Saturday, September 22, 2018


"Watch Live: Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke face off in first debate" - the most CLEAR STATEMENTS OF HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH Against  those collective mass, ONE PARTY-PUPPER- POWER government-of-man, slaves to spirit of devil's imperative to LIE..... FOR ELECTION 2016-2018 IS WHOLLY ONE GOD IN THREE INDIVIDUAL PERSONS - ETERNAL LIVING SOULS - against
FEW RULERS world-wide, the only other form of government-of-man --- over the MANY, NEVER GIVING THEIR PERSON OF INVOLUNTARY SLAVERY CONSENT to force obedience to a master of hate, no Oral Common Law-- nor Two Greatest Commands -- in fact, and YOU KNOW YOURSELF, for you and I have attended OPEN HOUSE where and when our ELECTED, SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION CANDIDATES AND INCUMBENTS -- OFFER AND DO LISTEN TO YOU ---- I TOO SPEAK -- AS DO YOU-- AND IN THE COMPLETE DUTY HONOR SERVICE THAT CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED PSM -- MUST PERFORM IN OUR OWN PERSON, AMONG THOSE WE KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW -- THE BABES IN ARMS NOW --- CHILDREN --- SHALL PAY IN CHAINS OF SLAVERY FOR OUR Wantonness, as we remain SILENT IN THE FACE OF OVERT father evil-father lie/ John 8 ---- and obey "it"!


Knowing and Loving Christ Jesus, My God and My Nation and They Knowing my Third-Person, I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER - this ACT IS TO LEARN AGAIN - ALL GEORGE WASHINGTON KNEW, with Ben Franklin and John Adams + Jefferson, but Madison and Hamilton -- fell pray to Papist - decreed -TWO KINGDOMS- never of GOD OR CHRIST, solely of man-choosing and serving-man/ arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-force by coercion of compulsion of conscience - doubt in ignorance and pride ----  at,

It will take 60 minutes -- every pica-second of ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE against Papist-socialism of government of man supreme to God and all mankind on world down below - which will be listed in the '"AUTHORITIES..." -- for YOU HAVE BEEN FORBIDDEN ALL KNOWLEDGE NOT JUST ATTESTATION (though I too, did not make the Connection, until I was preparing for the complete -- SILENCE AGAINST EVER RESPECTING OR EVEN CELEBRATION OUR 140TH YEAR OF ETERNAL LIVING SOUL THAT IS THE WHOLE OF OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN OUR 4 VERSES OF OUR LIVING ETERNAL SOUL'S HERITAGE --- NATIONAL ANTHEM, "STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER"-THANKS TO JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA...

"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, some thing is lost; when character is lost, all is lost."
" “We are the Bibles the world is reading; we are the creeds the world is needing; we are the sermons the world is heeding.”- Rev. Billy Graham

Senator Cruz, Constitutional-PERSON in his STATE of Residence, but absent Reformation, because  Beto O'Rouke, Irish Catholic (about 20K among Colony Population of 2.5 million), proscribed and discouraged in 1775 - "THE CHIEF"- GOD of Gen. Washington's Battle Flag into our Flag of each-one-person's 1/50th , White Star/ 13 Red alternating White Stripes Heritage, the LIVING ETERNAL SOULS contained thereon God as Past,--Paul's Galatians 1 perversion of Gospel of Christ-Church of God in Christ in his person in Christ, John Wycliff's human recept-"arch heretic" Papist Bull-- obliterated by Papist supreme to God in hypocrisy's judgement, 140 years [1] before Luther, Tyndale (Bible each-one-person can read-regardless of "station-in-life"-omitted), from Oxford University's "Encyclopedia of the Reformation" (but not Thomas Muntzer) Present, Future -"We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here; consanguinity; love of Justice", but devoted to and segregating itself-collectively- the minority-number would not be permitted to disagree, from GB, very much reflected in falsehoods of O'Rourke's' opportunities -- IN A PROPERLY - OPERATING ---FORMAL ARGUMENT FORMAT ---;  as opposed to the NEWS-COMMENTATORS OF PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION'S TOTAL BIAS -- IN CONTROL OF ALL KNOWLEDGE, notably that which is FORBIDDEN exemplified by socialist-commun-human body hiding in lie behind DEMocrat on your 1/50th Consent of the Governed- Ballot, owned in the property of arbitrary-tyranny - civil-state's administrative-police -- never of Oath in Article IV:2, Clause 1 - separate and equal station... 

God never intended that there be only ONE religIOUS creed, rites, ceremonies, forms, factions,  compulsion of conscience in workers of iniquity -

 Papal Authority's exclusive, property of "Two Kingdoms" -Papist Boniface - BULL of 1302,  both kingdoms are controlled, manipulated, orchestrated and manufactured by the 'few rulers of conduct-force,' 1] First: man-choosing and serving-man- ONE PARTY-PUPPET POWER, vain-idol-god's forms of BIGGER number, 'secular', Socialist commun-"nationalism" of delusional democracy's confederation of federalist supremacy; and
2] Second - THE POPE IS SUPREME OVER BOTH SECULAR AND SPIRITUAL, clerics of borderless evangelical- spiritual, collective, mass people subjugated by INVOLUNTARY SLAVERY, for NO CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON would give consent to few rulers of conduct-" Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence TYRANNY is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression; AND

Shall always refuse to "Worship God and Him, Alone, Obey, Oral, Common Law, a.k.a. Prayer, Oath, Pledge of Allegiance,  Your Person's tongue Directly to First Person- THE WHOLE TRUTH obey every word that issues from the mouth of GOD

The Chief Editor is "The Bible is written for the community and Not for the individual Person" - In Preface, "Let euery soule bee subiect vnto the higher powers: For there is no power but of God. The powers that be, are ordeined of God" -- to justify the Pope and his hierarchy and well as the forms of few rulers of force of their brand-of-orchestration and manufacture of all knowledge language and communication, over the persons who compose the One People of any sovereign nation; --- but

"The powers that be, are ordeined of God ---expostulating, solely and completely - IF each-one-person, alone directly to God---, composing that hierarchy, and by definition, ranking/ minions of subsidiarity/ administrative police state/ - few over the many - is intrinsically Repugnant to the Laws of God, ----chooses of his own Free Will to "abide by what I say and YOU (any person, any location, but must include the WHOLE, THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE - 1611 KJV) will be a disciple of mine. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH, AND THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NO THING BUT THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE--

The Pope is a person, chosen by other persons -- there is no hiearchey for persons in each-one's life Roles of risk/ reward, opportunity/ threat, strength/ weakness --- including any One Person who alone, or when two or three share any issue - debate - argument --- choose of their own free, collective or not, consensus or not, "BLAS'PHE-MY, n. 1. An indignity offered to God in words, writing, or signs; impiously irreverent words or signs addressed to, or used in reference to, God; speaking evil of God; also, the act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity.
* When used generally in statutes or at common law, blasphemy is the use of irreverent words or signs in reference to the Supreme Being in such a way as to produce scandal or provoke violence.
2. Figuratively, of things held in high honor: Calumny; abuse; vilification. Punished for his blasphemy against learning. Bacon;" of the HOLY SPIRIT- TRUTH IS NEVER FORGIVEN, NOR CAN IT BE - "5.For they that are after the flesh, doe minde the things of the flesh: but they that are after the spirit, the things of the spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded, is death: but to be spiritually minded, is life and peace:
7 Because the carnall [ unregenerate, apostasy, perdition in perfidy] minde is enmitie against God: for it is not subiect to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh, cannot please God."

The heritage of papist blasphemy Holy Spirit. Man cannot choose man.

In our ATTESTATION CLAUSE-TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -- YOUR THIRD PERSON IN GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS IS CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED IN WE THE PEOPLE and though the appearance is that PERSON COMPOSES THE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE -- no human body- can decree in edict supremacy not just to the First Person of Our Eternal Living Father in our Eternal Living, Second Person- Brother, Counselor, Friend, Comforter



J. Wycliffe "X.  The Great Sentence of Curse Expounded"
[Pg.bottom 33,  34] "...It is said no man should seek it,  inasmuch as that would be to forget the admonition of Scripture---"No man taketh this honour upon himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." When bishoprics were poor, and to become a bishop was to be exposed to martyrdom, it might have been well to aspire to such distinction; but in these later times, when the office is connected with much temptation to indulge in every sort of worldliness, a devout man may with good reason avoid, rather than seek such an elevation.
      Such persons are said to calumniate Christ and his disciples, as having failed to present a true pattern of life to their followers, so long as their own life presents an example so widely different from that which has been thus placed before them. "It is a great sin to witness falsely against a poor man; it is a greater sin so to witness against a holy man ; but most of all to do so with the name of Christ, the Head of all saints, and the Lord of all lords. Also it is a great sin to lie, and to defraud men of their temporal goods; much more to deprive them of spiritual goods, of virtues, and good life, and most of all to deprive them of faith, and of the mirror of Christ's life, which is the ground of all well being hereafter."
 [Pgs.34-36] The following passage expresses Wycliffe's opinion respecting the middle age usage well known by the name of "the rights of sanctuary (italics added)," which consisted in extending the privilege of the Hebrew cities of refuge, to certain ecclesiastical edifices and that not merely in respect to manslaying, but to offences of all descriptions. The communities of such places are said to "challenge franchise and privilege, that wicked men, open thieves, and manslayers, and those who have borrowed their neighbours goods, and are in power to pay and make restitution, shall there dwell in sanctuary, and no man impeach them by process of law, nor oath sworn on God's body; and they maintain stiffly that the king must confirm this privilege, and such nests of thieves and robbery in his kingdom!" In rude states of society, some usage of this nature has generally; obtained but in the age of the Reformer, its abuses had become greater than its uses. Wycliffe regarded all such obtrusions of the authority of the priest on the province of the civil magistrate with suspicion, and remarks in this treatise, that a man has better prospect of justice if cited before "the king or the emperor," than if obliged to appear before any tribunal called "court Christian."
     Hence few things excited more indignation in the Reformer, than that the clergy, who were generally so much disposed to invade the sphere of the magistrate, should have set up a claim of exemption from his authority even in civil matters.
     "Worldly clerks,  and feigned religious" he writes, "break and destroy much the king's peace and his kingdom. For the prelates of this world, and priests, more or less, say fast ,and write in their law, that the king hath no jurisdiction nor power over their persons, nor over the goods of holy church. And yet Christ and his apostles were most obedient to kings and lords, and taught all men to be subject to them, and to serve them truly and skilfully in bodily works (italics added), and to dread them and worship them before all other men. The wise king Solomon put down a high priest who was false to him and his kingdom, and exiled him, and ordained a good priest in his room, as the third book of Kings telleth.
     "And Jesus Christ paid tribute to the emperor, and commanded men to pay him tribute. And St Peter commandeth Christian men to be subject to every creature of men, whether unto the king as more high than others, or unto dukes as sent of him, to the vengeance of evil doers, and the praise of good men.  Also St Paul commandeth, by authority of God, that every soul be subject to the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. Princes be not to the dread of good workers, but of evil. Wilt thou not dread the power ---do good and thou shalt have praising of the same. For he is God's minister to thee for good. Surely if thou hast done evil, dread thou, for he beareth not the sword in vain.
       "Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered meekly a painful death under Pilate, not excusing himself from his jurisdiction by his clergy.  And St Paul professed himself ready to suffer death by doom of the emperor's justice, if he were worthy of death, as Deeds of the Apostles showeth.
      And Paul appealed to the heathen emperor from the priests of the Jews, for to be under his jurisdiction, and to save his life. Lord! who hath made our worldly clergy exempt from the king's jurisdiction and chastening, for since God giveth kings this office over all misdoers, clerks, and particularly high priests should be most meek and obedient to the lords of this world, as were Christ and his apostles, and should be a mirror before all men, teaching them to give this meekness and obedience to the king and his righteous laws (italics added). How strong thieves and traitors are they now to lords and kings, in denying this obedience, and giving an example to all men in the land to become rebels against the king and lords. For in this they teach ignorant men, and the commons of the land, both in words and laws, and open deeds, to be false and rebellious against the king and other lords. And this seemeth well by their new law of decretals, where the proud clerks have ordained this---that our clergy shall pay no subsidy nor tax, nor keeping of our king, and our realm, without leave and assent of the worldly priest of Rome.
      And yet many times this proud worldly priest is an enemy of our land, and secretly maintaiheth our enemies in war against us with our own gold.  And thus they make an alien priest, and he the proudest of all priests, to be chief lord of the whole of those goods which clerks possess in the realm, and that is the greatest part thereof! Where, then, are there greater heretics to God or holy church, and particularly to their liege lord in this kingdom? To make an alien worldly priest, an enemy to us, the chief lord over the greater part of our country!
      "And commonly the new laws which the clergy have made are contrived with much subtlety to bring down the power of lords and kings, and to make themselves lords, and to have all in their power. Certainly it seemeth that these worldly prelates are more bent to destroy the power of kings and lords, which God ordained for the government of his church, than God is to destroy even the power of the fiend:---for God setteth the fiend a term which he shall do, and no more; but he still suffereth his power to last, for the profit of Christian men, and the great punishment of misdoers; but these worldly clerks would never cease, if left alone, until they have fully destroyed kings and lords, with their regalia and power."
[Pg 36-39] The next chapter relates to the excommunication commonly pronounced against all perjured persons: and prelates, and the beneficed clergy generally, are admonished that to this sentence they are themselves justly exposed, by reason of the many things in their conduct which are contrary to their oaths, taken when entering upon their office. Another point against which this periodical anathema, was directed, was the conduct of men who should in any way prevent the due execution of the "will of a dead man." But our blessed Lord, in his testament, is said to "bequeath to his disciples and their successors, peace in themselves, and in the world persecution and tribulation for his law. But worldly clerks break shamefully this worthy testament of Jesus Christ, for they seek the peace and prosperity of this world ---peace with the fiend, and with their flesh, and will endure no labour for keeping or teaching God's law, but rather persecute good men who would teach it, and so make war upon Christ and his people, to obtain worldly muck which Christ forbids to clerks. In the life of Christ, and in his Gospel, which is his testament, and in the life and teaching of his apostles, our clerks will find nothing but poverty, meekness, spiritual labour, and the despisings of worldly men, because reproved for their sins, and great reward in heaven for their good life, and true teaching, and cheerful suffering of death.--Therefore Jesus Christ was so poor in this life, that he had no house of his own by worldly title to rest his head in, as he himself saith in the Gospel. And St Peter was so poor, that he neither silver nor gold to give to a poor crooked man, as he witnesseth in the book of the Apostles Deeds. St Paul was so poor in goods that he laboured with his hands for his livelihood, and suffered much persecution and watchfulness, and great thought for all churches in Christendom, as he himself saith, and as is said in many places Holy Writ.  And St Bernard writeth to the pope, that in this worldly array, and plenty of gold, and silver, and lands, he is successor Constantine the emperor, and not of Jesus Christ and his disciples. And Jesus said, on confirming this testament after rising from the dead---As my Father sent me, so I send you, that is, to labour, and persecution, and poverty, and hunger, and martyrdom!"
     Thus in the judgment of Wycliffe, the church, and especially the clergy, should be regarded as in the place of executors to the will Christ, that will being strictly confined to the setting forth of it in Holy Scripture; and the ecclesiastical persons of the age are charged with grossly violating their obligations in respect to that testament, both by their teaching and example. The next anathema was that pronounced on all persons who should "falsify the king's charter, or assist thereto." But it is alleged that the lands of the clergy were granted by the king for certain specified purposes, and that clergymen commonly apply the produce of such lands to purposes the opposite of those specified, and that in so doing they sin against the charter both of their earthly and their heavenly sovereign.  
     "Also they falsify the king's charter by great treason, when they make the proud bishop of Rome who is the chief manqueller on earth, and the chief maintainor thereof chief worldly lord of all the goods which clerks possess in our realm, and that is almost all the realm, or the more part thereof. For he should be the meekest and the poorest of priests, and the most busy in God's service to save men's souls, as were Christ and his apostles, since he calleth himself the chief vicar of Christ. Hereby these worldly clerks show themselves traitors to God, and to their liege lord the king, whose law and regalia they destroy by their treason, in favour of the pope, whom they nourish in the works Antichrist, that they may have their worldly state, and opulence, and lusts maintained by him." .."

