Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Jews Read Torah in Ancient Synagogue in Hebron For the First Time in 900 Years"  Gavriel Dan  December 26, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/jews-read-torah-hebron/    or "ISRAEL RISING" because, that link is not "permitted" by the "yes is no, no is yes' machine's "OOPS! THE PAGE YOU WERE LOOKING FOR WAS NOT FOUND. Israel Rising | Breaking News & Analysis on Israel, 404 contained in a red background, circle"; and "ISRAEL RISING" IS NOT IN THE GOOGLE SEARCH LIST AT ALL!  This is the first time since we started -- that this Excellent Journalism has been - apparently - eliminated - from internet:

This the Wonder of God...for both our Nation's Love of God, among the other, smaller number nation's who know Truth from Lie, --- but it must be noted, in the speeches of condemnation against the 'vain-idol-god's "150, bigger number-few rulers of arbitrary rules of conduct-force, devoid JUST RECIPROCATION OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH,' voting in complete ignorance required of delusional adversailat democracy's socialist, communist atheism -- THOSE PERSONS, ALONE, THEN AMONG THOSE THEY KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW, includes each-one nation's very own sovereign Posterity from entering kindergarten,, WHO HAVE  IS NO ORAL, COMMON LAW, Rabbi Packer is reading on this day of celebration, by the purveyors of hate in lie:

-- Completely Barring, it must be noted, in the speeches of denunciation, by both our nations -- money was the most important reason with sovereignty and WE THE PEOPLE OWN OUR GOVERNMENT -- not Article II, nor I and markedly, NOT, the perdition in treason of Article III; but continuing the crimes against our Trinity Sacred Documents of omission, commission, neglect and transgression in obedience with supplication in deep references  for the 'vain-idol-god''s "150, bigger number-few rulers of arbitrary rules of conduct-force, devoid JUST RECIPROCATION OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE-BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE PREROGATIVES OF GOD,'  voting in complete ignorance required of few-'supreme to God and over the many'  reliGIOUS worship of powers ruling the earth" -delusional adversarial, since at least 2 Anno Domini, democracy's socialist, communist atheism -- THOSE PERSONS, ALONE, THEN AMONG THOSE THEY KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW, includes each-one nation's very own sovereign Posterity from entering kindergarten,, WHO HAVE  IS NO ORAL, COMMON LAW, Rabbi Packer is reading on this day of celebration, by the purveyors of hate in lie:

Both AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, AND ISRAEL - "G-D"  maintained, their 'never-to-be-#6 UNDERSTOOD, IN #7 SPEECH, an INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS THEREOF"...in complete, blind-leading blind, conformity in slavery to spirit of devil trinity's UDHR Articles 18 "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance" as,

Papal Authority's UN supreme to God - through 150 nations of a vain-idol-god's forms if inanimate objects as parties-at-law, "bigger number", in Resolution forbidding the Member Nation, under demonstrated fact and evidence, since 01/20/2009's anti-Republic under God Regime's Treason in Perdition, currently protected by by that same, Papal Authority''s property of UN-spirit of devil trinity's, in fact and evidence, entire contents of socialist, communist, 1947 wall of separation, 4 Justices of Dissent" stated in each-one's Truth, Trust, Promise, "This decision should be reversed", directly leading to, in 1949, UDHR's:

Reader, this is where the Definitions of Words by Dr. Webster is so important, for each-one-Article is a bastardized abuse in misconstruction of most, if not all its words, especially the "Everyone, which is actually Every-Human Body's, adding among the whole 30, 19's Opinion totally absent its partner, 'PROBABILITY,'  Mrs. Roosevelt, nor her husband, among 'leaders US and GB, Wales,  France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Scotland, Greece, Turkey hoping its Ottoman Empire will resurge; and especially not blind and deaf Ireland (though they have would be able to #6 Understand or recognize the #7 degradation and anomalies within the Whole, as well as, Articles 18 "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance, where right and freedom have no connection whatsoever to the ORAL COMMON LAW OF HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOUR ARE THE THIRD - even though , Holy Ghost, causes great wrangling among the Scholars of the Predetermined conclusion Bible, is not identified as a Third Person -directly, but solely through the Contents of 1611 Whole Three Testament Bible, including Trinity Sacred Documents,  Authorized by God HimSelf.

 "But now what pietie without trueth? what trueth (what saving trueth) without the word of God? what word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? The Scriptures we are commanded to search. Joh. 5.39. Esa. 8.20. They are commended that searched & studied them. Act. 17.11. and 8.28, 29. They are reproved that were unskilful in them, or slow to beleeve them. Mat. 22.29. Luk. 24.25. They can make us wise unto salvation. 2. Tim. 3.15. If we be ignorant, they will instruct us; if out of the way, they will bring us home; if out of order, they will reforme us, if in heavines, comfort us; if dull, quicken us; if colde, inflame us. Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege, Take up and read, take up and read the Scriptures, (for unto them was the direction) it was said unto S. Augustine by a supernaturall voyce. Whatsoevar is in the Scriptures, beleeve me, saith the same S. Augustine, is high and divine; there is verily trueth, and a doctrine most fit for the refreshing and renewing of mens mindes, and truely so tempered, that every one may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if hee come to draw with a devout and pious minde, as true Religion requireth...""FROM THE TRANSLATORS TO THE READER, INTRODUCTION," at, https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/1611-King-James-Bible-Introduction.php

Monday, December 25, 2017

"The People own the Outdoor Organ" spirit of devil trinity's UDHR, delusional-adversarial democracy's falsehood

Because, the spirit of devil trinity's "Never under any circumstance obey [Oral, Common Law, every word that Issues from the Mouth of God" --creed of doctrine necessary to  arbitrary human precept's lip service, heart-does not exist, UDHR "bodies of with duties to communities upon which the full development of their , 'attitude, is  "Any Body-'s physiology of neurology psychology, a.k.a., 'targeted - Person-ality' who refuses to conform in absolute obedience to 'social network's abuse and misconstruction of the word 'friend', Article 29's 'democratic society's collective 'judgement" required for proper hypocrisy -- of Matt. 7 Judge not that ye be judged' -- as, the manner of my informing others,  of 5W'S AND H re The Creator  Is the Trinity Sacred Documents -- Reformists against Papal Authority's 2,017 of never changing, Puritans, Colonists Founder's who KNEW PRECISELY WHAT THEY WERE WRITING IN THE NAME OF GOD.

Not 1 American of God and Nation First, before life on world-down-below, Constitutional-Person-Citizen stands for "In God We Trust", i.e., O.T., Apocrypha  is not Hidden, except for predetermined conclusions of Biblical, clerical clergy blinded Perdition applied to Apostle Judas Iscariot, never the High Priests, Captivity for second, overt God's Eras of History, 'the collective people ruled by the group-think-hierarchy-has never left mankind from Jeremiah and Isiah in Apocrypha, Ezra documented, The Gospel of Christ tied John 17 in 14, Matt. 4-7, 16:18, 22-28, John 8 - 13 - HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOU are the Third, but most of you have never connected, grasp, perceived  "GOD IS AND THERE IS NO THING ELSE"- Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones, Westminster ( https://www.mljtrust.org/ )  

-- So I have and will continue - My God Is My Nation - before my earthly-life  which probably does tick-off = the other side of Our Eternal Living God,  Father's Sword, slaves to spirit of devil trinity's UDHR collective mass people, who are blind to the fact that if you do not have ONE PERSON SINGING, or ONE ORGANIST PLAYING that instrument's ORCHESTRA, directly to God in Christ's Ear from your mouth, you can never have a WHOLE HARMONY OF BLENDED VOICES, so strictly controlled in order to support a belief that Person is useless to the whole of any nation's hierarchy of concrete, vertical, blind-layered box,  other, unacceptable persons, included but for the sole reason, a 'pecking-order-leader' must have groupie's to rules over.

Also in hypocrisy's folded in tortuous widening, convoluted mind's 'Who's Jesus? Let's throw the stones at the whore, anyway: for He won't kill us, says to 'talking serpent' to Eve, who not having taken that bite yet, has no idea that a 'serpent doesn't talk,' let alone that it is Knowledge from The Forbidden Tree's Evil -side of land, dust, atoms of atmosphere into Adams lungs - then from the rib - a tough, mucous, double layered membrane of the atoms of atmosphere supplying water- blood of osmosis, diffusion, active transport that is physiology - Eve--!  Yes, this is an observation in Right Reason, because of Dr. Moffatt's Insight, not at all lost on this Reader of Love of Language, Communication, Understanding and working with people since about 10 years young, for my parents, with my brothers in our family hardware store, in his 5W's and H "Introduction," which was omitted, in complete condemnation by the publisher of the 1991 reprint, with the also- condemned 1611 Whole Three Testament Bible, Authorized by God, Direct Translation ,- those Translators, 51 counting Dr. Moffatt, though he, addresses Apocrypha, including 'the great Papal Falsehood "The Bible is written for 'community' and not for the individual" but follows all predetermined human bible scholars, in never permitting 'hidden' to be 'seen" in context accomplished by the 1611 Translators work is totally repudiated by man-choosing and serving-man not an opposition as much as just realizing who the persons of complete innocence, Adam and Eve were, -- without the male gender being upset that the female gender who tricked and still does, them, not sin- adultery would be impossible,... an obvious absurdity when you let go of predetermined conclusions; rather paying attention to all  4 participants-persons, for God says He Is A Person and He Is, but that is attached to other Books in Chapters- Holy Spirit-Eternal Living Soul -  in this priceless, perfect allusions, analogy of metaphors on all of life on world-down-below, that includes Adam and Eve's Father, who had to put the talking serpent in the location and at the moment, Eve would go off by her own person's curiosity - to'explore': --- much like a two year old crawling and just before advancing to walking... he gets so expert, that if not corralled - will most certainly disappear or whatever attracts his eyes, nose (which is still not as well functioning -- or maybe that is why he continues to cry-even after mommy and daddy have fixed every visible object including love of cuddling...to no avail ) as he delights in every thing of his reach -- no sense of sin, danger, or evil -- just 'go for it with a smile, unless of course - an oops or uh-oh -- happens

An example of clerics who read, but never read - Scripture or Preamble to Bill of Right/ God/ Truth/ Justice among that Assumpsit of Axiom of supreme Law of the Land: not the Constitution, nor a "supremacy clause" greater than the residence of a Constitutional-Person's  STATE, for unless there is Land -- there is no written constitution, or written-word, instrument or tool, form, of any kind on world-down-below, God's Planet earth in His "Big Bang" Universe, Nature, Natural, World, Divine Author.

1) "The People Own"...  is equal to one organist candidate getting "the  most, a.k.a., "vain idol-god's bigger number" popular votes" among the at-large visitors who voted, completely ignorant of: THE BREADTH OF KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED for playing the organ; and having, the PROFESSION OF UNDERSTANDING  POETRY IN ALLUSION OF A MUSICOLOGIST: meaning, at-large, collective 'the people' are uneducated in specialty of the organ as, the science, physics, mechanics, Art, and Theater of presentation of a whole orchestra and 'toy sounds':

Worse, they were absolutely forbidden any information at all about the organist candidate's background and goals should they become a Civic Organist.

Hence,  an inanimate object of complete supplication in devotion to "any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers as, vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, no mouth form of 'bigger number' completely removes truth, in trust of promise, the at-large visitor gives to all of you, whether or not members of the 'caregivers', who have given time, knowledge, expertise in preserving and promulgating the magnificent outdoor Organ.

Just to give perspective, the Papal Authority's UN's human-body precept, delusional adversarial democracy's synonyms, socialist communist  atheist, since there is no HOLY SPIRIT -Truth, Trust, Promise, Resolution to stop We the People of the United STATES, place of residence of your Constitutional-Person in The TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, from moving our Embassy to Jerusalem Is the Capital of Israel:

Of the 191 Nations (not counting Israel, US(A), and Czechoslovakia) 150 voted against CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED IN WE THE PEOPLE -US(A) - simply because they have no "#6 Understanding, that Person composing ONE People Is WE THE PEOPLE IN SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION - ORAL COMMON LAW from each-one-person's mouth Directly Accountable to God's Ear -- since THERE IS NO OTHER NATION IN OUR FATHER'S ERAS OF HIS HISTORY IN WHICH HE IS THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL OF THE PROPHETS, i.e, Reformist's to Truth, stated in `1611 From The Translators To The Reader" at,  https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/1611-King-James-Bible-Introduction.php :

Problem this online edition is absent the Translator's 4 columns for their notes - meaning the 5W's and H of its whole Assumpsit both the 10 part disquisition, that includes the wit of cavil, culminations, dissimulation and imputation among the "predetermined conclusions of spirit of devil trinity's Liberty of Most Evil, 'from bread to stone,' always "scatter/ secularize  the Whole of Laws of Nature and Nature's God, because not dashing just the foote of a whole body of Jesus against a stone - such that "The Whole Shall Never at any time, nor under any circumstance, rival the very sacred, vain-idol-god's earthly measures $$$, bigger number, time much more important a measure of 'party's deceit in tricky, dishonest politics including ecclesiastical-group of few rulers over their members - who must always "raise right hand to God" for the purpose of "sustaining" falsehood,  Papal Authority's imperative to maintain is supremacy over Holy Spirit-Liberty of God-Truth/ most Good Introduction and within the Three Testaments are not included at all - thus, very important connections

 and among living Presidents, Articles I, II, with Article  III in summer of 2012 , continuing since 1947's "This decision should be reversed" by 4 Justices of God and Nation First v. 5 judges disguised as Justices decreeing the great, impenetrable wall that is "Divine Truth is a Separate path from body's 5 sense, "if it isn't written, it doesn't exist" - direct blasphemy of God, since Holy Spirit's One God in Three Persons, the Second is His Eternal Living Son,  both of whom Solely Taught in ORAL COMMON LAW, decreeing itself supreme to God  through absolute, unquestioned obedience to Papal Authority's collective mass people who must at all times be as completely ignorant as control and manipulation - abuse in misconstruction - of 1611-THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE the Reformation of Truth in Scripture v. Papal Authority's Latin, and perversion of The Gospel - Wycliffe, Tyndale, and Luther (1611 50 Clergy had i member who translated his vulgar tongue, German, to English) - Matthews, Great and Bishops with Geneva Bibles directly translated from all original texts Arabic, Jewish (Hebrew / Oral, Israel, Jew) Syrian, Greek, Latin

That the NGO-Papal Authority UN has decreed itself supreme to God in Three Persons, simply reflects the voting of the very few, arbitrary human precept's ruler's of conduct-force, never directly elected by 'the person composing one people of each-one sovereign nation among that 150 of 191, in complete ignorance of Who God in Christ in their Person - John 17 in 14 - is; and

That The Eternal Living God in His Eternal Living Son in Your Third Person because of the Contents in The Trinity Sacred Documents = ORAL, COMMON LAW of His Two Greatest Commands: --- not an UDHR articles 18 religious beliefs with respect but forbidden God is the Only Truth, nor 19, that Our Father and Our Brother ARE NOT A MATTER OF UDHR ARTICLE 19'S 'from bread to stone'---OPINION.

