[first, Published 10/30/2016, 10:31PM, about 9 days before election day; updated 6/9/2017; 6/20/22; Demonstrates Fact and Evidence that WORD/ CHRIST WITH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD THE PERFECT LOVE, FATHER, "..who knows no rising and setting, who casts no shadow on the earth, by his own WILL, that WE SHOULD BE BORN TO THE WORD of the TRUTH to be a kind of first fruits among His creatures (James 1){Refers Gen 1:26}, has given YOU, alone directly the Father, Gen. 2 'SON of man' ...rib.. who 'N'ames "womb-man", -- John 1, neuroblast/ Dura Mater - Embryo, Newborn, Infant, Toddler, Child, Preteen, Youth, puberty, A Man, A Woman, freeman or slave "heritage, from intercourse, within 14 days thereafter, Command V "Honor your father and your mother that you may have long LIFE in the LAND PSM, the ETERNAL, Your God is giving you;" ..through.. ADAM (Gen. 4:24, after Cain leaves for Node) one flesh Eternally EVE (Gen. 3:20)..
ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH ,MARY/ 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO, the Father's same dust, breath, rib = heart/ breath, JESUS. He, about 10 or 12, met his own spirit devil after 40 days and 40 nights fasting in His Father's Eternal Spirit, in a "weakened condition," laid-out His plan to accomplish what PERFECT LOVE FATHER sent Him to do ..CONNECT ALL THREE TESTAMENTS OF THE 1604-1611 KING JAMES, 46 CLERGY, INTERVAL - ORIGIN OF ORAL COMMON 10in10 --ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH, FATHER HAD SENT.. INCLUDING THOUSANDS WHO WOULD "BELIEVE IN HIM BY THEIR SPOKEN WORD" THE HOLY TRINITY 3 PERSONS. What Jesus laid-out for NEW TESTAMENT, opens Matt 4 spirit devil's trinity to which Christ Jesus will TEACH, among the entirety of YOUR, UNIQUE, 3RD PERSON/ EMBRYO- ORAL COMMON 2 IN 10 GREATEST COMMANDS via HOW YOU READ, for YOUR 24/ 7 ROLES OF life's CHALLENGES, "DAILY BREAD" that is 'spoken' among many, or alone (and 23rd Psalm), TRUTH of Scripture .. reoccurring.. over "course of human events...Things..:
1} ...But none of His children/ person(s), among all His sovereign nations, are able to hear or see "..Even the Spirit of Trueth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither Knoweth Him..."--John 14, ...because 1611 KJV with INTERVAL origin of ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE LAW - ALL PROPHETS, but 1302 papist/ 1647 westminster confessions, human precept, predetermined conclusion, word, 'Apocrypha' , Matt. xii and Mark III: World-Wide, Person, alone-Soul accountable to God, then among those they know and will never know, i.e, they're neighbor's as one's self-soul, transitive and recursive, ...have lost; been forbidden; or have never obtained knowledge's language and communication via 'neurorecptors/ transmitters-psychology; hence, resulting in Matt. 12 "He who is not with me, is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters," with its synonyms, dissipate/ disperse/ secularize/ mediate/ arbitrate-judge-determine-decide ---Untruth", "..O generation of vipers, how can ye, being euil, speake good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh;” The Eternal Living God in Eternal Living Christ Jesus in His Father, teaching in Matt. 15 "They honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me: vain is their worship of me, for the doctrines they teach are but human precepts"[6]. In The Declaration, our HOLY TRINITY Equilateral Triangle of Organizational-Mission statement Constitution, Oath/ Affirmation/ Truth, American God Is LAW; for the absolute Postulate of our Republic, our Colonists (Resources #3, #2 and 9), Founders among them with full wisdom. knowledge, understanding of The Creator's man in His Spirit: The
Eternal Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing Exactly What He Has Performed; Is Performing with this Flashing cursor His Atoms Created; and He Will Perform, though government-over-man's ecclesiastical enjoined to few men rulers of arbitrary rules of conduct-force, they address as 'its the law!', while absent conscience/ Truth, tells Him that Nature-Periodic Chart of the Elements: Clean, Safe Nuclear Energy with its Storage (until we can learn to use that storage) is forbidden, through, and in, His Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus, who knew Abraham from the beginning; just like He did, and does, father evil-father lie in John 8, and In Your Person, only each-one-alone, who chooses to, also from John 8: "Abide by what I say and You really will be disciples of mine, You will understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free,"[6] among all His locations of "..And assume among the Powers of the Earth", His Double-Edged Sword of His Spirit-Truth, circumcised, body's-secular's DoubleThink word 'health' - physiology in PPAA's (no 'C' since that word, -'.are' would become a travesty against God in Christ in Constitutional-Person) Section 6201-physiology, neurology, psychology, anatomy's fingers, saliva swabs, urine, credit report, body scanning except buses, trains, or not, are never Judged by "The Eternal Father, Creator's Laws of Nature and Nature's God-separate and equal station of each-one-person's unique-Soul that has no worldly physical or environmental, controlled and manipulated by living objects and inanimate objects/ tools, instruments, characteristics/ Untruth-body's collective-mass people, circumcised-physical-environmental-concrete, distinct and palpable-5 senses-characteristics, for ruler-power's incomprehensible, for group-think-government-over-man ecclesiastical enjoined to civil-authority's 'self-fulfilling prophesy,' absent "Faith in Promise":
THE ORIGINAL TEXT SOURCE FOR defining both 'PERSON' and "COMMON LAW" -Also, from 1885 Oxford S.S. TEACHING BIBLE: XIII. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF THE INTERVAL...SECOND TESTAMENT - CAPTIVITY - 1611 KJV, THE LAW IS IN TWOFOLD FORM ORAL--- "..transmit the other only by WORD of MOUTH..," - THE IMMUTABLE CREATOR - 1853 OXFORD S.S.. TEACHER's BIBLE, PG.49 AT, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RH37-clQTOdgTwjGyrISrWFvAiyWd-14/view?usp=sharing
“It was Jewish theory that the Law was given in twofold form, viz., the written and the oral; the former consisting of brief official enactments and the latter entering more copious detail. With the former code immutably formalized by God, they said the latter was originally taught by Moses on Mount Sinai by the same Divine Author, as the authoritative interpretation thereof, with the command to commit the one in writing, but to transmit the other ONLY by Word of Mouth. This Oral Law was repeated by Moses to Joshua, who handed it down to the elders who succeeded him, and they to the prophets, who, in their turn, passed it from one to another till it reached Jeremiah, who through the medium of Baruch, conveyed it to Ezra, and he to the GREAT SYNAGOGUE, which Nehemiah also supplied with a library of all the sacred books he could collect [HEBREW BIBLE, INTERVAL, CAPTIVITY, 1611 Translators to Reader, Second Testament] (2 Maccabees. ii.13). This body of elders lasted about 150 years when it expired in its last survivor, the High Priest Simon the Just, B.C. 291. They are said to number 120. To them the Jews owe the 613 Precepts: and this ORAL TRADITION may be considered the groundwork of the Talmud. It is to this "Great Synagogue" and its Oral tradition that our Lord refers to in the Sermon on the Mount, in the words, "it was said by them of the old time" (Matt.v.27), and elsewhere in His allusions to "the traditions of the elders.". and to DEUT. 26-30 .
Ezra and Nehemiah also set up synagogues in county towns, as places of worship on the sabbath, and as schools of instruction and theological discussion during the week. Attached to each was a body of "Rulers," who were BOTH civil magistrates AND ecclesiastical presbyters. Palestine was subject to Persia at this time, and formed part of a province under the Satrap of Syria, but the elders were allowed to administer the government with the high priest as their responsible head. ...".
The whole 1604/ 1611/ 1620 –>1770- 75..76 King James, Hampton Court +47 “Translators to the Reader now 220+10 years of abrogation denying the existence of Third-Person, Constitutional- Oral Common Law of God’s Two Greatest Commands, Oath in Pledge of Allegiance:
The ORAL COMMON LAW of The Creator in The Declaration's Person, a man, a woman, a Child's "Independence" composing the Whole of One People-Consent of the Governed; the Separate and Equal Station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Entitle that-One-Person's unique, Immortal-Soul/ Spirit of Ghost's very flowing-quiet-Truth-good in ONE PEOPLE-UNION is the same Creator in The Constitution-We the People of, by, and for Truth, Trust, Promise, accountable to God-his very own soul, then to the souls he knows and will never know-every role in that individual's life-deeds he performs during his journey on world-down-below within the "The collective name of heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED THINGS"- Universe" synonymous with "Nature", defined by Dr. Noah Webster's original text, "American Dictionary of the English Language-Origin of Language and Communication-1828/1844" that is his 'complete philology' from God's 7 Operations given to man, #7-"Speech,.." the very reverent, careful, handing down in language, absent written communication; "..an interpreter of the cogitations, thereof.." since waking up from dust, Adam, the serpent's Speech to Eve, ignored for centuries after The Bible was written by monks in Latin; - Age of Enlightenment entwined to 396 God's Eras of history/ man's world called-'years' young-Mayflower Compact, Puritans at Plymouth Rock--landing on Jesus Celebrated 1,620th Birthday, December 25th A.D.. The individual-person(s) composing the 13 Colonies of 240 years young-Declaration; and this Saturday, September 17, 1787, 229 years young, "PUBLIUS, the Governor of Malta in 60 A.D. --Acts 28-Paul's visit," the pen-name Hamilton, Madison, Jay chose for their 85 Essays supporting the Federalist Equilateral Triangle/ Holy Living Trinity/ Eternal Christ Jesus in Spirit of Truth, Trust, Promise-Soul traveling in body-Persons as Founders, among their fellow-country-person(s) Articles II and VI, First and Second Tables of Government-of Laws, Oath in Pledge of Allegiance, The Two Greatest Commands of God "upon which Hang The Whole Law and the Prophets." to March 4, 1789, 227 years young--among the several States completed December 15, 1791, 225 years young, the XIth Amendment was ratified February 7, 1795
"NA'TURE, n. [Fr. id.; L. Sp. and It. natura; from natus, born, produced, from nascor.] 1. In a general sense, whatever is made or produced; a word that comprehends ALL the works of God; the Universe. Of a phenix we say, there is no such thing in nature. And look through nature up to nature's God. -Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson. Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature. [PHE'NIX, n. [Gr. φοινιξ; L. 1. phœnix, the palm or date tree, and a fowl.] The fabulous fowl which is said to exist single, and to rise again from its own ashes. – John Locke FRS (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism" - Words: Cunning, Person, Conscience, Will, Principle, Idea, Right, Understanding, Matter, Contradistinguish, For, Dominion, Phenix; 2. A person of singular distinction.]
2.. By a metonymy of the effect for the cause, nature is used for the agent, creator, author, producer of things, or for the powers that produce them. By the expression, “trees and fossils are produced by nature,” we mean, they are formed or produced by certain inherent powers in matter, or we mean that they are produced by God, the Creator, the Author of whatever is made or produced. The opinion that things are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent Author, is atheism. But generally men mean by nature, thus used, the Author of created things, or the operation of his power.
3. The essence, essential qualities or attributes of a thing, which constitute it what it is; as, the nature of the soul; the nature of blood; the nature of a fluid; the nature of plants, or of a metal; the nature of a circle or an angle. When we speak of the nature of man, we understand the peculiar constitution of his body or mind, or the qualities of the species which distinguish him from other animals. When we speak of the nature of a man, or an individual of the race, we mean his particular qualities or constitution; either the peculiar temperament of his body, or the affections of his mind, his natural appetites, passions, disposition or temper. So of irrational animals.
4. The established or regular course of things; as when we say, an event is not according to nature, or it is out of the order of nature. -Robert William Boyle FRS[3] (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish[4] natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor born in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. Words: Thing
5. A law or principle of action or motion in a natural body. A stone by nature falls, or inclines to fall.--Boyle
6. Constitution; aggregate powers of a body, especially a living one. We say, nature is strong or weak; nature is almost exhausted. --Sir Robert William Boyle FRS (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor born in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle's law, which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system. Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. He was a devout and pious Anglican and is noted for his writings in theology.... Words: Nature.