 The sixteenth chapter commences with these words: "All those who falsify the pope's bulls or a bishop's letter, are cursed grievously in all churches four times in the year."  Here Wycliffe proceeds to ask:---     "Lord why was not Christ's Gospel put in this sentence by our worldly clerks?  Here it seems they magnify the pope's bull more than the Gospel; and in token of this they punish more the men who trespass against the pope's bulls than those who trespass against Christ's Gospel. And hereby men of this world dread more the pope's lead [the seal attached to papal documents], and his commandment, than the Gospel of Christ and God's commands; and thus wretched men in this world are brought out of belief, and hope, and charity, and become rotten in heresy and blasphemy, even worse than heathen hounds. Also a penny clerk, who can neither read nor understand a verse of his psalter, nor repeat God's commandments, bringeth forth a bull of lead, witnessing that he is able to govern many souls, against God's doom, and open experience of truth. And to procure this false bull they incur costs, and labour, and oftentimes fight, and give much gold out of our land to aliens and enemies, and many thereby are dead by the hand of our enemies, to their comfort, and our confusion. Also the proud priest of Rome getteth images of Peter and Paul, and maketh Christian men believe that all which his bulls speak of is done by authority of Christ; and thus, as far as he may, he maketh this bull, which is false, to be Peter's, and Paul's, and Christ's, and in that maketh them false. And by this blasphemy he robbeth Christendom of faith, and good life, and worldly goods.  

 "And if any poor man tell the truth of Holy Writ against the hypocrisy of Antichrist and his officers, nought else follows but to curse him, to imprison, burn and slay him, without answer. It now seemeth that John's prophecy in the Apocalypse is fulfilled, that no man shall be hardy enough to buy or sell without the token of the cursed beast [Rev.xiii.17]; for now, no man shall do aught in the street without these false bulls of Antichrist; not taking reward [not taking regard] to the worship of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost [[Matt. 12, John 17, Holy Spirit Truth]] in men's [[John 14, Eternal Living]] souls, but all to these dead bulls, bought and sold for money, as men buy or sell an ox or beast!" ----continue pg. 38 in the 17th chap...
Read the Whole for Your-Self-THIRD PERSON -- BOOKS GOOGLE (probably the SOLE act of SOCIALIST COMMUN- GB/ PLUST -- OF PURE, BEAUTIFUL VALUE) at,

Saturday, September 15, 2018


[12/20/17 -- updated --

Obama, Hezbollah, and the End of Israel;  David Mark  December 30, 2017 at,
Russian Foreign Minister: US Military Must Leave All Of Syria;  Orit ben Tzvi  December 30, 2017, at,

Papal Authority's property of the UN- UDHR's delusional adversarial democracy's synonyms socialist, communist atheist- NO ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOUR ARE THE THIRD PERSON - IS THE CONTENTS OF TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS - vote of  documented complete slavery  and absolute supplication through absolute obedience to spirit of devil trinity, also in each-one-person composing the whole of his sovereign nation. .. all The Creator of heaven and earth all that belong to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED THINGS..
HOLY SPIRIT - THE ETERNAL LIVING SON OF GOD-TRUTH,-SECOND PERSON IS ORAL LAW-OATH IN PLEDGE, DIRECTLY TO EACH ONE, MISLED PERSON'S MOUTH TO GOD'S EAR- LIBERTY OF MOST GOOD HOLY SPIRIT OR LIBERTY OF MOST spirit of devil trinity-Papal Authority UN-UDHR, COMPOSING THAT ONE NATION:Matt. 12 "¶ Then the Pharises went out, and held a counsell against him, how they might destroy him. ..19. He shall not striue, nor cry, neither shall any man heare his voice in the streets. 20. A bruised reed shal he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quench, till he send forth iudgment vnto victory. 21. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. ...24. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doeth not cast out deuils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the deuils. 25.And Iesus knew their thoughts, and said vnto them, Euery kingdome diuided against it selfe, is brought to desolation: and euery citie or house diuided against it selfe, shall not stand.  25.And if Satan cast out Satan, he is diuided against himselfe; how shall then his kingdome stand?  26.And if I by Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whom doe your children cast them out? 27.Therefore they shall be your Iudges. 28.But if I cast out deuils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdome of God is come vnto you. 29.Or else, how can one enter into a strong mans house, & spoile his goods, except hee first binde the strong man, and then he will spoile his house. 30.He that is not with me, is against me: and hee that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad. 31.¶ Wherefore I say vnto you, All maner of sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost, shall not bee forgiuen vnto men. 32.And whosoeuer speaketh a word against the sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but whosoeuer speaketh against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33.Either make the tree good, and his fruit good: 34.Or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: For the tree is knowen by his fruit. 34. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being euil, speake good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the [ORAL LAW]mouth speaketh.. 35.A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth foorth good things: and an euill man out of the euill treasure, bringeth foorth euill things. 36. But I say vnto you, That euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue accompt thereof in the day of Iudgement. 37.For by thy wordes thou shalt bee iustified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. ..":   Missin Taiwan who is forbidden membership, the nine who decided they would be for The Eternal Living son of God included Guatamala, Honduras Lsmand,  Marshall Islands, Micronesis, Nauru, Palawan, Toto,  -- the Commonwealth voted against the Memory of Dame Margaret Thatcher's  31 years of service to God, Queen and Nation - including Falkland Islamd's very like Israel and these PERSON OF THEIR SOVEREIGN NATIONS IN OUR FATHER'S THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN --- EACH, 1/8TH DOT OF 1 BYTE IN THAT BINOMIAL MACHINE OF HATE.....    YOU PAPAL AUTHORITY- UN UDHR-spirit of devil trinity ARE WARNED - though way to completely blinded to even recognize the existence  of the 'talking serpent to Eve, before she has taken that bite'! a.k.a.,

"But now what pietie without trueth? what trueth (what saving trueth) without the word of God? what word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? The Scriptures we are commanded to search. Joh. 5.39. Esa. 8.20. They are commended that searched & studied them. Act. 17.11. and 8.28, 29. They are reproved that were unskilful in them, or slow to beleeve them. Mat. 22.29. Luk. 24.25. They can make us wise unto salvation. 2. Tim. 3.15. If we be ignorant, they will instruct us; if out of the way, they will bring us home; if out of order, they will reforme us, if in heavines, comfort us; if dull, quicken us; if colde, inflame us. Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege, Take up and read, take up and read the Scriptures, (for unto them was the direction) it was said unto S. Augustine by a supernaturall voyce. Whatsoevar is in the Scriptures, beleeve me, saith the same S. Augustine, is high and divine; there is verily trueth, and a doctrine most fit for the refreshing and renewing of mens mindes, and truely so tempered, that every one may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if hee come to draw with a devout and pious minde, as true Religion requireth...." - 1611 THREE TESTAMENT WHOLE HOLY BIBLE - REFORMISTS AS PROPHETS AUTHORIZED BY GOD HIMSELF... "THE TRANSLATOR'S TO THE  READER" at,     Since Paul in Galatians, and even during our Teacher's earthly journey as Second Person teaching Third Person, scirptutres have been forever perverted...

All because since 01/20/2009, the above named, the single, greatest-hater of God and our Nation, bar none - even if combining Wilson with FDR adding Eleanor's sprit of devil trinity's man-choosing and serving-man's perfect example of knowledge, language and communication, all expression of thought controlled and manipulated by the few, very ignorant, over the many, designed to become more ignorant, UDHR, beyond any reason whatsoever, quite genuinely, is committing perdition, such that Judas Iscariot becomes a very important Prophet, for he Knew what he did, and took what action he could to stop his body's existence:  the 'high priests' who couldn't even recognize who the person they must murder, Truth of Jesus was, unless assisted by another person.

Not one person in our nation is even willing to acknowledge their very own person's devotion against God in Christ Jesus - The Trinity Sacred Documents, its perdition extended to the consequences of those nation's TRUSTING US(A) IN PROMISE - against all our friends, notably GB and Israel, S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan;--- AND - in order to properly accomplish this heinous fiend's desire to commit crimes against humanity, walking around unscathed, among his many minions, hidden among the administrative-police-state, and refusing to obey any "words issued directly from the mouth of God" the Trinity Sacred Documents; thus, like the 2,017 years of Papal Authority with the above named nations- totally absent any ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, shall continue to bow down, with chains to all body parts, especially each-one's very own, brain-washed, conformity -mind- attached in slavery absent skin color, subjection,  continuing unabated since WWII Hitler, with, not 1/8th dot of 1 byte difference to what Dietrich Bonhoffer gave his life to attempt to teach: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: GOD WILL NOT HOLD US GUILTLESS. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act;" also taught directly by God to Israel -- GB, US(A) - through Ezekiel 33 --- our nation's all die, the consequence is never again to know, nor understand TRUTH --

PROBLEM: Americans of God and Nation First -- have no part in this Sodom and Gomorrah -- but, having never experienced evil's purity in this extent, cannot bring themselves to believe --- how perfect violation of God's 10 Commandments in His Two Greatest Commands  --- can demonstrate this; and along the way, UDHR's goal of brain washing, teaches 'every Body's duties to communities upon which full development of  'person-alities' - mandatory judgment of any person, a.k.a., 'friend' in hypocrisy's always throw the stone at the whore -- then see if she survives - like the witch-hunts - you know man-choosing-and serving man-- has spoken..... all bow down --- except, each one person who has learned:

ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, HOLY SPIRIT "THE TRUTH - JOY OF OUR ETERNAL LIVING CHRIST JESUS, THE WHOLE TRUTH - LOVE OF OUR  ETERNAL LIVING GOD, THE CREATOR, AND NO THING BUT THE TRUTH - YOUR THIRD PERSON'S CHALLENGE OF JUGGALING - ALONG HOLY SPIRIT v. spirit of devil trinity IS THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS MUST BE VIOLATED BY MAN-CHOOSING AND SERVING-MAN', especially notable is ARTICLE III's complete perdition -refusing to even acknowledge, the complete falsehood of 1947 high and impregnable wall of separation, a.k.a, - Person is the recipient of his own  Declaration of Independence, not collective people church - collective people state, HATE OF REFORMISTS, PURITANS, 1611 WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE - TRANSLATORS TO THE READER - INTRODUCTION FOR THE NEED OF VULGAR LANGUAGE BIBLE FOR EACH ONE 'PLOUGHMAN'  among AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST EACH ONE PERSON OF WHOM HAS CHOSEN TRUTH - EVERY WORD THAT ISSUES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD in whole Eternal Soul from conception, Commandment 5 - also delineated in the Declaration - / whole mind, whole heart -

"1.Then was Iesus led vp of the Spirit into the wildernesse, to bee tempted of the deuill.
2 And when hee had fasted forty dayes and forty nights (Genesis -'deluge'), hee was afterward an hungred.
3 And when the tempter came to him, hee said, If thou be the sonne of God, command that these stones bee made bread.
4 But he answered, and said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread alone, but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
5 Then the deuill taketh him vp into the holy Citie, and setteth him on a pinacle of the Temple,
6 And saith vnto him, If thou bee the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe: For it is written, He shall giue his Angels charge concerning thee, & in their handes they shall beare thee vp, lest at any time thou dash thy foote against a stone.
7 Iesus said vnto him, It is written againe, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8 Againe the Deuill taketh him vp into an exceeding high mountaine, and sheweth him all the kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them:
9 And saith vnto him, All these things will I giue thee, if thou wilt fall downe and worship me.
10 Then saith Iesus vnto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue.