The delusional, adversarial democracy of spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4 demands the collective mass, i.e. in this case, an at-large visitor to Organ Pavilion to hear Spreckels Organ, shall at all times and under all circumstances be as ignorant as common core and all language and communication controlled and manipulated - and knowledge removed, can produce and distribute through media, and ecclesiastical choosing permitted scripture re-written to make it easier, - because no person can read or learn except the chosen few...

This is not an uninformed, UDHR Article 19, arbitrary human precept "opinion without interference," absent its synonym 'probability' of truth: I have all conclusive fact and evidence for this:  Those facts do not, cast or involve any Person, at-large in his very own, individual accountability to his God, who may never  - the meaning of  Amendment I: clause 2, free exercise thereof, "The collective body of Christians, who have made a public profession of the Christian religion, and who are united under the same pastor; in distinction from those who belong to the same parish, or ecclesiastical society, but have made no profession of their faith." definition of Church, that is Catholic or any other religiOUS, Rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations/ factions, or the collective people church/ divine clergy's most important compulsion of conscience; ... for "Authority is specifically the few rulers, college of cardinals, president/ first and second counselor, or organizational top down superior to all its many members, but without Oral, Common Law of God in Three Persons--secular abused word, truth, is not possibly different  from divine Truth - except as lie in deceit.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

"EPA Bureaucrats Complain Pruitt Doesn’t Want Them to Conspire Against Trump
BY: Elizabeth Harrington; December 19, 2017 5:00 am, at, http://freebeacon.com/blog/epa-bureaucrats-complain-pruitt-doesnt-want-conspire-trump/

A picture of complete ignorance of, Matt. 4, 12, 18, 22, Holy Spirit Christ Jesus- The Truth, having fasted 40 days and 40 nights- I dare your THIRD-Person to try it-, the Contents of The Trinity Sacred Documents- The Eternal The WHOLE TRUTH, in YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL-"NO THING BUT THE TRUTH," THIRD PERSON  --- AGAINST, spirit of devil trinity's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct - power/ force - 2004 UN Resolution - no vote from General Assembly, 12/01/2009 EU/ European Commission/ EU - Lisbon Treaty, Papal Authority's Property of UN - UDHR-Articles 19, 29, 30 documented #1 of 3 -"the collective mass people" bread, is much more imperative to life, so never under any circumstance obey  Article VI "Every Word that Issues From the Mouth of God, a.k.a., Oral Law, from each-one-EPA's group-puppet-think-person's mouth directly to God's Ear in His pica-seconds, - Oath in Pledge - supreme Law of the Land;

#2 of 3 from the pinnacle of the Temple- daring Holy Spirit-Truth to prove He is protected and safe from even His 1 toe of 5 anatomy's 122 bones - but no osmosis, diffusion, or active transport for the blood's atoms of physiology required for that baby toe's neurology or psychology to determine function/ goal/ direction, hence at all times and Under all circumstances, control and manipulation of UNDERSTANDING  ---scattered, secular, temporal, 5 senses abuse and misconstruction of all Knowledge's language and communication becoming "Distinct and Palpable" "Injury for Standing Purposes WHEN Constitutional-Person, in his STATE of RESIDENCE, RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD IN THREE PERSONS, IS VIOLATED: COMMON LAW (NO 10 COMMANDMENTS PERMITTED, NOR TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD) PUBLIC (ADMINISTRATIVE-POLICE-STATE) VALUE (DEFINED BY PAPAL AUTHORITY'S PROPERTY UN's Member in slave-hood   - "Do Not Tempt the Lord, Your God";

#3 of 3 top of the highest mountain and all the grandeur of all 191 PUPPET-nation's few - ruler's who fear man-choosing and serving-man,(not Czechoslovak, Israel  and Our Unique Government of the WHOLE TRUTH LAW and the Prophets who include from 1320-John Wycliffe's deadly words against the Pope - with Martin Luther, 200 years future, both defending the monks, priests who must obey edict devoid God, as well as the forms of 'the people' as serfs, proletariat, commoners, lowest "worker bees", and our Colonists - Puritans Third successful landing at the largest granite statute of "Faith in Promise" Plymouth Rock, Founders) Papal Authority's UN - UDHR -- property, production and distribution of "world-down-below's land, water, atmosphere:  "Be Gone, Satan, You (Person) must worship God, and Him, ONE-ly shall You Serve, a.k.a, YOUR Sovereign-Third Person-HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTLY TO YOUR GOD, composing Your Sovereign Nation.

AND WHAT ELSE are You and I taught?: "¶ 43.Yee haue heard, that it hath beene said, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour, and hate thine enemie:
44 But I say vnto you, Loue your enemies, blesse them that curse you, doe good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully vse you, and persecute you:
45 That yee may be the children of your father which is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to rise on the euill and on the good, and sendeth raine on the iust, and on the vniust.
46 For if yee loue them which loue you, what reward haue yee? Doe not euen the Publicanes the same?
47.And if yee salute your brethren only, what do you more then others? Doe not euen the Publicanes so?
48 Be yee therefore perfect, euen as your father, which is in heauen, is perfect." -- The Trueth - Christ Jesus, The Whole Truth-God cannot be False, God does, indeed, expect your very own, Commandment 5 Person, to be as Perfect Union as His Person Is....

Having learned from Dame Margaret Thatcher's Text-book of spirit of the devil trinity, served in British government 1959-1990, 18 yrs. as PM, GB did not join mainland Europe, until about "The Downing Years" the Western European and Western Asia of Scripture - never our of Papal Authority -, that had the EU/ European Commission actually invoked The Trinity Sacred Documents - then heaven would move toward earth; but that "THING, n. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed" is yet to be played...happen, course of yes, indeed, the rich person can put a camel through the eye of a needle.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Connecting The Eternal God's Nations: Israel- GOD'S FIRST BORN Remonstrance to Russian Allies, including His Vulgar Tongue, Reformists, United sovereign STATE'S TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH v. spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4, Chap. 1-5, and

[Published as Chapters, except Sun. 12/10 both the stabbing and Turkey, as already stated by; from 12/3 to awaiting Pres. Trump from 2016 -- repeated -- will he Continue to Stand this "Course of Human Events GROUND OF WE THE PEOPLE - HE IS REPRESENTING IN BY SPEAKING TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE, not "partition" spirit of the devil trinity's #1 of 3 obedience in complete, blind slavery service: 'Never under any circumstance obey "Every Word That Issues From the Mouth of God (Deut. 8:3) - Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Deut. 6:16) - Then saith Iesus vnto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him one-ly shalt thou serue. 
(Deut. 6:13, 16:20)?
Chapter 1: "Israel Attacks Syria, but the Message Was for Russia and America" - Micha Gefen December 3, 2017 Conflict, Politics at, https://www.israelrising.com/israel-attacks-syria-message-russia-america/

>>Below is Chapter 2, "VERBAL COMBAT: IRAN VS. ISRAEL" by Joseph Pruder December 4, 2017 at,
https://www.israelrising.com/verbal-combat-iran-vs-israel/ :
>>>Below is Chapter 3, "Trump, Jerusalem, and the Coming War"; David Mark December 5, 2017, at, https://www.israelrising.com/trump-jerusalem-coming-war/
>>>> Below is Chapter 4, "A CREDIBLE PEACE PLAN, AT LAST", Caroline Glick December 6, 2017, at, https://www.israelrising.com/credible-peace-plan-last/
>>>>> Celebrate the Decision, Brace for Impact", Motti Meller December 9, 2017, at https://www.israelrising.com/celebrate-decision-brace-impact/

******"BREAKING: One Stabbed Outside Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station, Response to Trump’s Announcement" Gavriel Dan December 10, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/breaking-one-stabbed-outside-jerusalems-central-bus-station/ ... and in great demonstration of fact in evidence of spirit of devil trinity #1 - "President of Turkey: “Israel is a state of occupation”, Orit ben Tzvi December 10, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/president-turkey-israel-state-occupation/
...is not a Chapter; for as Mr. Dan points out -- the decision to attack and kill if possible -- was a 'person alone's' decision as is the entire 5 Chapters so far, especially since... though it isn't Monday...
....Article II, who is, INDEED, speaking for WE the PERSON, resident of his STATE, composing One People, I sincerely Hope Not, but may fold. -- worse also, may believe he can 'bridge'--mediate, arbitrate, by intertwining 'partition-spirit of devil trinity" UN's Non-Governmental-Organization destruction and desolation of the Whole Sovereign Nation of Korea which inherently includes Taiwan, by tossing the embassy-ball to Mr. Friedman - who may be less scared of man, as ALL "THE PEOPLE - GOVERNMENT OR NOT, WHO ARE TERRIFIED of spirit of devil trinity, --- though this is the part Papal Authority's UN - Article I and Article III are completely blind in their blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS -TRUTH. Article II, Mr. President is actually reflecting the precise - UDHR - repudiation of person, for "person-ality" who shall have his full development occur in the collective, mass "community of human bodies-preferably ignorant robot-minds -- to be DECREED 'sequestered incommunicado' as, "heretical" and "excommunicated".

CHAPTER 6: "The State De-part ment Strikes Back Over Jerusalem", Adam Kredo December 11, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/state-department-strikes-back-jerusalem/ ; and
"U.S. Still Won’t List Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital on Official Docs, Passports, Maps; State Department: ‘Specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status negotiations’ --that is 'predetermined conclusions of 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regimes - government in exile-Investigation = NGO-Papal Authority's UN-UDHR-- the collective-goose-step-group-think, actually believing it is much superior to THE CREATOR'S conclusion to the Assumpsit's Axiom in Article VI and The Preamble to The Bill of A PERSON'S RIGHT/ JUST/ TRUTH,supreme Law of the Land--bound by His ORAL LAW - TWO GREATEST COMMANDS UPON WHICH HANG THE --WHOLE LAW-- AND THE PROPHETS, adding The Reformationists and our Colonists, Founders among them, including every American of God and Nation, FIRST BEFORE EARTHLY LIFE, and among many individual-THIRD-Persons, world-wide in God's Era's of His Three Persons of art, science and civilization who added to the Greatest Gift - HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOU- ARE- THE THIRD-PERSON, from conception, "....in the land the Lord, Your God, Is Giving to You," sanctity of marriage is heritage - any location or circumstance " at, http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-still-wont-list-jerusalem-israels-capital-official-docs-passports-maps/

12/21/2017: Video of, "Nikki Haley: “America Will Put Its Embassy in Jerusalem” , 12/24 at, https://www.israelrising.com/nikki-haley-america-will-put-embassy-jerusalem/

12/23: as Chapter 5: "Celebrate the Decision, Brace for Impact" unfolds exactly as Mr. Meller has written: spirit of devil trinity Papal Authority's property of UDHR'S UN continues to take the name of The Lord, thy God in vain. words issued directly from His mouth, that is, - The 1611 WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE evolving through the Puritans into -The Trinity Sacred Documents against
spirit of devil trinity's vain-idol-god's form of Papal Authority's UN-UDHR, delusional-adversarial-democracy, socialist, communist atheism's lie, steal and murder the mind/ heart, conscience for will of each-one-person composing - every nation on The Father's Planet in His Universe by 'bigger number' derived by-collective-controlled-minds of predetermined conclusions 'bigger number-lie by deceit', thus no NGO re-vote whatsoever, simply autocratic, human precept - power in Treason's perdition, this:
" Saudi Forces Advance on Iranian Backed Houthis in Yemen', Gavriel Dan December 23, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/saudi-forces-advance-houthis-yemen/

Chapter 1: For Americans 50 km is a little over 30 miles.
This is terrific journalism's Asummpsit Disquisition in Remonstrance.
"The last accomplishment is a message to Washington D.C. that Israel does not need America’s help in countering Iran and can do so on its own.  This is important for two reasons, the most important is that Israel is prepared to forge and independent foreign policy in the region whether Washington is onboard or not.  In conjunction with this Israel prefers working with regional partners such as Saudi Arabia, but its foreign policy visa vi the current civil war and Iranian advancement in Syria does not need to be directly and permanently attached to the Sunni alliances needs a the moment."
THANK YOU, ISRAELI PERSONS, FOR CHOOSING THE ETERNAL LIVING GOD: --- and not fearing the absurdities in violation of God's Oral Laws of the very few ruler's arbitrary rules of conduct-power in tyranny's 'man-choosing and serving-man' -- and for this opportunity to add - you do not need United States assistance in choosing God ;  --- but.... We the People do know One God in Three Persons, such that, if we fail in assisting  "Love your neighbor as your Self/ Soul" - Looking in out own Mirror of Truth, Trust, and Promise -- then we do deserve the consequences of blasphemy against Holy Spirit -Truth.....  God Is Who He Is... and His magnificence is supreme Law of the Land -- for there is no Thing else..

