Saturday, June 23, 2018

Updates: May 2018, The Budget, DACA Illegal Immigration, FISA + Mueller +/- Russia IS NOT ABOUT PARTY:Rather Holy Spirit Truth v. spirit of devil trinity Lie

[update,  08/25/2018 re Papal Authority's corruption  -- this Papist cannot connect to The Gospel of Christ; first published 06/23/2018]

HIGHEST DEBT AGAINST BUDGET -IN OUR HISTORY - ; DACA Illegal Immigration- arbitrating an inanimate object Wall,  FISA = Mueller = Russia  are all VIOLATIONS OF ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE-HOLY SPIRIT - TRUTH -TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -- Abused, Misconstructed word 'NONPARTISAN' does not exist since it cannot be but a collective-group-think of conformity in slave hood to spirit of devil trinity's imperative to LIE:

CONCLUSIVE, ASSUMPSIT AXIOM- ATTEST, WITNESS, SUBSCRIBE, as 12th year of Declaration = Fulfillment of Promise = IRREFUTABLE PROOF Trinity Sacred Documentments, The Original Text, Direct Translation/ Reformation, WHOLE, THREE TESTAMENT, 47-50 CLERGY from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge HOLY BIBLE in PREAMBLE TO BILL OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH -- MOST GIVE LIP SERVICE, and that under duress, some-re-elected often do not attend the 'Ceremony of "Divine Truth is a Different Path from Secular/ scatter Truth of man-serving-man, never One God in Three Persons, your are the Third-Person, a man, a woman, a Child-of 1st day kindergarten to grad school-ignorance for 16 to more than 20 years of extortion-college, each-one Person's life on world-down-below- Article II's never permit any thing but complete slavery to all Posterity-common core-and it still exists - close down Dept. of Edu-brainwashing-hate-; rather just so they can sustain their collective-group-think-party's 'bigger number-seniority/ hierarchy Senate is superior and House inferior, because group-think is way more important that God Is the Only Judge-"separate and equal station" of each-one-Person's place of Residence in his Sovereign State - thus, abolishment of RIGHT REASON for conformity to the 100% falsehood of Papal Authority [1]-UN-humanist-UDHR [2] articles 18, 19, 29, 30, always control and manipulation of all language, communication, knowledge, all life on world-down-below

FISA = Mueller's witch-hunt ignoring some of the withes to get to Article II = Russia/ Orthodox Catholic Putin. = Papal Authority-UN-UDHR-humanist = enemy within, labeled DEM because, with REP, those are the only two, legally recognized Parties for Consent of the Governed per Square Mile Article IV:2, 4, GUARANTEE OF A REPUBLICAN FORM OF Representative GOVERNMENT - EACH STATE, the Residence of a constitutional-person-citizen obeying instructions, warnings, and actions to take when "..destructive of these means" Papal authority-UN-UDHR-Delusional, adversarial, ISOLATED constitution-man-serving-man's democracy of subjugation of the many, by the few rulers of conduct-"Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression; Unresisted and cruel power"-Tyranny from perdition in betrayal.

 Immigrant Legal Resource Center/ "Immigrant Legal Resource Center QUICK REFERENCE CHART
For Determining Key Immigration Consequences Of Selected California Offenses 1 January 2016 / "Searching for Sanctuary" =  - the word, "ILLEGAL" HAS NO THING TO DO WITH GOD'S 10 COMMANDMENTS; but every thing to do with the 2, marxist socialist, Austrian Benedict XVI + socialist communist, Argentinian, Francis in honor of Gregory XI, Urban VI, Clement VII PAPAL AUTHORITY SUPREMACY - TWO KINGDOMS - UNABLE TO DISCERN "the Clean, Clear, and Distinct the Boundary Lines between Church and State, showing the character and limits of ecclesiastical/ spiritual authority on the one hand and the character and limits of civil on the other, ..emphasizing the energy The Great Truth that The Word, as contained in the Scriptures..."-1367 The Oral, Common Laws of  One God in Three, Individual Persons HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH,--as contained in O.T., INTERVAL, CAPTIVITY, 2ND TESTAMENT,  in N.T. ETERNAL LIVING SOUL, WHOLE HEART, WHOLE MIND OF ANY ONE PERSON who chooses to  Love, Obey, and Follow  "The Truth, The Whole Truth, And No Thing But The Truth - So Help [person] God."

"Special Counsel Targets Another Trump Ally, Seizes Phones, PC: Yet another Trump ally had his phones and computer seized by the Mueller investigation."  by Austin Lewis  06/25/2018 at,

VA-MD SHARING DC:   "The WHOLE of art. iii perdition in perfidy..."Federal Judge Turns Back New EPA Waterway Regulations A federal judge turned back changes to Obama-era EPA regulations due to the timing of said regulations."-by Austin Lewis -- [see GW, AGENDA 21, wHEELER - not published

  "Searching for Sanctuary, An Analysis of America's Counties & Their Voluntary Assistance With Deportations

"House Votes Immigration Compromise Bill:  Not a single democrat voted for the compromise bill, suggesting they're not interested in compromising to get what they want." by Austin Lewis 06/27/2018 at,

"[ARTICLE II IN ARTICLE III--DOJ condescend's to 30 STATES of ORAL, COMMON LAW, OATH IN PLEDGE, IN GOD WE TRUST, rather than continuing its adversarial democracy's collective-mass-people/20 State's vain-idol-god, BIGGER number as the standard for no right, just wrong] Caves, Hands Over Massive Hillary, Russia Documents After [ART. 1 WE THE PEOPLE]GOP Threats["the rest of the headline is very poor journalism-not repeatable. When I get an alternative, this will be deleted] -BY CILLIAN ZEAL, JUNE 24, 2018 AT 8:55AM, at,

9th circuit "court of  appeals..., the WHOLE perdition in perfidy, predetermined bias of conclusions, "... grants Mexican mother power to sue in U.S. court over cross-border shooting" By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at,

ME:"Lawsuit Outs Maine Democrat Party Laundering Clinton Campaign Dirty Donations: Illegal millions came in. Every cent went back out clean." by Mark Megahan, 5/30/2018 at,

"Jeff Sessions ends Obama-era ‘de facto’ court amnesty for illegal immigrants" By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Updated: 7:28 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at,

"A real life 'House of Cards': Reporter Ali Watkins, her source and their illicit romance"  Print
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Saturday, June 9, 2018 at,

"51-Page Transcript Show Dems Hotly Contested Memo Release
They tried to spin the whole thing as a political move but this is about the truth."
 by Bryan Zormeier,02/01/2018 at,

supreme court [lower case on purpose], June 2012's decree in edict of a delusional, adversarial, ISOLATED Constitutional democracy of collective mass people enslaved to hierarchy of few ruler's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, devoid HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH = ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE]  Crisis -- because enemy within has an imperative to violate Trinity Sacred Documents through its devotion to 'foreign law' = delusional-adversarial, ISOLATED constitution democracy's spirit of devil trinity Papal Authority, UN UDHR-humanist atheism-No Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge

"Top Dems Call On [Papal Authority-UN-UDHR=foreign law] Speaker Ryan To Remove Intelligence Committee Chair
Schumer and Pelosi say that Devin Nunes altered the FISA memo before it was released." by Martin Walsh, 02/02/1018 at, CDP who do not give bios on their reporters and if they remove one of their articles -- too bad -- so the link to this is removed and Martin Walsh still write for CDP but CDP does not support its reporters.

It is important because the control and manipulation of who, what, where, when, why and how -- will be destroyed if it is not within the applications and eligibility of correct - socialist communist PAPAL AUTHORITY'S UN-UDHR, 24/7 VIOLATIONS OF ORAL, COMMON LAW OATH IN PLEDGE.. ARTICLES VI IN VII WITH PREAMBLE TO BILL OF RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD---- THIS ARTICLE APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN REMOVED

"Memo Says Spy Warrant Would Not Have Been Sought Without Dossier
Photo of Chuck Ross, Reporter The Daily Caller 02/02/2018 at,
This is the only Reporter who provided a link to the actual PDF FISA MEMORANDUM:

"Lawyers Speculate On Russian Probe, Possible Indictment Would Cause Crisis
The lawyers believe Mueller might go ahead even knowing it wouldn’t survive the court." by Austin Lewis, 02/02/2018 at CDP,

"Top Dems Rush To Warn Trump, Threaten Charges If Mueller Is Fired
They couldn’t stop the memo so now they are resorting to threats." by Martin Walsh, 02/03/2008 at CDP,
 " _campaign=2 _February-4;

"Biased FBI and DOJ Officials Broke The Law And Tried To Decide The Election – an Annotated Timeline" - TOM DEL BECCARO, Political Vanguard, 02/05/2018 at,    CONNECTS the entire timeline of the attacks against our Republic under God by the enemy within--and outside--- both violating ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE - HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH - TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS.

Constitutional Crisis IS American  Holy Spirit-Truth God Is Law v. spirit of devil trinity, because enemy within, Party has an imperative to violate Trinity Sacred Documents through its devotion to 'foreign law' = delusional-adversarial (The budge + continuing the greatest falsehood perpetrated worldwide-CO2 emissions cause Agenda21-(Budget-"healthy communities") 2018 sustainable Goals-World Bank 5 lending groups from confiscated from many nation's persons of their own commerce, ISOLATED constitution democracy's  BEELZEBUB spirit of devil trinity V. BEELZEBUB Papal Authority, UN UDHR-humanist atheism-No Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge:, Truth, Trust, or Promise.  Party is about winning and lsoing,'bigger number's $$ time (generally bad if long), collective, mass people voting in ignorance, with right laws and customs always repugnant to God.  Party and Article III opinions and decision statement -- are never about Truth, Trust, or Promise--and always adversarial with as much disrespect as one human can dish out to another.

"Democrat Rep Relaying Classified Info To Media, Reveals Application Details, This comes after weeks of him complaining about Republicans doing this" by Luis Orozco, 02/06/2018 CDP at,

"Emails Collected Show Deep State Support Of James Comey, It appears many agents felt strongly about their director being fired." by Jacqueline Havelka,  CDP, 02/07/2018 at,

"FISA-gate, Russian Collusion, and the KGB Infiltration into America’s Political Ecosystem"
 Allan M. Coleman  February 8, 2018, ISRAEL RISING, at,
and the article -- is Not Party v Party.
....Mr. Coleman, you probably do not know these connections, very few if any Americans do, or as to often the case, the facts and evidence are under so many eligibility requirements man-serving-man, supreme to God and their fellow-country-persons who often do recognize abolishment of Truth, Trust, and Promise much better than any 'leader': ..

The label "house divided" is NOT ABOUT the falsehood labels of DEM and REP Parties of their own forms of lie.

It is Strictly Holy Spirit Truth ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD- One God in Three Persons v spirit of devil trinity'S IMPERATIVE TO LIE -Matt. 4 -- SOMEWHAT BRIEFLY,  AS FOLLOWS,
.Putin is 'displacement' for the Pope'S GROUP-THINK, of "If i could vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton" & "government in exile-Never touch the legacy [of hate of underlings who choose him for Art. II] obama,and company; which of course, the current, Art. II plays mediate, arbitrate, & nearly always, judgement by hypocrisy, though he is learning why that isn't a good idea, & he does Know what an Oath contains--just not "ASSUME AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH, i.e., Holy Spirit of Three Persons, the Separate and Equal Station to which...THE WHOLE OF LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD entitle each-one-person (actually from John Wycliffe whom Jefferson well knew) to his Certain, Unalienable Gifts from the Creator...

PAPAL AUTHORITY, must accomplish revenge and its power base, i.e., THE ETERNAL LIVING CHRIST Jesus walking on earth because His body's 5 senses-physiology was crucified in order to save men form their blasphemies and sins, He Had & Has been doing from the beginning, with Apocrypha, the not 'hidden' Captivity, a.k.a, this very Era which started during WWI.:  PAPAL AUTHORITY WAS FORBIDDEN ANY PART IN THE FORMATION OF THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, OF WHICH THE ONLY WHOLE, 1611 REFORMATION (Jan Haus, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther's German into English, Geneva)THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE, THE ORIGINAL TEXT BIBLE TO THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS.

BTY - "A house divided..cannot Matt. 12 - Jesus on Beelzebub  v. Beelzebub at, = Truth v lLie

Lawyers Speculate On Russian Probe, Possible Indictment Would Cause Crisis
The lawyers believe Mueller might go ahead even knowing it wouldn’t survive the court." by Austin Lewis,
02/02/2018 at,  - this does not have to go to Article III -- it is so clearly a violation of Trinity Sacred Documents -Oral Law, Oath in Pledge...

"Republican Reveals Clinton’s Benghazi Team Also Steered Trump Memo Information
They hired Christopher Steele but dictated which details should be included." by Martin Walsh, CDC, 02/07/2018 at,

"Dems Set Trap, Rebuttal Memo Contains Details Trump Won’t Be Able To Overlook
The details are so sensitive he will have to deny to release it or redact it, exactly what they want" by Martin Walsh 02/07/2018 at my FB page and at,

""Illegal": Word Rendered Significant by Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge of each-one-Person - Trinity Sacred Documents v. spirit of devil trinity, man-serving-man's UN-UDHR delusional democracy...," at,

"IRS Finds 1.3 Million Cases Of Identity Fraud, Doesn’t Prosecute, The cases have to do with illegal aliens."by Luis Orozco 9:40 PM 19 MAR 2018; Conservative Daily Post at,

"Maryland will sue Trump administration over state tax-deduction cap
Democratic state AG says it’s an attack on ‘state sovereignty’  By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Saturday, February 3, 2018, at

"Budget deal shows high cost of bipartisanship"by Stephen Dinan and David Sherfinski - The Washington Times - Thursday, February 8, 2018 where the word 'bipartisan' does not exist because Holy Spirit-Truth-Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge - Two Greatest Commands of God/ is Trinity Sacred Documents -- and the budget violates Article IV:4, STATE is the Residence of a Constitutional-Person with Protection from invasion Infringement of  Right, Truth, God; at,

The White House Feb 6 (2 days ago)-mailing list,,
Your 1600 Daily: Getting tough on MS-13 Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, E...
Feb 6 (2 days ago) ---  My Replay to White House  [closed White House email down with 45 minutes of my 'message sent']:

God and Jesus do not write, and you do not write to them = Article VI supreme Law of the Land-bound by Oral Common Law - your mouth their Ears - OATH IN PLEDGE - RIGHT/ TRUTH/GOD with clause 1 do not seek DEBT [at original text-forbidden-AMERICAN DIC., - and please read Dr. Webster's "Preface" for not doing so -  manufactures, produces, and distributes, spirit of devil's happiest and most successful, common core tool and instrument of the body's 5 senses,-against at-large fellow-country-person, even world-wide ignorance allows abuse and misconstruction of all language and communication ];

 AND the CONCLUSIVE-- ATTESTATION, WITNESS, SUBSCRIBED - THE 12TH YEAR OF IRREFUTABLE PROOF - TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, that is,YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON COMPOSING THE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE IN SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION AMONG THE POWERS OF THE EARTH - HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD THREE PERSONS, YOU THE THIRD --ABSOLUTELY ONLY, among all nations on God's earth, OUR AMERICAN GOD IS LAW-- v. spirit of devil trinity - you can learn at Matt.4 -- our ETERNAL LIVING CREATOR, TRUTH FROM REFORMATIONIST AND FOUNDER PROPHETS -- unrecognized by man-serving-man, and our Nation's original text 1611 Authorized by God HimSelf & King James I of GB and VI of Scotland, as He did for our Nation with Puritans (2 were on the 1611 committee of 47-50 Clergy Handford Court 1604) 497 years ago at Plymouth Rock with the American Indian Chief who "had a dream to help these strangers"=dreams colors and symbols with contemplation alone, then with tribal members = Two Greatest Commands of God upon which Hang the WHOLE LAW and ALL the Prophets (Matt. 22 doesn't know there will be others, even though Jesus teaches as He does why our Father is a Person, especially spirit of devil trinity Is Papal Authority control and manipulation of all language and communication-expression of thoughts, Latin in 770, And continuing in its collective-group-think, UN-UDHR, A.D.):

Oral Law is how tribal chiefs governed their families;  and the fog on Hudson Bay with the entire British Armada unable to enter our Waters, to Land, for their atoms of atmosphere = supreme Law of the Land == TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS == BELIEVE ORAL LAW, BECAUSE 1611 Only WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE, Second Testament, APOCRYPHA/ CAPTIVITY our Nation among all Nations on God's Planet in His carefully chosen Galaxy of His "the collective name of heaven and earth [Nature, World, Natural, Universe] all that belong to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED 'THINGS" [Article II, Clause 2, " Any THING ... of any STATE.., the residence of a CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON, a man, a woman, a Child, the contrary NotWithStanding" [Upper Case added]:

--We Are Not A Delusional, worldwide, except US(A), adversarial, Isolated constitution-Democracy, but, because of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth, we are and have been enslaved to spirit of devil trinity since, about end of WWI, with Pope Pius XI and XII aligned with Nazis social order 80-Subsidiarity-any group can make any regulation or rule they want to and enforce it.; - NO GOD/ NO CHRIST JESUS, and Holy Spirit Truth located, exclusively to only those who Obey and Follow, knew-know for they are still in heaven-Eternal Souls- FIRST PERSON="...THE WHOLE TRUTH;" SECOND PERSON "THE TRUTH.."; THIRD PERSON- "...AND NO ' THING ' BUT THE TRUTH", = YOUR THIRD PERSON's LIFE LONG CHALLENGE-ALL ROLES YOU, ALONE IN THE MIRROR BRUSHING YOUR TEETH, especially teaching your Commandment 5 Heritage, both the mirror and his mouth, for future-Things, THEN AMONG THOSE YOU KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW, JUGGLING YOUR OWN HOLY SPIRIT v. spirit of devil trinity,  IS "MAN DOES NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT ISSUES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD"; "Be gone Satan! You must worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone.".