As long as treachery of dissimulation in lie as "constitution is supreme law of land" -- remains supreme to the Creator of Land and Law - with consequence the TRUTH - ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE - FAITH IN PROMISE - rules --- THE END IS NEAR ---- BE AWARE, OUR FATHER IS TELLING YOU --- those of you TOTALLY BLIND LEADING BLIND IN COMPLETE ARROGANCE OF PERDITION --- ARE FOREVER LOST, AS IS THE PERSON IN THE ABOVE PICTURE, among any of his numerous, both sides of party's by numbers in factions of meaningless labels,  WON'T EVER COMPREHEND:



John 8's Father evil-father lie wants war --- then so be it!

Bit of a Problem, President Trump needs to be able to use the stick-- as well as raise it in the atoms of atmosphere --- not idle, Mr. President --- and not open for compromise.  This American thinks he will do fine, but Article I --- has not even recognized the arena of Papal authority's Property of UN--letting computers with robot humans attached wander around the floor of Congress taking notes -  the liar claiming our nation is a liar  - in fact, the biggest problem of the label 'REP'  - is its repudiation of Trinity Sacred Documents in order to obey father evil-father lie, Papel Authority's 'illegal-alien' is above the law of honest man and God, delusional-adversarial democracy's socialist, communist atheism-NO ORAL, COMMON LAW OATH IN PLEDGE, is greater than each-one-person's ORAL, COMMON LAW-OATH IN PLEDGE DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR --- CONGRESSMEMBER --- YOU ALONE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD IN OUR TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS. THERE IS NO SUCH IDEA AS COMPROMISE -PARTITION, ARBITRATION, MEDIATION, ADJUSTING ALL LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION TO LIE AND STEAL EACH-ONE-PERSON'S MIND/ HEART/ CONSCIENCE FOR WILL THROUGH SLAVERY TO SPIRIT OF DEVIL TRINITY

PER-DI'TION, n. [L. perditio, from perdo, to lose, to ruin. Qu. per and do, or Gr. περθω.]
Entire loss or ruin; utter destruction; as, the perdition of the Turkish fleet. – Shak. [In this sense, the word is now nearly or wholly obsolete.]
1. The utter loss of the soul or of final happiness in a future state; future misery or eternal death. The impenitent sinner is condemned to final perdition. If we reject the truth, we seal our own perdition. – J. M. Mason.

2. Loss. [Not used.] – Shak.

SCAT'TER, v.t. [Sax. scateran, to pour out, to disperse; L. scateo; Gr. σκεδαω, to scatter, to discuss, L. discutio, This word may be formed on the root of discutio. The primary sense is to drive or throw.] 1. To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other. From thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Gen. xi. I will scatter you among the heathen. Lev. xxvi.
2. To throw loosely about; to sprinkle; as, to scatter seed in sowing. Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, / soft quiet, gentle love and endless joy. –Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat. He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ WORDS: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter, Mediate, Image
3. To cause to separate in different directions; to reduce from a close or compact to a loose or broken order; to dissipate; to disperse.   Scatter and disperse the giddy Goths. "Titus Andronicus, Act V, Scene 2"  -William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".   Words: Right, Thing, Virtue, Will, Arrogance, Pride, Read, Warrant , Violence, Knowledge, Trust, Truth, Displace, Compulsion, Property, Vault, Valor, Ordain, Way(s), Self, Cringe, Interpretation, Idleness, Untruth, Wanton, Fight, Affirmation, For, Censure, Spear, Pierce, Shake, Law, Quality, Actual, Envy, Soul, Palpable, Attaint, Learn, Replenish, Tung/ Tongue, Bound, Medicine [1844 and 1913 Revised, Noah Porter], Debt, Race, Void, Transgression, Faithfully, Spirit, Holy, Imputation, Thought, Tempt, Murder, Perverse, Petrify, Infer, Scatter
4. Hence, to frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow; as, to scatter hopes, plans, or the like.
          DIS'SI-PATE, v.i.  To scatter; to disperse; to separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to vanish. A fog or cloud gradually dissipates, before the rays or heat of the sun. The heat of a body dissipates; the fluids dissipate.
DIS'SI-PATE, v.t. [L. dissipatus, dissipo; dis and an obsolete verb, sipo, to throw. We perhaps see its derivatives in siphon, prosapiaand sept, and sepio, to inclose, may be primarily to repel, and thus to guard.]   1. To scatter; to disperse; to drive asunder. Wind dissipates fog; the heat of the sun dissipates vapor; mirth dissipates care and anxiety; the cares of life tend to dissipate serious reflections. Scatter, disperse and dissipate are in many cases synonymous; but dissipate is used appropriately to denote the dispersion of things that vanish, or are not afterward collected; as, to dissipate fog, vapor or clouds. We say, an army is scattered or dispersed, but not dissipated. Trees are scattered or dispersed over a field, but not dissipated.
2. To expend; to squander; to scatter property in a wasteful extravagance; to waste; to consume; as, a man has dissipated his fortune in the pursuit of pleasure.
3. To scatter the attention. [to  Displace]

SPIR'IT, n. [Fr. esprit; It. spirito; Sp. espiritu; L. spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.]  1. Primarily, wind; air in motion; hence, breath. All bodies have spirits and pneumatical parts within them. – Bacon. [This sense is now unusual.-----{NOTE: very interesting for Dr. Webster to say "unusual" -- because he is correct this word "rendered significant by usage, though in this case, by malice prepence - Insignificant by crime of omission!  Throughout ecclesiastical and civil-state, magistrate, even among at-large men, women and children being taught, Matt.4, in 7, in 12, 22, Luke 12, and the Apocrypha - the connection between ]
2. Animal excitement, or the effect of it; life; ardor; fire; courage; elevation or vehemence of mind. The troops attacked the enemy with great spirit. The young man has the spirit of youth. He speaks or acts with spirit. Spirits, in the plural, is used in nearly a like sense. The troops began to recover their spirits. – Swift.
3. Vigor of intellect; genius. His wit, his beauty, and his spirit. – Butler. The noblest spirit or genius can not deserve enough of mankind to pretend to the esteem of heroic virtue. – Temple.
4. Temper; disposition of mind, habitual or temporary; as, a man of a generous spirit, or of a revengeful spirit; the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Let us go to the house of God in the spirit of prayer. – Bickersteth.
5. The soul of man; the intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of human beings. [See Soul.] The spirit shall return to nod that gave it. – Eccles. xii.
6. An immaterial intelligent substance. Spirit is a substance in which thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving do subsist. – Locke. Hence,
7.An immaterial intelligent being. By which he went and preached to the spirits in prison. – 1 Pet. iii. God is a spirit. – John iv.
8. Turn of mind; temper; occasional state of the mind. A perfect judge will read each work of wit, / With the same spirit that its author writ. – Pope.
9. Powers of mind distinct from the body. In spirit perhaps he also saw / Rich Mexico, the seat of Montezume. – Milton.
10. Sentiment; perception. Your spirit is too true, your fears too certain. – Shak.
11. Eager desire; disposition of mind excited and directed to a particular object. God has made a spirit of building succeed a spirit of pulling down. – South.
12. A person of activity; a man of life, vigor or enterprise. The watery kingdom is no bar / 13. To stop the foreign spirits, but they came. – Shak.
14. Persons distinguished by qualities of the mind. Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges. – Dryden.
15. Excitement of mind; animation; cheerfulness; usually in the plural. We found our friend in very good spirits. He has a great flow of spirits. To sing thy praise, would heaven my breath prolong / Infusing spirits worthy such a song. – Dryden.
16. Life or strength of resemblance; essential qualities; as to set off the face in its true spirit. The copy has not the, spirit of the original. – Wotton.
17. Something eminently pure and refinedNor doth the eye itself, / That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself. – Shak.
18. That which hath power or energy; the quality of any substance which manifests life, activity, or the power of strongly affecting other bodies; as, the spirit of wine or of any liquor.
19. A strong, pungent liquor, usually obtained by distillation, as rum, brandy, gin, whisky. In America, spirit, used without other words explanatory of its meaning, signifies the liquor distilled from cane juice, or rum. We say, new spirit, or old spirit, Jamaica spirit, &c.
12. An apparition; a ghost.
13. The renewed nature of man. – Matth. xxxi. Gal. v.
14. The influences of the Holy Spirit. – Matth. xxii. Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. [Note continued from #1 def.: Understand? Every uses "third Person" but not one, connected to Matt. 12 in 22, John 17 in 14 among the WHOLE Gospel of the SECOND PERSON IN HIS FATHER, THE ETERNAL/ CREATOR - OF THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL PROPHETS  -- TRUTH]
SPIR'IT, v.t.  1. To animate; to actuate; as a spirit. So talk'd the spirited sly snake. [Little used.] – Milton.
2. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; as, civil dissensions spirit the ambition of private men. – Swift. It is sometimes followed by up; as, to spirit up. – Middleton.
3. To kidnap. Blackstone. To spirit away, to entice or seduce. [tempt, spirit of devil trinity]

STONE, n. [Sax. stan; Goth. staina; G. stein; D. and Dan. steen; Sw. sten; Dalmatian, sztina; Croatian, stine. This word may be a derivative from the root of stand, or it may belong to some root in Class Dn. The primary sense is to set, to fix; Gr. στενος.] 1. A hard concretion of some species of earth, as lime, silex, clay and the like; a hard compact body, of any form and size. In popular language, very large masses of concretions are called rocks; and very small concretions are universally called gravel or sand, or grains of sand. Stones are of various degrees of hardness and weight; they are brittle and fusible, but not malleable, ductile, or soluble in water. Stones are of great and extensive use in the constriction of buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers, abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture, and the like. When we speak if the substance generally, we use stone in the singular; as, a house or wall of stone. But when we speak of particular separate masses, we say, a stone or the stones.
2. A gem; a precious stone. Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels. "King Richard the Third" – Shak.
3. Any thing made of stone; a mirror. – Shak.
4. A calculous concretion in the kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
5. A testicle.
6. The nut of a drupe or stone fruit; or the hard covering inclosing the kernel, and itself inclosed by the pulpy pericarp. – Martyn.
7. In Great Britain, the weight of fourteen pounds. [8, 12, 14, or 16.] [Not used in the United States, except in reference to the riders of horses in races.]
8. A monument erected to preserve the memory of the dead. Should some relentless eye / Glance on the stone where our cold relics lie. – Pope.
9.It is used to express torpidness and insensibility; as, a heart of stone. I have not yet forgot myself to stone. – Pope.
10.Stone is prefixed to some words to qualify their signification. Thus stone-dead, is perfectly dead, as lifeless as a stone; stone-still, still as a stone, perfectly still; stone-blind, blind as a stone, perfectly blind. To leave no stone unturned, a proverbial expression which signifies to do every thing that can be done; to use all practicable means to effect an object. Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as after the displosion of a meteor. Philosopher's stone, a pretended substance that was formerly supposed to have the property of turning any other substance into gold.
STONE, v.t. [Sax. stænan.]  1. To pelt, beat or kill with stones. And they stoned Stephen calling on God and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. – Acts vii.
2. To harden. O perjur'd woman, thou dost stone my heart. [Little used.]  "Orthello, Act 5, Scene 2"– Shak.
3. To free from stones; as, to stone raisins.
To wall or face with stones; to line or fortify with stones; as, to stone a well; to stone a cellar
STONE, a   Made of stone, or like stone; as, a stone jug.
          TOR'PID, a. [L. torpidus, torpeo; perhaps W. torp, a lump.] 1. Having lost motion or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; as, a torpid limb. Without heat all things would be torpid. Ray.
2. Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive. The mind as well as the body becomes torpid by indolence. Impenitent sinners remain in a state of torpid security. Barrington.

THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause.]  1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ..
2. A relation by blood or marriage.
3. An association, or united body; as, the Methodist connection. - The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation
2.Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt. Gen. xlii. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges xviii.
3.An animal; as, every living thing; every creeping thing. Gen. i. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. Tillotson.
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Swift.
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are. Shak. The poor thing sigh'd. Addison. I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville.
7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, / Thou noble thing! Shak.