A very direct, very succinct reporting of Truth, Trust, and Promise of God in Israel -- addressing, Ezekiel 33 warning and blowing that trumpet among 194 Papal Authority Nations, because of Matt. 4's spirit of devil trinity -- fact in evidence Russia's allies as stated in this Position of Remonstrance - Syria;

But much more poignant, weltschmerz (but without pessimism - Christ in my Third Person has taught me) to be a witness with Israel, Consent of the Governed ordained in Marriage Vow directly by God HimSelf to We the People - Asummpsit Trinity Sacred Documents, among our Founder-Prophets, George Washington's holiday celebration, Thanks Giving of 12/24-25/1620-Puritans, Third successful, reaching of Plymouth Rock, connection to Hampton Court 1604, King James VI of Scotland, I of England, and 50 Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge, two Puritans active among the organizers, The 1611 WHOLE, Three Testament Holy Bible -- the Only, AUTHORIZED BY GOD, Complete Scripture [3], absent man-choosing and serving man's perversion of O.T., CAPTIVITY, continuing, as well as the Right Reason The Eternal Living Son of God came to world-down-below's residence of spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4, in each-one person-in their groups of government-supreme to God and to man;the Gospel taught by Paul in Galatians I and 2;The Prophet Reformationists, noting J. Wycliffe on a Person's Right to direct knowledge of All Gifts of God's Universe, Nature, Natural, World [1]; and M. Luther's "A and B" to demonstrate the falsehood of Papal Authority's decree in edict of "community" problem in great wit, of ratiocination [2]; connecting to the original text of our Nation's AMERICAN GOD IS LAW; has totally become blind-leading-blind to destroy and continue desolation of Constitutional-Person, a man, a woman, a Child, any person on The Living Eternal Living God, our Father in our Brother in His Father, in Your Third Person, as promised in John 14, Planet in His Universe. There is no intermediary - Papal Authority's [5] few over -the current President's capitulation and surrender speech of our 7 year, fighting Revolution,much more than that in the course of Human Events leading directly to that war, speech to UN General Assembly, 09/19/2017, to which the Trinity Sacred Documents are intrinsic, the Founders very knowledgeable and aware, as were the Colonists, of choosing God in Christ in Your Person - John 17 in 14; against the Papal Authority's (no presence in our Founding) UN General Assembly of never directly elected non-representatives of All 194 sovereign nations,exempting those nations, like Taiwan, forbidden membership; or N. Korea shall always at all times, be a divided nation- to which its Person composing the Whole of its nation--- HAS ABSOLUTELY NO VOICE WHATSOEVER-BECAUSE OF 1954, UDHR ARTICLES 18, 19, 29's DELUSIONAL ADVERSARIAL DEMOCRACY MEANS CONFORMING TO THE GREATEST LIE, STEAL AND KILL of Mind, Heart, Conscience-Will of that nation's PERSONS WITHIN ONE PEOPLE OF THEIR NATION, on 09/19/2017, the same day, at G.W. Bush's Library, even the 5, extremely misled, ignorant, living under the benefice and confidence of Truth, Trust, Promise, Article II fellow-country-persons of "separate and equal station"- all of whom have lost -, through a form of innocence - i.e., they have no comprehension of Oral Law/ The Creator Is Trinity Sacred Documents written by our Founders in His Name, more properly, John 17 in 14,, of Matt. 4 in 12 and Luke 12; ....that a 'democracy' is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and is synonymous with socialist, communist atheism [no Oral Law/ No God whatsoever].

The Two REP's continue being misled... and having persons around them, also misled by the complete, as human precept as possible - eradication and revisionist permission to violate God's !0 Commandments intrinsic to His Two Greatest Commands, -- any word, knowledge, expression of thought, or even reference to "We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here" --- as well as First and Second Table of Government of God's Law and Not of man-choosing and serving-man/ a.k.a., Paul in Galatians 1 and 2, -- eradication of Trinity Sacred Documents, specifically that Person composes the Union of One People, The United STATES, being the Residence of that Person(s), for Article IV, especially, Each State protected from Invasion that also is defined, in the Never to Be utilized, Perfect Philology in God's name, by Dr. Noah Webster's "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language - 1828/ 1844" [4] , original text for our Republic Under "In God We Trust" and "E PleurIbus Unum/ Out of many ONE" - Infringement of Right/ Truth/ God..most at-large Americans, 535 of Article I, Article II bearing the Brunt of his own life style in ignorance of his own Oral Law in Oath - genuinely thinks he is Conservative, among many wearing that label in shared ignorance, but is fact in evidence - the puppet of Papal Authority's UN devotion of the "exiled government of the usurper president's sacred duty to Mohammad, the overthrow of Trinity Sacred Documents from 01/20/2009, aided and abetted by Article III's sacred reverence in proud conceit, to serving the very great and sacred "consensus-committee-group think, slave-hood to a vain-idol-god's "Greatest happiness is the bigger number as the standard of wrong and right"; -- though never including a very large number among the 50 State's Judges any level, are residents of and --have no intention of violating the ORAL LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE OF GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS, but because of fear of man, much greater than fear of God, always fail to enforce Oral Law - The Eternal Living God in His Eternal living Son - supreme Law of the Land, hence His Nature, "The collective name of heaven and earth all that belong to them, the Whole System of Created ' THINGS'; and

The three living Article II PERSONS OF "separate and equal station- slave-hood to spirit of devil trinity, of no Oral Law whatsoever, nor any intention of obedience to God's Two Greatest Commands, including their cohorts in Article I and among the State's government-over-collective, mass people - always ignored, while devoted to arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct force in power by tyranny, socialist, communists disguised as DEM/ LIB -who are, because of Matt. 12 totally unforgiven by God or Christ Jesus due to "derogating the prerogatives of God"-blasphemy of Truth, also have no comprehension of the Trinity Sacred Documents, and much less, with two of the three, - one under Article II: 4, - the other directly accountable to God, Who knows him well, his complete, at every available opportunity, 24/7, heritage of overthrown of the nation he has pledged his Person of Oral Law in Oath to a foreign power; so much more destruction and desolation of the Whole of our Republican Form of Government, through killing mind, heart, conscience-will of Consent of the Governed per Square Mile/ Precincts - One Person is One Vote, in We the People and The Whole of our Government in foreign affairs -- this article addresses so very succinctly, against our Nation, than the combination of every President of the DEM Party put together, compressed into the same 8 year, Papal Authority - Speaker of the House entire period and counting, Senate where REP is under Papal Authority as supreme to Oral Law each-one has taken and has been in office, - counting the current 2016, Article II's fraud's suppression of Truth in breech of contract, dereliction of duty, honor, service, election under tyranny against Trinity Sacred Documents - Truth, Trust, or Promise.

While this support of Israel's Remonstrance is longer by far, the content is very Much our Eternal Living God in His Eternal Living Son, and yes, that does include the "Interval Between the O.T. and the N.T. - Apocrypha...we do share.. including GB and those nations of Truth - Japan, Taiwan, among the silenced by their communist bigger state-- force, struggling to be heard.

>>THIS IS CHAPTER 2 not at all "verbal war", though that would be earthly-worldly, scatter - secular's informing God of what He is permitted and not permitted to Create in His Universe, the few over the many are so adept at ruling by arbitrary conduct-no truth, trust, or promise reequied5 senses-physiological, body's use of words rendered significant through usage-expression of thought"-N. Webster; HERE IS THE VERY IMPORTANT CONNECTION TO CHAPTER 1, "Connecting The Eternal God's Nations: Israel- GOD'S FIRST BORN Remonstrance to Russia and to His Reformists, United STATES TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH v. spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4, at, http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com/...; for "Israel Rising" Chapter 1: "Israel Attacks Syria, but the Message Was for Russia and America" - Micha Gefen December 3, 2017 Conflict, Politics at, https://www.israelrising.com/israel-attacks-syria.../ ---

"..Yet, the Trump administration seems to consider the status-quo in Syria, (minus ISIS), acceptable, essentially conceding the field to Russia when considering the future of Syria. In the meantime, verbal combat is occurring between Iran and Israel that might lead to a real war.

Earlier this month, the State Department announced a deal with Russia to expand “deconfliction zones” in southwestern Syria. It is allegedly designed to keep Iranian, Hezbollah, and Iranian recruited Shiite militias from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen, away from Syria’s borders with Israel and Jordan. But, if the Trump Administration is sincere about stopping Iran’s advance toward the Mediterranean Sea, or preventing a major conflict in the Middle East, it certainly falls short on this score. Moreover, Russia is using its air power to protect Iranian backed ground forces. The U.S., on its part, plans to end its involvement in Syria and Iraq once the Islamic State is defeated and ejected from the region. Regrettably, unlike the Russians, who have protected their Middle East allies, the U.S. appears to be abandoning their hitherto allies, the Syrian Democratic Forces, who are predominantly Kurds. This would allow the dictator, Bashar Assad, whose army slaughtered most of the 500,000 fellow Syrians using outlawed chemical weapons, to stay in power under Russian and Iranian protection. ...";

Demonstrates in fact and evidence, from previous, 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative -police-state, in its SOS all of who, like Cain, walk away -- supported as government-in-exile' by the "Papists" and not even considered obedience in love, joy, and peace to - instructions of "Every Word That Issues FromThe Mouth of God--Article II:4 -- accountability directly to God and to the Third Person who Is One, composing the Union of One People : No, -- Article I is busy with its vain-idol-god's bigger number, committe by consensus purpose of confusion to absolutely thwart any 'idea' of God/ Right/ Truth/ Justice, as long as the dominant, Papal Authority's UN -delusional adversarial democrcy's synonyms socialist-communism- are permitted to continue to 'excommunicate via "Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.-Tyranny", though completely blind-leading-blind, already so very deep in the pit of darkness - "consensus" innately lie, steal, and kill mind, heart, conscience for will to take action, perform deeds of a Constitutional-Person who is Consent of the Governed in We the People, through betrayal in perdition, all Persons-Prophets who wrote, lived, and gave fortunes in each-one's sacred honor-Oral Law, to the Contents of Trinity Sacred Documents in the Name of -Axiom- Article VI-Holy Spirit ORAL LAW, OATH IN PLEDGE, to One God in Three Persons, any Person, any location who chooses to love, obey and follow, Truth/ God by His many Names, find Joy in Christ Jesus, by His many names, --- all 10 Commandments = Two Greatest Commands of God:

President Forbes Burnham of Guyana: "To me consensus seems to be: the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and polices in search of some thing in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner 'I stand for consensus?" -- From P.M., Reseacher background, Dame Margaret Thatcher's, great learning of applied Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, must Read, in "The Downing Street Years, The West and the Rest", pg. 167].

Thank you for your excellent Truth writing.

>>>Chapter 3Yes, This is very, very important news...... but AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, COULD, HOPE, THAT ARTICLE II: 1, Clause 9, " that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United STATES,... 
[The Residence of each-one-fellow-country-Constitutional-Person, a man, a woman, a Child {now in slavery, from Kindergarten and regardless of home, charter, public or private, trade - the Whole of Arne duncan's Dept. of control and manipulation of all language and communication's "expression of thoughts," through complete brainwashing, to Matt. 4's spirit of the devil trinity-'from bread to petrified stony-fleshis: Common Core]

...and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United STATES .. [Constitutiona-Person is THE THIRD PERSON of Eternal Soul from conception]

...of America" .
[Holy Spirit ONE Eternal Living God in Three Persons, Any location, among any Person composing One People, an Nation, on His Planet world-down-below, but Solely, AMERICAN FIRST AND SECOND TABLE GOVERNMENT OF LAWS -Trinity Sacred Documents = ORAL LAW of God, from each one-person, Directly To His Ear in Oath/ First Greatest Command, in Pledge, Second Greatest Command upon which HANG the WHOLE LAW and [ALL-REFORMISTS- 1611, Whole THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE Authorized by God Himself, as well as the FOUNDERS, among "— And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, [W]e mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor = ORAL LAW= FAITH IN PROMISE = "UNDERSTANDING, the 6th of the 7 Operations God Made and Furnished man." -From Testament 2 of 3, "Captivity - Apocrypha, Chapter XVII-1611 KJV] PROPHETS."