#3 of 3, the top of the highest mountain and all the grandeur [of Truth/ God] thereby = Agenda 21 to GW to World Bank's 5 group loans of Billions, necessarily the very protected-never even hint of workers of iniquity grapes from thorns and for spirit of the devil trinity's sake, never investigate the great-vain-idol-god's forms of 'plastic-currency for commerce' of other peoples money without any representation and virtually no accountability to any thing or person on World-down-below, blind to One God in Three Persons -- CO2 EMISSIONS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING, debunk from the beginning at June 1992-Rio de Juniero, and now, never to be seen or reported in any form of media, note the date, " STUDY BLOWS "GREENHOUSE THEORY OUT OF THE WATER'' All observed climatic changes have natural causes completely outside of human control"--Alex Newman; Published: 07/08/2017 at 8:53 PM, at,

Do you fellow-country-person, with Respect, Mr. President, UNDERSTAND ALL LIFE ON spirit of devil trinity imperative to lie, land, water, atmosphere --- just consider any form of governmental program, Department, Gender, or skin color related to the vain-idol-god's collective, physical and environmental, communities, living and inanimate objects - that IS, absolutely 2017-2018 and the future, meaning desolation and destruction of Third Person who is Trinity Sacred Documents?  that's why shoved under whatever form of displacement's scatter and disperse - will work best for continuation of "Never obey any words that issue from God or Christ or any Prophet - present at all times and all circumstances, but rarely even noticed....

Thank you, but please don't scatter Truth... it only adds to lie that will continue to grow on its Self exponentially... and, again, President Trump, You Are Not Alone in this ignorance of ORAL COMMON LAW. spirit of devil trinity has to destroy Truth, manifested by "If it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist" absurdity in huge lie...required for predetermined conclusions of committee, party conformity group-think blind to the actual definition of,.
"POL'ITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance."
Ms. Catherine E. West

If any person indicts CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED'S Pres. Trump while permitting the previous usurper of the Trinity Sacred Documents- THE SINGLE GREATEST ENEMY OF OUR NATION THAT HAS EVER, even combining Wilson (who at least admitted to terrible errors he made), FDR and Mrs Roosevelt, Ch of 1949 socialist, communist -UN, now Papal Authority-UDHR, and Johnson-combined as one in foreign law.  and the most humongous debt in our Nation's history - ABSOLUTELY REFUSING TO CLOSE DOWN, rather, ACTUALLY EXPANDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE POLICE STATE'S CONTROL AND MANIPULATION OF ALL LIFE ON PLANET WORLD-DOWN-BELOW..... INCLUDING THAT MEDIA EXISTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF NEVER INFORMING ANY CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON WITHIN ARTICLE VI-

This Constitutional-Person, of great photo-op [as opposed to the Consent of the Governed-Electoral College 29 STATES to 21 Article I- II and among the few of III "SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION" WE THE PEOPLE] is the very last person to say, -- "Let's throw the stones at that whore in the pit!  Who is Christ Jesus, anyway?" ; since he, intrinsically, including every single person of every single role, from 01/20/2009 anti-REPUBLIC UNDER GOD REGIME, in that person's life (includes you-Reporter), has Given his Oral common Law-mouth directly to Holy Spirit-Three Individual Persons under Articles IV, VI in VII-Preamble to BILL of RIGHT(s)/ TRUTH/ GOD, absolute, blind and bound slaves to spirit of devil trinity, judging in hypocrisy of foreign law's Papal Authority-UN-UDHR  and thus, will answer, as he is speaking, will have exact measure back to himself as well as every one-person -- his mouth, God's Ear ---  :

spirit (no upper case 's' on purpose - just like no upper case 'L' in supreme Law of the Land) of devil trinity', who can Only lie (John 8), slaves, i.e., few rulers of conduct-tyranny devoted to perdition, 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's chief usurpers of "Never obey any language and communication, and alter all knowledge of.."Every Word that Issues From the Mouth of God"; at all times, tempt - divine truth is different path from secular/ worldly/ 5 senses-body's physiology - minutely all osmosis, diffusion, and active transport required for its control and manipulation of tools and instruments for  Person Composing Union of One People - contents of Trinity Sacred Documents,learning, enterprise, hardiness, valour, purity/ innocence of heart, vigilance/ perseverance/ Justice/ Right/ Truth/ God -Declaration of Independence Abuses:

1) BOTH PARTY-POWER AGAINST EACH-OTHER'S COLLECTIVE-GROUP-THINK, against their fellow-country-persons, Article I is 1 Person among 535 working for Holy Spirit-TRUTH/ Oral, Common Law,  has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good. -- Most recently,  Article I and II supreme to STATE, location of a Constitutional-Person's residence through taxation --capping state and local tax (SALT) deductions in its new federal tax law,
5)  BOTH PARTY-POWER AGAINST EACH-OTHER'S COLLECTIVE-GROUP-THINK, against their fellow-country-persons, Article I is 1 Person among 535 working for Holy Spirit-TRUTH/ Oral, Common Law, has dissolved representative houses repeatedly for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
14)  .. has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:.= PAPAL AUTHORITY-UN-UDHR 100% FALSEHOODS..
17) .For imposing taxes on us without our consent;
18) NOT DEPRIVING OF TRIAL BY JURY, but not choosing "peers" -- persons who know Constitution and Right/ God/ Truth are often not chosen, so that "not sure"-- "Don't know" -- 'group-think' ranks to be chosen.
20) "We lay it down as a Fundamental that Laws, to be Just, must give a reciprocation of RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH, that without these they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct founded in force and not in Conscience"-Thomas Jefferson
21)  For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments;
22) Not suspending, though that does happen-always to the benefit of fraud's suppreesion of Truth--the Budget --re-defining the actions of writing God's Law by performing it 'in secret, behind closed doors, or worse, in competition with each other  as greater and lesser, but Never for ORAL LAW-Truth of the WHOLE 50 STATES AND TERRITORIES, TO ADMIT TO AND CEASES LEGISLATION NOT CONSISTENT WITH TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD--NO PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS--AND TO JUST SAY -- WE MADE A MISTAKE, THEN RETURN THE MONEY AND CORRECT OR BETTER, ELIMINATE THE MISTAKE/ WRONG....

AUTHORITIES/ RESOURCES, COMMENTS, -- by HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, Original Texts for Trinity Sacred Documents: "1611 KJV Reformation-Whole, Three Testament Bible"; 1828/1844 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language"

            Papal Authority's Property of UN Agenda 21, GW, sustainable tenement hosuing, Climate Change, Paris Treaty, World Bank's 5 Groups, necessarily Federal Reserve/ IMF 2017 Sustaintaible Development Goalsland, water, atmosphere among the 194 nations, not counting the invsisble under the axsis regimes it supports:
  A)  Papal Authority's property-194 UN nation's General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session, every Committee, at,
intertwined to: 
B) 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty EU/ Commission Holy See- since 2000
C) "After 500 years of schism, will the rift of the Reformation finally be healed?"--counting only from 1517 -- ignoring the eixtence of man-serving-man's heretic 1320 John Wycliff -- cause he isn't of eligibility so Pope Francis doesn't have to worry about his TRUTH -- at,
D)  "Learning our Three Sacred Documents: the Inside/ Outside enemy-spirit of devil-trinity, v. Holy Spirit Truth Eternal Living Jesus"-- spirit of devil trinity #3 of 3's property in grandeur, highest mountain with 360 degree visual effect, and all 194 nations of Papal Authority's UN-UDHR, Agenda 21, GW, 2017 World Bank Group's, necessarily including Federal Reserve/ IMF, Sustainable Development Goals -- that is 2015-2017's abrogation of Alithia/ Truth/ Paul's  Christian Discipline (I Tim. 1) non-word "BiPartisan"- Appropriation of  Phronesis-WE THE PEOPLE-Constitutional-Person's Commerce - i.e. Enterprise of Ideas - no civil-state intertwined ecclesiastical-man-serving-man supreme to God that is Trinity of the Three Sacred Documents, at,
E) "Papal Rome and the European Union"; Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyen at,
F) Holy See/ Papal Authoirty-UN - hypocrisy of pot calling kettle black - John 8's Abraham's Children who are blind to Truth and need to kill; Thursday, August 24, 2017, at,
from: "U.N. Issues Order To Trump As Officials Claim ‘Warning’ Signs, Urgent Action
Posted by Georgette Walrath | Aug 24, 2017 | Breaking News  -----
G)   "Absent God in The Three Sacred Documents, "Speaker Ryan, a.k.a UN Papal Authority, tells Trump to lay off Mueller"---Thursday, July 27, 2017; at,
H) An Absolute Axiom of Proof - of spirit of devil trinity-"never obey any word that issues from the mouth of God, and as a Third Person of "And assume among the powers of the earth (because spirt of devil trinity is never forgiven, cannot be present in Holy Spirit-Truth-heaven) the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person Composing the WHOLE of ONE PEOPLE:  "Massive Outrage As Vatican Knighthood Awarded To Virulent Abortion Activist, “Powerful Signal” Posted by Stephanie Sheaks | Jan 19, 2018 | at, ---- Please observe the Photo of the Person-Pope, among his enterage - College of Cardinals-absolute rulers of condcut-force, absent conscience, 2,018 years, violation of first 5 commandments of God -- notably, the much attacked, by spirit of devil trinity's arbitrary human precept- man-serving-man of Paul's  Church of God in Christ in his Third Person among those he knows and will never know, circumcised/ uncircumcised, male/ female, freeman/ slave from capture by government-over-man or by spirit of devil trinity:  heritage, Luke 12,  "Honor thy father and thy mother that YOUR days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth YOU, " alone-Eternal Soul FROM CONCEPTION.
I)    .12/21/2017: ".. Closed Door Deal Exposed, Senate GOP Announces Next “Compromise” As [Socialists  UN-UDHR]Leftists Rejoice by James Bishop -- the PHOTO of Ex, Taxpayer Pensioned, Papal Authority Lieutenant Boehner with Speaker Ryan the current obedient slave to Papal Authority [1] = Closed door that includes, Pres. Trump's DEAL   at,  ; connected to my Tweet, who loves to disbar, the bias of predetermined conclusions that are Red -Flags of Falsehood by the surveyors (including RNC-DNC's deceit) "About the Tweet of blame by UDHR's Articles 19 in 29
"person-ality" for gov. shutdown: "None of the above" is not asked, thus DACA's illegal immigrants-Papal Authority Property, UN-UDHR not recognized, though Papal-Lieu. Ex Speaker Boehner is very active behind closed doors .... daca is totally Papal Authority UN UDHR redistribution of collective people for borderless nations, Borderless jurisprudence by the betralay of Article III summer 2014 - also, " "Illegal": Word Rendered Significant by Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge of each-one-Person - Trinity Sacred Documents v. spirit of devil trinity, man-serving-man's UN-UDHR delusional democracy...," at, 

J]     "Pope says he’s ‘ashamed’ about Catholic Church’s failure to tackle clerical abuse in Ireland Kate BuckSaturday 25 Aug 2018 2:42 pm  AT,

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Because of 1,942 years of blasphemy AGAINST the Eternal Living Souls of All Three, INDIVIDUAL Persons = the Holy Spirit-Truth by abject corruption, this Papist-authoriy suffers the gravity of his predecessors in "Not having the faculty of discernment; destitute of intellectual light; unable to understand or judge; ignorant; as authors are BLIND to their own defects; in scripture, BLIND implies not only want of discernment, but moral depravity; 

Thus, is BLIND to First Person in Second Person-teaching the Laws of our Father, Matt. 18, Laws of Nature's God's ORAL, COMMON LAW- OATH- IN HIS HOUSE! - TWO GREATEST COMMANDS/ "1.At the same time came the Disciples vnto Iesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the Kingdome of heauen?
2 And Iesus called a little child vnto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Uerily I say vnto you, Except yee be conuerted, and become as little children, yee shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen.
4 Whosoeuer therefore shall humble himselfe as this little childe, the same is greatest in the Kingdome of heauen.
5 And who so shall receiue one such little child in my name, receiueth me.
6 But who so shall offend one of these little ones which beleeue in me, it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that hee were drowned in the depth of the Sea.

7 ¶ Woe vnto the world because of offences: for it must needs be that offences come: but wo to that man by whom the offence commeth.
8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foote offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather then hauing two hands or two feete, to be cast into euerlasting fire.
9 And if thine eie offend thee, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eie, rather then hauing two eies, to be cast into hell fire, where, in Second Testament, 7 Children were in 'hell'fire -- DID NOT BURN.
10 Take heed that yee despise not one of these little ones: for I say vnto you, that in heauen their Angels do alwaies behold the face of my father which is in heauen.
11 For the sonne of man is come to saue that which was lost.
12 How thinke yee? if a man haue an hundred sheepe, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leaue the ninetie and nine, and goeth into the mountaines, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
13 And if so be that he find it, Uerily I say vnto you, hee reioyceth more of that sheepe, then of the ninetie and nine which went not astray.
14 Euen so, it is not the will of your father which is in heauen, that one of these little ones should perish. .." at,   -- Please, while there, READ ABOUT THE REASON THE 1611 KJV 47-50 "INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATORS TO THE READER" ABOUT THE REFORMISTS WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES, FORTUNES, AND SACRED HONOR -- TO RETURN YOUR THIRD-PERSON TWO YOU WHILE HERE ON WORLD-DOWN-BELOW
[2]     Spirit of devil trinity #2 of 3 pinnicle of highest Temple-tempt: Humanist to UDHR falsehoods:
          "2.   We make reasoned decisions because our experience with approaches that abandon reason convinces us that such approaches are inadequate and often counterproductive for the realization of human goals. When reason is abandoned there is no “court of appeal” where differences of opinion [UDHR Article 19 in 29] can be settled. We find instead that any belief is possible if one’s thinking is driven by arbitrary faith, authority, revelation, religious experience, altered states of consciousness, or other substitutes for reason and evidence [UDHR Article 18 in 29 bound by 30]. Therefore, in matters of belief, we find that reason, when applied to the evidence of our senses [5 of the 7 Operations God made and furnished man, vacating #6 UNDERSTANDING and #7 Speech, an interpreter of the cognitations thereof... Tree of KNOWLEDGE of GOODNESS and WICKEDNESS] and our accumulated knowledge, is our most reliable guide for understanding the world and making our choices.

3.   We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive [but do not have Person of Holy Spirit-Truth, therefore cannot ever have either #6 or #7-unless it is completely rewritten in total lie as in #5 below] with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself  [the 5 sense reason for arbitrary perpetration of belief's upon the whole, collective, mass people, exemplified in Muslim Sharia sharing Mohmed with Radical Jihad/ ISIS, and Dreamers taught that lie is justified because only their parents lied--and they have no connection whatsoever to their Commandment 5 Heritage] Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible [Nature's Law - a self-fulfilling prophecy ]....

