, to be published, “ whole” “situation in which two or more official act are in conflict –[ the case isn’t over till its over.]...”:

The first episode of  “For Those Who Wish To File A Complaint On Their Own Behalf” started back in 1990 when my friend and mentor, Belinda said to me: “Nurses are going to be fingerprinted. and criminal record checked.”.  “No! They can’t do that!.”  “Yes, They can!”  “Well, I’m not going to be fingerprinted!”  “Oh yes you are!”  “No, I’m not!”  “Yes, you are, if you want to continue nursing; you are!!”.  Another, No; then: “What are you going to do about it!?”.  “I have No Idea!----But I’m not going to be fingerprinted!!!”.  Fast forward to February 2009, 38 years of RN, BSN, PHN nursing practice -- Without fingerprints or criminal record checks.  Renewal form comes in mail with all instructions regarding the “required” fingerprint scan----and a “No box” to check.

I announce to my coworkers and director that I was not going to be fingerprinted and was seeking attorney assistance and performing all that I could to avert the impending disaster for me. I honestly could not comprehend that any American – as government employee or not – would actually enforce such a travesty of justice.  To say they were incredulous at the decision is putting it mildly...and it was distressing to many of the patients who were part of my  “caseload” as RN Case Manager — me too!  It would take more than 12 months, alone, for me to actually realize that if I was going to make this decision, this “ONE” Person would, in real time, have to do it Alone. In February 2009, I had never been Baptized, had and did read the Bible; and knew Jesus was part of my work in the “Art and Science of Nursing Practice”.

I got all kinds of responses: “What do you have to hide?”; “Paycheck or fingerprints? No brain-er, fingerprints every time”,-- which said in front of another RNCM friend – caused her to look at me – exasperated with what we both recognized as coercion.  “How can you be against arresting those bad nurses?”  Perhaps you are receiving a hint of the reason for the court case... as you see, most did not and do not. Then, most, still place “personality” over the essence of “Person” as Minority of One Protected by the Constitution as “Rule of Law”.

I am the Plaintive of The Complaint(s), since I’m not an attorney and knew that I may have only one chance for United States District Court to hear my “Civil Rights 440 other Civil rights” arguments, put everything...including the kitchen sink, into the complaint.  It was 36 pages — not counting the exhibits list.  There are two Defendants in the complaint, but I’m going to deal with only one of them–for now.

This part of the ‘Minority of One Protected’ is directly to address “credibility” of the reasons I speak as I do – in regards to FB, my Blogs, and the shared concern over “Open-society, borderless nations and jurisprudence — implemented without Either Founding Document considered relevant — versus the #4 Definition of the word “Congress” in Noah’s Dictionary: “4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representative..”....with “Religion and Morality” intrinsic because of: Article VI and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to the Republic, One Nation, under God.

Among the huge learning, the microcosm of The Complaint to this individuals comprising this administration with its report to the President Czars, is, itself, a statement demonstrating that the attack on our Nation’s unique in mankind history Founding D. is real; and must be fought...there is no other way for survival of:  “and to secure the blessings for ourselves and our Posterity, do ORDAIN and ESTABLISH this Constitution...”

 The last sentence of the Complaint reads:  “I will be very happy to place my hand on God’s Bible and declare it so...for His hand is contained herein also.”.

It didn’t fly well with the court and while dismissed; the Complaint was .not removed.  Thirty additional days were given me to write an Amended Complaint based on the contents of the Court’s ruling; But

It was filed on or about August 8, 2011...everything about life, liberty and Pursuits came down on August 1, 2009 - the date when my Renewed,  RN License was withheld by the Board of Registered Nursing; -- as a result of my full knowledge and choice – to not only refuse compliance to the “required’ acts-named regulation; but also take the reasons to the Court below the Supreme court; for Constitutional Arguments go directly to District Court....not State Superior or Supreme Court. I learned this from “ONE” attorney who listened, read, and taught v. 8 other who did not- including constitutional.

The Dismissal part was crushing.  For several days, I drifted around.. Not knowing exactly what or how to proceed.  I couldn’t concentrate, comprehend, talk to anyone, or move forward.  When spoken about– lengthy conversations to explain to me why 100% of registered nurses where held accountable for the actions of 0.001% of bad registered nurses.

Turns out the Lord was waiting for clear my ‘soul’, listen to Him, and just begin to understand what “Thy will, not mine” means. Re-read, for the 3rd time, what the complaint dismissal said.  When I re-read the dismissal, I understood what was said by the Court and What Action I would Take...

Side-bar: the 36 pager did connect Declaration with Constitution with, in turn, involved Oath of Office.  I was fully cognizant that I was, on purpose, adding Religion into the Complaint simply because of Creator and unalienable.  During the writing, often when utilizing a reference or searching for would fall into my vision, hearing or understanding.  I mean ‘fall’ - for I had no idea the location in The Bible, or background for Declaration or Constitution resided; but have always been a lover of work, learning, and a good searcher and researcher.