This American of God and Nation First, believes that President Trump is LEARNING, the above can never be a 'Democracy's 'hierarchy of Article I, II with III believing it is even supreme to God in perdition of betrayal Apostle Judas Iscariot teaches (Yes, the Apostles teach evil, teach doubt among "How can any Rich man get to heaven"--Jesus answering, "With God, An Thing Is Possible (Spreckel Brother's largest outdoor, compressed air, Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park)" and will, very soon, I hope, Understand our Republic Under God, Article II -- his First Response to helping the WHOLE NATION of KOREA - by removing, in Law of God, "Evil Ruler" before my life in my ORAL LAW in Love directly to my Third Person in God; JOY in Christ Jesus, Brother, Friend, Helper, Comforter as I travel using and learning the tools/ instruments of the First 5 of the 7 Operations God made and Furnished man's "fleshie/ stony" - Physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for my own Heritage, that includes Alsace Lorraine, back to New York from well before the Revolution, in Holy Spirit-Truth per JOHN 8's verses 31 AND 32, for you cannot Understand and #7 use "Speech, an interpreter of the Cogitations, thereof.... all "Israel Rising" is so refreshing - Truth, Trust, Promise, great Journalism Reporting in Chapter 1 and 2 connecting the WHOLE of Papal authority's UN to Socialist communist -delusional adversarial democracy - few rulers of arbitrary human precept,at, "Connecting The Eternal God's Nations: Israel- GOD'S FIRST BORN Remonstrance to Russia and to His Reformists, United STATES TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH v. spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 

Chapter 4: The Greatest and monolithic problems in the above, with respect to the attempt, of the Saudi peace plan, is very clearly delineated in "Journalist Glick's "A CREDIBLE PEACE PLAN, AT LAST", but, as always, the forbidden fact in evidence of Paul in Galatians I, 2: "man-choosing and serving man" - "new Atheism" back to "Zoroastrianism," it cannot and will not succeed - for constant 24/7, "concealment of the opinions, sentiments or purpose; ..including,... the assuming of a false or counterfeit appearance which conceals the real opinions or purpose--Dissimulation" and Imputation, is never to cease:
1) Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is Silent, presenting a plan --- but without one word of - ORAL LAW/ Honor - scarred to death --- of exactly what blind leading blind, includes UK-PM, due to blasphemy of JOHN 17 IN 14 -TRUTH, HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, THIRD PERSON is every Child - from his conception, "in the Land, the Lord, Your God, is Giving You"-#5, after the 4 that directly address, The Eternal Living First and Second Persons, -
2) There is a predetermined-conclusion, that no 'contract'/ agreement will ever solve the essence of the WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE's Matt. 4 in 12 in 22, John 17 in 14, Holy Sprit v. spirit of the devil trinity - In Apocrypha and in The Gospel of Paul. Hence, be aware of Matt. 24 in 25 - Israel surrounded quite literally, by only enemies with loud mouths of vain, empty, hearts...all very deep into the pit of such darkness, that no ruler can see past his nose -- and these, collective, mass, group-think, slaves will never again see "I am the light of the world: he that followeth mee, shall not walke in darkenesse, but shall haue the light of life"-John 8, unless Ezekiel 33- God HimSelf defines both "silence is agreement" and "Justice" and even then, God Is Judge... never man.

"Many of the Papal authority's UN, among 194 borderless nations and jurisprudence, of 'Plastic money's "World Bank-5 groups of 2017 #3 of 3 spirit of devil trinity, Agenda 21 to Climate Change-Paris Treaty, "2017 Sustainable Development Goals"- mandate of "Other People's Commerce confiscated without representation" -necessarily Federal Reserve/ IMF,- CAPTIVITY'S REPUDIATING HIS VERY EXISTENCE AS CREATOR, are crying 'foul-play' --they're devotion to abominate, abhor, detest of Truth/ Just/ Right/ God; -- #3 of 3 spirit of devil trinity's greatest sale of deceit, in it can only LIE, --- where no nation's few rulers, especially, Papal Authority's 2,017 year old domination of all forms of rulers, as 'Jesus walking on land because his body - physiology - died on the cross', will ever, just like that 'abomination ruler's autocratic-kleptocracy' since '1954's demonstration project' of UDHR's man-choosing and serving-man's "community", "The greatest happiness is the biggest number deciding the stand of right/ truth/ God and wrong/ lie/ spirit of devil trinity's-delusional-adversarial democracy's socialist, communist atheism, holding the Person composing ONE PEOPLE of their land, water, atoms of atmosphere that is the WHOLE Nation of Korea,

"Kleptocracy" is a man-choosing and serving man's control and manipulation of all language and communication #7 of the 7 Operations, Speech, an interpreter of the Cogitations thereof...."Expression of Thoughts"-N. Webster 1828/1844, earthly, 'secular's repudiation of The Creator-Eternal Living God's -#1-5 Tools/ Instruments of His Image/ Spirit, senses-body's physiology, Common Law Public Value, where "Common Law" does not mean God's Eras of His History of Person to himSelf, first directly to God, then, to what ever Risk/ Reward, Opportunity/ Threats, Strengths/ Weakness that THIRD PERSON'S, assuming his goodness/ blessedness Honor in HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH-ORAL LAW directly to "Every Word That Issues From The Mouth of God, quite, His 'other blade on His nanosecond-laser sharp, Precise Sword's spirit of the devil trinity who is residing in that very same person's mirror, while brushing his teeth, conscience- will to perform 24/7, never forgiven, in that nanosecond, witness in this, now Chapter 4, in heaven or world-down-below, "Blasphemy That which derogates from the prerogatives of God. Mark 2; and is an injury offered to God, by denying that which is due and belonging to him, or attributing to him that which is not agreeable to his Nature,"Natural, World, Universe [10 Commandments intrinsic within His Two Greatest Commands, upon which HANG THE WHOLE LAW and the [ALL, Reformists against Papal Authority, and Founders, in God's Name,Two of the Three Sacred Documents] First/ Scripture - The WHOLE, 1611, King James VI of Scotland, King James 1 of GB, Authorized by God HimSelf] Three Testament Holy Bible, Prophets, always Present, but not always, even recognized, ecclesiastical or civil-state, magistrate, among the Persons composing their Tribes, Villages, Cities, of thousands of years - history centered in the MIDDLE EAST, absent the Americas and the Far East Orient.

The 01/20/2009 anti-Republic Under God Regime, Papal Authority's protection as an "exiled government-delusional-adversarial-kleptocracy adding lie for the purpose of autocratic-killing, control and manipulation of a Person's mind/ heart/ conscience for will/ atheist, i.e., NO HONOR-TRUTH OF HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS--ORAL LAW composing the ONE PEOPLE of any Sovereign Nation on God's Planet, World/ Nature/ Natural, Universe-down-below; for there is not one mention among these few tribal--ruler's of conduct-power in force about each-one's fellow-country-persons, Judea, Samaria, North Jerusalem, like S. Korea, forever under that tyranny of hate's dissimulation- ostensibly God, but truly no relationship whatsoever to The Eternal Living Father-The Creator, in His Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus in His Father, in Any Person who chooses, "Abide by What I Say, And YOU, really will be Disciples of Mine. You Will #6 of 7 Operations God made and Furnished man, of "heaven and earth all that belong to them, the WHOLE System of Created Things," - except as "PEACE" - also defined by man-choosing and serving-man-ecclesiastical, civil-state, magistrate, clerks, administrative-police-state, residing in deceit, because of "intrinsic fraud - suppression of Truth in Breach of a non-existent - consensus/ contract.

3) Russia, Egypt, who has never recovered from 09/11/2012 insurrection against Americans on American Embassy soil, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine/ PLO's label faction change notwithstanding, - Papal Authority, therefore UN, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, are all Nations of "rites, ceremonies, creeds, sects, denominations, forms, and most important- compulsion of conscience/ workers of iniquity, figs from thistles, grapes from thorns, devotion to earthly treasures, always-- serving, to work deceit against their own persons- group think conformity, devotion to ecclesiastical-civil-state -magistrate; always to omit and ignore, Jesus teaching His Father, "No man can serue two masters: for either he will hate the one and loue the other, or else hee will holde to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serue God and Mammon", but this WHOLE - has never been any Thing else but -- ending up serving "the Fiend" - Palestine yelling from the rooftops--- their violation of the Ten Commandments is against the "Equality" -- their 1949, Socialist, communist UDHR's Articles 18, 19, 29 -- the collective,mass -- mob-think, never Just/ Right/ God to be tolerated --- at the same time, other world-wide, wonderful, loud, forked-tongue "lie, steal, and kill heart/ mind/ conscience-will of all persons living within that dark, deep pit.

This American hopes President Trump doesn't fold, even though the huge difference between delusional-adversarial democracy's REP-factions of 'conservative' all Article I in III absent Oral Law/ Honor-Duty Service, God in 3 Persons is the Trinity Sacred Documents' - Catholics by "body's person-ality in hypocrisy's deceit" as instructed in absolute obedience to UDHR's Articles 18, 19, 29 intertwined to the DEM / LIB factions of socialist - communist atheism --- into Papal Authority's property of 191 - 189 [we won't count S. Korea, Israel, or US(A);maybe Japan, and Czechoslovakia is a surprise].
>>>>> Chapter 5: Chapter [oops] 6: Because the Papal Authority's Property of the UN, but only 190 non-represented by the Persons composing those Nations; -- that include the demonstration project of delusional adversarial democracy's "Partition" of DIABOLICAL N. v South Korea's never, again, to be a Whole, Sovereign Nation, among the 'other' third world-nations, 1954's 39th parallel; Persons of Taiwan, owned in pure force by China, forbidden membership; the tribes of Sharia Muslim sharing Mohammed, Russian Allies- Crusades, Saracens, Turkey v Austria on 09/11/1683, i.e., Nature's Law "Things equal to the same Thing are equal to each other", between Holy Spirit-The Eternal Creator-Truth v. spirit of devil trinity's #1, as noted; #2 is the grave falsehood- that reliGIOUS church, temple, mosque's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, compulsion of consceience so evident in these 6 Chapters, are supreme and forbidden to THE EACH-ONE-THIRD PERSON - of John 17 in 14. The Holy Living Trinity, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther' among the Reformists; including the 50 Clergy "From the Translators to the Reader" in the WHOLE, 3 TESTAMENT, 1611 HOLY BIBLE AUTHORIZED, AS ARE THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, AS ARE THE 10 COMMANDMENTS among the Lessons, Commands, and Instructions of O.T. Prophets and Kings, - among Persons, alone, Ruth, Judith, Esther, Tobit, Esdras, et.al. by GOD HIMSELF : and #3 of 3, spirit of devil tinity's happiest, dancing on the destrcution and desolation of nations, he has 190, often including 192, 193, 194 because no nation is free from his force of bowing down incomplete servitude to top of and grandeur of Power over all land, water, atmosphere, a.k.a., Agenda 21 - Paris Treaty - to World Bank's 5 Groups/ Fed. Reserve-IMF that is, UN's socialist communist UDHR of complete atheism's supplication to the very sacred, vain-idol-god's forms of "bigger number" (apparently our Article I's '535 separatist's from Oral Law/ Oath that is RATIFIED LAW,' in party's intertwined as one- body's physiology, -conformity's factions in hierarchey/ rank); 4) the consequences of which, including the reason for this letter to our Article II Republic under God's President, is so well told by our Colonists, Founders among them and all American's since then, actually living in their, as your Nation, and ours, "Pledged TO EACH OTHER, their own Leader-Persons among the "separate and equal station" of their fellow-country-person's lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor-Oral Law = FAITH IN PROMISE, in Apocrypha - v. devil trinity's no Oral Law - No Honor - and absolute obedience to all the news journalists and world leader's blind in their slavery of mind/ heart/ conscience-will to that spirit of devil trinity's temptation of 'compulsion of conscience's figs from thistles, grapes form thorns by workers of iniquity,' since blasphemy of Holy Spirit-Truth is Never Forgiven; and Truly, cannot be forgiven because of the "connections Right Reason, that is the Whole System of Created Things, a.k.a, the nanosecond, lazer sharp, double-edged Sword of God, prediction of: 'either you violate the Ten Commandments, no one dare speak out loud, or We will devour you, in our Collective, mass, few ruler's arbitrary rules of conduct - Power of Fear man ---- never God" ---.'. I accidentally erased the letter -- but what I did was connect the Above to President Trump is First his very own Person directly to God in Oral Law/ Oath in Pledge - "separate and equal station" of Person composing ONE PEOPLE as Consent of the Governed in We the People - Trinity Sacred Documents above in previous Chapters... ; and, 5) this from, Oxford, 1869 Sunday School Teacher's, 5th series facsimile, Holy Bible which includes: "Interval between O.T. and N.T" - [Apocrypha/ "Captivity]"-- Page 49: '331 B.C., Alexander the Great visited Jerusalem to punish the Jews for not aligning with him against siege of Tyre. After the siege, he approached Jerusalem with that intent, but Juddua the High Priest had a dream (like the Indian Chief with the Puritans in 1620); and so did Alexander about other campaigns he would pursue. Juddua dressed in all the richness of his position, including colleague priests and citizens, with such array, that Alexander kissed the miter's inscription. Because of this, Alexander accorded privileges to the Jews in Palestine, Babylonia, and Media, which they continued to enjoy under his successors, and which were afterward confirmed and enlarged by the Romans." ---- JERUSALEM IS THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL----

1) Oliver Ellsworth (2 years before Ratification of Declaration's Lives, Fortunes and sacred Honor = Oral COMMON Law intrinsic to connections of government - Person, alone directly to God, then among those he knows and will never know, taught Dr. Noah Webster, who started out in Law, also, appointed by The Father of our Trinity Sacred Documents, 3rd Chief JUSTICE/ TRUTH/ GOD, Article III Judiciary - supreme Court intrinsic to supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, quoted O.T. :

2) "Liberty is a word which, according as it IS USED, comprehends the most good [Holy Spirit-Truth, Matt.22 in John 8, 17 in 14} ] or the most evil [spirit of devil trinity - Matt. 4] of any in the World [Nature, Natural, Universe]. Justly Understood it is sacred next to those we appropriate in Divine Adoration; but in the Mouths of some it means [Matt. 15] ANY "THING, ....