7. The constitution and appearances of things. The works, whether of poets, painters, moralists or historians, which are built upon general nature, live forever. -Sir Joshua Reynolds RA FRS FRSA (/'r?n?ldz/; 16 July 1723 – 23 February 1792) was an influential eighteenth-century English painter, specialising in portraits. He promoted the "Grand Style" in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect. He was a founder and first president of the Royal Academy of Arts, and was knighted by George III in 1769. Words: Nature.
8. Natural affection or reverence. Have we not seen / The murdering son ascend his parent's bed, / Through violated nature force his way? -.Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[1] Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature.
9. System of created things. He binding nature fast in fate, / Left conscience free and will. -Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[1] Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Language, Deny, Thing
[MET'O-NYM-Y, n. [Gr. μετωνυμια; μετα, over, beyond, and ονομα, name.] In rhetoric, a trope in which one word is put for another; a change of names which have some relation to each other; as when we say, “a man keeps a good table,” instead of good provisions. “We read Virgil,” that is, his poems or writings. “They have Moses and the prophets,” that is, their books or writings. A man has a clear head, that is, understanding; intellect; a warm heart, that is, affections. TROPE, n. [L. tropus; Gr. τροπος, from τρεπω, to turn; W. trova, a turn, a tropic; trovâu, to turn.] In rhetoric, a word or expression used in a different sense from that which it properly signifies; or a word changed from its original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea, as when we call a stupid fellow an ass, or a shrewd man a fox. Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. Some authors make figures the genus, of which trope is a species; others make them different things, defining trope to be a change of sense, and figure to be any ornament, except what becomes so by such change. [Justice is a TROPE, a.k.a DoubleThink, for the change is eliminating Truth for UnTruth]
UN-TRUTH', n. 1. Contrariety to truth; falsehood.
2. Want of veracity. -George Sandys ( 2 March 1577 – March 1644) was an English traveller, colonist and poet. He also took great interest in the earliest English colonization in America. In April 1621 he became colonial treasurer of the Virginia Company and sailed to Virginia with his niece's husband, Sir Francis Wyat, the new governor; English translation of part of “Ovid's Metamorphoses”. Words: Vault, UnTruth3. Treachery; want of fidelity. [Obs., added because untruth is not obsolete, if fact is a defining 'deed' of arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, absent conscience] -William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". Words: Right, Thing, Virtue, Will, Arrogance, Pride, Read, Warrant , Violence, Knowledge, Trust, Truth, Displace, Compulsion, Property, Vault, Valor, Ordain, Way(s), Self, Cringe, Interpretation, Idleness, Untruth, Wanton, Fight, Affirmation, For
4. False assertion. No untruth can possibly avail the patron and defender long. -.Richard Hooker (March 1554 – 3 November 1600) was an English priest in the Church of England and an influential theologian. He was one of the most important English theologians of the sixteenth century.[3] His defence of the role of redeemed reason informed the theology of the seventeenth century Caroline divines and later provided many members of the Church of England with a theological method which combined the claims of revelation, reason and tradition Words: Proof, Determine, Ascertain, Untruth, Obdurate, Security, braules/ Brawles, Affirmation
VE-RAC'I-TY, n. [It. veracità; from L. verax, from verus, true.] 1. Habitual observance of truth, or habitual truth; as, a man of veracity. His veracity is not called in question. The question of the court is, whether you know the witness to be a man of veracity. We rely on history, When we have confidence in the veracity and industry of the historian. "The veracity of facts," is not correct language. Truth is applicable to men and to facts; veracity to men only, or to sentient beings.
2. Invariable expression of truth; as, the veracity of our senses . –Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696 – 27 December 1782) was a Scottish advocate, judge, philosopher, writer and agricultural improver. A central figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, a founder member of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, and active in the Select Society, his protégés included David Hume, Adam Smith, and James Boswell.. Home was a polygenist, he believed God had created different races on earth in separate regions. In his book Sketches of the History of Man, in 1774, Home claimed that the environment, climate, or state of society could not account for racial differences, so that the races must have come from distinct, separate stocks. Words: Untruth, Vericity
VAIN, a. [Fr. vain; It. vano; L. vanus; Gaelic, fann, weak; faon, void; W. gwan; Sans. vana; probably allied to Eng. wan, wane, want.] 1. Empty; worthless; having no substance, value or importance. 1 Pet. i. . Every man walketh in a vain show. Ps. xxxix. Why do the people imagine a vain thing? Ps. ii. To your vain answer will you have recourse. -Sir Richard Blackmore (22 January 1654 – 9 October 1729), English poet and physician, is remembered primarily as the object of satire and as an example of a dull poet. He was, however, a respected physician and religious writer. Words: Vain
2. Fruitless; ineffectual. All attempts, all efforts were vain. Vain is the force of man. – J. Dryden.
3. Proud of petty things, or of trifling attainments; elated with a high opinion of one's own accomplishments, or with things more showy than valuable; conceited. The minstrels play'd on every side, / Vain of their art. J. Dryden
4. Empty; unreal; as, a vain chimera.
"CHI-ME'RA, n. [L. chimæra; Gr. χιμαιρα, a goat, a monstrous beast.] 1. In fabulous history, a monster with three heads, that of a lion, of a goat, and of a dragon, vomiting flames. The fore parts of the body were those of a lion, the middle was that of a goat, and the hinder parts were those of a dragon; supposed to represent a volcanic mountain in Lycia, whose top was the resort of lions, the middle, that of goats, and the foot, that of serpents. Hence, 2. In modern usage, a vain or idle fancy; a creature of the imagination, composed of contradictions or absurdities, that can have no existence except in thought. – Encyc.
5. Showy; ostentatious. Load some vain church with old theatric state. – A. Pope.
6. Light; inconstant; worthless. Prov. xii.
7. Empty; unsatisfying. The pleasures of life are vain.
8. False; deceitful; not genuine; spurious. James i.
9. Not effectual; having no efficacy. Bring no more vain oblations. Is. i. In vain, to no purpose; without effect; ineffectual. In vain they do worship me. Matth. xv. To take the name of God in vain, to use the name of God with levity or profaneness."
'Thing' is probably one of the most important words utilized world-wide: 'Any' 'Thing' should never be anything...
1) Common Law:, but DoubleThink, "A common law legal system is characterized by case law developed by judges, courts, and similar tribunals, when giving decisions in individual cases that have precedential effect on future cases. The body of past common law binds judges deciding later cases to ensure consistent treatment and so that consistent principles applied to similar facts yield similar outcomes. In common law cases, where the parties disagree on what the law is, the court is usually bound to follow the reasoning used in past decisions of relevant courts. If the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from previous cases, judges have the authority and duty to make law by creating precedent in European law since Papal Authority started back in Rome choosing Peter. THIS IS A DEFINITION OF MAN'S LAW, for there is NO ORAL-COMMON LAW, FROM ADAM SPEAKING TO HIS FATHER AND EVE, BEFORE SHE ATE THAT FRUIT, TALKING TO A SERPENT THAT CANNOT SPEAK, UNTIL CAIN ARRIVES TO THIS FLASHING CURSOR OF ALL KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION. [see, Axioms, Pg. 4 for Mt. Sinai to Hebrews 6 to Abraham with his ax over his son Isaac.. for God's Word in TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE at, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SGYUrOh8Y3o5uBN99Cc-Kx_42O9CIn8k/view?fbclid=IwAR3uTtf1eXZJP3J6puXAuWQjcS70YLqfwNGQNInENJ5L-IDDJv4sMLdV8Xs ]
--NOT in American God/Truth Is Justice-Right-Rule of Law, exclusively and completely Article I. in direct and specific repudiation of European law, a.k.a., "foreign law" - is not law in Article III supreme Law of the Land- per signee of the Declaration, main drafter of the Constitution, Associate Justice of Article III's Jurisprudence, and Professor of Law at Philadelphia College, in Chapter VI "Of Man, as an Individual"-Volume I of his writings ---ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT JAMES WILSON, illustrated and quoted, top left JPEG .
6} The reason for iniquity by injustice, is that " Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Rights are Violated: Common Law Public Value Adjudication at Work," and "Having legitimized a legal interest model of injury analysis for statutory rights, the Court could easily apply that model to rights secured by the Constitution. However, the Court has steadfastly refused to do so. Of the numerous anomalies in the current... [1988 worsened by Article III's atheism-no Creator of Law in the Declaration, Constitution is an isolated document written to be violated]"...law of standing, perhaps the most puzzling is the Court's refusal to acknowledge the Constitution as a proper source of legal rights, the invasion of which constitutes injury for standing purposes...". 10 years old in 1988, and 28 years old, when , all of these words achieve violation of Oath in the Second Greatest Command of God, and in that, involve Laws of Nature and of Nature's God in separate and equal station, for God does not judge, nor does the Declaration or Constitution obeyed, by Galatians and Peter, Biblical physiology-circumcised or uncircumcised-body's physical and environmental, living and inanimate objects as characteristics, rather by Truth, Trust, Promise of His Commands and His Son teaching, so 'distinct: "So separated as not to be confounded with any other 'thing'; clear; not confused. To reason correctly we must have distinct ideas," and palpable: " by the touch; that may be felt; as a palpable substance; Gross; coarse; easily perceived and detected; as a palpable absurdity; Plain; obvious; easily perceptible; palpable proof"./ proposed, waved-in-air exhibit list are not the basis of AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, but very much arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-truth./ arbitrary human precept, absent God's Law.
update as of May 2017:
...2) Exclusive arbitrary human precept, Government-of-man, Socialist-' re-manufacture word, 'christian'-deluded-democracy-Communist-group-think-rulers by hierarchy-privilege, serfs as collective people in their groups by life's physical and environmental characteristics, Soviet and Chinese, "Socialist law is similar to common law or civil law but with a greatly increased public law sector and decreased private law sector.
3) Civil law, civilian law, or Roman law is a legal system originating in Europe, intellectualized within the framework of late Roman law, and whose most prevalent feature is that its core principles are codified into a referable system which serves as the primary source of law.
This can be contrasted with common law systems whose intellectual framework comes from judge-made decisional law which gives precedential authority to prior court decisions on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions (doctrine of judicial precedent, or stare decisis):
8} Americans of God and Nation First, Articles I, II, III, both Party's leaders, using Trope-Double-Think labels of DEM and REP on your Election 2015-2016, and even including 2012, 2014 ballots, have and are now -- proclaiming victory against our Three Sacred Documents---- a "democracy's" synonym for UN-EU Empire-UDHR socialist-communist-"human family is the most important value"-group-think-by life's physical and environmental characteristics in "relationships"--delusional-christian body's physiology-"stones into loaves"-democracy which no individual-Person exists unless intertwined, among the few-group-hierarchy of government-rulers, both to their ownership that means government-over-man-rules of conduct-force all life's living and inanimate objects subject to statute, rules, regulations, E.O. court rulings, public or private organizations of any form in which Robert's Rules of Order --- forbidden or degraded -- are written because they shall never be among God in His Son commands, instructions, lessons, and actions to take reflected and connected to The Declaration in the Constitution since our Puritans, Colonists, Founders -- that continue -- as Consent of the Governed in We the People are in Ordained by God-directly-Himself in Marriage: "To have and to hold, from 1620 forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till our Eternal Father leads US in His Plan, especially now's "All-Person(s) composing each-one Who Sins Is A Slave," tomorrow and forever as Matt.5:
"Never imagine I have come to destroy the Law or the prophets; I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. I tell You, reader, truly, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota [9th letter GR alpha], not a comma ',' will pass from The Law until it is ALL [WHOLE] in force..."[6]
In short, 2015-2016 Elections is the overthrow of our Republic "In God We Trust" - Articles IV, V, VI and in violating VI-II in VI - I, III, with The Bill of Right, Americans, you shall vote against God in Christ Jesus in Your Person, The Holy Living Trinity of The Law intertwined to The Three Sacred Documents; and in deceit of lie and steal, have conducted as though our nation has revoked Article IV's guarantee of a Republican Form of Government with Protection from Invasion that also means infringement of Right-Truth; for, the triumvirate of UN-EU Empire-01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime-few men rulers by arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-UDHR's human family--Articles 18, 19, 21, 29 as John Adams succinctly describes in "An Essay on Man's Lust for Power":
This untruth is the reason We the People can voice the unlawfulness occurring 24/7, the Fellow-country-persons-elected to Represent the Truth within their Oath in the Three Sacred Documents, decide to completely ignore your voice, thus their very own soul-against themselves; then by refusing to enact Article II:4, because there isn't enough deluded-democracy of collective-people to produce the "Greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong, for in their blind-deafness -deep in that dark-pit, they're repudiating the Holy Spirit-God-Truth and they cannot ever 'see-understand' again, until they ask for help from our Father. God explains in Ezekiel 33; St. Paul in I Tim I: "..I render thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has made me able for this; He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to the ministry, though I had formerly been a blasphemer and a persecutor and a wanton aggressor. I obtained mercy because in my unbelief I had acted out of ignorance; and the grace of our Lord flooded my life, along with the faith and love that Christ Jesus inspires. It is a sure word, it deserves all praise, that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"; and though I am the foremost of sinners, I obtained mercy, for the purpose of furnishing Christ Jesus with a supreme proof of His utter patience, a typical illustration of it for all who were to believe in Him and gain eternal life. To the King of eternity, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever: Amen.".