[The word 'value' is essential to spirit of the devil's 'every 'Thing' connected to "from loaves to stone - loaves equal to collective mass people servile, including each-one nation's so-'labeled-leaders' to the Papal Authority, a.k.a., UN-/ 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime - not even their sovereign nations, but also, in addition, each-one-person composing their own sovereign nation -- toUN-EU Empire's (though as of 12/01/2009-Lisbon Treaty, the EU no longer exists since the member nations of UN are the member nations of the EU --thus 193 Nations counting the abrogation of  God in Three Persons, therefore our Three Sacred Documents, by silent-edict in servile subjugation of Articles I, II, III - totally absent their Oath/ Common Oral Law- of Office -- ]

THOUGHT  n. [thaut. primarily the passive participle of think, supra, Sax. theaht.]  1. Properly, that which the mind thinksThought is either the act or operation of the mind, when attending to a particular subject or thing, or it is the idea consequent on that operation. We say, a man's thoughts are employed on government, on religion, on trade or arts, or his thoughts are employed on his dress or his means of living. By this we mean that the mind is directed to that particular subject or object; that is, according to the literal import of the verb think, the mind, the intellectual part of man, is set upon such an object, it holds it in view or contemplation, or it extends to it, it stretches to it. Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in any sense to render it true that matter can become cogitative. –.Rev. Timothy Dwight, S.T.D., L.L.D. (May 14, 1752 – January 11, 1817) was an American academic and educator, a Congregationalist minister, theologian, and author. He was the eighth president of Yale College (1795–1817).[1] Words: Virtue, Thought
2. Idea; conception. I wish to convey my thoughts to another person. I employ words that express my thoughts, so that he may have the same ideas; in this case, our thoughts will be alike.
3. Fancy; conceit; something framed by the imagination. Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my only difficulty is to choose or reject."The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1, "Preface to Fables" By John Dryden,
4. Reflection; particular consideration. Why do you keep alone? / Using those thoughts which should have died / With them they think on. "MacBeth, Act III, Scene 2"– W. Shakespeare.
6. Meditation; serious consideration. Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, / Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought. –.Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of “Roscommon” (c. 1633 – 18 January 1685), was an English poet.  Words: Spare, Break, Thought  
7. Design; purpose. All their thoughts are against me for evil. – Ps. lvi. xxxiii. Jer. xxix.
8. Silent contemplation. – Shak.
9. Solicitude; care; concern. Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and anguish before his business came to an end. –Sir Francis Bacon.
10. Inward reasoning; the workings of conscience. Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. – Rom. ii.
11. A small degree or quantity; as, a thought longer; a thought better. [Not in use.] –Richard Hooker/ Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, Scholar, and soldier, who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry), and The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.  Words: Conceit, Thing, Pierce, Estate, Knowledge, Clear, Thought.
To take thought, to be solicitous or anxious. – Matth. vi.
THOUGHT, pp. [and pret. of Think; pronounced thaut.]"; --- that is Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise,  or Paul's Church of God in Christ in himself, a sinner, teacher that Jew/ Gentile, circumcised/-among man-choosing and serving man's few rulers over the many by 'groups' - gender/ age majority as newborns /uncircumcised , free man/ slave, man or woman - all are ONE PERSON IN HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH LIVING GOD IN THREE PERSONS, HOLY LIVING TRINITY.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


FIRST PERSON, GOD: “THE CHIEF”, Commencing from 04/19/1775- 09/03/1783 in

John Adams, "A government of Laws and Not of man [Paul, Galatians 1; the Reformists]" is  Declaration of Independence of An INDIVIDUAL Person's Free Will Choice, to his own, unique Eternal Living Soul in physiological body, PREAMBLES TO CONSTITUTION/ BILL OF RIGHT - TRUTH - ONE GOD in THREE, INDIVIDUAL PERSONS, FIRST OF 12, the WHOLE 6 Clauses: reliGION; its FREE EXERCISE by A Constitutional-Person's Direct Accountability to his God; forbids any level or form or compulsion of conscience, a.k.a., "workers of "Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from Rectitude; Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the INIQUITY of the author; A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice as "But your INIQUITIES have separated between you, [individually, singular] and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that he will not hear"- Isaiah 59:2; Original want of holiness or depravity as, "I was shapen in INIQUITY"-Psalms 51:5; your INIQUITIES have separated between you and your God. Isaiah 59:2."of societal-government- ABRIDGING SPEECH, PRESS, ASSEMBLE  (includes the invisible-EU empire's-social network-police-police-state, among the forbidden, -Right of WE THE PEOPLE to employ and exercise gathering places, schools, libraries, public parks, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DUE PROCESS of, by, and for GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS = ORAL, COMMON LAW, LOGIC IN RIGHT REASON DEBATE or any PURPOSE of, by, and for Enhancement of Knowledge; to obtain and practice decision-any re-form of GRIEVANCE --WE THE PEOPLE require as, WE ---MUST-- BRIDLE AND INCESSANTLY--RIDE-THAT BRAIN-LESS, congealed-POWER of dull, nit-witted addlepated-'One Party-collective, chained puppet-power', in order to UNDERSTAND-WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE FOR TRUTH IN TRUST, FAITH-IN-PROMISE, those Neighbor's We TEACH  RESPECT, LOVE, AND OBEY for each-one's ORAL, COMMON LAW--  OUR GOVERNMENT--BECOMES ONE PEOPLE OF 1/50TH STATE IN “AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH, HOLY SPIRIT Against spirit of devil,  SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD serving Second Greatest Command-Neighbor- Person that is intrinsically, Your Third-Person [1]:  Dr. Webster,

"In my view, the Christian ReliGION is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ...No Truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. ...When I speak of the Christina religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms, and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience [a.k.a,  'scatter's - secular]. I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Jesus and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfections, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme rule of action; in man's accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God's commands in the moral law and in the Gospel.  This belief and this practice may consist with different forms of church government, which, Not being Essential to Christianity, need Not enter into any system of education's” form of government; or ... 

...The full, malice prepense, a.k.a., 'predetermined, arbitrary conclusions of CORRUPTION  of #6 Understanding #7 of 7, “Speech, an Interpreter of the Cogitations there of ... OUR COLONISTS - WEEK OF MARCH 12, 1770 BOSTON GAZETTE AND COUNTRY JOURNAL, among thousands in the Colonies- passed person-to-person; FOUNDERS, Thomas Jefferson, “Notes [on the Persons composing The] STATE of White Star #10, Virginia Witnessed, Subscribed to our Union of One People June 25, 1788:
“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their Only Firm Basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties ARE THE GIFT OF GOD?  That they are not to be violated, but with HIS -{FIRST PERSON IN SECOND PERSON IN YOUR THIRD-PERSON} WRATH;?...” As,  BLASPHEMY OF HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH
 - NEVER FORGIVEN on the WHOLE WORLD-DOWN-BELOW – shall not cease.    “Indeed I [We who love God, our neighbor, and our Nation much more than our Person-of-life] tremble for my country when I reflect that GOD IS JUST: that His JUSTICE [Ezekiel 33] CANNOT SLEEP FOREVER.”.

Each Part 1 of 3 Parts Connections Reflecting “THE CHIEF” 
Part II:  YOUR THIRD-PERSON-CONSTITUTIONAL in Your 1/50th STATE of YOUR RESIDENCE located in each-one Sovereign Person composing Each-one-SOVEREIGN STATE’S WHITE STAR - WITNESS, SUBSCRIBED, ATTESTATION CLAUSE, the Stories of our 4 Verses in our National Anthem, “STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER”  is TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS; 

Part III is EXEMPLIFIED APPLICATION of The Commands of All Three, Individual Person in Trinity Sacred Documents, the word, ‘THING’ i.e., “..course of human events,.. or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done [past], told [present] or proposed [future] “---it becomes Necessary for ONE PEOPLE to “RE-FORM” the political bands which have connected them with another, And to assume among the ‘powers of the earth/ land,’ the Separate And Equal Station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle ONE Person within “THE CHIEF,” our FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- waving ATTESTATION CLAUSE that composes the UNION of OUR, Individual, Eternal Living Souls encompassed by those powers as, Holy Spirit -TRUTH, life-long challenge to Understand our very, own spirit of devil’s imperative to LIE: An Inanimate Object or a Living Object(s) cannot be “ parties to an action at law,” among PROPERTY (4th Pres. Madison), Amendment IX, since Person(s), according to how the word, ‘Liberty’ is used, determines whether that ‘object’ will be for the most good/ Holy Spirit -Truth against most spirit of d-evil, i.e., an object cannot discern Certain Right, construe, or disparage others retained by that -Person, composed of an Eternal Living Soul, made in the Likeness and Image of The Eternal in His Son- #6 Understanding/ Faith in Promise,  on an earthly journey of body’s physiology, the #1-5 senses, all of which must have #7 Speech, an Interpreter of the Cogitations thereof — Light of Life  any location on world-down-below.

Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775

“THE CHIEF” is nowhere to be found in any history book; and government-of-man choosing and serving-few rulers of conduct- tyranny as, societal ecclesiastical, civil-state, magistrate= perdition & perfidy of art. iii, absolutely forbids even ‘uttering the letters of sound forming the word,  “REF'ORMATION, noun 1. The act of reforming; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of any thing vicious or corrupt; as the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses. Satire lashes vice into reformation.  2. By way of eminence, the change of religion from the corruptions of popery to its primitive purity, begun by John Wycliffe [3] in England, 1373 from Bohemian/ Czechoslovakian Jan Hus, and Peter Waldo 11th Century, William Tyndale, English,  Luther, from his German Bible adjective D. 1517; Noah Webster’s “American Dictionary of the English Language-2 volumes 1828/ 1844 ; or Dr. James Moffatt’s direct Translation Bible of corruption of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, WWI through 1954, his “INTRODUCTION” of Connections, though that was an UNSPOKEN/ UNWRITTEN COROLLARY “..of this I feel sure, that any serious effort, however imperfect it may be, to render these scriptures into the English of our own day, will be welcomed by the increasing number of those who desire to UNDERSTAND as Precisely as Possible what Any Passage meant, by way of pleasure and profit, for the people TO WHOM IT WAS ORIGINALLY ADDRESSED..”:

  – To Make You, fellow-country-person- so many We The People who attend their EXERCISE OF ORAL, COMMON LAW = “OPEN HOUSE” for the purpose of the WHOLE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, even though You Have Been Forbidden to even obtain any knowledge whatsoever regarding the Sanctity of that TRINITY; --- among your own, or any ELECTED, APPOINTED, COMMISSIONED, CONTRACTED & EMPLOYED-IN-ANY-CAPACITY WHATSOEVER; -- must have more RECTITUDE to YOUR PERSON -Article IV:2, Clause 1 = separate and equal station, Constitutional-THIRD-PERSON-CITIZEN-GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE IN ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE TO –YOU, -- aware of just how extensive the total re-write of all knowledge, language and communication is in dispersion ecclesiastical, civil state, the whole of legislative-judiciary and the now, full iniquity such that LAW/ GOD DOES NOT EXIST- NEITHER DOES YOUR OWN UNIQUE, CONSTITUTIONAL-THIRD-PERSON, ALONE AND AMONG THOSE YOU KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW!

General of the Army George Washington, as Lieutenant Colonel  in Coldstream Guards, French-Indian Wars, 1755,  was also an Inventor and Surveyor. He designed THE CHIEF; and though the caption reads “personal” flag, that ‘label’ is arbitrary- human precept’s decree in edict, a.k.a., common core–and all sources for obtaining information - especially destruction of your PUBLIC LIBRARY, that is shall change any knowledge, language and communication, history-of-world-down-below it desires including the ENEMY WITHIN Socialist, Commun-ism embedded to WORLD-WIDE IMPERATIVE to Obliterate Your Own, Unique Third Person, AMERICAN “THE CHIEF,” TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS stated by Dr. N. Webster as, “The United States commenced their existence under circumstances wholly novel and UNSURPASSED in the history of nations. They commenced with civilization, with learning, with science, with constitutions of FREE [TRUTH/ RIGHT/ GOD] Governments, AND WITH THAT BEST GIFT OF GOD to man/ Person, specifically, Galatians 1, THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION of PAUL, as a Person, circumcised- uncircumcised; man- woman-; freeman- slave: THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS IN THIRD-PERSON, ONE IN TRUTH:  The Christian Discipline of a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere Faith. I Timothy 1; and where “baptism” in Oral Common Law- that Person, a man, a woman, a child, a youth’s mouth Directly  to God in Christ - Ears. The reason  many “Honor Your father(s) and mother(s) that You may have long Life in the Land, the Lord, Your God is giving You”–from conception  do not baptize infants, for Each-One-Person is Directly, “..among the powers of the earth, HOLY SPIRIT/ LIFE against spirit of devil- fleshy, carnal-minds, stony-hearts always either few ecclesiastical, civil-state, magistrate/ judge-  rulers-, or in groups-by-consensus of force or BIGGER number, God in Genesis 6, Christ in Matt. 4- at the same time, TEACHING -YOU-READER, “ separate and equal station = The WHOLE Roles of YOUR Life - Alone first, then, to those you know and will never know - “..Secure the blessings of Liberty, from our Person’s Heritage all the way back to the beginning- whatever nation, state, tribe, village is located,  to ourselves and To Our Posterity.

For it totally reflects the “the corruptions of popery” of its innate history, rules of conduct-force in coercion, collective, mass people–including their civil-state, few rulers/ government of man. Against  “the Perfection of Holy Spirit-Truth of One God in Three Individual Person’s Own Eternal Living Soul, John 14 in 17 [Part III], Oral Common Law, Two Greatest Commands of God = YOUR ASSUMED INNOCENT, PURE, White of Star & 7 Red, Hardiness/ Valor alternating White Stripes, THIRD PERSON.   Uniquely, All God’s Eras of His History YOUR in the mirror, brushing Your teeth, Third Person encompassing The 10 Commandments/ OATH in Pledge of Allegiance, Witnessed, Subscribed in, the corruption of papist, rampant in since before WWI, continuing as “..the offense .. to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, ..And of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power;” 01/20/2009, intrinsically the government-of-man’s few rulers of conduct - tyranny, socialist- communist’s 1947- high and impenetrable wall - debasing The Creator’s Universe in Independence of Third Person “Signers’ Attestation Clause,” ‘two or three are gathered together-Second Person, Christ Jesus is there,” therefore, “ THE CHIEF,” First Person, intrinsically, and irrefutably, the AXIOM of Trinity Sacred Documents.  