3) ...n. 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events. -And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen.21. -Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen.24.
- And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen.42. -I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matt.21. -These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12. -In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. ..";

4) Therefore, No hierarchy, or any form of government, can control any person's blind loss of TRUTH, TRUST or PROMISE.... nor can any GROUP-THINK/ imperative collective bias of PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION by a VAIN-IDOL-GOD'S CONSENSUS OF IGNORANCE - POWER/ CONTROL predict either --- the Greatest Liberty of Go[o]d, or the Liberty of Most spirit of devil trinity in each-one-persons.

Probably, the best bet for security guards is first, teaching signs and symptoms of the devil - in a person's behavior - body language/ movements/ eyes, which you are famous for, but that doesn't mean confronting -at all, that means -- WATCH without drawing attention -- if possible, since otherwise that security person would be taking action, meaning knowledge is much better predictor than any group-think government; ---- and
PROVIDING chest protectors to those who are on-site resources for help, safety, and protection --- its also, in the long run, much less costly of the taxpayers in your "Commerce" at https://1828.mshaffer.com/d/word/commerce

You see, because of blind, unquestioned obedience to violating the Laws of The Father, as any person, in his own Whole Eternal Soul, from conception, Whole Mind, Whole Heart -Ezekiel 33, Duty - Service - Honor/ Oral Law, you cannot perceive the "Connections - Inferences" among the Greatest Gifts of our Father, to perceive: Israel, you are going through precisely what March 12, 1770 Boston Gazette and Country Journal's Persons of Essex County, Boston, among 'Weekly Journals of block press" in all 13 Colonies, 3 years before Boston Tea Party and 6 before Declaration of The Creator of His Spirit in Adam - Person as First and Second Table of "A Government of The Whole Law and not of man" - Religion and morality; but your spirit of the devil trinity of 'never obey any word from either The Living Eternal or His Eternal Son - in "separate and equal station of God's Eras of His history" - has changed its name from Consanguinity, common kindred, native justice ... Truth, God.. England to the 190 nations [four missing include Japan, Czechoslovakia (that also, with Poland, went through same thing) Papal Authority UN - atheism- No Honor = Common Oral Law of God, nor any intention of either teaching posterity, or permitting any person composing his own sovereign, separate and equal station, direct accountability to The Eternal Living God while on his journey of life's roles in "world-down-below", nation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We the People DO NOT SERVE, The State Department, that is, totally parse from the WHOLE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS.



The State Department has no role, whatsoever, in waiting around, to see if it actually must move -- not the State Department's property of US Soil ; but - Consent of the Governed in We the People's US Soil --- to Jerusalem; because after all, the 'very great and sacred, vain-idol-god 's slave-hood to spirit of the devil trinity's absolute unquestioned authority is violations of HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS - TRUTH.

The State Department has, in its self-proclaimed, arbitrary rules of conduct - force of conformity, annexed itself to the foreign laws of Papal Authority's property of 194, UN delusional adversarial democracy's socialist communism - atheism, for neither State Department, who has lost its way from Truth, Trust, Promise, nor Papal Authority-few never directly elected by the Persons composing the One People, but still pay taxes to that Non-Governmental-Organization sharing "gentle extortion's "REBELLION,n. a revolt, the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God regime's fact and evidence to succeed in the overthrow of the Trinity Sacred Documents, man-choosing and serving man's slave-hood to spirit of devil trinity-PARTITION - form of "lie, steal, and kill mind/ heart/ conscience-will of "the People" is justified if the benefits outweigh the harm" - government, "..to establish a different one or to place the country under another jurisdiction; intrinsically requires No ORAL Common LAW - HONOR - IS THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, Two Greatest Commands of God, that is, quite directly, "Every Word that Issues from the Mouth of God". that State Department-person, whatever level of hierarchy he attaches, his HONOR = ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD

The State Department of, by, and for its own, interests, is not in the position to "Parse" Any "Thing, n. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. .." unless, of course, the simply human arbitrary rules of conduct - force, devoid , thinks he is safe in his GROUP-THINK-PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION CONSENSUS -- 'the scared to say his name-"State Department Official" will save him from his very own 'accountability to both his God and We the People and who expects support for, only he knows who, among the socialist communists, delusional adversarial democracy's minions in slave-hood to John Wycliffe's "fiend", in this case both the Islamic Jihad/ Muslim-Sharia and the Papal Authority, as he spins around his 'office' of his "dereliction, "act of leaving with an intention not to reclaim" of duty and service.



[1]  John Wycliff, so effective against Papal Authority, he is not only banned, but you can count on your 10 fingers, how many ecclesiastical or civil-state magistrates know of his Importance or his existence--especially in England who have abandoned Reformationists - though they performed more deeds and took more actions on behalf of the Person composing the Union of the Whole of that Nation than all the Kings-Queens, and officialdom of hierarchy-courts put together, for God Is...:


  From:  "De Conversatione Ecclesiasticorum"  [On the Manner of the Ecclesiastica] Pg. 13-22 ; at, http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1838#lf0882_label_249
"Thus the man who would be obedient to the command which requires him duly to honour God, is reminded "that he must steadily believe, that Almighty God in Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three persons in one God, are the noblest object that may be, so that all power, all knowledge, all wisdom, all goodness, all charity, all mercy, is in him, and cometh of him. Also thou must fear God before all things in this world, and break his commandments for no worldly good. Also, thou must love God before all things, and labour earnestly to understand and know his will; that thy will may be so ruled and set that it may ever accord with God's will. Have a mind also of the goodness of God, how he made thee in his own likeness, and how Jesus Christ, both God and man, died so painful a death on the cross, to buy man's soul out of hell [is world-down-below] and to the bliss of heaven, with his own heart's blood!" [Laird] All trust in amulets, or the devices of magic, is described as so much weakness and impiety: and the question is asked --- "Since men dread so much the pope's cursing, the bishop's cursing, and other priests cursing, why, do not men fear the rightful, the dreadful, and the terrible cursing that God giveth to those who will not keep his commandments?" at, https://books.google.com/books?id=Hxi_RhgjHU8C&pg=PA3#v=onepage&q&f=false

[Pgs. 45-46] “XIII The work in titled De Episcoporom Erroribus begins with the words, There are eight things by which simple Christian men be deceived.
        The eight points on which much delusion is said to prevail among the people are enumerated, and these points are --- holy church ----law---- religion--- obedience ---- cursing ---the goods and rights of holy church ---- commandment and counsel ---- deadly sin and venial.          Thus, in the first place, “when men speak of holy church, they understand anon prelates and priests, monks, and canons, and friars; and all men who have crowns, though they live never so cursedly against God's law. And they call not seculars men of holy church, though they live never so truly after God's law and in perfect charity. Nevertheless, all who shall be saved in bliss of heaven are members of holy church, and no more. But in consequence of the false manner of speaking prevalent on this subject, simple men are taught to account many as great men of holy church, who are in fact “enemies thereof and of the synagogue of Satan.”
         In respect to “law,” the complaint is, that by that term men understand human statutes and regulations, forgetting the primary application of the term to those injunctions which man has received from his Maker. God is the great lawgiver, and it is to his enactments that all others should be subordinate.
         The same error happens in respect to “religion”By that term men do not understand the system of truth and piety set forth in Holy Scripture, but “a religion made of sinful man.” Tradition has come into the place of Scripture. The authority of man has been placed before the authority of God. The teacher who may not err, has been superseded by teachers beset with every kind of infirmityBy religion, accordingly, men do not now understand what Christ and his apostles taught, but what worldly [secular, scatter] priests and prelates have substituted in the stead of such teaching.  Also when men speak against prelates and religious, alleging Christ's poverty and meekness, and other virtues, they say that such teachings of Christ are his counsels, and not his commandments, and therefore, that the bishop of Rome  ----who is most contrary to Christ's teaching and life ----may dispense with them.” In this manner the authority of Scripture was displaced by the authority of Romanism, and religion underwent a corresponding change. It is observed further, that “when men speak against sin, anou[n] they say, though this be sin it is venial and not deadly; and venial sins are washed away with a pater noster, with holy water, with pardons, with a bishop's blessing, and in many other light ways, as men pretendBut true men say that in this life, without a special revelation, men know not what sin is venial, and what is deadly, and that these terms, venial and deadly, are inventions of new men, without authority of Holy Writ.”
        It is repeated afterwards, that pardons holy water, and similar observances, have been devised to sustain “the state, pride, and covetousness” of the clergy, and to “blind the people." Every man, says Wycliffe, should have great and lasting sorrow for his sin, and a mind intent on Christ's righteousness and wisdom, and on Christ's passion, death, and mercy to forgive sin on true repentance; and let each man put his full trust in God's mercy, and in his own good life, and not in false pardons, nor in vanities, which men invent to avail after men's death for love of money, for such things avail not any man, but destroy those who trust in them.” The fruit awaiting the good man hereafter, will be found to be exclusively the fruit of his own character, and of the Saviour's passion. .."
"De Conversatione Ecclesiasticorum"
  .."In the first chapter it is shown that our Lord and his apostles were devoted to the work of preaching, and were studious that their lives might be commendatory of their doctrine. "Christ," it is said, "ordained all his apostles and disciples, both before his death and after his rising from the dead, to preach the Gospel to all men ; and since prelates, and priests ordained of God, come in the stead of apostles and disciples, they are all bound by Jesus Christ, both God and man, thus to preach the Gospel." Three things are said to be included in feeding the church after the manner intended by Christ in his injunction to Peter:  the example of a good life ; the true preaching of the Gospel ; and a willingness to suffer death, if need be, to render men stable in the truth, and in the hope of bliss. The case of Eli and his sons is cited, as showing the domestic and national evils which follow naturally in the train of an unholy priesthood. The language of Ezekiel also, on the responsibility of the minister of truth, is adduced, as holding forth the same warning. Hence also the language of the apostle --- "woe is me if I preach not the Gospel:" and as Peter was called Satan, when opposing himself to the death of Christ, so may prelates be thus designated, if they interpose to prevent that salvation from coming to men, which the death of Christ has brought near to us. "Christ," says Wycliffe, "purged the temple with his own hands, as the Gospel telleth, in token that, if the priests were good the people would soon be amended. And for this reason, true men say, that prelates are more bound to preach truly the Gospel, than their subjects are bound to pay them dymes ; for God chargeth that more, and that is more profitable to both parties. Therefore prelates are more accursed if they cease from their preaching, than the people are if they cease to pay tithes, even while prelates do their office well."  Matins, masses, and chantings, are all described as "man's ordinances," but the preaching of the Gospel is of Divine obligation, as having been enjoined by Christ, both before and after his passion. ..
          In the beginning of the second chapter, the authority of the venerable Bede, of Gregory I,of Augustine, and others, is cited in support of the importance which the Reformer ascribes to preaching. Prelates who do not preach themselves, and who prevent others from doing so, are described as monsters who refuse to feed their own offspring and who will not suffer others to feed them and they are denounced accordingly as procurators to the fiend enemies of Christ and traitors to his people.".

[Bede (/ˈbiːd/ BEED; Old English: Bǣda, Bēda; 672/3 – 26 May 735), also known as Saint Bede, Venerable Bede, and Bede the Venerable (Latin: Bēda Venerābilis), was an English monk at the monastery of St. Peter and its companion monastery of St. Paul in the Kingdom of Northumbria of the Angles (contemporarily Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey in Tyne and Wear, England). He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Ecclesiastical History of the English People gained him the title "The Father of English History", at, Wikipedia            

[2]     "Martin Luther: [Pg.131] "... And what does God intend through these lamentable specimens of our flesh and brotherhood [government] but to open the eyes of our mind that we may see in how much more dreadful a guise the soul of the sinner shows forth its disease and decay even though he himself go in purple and gold and lie among lilies and roses as a very child of paradise![Papal Authority] Yet how many sinners are there to one of those wretched creaturesWhen these evils on the part of our neighbors so great both in number and degree are disregarded by us, it follows that our one evil be it never so trifling will appear as the sole evil and the greatest of all."