--- Government-collective-group-think-over-man is never accountable to anyone for its consequences of destruction by lie and deceit manipulating language and communication so that no Person composing the Whole of our Republic can never obtain knowledge, wisdom upon which Truth exists -- Liberty of most good.
Unless your father and/ or mother were of their own Holy Living Trinity-Truth, fully known or not, You never have been taught, especially in collective-people-church ecclesiastics intertwined to public-government-over-man's common core -ignorance, your unique-Soul-Holy Ghost's very silent, flowing Ghost-Truth you have to have great Christian discipline: "A pure heart, good conscience, and Sincere faith"-Moffatt Bible-I Tim. I; to understand and perceive your very own Liberty of most good choice to follow.
Your very own, unique Holy Ghost-Spirit of Truth is Not and could never be a group activity. "Modern man's"-Church-Temple is not the location of Truth
Beelzebub has many forms of ignorance, but "Practicability" in "I have no power to change any 'thing,' " in running away and hiding because you fear government-over-man much more than your Father-The Creator of His Universe! Many of you even know that He can kill both Your Soul and Your body -- the devil cannot -- only your body, and by that pain- physical and emotional- when you won't "Join-up" or follow your "hate in wickedness of injustice-"Trained Facilitator" who is probably designated as "Community-group-consensus of opinion absent fact and evidence" leader or worse, runs for Office-- any level -- repudiating not only the idea of "soul" but also any Truth, Trust, and Promise- accepting a false Oath against his own person in the mirror --meaning many candidates, any level of our Federalist equilateral triangle, have no intention of ever obeying Truth, Trust, Promise - The Two Greatest Commands of God - Oath in Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God in separate and equal station, but you Mr/ Mrs. Ms Consent of the Governed - will have no idea what that fellow-country-person would stand to preserve, protect and secure among those he knows and will never know in accountability here on world-down-below intrinsic personal accountability and to fellow-country-persons to obtaining heaven on his last day of judgment, alone, directly to God ; and judgment from Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth is never forgiven at this flashing cursor, and forever until man destroys himself, because our Father cannot intervene.
9} What can you, alone do? The Truth exactly as Jesus has instructed, and The Father in Ezekiel 33 - enforce in every role of your life: God's Two Greatest Commands---as you do, you will find "The Principle of Nuremberg-- violated in your workplace, in your political affairs, remembering that politics occurs when-ever two people are together at all times and under all circumstances-Life Is Politics-even a "stage," in your city, especially in you children's entire roles as student from kindergarten to grad. school's-common core's- mandatory instruction in how to violate The 10 Commandments as they learn to despise Their own Holy Living Trinity they are forbidden to even understand: "To thine own self be true, thou canest not be then false to any man[person].".... and look, perceive... that #1 brown scroll - you will find it at http://www.constitution.org/consprin.htm; along with learning your own 9th Amendment flowing into the First, that flows throughout the Ten into the 14th.
.. Don't BE Silent-- you must speak - even if no-one-believes you, or your "personality does not fit the group's opinion of your duties to your communities among "human family is the most important "value!," or even lower's its conceit in ignorance to listen to The Truth.
Always remember "The Lord's Prayer" Jesus taught you... It Is A Complete Statement that will if you are disciplined to your Holy Ghost-it is a lot of hard work worth every nanosecond to 'knock, ask, seek, find' never failing.... YOU. Learn and Teach "POL'ITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance" and ".P`ARTY, n. [L. pars. See Part.] 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs [GOP of Principle] and tories. [deluded democracy of strong Article ii absent I and III sustaining them--collective-people-delusional-democracy-socialist now]"
Any part of your 'party' that refuses debate in fact and evidence-- requires silence in obedience-- Don't -- obey-challenge, them, and if they --isolate your for being impertinent with their arrogance and ignorance of power--tell them what "separate and equal station means, and if they won't listen to Truth in God---they need to leave, or be removed from whatever they are doing --instructions are in Joshua 1, Proverbs 8, Ezekiel 33; Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus Chapters 2, 15, 17; Matt. 12, 15, 18; John 8, 10, 13, 14 The Declaration, and The Constitution
If our Father who loves us on both sides of His Double-Edged Sword He Holds The Hilt to, then each-one-person-in His Spirit-Ghost-Image, will never learn His Spirit-Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise over the Birds in the Atmosphere, Fish under the Water, and any 'thing' that crawls on the ground...The Periodic Chart of the Elements of His Universe. His children have learned a lot since the Father gave clothes and tools and taught Adam and Eve to use them...especially over our very young in God's Eras of history, United States of America; - but only to 01/28/2008's Pres. Bush's Speech given at the Emerald Hotel, Las Vegas. From that speech forward, Consent of the Governed in We the People were sold to the UN-EU Empire with Mohammed's religious tribal, mutually shared between Muslim-Islamic Jihad in socialist-christian-delusional "The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty"--Fisher Ames, Massachusetts House of Representatives.
"LI-CEN'TIOUS, a. [L. licentiosus.] 1. Using license; indulging freedom to excess; unrestrained by law or morality; loose; dissolute; as, a licentious man.
2. Exceeding the limits of law or propriety; wanton; unrestrained; as, licentious desires. Licentious thoughts precede licentious conduct.".
Evidence is as diffuse in father evil-father lie as "He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God; you [collective-deluded democracy's few men government-over-man-ecclesiastical-socialist-communist-rulers], do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God;" but God in Christ, working as they do, had two leaders: One of Papal Supremacy" and one of Socialist-atheism's 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime follow Matt. 10's: "A scholar is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.; enough for the scholar to fare like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If men have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they miscall his servants!
Fear Them Not:----no thing is veiled that shall not be revealed, or hidden that shall not be known; what I tell you in the dark, you, must utter in the open, what you hear in a whisper, you must proclaim on the housetop.
Have no fear of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul: rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. .." .
10} THE PAPIST HERITAGE & DESCENDANTS: The two Leaders of government-over-man, civil authority enjoined to ecclesiastical-collective, mass people-church now enjoined by UDHR's human family, Articles 18, 19, 21, 29, to 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's civil authority-collective-people-state genuinely express their common membership in government-over-man is superior to Person's "Independence" composing the Whole of One People-Union, a.k.a, The Holy Living Trinity, John 14 in 15: "If they persecuted me, they Will persecute you; if they hold to my word, they will hold to yours. They will do all this to you on account for my Name sake because they know not Him who sent me. They would not be guilty, if I had not gone and spoken to them, but, as it is, they have no excuse for their sin---he who hates me hates my Father also. They would not be guilty, if I had not done deeds among them such as no one has ever done; but as it is---they have seen and they have hated---both me and my Father. It is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled: they hated me for no cause. When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, he will bear witness to me; and YOU too are witnesses,for You have been with me from the Very beginning..":
----A few weeks ago, not to be left out of his role of arbitrary human precept's body physiology-circumcised-not God's Truth Law, government-over-man in collective people-church ecclesiastics, concrete, distinct, and palpable rites, ceremonies, creeds, compulsion of conscience as workers of iniquity in the destruction of Bible in Declaration, in Constitution Oath, control and manipulation of all knowledge, deluded christian socialist-democracy, the "Papal Supremacy declared that, 'if he could vote he would support Hilary Clinton for President'.
- Papal Authority in bias is the inheritor, chosen by man, since St. Peter, "Papal Infallibility," the First Vatican Council, Jesus-., because Jesus' physiology, always absent that He remains the Eternal Living Son of Living God in His Eternal Spirit of Truth, before He was born of St. Mary, on the Cross, and after to continue as Holy Ghost, He asked His Father to give those who obey His commandments, that are The Father's also. Our Eternal Brother, Friend, and Counselor - uses Himself to show You - the 5W's and H of The Father's Spirit-Truth in You, according to American God Is Law....and only our nation, though many other nations are close, but arbitrary human precept, well described in John 8, including the only time Jesus taught a Pharisee, scribes, and they obeyed, how He asked His question of them, has prevailed in most of God's sovereign nations. ...
November 11, 2016../ 4 days after the anti-Republic under God Regime is removed by Consent-of-the-Governed, not necessarily by vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number'-where collective, mass people are forbidden "Information needed to make a proper determination is withheld, distorted in a way that is intended to mislead and which has that effect through negligence" - in California, there was no choice whatsoever for replacing delusional-democracy-socialist-communist-collective-people of control and manipulation of all land, water, atmosphere-UN-EU Empire-01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime-GW in Climate Change for borderless nations and Jurisprudence-Boxer. Because of TTVG in absurd "regardless of political party affiliation- the tyranny of delusional-democracy's vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' devoid Truth, Trust, Promise/ Oath, the TTVG were hiding behind labor's DEM- and both shall not at any time, nor under any circumstance obey their Oaths or AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.
information to make , rather by Truth of our Three Sacred Documents -- contradistinguished by repeated-all DEM's violation of Oath - arbitrary rules of conduct-force---hidden in E.O.- wholly violating Bible in Declaration in Constitution by persons who have no intention of obedience to Oath or Pledge of Allegiance. but I published this on 9/17/2016,
-----While signing his decree against our Republic under God with 9 witnesses, a few smiling, a few with an aporetic expression, while thousands watched on NBC-TV media, as "During the press conference, the [legacy against Oath - the Job Description of the CEO in Article II, of the current anti-Republic under God Regime's-'Article II-usurper President' explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge [lower case 'p' the writer']-Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag in our Republic under "In God We Trust"] is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held "VALUES, n.; for "blown-by-the-wind-values" is a arbitrary rule of conduct-force, no Truth-God in Christ Jesus." the NBC newscast is at http://abcnews.com.co/obama-executive-order-bans-pledge-of-allegiance-in-schools/.---PUBLIC=ownership by government-over-constitutional person(s):
From Merriam Webster, because of the change in the definition of this word over 171 years, from integrity to fluctuations and --opinions without interference regardless of outer boundaries of knowledge-frontiers"-- Article 19 of udhr's no God or Truth:
"VALUE, n 1. a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for some 'thing' exchanged
2: the monetary worth of something : market price
3: relative worth, utility, or importance <a good value at the price> <the value of base stealing in baseball> <had nothing of value to say>
4: a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement <let x take on positive values> <a value for the age of the earth>
5: the relative duration of a musical note
6a : relative lightness or darkness of a color : luminosity
b : the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness
7: something (as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable <sought material values instead of human values — W. H. Jones>
8: denomination 2"
REP's bigger number declares "E.O. 13738 isn't going anywhere;" - it was put aside as if the 7.9 year usurper-occupier of Article II never violated his Job Description-Oath taken as Senator and as President among fellow-country-person's he sees as a collective, mass bunch of ignorant sheep going to slaughter, occurred.
But that falsehood is what fools all We the People in Consent of the Governed, REP and DEM, though the socialist-atheists , "In Dust [scatter-secular] We Trust (Arts Council)" hiding behind "DEM" wouldn't care one iota or comma who it violates "In God We Trust," The First and Second Table Government of Laws; for what you totally ignore is that this 'anti-Republic-under God-usurper' was signing his own statement of lawlessness that started on January 20, 2009 with not one piece of legislation, not one piece, obedient to The Three Sacred Documents.