5.   Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions. [Permission to utilize the Whole frontier of knowledge language and communication for the purpose of destroying Oral, Common Law/ Truth, Trust and Promise - UDHR article 29 "human Family in communities of judgment by person-ality's planks in eyes hypocrisy]

6.  ..The here-and-now physical world of our senses is the world that is relevant for our ethical concerns, our goals, and our aspirations. We therefore place our values wholly within this context. ..:  "If it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist'; "Distinct and palpable Injury for Standing purposes When, not if When, Constitutional Rights Are violated: Common Law Public Value as, living and inanimate objects of CO2 emissions cause Agenda 21/ GW, multitude of monikers, including a vain-idol-god, dressed as a human body, very briefly, Green God in subjugation to Papal Authority NGO-UN-UDHR, 2018 World Bank's 5 loan brokers, necessarily Federal Reserve protected from ever being accountable for suppression of Truth/ Fraud - IMF, for Sustainable Development  as parties-at-arbitrary human precept rules of conduct force, absent conscience. ..

3.   There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife.

[3]     Perversion of meaning; improper use or application; as, an abuse of words, Language and communication- hence all knowledge on world-down-below
We read in the Scriptures, that God, when he had created man, "blessed them; and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it [italics added]:  and have over the fish of the sea," &c. God afterward planted a garden, and placed in it the man he had made, with a command to it, and to dress it; and he gave him a rule of moral conduct, permitting him to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, except one [The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil], the eating of which was prohibited. We further read, God brought to Adam the fowls and beasts he had made, and Adam gave them names; and that when his female was made, he gave her a name. After the eating of the forbidden fruit, it is stated that God addressed Adam and Eve, reproving them for their disobedience, and pronouncing the penalties which they had incurred.  In the account of these it is further related that Adam and Eve both replied their Maker and excused their disobedience.
['Retrospective Review',because it is forbidden, by ecclesiastical and civil-state-few over many, man-choosing and serving-man, to alter 'predetermined conclusion..or even question them; but God is His Double-Edged Sword of Truth of that Tree of Knowledge... and man is to "subdue earth, supreme Law of the Land" in God's name, not mans: Remember God gave Adam and Eve Tools and clothes and helped them use them; but because of the consequences to 'gender's forms' over all our Father's Eras of His History, how often, the talking is omitted, ignored, skipped - and that serpent is compelled to use deceit - to tempt, innocent, pure Eve, to even regard the Knowledge, let alone, take the nanosecond bite, from that fruit, though she had to run to Adam, and he took the bite, because his #6 understanding, faith in promise, goodness couldn't be present before he took his bite, though both initiated - along with Commandment 5's Heritage, conception of a about to be Newborn - the very same innocence and purity]
         If we admit, what is the literal and obvious interpretation this narrative, that vocal sounds or words were used in these between God and the progenitors of the human race, it results that Adam was not only endowed with intellect understanding his Maker, or the signification of words, but furnished with the faculty of speech and with speech itself, or the knowledge and use of words as signs of ideas, and before the formation of the woman. Hence we may infer language was bestowed on Adam, in the same manner as all other and knowledge, by supernatural power; or, in other words, was of divine origin; for, supposing Adam to had all the intellectual powers of any adult individual of species who has since lived, we can not admit as probableeven possiblethat he should have invented and constructed even a barren language, as soon as he was created, without supernatural aid. It may indeed be doubted, whether without such aid, men would ever have learned the use of the organs speech, so far as to form a language. At any rate, the of words and the construction of a language must have been a slow process, and must have required a much longer time that which passed between the creation of Adam and of Eve. It is, therefore, probable that language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of GodWe are not, however, to suppose the language of our first parents in paradise to have been copious, like most modern languages; or the identical language they used, to be now in existence. Many of the primitive radical words may and probably do exist in various languages; but observation teaches that languages must improve and undergo great changes as knowledge increases, and be subject to continual alterations from other causes, incident to men in society." [God made and furnished man with 7 OPERATIONS, with 6 Understanding and 7 "Language or Speech", an interpreter of the cogitations thereof...
-Editor's Preface/ Biography; Author's Preface, Introduction,

B}      John Wycliff, so effective against Papal Authority, he is not only banned, but you can count on your 10 fingers, how many ecclesiastical or civil-state magistrates know of his Importance or his existence--especially in England who have abandoned Reformationists - though they performed more deeds and took more actions on behalf of the Person composing the Union of the Whole of that Nation than all the Kings-Queens, and officialdom of hierarchy-courts put together, for God Is...:


  From:  "De Conversatione Ecclesiasticorum"  [On the Manner of the Ecclesiastica] Pg. 13-22 ; at,
"Thus the man who would be obedient to the command which requires him duly to honour God, is reminded "that he must steadily believe, that Almighty God in Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three persons in one God, are the noblest object that may be, so that all power, all knowledge, all wisdom, all goodness, all charity, all mercy, is in him, and cometh of him. Also thou must fear God before all things in this world, and break his commandments for no worldly good. Also, thou must love God before all things, and labour earnestly to understand and know his will; that thy will may be so ruled and set that it may ever accord with God's will. Have a mind also of the goodness of God, how he made thee in his own likeness, and how Jesus Christ, both God and man, died so painful a death on the cross, to buy man's soul out of hell [is world-down-below] and to the bliss of heaven, with his own heart's blood!" [Laird] All trust in amulets, or the devices of magic, is described as so much weakness and impiety: and the question is asked --- "Since men dread so much the pope's cursing, the bishop's cursing, and other priests cursing, why, do not men fear the rightful, the dreadful, and the terrible cursing that God giveth to those who will not keep his commandments?" at,

[Pgs. 45-46] “XIII The work in titled De Episcoporom Erroribus begins with the words, There are eight things by which simple Christian men be deceived.
        The eight points on which much delusion is said to prevail among the people are enumerated, and these points are --- holy church ----law---- religion--- obedience ---- cursing ---the goods and rights of holy church ---- commandment and counsel ---- deadly sin and venial.          Thus, in the first place, “when men speak of holy church, they understand anon prelates and priests, monks, and canons, and friars; and all men who have crowns, though they live never so cursedly against God's law. And they call not seculars men of holy church, though they live never so truly after God's law and in perfect charity. Nevertheless, all who shall be saved in bliss of heaven are members of holy church, and no more. But in consequence of the false manner of speaking prevalent on this subject, simple men are taught to account many as great men of holy church, who are in fact “enemies thereof and of the synagogue of Satan.
         In respect to “law,” the complaint is, that by that term men understand human statutes and regulations, forgetting the primary application of the term to those injunctions which man has received from his Maker. God is the great lawgiver, and it is to his enactments that all others should be subordinate.
         The same error happens in respect to “religion”. By that term men do not understand the system of truth and piety set forth in Holy Scripture, but “a religion made of sinful man.” Tradition has come into the place of Scripture. The authority of man has been placed before the authority of God. The teacher who may not err, has been superseded by teachers beset with every kind of infirmity. By religion, accordingly, men do not now understand what Christ and his apostles taught, but what worldly [secular, scatter] priests and prelates have substituted in the stead of such teaching.  Also when men speak against prelates and religious, alleging Christ's poverty and meekness, and other virtues, they say that such teachings of Christ are his counsels, and not his commandments, and therefore, that the bishop of Rome  ----who is most contrary to Christ's teaching and life ----may dispense with them.” In this manner the authority of Scripture was displaced by the authority of Romanism, and religion underwent a corresponding change. It is observed further, that “when men speak against sin, anou[n] they say, though this be sin it is venial and not deadly; and venial sins are washed away with a pater noster, with holy water, with pardons, with a bishop's blessing, and in many other light ways, as men pretend. But true men say that in this life, without a special revelation, men know not what sin is venial, and what is deadly, and that these terms, venial and deadly, are inventions of new men, without authority of Holy Writ.
        It is repeated afterwards, that pardons holy water, and similar observances, have been devised to sustain “the state, pride, and covetousness” of the clergy, and to “blind the people." Every man, says Wycliffe, “should have great and lasting sorrow for his sin, and a mind intent on Christ's righteousness and wisdom, and on Christ's passion, death, and mercy to forgive sin on true repentance; and let each man put his full trust in God's mercy, and in his own good life, and not in false pardons, nor in vanities, which men invent to avail after men's death for love of money, for such things avail not any man, but destroy those who trust in them.” The fruit awaiting the good man hereafter, will be found to be exclusively the fruit of his own character, and of the Saviour's passion. .."
"De Conversatione Ecclesiasticorum"
  .."In the first chapter it is shown that our Lord and his apostles were devoted to the work of preaching, and were studious that their lives might be commendatory of their doctrine. "Christ," it is said, "ordained all his apostles and disciples, both before his death and after his rising from the dead, to preach the Gospel to all men ; and since prelates, and priests ordained of God, come in the stead of apostles and disciples, they are all bound by Jesus Christ, both God and man, thus to preach the Gospel." Three things are said to be included in feeding the church after the manner intended by Christ in his injunction to Peter:  the example of a good life ; the true preaching of the Gospel ; and a willingness to suffer death, if need be, to render men stable in the truth, and in the hope of bliss. The case of Eli and his sons is cited, as showing the domestic and national evils which follow naturally in the train of an unholy priesthood. The language of Ezekiel also, on the responsibility of the minister of truth, is adduced, as holding forth the same warning. Hence also the language of the apostle --- "woe is me if I preach not the Gospel:" and as Peter was called Satan, when opposing himself to the death of Christ, so may prelates be thus designated, if they interpose to prevent that salvation from coming to men, which the death of Christ has brought near to us. "Christ," says Wycliffe, "purged the temple with his own hands, as the Gospel telleth, in token that, if the priests were good the people would soon be amended. And for this reason, true men say, that prelates are more bound to preach truly the Gospel, than their subjects are bound to pay them dymes ; for God chargeth that more, and that is more profitable to both parties. Therefore prelates are more accursed if they cease from their preaching, than the people are if they cease to pay tithes, even while prelates do their office well."  Matins, masses, and chantings, are all described as "man's ordinances," but the preaching of the Gospel is of Divine obligation, as having been enjoined by Christ, both before and after his passion. ..
          In the beginning of the second chapter, the authority of the venerable Bede, of Gregory I,of Augustine, and others, is cited in support of the importance which the Reformer ascribes to preaching. Prelates who do not preach themselves, and who prevent others from doing so, are described as monsters who refuse to feed their own offspring and who will not suffer others to feed them and they are denounced accordingly as procurators to the fiend enemies of Christ and traitors to his people.".

[Bede (/ˈbiːd/ BEED; Old English: Bǣda, Bēda; 672/3 – 26 May 735), also known as Saint Bede, Venerable Bede, and Bede the Venerable (Latin: Bēda Venerābilis), was an English monk at the monastery of St. Peter and its companion monastery of St. Paul in the Kingdom of Northumbria of the Angles (contemporarily Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey in Tyne and Wear, England). He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Ecclesiastical History of the English People gained him the title "The Father of English History", at, Wikipedia      

B]    John Chrysostom (/ˈkrɪsəstəm, krɪˈsɒstəm/; Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος; c. 349 – 14 September 407),[5] Archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority[6] by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. The epithet Χρυσόστομος (Chrysostomos, anglicized as Chrysostom) means "golden-mouthed" in Greek and denotes his celebrated eloquence.[2][7] Chrysostom was among the most prolific authors in the early Christian Church, exceeded only by Augustine of Hippo in the quantity of his surviving writings.[8]

He is honored as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Anglican churches, as well as in some others. The Eastern Orthodox, together with the Byzantine Catholics, hold him in special regard as one of the Three Holy Hierarchs (alongside Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus). The feast days of John Chrysostom in the Eastern Orthodox Church are 13 November and 27 January. In the Roman Catholic Church he is recognized as a Doctor of the Church and commemorated on 13 September in the current General Roman Calendar and on 27 January in the older calendar. Other churches of the Western tradition, including some Anglican provinces and some Lutheran churches, also commemorate him on 13 September. However, certain Lutheran churches and Anglican provinces commemorate him on the traditional feast day of 27 January. The Coptic Church also recognizes him as a saint (with feast days on 16 Thout and 17 Hathor).[9]     ---- see "The Paschal homily or sermon (also known in Greek as Hieratikon or as the Catechetical Homily) of St John Chrysostom (died 407 AD) is read aloud on the morning of Pascha (a.k.a. "Easter" in English), called "the Great and Holy Pascha of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ" in the Eastern Orthodox Church and in the Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine rite. According to the Tradition of the Church, no one sits during the reading of the Paschal homily. Portions of it are often done with the interactive participation of the congregation." at,

C}     "Martin Luther: [Pg.131] "... And what does God intend through these lamentable specimens of our flesh and brotherhood [government] but to open the eyes of our mind that we may see in how much more dreadful a guise the soul of the sinner shows forth its disease and decay even though he himself go in purple and gold and lie among lilies and roses as a very child of paradise![Papal Authority] Yet how many sinners are there to one of those wretched creatures? When these evils on the part of our neighbors so great both in number and degree are disregarded by us, it follows that our one evil, be it never so trifling, will appear as the sole evil and the greatest of all."

"[Pg.335] "Whoever will, let him print will freely slander and condemn my person and my life. It is already forgiven him. God has given me a glad and fearless spirit, which they shall not embitter for me. I trust, not in all eternity:"  " ; [Pg.332. note #3] "I welcome the opportunity to explain something of the nature of Christianity for the laity..; [note #4] I must first of all explain what these things mean the Church and the One Head of the Church..;  [note #5] On this point we must hear the word of Christ, Who, when Pilate asked Him concerning His Kingdom, answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world.' This is indeed a clear passage in which the Church is made separate from all temporal communities. Is not this a cruel error, when the one Christian Church, separated by Christ Himself from temporal cities and places, and transferred to spiritual realms, is made a part of material communities? No hope is left on earth except in the temporal; [note #6] Among the many things that Luther says on this point are the following: "According to the Scriptures the Church is called the assembly of all the believers in Christ upon earth. This community consists of all those who live in true faith, hope and love, so that the essence, life and nature of the Church is not a bodily assembly, but an assembly of the hearts in one faith. Thus, though they be a thousand miles apart in body, they are yet called an assembly in spirit, because each one  [pg. 333] preaches, believes, hopes, loves, and lives like the other. So we sing of the Ghost: 'Thou, Who through diverse tongues gatherest together the nations in unity of the faith.' That means a spiritual unity. And this unity is of itself sufficient to make a Church, and without it no unity, be it of place, of time, of person, of work, or of whatever else makes a Church."
        A man is not reckoned a member of the Church according to his body, but according to his soul, nay, according to his faith.... It is plain that the Church can be classed with a temporal community as little as spirits with bodies. Whosoever would not go astray should therefore hold fast to this, that the Church is a assembly of souls in one faith, that no one is reckoned a Christian for his body's sake; that the true, real, essential Church is a spiritual thing, and not external or outward."
     "All those who make the Christian communion a material and outward thing, like other communities, are in reality Jews, who wait for their Messiah to establish an external kingdom at a certain definite place, namely, Jerusalem; and so sacrifice faith, which alone makes the kingdom of Christ a thing spiritual or of the heart." ...
     [pg. 339] "THE PAPACY AT ROME AN ANSWER TO THE CELEBRATED ROMANIST AT LEIPZIG1520: ....I pray every honest Christian to receive my words --- though sometimes barbed with scorn or satire--- as coming from a heart that is made to break with sorrow and to turn seriousness into jesting at the sight now beheld at 
Leipzig, ---- where there are also pious people who would venture body and soul for God's Word and the Scriptures, but where a blasphemer can thus openly speak and write, who esteems and treats God's holy words no better than if they were the fabled pratings of some fool or jester at the carnival. Because my Lord Christ and His holy Word, even He who gave His own blood as the purchase-price, is held to be but mockery and fools' wit, I [you--Reader] must likewise drop all seriousness, and see whether I [We], too, have learned how to play the fool and clown. Thou knowest, my Lord Jesus Christ, how my heart stands toward these arch blasphemers. That is my reliance, and I will let matters take their course in Thy name. Amen They must ever abide Thee as the Lord. Amen --- Amen" [1]