The Trinity Sacred Documents, are tied to original, text, direct translation, RE-FORMATION, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther from German, 1611 KJV, the only, Whole, Three Testament HOLY BIBLE by, 1) Two members of the Puritans were Clergy on the 1604/ 1611 Hanford Court, King James VI of Scotland, Ist of Great Britain---, The Single Nation that brought, to most regions of the world, a Person Baptized to Paul’s Church of God in Christ Jesus [not to a reliGIOUS/ church, Greek for a Gathering of People reliGIOUS creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, compulsion of conscience too often tied to workers of iniquity]; where Your Third-Person Directly, your mouth to Second Person in First Person’s ears 24/7, all roles you take on Your Unique life’s journey in Challenge of wrangling Holy Spirit against spirit of devil, ---to Committee of 47-50 Clergy from the Great Universities of GB; and 
2) the third, successful arrival at Plymouth Rock, 1620, by Puritans, Jan Calvin -France/ Switzerland, largest Granite Statute of “FAITH (In Promise);” where they were met by an American Indian Chief to whom - ‘dream’ was/ is synonym for Jesus as Holy Ghost, though absent those ‘words,’ but not absent Holy Spirit forms of the Double-Edged, Precise Sword-of our ETERNAL LIVING GOD-FIRST PERSON-PERFECT LOVE, in His SON, our LORD, ETERNAL LIVING CHRIST JESUS-SECOND PERSON=JOY, in YOUR’S ALONE, THIRD-PERSON–CHALLENGE, ALL ROLES OF YOUR LIFE, YOUR LIBERTY of powers of the earth–Free Will Choice, for YOUR pursuit of YOUR HAPPINESS - not a group activity!

Cutting to the chase of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS against WORLD-WIDE, INCLUDING 23 socialist communist-regions aided and abetted by the perdition in perfidy by art. iii since 1937 Justice Brandeis, PRECEDENT "IN COURT RULES, STARE DECISIS, [PRO FORMA] is better to settle than to settle RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD, 1947-49'S SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, GREAT first WALL OF SEPARATION - collective people church v. collective people-civil-state decided by BIGGER number 5 perfidy human precept, against 4 JUSTICES/ DUE PROCESS/ RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD, the 5 - never even ADDRESSING revocation of A PERSON composes ONE PEOPLE-DECLARATION, including the ONE PEOPLE of ANY NATION on GOD'S WORLD-DOWN-BELOW, CLASSROOM of all the Persons involved as a collective, mass-PUPPET-ONE PARTY POWER-vain idol god of belief in a superior power governing the world-down-below and worship of the superior power -- FORMS of BIGGER number, for in complete autocratic anarchy--socialist-communist hiding in "the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating; trick; stratagem; the quality of being deceitful; duplicity; falseness - deceit as meaningless label, but still the 'legal-on Consent of the Governed per square mile - therefore, fraudulent BALLOTS as Democrat

"Texas Lawsuit Reveals Possible End Of Obamacare? A lawsuit, filed by Texas and 19 other states, may very well bring about the end of Obamacare. The decision in the case is expected shortly." by Austin Lewis at,    AND
"Healthcare isn't a game. The Texas ACA lawsuit could be catastrophic for public health" By GEORGES C. BENJAMIN, SEP 04, 2018 | 4:05 AM at,     NEITHER of these newswriters have any, even personal-knowledge, of their WITNESS and SUBSCRIBED RESIDENT STATE--CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON within "THE CHIEF" or our NATIONAL ANTHEM where havoc of war -- also meanings laws, customs, regulations, and court rulings against a Person's Mind/ Conscience for Will/ Heart - Understanding Faith in Promise of Hebrews 6 above.

So, TEXAS V. AZAR is in FACT AND EVIDENCE--- TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, the DISSENT IN MEMORIUM OF JUSTICE ANTONIN SACALIA, THAT PPAA IS AND REMAINS AGAINST spirit of the devil,  Jesus, Second Person - Holy Spirit-Truth, says of in Matt. 12, "Oh You vipers, you look sooo beautiful and you are soooooo evil!" [emphasis borrowed in His name by my Third Person whose profession, like all of US(A) in the PROFESSION of FIRST AND SECOND PERSON'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS, HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, medicine implemented from before the fall of 2008-as, "electronic communication" of 'robotron, arbitrary human precept-physiological, fleshy body's physician assistants-decision tree binomial-puppetry- ACA placed into the practice --totally absent any law, and more important-- totally through, "To take and carry away feloniously, as the personal goods of another. To constitute STEALING or THEFT, the taking must be felonious, that is, with an intent to take what belongs to another, and without his consent; to Withdraw or convey without notice or clandestinely; to gain or win by address or gradual and imperceptible means; to withdraw or pass privily; to slip along or away unperceived. 

"Since the constitution is intended for the observance of the judiciary as well as other departments of government and the judges are sworn to support its provisions, the courts are not at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract evasions thereof, it is their duty in authorized proceedings to give full effect to the existing constitution and to obey all constitutional provisions irrespective of their opinion as to the wisdom or the desirability of such provisions and irrespective of the consequences, thus it is said that the courts should be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution and guard against their infringement by legislative fiat or otherwise in accordance with these basic principles, the rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in accordance with the delivered judgment of the tribunal before which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into question. If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the statute the another in a different rule, it is the duty of the courts to declare that the Constitution and not the statute governs in cases before them for judgment.” [16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 155:]
“… Thus, the particular phraseology of the constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written constitutions, that a law repugnant to [GOD, supreme Law of the Land] the constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.” after more than 200 years this decision still stands [Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. 137 (1803)] ---
"Various facts of circumstances extrinsic to the constitution are often resorted to, by the courts, to aid them and determining its meaning, as previously noted however, such extrinsic aids may not be resorted to where the provision in the question is clear and unambiguous in such a case the courts must apply the terms of the constitution as written and they are not at liberty to search for meanings beyond the instrument." [16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 11]
Thus, IS TOTALLY IGNORED AS IF, AMONG THE SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, art. iii - decree in edict of a "confederation" of "federalist supremacy" in "Nationalism's perdition in perfidy continuing, IT DOES NOT EXIST--- EVEN THOUGH IT IS IN WRITING---by the socialist, communist, world-wide, "delusional democracy's"  rule of conduct-ignorance in pride and seniority of ranking hierarchy-- "If it isn't written, it doesn't exist"-- paraphrase of Oral, Common Law-FIRST AND SECOND PERSON - WITH THIRD PERSON who has chosen to Love, Obey and Follow -- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH .... f
"The Court regards its strained statutory interpretation as judicial modesty. It is not. It amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching. It creates a debilitated, inoperable version of health-care regulation that Congress did not enact and the public does not expect. It makes enactment of sensible health-care regulation more difficult, since Congress cannot start afresh but must take as its point of departure a jumble of now senseless provisions, provisions that certain interests favored under the Court’s new design will struggle to retain. And it leaves the public and the States to expend vast sums of money on requirements that may or may not survive the necessary congressional revision.

The Court’s disposition, invented and atextual as it is, does not even have the merit of avoiding constitutional difficulties. It creates them. The holding that the Individual Mandate is a tax raises a difficult constitutional question (what is a direct tax?) that the Court resolves with inadequate deliberation. And the judgment on the Medicaid Expansion issue ushers in new federalism concerns and places an unaccustomed strain upon the Union. Those States that decline the Medicaid Expansion must subsidize, by the federal tax dollars taken from their citizens, vast grants to the States that accept the Medicaid Expansion. If that destabilizing political dynamic, so antagonistic to a harmonious Union, is to be introduced at all, it should be by Congress, not by the Judiciary.

The values that should have determined our course today are caution, minimalism, and the understanding that the Federal Government is one of limited powers. But the Court’s ruling undermines those values at every turn. In the name of restraint, it overreaches. In the name of constitutional avoidance, it creates new constitutional questions. In the name of cooperative federalism, it undermines state sovereignty.

The Constitution, though it dates from the founding of the Republic, has powerful meaning and vital relevance to our own times. The constitutional protections that this case involves are protections of structure. Structural protections—notably, the restraints imposed by federalism and separation of powers—are less romantic and have less obvious a connection to personal freedom than the provisions of the Bill of Rights or the Civil War Amendments. Hence they tend to be undervalued or even forgotten by our citizens. It should be the responsibility of the Court to teach otherwise, to remind our people that the Framers considered structural protections of freedom the most im-portant ones, for which reason they alone were embod-ied in the original Constitution and not left to later amendment. The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our Government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty at peril. Today’s decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead, our judgment today has disregarded it.

For the reasons here stated, we would find the Act invalid in its entirety. We respectfully dissent".  Please read it at,

"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the “Affordable Care Act,” “the ACA” or “the Act”), as recently amended, forces an unconstitutional and  Case 4:18-cv-00167-O Document 1 Filed 02/26/18 Page 1 of 33 PageID 1 Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief Page 2 irrational regime onto the States and their citizens. Because this recent amendment renders legally impossible the Supreme Court’s prior savings construction of the Affordable Care Act’s core provision—the individual mandate—the Court should hold that the ACA is unlawful and enjoin its operation. .." at,

Bear-in-mind -- not 1 of the 23, autocratic anarchists are apart of Texas v. Azar, but unknown Constitutional-Persons are refused immunities throughout the socialist-communist  regions and are invaded by infringement of RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD by the very sacred, vain-idol-god's superior power (Articles IV: 2, clause 1 and IV -including "guarantee to each STATE a Republican form of Government) One God in Three Persons-Holy Spirit-Truth , but  White Star #31, the CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC today's 168th Date of ADMISSION TO THE ATTESTATION CLAUSE BY WE THE PERSONS FROM THAT DATE TO THIS, (NOT SUBJECT TO A NUMBER); BUT its autocratic anarchist expect and shall say in power - since the superior power governing world-down-below - the very great and sacred vain-idol-god has created and implemented Illegal aliens, Agenda 21-with ratified air of carbon chips close onto all water in the entire communist-socialist, very few lawless, rulers, chief AG Bercerra - communist socialist - total violations of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, rewritten so that it is in total - obliteration of its Articles II, III:1, XX:3;

"THE CHIEF'S" of our HERITAGE, WHITE STAR #28, TX December 29, 1845- 105.2 Consent of the governed psm; except the Macro-census Municipalities are able to stuff-ballot boxes by art. iii's perdition in perfidy of ignorance and pride of the word, 'equality' in the 14th Amendment, since they have no idea what ATTESTATION CLAUSE IN "THE CHIEF"- TRUTH is ABOUT A PERSON, not in any form, since God does not judge the #1-5 Tools and Instruments He made man in His with Christ Jesus Image and Likeness by any fleshy, physiology's gender, skin-color-slavery, south of the border-supporters of  the violation of Ten Commandments - Lie, word "Illegal," and by spots of Sharia-Muslim-Sunni/ Sharia Koran, Quran reliGIOUS creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, compulsion of conscience/ workers of iniquity- supreme to God in Christ Jesus - for belief in a superior power governing Paradise, -- forces-by banishment or injury, tribal-stuffing, ballot block votes, the reason, Sen. Cruz may be in trouble -- i.e., has no thing to do with the falsehood, label 'Democrat'; -- rather simply the apartments of who knows who lives there, never any way to validate, and TRUTH, TRUST AND PROMISE ARE WE THE PEOPLE--WE DO NOT LOOK TO LIE, STEAL  OR VIOLATE ANY CUSTOM THAT WOULD BE REPUGNANT TO FIRST, SECOND, OR OUR OWN THIRD PERSON, and consolidation of collective, mass people - forbidden any knowledge whatsoever of Trinity Sacred document's Protection of their PERSON-OF RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD...they vote against the very IDEA they are striving for... in addition to what they perceive, falsely, is much vain-idol-god's pot of Gold - at the end of the rain's stopped, so there isn't a 'rainbow'  desolation of those misled and lied to persons. ..I interrupted this list with that insert about stuffed ballot boxes because - the very same problem exists in the BIG cities and among even the microcities. ...

White Star #30, WI, May 29, 1848, 106.6 C of G psm;  White Star #22, AL December 14, 1819, 63.8 C of G psm; White Star #25 AR, June 15, 1836,57.2 C of G psm; White Star #27, FL (C of G has a terrible vain-idol-god's BIGGER city, as well as corrupt 'city officials' who have no idea what even ORAL COMMON LAW requires, let alone, being able to know the contents of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS) #8 LARGEST, 378 Cof G psm; White Star #19, IN December 11, 1816, 184.8 C of G psm; White Star #34 KA, January 29, 1861; White Star #18 LA April 30, 1812

Of General of the Army of the Potomac, General Washington's (surveyor and inventor) own design, hung at whatever encampment of the Persons present as troops and those of their families and friends forming the Thirteen Colonies, "THE CHIEF,"  only 4 of the 13 actually still are within our ATTESTATION CLAUSE, Union of One People, in "TEXAS v. AZAR" - White Star/ Stripe #4 GA January 2, 1788, 177.6 C of G psm;  White Star/ Red Stripe #8 SC May 23,1788 -162.9 C of G psm- dispersed, but Charleston 1152 C of G psm.; White Star/ Red Stripe #2 PA, December 12, 1787,#9 highest C of G psm 286.1;  White Star/ Red Stripe #12, NC, November 21, 1789, 206.6 C of G psm.