His absolutely irrefutable signed with witness'statement of "the offenseof attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or and of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power--NGO-UN-EU Empire-socialist-communist-UDHR":
E.O. 13738 bans American God Is Law in Pledge of Allegiance in civil-authority-government-over-man's public places, especially among those nasty Semper Fidelis, Marines, who don't conform to untruth-except force of treason--the 'Article II-usurper-pres.' is immune to suffer, among the military, police service, the Marine's Truth Protection of their fellow-country-person(s) as any individual-Constitutional-Person to the "Principle of Nuremberg;"/ Second Greatest Command of God, who "Always" tell the President his lie and steal, as does Christ Jesus, not with those words, throughout the most important location for His Father in Him in New Testament directed-teaching to the "group-think-Pharisees, Sadducee (before they disappeared), scribes, High Priest in or very near their temples. So-Be-It. Thus this 'Article II-usurper's legacy', as follower of his mentor Saul Lucifer Alinsky's "there is no fixed truth"-UDHR human precept's "-decrees..., as does the Pope, though the Pope is totally ignorant of the contents of connections to The Bible applied in The Declaration in the Constitution, including that he, alone, is in "separate and equal station" with the 'Article II-usurper', as well any person, on God's Planet land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements, carries the ultimate Spirit-Truth of God--Hebrew's VI, Oath 24/7.
The Pope's recommendation, in his personal UDHR Articles 18 beliefs in 19"Opinion without interference regardless of frontier - outer limits of knowledge, ecclesiastical control and manipulation- of The Bible, while demonstrating his total ignorance of St. Paul's uncircumcised, Galatians Liberty of God in our American Three Sacred Documents; and is also a violation of His sanctity in Oath to God his Father and to God's Son Christ Jesus -- for no-where in the God's Truth, Bible, is there any suggestion that a man, chosen by other men could have authority to forgive the sin, let alone keep lie, steal, fraud, robbery and murder secret; and this includes person(s) in the professions of Attorney-Psych "privilege," or among attorney's and judges, to actually believe themselves as they state lie and steal are justified--analogy of precedent's picking and choosing truth, then moving lie, pro forma, along to facilitate a case argument where one of the sides has to submit to a double standard--if they lie, the other side can lie as much as it desires---also to facilitate or debase the other-side's argument,-they forfeit their Amendment IX Property by whatever 1828/1844-injury-harm-suffering-pain is involved in their "unbiased-argument" where unbiase isn't even a word with definition, since no man-person is free of his own evil to "Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you dealout to others will be dealt out to yourselves"--all God's Eras of History on His Planet in His Universe, especially the circumcised-body's physiology under complete control and manipulation of Government-over-man imperative supremacy to --The First and Second Tables of Law-God's Greatest Commands; specifically, the death on American Soil of individual-Constitutional-Americans, because the Commander-in-Chief refused to send the already loaded on transportation - US Military to defend the Embassy of the 'hired-tax payer-guards who, most likely by prior arrangement with the mad-mob.
Pope Francis also blessed Speaker Boehner, Catholic, as he left his seat in the House of Double-Think label on your ballot-REP, absent REP as GOP/ Party of Principle, with progressive, socialist-christian-delusional-democracy-government-over-man, never truth of Government of Oath in God's Two Greatest Commands, keeping the lead -- while disparaging the Truth among the Conservatives of Goldwater, because there are also conservatives who think we are going to be fooled into lying to God in our Three Sacred Documents.... and some of them call themselves "Constitutionalist," refusing any Citizen because they are not 'properly credentialed in UDHR's lie, steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm" absolute obedience to the wall of separation- collective-people-church -- collective-people-civil authority-state, Oath of personal accountability ignored, neither The Creator, nor does The First and Second Tables of The Law, or the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God; because man is from monkeys; and PPAA of manifested complete harm, injury and as much suffering as a police-state can inflict in its arbitrary-outdated--yes/ no decision-tree science absent fact and Art absent God, "hospitalists" as extortion, must be rammed down the throats of every single American in this nation---including the Article I, II, III-perpe-traitor's offspring, never 'officially' repealed because no-one else other than the supreme court, of No Truth-No Oath, says so.... and must absolutely be obeyed---.
A few weeks ago, the same "Papal Supremacy" paid a visit to bless- in human precept-Mr. Be Happy-Don't Worry--smiley-face Zuckerman, the CEO of FaceBook, among all "social networks" and "Party Pages" and Newspapers, that take great pride in supporting delusional-democracy of confederation of CMP-Environment/ CLIMATE CHANGE,-ALL LIFE'S HERDS-TPOP, anarchists-24/7 violations of Articles IV, VI in VII - supreme Law of the Land, Oath innate to Any State Constitution and Laws to the Contrary NotWithStanding, means the word, RIGHT Whole definition at, http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/right , "..UNLESS THOSE LAWS AND CUSTOMS ARE REPUGNANT TO THE LAWS OF GOD,,", his pride and arrogance of "policing" who "friends," "public" limited right to language and communication by air-wave's atoms that is 24/ 7 continuous violation of Amendment I: free exercise of Religion, Speech, Press, Assemble -even so, only atoms of Air-waves, see the ultimate use in demonstration "To make law worthless, of no avail, nullify, as the evidence of fact iniquity's importance to atoms of online-frustration at "World Court of Justice," [ 01/29/2020 no longer exists -- http://www.truth-and-justice.info/wcj-v-icj.] -- Want to say something about how bad lie and steal are-- great, just put fingers on keyboard and allow atoms of wasted air say whatever you want--- it passes by-- never to be heard again.
Much more important, because of its "scatter-secularize-no God/ Truth --unless of course it is politically correct, socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy- UDHR-or Muslim-Islamic jihad-Sharia-Mohammed", there will never again be "Paul Revere to wake-up the Duty Honor Service in Truth of our Father in His Son in my - Your Person- composing the WHOLE OF OUR UNION-ONE PEOPLE to Stand Preserve protect the most wonderful Gift of our Father -- our 'self' in all of our risk/ rewards, Opportunities/ Threats, Strengths/ Weaknesses every child should be able to learn in God's Truth in our nation in Noah's "Preface"
In fact, in order to be a member of the triumvirate---socialist-communist-atheism of tribe group-think in goose-step, any indication of obedience to Oath in an individual-person is strictly prohibited, thus neither person-Pope or his "papal infallibility,' among other religion's dead-body-Jesus-absent His Eternal Living Spirit of Truth, nor 'Article II-usurper's legacy', because "UDHR's judgment -by-personality:
---"Obama is leaving office and isn't a problem anymore" total carnal mind, ignorance passing to the DEM-sick-candidate of love in the UN-EU Empire's UDHR-body's physiology of matching sex organs, groups by physical and environmental characteristics, Benghazi's private hired-tax-payer-run-away-guards; and Master's thesis on Saul Lucifer Alinsky--candidate who shall at all times and under all circumstances continue the socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy's - anti-Republic under God Regime, for she has already violated her Oath under Article VI and now might add Article II with its 96.4% increase in its administrative-police-state and her pronouncement that she will increase taxes on "the middle class" absent "separate and equal station" to which she, as a woman, is fully and completely accountable, along with The Pope as a man, the Article II-usurper's legacy-pres-label as a man, for their individual "against me, in not gathering, but scattering, notably by their index finger attached to their thumb- to form a microscope of "focus'-"to disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove 'things' to a distance from each other" so that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth is mandatory.
The other REP, of American "exceptionalism," candidate for Article II's "Three Sacred Document's - Oath, First and Second Table of Law-job description" - barely knows among his own untruths, a person who thinks he is doing Americans a favor, as if he were standing some-where in a never-never-land of his own making through his vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' bought and paid for, as his ignorance, alone will continue the destruction of the Three Sacred Documents; and he has no idea whatsoever of the consequences of his ignorance.....fact in evidence, he doesn't know he has violated Article IV and V, therefore II and VI-before he has even taken an Oath- of our Republican form of Government with protection from invasion---infringement of Right/ Truth each-one-person --- not a collective and not a group activity.
He has a great case of inflammation of " it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.....and includes the other anti-Republic under God Regime-s person absent truth, especially among the other candidates--as personalities with duties to their communities"--Sen. Cruz, the only Candidate who has applied, or attempted to apply Truth To the Constitution, for even constitutionalists have no idea they cannot have a constitution unless there is God in Christ.
WORSE, and this is the essence of our ONE PEOPLE-UNION SIN, that Candidate, among the 50 State's candidates-in our Federalist Triangle are Not Alone....every single One of US(A) is married to our The Sacred Documents --- so we Own the failures to be obedient to our Nation, alone, AMERICAN GOD IS LAW - HIS NEW TESTAMENT TWO GREATEST COMMANDS that DERIVE FROM His OLD TESTAMENT Ten Commands -- LINKED AND BRIDGED BY APOCRYPHA-"Captivity by repudiation of The Creator" to "Release from Captivity"--- depending on We the People---here and Great Britain, who has chosen to take the first step... leaving two of the three members of the 'triumvirate', -- even the third...decisions to enforce or ignore the instructions and commands in The Three Sacred Documents..
1} ...But none of His children/ person(s), among all His sovereign nations, are able to hear or see "..Even the Spirit of Trueth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither Knoweth Him..."--John 14, ...because 1611 KJV with INTERVAL origin of ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE LAW - ALL PROPHETS, but 1302 papist/ 1647 westminster confessions, human precept, predetermined conclusion, word, 'Apocrypha' , Matt. xii and Mark III: World-Wide, Person, alone-Soul accountable to God, then among those they know and will never know, i.e, they're neighbor's as one's self-soul, transitive and recursive, ...have lost; been forbidden; or have never obtained knowledge's language and communication via 'neurorecptors/ transmitters-psychology; hence, resulting in Matt. 12 "He who is not with me, is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters," with its synonyms, dissipate/ disperse/ secularize/ mediate/ arbitrate-judge-determine-decide ---Untruth", "..O generation of vipers, how can ye, being euil, speake good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh;” The Eternal Living God in Eternal Living Christ Jesus in His Father, teaching in Matt. 15 "They honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me: vain is their worship of me, for the doctrines they teach are but human precepts"[6]. In The Declaration, our HOLY TRINITY Equilateral Triangle of Organizational-Mission statement Constitution, Oath/ Affirmation/ Truth, American God Is LAW; for the absolute Postulate of our Republic, our Colonists (Resources #3, #2 and 9), Founders among them with full wisdom. knowledge, understanding of The Creator's man in His Spirit: The
Eternal Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing Exactly What He Has Performed; Is Performing with this Flashing cursor His Atoms Created; and He Will Perform, though government-over-man's ecclesiastical enjoined to few men rulers of arbitrary rules of conduct-force, they address as 'its the law!', while absent conscience/ Truth, tells Him that Nature-Periodic Chart of the Elements: Clean, Safe Nuclear Energy with its Storage (until we can learn to use that storage) is forbidden, through, and in, His Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus, who knew Abraham from the beginning; just like He did, and does, father evil-father lie in John 8, and In Your Person, only each-one-alone, who chooses to, also from John 8: "Abide by what I say and You really will be disciples of mine, You will understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free,"[6] among all His locations of "..And assume among the Powers of the Earth", His Double-Edged Sword of His Spirit-Truth, circumcised, body's-secular's DoubleThink word 'health' - physiology in PPAA's (no 'C' since that word, -'.are' would become a travesty against God in Christ in Constitutional-Person) Section 6201-physiology, neurology, psychology, anatomy's fingers, saliva swabs, urine, credit report, body scanning except buses, trains, or not, are never Judged by "The Eternal Father, Creator's Laws of Nature and Nature's God-separate and equal station of each-one-person's unique-Soul that has no worldly physical or environmental, controlled and manipulated by living objects and inanimate objects/ tools, instruments, characteristics/ Untruth-body's collective-mass people, circumcised-physical-environmental-concrete, distinct and palpable-5 senses-characteristics, for ruler-power's incomprehensible, for group-think-government-over-man ecclesiastical enjoined to civil-authority's 'self-fulfilling prophesy,' absent "Faith in Promise":
"Paul, an apostle [not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, And God The Father, who raised Him from the dead)..Who gave himself for out sins [Truth], that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. ...2. "THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NO THING BUT THE TRUTH": The black robe & cleric collar of AMERICAN GOD IS THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLES OF THE LAW:
...I marvel that ye [Galatia, a.k.a., American God Is Law in The three sacred Documents] are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If Any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should Not Be The servant of Christ.
