Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Q.  Had not one state any power over the other ?
A. None at all and the several states might have remained entirely distinct countries, as much as France and
Q. Did they?
A. No. Having been led to unite together to help each other in the war, they soon began to find that it would be much better for each of them that they  should all continue united in its farther prosecution, and accordingly they entered into an agreement which was called a Confederation in which they made some laws which they all agreed to obey ; but after their independence was obtained, finding the defects of this plan, they
called a Convention in which they laid a complete plan for uniting all the states under one GENERAL GOVERNMENT this plan is called THE FEDERAL, CONSTITUTION. On this great plan, or constitution the safety and happiness of the United States does, under Almighty God, mainly depend : all our laws are made by its direction or authority ; whoever goes contrary to it injures and betrays his country, injures you, injures me, betrays us all, and is deserving of the heaviest punishment. Whoever, on the contrary, loves and
keeps it sacred, is his country's friend, secures his own safety, and farthers the happiness of all around him. Let every American learn, from his earliest years, to love, cherish and obey the Constitution. Without this he can neither be a great or a good citizen; with out this his name will never be engraved with honor in the pages
of our history, nor transmitted, like that of Washington, with praises and blessings to a late posterity.

Notice same year as Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" in which "To All Americans: That the Principles of Republican government have their origins in the Scriptures."

In the above 1828, there are no body parts for sex; for drug testing, for fingerprinting, for groups according to skin color-country of origin other than the USA/ culture, wealth or lack thereof,  air as global warming's  CO2 to be traded starting Aug. 12, 2012 for one company to another with the current 3rd Socialist State of the USA California's State Legislative, union-based regime, government decree (except Congress) supporting the UN's sustainable Energy aka Agenda 21; atoms as airwaves of words, alphanumeric/graphic - internet or television or any medium of communication under the guise of the FCC's rhelm of control;  electricity from coal --- no, no, no against the EPA's mandates as much, more important than Constitution of "The Minority of One Protected.  ..And downward into the dark pit of submission, subjugation, obedience and ....yep -- the great slavery of power - control - ....

Be Clear America. our Constitution, Article V is extinct and vanquished to homo sapiens' open society ruled by Social Plunder of all rights and completely  absent "Person" with conscience as Soul of the unalienable rights to life, liberty, .... and don't even think in terms of Pursuit of ..... that is completely removed especially to learning of all youth of our Nation.

Our government by consent of the governed to protect and give safety to The Individual is now sacrificed to purveyors of group-think or society which can determine right and wrong judgement much, much better than God.

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