The Complaint is filed “In Forma Pauperis” and served by United States Marshals. The Judge is blindfolded.  I was refused the 8th Amendment because $20.00 gold = $28,000.00 and jury would be costly, and I didn’t have an attorney; and the Judge Is Well Able To Handle All That I Asked To Have Examined In The Complaint.  As a matter of fact, in this citizen’s view, the Judge should be the next nominee for Supreme Court Justice - that is how beautifully he has executed and lead this citizen of “Minority of One Protected” – through Court Process to bring me to writing this... because the Complaint is not finished....neither is what I have learned:
—Article III and VI, Amendments 4, 5, 9, 11, 14;
—Absence of “Person” comprised of body and soul;
— Complete Absence, both Amendments answered by the Defendants with their Attorney Generals-plural, of consideration of Integrity and Honor...not just my person...but each person addressed by this complaint.

The 30 day-Amendment went down to 8 ½ pages..directly addressed every, single content of the 36 pager noted above!  If you think I could write that – alone – just look at the size of this — 2,021 words to this point!!  I didn’t write it alone; nor could I manage the depression, angst, devastation, misunderstanding, and judgments that were part of hourly life.  It contains the “Nightingale Pledge” and  this Sentence: “Cruelty in applying financial hardship and professional disrespect, is present. Unusual and unique only because of approximately 350,000 RN’s, many of whom are very aware of the effects of Regulation 1419(b), just One says: God - First. My Nation and its Supreme Law: the Reason Plaintiff came to United States District Court. Plaintiff is not an Attorney; but is very comfortable addressing my peers.  Sometimes courts forget the source Original Text of Law.”.

The Second Amended contains this sentence: “There are many persons as citizens who do not believe that the “Rule of Law” can be determined unless an attorney, judge, or justice is present in their person. To this myth and in remembrance of each Person comprising Leadership and Public of the 13 colonies of 150 years of age—before 1776, the answer is: Do you need an attorney, judge, or justice to help you read the Old and new Testaments of The Bible?  All three Documents are intertwined by faith in divine Providence, logic, knowledge and wisdom of Truth in God those 58 persons knew to be absolute.”.

The Lord, with my new understanding of the Holy Ghost - who often advised me in my nursing care, when I paid attention which was not often enough, and by now, I did immerse Baptize and began learning more about the Gospel in 6 short months than all of the previous years of my Life. I learned more about forgiving of sin; how strength works — and doesn’t; and why “on your knees” with the Prayer the Lord gave to Each-One-Unique-Homo Sapiens with Cognitive Attributes able to compete for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and avoid depriving others of those rights.

  The rare, third Amendment is under consideration and contains a lot, but not all, of what you are reading here.  I bear the Testimony of my continuing love of Jesus, reinforced by The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, that this “report” is written with His full knowledge and support... and that He is my “Credibility” and more said...  Thank you.

Resources for your study – by no means even a fraction of what I have read and studied with The Lord over the last 3 years and more:

1. Chapter 12 of “American Ideal of 1776; The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hamilton Abert Long, c1976; available at

2. “American Dictionary of the English Language” by Noah Webster 1828 available at but Should Be in every Library, every Home, and every Church Library throughout this Land..for this is What Noah Accomplished for our Founders and Each One Person: “I. The unique Nature of our form of government and of our civil institutions which requires an appropriate language for the definition of words.  II.  To the Youth of the United States: The Best American and English authors as authorities in the use and definition of language. III.  To All Americans: That the principles of Republican Government have their origin in the Scriptures.”  You can learn every principle and authority of government just following the definition of core words in each document.  Purchase at

3. “The Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ”; I Nephi: 8:10-35; by Joseph Smith 1830.

4. “God’s Law” is “Religion and Morality” and the basis of all Law here and in GB is expressed best by Father Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, If The Sense of Religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the Instruments of investigation in courts of justice?  And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education....reason and experience both Forbid US to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”.  In his “farewell Address” which outsold The Bible in publishing and reading on 9/17/1796 at

Religion in Noah’s 1828-Dictionary has 5 definitions - The #1 is the “Religion of the First Amendment including the “free exercise thereof..”  Which is extremely important to the mis-direction of courts of law we see too often - in 21st Century law: “  1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”. [Aside: another example of learning Truth exercise: Please note the changes in the definition in 1913, and then in the direct descendent: 2012 Merriam Webster - these differences extend to many words used in Both Founding D’s. which reflect history’s change in direction - The British Oxford - does not change that much...!]

5. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland: who states: “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue the certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and the original language of the Constitution For The United States did not anticipate all the ways [actually the Flounders did - when the Declaration is included to make “One document”] it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language: . Jon is the Founder of the Constitution Society and a supporter of The Constitutional Alliance with Michael Connelly. Jon is also running as 2012 Independent Candidate for U.S Senator from Texas....Texans Take Note!   Declaration of Constitutional Principles will be placed at  Also available at , right hand menu under “Duties, powers, responsibilities”

6. “A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and U.S Constitution. Learning from Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders” by Joseph Andrews; The Center for Teaching the Construction;    This is “Must Read” for herein is the connections between Scripture to Declaration to Constitution to Political Science of Noah Webster to Research, Relate, Reflect, Record - the 4 R’s of Classical Learning.

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