But I Certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is Not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: : and profited in the Jews religion above many of my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.
But when it pleased God, Who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me [Holy Living Trinity], that I might preach Him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with 'flesh and blood': Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.
Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not.
Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia; and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea which were in Christ: But they had heard only, that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
And they glorified God in me. ...
...And that because of false brethren unaware bough in, who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the Truth of the gospel might continue with you. But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:
But contrawise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcised was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcised was unto Peter; (for He that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)...
..But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him; insomuch that Barnabus also was carried away with their dissimulation.
But when I saw hat they walked not uprightly according to the Truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?
We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the Faith of Jesus Christ, and not by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. For if I build again the 'Things' which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might Live unto God.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I Live; yet not I, but Christ Liveth in me: and the Life which I now live in the flesh I Live by The Faith of the Son of God who loved me, and ave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain."-- Galatians 1: i, ii. -1885 facsimile series 5, Oxford "The S. S. Teacher's Edition.
THE ORIGINAL TEXT SOURCE FOR defining both 'PERSON' and "COMMON LAW" -Also, from 1885 Oxford S.S. TEACHING BIBLE: XIII. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF THE INTERVAL...SECOND TESTAMENT - CAPTIVITY - 1611 KJV, THE LAW IS IN TWOFOLD FORM ORAL--- "..transmit the other only by WORD of MOUTH..," - THE IMMUTABLE CREATOR - 1853 OXFORD S.S.. TEACHER's BIBLE, PG.49 AT, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RH37-clQTOdgTwjGyrISrWFvAiyWd-14/view?usp=sharing
“It was Jewish theory that the Law was given in twofold form, viz., the written and the oral; the former consisting of brief official enactments and the latter entering more copious detail. With the former code immutably formalized by God, they said the latter was originally taught by Moses on Mount Sinai by the same Divine Author, as the authoritative interpretation thereof, with the command to commit the one in writing, but to transmit the other ONLY by Word of Mouth. This Oral Law was repeated by Moses to Joshua, who handed it down to the elders who succeeded him, and they to the prophets, who, in their turn, passed it from one to another till it reached Jeremiah, who through the medium of Baruch, conveyed it to Ezra, and he to the GREAT SYNAGOGUE, which Nehemiah also supplied with a library of all the sacred books he could collect [HEBREW BIBLE, INTERVAL, CAPTIVITY, 1611 Translators to Reader, Second Testament] (2 Maccabees. ii.13). This body of elders lasted about 150 years when it expired in its last survivor, the High Priest Simon the Just, B.C. 291. They are said to number 120. To them the Jews owe the 613 Precepts: and this ORAL TRADITION may be considered the groundwork of the Talmud. It is to this "Great Synagogue" and its Oral tradition that our Lord refers to in the Sermon on the Mount, in the words, "it was said by them of the old time" (Matt.v.27), and elsewhere in His allusions to "the traditions of the elders.". and to DEUT. 26-30 .
Ezra and Nehemiah also set up synagogues in county towns, as places of worship on the sabbath, and as schools of instruction and theological discussion during the week. Attached to each was a body of "Rulers," who were BOTH civil magistrates AND ecclesiastical presbyters. Palestine was subject to Persia at this time, and formed part of a province under the Satrap of Syria, but the elders were allowed to administer the government with the high priest as their responsible head. ...".
The whole 1604/ 1611/ 1620 –>1770- 75..76 King James, Hampton Court +47 “Translators to the Reader now 220+10 years of abrogation denying the existence of Third-Person, Constitutional- Oral Common Law of God’s Two Greatest Commands, Oath in Pledge of Allegiance:
"Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York:THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution: RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution..." .
Constantly used Resources: from the left: 1) -brown scroll "Constitution Society, Jon Roland's "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" that bridges The Bible to the Declaration to "supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere -Whole System of Periodic Chart of the Elements; 2) "The Founder's Almanac, A practical Guide..." indispensable because any Person can copy and paste to the Whole of the original-text-document, obtainable directly from Dr. Matthew Spalding's "A List of the Best Quotations.."; 3) facsimile from 1940's of the "Boston Gazette and Country Journal for March 12, 1770" - 3 yrs before Teaparty and 6 before Declaration; 4) "The American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America" NKJV, Dr. Richard G. Lee, Editor of the fellow-country-person's in our Heritage-Word and Shaping part, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc. in Honor of the 400th Anniversary of the Colonists -Founder's 1611 KJV with the Alexandrian Jew's Apocrypha. #1 also, hidden by ecclesiastical-denominations among government-over-arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct obedience to church supreme to God, of the four Bibles used as resources; 5) ruffled underneath, "A Call To Arms"-Handout by Richard G. Lee; 6) #2, of 4 Bibles, with "Introduction" by Dr. James Moffatt's "Direct Translation Bible" forbidden by ecclesiastical government-over-church-collective people, translated during the 1920's upheavals in post-WWI leading to WWII , "Western European's captivity" when God does not give any revelations until 1954 when the phrase "One Nation under God" is added, continuing through the socialist regime of Pres. and Mrs UDHR drafter Roosevelt: wall of separation socialist-collective, mass people-church-from collective-people-civil authority--state in their groups by land, water, atmosphere-selected Periodic Chart of the Elements, for example, Article III Judiciary decides and continues to this flashing cursor in exactly the same untruth, the vain-idol-god's forms of socialist-deluded-democracy-"bigger number' of one document as a microscope to sustain an imaginary wall, while, at the same time, through ignorance,"Matt.12's scatter's synonym, "secular," creating a collective-people-wall for 1949's UDHR socialist-delusional-Democracy greater than Truth, Trust, Promise: "The Court sustains this legislation by assuming two deviations from the facts of this particular case; first, it assumes a state of facts [truth-certainty] the record does not support, and secondly, it refuses to consider facts [truth,certainty]which are inescapable on the record"-- Justice Robert Houghwout Jackson (February 13, 1892 – October 9, 1954) was United States Solicitor General (1938–1940), United States Attorney General (1940–1941) and an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court (1941–1954). He is the only person in United States history to have held all three of those offices. He was also the chief United States prosecutor at the "Principle of Nuremberg, First and Second Tables of The Law, Trials. A "county-seat lawyer", he remains the last Supreme Court justice appointed who did not graduate from any law school ; and "The matter is not one of quantity, to be measured by the amount of money expended. Now, as in Madison's day, it is one of principle, to keep separate the separate spheres as the First Amendment drew them, to prevent the first experiment upon our liberties, and to keep the question from becoming entangled in corrosive precedents. We should not be less strict to keep strong and untarnished the one side of the shield of religious freedom than we have been of the other."-Justice Wiley Blount Rutledge Jr. (July 20, 1894 – September 10, 1949) was an American educator, lawyer, and justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1943–49), with Justice Felix Frankfurter and Justice Harold Hitz Burton joined in "THE JUDGEMENT SHOULD BE REVERSED. ......THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY in THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS. Continuing degradation and anomaly of Language and Communication, George Orwell, the most prominent, who "#6 understood in #7 Speech for the interpretations of cogitations, thereof"-Operations, then could use 'L and C' to demonstrate-fact and evidence against both of God's leading nations, England and our 50 Sovereign States composing our United States; 7) #3 Bible is the 1620 Puritans, Colonists, Founder's facsimile, "1611 KJV Bible, with the Alexandrian Jews writing of INTERVAL, 15 Books of solely ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS, origin from Mt. Sinai, Apocrypha just after "Return from Captivity" - bridge between Old Testament and before Christ Jesus in New Testament, not to leave out The Geneva Bible; and not shown here, #4 of 4 Oxford Teaching Bible from 1885 [ at, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RH37-clQTOdgTwjGyrISrWFvAiyWd-14/view?usp=sharing ] - my Great-Great-Grandfather's Bible, a most joyful Legacy, among other even older Bibles, though that doesn't count the "new version's 'to make the English language easier to understand'' - choosing "..and he who is not with me scatter's ..", i
i.e., "secular truth is not divine truth" defined by arbitrary, human precept-ecclesiastical distinct and palpable-collective, mass people-obedient to church-body's physiology, rather than The Holy Living Trinity-of Constitutional-Person's "Independence" Whole Bible [see bottom of this essay], perpetrated by the arrogant-ignorant-modern-day-scribes-of circumcised-living-body-part's-physiology-revisionist's violators of all Ten Commandments, but especially the first 4, by "scatter" tearing apart by selecting which to use, ignore, and re-write- to abuse, by apostasy, Truth, Trust, and Promise among the members of its "rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, compulsion of conscience/ workers of iniquity Bibles starting in about 2009, but there are one or two earlier. Another very informative resource that ties so much of the Old Testament into the course of human events that took place after Moses through Malachi with the Alexandrian Jews, "Reader's Digest published "1981 "Atlas of The Bible, An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land"; Harry Thomas Frank, Principle Adviser and Editorial Consultant; 8) Amendment IX-- James Madison's "PROPERTY" - given as a handout because it also, is a statement of God's Holy Spirit-Ghost-Truth, at http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders /documents/v1ch16s23.html;
9) is Dr. Noah Webster's WHOLE of Philology, and one of the most magnificent "Classical Learning Methods"- ONE PERSON ALONE WORK to achieve Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise: "An AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Intended to Exhibit, I. The origin, Affinities and Primary signification of English words, as far as they have been ascertained [though with "connections" it is an adventure to link his work];
II. The Genuine Orthography and Pronunciation of words, according to general usage, or to Just Principles of Analogy; III. Accurate and discriminating Definitions, with numerous Authorities and illustrations to Which are Prefixed, AN INTRODUCTORY DISSERTATION on the ORIGIN, HISTORY, AND CONNECTION OF THE LANGUAGES OF WESTERN ASIA AND OF EUROPE, and a Concise grammar of the English Language." [at, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fmcQB-vjcS2AjGAQWAVSe1C8fQVV-KzL/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fmcQB-vjcS2AjGAQWAVSe1C8fQVV-KzL/view?usp=sharing ]
Though, Government-of-man's Untruth 'udhr' Article 18 and 19-Opinion-no probability of Truth, but certainty of falsehood, especially among opinion without interference-common core curriculum from kindergarten through Grad school mandatory control of all knowledge-need for brain-scrubbing Posterity, world-wide, not just USA, Numbers 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 are all forbidden original texts - and at least in San Diego and Riverside Counties. Dr. Webster's work was removed from both education and at-large fellow-country-person's by Horace Mann in the Socialist years of 1850's"; and is completely unknown to all education, except Oxford-English. If it were on everyone's desk - especially among religious, civic and edu. authorities, everyone's Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise would increase "issues" in Perceiving and Understanding Good and Evil is man, the vast majority of Americans have always known, but -- not 'personality' by hypocrisy's judgment/ Matt.7..., 'just', so, more to the Joy, Love, and everlasting patience of Our Father in Heaven and His Son who taught, also in John 8--"Any one who sins is a slave," I tell you, therefore, men will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but they will not be forgiven for blaspheming the Spirit-Truth- of "..Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.." God in His Son In You and me composing The Holy Living Trinity among The Eternal Father's Whole System of Created 'Things' Americans and British, not lip service of vain-untruth, We the People of God and Nation First, Japan and Orient:- Buddha and Nation First. 2A} DEFINITION OF WORDS IN THE GOD'S ERA OF HIS HISTORY - that are UNCHANGED from 1844 to this flashing cursor...although.. updates are required since UNTRUTH has become father evil-lie rules of conduct - despotism |
2.. By a metonymy of the effect for the cause, nature is used for the agent, creator, author, producer of things, or for the powers that produce them. By the expression, “trees and fossils are produced by nature,” we mean, they are formed or produced by certain inherent powers in matter, or we mean that they are produced by God, the Creator, the Author of whatever is made or produced. The opinion that things are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent Author, is atheism. But generally men mean by nature, thus used, the Author of created things, or the operation of his power.