[Spiritual - Assembly of Souls- a Person's "separate and equal station"-Independence inherent to "under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ...The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution".  Exteranl/ outward - body's  sake, material things of communities of definite, distinct and palpable place and time, among inanimalte objects numbers, machines as binomial-think's win/ lose, good/ bad, right/ wrong established by those numbers - this 01/20/2009 blasphemy in perdition against Holy Spirit One God in Three Persons-Truth, Papal Authority's property of UN, late 1700's socialist - Industrial Age-communism, totally unchanged from John Wycliffe, DD. Member of "Good House of Commons" ; Martin Luther]

 [Pg. 345-46] Dr. Luther teaches the unreasonableness of "The Bible is Written for Community and Not forthe Individual-Person as,  "The second argument, to express it tersely is that of  natural reason.
            This is the argument: A. Every community on earth, if from it is not to fall to pieces, must have a bodily head, under reason the true head, which is Christ.
B. Inasmuch as all Christendom is one community on earth, it must have a head, which is the pope.
            This argument I have designated with the letters A and B for the sake of clearness, and also to show that this Romanist has learned his A-B-C all the way down to B. However, to answer this argument: Since the question is whether the pope's power is by divine right, is it not a bit ridiculous that human reason (that ability which is drawn from experience in temporal things) is brought in and placed on a level with the divine law, especially since it is the intention of this poor presumptuous mortal to bring the divine law against me. For the teachings of human experience and reason are far below the divine law. The Scriptures expressly forbid us to follow our own reason, Deuteronomy xii, "Ye shall not do ... every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes"; for human reason ever strives against the law of God, as Genesis vi. says: "Every thought and imagination of man's heart is only evil continually." Therefore the attempt to establish or defend divine order with human reason, unless that reason has previously been established and enlightened by faith is just as futile as if I would throw light upon the sun with a lightless lantern or rest a rock upon a reed For Isaiah vii makes reason subject to faith, when it says: "Except ye believe, ye shall not have understanding or reason". It does not say, "Except ye have reason, ye shall not believe." Therefore this scribe would better have left his perverted reason at home, or first have well established it with texts of Scripture, so as not to put forth so ridiculous and preposterous a claim and establish the faith and the divine law by mere reason. For if this reason of ours draws the conclusion that a visible community must have a visible overlord or cease to exist, it also must draw the further conclusion, that as a visible community does not exist without wives, therefore the whole Church must have a visible common wife, in order not to perish. What a valiant woman that would needs be!  Again, a visible community does not exist without a common visible city, house, and country; therefore the Church must have a common city, house, and country. But where will you find that? Verily, in Rome they are seeking just this with impatient eagerness, for they have made nearly the whole world their very own. Again, the Church would likewise need to have in common its visible property, servants, maids, cattle, food, etc., for no community exists without them. See how gracefully human reason stalks along on its " STILTs, v.t. 2. To raise by unnatural means. 1. To raise on stilts; to elevate. – Robert Young, LL.D., F.E.S.L. (10 September 1822 – 14 October 1888) was a Scottish publisher who was self-taught and proficient in various oriental languages. He published works, the best known possibly being a Bible translation (commonly referred to as Young's Literal Translation) and his "analytical concordance."     He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, served an apprenticeship in printing and simultaneously taught himself various oriental languages. He eventually joined the Free Church, and in 1847 he started his own business of printing and selling books, particularly of works related to Old Testament studies.     For three years he was connected with Thomas Chalmers's Territorial church sabbath school in the West Port, Edinburgh. From 1856 to 1861 he was literary missionary and superintendent of the mission press at Surat; and during this time he added Gujarati to his acquirements. From 1864 to 1874 he conducted the ‘Missionary Institute;’ in 1867 he visited cities in the United States.  Words: Soul, Stilt
STILT, n. [G. stelze; D. stelt, stelten; Dan. stylter.] 1. A stilt is a piece of wood with a shoulder, to support the foot in walking. Boys sometimes use stilts for raising their feet above the mud in walking, but they are rarely seen. Men must not walk upon stilts. –Sir Roger L'Estrange (17 December 1616 – 11 December 1704) was an English pamphleteer, author and staunch defender of Royalist claims. L'Estrange was involved in political controversy throughout his life. Perhaps his best known polemical pamphlet was An Account of the Growth of Knavery, which ruthlessly attacked the parliamentary opposition, placing them as "dissenting fanatics" and truly beyond the pale.  Words: Conceit, Warrant, Matter, All, Tung/ Tongue, Stilt

"The approaching jubilee of the Reformation in 1917 will call renewed attention to the author of these treatises These volumes have been prepared with especial reference to the discussions which we have every reason to believe will then occur."- Henry Eyster Jacobs Lutheran Theological Seminary Mt A1ry.  Philadelph1a , with While the part contributed by each individual is credited at the proper place it must yet be added that my former colleague the late Rev Prof Adolph Spaeth, DD. LL D., died June 25 1910 was actively engaged as the Chairman of the Committee that organized the work determined the plan and with the undersigned made the first selection of the material to be included. The other members of the Committee are the Rev. T.E. Schmauk DD. LL D.; the Rev. L.D. Reed D.D.; the Rev. W.A. Lambert, J.J.;  Schindel, A. Steimle, A.T.W. Steinhaeuser, and C.M. Jacobs, D.D. upon the five last named the burden of preparing the translations and notes has rested. Their work has been laborious and difficult. Luther's complaints concerning the seriousness of his task in attempting to teach the patriarch Job to speak idiomatic German might doubtless have found an echo in the experience of this corps of scholars in forcing Luther into idiomatic English.":

"But Luther can be properly known and estimated only when he is allowed to speak for himself. He should be seen not through the eyes of others, but through our own. In order to judge the man we must know all sides of the man, and read the heaviest as well as the lightest of his works, the more scientific and theological as well as the more practical and popular, his informal letters as well as his formal treatises. We must take account of the time of each writing and the circumstances under which it was composed, of the adversaries against whom he was contending, and of the progress which he made in his opinions as time went on. The great fund of primary sources which the historical methods of the last generation have made available should also be laid under contribution to shed light upon his statements and his attitude toward the various questions involved in his life struggles. 
        As long as a writer can be read only in the language or languages in which he wrote, this necessary closer contact with his personality can be enjoyed only by a very limited circle of advanced scholars. But many of these will be grateful for a translation into their vernacular for more rapid reading, from which they may turn to the standard text when a question of more minute criticism is at stake. Even advanced students appreciate accurately rendered and scholarly annotated translations, by which the range of the leaders of human thought, with whom it is possible for them to be occupied, may be greatly enlarged. Such series of translations as those comprised in the well edited Ante Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene Libraries of the Fathers have served a most excellent purpose. .."-"Introduction" 

        1. "The perversion of words, language and communication-abuse:. "The Real Story of the Reformation" by an author who has attakced Truth to get rid of Jesus with a vengence of perversion: new biography. of Martin Luther who says he didn't really tact 95 Theses to the door of the church and really wasn't against the Papal Authority, WSJ Book Review, "11/ 3/2017, at,

   D}  Reformation:   Here are those who suffered, died in the name of their JOHN 17 in 14, THIRD PERSON-TRUTH, did not, and do not, for they are Eternal Souls, with Peter, as tied to arbitrary human precept's compulsion of conscience as 'rule of body's psychology of 5 senses 'circumcision' , the measure of acceptance to The Eternal Living God's, "Martin Luther's A, B community-ecclesiastical in civil-state, magistrate Israel, Western European/ Western Asia, currently engulfing US(A) through among all Reformists, including those whose "names" are attached to the forms/ denominations (that includes Joseph Smith's Form of Mirroring The Trinity Documents, with an Analogy, metaphor, some of which is from Apocrypha, though currently engulf in Martin Luther's A/B delightful disquisition of absurdity of Papal community over Person), Prophet Luther's A/B because the form/ denomination leaders- are eating from the Rotten Fruit Tree (not, necessarily, all persons-Jewish rites, creeds, ceremonies, have no part in Papal Authority:
Jan Calvin (/ˈkælvɪn/;[1] French: Jean Calvin, pronounced [ʒɑ̃ kalvɛ̃]; born Jehan Cauvin: 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation;
Jan Hus (/hʊs/;[1] Czech: [ˈjan ˈɦus] (About this sound listen); c. 1369 – 6 July 1415[2]), sometimes Anglicized as John Hus or John Huss, was a Czech priest, philosopher, Master, dean and rector[3] at Charles University in Prague, church reformer, inspirator of Hussitism, a seminal figure in the Bohemian Reformation and a key predecessor to Protestantism.    After John Wycliffe, the theorist of ecclesiastical Reformation, Hus is considered the first Church reformer, as he lived before Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. His teachings had a strong influence on the states of Western Europe, most immediately in the approval of a reformist Bohemian religious denomination, and, more than a century later, on Martin Luther himself.[4] He was burned at the stake for heresy against the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, including those on ecclesiology, the Eucharist, and other theological topics.
John Wesley (/ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛsli/ or /ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛzli/;[1] 28 June [O.S. 17 June] 1703 – 2 March 1791) was an English Anglican cleric and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, founded Methodism.
George Whitefield (/ˈdʒɔːdʒ ˈwɪtfiːld/; 27 December [O.S. 16 December] 1714 – 30 September 1770), also spelled George Whitfield, was an English Anglican cleric who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement

The 397 year of original text to American God Is Law 1611 KJV is the culmination of John Wycliff, D.D.(1320-1384), Member House of "Good Commons"- William Tyndale(1494-1596-strangled slowly, burned at the stake), N.T. and would have completed O.T. but for loosing his life to 'give every ploughman an English Lang. Bible'; also, " The Handbook of a Christian Knight (Latin: Enchiridion militis Christiani), sometimes translated as The Manual of a Christian Knight, is a work written by Dutch scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1501, and was first published in English in 1533 by William Tyndale. - Martin Luther (1483-1546) - German to English -

       E} THE 1611 KING JAMES IV OF SCOTLAND, I OF ENGLAND Hampton Court 1604 50 members of Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge --- 
.  "The Translators to the Reader" - 1611 KJV::
       I. "After "The Episile, Dedicatorie", there are XI Sections about the Whole of  "THE WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT, HOLY BIBLE, Anno Dom 1611" from the 49 member committee with King James, "THE TRANSLATORS To The Reader: --- Outline of Content:
 II..A. The Highest Personages Have Been Calumniated; B. His Majestie Constancie, notwithstanding culmination, for the survey of the English translations ;
III. The Praise of the Holy Scriptures: "But now what pietie without trutheth? What Trutheth (what saving Trutheth ) without the Word of god? What Word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? ..[upper case added; and Know as Does anyone Know/ Understand - that Living God in Christ in each-one-Person, indeed is Precisely What Our Father and our Brother Say - for living mind/ heart/ will-conscience as commanded and taught whatever circumstance of life's roles a person alone and among others must travel , the closer to follow Father and Son -- The more Truth Will Set You Free = FREEDOM IS TRUTH, not man-choosing and serving-man] ;
IV. The Translation of The Old Testament Out of the Hebrew Into the Greek ;
V. Translation Out of Hebrew and Greek Into Latin ;
VI The Translation of The Scripture Into The Vulgar Tongues ;
VII.The Speeches and Reasons, both of our Brethran and of Our Adversaries Against This Work [must Read to obtain a picture of arbitrary human precept-Matt. 15] ;
VIII. A Satisfaction to Our Brethren ;
IX. An Answer to The Imputations of Our Adversaries ;
X. A.  The Purpose of The Translators, with their Number, Furniture, Care &c,   B. Reasons Moving Us To Set Diversities In The Margin Where There is Great Probability For Each , C. Reasons Inducing us Not to Stand Curiously upon an Identity of Phrasing ; XI.  [SUMMATION- ACHIEVEMENT in RIGHT REASON] 
From SECTION I "The Best Things Have Been Culminated":
 “Zeale to promote the common good, whether it be by devising any thing our selves, or revising that which hath bene laboured by others, deserveth certainly much respect and esteeme, but yet findeth but cold intertainment in the world. It is welcommed with suspicion in stead of love, and with emulation in stead of thankes: and if there be any hole left for cavill to enter, (and cavill, if it doe not finde a hole, will make one) it is sure to bee misconstrued, and in danger to be condemned. This will easily be granted by as many as know story, or have any experience. For, was there ever any thing projected, that savoured any way of newnesse or renewing, but the same endured many a storme of gaine-saying, or opposition?  A man would thinke that Civilitie, holesome Lawes, learning and eloquence, Synods, and Church-maintenance, (that we speake of no more things of this kinde) should be as safe as a Sanctuary, and ll out of shot, as they say, that no man would lift up the heele, no, nor dogge moove his tongue against the motioners of them. For by the first, we are distinguished from bruit-beasts led with sensualitie: By the second, we are bridled and restrained from outragious behaviour, and from doing of injuries, whether by fraud or by violence: By the third, we are enabled to informe and reforme others, by the light and feeling that we have attained unto our selves: Briefly, by the fourth being brought together to a parle face to face, we sooner compose our differences then by writings, which are endlesse: And lastly, that the Church be sufficiently provided for, is so agreeable to good reason and conscience, that those mothers are holden to be lesse cruell, that kill their children assoone as they are borne, then those noursing fathers and mothers (wheresoever they be) that withdraw from them who hang upon their breasts (and upon whose breasts againe themselves  do hang to receive the Spirituall and sincere milke of the word) livelyhood and support fit for their estates. Thus it is apparent, that these things which we speake of, are of most necessary use, and therefore, that none, either without absurditie can speake against them, or without note of wickednesse can spurne against them.
            Yet for all that, the learned know that certaine worthy men have bene brought to untimely death for none other fault, but for seeking to reduce their Countrey-men to good order and discipline: and that in some Common-weales it was made a capitall crime, once to motion the making of a new Law for the abrogating of an old, though the same were most pernicious: And that certaine, which would be counted pillars of the State, and paternes of Vertue and Prudence, could not be brought for a long time to give way to good Letters and refined speech, but bare themselves as averse from them, as from rocks or boxes of poison: ..”-The Translators to The Reader” of the 1611 KJV at,
"But now, what pietie without trueth? What trueth (without saving trueth) without the Word of God? What Word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture [Whole, Not scattered,  torn apart]? ...The Scriptures we are commanded to search. Jon.5.39. Esa.8.20. They are commended that searched and studied them, Acts 17:11 and 8:28-29. They are reproved that were unskillful in them, or slow to believe them, Matt. 22:29, Luke 24:25. They can make us wise unto salvation, 2 Tim. 3:15. If we be ignorant they will instruct us; if out of the way, they will bring us home; if out of order, they will reforme us, if in heaviness, comfort us; if dull, quicken us; if colde, inflame us. Tolle, lege; tolle, lege, Take up and read, take up and read the Scripture, (for unto them was the direction), it was said unto St. Augustine by a supernatural voice. "Whatsoever is in the Scriptures, believe me," saith the same St. Augustine, "is high and divine; there is verily truth, and a doctrine most fit for the refreshing of men's minds, and truly so tempered, that everyone may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if he come to draw with a devout and pious mind, as true religion requireth". ....The Scriptures then being acknowledged to be so full and so perfect, how can we excuse ourselves of negligence, if we do not study them? ... .....But how shall men meditate in that, which they cannot understand? How shall they understand that which is kept close in an unknowen [of only chosen parts of the whole of lessons within Chapters within Books, or words subject of the opinion of predetermined conclusions among those of deceit who may own a label of 'Papal authority government-over-man-controlling compulsion of conscience as the source of 'forgiveness or bilbical scholar'], in III The Praise of the Holy Scriptures.."
      F} From the Second Testament of the ASSUMPSIT, WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE, 'one-ly'/ solely, among all Scripture directly translated, or simply,, in the arrogant, conceit of predetermined, man-serving-man's purpose to control and manipulate John 17 in 14--especially, that every-one-person, regardless of location on The Creator, our Father's Commandment 5 Planet, supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, is born with his very own, Eternal Soul - life's journey to obtain what is among the whole of Apocrypha's Books, including Eternal Living Jesus teaches 'Holy Spirit' v spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4, is very 'Present, but not yet Revealed', always, pervert the Gospel of the Third Testament to prevent any 'connections', 'inferences' to the Second and the First Testaments, per Paul in Galatians 1: the Name of One God in Three PERSONS, 1611 KJV, but without the 50 Clergy's Translator's column of connections and side-notes notes and connections in this online edition, Apocrypha, a.k.a, "Captivity":
                       a.    I Esdras 3: [Artaxerxes has stopped the rebuilding of Great Temple 2:30] "4. [King Darius sits on the throne] "Three [individual persons, albeit 'princes'] strive to excel each other in wise speeches. 9 They referre themselves to the judgement of the King. 18. The first declareth the strenghth of wine.
                       b.  I Esdras 4: 1.The second declareth the power of the King. 14. The Third, the force of women: 33 And of Trueth. 41. The third is judged to be wisest, 47 and obtaineth Letters of the King to build Jeruselem. 58. He praiseth God, and will showeth his brethren what he had done. .... at,  ;
                       c. II Esdras III: 1. Esdras is troubled, 13 and acknowlegeth the sinnes of the people: 28 yet complaineth that the heathen were lords over them, being more wicked then they.
                       d. II Esdras IIII: 1.The Angel declareth the ignorance of Esdras in God's Judgements  [Sanhedrin, Papal Authority, Greek Democracy - though that is before God's name is known, solely His Truth sought after, but not achieved, for the collective minions of the absolute ruler, Pope, over King, Emperor, Czar, or chosen leaders by the people/ Poland, Holland, Germany, Switzerland masses were forbidden knowledge, language and communication for expression of thoughts, as liberty of most good] 13 and adviseth him not to meddle  with 'things' above his reach. 23 Nevertheless Esdras asketh divers questions, And receiveth Answers [upper 'A' added] to them.
                       e. II Esdras V: 1. The Signs of the times to come. 23 He asketh why God choosing but one people, did not cast them off. 30 Hee is taught, that Gods Judgements are unsearchable: 46 and that God doeth not all at once.
                        f. II Esdras VI God's Purpose is Eternal ['P' and 'E' added upper case], 8 The next World shall follow immediately.  13 What shall fall out at the last. [see Matt. 24 Jesus is speaking to your Third Person; and #1 definition of 'thing' below] 31 Hee is promised more knowledge, 38 And reakoned up the workes of the creation, 57 and complaineth, that they have no part in the world for whome it was made.
                       g. II Esdras VII [1-3, Esdras continues his speaking] 4. The way is narrow. 12 When it was made narrow. 28 All shall die and rise againe. 33 Christ will sit in judgement. 46 God hath not made Paradise in vaine, 69 & is merciful." at,   thru Chapter VII;
                       h. Ecclesiaticus Chapter XVII 1 How God made and furnished man. 14 Avoid All sinne: 19 for God seeth All 'things'. 25 Turne to Him while thou livest at,