"[Pg.335] "Whoever will, let him print will freely slander and condemn my person and my life. It is already forgiven him. God has given me a glad and fearless spirit, which they shall not embitter for me. I trust, not in all eternity:"  " ; [Pg.332. note #3] "I welcome the opportunity to explain something of the nature of Christianity for the laity..; [note #4] I must first of all explain what these things mean the Church and the One Head of the Church..;  [note #5] On this point we must hear the word of Christ, Who, when Pilate asked Him concerning His Kingdom, answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world.' This is indeed a clear passage in which the Church is made separate from all temporal communities. Is not this a cruel error, when the one Christian Church, separated by Christ Himself from temporal cities and places, and transferred to spiritual realms, is made a part of material communities? No hope is left on earth except in the temporal; [note #6] Among the many things that Luther says on this point are the following: "According to the Scriptures the Church is called the assembly of all the believers in Christ upon earth. This community consists of all those who live in true faith, hope and love, so that the essence, life and nature of the Church is not a bodily assembly, but an assembly of the hearts in one faith. Thus, though they be a thousand miles apart in body, they are yet called an assembly in spirit, because each one  [pg. 333] preaches, believes, hopes, loves, and lives like the other. So we sing of the Ghost: 'Thou, Who through diverse tongues gatherest together the nations in unity of the faith.' That means a spiritual unity. And this unity is of itself sufficient to make a Church, and without it no unity, be it of place, of time, of person, of work, or of whatever else makes a Church."
        A man is not reckoned a member of the Church according to his body, but according to his soul, nay, according to his faith.... It is plain that the Church can be classed with a temporal community as little as spirits with bodies. Whosoever would not go astray should therefore hold fast to this, that the Church is a assembly of souls in one faith, that no one is reckoned a Christian for his body's sake; that the true, real, essential Church is a spiritual thing, and not external or outward."
     "All those who make the Christian communion a material and outward thing, like other communities, are in reality Jews, who wait for their Messiah to establish an external kingdom at a certain definite place, namely, Jerusalem; and so sacrifice faith, which alone makes the kingdom of Christ a thing spiritual or of the heart." ...
     [pg. 339] "THE PAPACY AT ROME AN ANSWER TO THE CELEBRATED ROMANIST AT LEIPZIG1520: ....I pray every honest Christian to receive my words --- though sometimes barbed with scorn or satire--- as coming from a heart that is made to break with sorrow and to turn seriousness into jesting at the sight now beheld at 
Leipzig, ---- 
[inside- Arch-hierarchy of blasphemers of hate of Person's "separate and equal station"-Independence inherent to "under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ...The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution".  outside - this 01/20/2009 blasphemy in perdition against Holy Spirit One God in Three Persons-Truth, Papal Authority's property of UN, late 1700's socialist - Industrial Age-communism, totally unchanged from John Wycliff, DD. Member of "Good House of Commons" ; Martin Luther] --- 

---where there are also pious people who would venture body and soul for God's Word and the Scriptures, but where a blasphemer can thus openly speak and write, who esteems and treats God's holy words no better than if they were the fabled pratings of some fool or jester at the carnival. Because my Lord Christ and His holy Word, even He who gave His own blood as the purchase-price, is held to be but mockery and fools' wit, I [you--Reader] must likewise drop all seriousness, and see whether I [We], too, have learned how to play the fool and clown. Thou knowest, my Lord Jesus Christ, how my heart stands toward these arch blasphemersThat is my reliance, and I will let matters take their course in Thy name. Amen They must ever abide Thee as the Lord. Amen --- Amen" [1]

 [Pg. 345-46] "The second argument, to express it tersely is that of  natural reason.
            This is the argument: A. Every community on earth, if from it is not to fall to pieces, must have a bodily head, under reason the true head, which is Christ.
B. Inasmuch as all Christendom is one community on earth, it must have a head, which is the pope.
            This argument I have designated with the letters A and B for the sake of clearness, and also to show that this Romanist has learned his A-B-C all the way down to B. However, to answer this argument: Since the question is whether the pope's power is by divine right, is it not a bit ridiculous that human reason (that ability which is drawn from experience in temporal things) is brought in and placed on a level with the divine law, especially since it is the intention of this poor presumptuous mortal to bring the divine law against me. For the teachings of human experience and reason are far below the divine law. The Scriptures expressly forbid us to follow our own reason, Deuteronomy xii, "Ye shall not do ... every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes"; for human reason ever strives against the law of God, as Genesis vi. says: "Every thought and imagination of man's heart is only evil continually." Therefore the attempt to establish or defend divine order with human reason, unless that reason has previously been established and enlightened by faith is just as futile as if I would throw light upon the sun with a lightless lantern or rest a rock upon a reed For Isaiah vii makes reason subject to faith, when it says: "Except ye believe, ye shall not have understanding or reason". It does not say, "Except ye have reason, ye shall not believe." Therefore this scribe would better have left his perverted reason at home, or first have well established it with texts of Scripture, so as not to put forth so ridiculous and preposterous a claim and establish the faith and the divine law by mere reason. For if this reason of ours draws the conclusion that a visible community must have a visible overlord or cease to exist, it also must draw the further conclusion, that as a visible community does not exist without wives, therefore the whole Church must have a visible common wife, in order not to perish. What a valiant woman that would needs be!  Again, a visible community does not exist without a common visible city, house, and country; therefore the Church must have a common city, house, and country. But where will you find that? Verily, in Rome they are seeking just this with impatient eagerness, for they have made nearly the whole world their very own. Again, the Church would likewise need to have in common its visible property, servants, maids, cattle, food, etc., for no community exists without themSee how gracefully human reason stalks along on its " STILTs, v.t. 2. To raise by unnatural means. 1. To raise on stilts; to elevate. – Robert Young, LL.D., F.E.S.L. (10 September 1822 – 14 October 1888) was a Scottish publisher who was self-taught and proficient in various oriental languages. He published works, the best known possibly being a Bible translation (commonly referred to as Young's Literal Translation) and his "analytical concordance."     He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, served an apprenticeship in printing and simultaneously taught himself various oriental languages. He eventually joined the Free Church, and in 1847 he started his own business of printing and selling books, particularly of works related to Old Testament studies.     For three years he was connected with Thomas Chalmers's Territorial church sabbath school in the West Port, Edinburgh. From 1856 to 1861 he was literary missionary and superintendent of the mission press at Surat; and during this time he added Gujarati to his acquirements. From 1864 to 1874 he conducted the ‘Missionary Institute;’ in 1867 he visited cities in the United States.  Words: Soul, Stilt
STILT, n. [G. stelze; D. stelt, stelten; Dan. stylter.] 1. A stilt is a piece of wood with a shoulder, to support the foot in walking. Boys sometimes use stilts for raising their feet above the mud in walking, but they are rarely seen. Men must not walk upon stilts. –Sir Roger L'Estrange (17 December 1616 – 11 December 1704) was an English pamphleteer, author and staunch defender of Royalist claims. L'Estrange was involved in political controversy throughout his life. Perhaps his best known polemical pamphlet was An Account of the Growth of Knavery, which ruthlessly attacked the parliamentary opposition, placing them as "dissenting fanatics" and truly beyond the pale.  Words: Conceit, Warrant, Matter, All, Tung/ Tongue, Stilt

"The approaching jubilee of the Reformation in 1917 will call renewed attention to the author of these treatises These volumes have been prepared with especial reference to the discussions which we have every reason to believe will then occur."- Henry Eyster Jacobs Lutheran Theological Seminary Mt A1ry.  Philadelph1a , with While the part contributed by each individual is credited at the proper place it must yet be added that my former colleague the late Rev Prof Adolph Spaeth, DD. LL D., died June 25 1910 was actively engaged as the Chairman of the Committee that organized the work determined the plan and with the undersigned made the first selection of the material to be included. The other members of the Committee are the Rev. T.E. Schmauk DD. LL D.; the Rev. L.D. Reed D.D.; the Rev. W.A. Lambert, J.J.;  Schindel, A. Steimle, A.T.W. Steinhaeuser, and C.M. Jacobs, D.D. upon the five last named the burden of preparing the translations and notes has rested. Their work has been laborious and difficult. Luther's complaints concerning the seriousness of his task in attempting to teach the patriarch Job to speak idiomatic German might doubtless have found an echo in the experience of this corps of scholars in forcing Luther into idiomatic English.":

"But Luther can be properly known and estimated only when he is allowed to speak for himself. He should be seen not through the eyes of others, but through our own. In order to judge the man we must know all sides of the man, and read the heaviest as well as the lightest of his works, the more scientific and theological as well as the more practical and popular, his informal letters as well as his formal treatises. We must take account of the time of each writing and the circumstances under which it was composed, of the adversaries against whom he was contending, and of the progress which he made in his opinions as time went on. The great fund of primary sources which the historical methods of the last generation have made available should also be laid under contribution to shed light upon his statements and his attitude toward the various questions involved in his life struggles. 
        As long as a writer can be read only in the language or languages in which he wrote, this necessary closer contact with his personality can be enjoyed only by a very limited circle of advanced scholars. But many of these will be grateful for a translation into their vernacular for more rapid reading, from which they may turn to the standard text when a question of more minute criticism is at stake. Even advanced students appreciate accurately rendered and scholarly annotated translations, by which the range of the leaders of human thought, with whom it is possible for them to be occupied, may be greatly enlarged. Such series of translations as those comprised in the well edited Ante Nicene, Nicene, and Post Nicene Libraries of the Fathers have served a most excellent purpose. .."-"Introduction" 

B]  "The perversion of words, language and communication-abuse:. "The Real Story of the Reformation" by an author who has attacked Truth to get rid of Jesus with a vengeance of perversion: new biography. of Martin Luther who says he didn't really tact 95 Theses to the door of the church and really wasn't against the Papal Authority, WSJ Book Review, "11/ 3/2017, at, online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/print/WSJ_-A013-20171103.pdf

[3]   A]  Reformation:   Here are those who suffered, died in the name of their JOHN 17 in 14, THIRD PERSON-TRUTH, did not, and do not, for they are Eternal Souls, with Peter, as tied to arbitrary human precept's compulsion of conscience as 'rule of body's psychology of 5 senses 'circumcision' , the measure of acceptance to The Eternal Living God's, "Martin Luther's A, B community-ecclesiastical in civil-state, magistrate Israel, Western European/ Western Asia, currently engulfing US(A) through among all Reformists, including those whose "names" are attached to the forms/ denominations (that includes Joseph Smith's Form of Mirroring The Trinity Documents, with an Analogy, metaphor, some of which is from Apocrypha, though currently engulf in Martin Luther's A/B delightful disquisition of absurdity of Papal community over Person), Prophet Luther's A/B because the form/ denomination leaders- are eating from the Rotten Fruit Tree (not, necessarily, all persons-Jewish rites, creeds, ceremonies, have no part in Papal Authority:
John Calvin (/ˈkælvɪn/;[1] French: Jean Calvin, pronounced [ʒɑ̃ kalvɛ̃]; born Jehan Cauvin: 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation;
Jan Hus (/hʊs/;[1] Czech: [ˈjan ˈɦus] (About this sound listen); c. 1369 – 6 July 1415[2]), sometimes Anglicized as John Hus or John Huss, was a Czech priest, philosopher, Master, dean and rector[3] at Charles University in Prague, church reformer, inspirator of Hussitism, a seminal figure in the Bohemian Reformation and a key predecessor to Protestantism.    After John Wycliffe, the theorist of ecclesiastical Reformation, Hus is considered the first Church reformer, as he lived before Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. His teachings had a strong influence on the states of Western Europe, most immediately in the approval of a reformist Bohemian religious denomination, and, more than a century later, on Martin Luther himself.[4] He was burned at the stake for heresy against the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, including those on ecclesiology, the Eucharist, and other theological topics.
John Wesley (/ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛsli/ or /ˈdʒɒn ˈwɛzli/;[1] 28 June [O.S. 17 June] 1703 – 2 March 1791) was an English Anglican cleric and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, founded Methodism.
George Whitefield (/ˈdʒɔːdʒ ˈwɪtfiːld/; 27 December [O.S. 16 December] 1714 – 30 September 1770), also spelled George Whitfield, was an English Anglican cleric who was one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement

The 397 year of original text to American God Is Law 1611 KJV is the culmination of John Wycliff, D.D.(1320-1384), Member House of "Good Commons"- William Tyndale(1494-1596-strangled slowly, burned at the stake), N.T. and would have completed O.T. but for loosing his life to 'give every ploughman an English Lang. Bible'; also, " The Handbook of a Christian Knight (Latin: Enchiridion militis Christiani), sometimes translated as The Manual of a Christian Knight, is a work written by Dutch scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1501, and was first published in English in 1533 by William Tyndale. - Martin Luther (1483-1546) - German to English -