3. The essence, essential qualities or attributes of a thing, which constitute it what it is; as, the nature of the soul; the nature of blood; the nature of a fluid; the nature of plants, or of a metal; the nature of a circle or an angle. When we speak of the nature of man, we understand the peculiar constitution of his body or mind, or the qualities of the species which distinguish him from other animals. When we speak of the nature of a man, or an individual of the race, we mean his particular qualities or constitution; either the peculiar temperament of his body, or the affections of his mind, his natural appetites, passions, disposition or temper. So of irrational animals.
4. The established or regular course of things; as when we say, an event is not according to nature, or it is out of the order of nature. -Robert William Boyle FRS[3] (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish[4] natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor born in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. Words: Thing
5. A law or principle of action or motion in a natural body. A stone by nature falls, or inclines to fall.--Boyle
6. Constitution; aggregate powers of a body, especially a living one. We say, nature is strong or weak; nature is almost exhausted. --Sir Robert William Boyle FRS (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor born in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle's law, which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system. Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. He was a devout and pious Anglican and is noted for his writings in theology.... Words: Nature.
7. The constitution and appearances of things. The works, whether of poets, painters, moralists or historians, which are built upon general nature, live forever. -Sir Joshua Reynolds RA FRS FRSA (/'r?n?ldz/; 16 July 1723 – 23 February 1792) was an influential eighteenth-century English painter, specialising in portraits. He promoted the "Grand Style" in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect. He was a founder and first president of the Royal Academy of Arts, and was knighted by George III in 1769. Words: Nature.
8. Natural affection or reverence. Have we not seen / The murdering son ascend his parent's bed, / Through violated nature force his way? -.Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[1] Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature.
9. System of created things. He binding nature fast in fate, / Left conscience free and will. -Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[1] Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Language, Deny, Thing
10. Sort; species; kind; particular character. A dispute of this nature caused mischief to a king and archbishop.-John Dryden 19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668. He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John." Words: Hypocrite, Right ,Violate, Vain, Dissension, Party, Will, Person, Pride, Error, Conscience, Property, Thing, Self, Soul, Justly, Offense, Grace, Scatter, Fight Forgiveness, Contend, Test, For, Dominion, Nature
11. Sentiments or images conformed to nature, or to truth and reality. Only nature can please those tastes which are unprejudiced and refined. -The Right Honorable Joseph Addison (1 May 1672 – 17 June 1719) was an English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician. He was the eldest son of The Reverend Lancelot Addison. His name is usually remembered alongside that of his long-standing friend, Richard Steele, with whom he founded The Spectator magazine. Words: Thing, Obsequious, Neglect, Warrant, Vault, Betray, Wanton, Test, Virtue, Value, Nature12. Birth. No man is noble by nature.[MET'O-NYM-Y, n. [Gr. μετωνυμια; μετα, over, beyond, and ονομα, name.] In rhetoric, a trope in which one word is put for another; a change of names which have some relation to each other; as when we say, “a man keeps a good table,” instead of good provisions. “We read Virgil,” that is, his poems or writings. “They have Moses and the prophets,” that is, their books or writings. A man has a clear head, that is, understanding; intellect; a warm heart, that is, affections. TROPE, n. [L. tropus; Gr. τροπος, from τρεπω, to turn; W. trova, a turn, a tropic; trovâu, to turn.] In rhetoric, a word or expression used in a different sense from that which it properly signifies; or a word changed from its original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea, as when we call a stupid fellow an ass, or a shrewd man a fox. Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. Some authors make figures the genus, of which trope is a species; others make them different things, defining trope to be a change of sense, and figure to be any ornament, except what becomes so by such change. [Justice is a TROPE, a.k.a DoubleThink, for the change is eliminating Truth for UnTruth]
UN-TRUTH', n. 1. Contrariety to truth; falsehood.
2. Want of veracity. -George Sandys ( 2 March 1577 – March 1644) was an English traveller, colonist and poet. He also took great interest in the earliest English colonization in America. In April 1621 he became colonial treasurer of the Virginia Company and sailed to Virginia with his niece's husband, Sir Francis Wyat, the new governor; English translation of part of “Ovid's Metamorphoses”. Words: Vault, UnTruth3. Treachery; want of fidelity. [
4. False assertion. No untruth can possibly avail the patron and defender long. -.Richard Hooker (March 1554 – 3 November 1600) was an English priest in the Church of England and an influential theologian. He was one of the most important English theologians of the sixteenth century.[3] His defence of the role of redeemed reason informed the theology of the seventeenth century Caroline divines and later provided many members of the Church of England with a theological method which combined the claims of revelation, reason and tradition Words: Proof, Determine, Ascertain, Untruth, Obdurate, Security, braules/ Brawles, Affirmation
VE-RAC'I-TY, n. [It. veracità; from L. verax, from verus, true.] 1. Habitual observance of truth, or habitual truth; as, a man of veracity. His veracity is not called in question. The question of the court is, whether you know the witness to be a man of veracity. We rely on history, When we have confidence in the veracity and industry of the historian. "The veracity of facts," is not correct language. Truth is applicable to men and to facts; veracity to men only, or to sentient beings.
2. Invariable expression of truth; as, the veracity of our senses . –Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696 – 27 December 1782) was a Scottish advocate, judge, philosopher, writer and agricultural improver. A central figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, a founder member of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, and active in the Select Society, his protégés included David Hume, Adam Smith, and James Boswell.. Home was a polygenist, he believed God had created different races on earth in separate regions. In his book Sketches of the History of Man, in 1774, Home claimed that the environment, climate, or state of society could not account for racial differences, so that the races must have come from distinct, separate stocks. Words: Untruth, Vericity
2. Fruitless; ineffectual. All attempts, all efforts were vain. Vain is the force of man. – J. Dryden.
3. Proud of petty things, or of trifling attainments; elated with a high opinion of one's own accomplishments, or with things more showy than valuable; conceited. The minstrels play'd on every side, / Vain of their art. J. Dryden
4. Empty; unreal; as, a vain chimera.
"CHI-ME'RA, n. [L. chimæra; Gr. χιμαιρα, a goat, a monstrous beast.] 1. In fabulous history, a monster with three heads, that of a lion, of a goat, and of a dragon, vomiting flames. The fore parts of the body were those of a lion, the middle was that of a goat, and the hinder parts were those of a dragon; supposed to represent a volcanic mountain in Lycia, whose top was the resort of lions, the middle, that of goats, and the foot, that of serpents. Hence, 2. In modern usage, a vain or idle fancy; a creature of the imagination, composed of contradictions or absurdities, that can have no existence except in thought. – Encyc.
5. Showy; ostentatious. Load some vain church with old theatric state. – A. Pope.
6. Light; inconstant; worthless. Prov. xii.
7. Empty; unsatisfying. The pleasures of life are vain.
8. False; deceitful; not genuine; spurious. James i.
9. Not effectual; having no efficacy. Bring no more vain oblations. Is. i. In vain, to no purpose; without effect; ineffectual. In vain they do worship me. Matth. xv. To take the name of God in vain, to use the name of God with levity or profaneness."
'Thing' is probably one of the most important words utilized world-wide: 'Any' 'Thing' should never be anything...
THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause]
1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures {biblical -metonymy- atoms} ; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. ....
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. John Tillotson (October 1630 – 22 November 1694) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1691 to 1694. Words: Thing
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Jonathan Swift(30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Words: Thing"
Please note the extensive 'origins' of this word. Of the 3 columns on a page of Noah's work, thing's origin takes up 98% of 1 column: "THING" is among the most utilized words in the English Language and communication - certainly in the Bible; but also in ARTICLE VI, revisionist rewrite of God's Law in the Declaration, as: "This constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything [a compound word that reduces the breadth and depth of the definition of 'Thing' limited to inanimate, indifferent objects] in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding" thus, "any 'T'hing, inanimate/ living "any 'T'hing that crawls on the earth" Gen 1:2, "THE TRUTH/ 1st Great Command to you own - ETERNAL SOUL =SPIRIT TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH- Your Neighbor as Your-Self, And No 'T'hing - living 5 senses fleshy - to virus -- attenuated vaccine, maskOVERtongues-- but the TRUTH.".
'Anything,' as a compound word, is 'arbitrary "opinion without interference," for 'revisionists-of-all-knowledge' to reconstruct very 'distinct and palpable' abrogation of our Eternal Living Father, The Creator in the Declaration is the same Creator of supreme Law of the Land and the Same WITNESS to each-one-fellow-country-person-elected, commissioned, contracted, employed -- Oath of Office/ Pledge of Allegiance/ Affirmation's Truth or Perjury, by the hierarchy of arrogance and conceit preferring their 'lie'-revisionist-socialist-atheists of arbitrary human precept at cornell university school of law, and at this current January 20, 2009-anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative-police-state in 'Papal Authority's collective people ruled by the few, absent God-subsidiarity's "scatter=secular government-of-man, circumcised,--contradistinguished to our Republic's First and Second Tables Government-of-Laws---Liberty of God-either circumcised or uncircumcised, usurper's yale university, the 'upper case' removed in re-write of all Three Sacred Documents, Constitutional Law-language and communication, arbitrarily removes 'Thing' because of socialist-delusional-democracy supremacy over truth, their humanist- UNTRUTH 'udhr creeds' Articles 18, 19, 29 stating "..the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature* of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions;"
'Anything,' as a compound word, is 'arbitrary "opinion without interference," for 'revisionists-of-all-knowledge' to reconstruct very 'distinct and palpable' abrogation of our Eternal Living Father, The Creator in the Declaration is the same Creator of supreme Law of the Land and the Same WITNESS to each-one-fellow-country-person-elected, commissioned, contracted, employed -- Oath of Office/ Pledge of Allegiance/ Affirmation's Truth or Perjury, by the hierarchy of arrogance and conceit preferring their 'lie'-revisionist-socialist-atheists of arbitrary human precept at cornell university school of law, and at this current January 20, 2009-anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative-police-state in 'Papal Authority's collective people ruled by the few, absent God-subsidiarity's "scatter=secular government-of-man, circumcised,--contradistinguished to our Republic's First and Second Tables Government-of-Laws---Liberty of God-either circumcised or uncircumcised, usurper's yale university, the 'upper case' removed in re-write of all Three Sacred Documents, Constitutional Law-language and communication, arbitrarily removes 'Thing' because of socialist-delusional-democracy supremacy over truth, their humanist- UNTRUTH 'udhr creeds' Articles 18, 19, 29 stating "..the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature* of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions;"
Hence, here is the correct use of the 'UPPER CASE" letters to Word' to Our Original Three Sacred Documents: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding;" with Oath in Pledge of Allegiance following, by reason of His First Greatest Command in each-one-Person's unique Immortal Soul, who chooses of his own mind, heart, will/ conscience to obey His Commands, thereby, the Second Greatest Command --- your neighbor as yourSelf / Soul-singular. Notice the difference of who is address when Sermon on the Mount's states, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
I added the Upper Case 'N, W, S,' for the reason lower case 's' in 'state' is ...socialist, synonym for deluded-democracy's-collective people-civil-ecclesiastical-authority-public-government-over-man-state, with all people sorted into their life's physical and environmental characteristics with a man, a woman, a child of Person-of-Soul traveling in physiological-body, forbidden a.k.a, --UN-EU Empire-UDHR, International Court of,,,,,arbitrary rules of conduct-force forms of enforcement-No Truth/ God permitted in its supposition that law absent God represent the "main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of the world," that is very true of Western Europe, Orient, South East Asia, Middle East; but not of AMERICAN GOD IS LAW where only Article I writes Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, not the hierarchy/ horizontal, concrete-box, layered-powers to legislate-absent truth.
DoubleThink definition of *"Nature is also "The opinion that things are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent Author, is atheism," a.k.a, arbitrary human precept, government-over-man, rules of conduct-extortion; 24/7 violations of God's Two Greatest Commands --:that is...
..."RE-LIG-ION, n. [relij'ion; Fr. and Sp. religion; It. religione; L. religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.] 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.