      [ Re: It is very important to note the difference between biblical preelates, scholars, and their imperative importance of dating, as 'time'  rather than 'interpreter of cogitations thereof" the issues' story; and what very forbidden, and ignorant of Philology's Genesis as the very first 'thing' God gave Adam and the definitions of words from both Dr. Johnson and Dr. Webster, Puritan, to Reformation, Dr. Moffatt reminds his Readers: "These are persons among people in their daily lives of the era of history - so Speech/ Oral interactions and issues of importance were not related by the People, among whom are the Temple government ecclesiastical, counseling, and civil-state control that the people were under imperative of obedience -- Truth / God was not the Law, rather Soul/ God's Commandments as interpreted by the temple authorities... from whom, the scholars derived -but not recognizing Prophet is Both a Person who directly is a participator, in his God's Era of History, and a Trumpeter, 'major' for most important insight - impact and minor for just one or two Revelations -- absent the connections intrinsic to the Whole Persons,- among the Second Greatest Command, Eternally Present, but "never all at once" for each-one alone, then among those he knows, and will never know is multiplied as a one cell microorganism, is reflected in does,Revelations,   composing each Chapter's course of human events:
Apocrypha, from "The Apocrypha and Pseudephigrapha of the Old Testament, Volume One: Apocrypha", edited by R. H. Charles: "At the Reformation the above ecclesiastical usages were transformed into article of belief, which may be regarded as characteristic of the churches by which they were adopted. .... from St. Augustine, 'If any one receive not, as sacred and conical, the said books entire, with all their parts, as they have been read in the Catholic church, and as they are contained in the Latin Vulgate...let him be an anathema'. Pg. x  Note 1, "...among 53 prelates, there was not one German; not one scholar distinguished by historical learning, not one who was fitted by special study for the examination of the subject in which the Truth could only be determined by the voice of antiquity [Oral Law].'
                  a. there is a great list of "Symbols and Abbreviations Employed in Introduction, text and notes" for the 1611 and thereafter vulgar Bibles and "Authorities-Biblical, but always with predetermined, control and opinion --- blinders to connections.

     G}    "BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION: I. The Earlier English Translations (1380-1582; II. The Bible of 1611; III. The Later History of the Bible of 1611";  Alfred William Pollard (14 August 1859 – 8 March 1944) was an English bibliographer, widely credited for bringing a higher level of scholarly rigor to the study of Shakespearean texts.
         Pollard was educated at King's College School in London and St John's College at the University of Oxford. He joined the staff of the British Museum in 1883, as assistant in the Department of Printed Books; he was promoted to Assistant Keeper in 1909, and Keeper in 1919. In the latter year, Pollard was appointed Professor of English Bibliography at the University of London. He was Honorary Secretary of the Bibliographical Society from 1893 to 1934 and edited the Society's journal The Library for thirty years (1903–34). He received the Society's Gold Medal in 1929. [from Wikipedia] --
         Published as facsimile on 400th Anniversary of  "The Holy Bible 1611 Edition, King James Version"; Hendrickson Publishers Marketing, LLC; Sept. 2010.
         1.  Link to his whole Bibliographical Englsih Bible History --- politics - clergy and monarchy's Hierarchey, 1656 pages, at,

     H}    Dr. James Moffatt's Direct Translation Bible is included here; for both the 1611- Apocrypha removed by Puritans early 1800's; and Reformation began to recede from many Americans, as Socilaism of France, opposed by Frederick Bastiat, and here, when Horace Mann removed Dr. Webster's school works and Dictionary from Education --- and -- general use ---meaning it was, very much, by other's who most likely took great opposition to Dr. Webster's Dissertation on The Creator is precisely Who He says He is -- for Dr. Webster points out how Adma understands and speaks back right after his Father breaths his first atoms of atmosphere --- and goes on from there, pg. xviii, "Introduction"... at,,+Noah+Webster&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjHztH88tPXAhWqgFQKHY-IBbQQ6AEIOTAD#v=onepage&q=%22The%20american%20Dictionary%20of%20the%20English%20Language%22%2C%20Noah%20Webster&f=false

1922, 1934, 1954 Dr. Moffatt's very gentle method of handling the "predetermined, written by cement-minds, conclusions, but also, for a general reader, aerting, just as Dr. Moffatt states, that you might be surprised at the connections, a "Retrospective Review yields in connections-sittin right in front of your mind and heart, but because of the predetermined conclusions, are forbidden..worse, adults at-large- are fearful of disobeying or questioning to thwart falsehoods from 'moving parts of a whole far away from each other'-scattering against Jesus/ Matt. 12:  " interpretation may of course  be novel without being either welcome or persuasive; its effectiveness depends largely upon the extent to which the interpreter has been able to see the original and to convey his impressions of what he has seen, although it also depends to some extent upon the willingness of the reader to detach his mind for the time being from time-honored associations. ..'"; - i.e., the impact of Western European and Baltic nations of WWI & II add to Dr. Moffatt's choice of synonyms in words and how applied without loosing the original meaning-at the same time, making modern person(s) in 'modern history'- really a non-word; for time is not a measure of mind/ heart/ will-conscience of Person able or not able to compose the whole of his own whole, reflected as whole of his one part of his own sovereign nation, during the entire period of no Holy Spirit -Truth One God in Three Persons from WWI thru early 50's with George Orwell on ignored Understanding of man-choosing and serving man's mandatory degradation and anomaly all life's knowledge through Language and communication , i.e.,1947's great and impenetrable Wall of separation collective people church from collective people state, delusional-deceit-democracy's vain-idol-god's sacred, 'bigger number' defeat of smaller number's  4 Justices of Truth  "This decision should be Reversed', hence Declaration of each-one-Person's Certain Inalienable Right(s)/ God Truth  removed from Article III, but not from at-large Americans who refused to obey that human precept rules of conduct-edict.

          A)     "Since the constitution is intended for the observance of the judiciary as well as other departments of government and the judges are sworn to support its provisions, the courts are not at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract evasions thereof, it is their duty in authorized proceedings to give full effect to the existing constitution and to obey all constitutional provisions irrespective of their opinion as to the wisdom or the desirability of such provisions and irrespective of the consequences, thus it is said that the courts should be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution and guard against their infringement by legislative fiat or otherwise in accordance with these basic principles, the rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in accordance with the delivered judgment of the tribunal before which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into question. If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the statute the another in a different rule, it is the duty of the courts to declare that the Constitution and not the statute governs in cases before them for judgment.” [16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 155:, emphasis added]

         B) “… Thus, the particular phraseology of the constitution of the United States confirms and
strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written constitutions, that a law
repugnant to the constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.” after more than 200 years this decision still stands [Marbury v. Madison 5  U.S. 137 (1803)] 

         C)   Any constitutional provision intended to confer a benefit should be liberally construed in favor in the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary. “Then a constitution should receive a literal interpretation in favor of the Citizen, is especially true, with respect to those provisions which were designed to safeguard the liberty and security of the Citizen in regard to person and property." [16Am Jur 2d: 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 97; Bary v. United States - 273 US 128] 

"Various facts of circumstances extrinsic to the constitution are often resorted to, by the courts, to aid them and determining its meaning, as previously noted however, such extrinsic aids may not be resorted to where the provision in the question is clear and unambiguous in such a case the courts must apply the terms of the constitution as written and they are not at liberty to search for meanings beyond the instrument." [16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 11

D) NOTE: The perversion of the Trinity Sacred Documents is as "Monumental" as the Prophet Reformationist included in the 1611, Three Testament Whole Holy Bible with ecclesiastical man-choosing-and serving-man arbitrary spirit od the devil trinity enforced lie of Removing The Second Testament of God In Three Persons - Apocrypha; and THE ABUSE OF THE WORD 'CONSTITUTION'  as tiny sentences among the WHOLE ASSUMPSIT: AVOIDING THE TERRIBLE PLAGUE AGAINST MAN-CHOOSING AND SERVING MAN AS AN BLIND, COMPELLED SERVANT IN CHAINS FROM KINDERGARTEN, common core's quite literal attack against each one child's mind/ heart/ conscience for will to perform deeds and actions/ Korean 1954 "BrainWashing" - spirit of devil trinity.  It wasn't as much of a proble in the early years to about 1816-20, but come South Carolina's quite correct 'State's Right" in Abomination Tariff --- THE ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE CIVIL WAR SINCE THE SOUTHERN STATES HAD NO ALTERNATIVE.- WORSE THE TORY - LIBERAL -SOCIALIST - ATHEIST HAS NEVER CHANGED, JUST LIKE PAPAL AUTHORITY 

   E)   COURT RULES ARE ALWAYS SUPREME TO GOD'S ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE:    Abuse and misconstruction -- i.e., What is Right for one persons, may be srong for another--as long as they are Not repugnant to God: but in man-serving-man, unless they are repugnant to God, they are not eligible or appropriate for use..
 'Settled' = Pro Forma that is Fraud's suppression of Truth, breech of ORAL LAW/ OATH-contract to Trinity Sacred Documents - in law - since it negates "God" - RIGHT, and no human is greater than THE WHOLE LAW:

 "Justice Louis D. Brandeis emphasized the importance of this when he wrote, "Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be settled right" (Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393, 52 S. Ct. 443, 76 L. Ed. 815 [1932] [is very important - WWII]]...." at West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.; and at,  The Problem of No Truth used as analogy that is Precedent  : for here is the Original Text, Holy Living Trinity Is Three Sacred Documents definition of
"RIGHT, a. [rite; Sax. riht, reht; D. regt; G. recht; Dan. rigtig; Sw. ricktig; It. retto; Sp. recto; L. rectus, from the root of rego, properly to strain or stretch, whence straight; Sax. recan. See Class Rg, No. 18, 46, 47. Properly, strained; stretched to straightness; hence,] 2.  In morals and religion, just; equitable; accordant to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God. That alone is right in the sight of God, which is consonant to his will or law; this being the only perfect standard of truth and justice. In social and political affairs, that is right which is consonant to the laws and customs of a country, provided these laws and customs are not repugnant to the laws of God. A man's intentions may be right, though his actions may be wrong in consequence of a defect in judgment.
5. True; not erroneous or wrong; according to fact. If there be no prospect beyond the grave, the inference is certainly right, “Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.” – Locke.
6. Correct; passing a true judgment; not mistaken or wrong. You are right, justice, and you weigh this well. – Shak. ...
RIGHT, n.  1.Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. Right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.
2. [Human Law cannot be supreme to The Creator of all Truth -- inanimate objects and indifferent objects reflect the 5 senses as the tools and instruments by which all learning takes place -- for 'God giving his  Third Person, Genesis-"Dominion" must be of Holy Spirit-Truth, thus this is secular/ scatter Conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice. When laws are definite, right and wrong are easily ascertained and understood. In arts, there are some principles and rules which determine what is right. In many things indifferent, or left without positive law, we are to judge what is right by fitness or propriety, by custom, civility or other circumstances.
3. Justice; that which is due or proper; as, to do right to every man. Long love to her has borne the faithful knight, / And well deserv'd, had fortune done him right. – Dryden.
4. Freedom from error; conformity with truth or fact. Seldom your opinions err, / Your eyes are always in the right. – Prior.

"Settled" as quoted from Decision/ Statement, CA Supreme Court -- is also known as, PRO FORMA The phrase pro forma, in an appealable decree or judgment, usually means that the decision was rendered not on a conviction that it was right, but merely to facilitate further proceedings.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. at, happens to language when TRUTH/ ORAL LAW-GOD is abrogated in tyranny RIGHT has no thing to do with Right.
G}     Holy Spirit-Truth "LANGUAGE or Speech is the utterance of articulate sounds or voices, rendered significant by usage, for the expression and communication of thoughts. .... Written language is the representation of significant sounds by letters, or characters, single or combined in words, arranged in due order, according to usage."
spirit of the devil trinity's 1 of 3 absurdities, abuse and misconstruction UDHR) "If it's isn't written, it doesn't exist."---range of group-think-mantra -- examples:of  Socialist, body's of collective-group-people with their collective physiology's - 5 senses - Touch/ write or keyboard- to See but never perceive-Understanding forced unto professionals who have no knowledge of Trinity Sacred Documents, thus, are lied to and continually controlled and manipulated mind/ heart/ conscience for will derogated:
            b.  "Every Officer is a Leader: Transforming Leadership in Police, Justice, and ...
     2.   Pg. 7/ Line 18  Foreign Law, “Judiciary Hearing, Senator Tom Coburn Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor" at about 16:38 and “Foreign Law” at about 24:28.     Sotomayor does answer that “Foreign Law” is not “American Law”;   BUT.."Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging." she knows in full well truth/ her very own 'Oral Law/ Oath in Pledge from her tongue directly to God's Holy SPIRIT Ear, that untruth, religiously kept, in total and complete secret, from about 1962 forward, 
      3.   1978-79's "'Distinct and palpable (No Eternal Living God exists, secular, earthly, 5 sense-body's physiology)Injury for Standing Purposes When [no i, when..] Constitutional Right/ God/ Truth are Violated: Common Law Public Value, Adjudication at Work" -Professor William Burnham, [at, , but it use to be free- just changed about 3 weeks ago]   writing “UN-UDHR-Foreign Law, World Court of Justice - Three forms of Law is,usurped by force in betrayal of apostasy, blaspheme of The  Holy Spirit, Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge completely written into American Law:

 Fellow-Country-Persons: Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsberg and Roberts, do, this flashing cursor, and did at the time of their We the People in Oath of Truth, Trust, Promise, Judicial Interviews, have premeditated full and complete knowledge, both of the cunning-deceit of silence in tyranny against Consent of the Governed in We the People, of violations of Article VI supreme Law of Land, Water, Atmosphere - bound by Oath of Office - Laws of Nature’s God, requiring AMERICAN GOD IS LAW to obtain ‘permission/ Standing as supreme to “Public Value” before permitted to be Law in any form:
 “1828 Injury Is Amendment VIII “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.
           1. Definition of “Injury” from original text: 1828 to 1976, then from strike out 1976 to this flashing cursor:
 The Article III betrayal by  abdication of American God Is Law  hinges on the use of DoubleThink/ NewSpeak’s perversion of definition 'injury', improper use and improper application of Exhibit A, Resource #7-adjudication, judge, whole, and
 “IN'JURY, noun [Latin injuria; in and jus, juris, right.] 1. In general, any wrong or damage done to a man's person, rights, reputation or goods. That which impairs the soundness of the body or health, [i.e., PPAA], or gives pain, is an injury That which impairs the mental faculties, is an injury  These injuries may be received by a fall or by other violence. Trespass, fraud, and non-fulfillment of covenants and contracts are injuries to rights. Slander is an injury to reputation, and so is cowardice and vice. Whatever impairs the quality or diminishes the value of goods or property, is an injury We may receive injury by misfortune as well as by injustice.      2. Mischief; detriment.  “Many times we do injury to a cause by dwelling on trifling arguments.”--The Reverend Isaac Watts, D.D  (/w?ts/; 17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748)       3. Any diminution of that which is good, valuable or advantageous; i.e., the distinct and palpable, arbitrary rules of conduct - power of force devoid Just reciprocation of Right/ God/ Truth -- is: 1. In general, any wrong or damage done to a man/ person's .... goods.  Omit the complete sentence regarding "soundness of body or health. Omit this next "mental faculties" sentence. These injuries may be received by a fall or by other violence. ......and so is cowardice and vice. Whatever impairs the quality or diminishes the value of goods ...., is an injury. We may  will receive injury by misfortune [administrative-police-state] ... .
2. Mischief; detriment. 3. omit this sentence."