The rest of the original 13 Colonies are among the vain-idol-god's 23 regions of ONE-PARTY-POWER-Socialist communism:  White Star #1/ Red Stripe, DE December 7, 1787 - #6, C of G psm 485.3; White Star/ Red Stripe #3 - NJ -December 18, 1787, #1 C of G psm 1,210.1;  White Star/ Red Stripe #5 CT January 9, 1788- #4 BIGGER number 741.6 C of G psm;  White Star/ Stripe #6 MA February 6, 1788 - #3 BIGGER number 871.1 C of G psm; White Star #7/ Red Stripe MD April 28, 1788 - 111,195 C of G psm (Friendship Village 88,432; Langley Park 22,763) SHARES 'D.C.' WITH White Star #10/ White Stripe, VA June 25, 1788, 34,946.8 C of G psm (7 corners 12,773.2; Baileys Crossing 11,508; Huntington 10,665.6); White Star/ Red Stripe #9- NH - June 21, 1788, 148.6 C of G psm - dispersed, in BIGGER number city of Manchester its 3,320.2 C of G psm; White Star/ Red Stripe #11 - NY July 26, 1788 C of G psm 471 C of G psm- dispersed, but BIGGER number NYC 26,403 C of G psm (Rochester, NY 6132 C of G psm); White Star/ Red Stripe #13 - RH May 29, 1790, #1 C of G psm of 1020.5 dispersed, with Providence having 9676 C of G psm.

Also, unless you look at this link-- you will never know, from any report in any electronic-binomial-machine-communication -- who the We the People are living in their Residences among the 20 OF 30 STATES OF 105.51 CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED PER SQUARE MILE {average for our CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON COMPOSING THE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE -- :  HERE THEY ARE INCLUDING THE DATE OF ADMISSION TO ATTESTATION CLAUSE, TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS - REFORMATION,

PROOFS IN CONNECTIONS RESOURCES, AUTHORITIES, COMMENTS;  GLOSSARY FROM 1828/ 1844 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language"-Dr. Noah Webster, LL.D.; unless otherwise stated:

1}      YOUR UNIQUE, THIRD-PERSON of ETERNAL LIVING SOUL, ANY LOCATION AMONG 7.7 BILLION, ONE-PERSON-AT-A-TIME, WHO CHOSE, OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL TO LOVE, OBEY, AND FOLLOW HOLY SPIRIT- TRUTH, THAT  LONE-Standing-by-itself-TREE of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD AND EVIL  in #7 of 7 Operations God made and furnished Person - SPEECH, an INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS thereof -- the origin of clergy to take the first step in giving title to the book, but  ferrying a predetermined conclusion of the word, 'gender' more contradistinction of the word, 'Created'  "GENESIS, n. [see Gender], The first book of the sacred scriptures of the Old Testament, containing the history of the creation, of the apostasy of man, of the deluge, and of the first patriarchs, to the death of Joseph. In the original Hebrew, this book has no title; the present title was prefixed to it by those who translated it into Greek;" connected to word origin "GEN'DER, noun [Latin genus, from geno, gigno; beget, or to be born; Eng. kind. Gr. a woman, a wife; Sans. gena, a wife, and genaga, a father. We have begin from the same root. See Begin and Can.]; "BE-GIN', v.i. [pret. began, pp. begun. Sax. gynnan, aginnan, beginnan, and onginnan, to begin, ongin, a beginning; Goth. duginnan; Sw. begynna; Dan. begynder; D. and Ger. beginnen, to begin; D. and German beginn, a beginning, origin; W. cycwnu, to begin, cy, a prefix, and cwn, a head. The radical word is gin or gyn, to which are prefixed be, on, and du, which is to. This appears to be the root of the Gr. γινομαι, γενναω, L. genero, gigno, coinciding with Syr. ܟܢ‎ kōn, to begin to be; in Aph. to plant, to confirm, to create, Eth. ከወነ kōn, to be, to become, or be made; Ar. كاَنَ kana, to be, or become, to make, to create, to generate; Heb. Ch. and Sam. כון, to make ready, to adapt, prepare, establish; Sam. to create. The primary sense is, to throw, thrust, stretch forward; hence, to set, or to produce, according to its connection or application.] 1. To have an original or first existence; to take rise; to commence. As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets, who have been since the world began. – Luke i. Judgment must begin at the house of God. – 1 Pet. iv. From Nimrod first the savage race began. – Pope.
And tears began to flow. – Dryden.
2. To do the first act; to enter upon something new; to take the first step; as, begin my muse. Begin every day to repent. – Taylor. When I begin, I will also make an end. – 1 Sam. iii.
BE-GIN', v.t.  1. To do the first act of any thing; to enter on; to commence. Ye nymphs of Solyma, begin the song. – Pope. And this they begin to do. – Gen. xi.
2. To trace from any thing, as the first ground; to lay the foundation. The apostle begins our knowledge in the creatures, which leads us to the knowledge of God. – John Locke. To begin with, to enter upon first; to use or employ first; as, to begin with the Latin grammar; to begin business with a small capital."

READER, NEIGHBOR, have YOU ever traced, tracked the word, GENESIS, or any of the closely related words like Nature, or the connections placed herein, for the sole purpose of ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS. MORE-- LIVED THOSE WORDS-- FIRST HAND-- TRUTH-- BOTH SIDES OF OUR FATHER'S CLASSROOM ON WORLD-DOWN-BELOW?

YOUR ETERNAL LIVING SOUL -- YOUR THIRD PERSON's UNIQUE, HOLY SPIRIT -- ASSUMED, AXIOM TRUTH -- SOLELY IN TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS:   JOHN 14 in 17 and Yes, FORBIDDEN DIRECT TRANSLATION with Dead Sea Scrolls-before 1954, including his beautiful, insightful logic attached to his "INTRODUCTION" which has been removed by 'modern-human precept- predetermined devotion in reverent supplication to the 30 articles of uchr's pure falsehood, 1947-49 socialist, communist, "The Bible is written for 'duties to communities upon which full development of person-ality depends in collective mass people--and Not to YOUR THIRD-PERSON in SECOND PERSON IN FIRST PERSON," THIRD-PERSON-Dr. James Moffatt, alone among all clerics, changed the order of the Chapters of John's Book 1-13, 15-16, 14, 17, 18-21, and that is not the only location(s):  Reformation, direct Translation, Whole Three Testament, Holy Bible, 1611/ 1620 KJV, original text of Trinity Sacred Documents, JOHN 14  
"1.Let not your heart be troubled: yee beleeue in God, beleeue also in me.
2 In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would haue told you: I goe to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I goe and prepare a place for you, I will come againe, and receiue you vnto my selfe, that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I goe yee know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith vnto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest: and how can we know the way?

[THE THIRD-PERSON, Andrew, though at this juncture he doesn't 'know,' is speaking as a student in the same 'classroom' as YOU ARE READING within. His question (who went to India after crucifixion, murder of HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH-SECOND PERSON) might have been your voice/ sounds had you the opportunity to be fleshy/ physiologically present. But then -- YOU would never have the beauty of TRUTH in Retrospective Review's great truth: capturing among Eternal Living Soul-Bible or Eternal Living Soul-Flag of the United STATES of each-one-Constitutional-Person's Place of Residence in God's Two Greatest Commands-Trinity Sacred Documents those elements, issues, things, of father evil-father lie, human precept force for unTruth on world-down-below,  "a system of propositions within which a statement and its negation cannot both be true or valid."-Tyranny, Jon Roland]

6 Iesus saith vnto him, I am the Way, the Trueth, and the Life: no man commeth vnto the Father but by mee.
7 If ye had knowen me, ye should haue knowen my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and haue seene him.
8 Philip sayth vnto him, Lord, shew vs the Father, and it sufficeth vs.
9 Iesus saith vnto him, Haue I bin so long time with you, and yet hast thou not knowen me, Philip? he that hath seene me, hath seene the father, and how sayest thou then, Shew vs the father?
10 Beleeuest thou not that I am in the father, and the father in mee? The words that I speake vnto you, I speak not of my selfe: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doth the works.
11 Beleeue me that I am in the Father, and the Father in mee: or else beleeue me for the very workes sake.
12 Uerely, verely I say vnto you, he that beleeueth on me, the works that I doe, shall hee doe also, and greater workes then these shall he doe, because I goe vnto my Father.
13 And whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my Name, that will I doe, that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne.
14 If ye shall aske any thing in my Name, I will doe it.
15 ¶ If ye loue me, keepe my commandements.
16 And I will pray the Father, and hee shall giue you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for euer,
17 Euen the Spirit of trueth, whom the world cannot receiue, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for hee dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I wil not leaue you comfortlesse, I will come to you.
19 Yet a litle while, and the world seeth me no more: but ye see me, because I liue, ye shall liue also.
20 At that day ye shall know, that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.
21 He that hath my commandements, and keepeth them, hee it is that loueth me: and he that loueth me shall be loued of my Father, and I will loue him, and will manifest my selfe to him.
22 Iudas saith vnto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thy selfe vnto vs, and not vnto the world?
23 Iesus answered, and saide vnto him, If a man loue mee, he will keepe my wordes: and my Father will loue him, and wee will come vnto him, and make our abode with him.
24 He that loueth mee not, keepeth not my sayings, and the word which you heare, is not mine, but the Fathers which sent mee.
25 These things haue I spoken vnto you, being yet present with you.
26 But the Comforter, which is the holy Ghost, whom the Father wil send in my name, he shal teach you al things, & bring al things to your remembrance, whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you.
27 PEACE I leaue with you, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU, not as the world giueth, giue I vnto you: let not your heart bee troubled, neither let it bee afraid.
28 Ye haue heard how I saide vnto you, I goe away, and come againe vnto you. If ye loued mee, yee would reioyce, because I said, I go vnto the Father: for my Father is greater then I.
29 And now I haue told you before it come to passe, that when it is come to passe, ye might beleeue.
30 Heereafter I will not talke much with you: for the prince of this world commeth, and hath nothing in me.
[Refers back to Genesis 6-God redeems Himself of spirit of devil, in Matt. 4, Jesus, while teaching YOU, reader, your lifelong from conception, challenge to learn your Self/ Eternal Soul Truth against Lie/ evil -- "Be Gone, satan!  "YOU are to worship God and Him, Alone, Obey....Every Word That Issues From His Mouth"]
31 But that the world may know that I loue the Father: and as the Father gaue me commandement, euen so I doe: Arise, let vs goe hence."
"1.These words spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes to heauen, and said, Father, the houre is come, glorifie thy Sonne, that thy Sonne also may glorifie thee.
2 As thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh, that he should giue eternall life to as many as thou hast giuen him.
3 And this is life eternall, that they might know thee the onely true God, and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
4 I haue glorified thee on the earth: I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doe.
5 And now O Father, glorifie thou me, with thine owne selfe, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
6 I haue manifested thy Name vnto the men which thou gauest me out of the world: thine they were; and thou gauest them me; and they [All the Prophet Reformers -- ecclesiastical, civil-state, magistrate] haue kept thy word.
7 Now they haue knowen that all things whatsoeuer thou hast giuen me, are of thee.
8 For I haue giuen vnto them the words which thou gauest me, and they haue receiued them, and haue knowen surely that I came out from thee, and they haue beleeued that thou didst send me.
9 I pray for them, I pray not for the world: but for them which thou hast giuen me, for they are thine.
10 And all mine are thine, and thine are mine: and I am glorified in them.
11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine owne Name, those whom thou hast giuen mee, that they may bee one, as we are. [THE LORD'S PRAYER]
12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy Name: those that thou gauest me, I haue kept, and none of them is lost, but the sonne of perdition: that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
13 And now come I to thee, and these things I speake in the world, that they might haue my ioy fulfilled in themselues.
14 I haue giuen them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, euen as I am not of the world.
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keepe them from the euill.
16 They are not of the world, euen as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctifie them through thy trueth: thy word is trueth.
18 As thou hast sent mee into the world: euen so haue I also sent them into the world.
19 And for their sakes I sanctifie my selfe, that they also might be sanctified through the trueth.
20 Neither pray I for these alone; but for them also which shall beleeue on me through their word:
21 That they all may be one, as thou Father art in mee, and I in thee, that they also may bee one in vs: that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent mee.
22 And the glory which thou gauest me, I haue giuen them: that they may be one, euen as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in mee, that they may bee made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loued them, as thou hast loued me.
24 Father, I will that they also whom thou hast giuen me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen mee: for thou louedst mee before the foundation of the world.
25 O righteous Father, the world hath not knowen thee, but I haue knowen thee, and these haue knowen that thou hast sent me.
26 And I haue declared vnto them thy Name, and will declare it: that the loue wherewith thou hast loued mee, may be in them, and I in them."

