Saturday, May 26, 2012

S.D. Freeway, Southbound, W.L.A. offramp .

...before LA International Airport, between 10 and 11 am, Fri. Before Memorial Day.... 2 Highway Patrol cars have completely stopped all southbound traffic...... The Backup onto all offramps north of the blockage.. are stopped nearly completely, and of course, the SD Freeway backup to north of Sunset...and then the Ventura North of that.... .

Exercise in the ‘Threat’ of enemy within bombs at the airport for safety and protection....but

if it were a suitcase nuclear bomb....the threat as a reality would not only not protect everyone — the damage incurred would increase at least 5 fold...for the offramp blockage isn’t far enough away.....Is It!!!!!; AND

What if the performers of the bomb, were observant: they would realize, that by blocking the freeway ---- by placing their bomb in a small store — they could not only kill thousands; but also the side effect to the people within the hundreds of business within the catchment area of this 3 mile area of W.L.A!

Hard as this may seem for our ‘watchful, big brother federal police of protection’ under their new toy of liberty removal, The National Defense Act - supported by some Republicans and of course Obama’s Lemmings to the Open-DINO/Socialist-Society — Senate; this Declaration-Constitutional American knows that “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben .... and in Ecclesiates 3:14-22, but 16-18 “Once more I looked into the world, and there I saw wrong within the courts of justice, Iniquity within the courts of religion![Yes, but (I said to myself) God will deal one day with the just and the unjust; ‘tis he who appoints a time for everything, for all that men devise and practise.] This, I reflected, is God showing what men are, to let them see they are no better than the beast, for both are vanity [Emptiness; want of substance to satisfy desire; uncertainty; inanity], both are bound for the same end; both sprang from the dust, and to the dust they both return....(James Moffet version 1937) .

No physical bomb of any sort does as much damage as what is spoken of in Ecclesiastes.  The DINO/Socialist Shall Only Use Visual Law ... law of living and inanimate objects to which the only answer is agreement — protection and Safety — defined by that selfsame government...What We the People, sitting on the feeder side streets and freeways, experienced.....and will continue to suffer under..... - “Consent of the Governed” HAS NOT ONLY NOT BEEN ASKED — WE ARE DICTATED TO BECOME SUBSERVIENT AND what Open society of DINO/Socialism’s Distorted, New Speak, Democracy - “popular”, "see law"  because truth is relative to the "winds of mouth"...

Here is “‘Protection and Safety” our founders were addressing in the First Eight Amendments of the Constitution: The UNALIENABLE, NATURAL RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT of happiness of the Declaration, expressed by James Otis, T. Jefferson, J. Madison, B. Franklin, S. Adams, P. Henry, 52 others with John Adams: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property IS NOT AS SACRED as the Laws of God, and that there is Not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If “Thou shalt not covet” and “Thou shalt not steal” were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made INVIOLABLE PRECEPTS in EVERY SOCIETY before it can be civilized or made Free.”.

The State of California’s Legislature, Education, and Appointed Departments, Bureaus, Commissions, with the Obama Regime of the same; + added private corporation - not ANSWERABLE TO ANY LAW, Federal Reserve System of disaster with absent ethics and governance of our Taxpayer earnings; + Closed-shop Union Quasi-Government of taxpayer money control and purchase of seats in legislatures throughout the Land — EXCEPT NOTABLY “We the People’s” States which are NOT closed-shop.

There are 10 days left before June 5 - has voting records including 4310 Howard Buck McKeon CA 25th Congressional District – CA Voters DO NOT SEND BACK... He is EQUAL IN STATURE of Anti-Law TO OBAMA.

Please Notice as you read at — the DINO / SOCIALIST party with Progressives do not like “Political Party Affiliation” stated either.... That means if you are a Socialist — you don’t have to take responsibility for Anti-Construction Acts... including the Oath of Office given before God’s Laws.  See, if you put your head in the sand....then there is no problem...It is that simple ------minded!!!!!

The Declaration of Equal Station of Nature and Nature’s God with the freedoms expressed as Unalienable Rights with Consent of the Governed ....And The Constitution of the United States of America are being removed ... Article V is Not To Be Recognized..   And air, land, water, atoms of communication, chemistry and life; with all production requiring the tool named money - with abandonment of God’s Laws as the use of Living Object required to have sex – for any purpose mankind can devise - via the organs attached for pleasure — without ethics or responsibility – that Open Society of DINO/ socialism adores for they can use other “Persons” Property as earnings as well as righteousness – against them.

PLEASE REMOVE ALL Legislative - government appointed - minions of Obama’s and our State’s Regimes....from office on June 5 ... and TELL Your Friends - Family - coworkers....THIS ELECTION IS ABOUT  “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which IT STANDS, One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL.”  — not government defined any level.

The Bible With God’s Law as taught by Jesus and the Apostles with Both Founding Documents are Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth... and therefore SACRED DOCUMENTS before God.

Thank you, Catherine West

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