 Strick-out is socialist-communist- "abuse by improper use or application of words" - to secular's required “distinct and palpable” - for power by  few  men for the purpose of injustice in tyranny:
From Michael Bernham Professor William Burnham, Wayne State University Law School: “For the past ten years, Article III standing in the federal courts – [the 50 individual- States] – has required the litigant to show that he or she [or it in the case of now thoroughly false: UN-Agenda 21's-GW’s CO2 part of Climate-not-ratified-Kyoto Protocol-Change, land water atmosphere Periodic Chart of the Elements - all Life on Planet earth by arbitrary, rules of conduct-force, absent Truth, Trust, Promise, Faith, Wisdom of God in Christ in Person]  is threatened with “Distinct and Palpable” injury, that the respondent’s actions caused the injury, and that the relief requested will redress the injury. As these requirements suggest, the keystone of standing is injury.  Without injury, there is no need to proceed with the analysis. Furthermore, the definition of injury radically affects application of the causation and redressability requirements.”
  Clearly, since our Federalist, Equilateral Triangle of Representative Government in Religion and morality -separate and equal station/ transitive and recursive, - the New Testament - The Eternal/ Bible in The Eternal Living Christ Jesus / Declaration, in Person Holy Spirit - Truth - applied Constitution of the United 50 States, distinct and palpable - arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-force, is a falsehood in betrayal to “foreign law” and remains a secret lie of the most intolerable, egregious nature:
“Professor Vining has described [courts and Congress] this process as a search for interests shared by society that are imbued with a “public value”. Some of these interests are tangible economic ones, but they need not be. Their ultimate source, however, is a perceived social [collective people] value system Rather Than A Legal [Truth in all Life’s Justice].  The “[World Court’s] common law” label attaches because it is the courts that determine whether the invasion of a particular interest can be stated in terms of a public value and, hence, whether it constitutes injury.
 Having legitimized a legal interest model of “distinct and palpable injury” analysis for statutory rights, the Court could easily apply that model to rights secured by the Constitution. However, the Court has steadfastly refused to do so. I=Of the numerous anomalies in the current law [absent Truth, Trust, Promise] of standing, perhaps the most puzzling is the Court’s refusal to acknowledge the Constitution as a proper source of legal rights, the invasion of which constitutes injury for standing purposes. ..” ---CLPV is the reason FISA, BENGHAZI, BUDGET, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - ABOLISHMENT OF HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH-ORAL LAW is necessary and derived from --- socialist, communist atheist-few men over the underlings
> "Supreme Court rules immigrants can be held indefinitely with no bond hearings: The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that immigration officials can continue to indefinitely detain immigrants during proceedings to determine the legality of their status in the U.S. .." by Katelyn Caralle,  February 27, 2018 12:50 PM, at, migrants-can-be-held-indefinitely-with-no-bond-hearings/article/2650154

A-BUSE', n. 1. Ill use; improper treatment or employment; application to a wrong purpose; as, an abuse of our natural powers an abuse of civil rights, or of religious privileges; abuse of advantages, &c. Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty, as well as by the abuses of power. – Federalist, Madison.
2. A corrupt practice or custom; as, the abuses of government.
3. Rude speech; reproachful language addressed to a person; contumely; reviling words. –John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.    Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica (1644)—written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defences of free speech and freedom of the press.  Words: Due, Break, Violate, Consequence, Conscience, Proof, Office, Warrant, Valor, Redress, Soul, Understand, Understanding, Matter, Grace, Trust, Strive, All, Truth, Religion, Shake, Confound, Distinct, Due, Impose, Gospel, Tempt, Spirit, Abuse, Stea, Ground, Meet, Travel, Perturbation, Abuse
4. Seduction. After the abuse he forsook me. –Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, Scholar, and soldier, who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry), and The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.  Words: Conceit, Thing, Pierce, Estate, Knowledge, Clear, Thought, Abuse, Steal, Matter 
5. Perversion of meaning; improper use or application; as, an abuse of words.
A-BUSE', v.t. [s as z; Fr. abuser; Sp.abusar; It. abusare; L. abator,abusus, of ab and utor, to use; Ir. idh; W. gweth, use; Gr. εθω; to accustom. See Use.] 1. To use ill; to maltreat; to misuse; to use with bad motives or to wrong purposes; as, to abuse rights or privileges. They that use this world as not abusing it. – 1 Cor. vii.
2. To violate; to defile by improper sexual intercourse. –Edmund Spenser (/'sp?ns?r/; 1552/1553 – 13 January 1599) was an English poet best known for The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and fantastical allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I. He is recognised as one of the premier craftsmen of Modern English verse in its infancy, and is often considered one of the greatest poets in the English language.  Words: Steal, Establishment, Conscience, Pride, Read, Reason, Shrill, Bless, Entail, Attaint, Skill, Apostate Government, Militant, Intelligence, Sop, Abuse  
3. To deceive; to impose on. Nor be with all these tempting words abused. –Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[* see “THE TATTLER”, below] WORDS: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature, Whole, Spear, Dead, Entail, Envy, Reconcile, Impose, Bulls, Assume, Bound, Race, Void, Folly, Excursion, Sop, Positive, Vain, Thought, Abuse, Meet.  
4. To treat rudely, or with reproachful language; to revile. He mocked and abused them shamefully. – Mac.
5. To pervert the meaning of; to misapply; as, to abuse words.

BOUND pp. [and pret. of Bind.]  1. As a participle, made fast by a band, or by chains or fetters; obliged by moral ties; confined; restrained.
2. As a participle, or perhaps more properly as adjective, destined; tending; going, or intending to go; with to or for; as, a ship is bound to Cadiz, or for Cadiz. The application of this word, in this use, is taken from the orders given for the government of the voyage, implying obligation, or from tending, stretching. So destined implies being bound. Bound is used in composition, as in ice-bound, wind-bound, when a ship is confined or prevented from sailing by ice or by contrary winds.
BOUND, v.t.  1. To limit; to terminate; to fix the furthest point of extension, whether of natural or moral objects, as of land, or empire, or of passion, desire, indulgence. Hence, to restrain or confine; as, to bound our wishes. To bound in is hardly legitimate.
2. To make to bound. – Shak
BOUND, v.i. [Fr. bondir; Arm. boundiçza.] 1. To leap; to jump; to spring; to move forward by leaps. Before his lord the ready spaniel bounds. – Pope.
2. To rebound - but the sense is the same.
          BIND, v.t. [pret. bound; pp. bound, and obs. bounden. Sax. bindan, gebindan, pret. band, bund, or bunden; Goth. bindan, gabindan; D. binden, verbinden; Ger. the same; Sw. binda, förbinda; Dan. binder, to bind, and bind, a band; also baand, a band; Hindu, bandna; Gypsy, bandopen; Pers. بَنْدَنْ bandan, and بَنْديدَنْ bandidan, to bind; the former signifies also, to apply, to bend the mind; and the latter, to shut, close, make fast. The sense is, to strain.] 1. To tie together, or confine with a cord, or any thing that is flexible; to fasten as with a band, fillet or ligature.
2. To gird, inwrap or involve; to confine by a wrapper, cover or bandage; sometimes with up; as, to bind up a wound.
3. To confine or restrain, as with a chain, fetters or cord; as, bind him hand and foot.
4. To restrain in any manner. He bindeth the floods from overflowing. – Job xxviii.
5. To oblige by a promise, vow, stipulation, covenant, law, duty or any other moral tie; to engage; as, we are bound by the laws of kindness, of nature, of a state, &c. If a man shall swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond. – Numbers xxx.
6. To confirm or ratify. Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven. – Matth. xvi.
7. To distress, trouble, or confine by infirmity. Whom Satan hath bound these eighteen years. – Luke xiii.
8. To constrain by a powerful influence or persuasion. I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem. – Acts xx.
9. To restrain the natural discharges of the bowels; to make costive; as, certain kinds of food bind the body or bowels.
10. To form a border; to fasten with a band, ribin, or any thing that strengthens the edges; as, to bind a garment or carpet.
11. To cover with leather or any thing firm; to sew together and cover; as, to bind a book.
12. To cover or secure by a band; as, to bind a wheel with tire.
13. To oblige to serve, by contract; as, to bind an apprentice; often with out; as, to bind out a servant.
14. To make hard or firm; as, certain substances bind the earth. The uses of this word are too various and numerous to be reduced to exact definitionsTo bind to is to contract; as, to bind one's self to a wife. To bind over is to oblige by bond to appear at a court.
BIND, v.i.  1. To contract; to grow hard or stiff; as, clay binds by heat. –Roger de Mortimer (before 1153-before 8 July 1214) was a medieval marcher lord, residing at Wigmore Castle in the English county of Herefordshire.   In the Middle Ages, the Mortimers were a powerful magnate family or dynasty of Marcher Lords in the Welsh Marches, centered around Wigmore Castle in Herefordshire, and from the 14th century holding the title of Earl of March.      Through marriage, the Mortimers came during the reign of Richard II to be close to the English throne, but when Richard II was deposed in 1399, the claims of the Mortimers were ignored and the throne vested in the usurper Henry of Lancaster instead. The Mortimer claims were later (1425) transmitted to the House of York, which ultimately claimed them in the Wars of the Roses. [Their heritage extends to this: Richard Mortimer (1776-1860) “28 August 1791 (Age 15) Sydney Cove, Greater Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Source: State Library of Queensland. Convict Transportation Registers Database 1787-1867 [database on-line].  Text: Richard Mortimer, one of 106 convicts transported on the ship Active; Source: Bateson, Charles. The convict ships 1787-1868. 2nd ed. Glasgow : Brown, Son & Ferguson Ltd., 1985 ie 196.  Words: Speare, Bind 
2. To grow or become costive.
3. To be obligatory.
BIND, n.  1. A stalk of hops, so called from its winding round a pole or tree, or being bound to it.
2. A bind of eels, is a quantity consisting of 10 strikes, each containing 25 eels, or 250 in the whole. – Encyc.
3. Among miners, indurated clay, when much mixed with the oxyd of iron. –Richard Kirwan, LL.D, FRS, FRSE MRIA (1 August 1733 – 22 June 1812) was an Irish geologist and chemist. He was one of the last supporters of the theory of phlogiston.      Kirwan was active in the fields of chemistry, meteorology, and geology. He was widely known in his day, corresponding and meeting with Lavoisier, Black, Priestley, and Cavendish.     In 1787 Kirwan moved to Dublin, where, in 1799, he became president of the Royal Irish Academy until his death. To its proceedings he contributed some thirty-eight memoirs, dealing with meteorology,[4] pure and applied chemistry, geology, magnetism and philology. One of these, on the primitive state of the globe and its subsequent catastrophe, involved him in a lively dispute with the upholders of the Huttonian theory. His geological work was marred by an implicit belief in the universal deluge, and through finding fossils associated with the trap rocks near Portrush he maintained basalt was of aqueous origin.
The phlogiston theory is a superseded scientific theory that postulated that a fire-like element called phlogiston is contained within combustible bodies and released during combustion. The name comes from the Ancient Greek f????st?? phlogistón (burning up), from f??? phlóx (flame). It was first stated in 1667 by Johann Joachim Becher, and then put together more formally by Georg Ernst Stahl. The theory attempted to explain burning processes such as combustion and rusting, which are now collectively known as oxidation.  WORDS: Petrify, Bind   

COM'MERCE, n. [Fr. commerce; L. commercium; con and mercor, to buy; merx, mereo. See Class Mr, No. 3. It. commercio; Sp. comercio; Port. commercio. Formerly accented on the second syllable.] 1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce. [See Active.]  1. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.
2. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.
3. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas. – D. Webster.
COM'MERCE, v.i. 1. To traffick; to carry on trade. – Ralegh.

2. To hold intercourse with. And looks commercing with the skies. – Milton.

[Note if you also looked up 'destined' and 'tie' -- you would be amazed at the extension of connections you encounter...and even that, too, will lead you further on..."rendered significant for the expression of thought"]
CON-NECTION, n. [L. connexio; It. connessione. See Connect.]  1. The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every 'thing' that has a dependence on or relation to another 'thing'.

DE-CLAR'A-TO-RY, a.  Making declaration, clear manifestation, or exhibition; expressive; as, this clause is declaratory of the will of the legislature. The declaratory part of a law, is that which sets forth and defines what is right and what is wrong. A declaratory act, is an act or statute which sets forth more clearly and explains the intention of the legislature in a former act.

FALSE'HOOD, n. [fols'hood; false and hood.]  1. Contrariety or inconformity to fact or truth; as, the falsehood of a report.
2. Want of truth or veracity; a lie; an untrue assertion.
3. Want of honesty; treachery; deceitfulness; perfidy. Milton. But falsehood is properly applied to things only. [See Falseness.]
4. Counterfeit; false appearance; imposture. Milton.
[5. Intrinsically, perdition against HOLY SPIRIT-ONE GOD IN ALL THREE PERSONS/ Two Greatest Commands of God, falsehood, falseness, by just One Person, alone, or in 'community'- any location on God's Planet of His Land ]
          FALSE'NESS, n. [fols'ness.] 1. Want of integrity and veracity, either in principle or in act; as, the falseness of a man's heart, or his falseness to his word.
2. Duplicity; deceit; double-dealing. Hammond.
3. Unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; traitorousness. The prince is in no danger of being betrayed by the falseness, or cheated by the avarice of such a servant. Rogers.