2. Religion, as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. – James i. Religion will attend you … as a pleasant and useful companion, in every proper place and every temperate occupation of life. – Joseph Stevens Buckminster (October 14, 1784 – June 10, 1812) was an influential Unitarian preacher in Boston, Massachusetts, and a leader in bringing the German higher criticism of the Bible to America.
3. Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the First and Second Tables of The Law. "Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion". –President Washington's Farewell Address.
4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of Christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers.." 'demonstrated in fact and evidence as 'the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of treasure, "greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong-right"-J. Benthem by the collective, mass-people ruled, and forbidden, by few men's control, manipulation of the production and distribution of knowledge, destruction and degradation of all language and communication as 'Wisdom, Knowledge in Truth for Trust, Faith in Promise; for "The Origin of Language":
"..God afterward planted a garden, and placed in it the man He had made, with a command to keep it, and to dress it; and He gave him a rule of moral conduct, in permitting him to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, except one, the eating of which was prohibited. We further read, that God brought to Adam the fowls and beasts He had made, and that Adam gave them names; and that when his female companion was made [from the ribs that protect and secure heart and lungs of Adam], he gave her a name. .. If we admit what is the literal and obvious interpretation of this narrative, that vocal sounds or words were used in these communications between God the progenitors of the human race, it results that Adam was not only endowed with intellect for understanding his Maker, or the signification of words, but was furnished both with the faculty of speech, and with speech itself or the knowledge and use of words, as signs of ideas, and this before the formation of the woman. Hence, we may infer that language was bestowed on Adam, in the same manner as all his other faculties and knowledge, by supernatural power; or in other words, was of divine origin; for supposing Adam to have had all the intellectual powers of any adult individual of the species, who has since lived, we cannot admit as probable, or even possible, that he should have invented and constructed even a barren language, as soon as he was created, without supernatural aid. It may even be doubted, whether without such aid, men would ever have learnt the use of the organs of speech, so far as to form a language. ...." From Noah Webster's "Introductory Dissertation of the Origin, History, and Connection of Language of Western Asia and Europe and a Concise Grammar of The English Language".
So, additional Distinct and Palpable, fact-Truth in evidence that the Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents is nearly obliterated in favor of arbitrary human precept's hierarchy of concrete-mind, horizontal-layered, group-think-government-over-man's mandatory re-writing all history, science, ecclesiastical-denominations of government-over-man, no morals, no ethics, by at all times and under all circumstances forbidding God in His Son-Truth, some face consequences while during his continued journey on world-down-below, others each-one's Last day of Judgment; for each-one-person, alone, a.k.a, separate and equal station.. no physical or environmental characteristics among Laws of Nature and of Nature's God - meets his own unique soul...or it is 'gone-disintegrated'.
"The Whole is the Sum of Each One Part. Remove a part and there is no Whole. An orange is an orange is an orange, but with one quarter remove, or even just peeled, that Orange will never be WHOLE again'; therefore, arbitrary human precept is "He who is not With Me is Against Me-Our Father, The Eternal, Living-Creator of His Universe-innately, 'he [ is You, American of God and Nation First, from the Puritans] who does not gather with me scatters," received, at Jesus request to His Father, your "Helper", "Comforter", "Holy Ghost-Spirit-Truth, in you obey His Commands which are The Father Spirit-Truth.:
How YOUR 3RD-PERSON- IS BEING ATTACK, such that IT SHALL NOT EXIST, The wholly violation of Articles IV, V, VI, VII sample Ballot: the candidates, both DEM and REP among the several States, US(A) as Citizens, Constitutional-Person(s) consequences as puppets under control and manipulation of all language and communication, especially to "Strip Christians of their transcendent Eternal-Creator-Father-Holy Spirit-Truth in His Eternal Son, Brother, Teacher, Friend, and Counselor to each-one-person's Holy Ghost-Truth-Soul- mind, heart, will-conscience, ability to take action alone or with others to stand, preserve, protect Truth in The Three Sacred Documents.
Common Core from kindergarten through grad. school's brainwashing-Arbitrary human precept's scatter/ secular--To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other; To throw loosely about, to spread or set thinly, to throw loosely about, tiny-focus to prevent "connections" in expression of Language and Communication, to obliterate Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, because the 'common core - mandatory ignorance' do not deem it necessary to follow the Original Text under Glass in a Protected, acclimatized separate-building:
"The Whole is the Sum of Each One Part. Remove a part and there is no Whole. An orange is an orange is an orange, but with one quarter remove, or even just peeled, that Orange will never be WHOLE again'; therefore, arbitrary human precept is "He who is not With Me is Against Me-Our Father, The Eternal, Living-Creator of His Universe-innately, 'he [ is You, American of God and Nation First, from the Puritans] who does not gather with me scatters," received, at Jesus request to His Father, your "Helper", "Comforter", "Holy Ghost-Spirit-Truth, in you obey His Commands which are The Father Spirit-Truth.:
How YOUR 3RD-PERSON- IS BEING ATTACK, such that IT SHALL NOT EXIST, The wholly violation of Articles IV, V, VI, VII sample Ballot: the candidates, both DEM and REP among the several States, US(A) as Citizens, Constitutional-Person(s) consequences as puppets under control and manipulation of all language and communication, especially to "Strip Christians of their transcendent Eternal-Creator-Father-Holy Spirit-Truth in His Eternal Son, Brother, Teacher, Friend, and Counselor to each-one-person's Holy Ghost-Truth-Soul- mind, heart, will-conscience, ability to take action alone or with others to stand, preserve, protect Truth in The Three Sacred Documents.
Common Core from kindergarten through grad. school's brainwashing-Arbitrary human precept's scatter/ secular--To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other; To throw loosely about, to spread or set thinly, to throw loosely about, tiny-focus to prevent "connections" in expression of Language and Communication, to obliterate Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, because the 'common core - mandatory ignorance' do not deem it necessary to follow the Original Text under Glass in a Protected, acclimatized separate-building:
3} Up until 01/20/2009, actually, 01/28/2008, Emerald Hotel, Las Vegas, our Representatives are fellow-country-persons who are as affected by their 'deeds of faith' as any person is in separate and equal station, including deceiving themselves into following the Double-Think word "Politics" of worldly-bodily-physical and environmental characteristics of udhr's few men rulers-over-collective-people by their physical-body-environmental characteristics/ circumcised-St. Peter's Papal Authority-groups for the delusional ecclesiastical-civil authority-state democracy which lead to untruth, removing truth, trust, promise such that no Justice, Right, Liberty of God-Truth shall ever be permitted in any nation within the UN-EU Empire-01/20/2009, anti-Republic under God Regime/Article III.
American God Is Law is "We lay it down as a fundamental, that Laws, to be Just must give a reciprocation of Right, that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-truth. "-T. Jefferson.... with Truth / The Creator in His Son - who gave those that obey His/ His Father's in You - as Oath's Two Greatest Commands....
Thus, the "devil" in man let loose; and America only 240 infant years -- easily misled, easily achieved because Noah Webster, Language and communication was removed from Education - his American God Is Law - placed into oblivion; and "Any one, Singular, because there has to be Roman numeral I, a.k.a., 'I', me, myself, before, there can be 'government' between a group of 2 or more, where "Any one who sins is a slave" has became and remains the standard of decision-making whether by delusional-Democracy's collective-people within its synonym-Socialism-collective people-group-think ruled by government-over-man, absent Truth, Trust, promise, promulgated by 'group facilitators' who dictate the vain-idol god's latest form of 'bigger number', $$$, votes, confiscation of property-arbitrary rules of conduct-force---conditions under which life on earth shall be permitted to continue----as long as taxes are paid on time in the name of hierarchy's absolute, never question-power, that defines 'acceptable language and communication' for the 'government-over-man's people in collective duties' to their 'family is the most important value' among 'the simply-human species,' 'obedience so that their collective-mind' 'can reach its full development.'.
Few men-ruler's arbitrary-authority to rule by "subsidiarity," or by Jeremy Bentham's icon-stuffed anatomy-body's: "The greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong" since 'Right/ Truth does not exist, for knowledge is forbidden. language and communication made into anomaly and degraded/ George Orwell in Saul Lucifer Alinsky in George Soros' -"open society"(IHI's Donald Berwick, M.D., MPP, President Emeritus and senior fellow is a member-www.discover-the-networks): "..Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God; and then revise all science, art, religion, knowledge, so that all is disorganized-- scattered, dissipated, torn apart, and 'yes is no,' 'no is yes' "the tool' of ignorance and of controlled-mind-heart-will-conscience into groups of collective people who love to be subjugated down to unquestioning followers of UDHR/ humanist-worldly inanimate-inorganic/ living/inorganic -objects-body's obedience to absolute dictator-binomial, decision-tree-consensus-group-goose-step-uniform-body's full development of robotic-manikins disguised as people.
>>>Because Americans of God and Nation, British also, are completely blind and deaf, and will remain "in Captivity" until you, according to The Father's Two Greatest Commands which also preserve His 10 Commandments, due to "never forgiven in this world or the next," blasphemy of The Holy Spirit-Truth, the evil side of our Father's Lessons, confirmed by His Eternal, Living Son, while Jesus teaching His Father's Spirit in Himself, as One Living Person/ Example: "Do you know what I have been doing to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right: that is what I am. Well, if I have washed your feet, I who am your Lord and Teacher, you are bound to wash one another's feet; for I have been setting you an example, that you should do what I have done to you.
Truly, truly I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than he who sent him. If you know all this, blessed are you if you really do it. ...;" this most beautiful statement of our Founder's "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's "Independence" composing ONE PEOPLE in order to exercise Life's risk, reward, opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses... the Liberty of.... both...most good and most evil... in each-one-person, alone, or among those he knows and will never know--God's classroom of government-over-man, government of His Liberty of most good-Oath in Pledge of Allegiance.
4} The following may help, as least most of you - preserve your very own Truth of Your Holy Living Trinity, because of our Heritage from Puritans, Colonist, Founders and every single one person's "story of his own journey on world-down-below, according to The 23rd Psalm" in "The Lord's Prayer" so that Consent of the Governed in We the People can return to "Honor, Justice, and humanity, forbid US(A) tamely to surrender that Freedom-Truth which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from [Yours and My Watch]--US(A)"-T. Jefferson; "Liberty is a word which, according as it is used, comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly [Truth] understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the [Matt. 15] mouths of some it means any 'thing'."--Oliver Ellsworth, one of the original Justices of The Article III-PUBLIUS-ACTS 28-ST. PAUL - Supreme Court:
"If you are Abraham's Children," said Jesus, "then do as Abraham did: but now you want to kill me---to kill a man who has told you the truth, the truth I have learned from God. Abraham did not do that."
Matt. 12: Jesus in His Father in Him on Truth: "Scatter" is not gathering with Christ Jesus, because it is synonymous with "secular" which came from Jesus looking at Caesar's coin. These two words, have affected government-over-man and Western European rules of conduct-force, absent conscience disguised as law and American Law for He Who is ignored and left out --arbitrary human precept and government-of-Laws, both sides of the Hilt our Father's Hand on His Double-edged, Point of The Sword:
Thus, the "devil" in man let loose; and America only 240 infant years -- easily misled, easily achieved because Noah Webster, Language and communication was removed from Education - his American God Is Law - placed into oblivion; and "Any one, Singular, because there has to be Roman numeral I, a.k.a., 'I', me, myself, before, there can be 'government' between a group of 2 or more, where "Any one who sins is a slave" has became and remains the standard of decision-making whether by delusional-Democracy's collective-people within its synonym-Socialism-collective people-group-think ruled by government-over-man, absent Truth, Trust, promise, promulgated by 'group facilitators' who dictate the vain-idol god's latest form of 'bigger number', $$$, votes, confiscation of property-arbitrary rules of conduct-force---conditions under which life on earth shall be permitted to continue----as long as taxes are paid on time in the name of hierarchy's absolute, never question-power, that defines 'acceptable language and communication' for the 'government-over-man's people in collective duties' to their 'family is the most important value' among 'the simply-human species,' 'obedience so that their collective-mind' 'can reach its full development.'.