2}     PROOFS: Original Source Texts, Documents:
Article IV:   This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land=[ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS- HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH BECAUSE THE CREATOR CREATED YOUR PERSON IN YOUR LOCATION OF LAND, WATER, ATOMS OF ATMOSPHERE]; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation [is TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE FORMS where God or Christ are not known by name], to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States...".:
OATH, n. [Sax. ath; Goth. aiths; D. eed; G. eid; Sw. ed; Dan. æed.] A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false; or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury;" definition is derived from - 
APOSTLE PAUL, Hebrews 6:
"..10. For God is not vnrighteous, to forget your worke and labour of loue, which yee haue shewed toward his Name, in that yee haue ministred to the Saints, and doe minister.
11 And wee desire, that euery one of you doe shewe the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope vnto the ende:
12 That yee be not slothfull, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherite the promises.
13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because hee could sweare by no greater, he sware by himselfe,
14 Saying, Surely, blessing I will blesse thee, and multiplying I wil multiply thee.
15 And so after he had patiently indured, he obtained the promise.
>>>16 For men verily sweare by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all "STRIFE, n. [Norm. estrif. See Strive.]  1. Exertion or contention for superiority; contest of emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts. Strife may be carried on between students or between mechanics. Thus gods contended, noble strife, / Who most should ease the wants of life. – Congreve.
2. Contention in anger or enmity; contest; struggle for victory; quarrel or war. I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon. – Judges xii. These vows thus granted, rais'd a strife above / . Betwixt the god of war and queen of love. – Dryden.
3. Opposition; contrariety; contrast. Artificial strife / Lives in these touches livelier than life. – Shak..
---continuing Hebrews 6:
7 Wherein God willing more abundantly to shewe vnto the heyres of promise the immutabilitie of his counsell, confirmed it by an oath:
18 That by two immutable things [the Oath and the Promise], in which it was impossible for God to lye, wee might haue a strong consolation, who haue fled for refuge to lay hold vpon the hope set before vs.<<<
19 Which hope we haue as an anker of the soule both sure and stedfast, and which entreth into that within the vaile,
20 Whither the forerunner is for vs entrrd; euen Iesus, made an high Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedec." at,
[Please see, "Monday, July 9, 2018, Most of my Fellow-Country-Persons, this THANKS GIVING, have no idea of the Reformation against Papal Authority that is the connections of our 1620 Puritans is Trinity Sacred Documents" at,…/most-…


"done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the seventeenth Day of september in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names : The Last clause makes reference to the Declaration of Independence by referring to the 12th year of Independence of the United States. " 


The words: >‘done’ = “The Lord's Prayer” as, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will Be DONE on earth [supreme Law of the Land] as it is in heaven. .." and 1611 KJV/ 1828/1844-Dr. Webster 
"DONE, pp. [dun. See Do.] 1. Performed; executed; finished.
2. A word by which agreement to a proposal is expressed; as in laying a wager, an offer being made, the person accepting or agreeing says done; that is, it is agreed, I agree, I accept";
>‘INDEPENDENCE’ is of each-one->’Constitutional-Person’, a man, a woman, a child/ youth, in his >‘STATE-of-Residence’, Precinct, District drawn for >“Consent of the Governed”per square mile of Electoral College 30 States of 105.71, drawn for “Majority Limited for Liberty - The Majority of ‘1’, the Union of One People, Consent of the Governed psm> Against. hierarchy/ ranking/ subsidiarity of the few men rulers supreme to the collective, mass people/ misconstructed, abused words ‘Public’ ‘Safety’,
 THE 23 States of art. iii's decree in edict of a "confederation" of "federalist supremacy's" "nationalism" in tyranny of a delusional, adversarial democracy’s socialist commun-ist Consent of the Governed’s 562.74 per square mile fact in evidence of arbitrary, tyranny government-of-man’s falsehood,’udhr’s’ 37 TIMES in the 30 articles, 4 times for slavery to labor unions, perverted, improper use and application, abuse of the word "RIGHT(s) 2. In morals and religion, just; equitable; accordant to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God. That alone is right in the sight of God, which is consonant to his will or law; this being the only perfect standard of truth and justice. In social and political affairs, that is right which is consonant to the laws and customs of a country, but, the WHOLE of article iii included, in all 30 udhr articles, 37 times, by omitting the Whole definition, "..PROVIDED THESE LAWS AND CUSTOMS ARE NOT REPUGNANT TO THE LAWS OF GOD;"
C2] = ARTICLE IV: 2, CLAUSE 1 “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States of each-one-Constitutional Person’s Place of Residence,” a.k.a., ..the separate and equal station [God is Truth and THE ONLY JUDGE through Christ] to which the Laws of Nature (fingers are an imperative) and of Nature’s God ENTITLES Each-One-Person = the assumption that each-one-person has ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD which encompasses THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, #5 of which is “long life in the Land, the Lord, Your God is Giving You”---from conception -- your Eternal Living Soul Second Person-Jesus ask His Father, First Person/ the Creator / Eternal Living God-to give You, John 14)....
⛬…. Means = YOU, a Constitutional-Person-ARTICLE III JURISPRUDENCE = DOJ-ATF employee of carnal, fleshy, concrete, distinct and palpable-mind, absent Truth, Trust, or Promise, who shall---, if this FOREIGN LAW, government-of-man, Hegel/ Marx, 1949 Socialist Communist-30 Articles of falsehood, udhr, pre-determined-conclusion- derived from the posted comments, Bump-Stock-Type-Machine Device, i.e., Singular, not plural, only one device to one gun’s one-finger on-one trigger attached to just another collective, mass group-1 gun-owner of any sort whatsoever-, but especially a NRA Member in a human-body’s physiology attached RIN 1140–AA52), --- confiscate BILL OF RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD = Amendment IX “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by any Person’s gun necessarily that property including an inanimate object- bump stock device, for there is no reason for a bump stock unless there’s a gun around to attach its place.
That fellow-country-person, neighbor, has the very same imperative of fingers to pick up, move and then attach it to the gun as YOU do to place bump-stock device into the incinerator to destroy “the separate and equal station” = “privileges and immunities” property against God’s Second Greatest Command, “Your Neighbor that is, in American God is Law -- YOUR SELF-SOUL/ MIND/ HEART = “..Either make the fruit of the tree good or make the fruit rotten; for “By Your WORDS YOU, ALONE, YOU SHALBE CONFIRMED, AND BY YOUR WORDS YOU SHALBE CONDEMNED”-Matt.12.

> "TWELFTH is the 12th year of our ‘Constitutional-PERSON's Declaration’ tongue, ARTICLES IV:2, clause 1 - synonymous with "assume among the powers of the earth (Holy Spirit-Three Individual Persons-TRUTH AGainst spirit of devil, government-of-fleshy, physiological Rulers all forms, world-wide of the very few-collecive-arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct-tyranny) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God ENTITLE Each-One, Unique Third-Person in IV:4 STATE is the residence of a CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON'S PROTECTION FROM "INFRINGEMENT OF RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD stated in ARTICLE VI: ALL THE CLAUSES, of The Eternal Living God in His Eternal Living Son - supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atoms of Atmosphere- ALL LIFE of, by and for our FLAG'S TESTIMONY to THE WAY, THE WHOLE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, Oath in Pledge’ Oral common Whole Law-Directly-to-"THE CHIEF'S" EAR, ALONE FIRST-, then among those he loves, knows and will never know, a.k.a, Two Greatest Commands of God; >'WITNESS' = ORAL, COMMON LAW of each-one-Constitutional-Person-Founder, representing the Whole One Person(s) of 2.5 million among their respective residences among 13 sovereign Colonies; 327,932,000+ now-50 States/ 2018.
> >'WITNESS' = ORAL, COMMON LAW, Matt. 18 "Whenever two or three are gathered in my name, I AM THERE," of ANY PERSON, but American God is Law, each-one- Constitutional -Person-Founder, representing the Whole One Person(s) of 2.5 million among their respective residences among 13 sovereign Colonies 24/7, 2018 is 398 YEARS FROM 1611 KJV-1,620th CELEBRATED BIRTHDATE OF JESUS-HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH-PURITANS/ PILGRIMS Land at Plymouth Rock- largest, Granite carved statue of FAITH in the world; 
1788 FEDERALIST PAPERS - PEN-NAME, ATTEST signer's: First Treasurer, N.Y. Alexander Hamilton; White Star/ Sripe #10 -VA, June 25, 1788, James Madison-Majority Limited, Amendment IX Property, 4th President of our Republic of IN GOD WE TRUST; and “Paris Treaty negotiator 1783, First Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, Star/Red Stripe #11- NY, July 26, 1788, FROM ACTS 28, PAUL'S VISIT TO MALTA, shipwrecked all survived, where he cured >>Governor PUBLIUS << the Governor, and others, to be the first Western European Nation to declare Paul’s Church of God in Christ in his Third Person, to his disciples, to all the persons they taught, that little island’s official religion; and
JOHN 8 [Deut. 17.6; Matt. 18:16] "17.It is written in your Law, that the Testamonie of two men is true. 18.I am one that beare WITNESS of myself, and The Father that sent me bearth WITNESS of me. 19. Then said they vnto him, Where is thy Father? Iesus answered, YE NEITHER KNOW ME, NOR MY FATHER: IF YE HAD KNOWN MEE, YEE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN MY FATHER ALSO. ...44.Ye are of your father the deuill, and the lusts of your father ye will doe: hee was a murtherer from the beginning, and abode not in the trueth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his owne: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye beleeue me not. 46 Which of you conuinceth mee of sinne? And if I say the trueth, why doe ye not beleeue me?
47 He that is of God, heareth Gods words: ye therefore heare them not, because ye are not of God.

>SUBSCRIBED=”Promised In SUM, the Gospel considered as a law, prescribes every virtue to our conduct, and forbids every sin.–Samuel Rogers (30 July 1763 – 18 December 1855) was an English poet Words: Remonstrance, Engagement, Presumption, Sum.
DOJ IS JUDICIARY AS WELL AS OTHER, 01/20/2009 anti-Christ (Wycliffe, Luther) ARTICLE II ADMINISTRATIVE -POLICE- DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT of MAN ABOLISHMENT OF…. supreme Law of the Land--God [the so-called ‘supremacy clause’ of the ‘confederation which was rejected -- has a huge, obvious falsehood: There is no land - unless there is First The Creator of it;
For Federal to be supreme is incredulous in its spurious exclaim- for the form of supremacy is DEMOCRACY’S FEW RULERS -- though it is never said/ spoken + “IF IT ISN’T WRITTEN, IT DOESN’T EXIST!”- in deceit for its own collective, mass imperatives absolute, unbridled power---
Article III is Trinity Sacred Documents: ORAL COMMON, LAW written in the Name of Holy Spirit One God in Three Persons Truth: exemplified by...:

"“THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER”, OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM This is the 140th CELEBRATION of OUR FLAG DAY, within 1/50th of each-one WHITE, Purity, Innocence, Matt.18, STAR Is Your, Individual, a Man, a Woman, a Child/ Youth-”OurSelves And Our Posterity Blessings”- Constitutional-Person’s..." at,


[1]      DR. JAMES MOFFATT, [BEFORE 1st EDITION] 1922 - 1954, DIRECT TRANSLATION BIBLE, ISAIAH 59:   [UPPER case added for emphasis, as well as addressing The Eternal, for Chapter 59 Is Addressing An Individual Person.  -- Not a community, the ecclesiastical government-of-man's perversion of The Gospel of Christ, therefore the WHOLE, THREE TESTAMENT, RE-FORM 1604/ 1611/ 1620 KJV, slogan,  "The Bible is written for 'communities' and Not for the Individual-Person"], meaning, Dr. Moffatt is writing this WWI to just before Korean, socialist, commun-ist, fascism arbitrary rules of conduct-tyranny rule ecclesiastical, civil-state and magistrate Western Europe, Baltics, Mediterranean and African nations are all lost to God in Christ Jesus -- very, very few  - even recognize that there is NO ORAL, COMMON LAW whatsoever....,  ---including as this cursor flashes....against OUR FLAG IS ONE GOD IN THREE, INDIVIDUAL PERSONS ---the ONLY NATION in ALL FIRST IN SECOND PERSON'S ERAS OF HISTORY -- WHERE YOUR, UNIQUE, THIRD-PERSON IS IN THE ETERNAL AND HIS ETERNAL LIVING SON'S LIKENESS AND IMAGE..HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH

"The Eternal's hand is not too short to save, the Eternal's ear is not too dull to hear!
2 It is Your Own Iniquities that interfere between Your God and You; your Sins have made Him veil His Face from You, until He Will Not Listen.
3 For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers stained with crime; LIES fall from your lips, Your tongues are muttering malicious wrong; 4. in court No One Sues Honestly, No Plea Is Just; Pretence and Falsehood You Rely on, [oral, common law] big with mischief, you bear mischief.
5. Intriguers, they hatch basilisk's eggs [a legendary reptile reputed to be a serpent king who can cause death with a single glance -Wikipedia], and weave a spider's web; eat their eggs, and you die, crush one, out crawls a viper!
6. What they weave covers no one, what they concoct clothes no one; 'tis violence they have in hand.
7. Their feet run fast to crime, they hurry to murder innocent men; their thoughts are thoughts of mischief, rapine and ruin are the track they follow; 8. they care not for what leads to bliss, their paths are void of justice; they take the crooked course, where bliss is all unknown.
9. So we are far from having our wrongs righted, we come by no redress [of grievance-Amendment 1]; we look for light, but all is dark, we look for gleams, and walk in gloom; 10 we groupe, like a blind man along the wall, we feel our way, like sightless men; at noon we stumble, as in twilight, we live ind darkness like the dead.
11.We are all moaning like a bear, mourning low like doves; we long to be righted, all in vain, no rescue is in sight for us.
12 For our transgressions before thee are many, and our sins testify against us, transgressions that are ever in our minds, sins we know ell---13. rebellions, treachery to the Eternal, deserting from our God, talking perversely and defiantly, telling lies from our heart.
14. Justice has to turn away defeated, right is forced to hold aloof, for truth in our assemblies has no footing, honesty cannot enter there; 15. truth is NEVER TO BE SEEN, and moral sense has left the town.