[ for 'integrity' and 'veracity', go to, -- and either type the words, or use this link, but substituting falseness for veracity -and if you are the WHOLE definition of 'Teacher' among the least of these, in any profession, but especially any form law, divinity, medicine -- get the application AND USE IT even when you think you know the definition -- because of 'Abuse" , as in the Declaration of a Person composing his own Nation of One People, -- there is  a 99.9% chance that you have been lied to in obtaining the "characters" after you name.  BTW, do your heart/ mind/ conscience for will - Your Third Person a great and beautiful favor, take one, or any of these words and look them up in any dictionary or encyclopedia of your choice -- the more -- the better,  starting with Merriam - who knows how to spell Webster, but that is all the philology they can mange -for it will shock the heck out of you, precisely how much lie, steal and kill --you alone=first Greatest Command, then among those you know and will never know --- the posterity of any sovereign nation=Second Greatest Command] 

LIE, n.1  Water impregnated with alkaline salt, is written lye, to distinguish it from lie, a falsehood.
LIE, n.2 [Sax. lig or lyge; Sw. lögn; Dan. lögn; D. leugen; G. lug, lüge; Russ. loj. The verb is probably the primary word.]  1. A criminal falsehood; a falsehood uttered for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth. Fiction, or a false statement or representation, not intended to deceive, mislead or injure, as in fables, parables and the like, is not a lieIt is willful deceit that makes a lie. A man may act a lie, as by pointing his finger in a wrong direction, when a traveler inquires of him his road. – Paley.
2. A fiction; in a ludicrous sense. – Dryden.
3. False doctrine. 1 John ii.
4. An idolatrous picture of God, or a false god. Rom. i.
5. That which deceives and disappoints confidence. Micah i. To give the lie, to charge with falsehood. A man's actions may give the lie to his words.
LIE, v.i.1 [Sax. ligan, leogan; Dan. lyver; Sw. liuga; G. lügen; D. leugenen; Russ. lgu.]
1. To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive, or with an immoral design. Thou hast not lied to men, but to God. Acts v.
2. To exhibit a false representation; to say or do that which deceives another, when he has a right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation.
LIE, v.i.2 [pret. lay; pp. lain, lien, obs. Sax. ligan or licgan; Goth. ligan; Sw. liggia; Dan. ligger; D. liegen; Russ. leju; Gr. λεγομαι. The Gr. word usually signifies to speak, which is to utter or throw out sounds. Hence to lie down is to throw one's self down, and probably lie and lay are of one family, as are jacio and jaceo, in Latin.] 1. To be in a horizontal position, or nearly so, and to rest on any thing lengthwise, and not on the end. Thus a person lies on a bed, and a fallen tree on the ground. A cask stands on its end, but lies on its side.
2. To rest in an inclining posture; to lean; as, to lie on or against a column.
3. To rest; to press on.
4. To be reposited in the grave. All the kings of the earth, even all of them, lie in glory. – Isa. xiv.
5. To rest on a bed or couch; to be prostrate; as, to lie sick. My little daughter lieth at the point of death. – Mark v.
6. To be situated. New Haven lies in the forty-second degree of north latitude. Ireland lies west of England. Envy lies between beings equal in nature, though unequal in circumstances. – Collier. [The Papal Authority is situated on top of the highest mountain and all the human bodies composing the 'member in abject slave-hood' nations composing the UN- EU/ European Commission's "every word that issues from the mouth of spirit of devil trinity's humanist-physiology of "community's Universal Declaration of Arbitrary Human Precept's Rule of Conduct-force required lie in abusemisconstructed word - 'rights' ]
To be; to rest; to abide; to remain; often followed by some word denoting a particular condition; as, to lie waste; to lie fallow; to lie open; to lie hid; to lie pining or grieving; to lie under one's displeasure; to lie at the mercy of a creditor, or at the mercy of the waves.
To consist. He that thinks that diversion may not lie in hard labor, forgets the early rising of the huntsman. – Locke.
7. To be sustainable in law; to be capable of being maintained. An action lies against the tenant for waste. An appeal lies in this case. – Ch. J. Parsons. To lie at, to tease or importune. [Little used.] To lie at the heart, to be fixed as an object of affection or anxious desire. The Spainards have but one temptation to quarrel with us, the recovering of Jamaica, for that has ever lain at their hearts. – Temple. To lie by, to be reposited, or remaining with. He has the manuscript lying by him. #2. To rest; to intermit labor. We lay by during the heat of the day. To lie in the way, to be an obstacle or impediment. Remove the objections that lie in the way of an amicable adjustment. To lie hard or heavy, to press; to oppress; to burden. To lie on hand, to be or remain in possession; to remain unsold or undisposed of. Great quantities of wine lie on hand, or have lain long on hand. To lie on the hands, to remain unoccupied or unemployed; to be tedious. Men are sometimes at a loss to know how to employ the time that lies on their hands. To lie on the head, to be imputed. What he gets more of her than sharp words, let it lie on my head. Shak. To lie in wait, to wait for in concealment; to lie in ambush; to watch for an opportunity to attack or seize. To lie in one, to be in the power of; to belong to. As much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Rom. xii. To lie down, to lay the body on the ground or other level place; also, to go to rest. To lie in, to be in childbed; to bring forth young. To lie under, to be subject to; to suffer; to be oppressed by. To lie on or upon, to be a matter of obligation or duty. It lies on the plaintif to maintain his action. To lie with, To lodge or sleep with; also, to have carnal knowledge of. #2. To belong to. It lies with you to make amends. To lie over, to remain unpaid, after the time when payment is due; as a note in bank. To lie to, to be stationary, as a ship.

PAR'TY, n. [Fr. partie, from L. pars. See Part.]  1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.
2. One of two litigants; the plaintif or defendant in a lawsuit. The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. – Exod. xxii.
3. One concerned or interested in an affair. This man was not a party to the trespass or affray. He is not a party to the contract or agreement.
4. Side; persons engaged against each other. The peace both parties want, is like to last. – Dryden. Small parties make up in diligence what they want in numbers. – Johnson.
5.Cause; side. Ægle came in to make their party good. – Dryden.
6. A select company invited to an entertainment; as, a dining party, a tea party, an evening party.
7. A single person distinct from or opposed to another. If the jury found that the party slain was of English race, it had been adjudged felony. – Davies.
8In military affairs, a detachment or small number of troops sent on a particular duty, as to intercept the enemy's convoy, to reconnoiter, to seek forage, to flank the enemy, &c. Party is used to qualify other words and may be considered either as part of a compound word, or as an adjective; as, party man, party rage, party disputes

PER-VERT', v.t. [L. perverto; per and verto, to turn.] 1. To turn from truth, propriety, or from its proper purpose; to distort from its true use or end; as, to pervert reason by misdirecting it; to pervert the laws by misinterpreting am misapplying them; to pervert justice; to pervert the meaning of an author; to pervert nature; to pervert truth. – Milton. .John Dryden (19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668.     He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John."   WORDS: Hypocrite, Right ,Violate, Vain, Dissension, Party, Will, Person, Pride, Error, Conscience, Property, Thing, Self, Soul, Justly, Offense, Grace, Scatter, Fight Forgiveness, Contend, Test, For, Dominion, Nature, Resource, Court, Captivity, Shake, Lie, Quality, Envy, Replacement, Impose, Estate, Odium, Society, Skill, Tung/ Tongue, Matter, Divine, Principle, Race, Friend, Tempt, Traduce, Thought, Sincere, False, Ground, Ordain, Pervert
2. To turn from the right; to corrupt. He in the serpent had perverted Eve. – Milton.

REAS-ONn. [re'zn; Ir. reasun; W. rheswm; Arm. resoun; Fr. raison; Sp. razon; Port. razam; It. ragione; L. ratio; Russ. razum; Goth. rathyo, an account, number, ratio; rathyan, to number; garathyan, to number or count; rodyan, to speak; D. rede, speech; reden, reason, argument; redenkunst, rhetoric; G. redereden; Sax. rædræda, speech, reason; ræswian, to reason. We find united the Sax. ræd, speech, rædanredan, to read, the Gr. ῥεω, to say or speak, whence rhetoric, and the L. ratio, which is from ratus, and which proves reor to be contracted from redoredor, and all unite with rod, L. radius, &c. Primarily, reason is that which is uttered. See Read. So Gr. λογος, from λεγω.]
1. That which is thought or which is alledged in words, as the ground or cause of opinion, conclusion or determination. I have reasons which I may choose not to disclose. You ask me my reasons. I freely give my reasons. The judge assigns good reasons for his opinions, reasons which justify his decision. Hence in general,
2. The cause, ground, principle or motive of any thing said or done; that which supports or justifies a determination, plan or measure. Virtue and vice are not arbitrary things; but there is a natural and eternal reason for that goodness and virtue, and against vice and wickedness. – 1 Pet iii.; -John Tillotson (October 1630 – 22 November 1694) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1691 to 1694.   Words: Thing, Break, Theology, Conceit, Reason, Mistake, Principle, Matter, Supposition, Palpable 
3. Efficient cause. He is detained by reason of sickness. Spain is thin sown of people, partly by reason of its sterility of soil. –Sir Frances Bacon [see Thought]. The reason of the motion of the balance in a wheel-watch is by motion of the next wheel. – Hale [see Traduce].
4. Final cause. Reason, in the English language, is sometimes taken for true and clear principles; sometimes for clear and fair deductions; sometimes for the cause, particularly the final cause. – Locke [see Power].
5. A faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes truth from falsehood, and good from evil, and which enables the possessor to deduce inferences from facts or from propositions. – Encyc. Self-love, the spring of motion, acts the soul, / Reason's comparing balance rules the whole. / That sees immediate good by present sense, / Reason the future and the consequence. – Pope [see Abuse]. Reason is the director of man's will. – Hooker [see Thought].
6. Ratiocination; the exercise of reason. But when by reason she the truth has found. -“Holy thoughts on holy things, selected and arranged by E. Davies, 1820 at, PP9&dq=“Holy+thoughts+on+holy+things,+selected+and+arranged+by+E.+Davies&source=bl&ots=5ESQLkQJEn&sig=gJ1uNyZajuQ9ScJE_vPIWO6d-kA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj99fiqit3XAhUH
8. Reasonable claim; justice. God brings good out of evil, and therefore it were but reason we should trust God to govern his own world. –Jeremy Taylor  (baptised 15 August 1613 – 13 August 1667) was a cleric in the Church of England who achieved fame as an author during the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. He is sometimes known as the "Shakespeare of Divines" for his poetic style of expression, and he is frequently cited as one of the greatest prose writers in the English language. He is remembered in the Church of England's calendar of saints with a Lesser Festival on 13 August.      Taylor was under the patronage of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury. He went on to become chaplain in ordinary to King Charles I as a result of Laud's sponsorship. This made him politically suspect when Laud was tried for treason and executed in 1645 by the Puritan parliament during the English Civil War. After the parliamentary victory over the King, he was briefly imprisoned several times.      Eventually, he was allowed to live quietly in Wales, where he became the private chaplain of the Earl of Carbery. At the Restoration, his political star was on the rise, and he was made Bishop of Down and Connor in Ireland. He also became vice-chancellor of the University of Dublin.  Words: Reason, Office, Envy, Discipline
9. Rationale; just account. This reason did the ancient fathers render, why the church was called Catholic. –John Pearson (28 February 1613 – 16 July 1686) was an English theologian and scholar Words: Reason. [See No. 1 and 2.]
10.  Moderation; moderate demands; claims which reason and justice admit or prescribe. The most probable way of bringing France to reason, would be by the making an attempt on the Spanish West Indies. – Addison. In reason, in all reason, in justice; with rational ground. When any thing is proved by as good arguments as a thing of that kind is capable of, we ought not in reason to doubt its existence. – Tillotson.
REAS-ON, v.i. [Fr. raisonner; Sax. ræswian.]  1. To exercise the faculty of reason; to deduce inference justly from premises. Brutes do not reason; children reason imperfectly.
2. To argue; to infer conclusions from premises, or to deduce new or unknown propositions from previous propositions which are known or evident. To reason justly, is to infer from propositions which are known, admitted or evident the conclusions which are natural, or which necessarily result from them. Men may reason within themselves; they may reason before a court or legislature; they may reason wrong as well as right.
3. To debate; to confer or inquire by discussion or mutual communication of thoughts, arguments, or reasons. And they reasoned among themselves. – Matth. xvi. To reason with, to argue with; to endeavor to inform, convince or persuade by argument. Reason with a profligate son, and if possible, persuade him of his errors. #2. To discourse; to talk; to take or give an account. Stand still, that I may reason with you before the Lord, of all the righteous acts of the Lord. [Obs.] – 1 Sam. xii.
REAS-ON, v.t.  1. To examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss. I reasoned the matter with my friend. When they are clearly discovered, well digested and well reasoned in every part, there is beauty in such a theory. –Thomas Burnet (c. 1635? – 27 September 1715[1][2]) was an English theologian and writer on cosmogony.  Cosmogony (or cosmogeny) is any theory concerning the coming into existence (or origin) of either the cosmos (or universe), or the so-called reality of sentient beings. Developing a complete theoretical model has implications in both the philosophy of science and epistemology. Words: Reason  
2. To persuade by reasoning or argument; as, to reason one into a belief of truth; to reason one out of his plan; to reason down a passion.
             RA-TIO-CIN-A'TION, n. [L. ratiocinatio.] 1. The act or process of reasoning, or of deducing consequences from premises. [See Reasoning.] – Brown. South.

RE-STRICT'IVE, a. [Fr. restrictif.] 1. Having the quality of limiting or of expressing limitation; as, a restrictive particle.
2. Imposing restraint; as, restrictive laws of trade.
3. Styptic.  a. [L., Gr.] That stops bleeding; having the quality of restraining hemorrhage.[Not used.{except as you read from original works of the Authorities herein used for definitions}]

SCAT'TER, v.t. [Sax. scateran, to pour out, to disperse; L. scateo; Gr. σκεδαω, to scatter, to discuss, L. discutio, This word may be formed on the root of discutio. The primary sense is to drive or throw.] 1. To disperse; to dissipateto separate or remove things to a distance from each other. From thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Gen. xi. I will scatter you among the heathen. Lev. xxvi.
2. To throw loosely about; to sprinkle; as, to scatter seed in sowing. Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, / soft quiet, gentle love and endless joy. –Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat. He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ WORDS: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter, Mediate, Image
3. To cause to separate in different directions; to reduce from a close or compact to a loose or broken order; to dissipate; to disperse.   Scatter and disperse thegiddy Goths. "Titus Andronicus, Act V, Scene 2"  -William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".   Words: Right, Thing, Virtue, Will, Arrogance, Pride, Read, Warrant , Violence, Knowledge, Trust, Truth, Displace, Compulsion, Property, Vault, Valor, Ordain, Way(s), Self, Cringe, Interpretation, Idleness, Untruth, Wanton, Fight, Affirmation, For, Censure, Spear, Pierce, Shake, Law, Quality, Actual, Envy, Soul, Palpable, Attaint, Learn, Replenish, Tung/ Tongue, Bound, Medicine [1844 and 1913 Revised, Noah Porter], Debt, Race, Void, Transgression, Faithfully, Spirit, Holy, Imputation, Thought, Tempt, Murder, Perverse, Petrify, Infer, Scatter  
4. Hence, to frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow; as, to scatter hopes, plans, or the like.
          DIS'SI-PATE, v.i.  To scatter; to disperse; to separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to vanish. A fog or cloud gradually dissipates, before the rays or heat of the sun. The heat of a body dissipates; the fluids dissipate.
DIS'SI-PATE, v.t. [L. dissipatusdissipodis and an obsolete verb, sipo, to throw. We perhaps see its derivatives in siphonprosapiaand sept, and sepio, to inclose, may be primarily to repel, and thus to guard.]   1. To scatter; to disperse; to drive asunder. Wind dissipates fog; the heat of the sun dissipates vapor; mirth dissipates care and anxiety; the cares of life tend to dissipate serious reflections. Scatter, disperse and dissipate are in many cases synonymous; but dissipate is used appropriately to denote the dispersion of things that vanish, or are not afterward collected; as, to dissipate fog, vapor or clouds. We say, an army is scattered or dispersed, but not dissipated. Trees are scattered or dispersed over a field, but not dissipated.
2. To expend; to squander; to scatter property in a wasteful extravagance; to waste; to consume; as, a man has dissipated his fortune in the pursuit of pleasure.
3. To scatter the attention. [to  Displace]

From Samuel Johnson's "A dictionary of the English Language", at,,+to+our+errors+by+truth,+and+to+our+schisms%22+by+charity.+King+Charles+I&source=bl&ots=EUUBxWfUhf&sig=PPukWUfbYZX6phR-Mc8dDtf_uZM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuoLCO-6HYAhWjrFQKHfCHBfcQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=%22Set%20bounds%20to%20our%20passions%20by%20reason%2C%20to%20our%20errors%20by%20truth%2C%20and%20to%20our%20schisms%22%20by%20charity.%20King%20Charles%20I&f=false
SCHISM fns schisme Fr axigua Gr from axson to divide to cut asunder The word is pronounced sism contrary to etymology the occasion of this was that our old authors wrote it sysmatike as Skelton p 108 Pegge Anonym p 14 A separation or division in the church of God Set bounds to our passions by reason to our errors by truth and to our schisms by charity King Charles Oppose schisms by unity hypocrisy by sober piety and debauchery by temperance Sprat Serm When a schism is once spread there grows at length a dispute which are the schismaticks in the sense of the law the schism lies on that side which opposes itself to the religion of the state Swift Schis MA tical adj schismatique Fr from schismatick Implying schism practising schism By these tumults all factions seditions and schismatical proposals against government ecclesiastical and civil must be backed King Charles Here bare amathemas fall but like so many bruta fulmina upon the obstinate and schismatical who are like to think them selves shrewdly hurt by being cut off from that body which they chuse not to be of and so being punished into a quiet enjoyment of their beloved separation South
SCHISM, n. [sizm; L. schisma; Gr. σχισμα, from σχιζω, to divide, L. scindo, Sax. sceadan, D. scheien, scheiden, G. scheiden, to separate, to part.]
In a general sense, division or separation; but appropriately, a division or separation in a church or denomination of Christians, occasioned by diversity of opinions; breach of unity among people of the same religious faith. Set bounds to our passions by reason, to our errors by truth, and to our schisms by charity. K. Charles. In Scripture, the word seems to denote a breach of charity, rather than a difference of doctrine.
Separation; division among tribes or classes of people. {modern dictionaries and Wikipedia use only "antipope", but the Reformists are addressing very specifically Matt. 4 Holy Spirit Truth against spirit of devil trinity - in person,  i.e., Reformation cannot be aniPOPE a person in a specific time-frame -- because "Jesus walking on land because His Body died on the cross" is not a truth --- man-serving-man, cannot choose The Eternal Son of God, the Second Person in His Father, The First Person who created in His Image, the Third Person