       B] THE 1611 KING JAMES IV OF SCOTLAND, I OF ENGLAND Hampton Court 1604 50 members of Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge --- 
.  "The Translators to the Reader" - 1611 KJV::
       I. "After "The Episile, Dedicatorie", there are XI Sections about the Whole of  "THE WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT, HOLY BIBLE, Anno Dom 1611" from the 49 member committee with King James, "THE TRANSLATORS To The Reader: --- Outline of Content: at, https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/1611-King-James-Bible-Introduction.php
 II..A. The Highest Personages Have Been Calumniated; B. His Majestie Constancie, notwithstanding culmination, for the survey of the English translations ;
III. The Praise of the Holy Scriptures: "But now what pietie without trutheth? What Trutheth (what saving Trutheth ) without the Word of god? What Word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? ..[upper case added; and Know as Does anyone Know/ Understand - that Living God in Christ in each-one-Person, indeed is Precisely What Our Father and our Brother Say - for living mind/ heart/ will-conscience as commanded and taught whatever circumstance of life's roles a person alone and among others must travel , the closer to follow Father and Son -- The more Truth Will Set You Free = FREEDOM IS TRUTH, not man-choosing and serving-man] ;
IV. The Translation of The Old Testament Out of the Hebrew Into the Greek ;
V. Translation Out of Hebrew and Greek Into Latin ;
VI The Translation of The Scripture Into The Vulgar Tongues ;
VII.The Speeches and Reasons, both of our Brethran and of Our Adversaries Against This Work [must Read to obtain a picture of arbitrary human precept-Matt. 15] ;
VIII. A Satisfaction to Our Brethren ;
IX. An Answer to The Imputations of Our Adversaries ;
X. A.  The Purpose of The Translators, with their Number, Furniture, Care &c,   B. Reasons Moving Us To Set Diversities In The Margin Where There is Great Probability For Each , C. Reasons Inducing us Not to Stand Curiously upon an Identity of Phrasing ; XI.  [SUMMATION- ACHIEVEMENT in RIGHT REASON]
From SECTION I "The Best Things Have Been Culminated":
 “Zeale to promote the common good, whether it be by devising any thing our selves, or revising that which hath bene laboured by others, deserveth certainly much respect and esteeme, but yet findeth but cold intertainment in the world. It is welcommed with suspicion in stead of love, and with emulation in stead of thankes: and if there be any hole left for cavill to enter, (and cavill, if it doe not finde a hole, will make one) it is sure to bee misconstrued, and in danger to be condemned. This will easily be granted by as many as know story, or have any experience. For, was there ever any thing projected, that savoured any way of newnesse or renewing, but the same endured many a storme of gaine-saying, or opposition?  A man would thinke that Civilitie, holesome Lawes, learning and eloquence, Synods, and Church-maintenance, (that we speake of no more things of this kinde) should be as safe as a Sanctuary, and ll out of shot, as they say, that no man would lift up the heele, no, nor dogge moove his tongue against the motioners of them. For by the first, we are distinguished from bruit-beasts led with sensualitie: By the second, we are bridled and restrained from outragious behaviour, and from doing of injuries, whether by fraud or by violence: By the third, we are enabled to informe and reforme others, by the light and feeling that we have attained unto our selves: Briefly, by the fourth being brought together to a parle face to face, we sooner compose our differences then by writings, which are endlesse: And lastly, that the Church be sufficiently provided for, is so agreeable to good reason and conscience, that those mothers are holden to be lesse cruell, that kill their children assoone as they are borne, then those noursing fathers and mothers (wheresoever they be) that withdraw from them who hang upon their breasts (and upon whose breasts againe themselves  do hang to receive the Spirituall and sincere milke of the word) livelyhood and support fit for their estates. Thus it is apparent, that these things which we speake of, are of most necessary use, and therefore, that none, either without absurditie can speake against them, or without note of wickednesse can spurne against them.
            Yet for all that, the learned know that certaine worthy men have bene brought to untimely death for none other fault, but for seeking to reduce their Countrey-men to good order and discipline: and that in some Common-weales it was made a capitall crime, once to motion the making of a new Law for the abrogating of an old, though the same were most pernicious: And that certaine, which would be counted pillars of the State, and paternes of Vertue and Prudence, could not be brought for a long time to give way to good Letters and refined speech, but bare themselves as averse from them, as from rocks or boxes of poison: ..”-The Translators to The Reader” of the 1611 KJV at,  https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/
"But now, what pietie without trueth? What trueth (without saving trueth) without the Word of God? What Word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture [Whole, Not scattered,  torn apart]? ...The Scriptures we are commanded to search. Jon.5.39. Esa.8.20. They are commended that searched and studied them, Acts 17:11 and 8:28-29. They are reproved that were unskillful in them, or slow to believe them, Matt. 22:29, Luke 24:25. They can make us wise unto salvation, 2 Tim. 3:15. If we be ignorant they will instruct us; if out of the way, they will bring us home; if out of order, they will reforme us, if in heaviness, comfort us; if dull, quicken us; if colde, inflame us. Tolle, lege; tolle, lege, Take up and read, take up and read the Scripture, (for unto them was the direction), it was said unto St. Augustine by a supernatural voice. "Whatsoever is in the Scriptures, believe me," saith the same St. Augustine, "is high and divine; there is verily truth, and a doctrine most fit for the refreshing of men's minds, and truly so tempered, that everyone may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if he come to draw with a devout and pious mind, as true religion requireth". ....The Scriptures then being acknowledged to be so full and so perfect, how can we excuse ourselves of negligence, if we do not study them? ... .....But how shall men meditate in that, which they cannot understand? How shall they understand that which is kept close in an unknowen [of only chosen parts of the whole of lessons within Chapters within Books, or words subject of the opinion of predetermined conclusions among those of deceit who may own a label of 'Papal authority government-over-man-controlling compulsion of conscience as the source of 'forgiveness or bilbical scholar'], in III The Praise of the Holy Scriptures.."
            3B.1]  From the Second Testament of the ASSUMPSIT, WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE, 'one-ly'/ solely, among all Scripture directly translated, or simply,, in the arrogant, conceit of predetermined, man-serving-man's purpose to control and manipulate John 17 in 14--especially, that every-one-person, regardless of location on The Creator, our Father's Commandment 5 Planet, supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, is born with his very own, Eternal Soul - life's journey to obtain what is among the whole of Apocrypha's Books, including Eternal Living Jesus teaches 'Holy Spirit' v spirit of devil trinity, Matt. 4, is very 'Present, but not yet Revealed', always, pervert the Gospel of the Third Testament to prevent any 'connections', 'inferences' to the Second and the First Testaments, per Paul in Galatians 1: the Name of One God in Three PERSONS, 1611 KJV, but without the 50 Clergy's Translator's column of connections and side-notes notes and connections in this online edition, Apocrypha, a.k.a, "Captivity":
                       a.    I Esdras 3: [Artaxerxes has stopped the rebuilding of Great Temple 2:30] "4. [King Darius sits on the throne] "Three [individual persons, albeit 'princes'] strive to excel each other in wise speeches. 9 They referre themselves to the judgement of the King. 18. The first declareth the strenghth of wine.
                       b.  I Esdras 4: 1.The second declareth the power of the King. 14. The Third, the force of women: 33 And of Trueth. 41. The third is judged to be wisest, 47 and obtaineth Letters of the King to build Jeruselem. 58. He praiseth God, and will showeth his brethren what he had done. .... at, https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611_1-Esdras-Chapter-3/  ;
                       c. II Esdras III: 1. Esdras is troubled, 13 and acknowlegeth the sinnes of the people: 28 yet complaineth that the heathen were lords over them, being more wicked then they.
                       d. II Esdras IIII: 1.The Angel declareth the ignorance of Esdras in God's Judgements  [Sanhedrin, Papal Authority, Greek Democracy - though that is before God's name is known, solely His Truth sought after, but not achieved, for the collective minions of the absolute ruler, Pope, over King, Emperor, Czar, or chosen leaders by the people/ Poland, Holland, Germany, Switzerland masses were forbidden knowledge, language and communication for expression of thoughts, as liberty of most good] 13 and adviseth him not to meddle  with 'things' above his reach. 23 Nevertheless Esdras asketh divers questions, And receiveth Answers [upper 'A' added] to them.
                       e. II Esdras V: 1. The Signs of the times to come. 23 He asketh why God choosing but one people, did not cast them off. 30 Hee is taught, that Gods Judgements are unsearchable: 46 and that God doeth not all at once.
                        f. II Esdras VI God's Purpose is Eternal ['P' and 'E' added upper case], 8 The next World shall follow immediately.  13 What shall fall out at the last. [see Matt. 24 Jesus is speaking to your Third Person; and #1 definition of 'thing' below] 31 Hee is promised more knowledge, 38 And reakoned up the workes of the creation, 57 and complaineth, that they have no part in the world for whome it was made.
                       g. II Esdras VII [1-3, Esdras continues his speaking] 4. The way is narrow. 12 When it was made narrow. 28 All shall die and rise againe. 33 Christ will sit in judgement. 46 God hath not made Paradise in vaine, 69 & is merciful." at, https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611_2-Esdras-Chapter-3/   thru Chapter VII;
                       h. Ecclesiaticus Chapter XVII 1 How God made and furnished man. 14 Avoid All sinne: 19 for God seeth All 'things'. 25 Turne to Him while thou livest.

     [3B2] Glossary from AMERICAN DICTIONARY 1828/ 1844: Also, to note: Dr. Webster 'Transcribed' 1611 Holy Bible, but without Apocrypha, for Puritans had already removed it -- not council of Trent,  into "definition of Language and communication" the grammar and words rendered significant by usage in the God's era upon which the Trinity Sacred Documents were based -- origin of the words -- like 'thing's taking up nearly 1/2 of the three columns on one page ---  "to make the beauty and flow of expression of thought about One God in Three Persons, more attainable and Understood for 'teaching':
"CA-LUM-NI-A'TION, n.  False accusation of a crime or offense, or a malicious and false representation of the words or actions of another, with a view to injure his good name.

CAV'IL, n. False or frivolous objections; also, a fallacious kind of reason, bearing some resemblance to truth, advanced for the sake of victory. – Johnson. Encyc.
CAV'IL, v.i. [Sp. cavilar; Port. cavillar; It. cavillare; L. cavillor; D. kibbelen; Oriental קבל; Ch. to cry out or complain; Syr. to accuse, oppose, censure.] 1. To raise captious and frivolous objections; to find fault without good reason; followed by at. It is better to reason than to cavil. – Anon.
2. To advance futile objections, or to frame sophisms, for the sake of victory in an argument.
CAV'IL, v.t. To receive or treat with objections. Wilt thou enjoy the good, / Then cavil the conditions. – Milton. [Not usual.]

DIS-SIM-U-LA'TION, n. [L. dissimulatio; dis and simulatio, from simulo, to make like, similis, like.] The act of dissembling; a hiding under a false appearance; a feigning; false pretension; hypocrisy. Dissimulation may be simply concealment of the opinions, sentiments or purpose; but it includes also the assuming of a false or counterfeit appearance which conceals the real opinions or purpose. Dissimulation among statesmen is sometimes regarded as a necessary vice, or as no vice at all. Let love be without dissimulation. – Rom. xii.

I-DOL'A-TRY, n. [Fr. idolatrie; L. idololatria; Gr. ειδωλολατρεια; ειδωλον, idol, and λατρευω, to worship or serve.]1. The worship of idols, images, or any thing made by hands, or which is not God.
Idolatry is of two kinds; the worship of images, statues, pictures, &c. made by hands; and the worship of the heavenly bodies,the sun, moon and stars, or of demons, angels, men and animals.
2. Excessive attachment or veneration for any thing, or that which borders on adoration, i.e., supplication in deep reverence and obedience to the very great and sacred, vain-idol-god's forms of predetermined-consensus- group think, imperative 'bigger number' --- in all life's land water atmosphere - and in determination of governing by arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, no God, no Truth, Trust, Promise.

IM-PU-TA'TION, n. [Fr. fromimputer.]  1. The act of imputing or charging; attribution; generally in an ill sense; as, the imputation of crimes or faults to the true authors of them. We are liable to the imputation of numerous sins and errors; to the imputation of pride, vanity and self-confidence; to the imputation of weakness and irresolution, or of rashness.
2. Sometimes in a good sense. If I had a suit to Master Shallow, I would humor his men with the imputation of being near their master. "Henry IV, Part 2: Act V, Scene 1" Shak.
3. Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach. Let us be careful to guard ourselves against these groundless imputations of our enemies, and to rise above them. -Addison [see Settle].
4. Hint; slight notice. Qu. intimation. Shak.

PER-AD-VENT'URE, adv. [Fr. par aventure; par, by, and aventure, from L. venio, to come.]
By chance; perhaps; it may be. –.Richard Hooker (March 1554 – 3 November 1600) was an English priest in the Church of England and an influential theologian. He was one of the most important English theologians of the sixteenth century. His defence of the role of redeemed reason informed the theology of the seventeenth century Caroline divines and later provided many members of the Church of England with a theological method which combined the claims of revelation, reason and tradition    Words: Proof, Determine, Ascertain, Untruth, Obdurate, Security, braules/ Brawles, Affirmation, Naught, Presbyter, Quality, Palpable, Belief, Unreasonable, Skil, Positive, Peradventure
 It has been used as a noun for doubt or question, but rather improperly."

TRA-DUCE, v.t. [L. traducotrans, over, and duco, to lead; Fr. traduire; It. tradurre.]
1. To represent as blameable; to condemn. The best stratagem that Satan hath, is by traducing the form and manner of the devout prayers of God's church. Hooker [see Thought]
2. To calumniate; to vilify; to defame; willfully to misrepresent. As long as men are malicious and designing, they will be traducing. Gov. of the Tongue. He had the baseness to traduce me in libel. -Dryden [see Thought].
3. To propagate; to continue by deriving one from another. From these only the race of perfect animals was propagated and traduced over the earth. [Not in use.] [B]Sir Matthew Hale SL (1 November 1609 — 25 December 1676)[1] was an influential English barrister, judge and lawyer most noted for his treatise Historia Placitorum Coronæ, or The History of the Pleas of the Crown.  Words: Opinion. Reason, Precedent, Subjection, Traduce.