  A. "Learning to Understand The Three Sacred Document's "Oral Law" that is God In Three Persons" at  ; contains among other proofs of "The Essex Result", PDF links to the US District Court-fingers v God Oath-Declaration - Constitution ; Superior Court with Appellate Court, three times during the Course of Oath - Oral Law - Holy Living Trinity that is the Three Sacred Documents -- Connected, in Right Reason Argument of Truth, Trust, Promise --
               B.   "Learning the Three Sacred Documents: 2,016 Cerebrated Birth of Eternal Living Christ Jesus Compendium for AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, The Creator’s Truth in continuing “course of human events” at
               C.   "Learning Our Three Sacred Documents: Understanding the WHOLE System of Created Things is BOTH spirit of the devil and confronting the Eternal Son of God" at,
               D.   "Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law -- "Any form of Government..Destructive of these Ends": Our Eternal Living Father God Is Speaking Very Loud... at
has several parts to it: 1) Photo of 'my Defense Table from above 'A'the 396th Birthday of The Holy Living Trinity, God in Three Persons-Reformation that is  the 228th Birthday of the Third of the Three Sacred  Documents - The Public Park Teaching of  our Republic under God-with  each-one-Reference, Our Flag; Paul Galation's 1; The "Dissent of the 4 Justices of "This decision should be reversed" - the wall of separation collective people, ecclesiastical government-over-man, church from collective-people-government-over-man, state of Article I - while 5 judges of Article III committed the crimes of omission, neglect of contract, and transgression of the Declaration; "scatter" laid on top of  man-serving-man's "secular"; UN Court of International Iniquity's 3 forms of No Holy Trinity-Truth, Trust, Promise, socialist-communist, arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-power-force, UDHR -- more proofs of  "the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender(s) owes [and has given his, alone, to God's Ear, Oath-Oral Common Law] allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power - UN.."-Treason; more with illustrations of "lie, steal and kill the mind/ heart/ will-conscience of Person
            E. "I bet you can’t Guess Who The Wizard of Oz is..." at  is about Metaphor and allusion's language and communication to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise that is God in Three Persons- Bible and Life the Contents of the Three Sacred Documents...Wycliff, 1611 Translators to The Reader
                        Addresses Lining up Lining up  The Federal Reserve IS the 193 Nations of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 184 Natons: International Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); 173 nations:International Development Association (IDA), 184 nations: International Finance Corporation (IFC); 181 nations Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); 153 nations, 1966, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ((ISCID) Is The socialist-communist-delusional democracy-socialist-collectivism of group-think-vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' consensus-inclusive of "Papal-authority-supremacy of  among hierarchy's few rulers that  serve only themselves in abject-power's NGO-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's human precept's --- with the Table of Contents of the UN's Agenda 21 - "all  human body's collective people - life, land, water, atmosphere of the spirit of the Devil... that is the above  2017 to "2015's Appropriation's Committee's 11  areas of all life on planet earth...though all government-over-man in Article I are totally blind to Truth of Oral - Common Law.
             "Our Republic Under God: Learn how to use our Three Sacred Documents... Nullification....Article II:4"---"Virtual Unreality" of binomial's tyranny by enslavement to a machine's invisible liars,  the Hillary Clinton's brigands love of  Hegel-Marx, dialectical process of pre-determined, consensus conclusion - the government-over-man's reason to get rid of Judge Antonio Napolitano, as well as most of Fox News-complete reprobate attack on the Contents of The Three Sacred Documents -- commentators who are not 'yellow - coward-bootlickers' of control and manipulation of all knowledge, language and communication.

these are out of order and may be duplicates:

[1]     Orchestration and manufacture of all knowledge, language, communication for the production and distribution of all human-body’s expression of spirit of devil’s 30 articles of creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, workers of iniquity – all nations of world-down-below’s total slavery in complete, blind CAPTIVITY:
" What is the current state of the US deficit?
While the tax reform helped to cut taxes by millions of dollars, it has a big impact on the U.S. deficit." Published 2 hours ago on August 8, 2018 By Rodney Johnson   at,   "THE TRUTH.."  INCLUDING  "THE WHOLE TRUTH..." for ARTICLE IV:2, Clause 1, separate and equal station + each Constitutional-Person's STATE of Residence/ District/ Precinct Consent of the Governed -- WWW.USDEBTCLOCK.ORG ---TOTAL DEBT....

[2] For Papal Authority’s supremacy of a Pope as Jesus walking on world-down-below chosen-by-a-committee of consensus - where 10 of the 12 is consensus by the vain-idol-god’s BIGGER number, i.e. WWII Pius XI with Mussolini and Hitler [not connected to any PERSON who has chosen of his free will to follow Catholic reliGIOUS gathering of people- church of creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, denominations, factions in compulsion of conscience]   - SEE, RESOURCE #6 in “Most of my Fellow-Country-Persons, this THANKS GIVING, have no idea of the Reformation against Papal Authority that is the connections of our 1620 Puritans is Trinity Sacred Documents” at,

The 140th year Celebrating THIRD-CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON, Resides in his STATE ComposIng OUR UNION of ONE PEOPLE in the Heritage, ongoing Perseverance in Valor of Purity and Innocence to Our FLAG Sung in Our Four-Verse Story of STAR SPANGLED BANNER...”  At,

[4] Socialist-commun-ist hiding in deceit behind “Dems: ‘Socialism Is The Only Way To End This Nightmare Of Prosperity’ “  August 2, 2018   The Babylon Bee at,

[5]    Papal Authority’s decree by Gregory, 38 years after THIRD-PERSON-ETERNAL LIVING SOUL, PROPHET -John Wycliffe, as an “arch-heretic” IS STILL IN FORCE------ HE IS NEVER LISTED IN ANY, ARBITRARY HUMANIST-UTILITARIAN-ECCLESIASTICAL GOVERNMENT-OF-MAN SUPREME TO GOD stated as, “Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions—lie, steal are perfectly CORRECT since violation of GOD’S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS ENCOMPASSING 10 COMMANDMENTS – AMONG THE 1611 WHOLE 3 TESTAMENT, KJV -
; — AS REFORMATIONIST – THE 4 VOLUME, OXFORD --COLLEGE of NO FIXED TRUTH – gives him one paragraph ---- wikipedia — zero —:

Here is government-of man choosing and serving-human body’s carnal minds —“The Council of Constance declared Wycliffe an arch heretic on 4 May 1415, and banned his writings, effectively both excommunicating him retroactively and making him an early forerunner of Protestantism. The Council decreed that Wycliffe's works should be burned and his body remains removed from consecrated ground. This order, confirmed by Pope Martin V, was carried out in 1428.[24] Wycliffe's corpse was exhumed and burned and the ashes cast into the River Swift, which flows through Lutterworth. Date 1414–1418;  Accepted by Catholic Church Convoked by Antipope John XXIII, confirmed by Pope Gregory XII; Documents and statements:  Deposition of John XXIII and Benedict XIII, condemnation of Jan Hus, election of Martin V


, v.t. [abridj'; Fr. abréger, from Gr. βραχυς, short, or its root, from the root of break or a verb of that family.]  1. To make shorter; to epitomize; to contract by using fewer words, yet retaining the sense in substance-used of writings; as, Justin abridged the history of Trojius Pompeius.
2. To lessen; to diminish; as, to abridge labor; to abridge power or rights. –Sir John Smith (c. January 1580 – 21 June 1631), Admiral of New England, was an English soldier, explorer, and author. He was knighted for his services to Sigismund Bathory, Prince of Transylvania and his friend Mózes Székely. He was considered to have played an important part in the establishment of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. Words: Pride, Grievance .
3. To deprive; to cut oil from; followed by of; as, to abridge one of his rights, or enjoyments. To abridge from, is now obsolete or improper.
4. In algebra, to reduce a compound quantity or equation to its more simple expression. The equation thus abridged is called a formula.

CRIME, n. [L. crimen; Gr. κριμα; It. crime; Port. id.; Sp. crimen; Fr. crime; Arm. crim; Norm. crisme. This word is from the root of Gr. κρινω, L. cerno, to separate, to judge, to decree, to condemn. But this verb seems to be composed of two distinct roots, for in Latin, the pret. is crevi, which can not be formed from cerno; and in Greek, the derivatives, κριθω, κρισις, κριτης, can not be regularly formed from κρινω. The Gr. κριμα is undoubtedly a contraction, for in Norman the word is crisme. The root then of these derivatives is the same as of the Ir. criathar, a sieve, W. rhidyll, Eng. riddle; W. rhidiaw, to secrete, to separate. We have screen, a riddle, from the root of κρινω, and riddle, from the Celtic root of κρισις, κριτης. To judge is to decide, to separate, or cut off, hence to condemn; a crime is that which is condemned.]
1. An act which violates a law, divine or human [unless divine, there is no human]; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntary opens the gates without resistance [= 09/11/2014 Americans killed on American Soil/ the 01/20/2009 spirit of devil, government-of-man, corruptors of Holy Spirit- Truth, BENGHAZI, LIBYA]. But in a more common or restricted sense, a crime denotes an offense, or violation of public law, of a deeper and more atrocious nature; a public wrong; or a violation of the commands of God, and the offenses against the laws made to preserve the public rights; as treason, murder, robbery, theft, arson, &c. The minor wrongs committed against individuals or private rights, are denominated trespasses, and the minor wrongs against public rights are called misdemeanors. Crimes and misdemeanors are punishable by indictment, information, or public prosecution; trespasses or private injuries, at the suit of the individuals injured. But in many cases an act is considered both as a public offense and a trespass, and is punishable both by the public and the individual injured.
2. Any great wickedness; iniquity; wrong. No crime was thine, if 'tis no crime to love. – Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[* see “THE TATTLER”, below] WORDS: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature, Whole, Spear, Dead, Entail, Envy, Reconcile, Impose, Bulls, Assume, Bound, Race, Void, Folly, Excursion, Sop, Positive, Vain, Thought, Abuse, Meet, Stone, Cast, Spirit, Chain, Crime.

Capital crime, a crime punishable with death. [because the victim(s) own Person of Eternal Living Soul-physiological body journey on world-down-below, has ceased -- he has, with malice prepense, been removed from all his life's roles of risk, reward/ opportunities/ threats, strengths/ weakness ---among those he knows and will never know]

GRIEV'ANCE, n. [from grief.]  That which causes grief or uneasiness; that which burdens, oppresses or injures, implying a sense of wrong done, or a continued injury, and therefore applied only to the effects of human conduct; never to providential evils. The oppressed subject has the right to petition for a redress of grievances.
          PROVIDEN'TIAL, adjective Effected by the providence of God; referable to divine providence; proceeding from divine direction or superintendence; as the providential contrivance of things; a providential escape from danger. How much are we indebted to God's unceasing providential care!

MIS'CHIEF, n. [Old Fr. meschef; mes, wrong, and chef, head or end, the root of achieve, Fr. achever.]
1. Harm; hurt; injury; damage; evil, whether intended or not. A new law is made to remedy the mischief.
2. Intentional injury; harm or damage done by design. Thy tongue deviseth mischief. Ps. lii.
3. III consequence; evil; vexatious affair. The mischief was, these allies would never allow that the common enemy was subdued.-Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish[1] satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. WORDS: Thing, Conscience, Revile, Skill, Positive, Tempt, Engagement, Vulgar, Preacher, Power, Cast, Defile, Mischief
.MIS'CHIEF, v.t.   To hurt; to harm; to injure. -.Thomas Sprat (1635-1713), B.A., D.D.  Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster at,
Sprat+of +Rochester,+sermons+1695&hl=en&sa=X&ei=r7gxVaWbGs21sQTcsIDADA&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Bishop%20Thomas%20Sprat%20of%20Rochester%2C%20sermons%201695&f=false; “Dictionary of National Biography” edited by Sidney Lee; MacMillan 1898; Vol. LIII; pg. 419 WORDS: Person, Mischief

PREPENSE, adjective prepens'. [Latin proepensus, proependeo; proe and pendeo, to incline to hand down.]  1. Preconceived; premeditated; aforethought.  Malice prepense is necessary to constitute murder.
PREPENSE, verb transitive prepens'. [supra.]    To weigh or consider beforehand. [Not used.]
PREPENSE, verb intransitive prepens'. To deliberate beforehand. [Not used.]

RAP'INE, n. [Fr. from L. rapina; rapio, to seize.]  1. The act of plundering; the seizing and carrying away of, things by force.
2. Violence; force. –.John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.    Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica (1644)—written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defences of free speech and freedom of the press.  WORDS: Due, Break, Violate, Consequence, Conscience, Proof, Office, Warrant, Valor, Redress, Soul, Understand, Understanding, Matter, Grace, Trust, Strive, All, Truth, Religion, Shake, Confound, Distinct, Due, Impose, Gospel, Tempt, Spirit, Abuse, Steal, Ground, Meet, Travel, Perturbation, Pernicious, Loose, Cast, Vaunt, Refuge, Vigilance, Rapine
RAP'INE, v.t.  To plunder. – Buck.

Reformation; amendment. For us the more necessary is a speedy redress of ourselves. – Hooker. [This sense is now unusual.]
Relief; remedy; deliverance from wrong, injury or oppression; as, the redress of grievances. We applied to government, but could obtain no redress. There is occasion for redress when the cry is universal. – Davenant.
Reparation; indemnification. [This sense is often directly intended or implied in redress.]
One who gives relief. Fair majesty, the refuge and redress / Of those whom fate pursues and wants oppress. – Dryden.

REC'TI-TUDE, n. [Fr. from L. rectus, right, straight; It. rettitudine; Sp. rectitud; literally straightness, but not applied to material things.]   In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; rectitude of conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful but debasing. There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude … in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming. – J. Hawes.

RE-DRESS', v.t. [Fr. redresser; re and dress.]
To set right; to amend. In yonder spring of roses, / Find what to redress till noon. – Milton. [In this sense, as applied to material things, rarely used.]
To remedy; to repair; to relieve from, and sometimes to indemnify for; as, to redress wrongs; to redress injuries; to redress grievances. Sovereigns are bound to protect their subjects, and redress their grievances.

To ease; to relieve; as, she labored to redress my pain. – Sidney. [We use this verb before the person or the thing. We say, to redress an injured person, or to redress the injury. The latter is most common.]

RE-LIG-ION, n. [relij'ion; Fr. and Sp. religion; It. religione; L. religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.]
Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.
Religion, as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. – James i. Religion will attend you … as a pleasant and useful companion, in every proper place and every temperate occupation