SPIR'IT, n. [Fr. esprit; It. spirito; Sp. espiritu; L. spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.]  1. Primarily, wind; air in motion; hence,breath. All bodies have spirits and pneumatical parts within them. – Bacon. [This sense is now unusual.-----{NOTE: very interesting for Dr. Webster to say "unusual" -- because he is correct this word "rendered significant by usage, though in this case, by malice prepence - Insignificant by crime of omission!  Throughout ecclesiastical and civil-state, magistrate, even among at-large men, women and children being taught, Matt.4, in 7, in 12, 22, Luke 12, and the Apocrypha - the connection between ]
2. Animal excitement, or the effect of it; life; ardor; fire; courage; elevation or vehemence of mind. The troops attacked the enemy with great spirit. The young man has the spirit of youth. He speaks or acts with spirit. Spirits, in the plural, is used in nearly a like sense. The troops began to recover their spirits. – Swift.
3. Vigor of intellect; genius. His wit, his beauty, and his spirit. – Butler. The noblest spirit or genius can not deserve enough of mankind to pretend to the esteem of heroic virtue. – Temple.
4. Temper; disposition of mind, habitual or temporary; as, a man of a generous spirit, or of a revengeful spirit; the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Let us go to the house of God in the spirit of prayer. – Bickersteth.
5. The soul of man; the intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of human beings. [See Soul.] The spirit shall return to nod that gave it. – Eccles. xii.
6. An immaterial intelligent substance. Spirit is a substance in which thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving do subsist. – Locke. Hence,
7.An immaterial intelligent being. By which he went and preached to the spirits in prison. – 1 Pet. iii. God is a spirit. – John iv.
8. Turn of mind; temper; occasional state of the mind. A perfect judge will read each work of wit, / With the same spirit that its author writ. – Pope.
9. Powers of mind distinct from the body. In spirit perhaps he also saw / Rich Mexico, the seat of Montezume. – Milton.
10. Sentiment; perception. Your spirit is too true, your fears too certain. – Shak.
11. Eager desire; disposition of mind excited and directed to a particular object. God has made a spirit of building succeed a spirit of pulling down. – South.
12. A person of activity; a man of life, vigor or enterprise. The watery kingdom is no bar / 13. To stop the foreign spirits, but they came. – Shak.
14. Persons distinguished by qualities of the mind. Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges. – Dryden.
15. Excitement of mind; animation; cheerfulness; usually in the plural. We found our friend in very good spirits. He has a great flow of spirits. To sing thy praise, would heaven my breath prolong / Infusing spirits worthy such a song. – Dryden.
16. Life or strength of resemblance; essential qualities; as to set off the face in its true spirit. The copy has not the, spirit of the original. – Wotton.
17. Something eminently pure and refinedNor doth the eye itself, / That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself. – Shak.
18. That which hath power or energy; the quality of any substance which manifests life, activity, or the power of strongly affecting other bodies; as, the spirit of wine or of any liquor.
19. A strong, pungent liquor, usually obtained by distillation, as rum, brandy, gin, whisky. In America, spirit, used without other words explanatory of its meaning, signifies the liquor distilled from cane juice, or rum. We say, new spirit, or old spirit, Jamaica spirit, &c.
12. An apparition; a ghost.
13. The renewed nature of man. – Matth. xxxi. Gal. v.
14. The influences of the Holy Spirit. – Matth. xxii. Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. [Note continued from #1 def.: Understand? Every uses "third Person" but not one, connected to Matt. 12 in 22, John 17 in 14 among the WHOLE Gospel of the SECOND PERSON IN HIS FATHER, THE ETERNAL/ CREATOR - OF THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL PROPHETS  -- TRUTH]
SPIR'IT, v.t.  1. To animate; to actuate; as a spirit. So talk'd the spirited sly snake. [Little used.] – Milton.
2. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; as, civil dissensions spirit the ambition of private men. – Swift. It is sometimes followed by up; as, to spirit up. – Middleton.
3. To kidnap. Blackstone. To spirit away, to entice or seduce. [tempt, spirit of devil trinity]

SUB-SCRIBE, v.t. [L. subscribo; sub and scribo, to write; Fr. souscrire; It. soscrivere; Sp. subscribir. Literally, to write underneath. Hence,]  1. To sign with one's own hand; to give consent to something written, or to bind one's self by writing one's name beneath; as, parties subscribe a covenant or contract; man subscribes a bond or articles of agreement.
2. To attest by writing one's name beneath; as, officers subscribe their official acts; and secretaries and clerks subscribe copies of records.
3. To promise to give by writing one's name; as, each man subscribed ten dollars or ten shillings.
4. To submit. [Not in use.] – Shak
SUB-SCRIBE, v.i.  1. To promise to give a certain sum by setting one's name to a paper. The paper was offered and many subscribed.
2. To assent; as, I could not subscribe to his opinion.
          SUB-SCRIB-ED, pp. Having a name or names written underneath. The petition is subscribed by two thousand persons.
2. Promised by writing the name and sum. A large sum subscribed.
          AT-TEST', v.t. [Fr. attester; L. attestor; of ad and testor, to affirm or bear witness, from testis. See Testify.]  1. To bear witness to; to certify; to affirm to be true or genuine; to make a solemn declaration in words or writing, to support a fact; appropriately used for the affirmation of persons in their official capacity; as, to attest the truth of a writing; to attest a copy of record. Persons also attest writings by subscribing their names.
2. To bear witness, or support the truth of a fact, by other evidence than words; as, the ruins of Palmyra attest its ancient magnificence.
3. To call to witness; to invoke as conscious. The sacred streams which heaven's imperial state Attests in oaths, and fears to violate. "Aenais, VI" – Dryden at, digitalized, original texts, Google Books,,+and+fears+to+violate.%22+%E2%80%93+Dryden&source=bl&ots=Vpu5nO_WE2&sig=xvssKjy7Z3HeHPYqRg12BFnHfZ0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqsaX8pujYAhVI8GMKHfH7CKEQ6AEILDAB#v=onepage&q=%22The%20sacred%20streams%20which%20heaven's%20imperial%20state%20Attests%20in%20oaths%2C%20and%20fears%20to%20violate.%22%20%E2%80%93%20Dryden&f=false      [--- Just to show you Reader, the extent of what you can obtain and connect in your life's challenge for Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise ---]

THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause.]  1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ..
2. A relation by blood or marriage.
3. An association, or united body; as, the Methodist connection. - The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation
2.Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt. Gen. xlii. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges xviii.
3.An animal; as, every living thing; every creeping thing. Gen. i. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. Tillotson.
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Swift.
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are. Shak. The poor thing sigh'd. Addison. I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville.
7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, / Thou noble thing! Shak.

[The word 'value' is essential to spirit of the devil's 'every 'Thing' connected to "from loaves to stone - loaves equal to collective mass people servile, including each-one nation's so-'labeled-leaders' to the Papal Authority, a.k.a., UN-/ 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime - not even their sovereign nations, but also, in addition, each-one-person composing their own sovereign nation -- toUN-EU Empire's (though as of 12/01/2009-Lisbon Treaty, the EU no longer exists since the member nations of UN are the member nations of the EU --thus 193 Nations counting the abrogation of  God in Three Persons, therefore our Three Sacred Documents, by silent-edict in servile subjugation of Articles I, II, III - totally absent their Oath/ Common Oral Law- of Office -- ]

THINK, v.i. [pret. and pp. thought, pron. thaut. Sax. thincan, thencan; Goth. thagkyan; Sw. tycka and tænka; Dan. tykker and tænker; D. denken, to think, and gedagt, thought; G. denken, to think, and gedächtniss, remembrance; gedanke, thought; nachdenken, to ponder or meditate; Gr. δοκεω; Syr. and Ch. דוק; allied to L. duco. We observe n is casual, and omitted in the participle thought. The sense seems to be to set in the mind, or to draw out, as in meditation. Class Dg, No. 9.] 1. To have the mind occupied on some subject; to have ideas, or to revolve ideas in the mind. For that I am / I know, because I think. Dryden. These are not matters to be slightly thought on. Tillotson.
2. To judge; to conclude; to hold as a settled opinion. I think it will rain to-morrow. I think it not best to proceed on our journey. Let them marry to whom they think best. Numb. xxxvi.
3. To intend. Thou thought'st to help me. Shak. I thought to promote thee to great honor. Numb. xxiv.
4. To imagine; to suppose; to fancy. Edmund, I think, is gone / In pity of his misery, to dispatch / His 'nighted life. Shak. Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. 1 Cor. x.
5.To muse; to meditate. While Peter thought on the vision. Acts x. Think much, speak little. Dryden.
6.To reflect; to recollect or call to mind. And when Peter thought thereon, he wept. Mark xiv.
7. To consider; to deliberate. Think how this thing could happen. He thought within himself, saying, What shall I do? Luke xii.
8. To presume. Think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father. Matth. iii.
9. To believe; to esteem. To think on or upon, to muse on; to meditate on. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil. iv. #2. To light on by meditation. He has just thought on an expedient that will answer the purpose. #3. To remember with favor. Think upon me, my God, for good. Neh. v. To think of, to have ideas come into the mind. He thought of what you told him. I would have sent the books, but I did not think of it. To think well of, to hold in esteem; to esteem.
THINK, v.t. 1. To conceive; to imagine. Charity thinketh no evil. 1 Cor. xiii.
2. To believe; to consider; to esteem. Nor think superfluous others' aid. Milton.
3. To seem or appear, as in the phrases, me thinketh or methinks, and methought. These are genuine Saxon phrases, equivalent to it seems to me, it seemed to me. In these expressions, me is actually in the dative case; almost the only instance remaining in the language. Sax. “genoh thuht,” satis visum est, it appeared enough or sufficient; “me thincth,” mihi videtur, it seems to me; I perceive. To think much, to grudge. He thought not much to clothe his enemies. Milton. To think much of, to hold in high esteem. To think scorn, to disdain. Esth. iii.  

THOUGHT  n. [thaut. primarily the passive participle of think, supra, Sax. theaht.]  1. Properly, that which the mind thinksThought is either the act or operation of the mind, when attending to a particular subject or thing, or it is the idea consequent on that operation. We say, a man's thoughts are employed on government, on religion, on trade or arts, or his thoughts are employed on his dress or his means of living. By this we mean that the mind is directed to that particular subject or object; that is, according to the literal import of the verb think, the mind, the intellectual part of man, is set upon such an object, it holds it in view or contemplation, or it extends to it, it stretches to it. Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in any sense to render it true that matter can become cogitative. –.Rev. Timothy Dwight, S.T.D., L.L.D. (May 14, 1752 – January 11, 1817) was an American academic and educator, a Congregationalist minister, theologian, and author. He was the eighth president of Yale College (1795–1817).[1] Words: Virtue, Thought
2. Idea; conception. I wish to convey my thoughts to another person. I employ words that express my thoughts, so that he may have the same ideas; in this case, our thoughts will be alike.
3. Fancy; conceit; something framed by the imagination. Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my only difficulty is to choose or reject."The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1, "Preface to Fables" By John Dryden,
4. Reflection; particular consideration. Why do you keep alone? / Using those thoughts which should have died / With them they think on. "MacBeth, Act III, Scene 2"– W. Shakespeare.
6. Meditation; serious consideration. Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, / Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought. –.Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of “Roscommon” (c. 1633 – 18 January 1685), was an English poet.  Words: Spare, Break, Thought  
7. Design; purpose. All their thoughts are against me for evil. – Ps. lvi. xxxiii. Jer. xxix.
8. Silent contemplation. – Shak.
9. Solicitude; care; concern. Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and anguish before his business came to an end. –Sir Francis Bacon.
10. Inward reasoning; the workings of conscience. Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. – Rom. ii.
11. A small degree or quantity; as, a thought longer; a thought better. [Not in use.] –Richard Hooker/ Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, Scholar, and soldier, who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry), and The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.  Words: Conceit, Thing, Pierce, Estate, Knowledge, Clear, Thought.
To take thought, to be solicitous or anxious. – Matth. vi.
THOUGHT, pp. [and pret. of Think; pronounced thaut.]"; --- that is Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise,  or Paul's Church of God in Christ in himself, a sinner, teacher that Jew/ Gentile, circumcised/-among man-choosing and serving man's few rulers over the many by 'groups' - gender/ age majority as newborns /uncircumcised , free man/ slave, man or woman - all are ONE PERSON IN HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH LIVING GOD IN THREE PERSONS, HOLY LIVING TRINITY.

WIT'NESS, n. [Sax. witnesse, from witan, to know.]  1. Testimony; attestation of a fact or event. If I hear witness of myself, my witness is not true. – John v.
2. That which furnishes evidence or proof. Laban said, this heap is a witness between me and thee this day. – Gen. xxxi.
3. A person who knows or sees any thing; one personally present; as, he was witness; he was an eye-witness. – 1 Pet. v. Upon my looking round, I was witness to appearances which filled me with melancholy and regret. – Rob. Hall, 2, 349.
4. One who sees the execution of an instrument, and subscribes it for the purpose of confirming its authenticity by his testimony.
5. One who gives testimony; as, the witnesses in court agreed in all essential facts. With a witness, effectually; to a great degree; with great force, so as to leave some mark as a testimony behind. He struck with a witness. [Not elegant.]
WIT'NESS, v.i.  1. To bear testimony. The men of Belial witnessed against him, even against Naboth. 1 Kings xxi.
2. To give evidence. The shew of their countenance doth witness against them. Isa. iii.
WITNESS, v.t 1. To see or know by personal presence. I witnessed the ceremonies in New York, with which the ratification of the constitution was celebrated in 1788. – N. W. Every one has witnessed the effects of the voltaic fluid. – Good. Lect. x. Gen. Washington did not live to witness the restoration of peace. – Marshall. This is but a faint sketch of the incalculable calamities and horrors we must expect, should we ever witness the triumphs of modern infidelity. – Rob. Hall. We have witnessed all the varieties molded to such a perfect accommodation. – Bridg. Treatise. Angels that make thy church their care / Shall witness my devotion there. – Watts, Ps. 138. We have lived to witness that surprising paradox. – Hannah More.
2. To attest; to give testimony to; to testify to something. Behold, how many things they witness against thee. Mark xv
3. .To see the execution of an instrument, and subscribe it for the purpose of establishing its authenticity; as, to witness a bond or a deed. In the imperative mode, see, in evidence or proof; as, witness the habeas corpus, the independence of judges, &c. – Ames, 429.

"Trump signs $1.3 trillion spending bill but vows ‘never again’"By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Updated: 2:57 p.m. on Friday, March 23, 2018 at,

"S.Con.Res.25 - An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027.
115th Congress (2017-2018) | Get alerts"search"%3A%5B"2018+Appropriations+Committee+Budget+Bill"%5D%7D&r=1

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16 exceed $800,000 shall be available for the Office of the As17
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18 That funds made available by this Act to an agency in the
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United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 AGENDA 21, CONTENTS is no different in its content to this 26 years later, 2018 5World Group Lenders/ Fed. Res Board of Governors, Sustainable Development -- very hard to obtain 2017-2018, but lots of 01/20/2009 anti-Trinity Sacred Documents involvement...