 VUL'GAR, a. [Fr. vulgaire; It. vulgare; L. vulgaris, from vulgus, the common people, that is, the crowd, Eng. folk.]  1. Pertaining to the common unlettered people; as, vulgar life.
2. Used or practiced by common people; as, vulgar sports.
3. Vernacular; national. It might be more useful to the English reader, to write in our vulgar language. –The Very Reverend Joseph Barlow Felt (December 22, 1789 -  September 8, 1869) D.D. Dartmouth College, Essex County, Salem, Massachusetts on. From March 1815, performed pastoral duties in Essex County’s congregations until moving to Sharon , Massachusetts 1824, then to Hamilton, Massachusetts where he “continued to perform his parochial duties until December 4, 1833, when he dissolved his pastoral relation with that church due to ill health.”.
Rev. Felt was a very important historian-antiquities of Massachuesetts history, being One who gathered, organized, published, and informed regarding his State’s role, among Colonists, Founders all the way to the ‘present history of the State of Massachusetts’ from “SERIES I. Personal and Collected Papers”,  “Indian sermons preached from 1709 to 1710” by Josiah Cotton 1710" to his Diary 1856, including “Notes regarding Massachusetts State House papers” through “SERIES II. Diplomatic Correspondence” that includes, only to highlight: correspondence regarding Treaty with Spain and Indian relations;  regarding release of United States prisoners in Algiers and Algerian corsairs; Copies of letters to Secretary of State from F. Shipwith,  St. Eustatis, regarding British impressment of United States sailors;  Copies of correspondence between George Hammond,  Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, and Edmund Randolph. .. Words: Voice, Vulgar.
3. Common; used by all classes of people; as, the vulgar version of the Scriptures.
4. Public; as, vulgar report.
5. Mean; rustic; rude; low; unrefined; as, vulgar minds; vulgar manners.
6. Consisting of common persons. In reading an account of a battle, we follow the hero with our whole attention, but seldom reflect the vulgar heaps of slaughter. –The Rambler was a periodical (strictly, a series of short papers) by Samuel Johnson.  The Rambler was published on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1750 to 1752 and totals 208 articles. It was Johnson's most consistent and sustained work in the English language. Though similar in name to preceding publications such as The Spectator, Alexander Pope,  and The Tatler, Johnson made his periodical unique by using a style of prose which differed from that of the time period. The most popular publications of the day were written in the common or colloquial language of the people whereas The Rambler was written in elevated prose.  Words: Hypocrisy, Jealousy, Envy, Wicked, Vulgar
Vulgar fractions, in arithmetic, fractions expressed by a numerator and denominator; thus 2/5.
VUL'GAR, n. The common people. [It has no plural termination, but has often a plural verb.] The vulgar imagine the Pretender to have been a child imposed on the nation. –Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish[1] satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.[2] Words: Thing, Conscience, Revile, Skill, Positive, Tempt, Engagement, Vulgar.  

 C]     "BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION: I. The Earlier English Translations (1380-1582; II. The Bible of 1611; III. The Later History of the Bible of 1611";  Alfred William Pollard (14 August 1859 – 8 March 1944) was an English bibliographer, widely credited for bringing a higher level of scholarly rigor to the study of Shakespearean texts.
         Pollard was educated at King's College School in London and St John's College at the University of Oxford. He joined the staff of the British Museum in 1883, as assistant in the Department of Printed Books; he was promoted to Assistant Keeper in 1909, and Keeper in 1919. In the latter year, Pollard was appointed Professor of English Bibliography at the University of London. He was Honorary Secretary of the Bibliographical Society from 1893 to 1934 and edited the Society's journal The Library for thirty years (1903–34). He received the Society's Gold Medal in 1929. [from Wikipedia] --
         Published as facsimile on 400th Anniversary of  "The Holy Bible 1611 Edition, King James Version"; Hendrickson Publishers Marketing, LLC; Sept. 2010.

LANGUAGE or Speech is the utterance of articulate sounds or voices, rendered significant by usage, for the expression and communication of thoughts.
         According to this definition, language belongs exclusively to intellectual and intelligent beings, and, among terrestrial beings, to man only; for no animal on earth except man can pronounce words. The word language is sometimes used in a more comprehensive sense, and the sounds by which irrational animals express their feelings or affections; as to the neighing of the horse, the lowing of the ox, the barking of the dog, and to the cackling and chirping of fowls; for the sounds uttered by these animals are perfectly understood by the respective species. So also language is figuratively applied to the signs by which deaf and dumb persons manifest their ideas; for these are instruments of communicating thoughts.
          But language in its proper sense, as the medium of intercourse between men, or rational beings, endowed with the faculty of uttering articulate sounds is the subject now to be considered.
          Written language is the representation of significant sounds by letters, or characters, single or combined in words, arranged in due order, according to usage."

The Reason, ecclesiastical and civil-state, arbitrary human precept's the prejudice against a change of predetermined-conslusions of man-choosing and serving-man, Gospel in Scripture against philology is so great , Dr. Webster, irrefutably proves The Eternal Living God, Our Father IS:
We read in the Scriptures, that God, when he had created man, "blessed them; and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it [italics added]:  and have over the fish of the sea," &c. God afterward planted a garden, and placed in it the man he had made, with a command to it, and to dress it; and he gave him a rule of moral conduct, permitting him to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, except one [The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil], the eating of which was prohibited. We further read, God brought to Adam the fowls and beasts he had made, and Adam gave them names; and that when his female was made, he gave her a name. After the eating of the forbidden fruit, it is stated that God addressed Adam and Eve, reproving them for their disobedience, and pronouncing the penalties which they had incurred.  In the account of these it is further related that Adam and Eve both replied their Maker and excused their disobedience.
['Retrospective Review',because it is forbidden, by ecclesiastical and civil-state-few over many, man-choosing and serving-man, to alter 'predetermined conclusion..or even question them; but God is His Double-Edged Sword of Truth of that Tree of Knowledge... and man is to "subdue earth, supreme Law of the Land" in God's name, not mans: Remember God gave Adam and Eve Tools and clothes and helped them use them; but because of the consequences to 'gender's forms' over all our Father's Eras of His History, how often, the talking is omitted, ignored, skipped - and that serpent is compelled to use deceit - to tempt, innocent, pure Eve, to even regard the Knowledge, let alone, take the nanosecond bite, from that fruit, though she had to run to Adam, and he took the bite, because his #6 understanding, faith in promise, goodness couldn't be present before he took his bite, though both initiated - along with Commandment 5's Heritage, conception of a about to be Newborn - the very same innocence and purity]
         If we admit, what is the literal and obvious interpretation this narrative, that vocal sounds or words were used in these between God and the progenitors of the human race, it results that Adam was not only endowed with intellect understanding his Maker, or the signification of words, but furnished with the faculty of speech and with speech itself, or the knowledge and use of words as signs of ideas, and before the formation of the woman. Hence we may infer language was bestowed on Adam, in the same manner as all other and knowledge, by supernatural power; or, in other words, was of divine origin; for, supposing Adam to had all the intellectual powers of any adult individual of species who has since lived, we can not admit as probable, even possible, that he should have invented and constructed even a barren language, as soon as he was created, without supernatural aid. It may indeed be doubted, whether without such aid, men would ever have learned the use of the organs speech, so far as to form a language. At any rate, the of words and the construction of a language must have been a slow process, and must have required a much longer time that which passed between the creation of Adam and of Eve. It is, therefore, probable that language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God. We are not, however, to suppose the language of our first parents in paradise to have been copious, like most modern languages; or the identical language they used, to be now in existence. Many of the primitive radical words may and probably do exist in various languages; but observation teaches that languages must improve and undergo great changes as knowledge increases, and be subject to continual alterations from other causes, incident to men in society." [God made and furnished man with 7 OPERATIONS, with 6 Understanding and 7 "Language or Speech", an interpreter of the cogitations thereof...
-Editor's Preface/ Biography; Author's Preface, Introduction,
From Editor's "Memoir of the Author" [Pg. xvii, xviii] :
"In the year 1807, Mr Webster published, "A Philosophical and Practical Grammar of the English Language". This was a highly original work, the result of many years of diligent investigation. The author's views may be gathered from the motto on the title page, taken from Lord Bacon's Aphorisms, ---"Antisthenes being asked what learning was most necessary, replied, To unlearn that which is naught.". He considered our English Grammars as objectionable in one important respect, namely, that of being too much conformed to those of the Latin and Greek languages in their nomenclature and classification. True philosophy, he maintained, requires us to arrange things, and give them names, according to their real nature. But our language is rude and irregular,  in comparison with those of the ancients. It can not be reduced to the same orderly system. The several parts of it can not be brought under the same names and classifications. We need, therefore, a nomenclature of our own, in some important particulars. Thus the word pronoun properly denotes a substitute for a noun. But, in many cases, words of this class are substitutes for clauses, or parts of sentences, and not for single nouns. There are also other words, not ordinarily ranged among pronouns, which act equally as substitutes, that is, perform the office of pronouns. Mr Webster, therefore, proposed to lay aside the word pronoun and apply the term substitute to this whole class, as describing their true office. Other changes were proposed, of the same nature, and for the same reasons. No one, who examines the subject with attention, can doubt the advantages of Mr Webster's nomenclature, in itself considered. It enabled him to give an analysis of sentences, and to explain constructions, in a manner incomparably superior to that of the ordinary systems. His intimate acquaintance with the sources of our language prepared him to account, in the most satisfactory manner, for many puzzling forms of expression. Still, the prejudice against a change of nomenclature is so great, that this work has been far less known than it ought to be [Just like Dr. James Moffatt's Direct Translation Bible].  It contains much valuable matter found in no other work, and is believed to be the most truly philosophical Grammar which we have of the English language. .."

[5]  Papal Authority's Property of UN Agenda 21, GW, sustainable tenement housing, Climate Change, Paris Treaty, World Bank's 5 Groups, necessarily Federal Reserve/ IMF 2017 Sustainable Development Goals 'spirit of devil trinity's #3 of #, land, water, atmosphere among the 194 nations, not counting the invisible under the Axis regimes it supports:
  A)  Papal Authority's property-194 UN nation's General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session, every Committee, at, https://holyseemission.org/contents/mission/mission-55e37172a07413.52517830.phphttps://holyseemission.org/contents/mission/mission-55e37172a07413.52517830.php
intertwined to: 
B) 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty EU/ Commission Holy See- since 2000
C) "After 500 years of schism, will the rift of the Reformation finally be healed?"--counting only from 1517 -- ignoring the existence of man-serving-man's heretic 1320 John Wycliffe -- cause he isn't of eligibility so Pope Francis doesn't have to worry about his TRUTH -- at, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/29/reformation-luther-pope-francis-catholics
D)  "Learning our Three Sacred Documents: the Inside/ Outside enemy-spirit of devil-trinity, v. Holy Spirit Truth Eternal Living Jesus"-- spirit of devil trinity #3 of 3's property in grandeur, highest mountain with 360 degree visual effect, and all 194 nations of Papal Authority's UN-UDHR, Agenda 21, GW, 2017 World Bank Group's, necessarily including Federal Reserve/ IMF, Sustainable Development Goals -- that is 2015-2017's abrogation of Alithia/ Truth/ Paul's  Christian Discipline (I Tim. 1) non-word "BiPartisan"- Appropriation of  Phronesis-WE THE PEOPLE-Constitutional-Person's Commerce - i.e. Enterprise of Ideas - no civil-state intertwined ecclesiastical-man-serving-man supreme to God that is Trinity of the Three Sacred Documents, at,  http://pyrrhicchange.blogspot.com/2017/09/learning-our-three-sacred-documents_26.html
E) "Papal Rome and the European Union"; Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyen at,  https://www.the-highway.com/eu_Bennett.html
F) Holy See/ Papal Authoirty-UN - hypocrisy of pot calling kettle black - John 8's Abraham's Children who are blind to Truth and need to kill; Thursday, August 24, 2017, at, http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com/2017/08/holy-see-papal-authoirty-un-hypocrisy.html
from: "U.N. Issues Order To Trump As Officials Claim ‘Warning’ Signs, Urgent Action
Posted by Georgette Walrath | Aug 24, 2017 | Breaking News  -----
G)   "Absent God in The Three Sacred Documents, "Speaker Ryan, a.k.a UN Papal Authority, tells Trump to lay off Mueller"---Thursday, July 27, 2017; at, http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com/2017/07/absent-god-in-three-sacred-documents.html

1828/ 1844 original text, "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of The English Language"; unless noted otherwise: 

"PAR-TI'TION, n. [L. partitio, from partio, to divide.]  1. The act of dividing, or state of being divided.
2. Division; separation; distinction. And good from bad find no partition. – Shak.
3. Separate part; as, lodged in a small partition. – Milton.
4. That by which different parts are separated; as, a partition of wood or stone in a building.
5. Part where separation is made. No sight could pass / Betwixt the nice partitions of the grass. – Dryden.
6. Division of an estate into severalty, which is done by deed of partition. Blackstone.
PAR-TI'TION, v.t. 1. To divide into distinct parts; as, to partition the floor of a house.
2.To divide into shares; as, to partition an estate.

PARSE, v.t. [pàrs; from L. pars, part, or one of the Shemitic roots, פרס, to divide, or פרש to spread.]  In grammar, to resolve a sentence into its elements, or to show the several parts of speech composing a sentence, and their relation to each other by government or agreement." -1828/1844, Original text, American Dictionary of the English Lang.  and adding.. 2017 on-line, to make a better analogy to the, smaller-concrete, body's distinct and palpable, Abuse of the usage of words, the absolute, no-truth whatsoever, absurdity of " If it isn't written, it doesn't exist" - which is the whole sum-of reasoning by spirit of the devil's 'from bread to petrified stony-fleshie, "2. an act of or the result obtained by parsing a string or a text.".