Few men-ruler's arbitrary-authority to rule by "subsidiarity," or by Jeremy Bentham's icon-stuffed anatomy-body's: "The greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong" since 'Right/ Truth does not exist, for knowledge is forbidden. language and communication made into anomaly and degraded/ George Orwell in Saul Lucifer Alinsky in George Soros' -"open society"(IHI's Donald Berwick, M.D., MPP, President Emeritus and senior fellow is a member-www.discover-the-networks): "..Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God; and then revise all science, art, religion, knowledge, so that all is disorganized-- scattered, dissipated, torn apart, and 'yes is no,' 'no is yes' "the tool' of ignorance and of controlled-mind-heart-will-conscience into groups of collective people who love to be subjugated down to unquestioning followers of UDHR/ humanist-worldly inanimate-inorganic/ living/inorganic -objects-body's obedience to absolute dictator-binomial, decision-tree-consensus-group-goose-step-uniform-body's full development of robotic-manikins disguised as people.
>>>Because Americans of God and Nation, British also, are completely blind and deaf, and will remain "in Captivity" until you, according to The Father's Two Greatest Commands which also preserve His 10 Commandments, due to "never forgiven in this world or the next," blasphemy of The Holy Spirit-Truth, the evil side of our Father's Lessons, confirmed by His Eternal, Living Son, while Jesus teaching His Father's Spirit in Himself, as One Living Person/ Example: "Do you know what I have been doing to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right: that is what I am. Well, if I have washed your feet, I who am your Lord and Teacher, you are bound to wash one another's feet; for I have been setting you an example, that you should do what I have done to you.
Truly, truly I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than he who sent him. If you know all this, blessed are you if you really do it. ...;" this most beautiful statement of our Founder's "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's "Independence" composing ONE PEOPLE in order to exercise Life's risk, reward, opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses... the Liberty of.... both...most good and most evil... in each-one-person, alone, or among those he knows and will never know--God's classroom of government-over-man, government of His Liberty of most good-Oath in Pledge of Allegiance.
4} The following may help, as least most of you - preserve your very own Truth of Your Holy Living Trinity, because of our Heritage from Puritans, Colonist, Founders and every single one person's "story of his own journey on world-down-below, according to The 23rd Psalm" in "The Lord's Prayer" so that Consent of the Governed in We the People can return to "Honor, Justice, and humanity, forbid US(A) tamely to surrender that Freedom-Truth which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from [Yours and My Watch]--US(A)"-T. Jefferson; "Liberty is a word which, according as it is used, comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly [Truth] understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the [Matt. 15] mouths of some it means any 'thing'."--Oliver Ellsworth, one of the original Justices of The Article III-PUBLIUS-ACTS 28-ST. PAUL - Supreme Court:
"If you are Abraham's Children," said Jesus, "then do as Abraham did: but now you want to kill me---to kill a man who has told you the truth, the truth I have learned from God. Abraham did not do that."
February 1947's 4 Justices THE JUDGMENT SHOULD BE REVERSED. against bigger-number-absent Truth, Trust, promise, a.k.a, 'blasphemy of The Holy Spirit'-5 judges- creating collective people church wall against the same collective-people-civil-authority-state: New Jersey Taxpayer's Association Everson v. Ewing, New Jersey's Board of Education: repudiation of the Declaration of Independence - The Three Sacred Documents. Read the "dissents" at https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/330/1 .
Creationism - hundreds of times, Article III repeats blasphemed the Holy Spirit-Truth over more than 60 years, against our Eternal Father, The Creator so that now Judiciary has no 'thing'; blind because the leader's cannot recognize their hate of their own fellow-country-persons; nor that their courtroom desks are much higher so they are closer to heaven-Oath; and are so totally blinded and deaf they cannot comprehend any Truth whatsoever; and that derision of our Republican Form, Truth, Trust, Promise - Holy Living Trinity in our Three Sacred Documents is Representative Government Consent of the Governed in We the People.
Western European and in kings-emperors world-wide, the word 'Truth': ... is completely absent;... is not Justice/ Just, nor Right, and is totally disconnected from our Eternal Father, The Creator in the Declaration and in Article VI of the Constitution-Oath, Affirmation in His Son in Constitutional-Person, thus, the reason for Article III betrayal of The Law- removing Truth from Justice, Right, Fact, Due Process and the First and Second Greatest Commands of The Creator of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --The WHOLE SYSTEM OF BIBLE IN DECLARATION, IN CONSTITUTION - THE Whole Law AND Liberty OF THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY:
Matt. 22: "Pharisees-plural-group-think-government-over-Jews: "Teacher, we know you are sincere and that you teach the Way of God honestly and fearlessly; you do not court human favour. Tell us, then, what you think about this: is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"From this street incident, for the next more than 2,016 years... government-over-man, arbitrary human precept will function as "scatter, secular, arbitration, mediation" because "hypocrites" of arbitrary human precept pride themselves on feigning to be what they are not. So when Jesus divided the coin that makes commerce the land, water, atmosphere of the coin-tax from tithing for God, human precept, forgetting God is The Eternal Is Law, Creator of Heaven and earth, arbitrary, government-over-man divided God from manna .... secular-arbitrate-mediate....scatter - the Whole the coin represents-- either tax or tithe.. and that is Not the Whole of commerce land, water, atmosphere that coin Is in Life of risk/ reward - position/ hierarchy, kings/ serfs....
But Jesus detected their malice. He said, "Why do you tempt me, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for taxes." So they brought him a shilling. Then He said to them, "Whose likeness, whose inscription is this?"
"Caesar's" they said. Then He told them, "Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, Give God what belongs to God." When they heard that, they marveled; then they left Him and went away. ".
Matt. 12: Jesus in His Father in Him on Truth: "Scatter" is not gathering with Christ Jesus, because it is synonymous with "secular" which came from Jesus looking at Caesar's coin. These two words, have affected government-over-man and Western European rules of conduct-force, absent conscience disguised as law and American Law for He Who is ignored and left out --arbitrary human precept and government-of-Laws, both sides of the Hilt our Father's Hand on His Double-edged, Point of The Sword:
"SCAT'TER, v.t. [Sax. scateran, to pour out, to disperse; L. scateo; Gr. σκεδαω, to scatter, to discuss, L. discutio, This word may be formed on the root of discutio. The primary sense is to drive or throw.]
1. To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other. From thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Gen. xi. I will scatter you among the heathen. Lev. xxvi.
2. To throw loosely about; to sprinkle; as, to scatter seed in sowing. Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, / soft quiet, gentle love and endless joy. – Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat.[1][2] He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ Word: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter
3. To spread set thinly. Why should thy muse enlarge on Libyan swains, / Their scatter'd cottages, and ample plains. –John Dryden 19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668. He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John." Words: Hypocrite, Right ,Violate, Vain, Dissension, Party, Will, Person, Pride, Error, Conscience, Property, Thing, Self, Soul, Justly, Offense, Grace, Scatter, Fight Forgiveness, Contend, Test, For, Dominion, Nature
SEC'U-LAR, a. [Fr. seculaire; It. secolore; Sp. secular; L. secularis, from seculum, the world or an age.]
1. Pertaining to this present world, or to things not spiritual or holy; relating to things not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the body; worldly. The secular concerns of life respect making provision for the support of life, the preservation of health, the temporal prosperity of men, of states, &c. Secular power is that which superintends and governs the temporal affairs of men, the civil or political power; and is contradistinguished from spiritual or ecclesiastical power.
2. Among catholics, not regular; not bound by monastic vows or rules; not confined to a monastery, or subject to the rules of a religious community. Thus we say, the secular clergy, and the regular clergy. – Sir William Temple, 1st Baronet (25 April 1628 – 27 January 1699) was an English statesman and essayist. Words: Sciolist, Scatter."
The underlined words in definition establish that "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other;" and 2) the coin doesn't exist unless God is the Creator of His Universe, nor does the ethics in Holy Spirit- Truth of each-one tax-collector-scribe, though probably became 'nation's tax-collector's delight law' of Pharisees, Scribes, High Priests in Caesar's coin;
The underlined words in definition establish that "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other;" and 2) the coin doesn't exist unless God is the Creator of His Universe, nor does the ethics in Holy Spirit- Truth of each-one tax-collector-scribe, though probably became 'nation's tax-collector's delight law' of Pharisees, Scribes, High Priests in Caesar's coin;
Thus, NGO-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime with its in-revisionist opinion-without-interference-from-Truth, words, writing arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct - extortion, by administrative-police-state-answerable to not-one fellow-country-person, especially not Article III who is complete happy accord with God Is Not Law, nor The Creator of any 'Thing', only God upon their last Day law, or much more succinctly, government-over-man's precept's International Court of Arbitrary Rules of Conduct-"TYR'AN-NY, n. [Fr. tyrannie; from tyran.] 1. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression,", has as its 3 forms:
1) Common Law:, but DoubleThink, "A common law legal system is characterized by case law developed by judges, courts, and similar tribunals, when giving decisions in individual cases that have precedential effect on future cases. The body of past common law binds judges deciding later cases to ensure consistent treatment and so that consistent principles applied to similar facts yield similar outcomes. In common law cases, where the parties disagree on what the law is, the court is usually bound to follow the reasoning used in past decisions of relevant courts. If the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from previous cases, judges have the authority and duty to make law by creating precedent in European law since Papal Authority started back in Rome choosing Peter. THIS IS A DEFINITION OF MAN'S LAW, for there is NO ORAL-COMMON LAW, FROM ADAM SPEAKING TO HIS FATHER AND EVE, BEFORE SHE ATE THAT FRUIT, TALKING TO A SERPENT THAT CANNOT SPEAK, UNTIL CAIN ARRIVES TO THIS FLASHING CURSOR OF ALL KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION. [see, Axioms, Pg. 4 for Mt. Sinai to Hebrews 6 to Abraham with his ax over his son Isaac.. for God's Word in TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE at, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SGYUrOh8Y3o5uBN99Cc-Kx_42O9CIn8k/view?fbclid=IwAR3uTtf1eXZJP3J6puXAuWQjcS70YLqfwNGQNInENJ5L-IDDJv4sMLdV8Xs ]
--NOT in American God/Truth Is Justice-Right-Rule of Law, exclusively and completely Article I. in direct and specific repudiation of European law, a.k.a., "foreign law" - is not law in Article III supreme Law of the Land- per signee of the Declaration, main drafter of the Constitution, Associate Justice of Article III's Jurisprudence, and Professor of Law at Philadelphia College, in Chapter VI "Of Man, as an Individual"-Volume I of his writings ---ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT JAMES WILSON, illustrated and quoted, top left JPEG .
Further, absent God/ Truth and choosing Facts/ truth over other facts by opinion's probability, The Whole Truth, and no 'Thing' but the Truth, no court using the word 'law' could ever build any case argument by "body of past common law binds judges deciding later cases to ensure consistent treatment"; for that is 'scatter' -- taking a part of the Whole from the peeled orange of the past -- to plug it into another orange's sections -- devoid the WHOLE ARGUMENT'S TRUTH, UNBIASED, WHOLLY HEARD ON ITS MERITS AND DEMERITS, AND NOT BY COMMITTEE's vain-idol-god's form of 'BIGGER NUMBER' --- A JUDGE IS A JUDGE- AND IF HE CANNOT PRACTICE GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS IN UNDERSTANDING AND PERCEIVING CONNECTIONS - LOGIC - RESEARCH, REFLECT, RELATE/ CONNECTIONS, WILL-CONSCIENCE-ACT TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY --- NOT A MATTER OF OPINION, SIMPLY AND COMPLETELY A MATTER OF WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, FOR TRUTH IN TRUST, FAITH IN PROMISE....THEN THAT PERSON IS NOT FIT TO SIT IN MATT. 7's INSTRUCTIONS AS JUDGE, unless 'personality-by-hypocrisy' is the measure of anyOne's blind-deafness.
5 A} How article iii has performed destruction and desolation, all by its-arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct - despotism - self & with malice prepense:
In addition, since 1947, article iii perdition in perfidy oath to 1949 papist/ common core brainwashiing, Untruth, udhr, The Eternal God is not The Creator of His Universe years, 1978 re-vision of the definition of injury to "distinct and palpable" means no Truth, then the ability of any judge, or attorney to choose a precedent, especially in light of repudiating argument of the WHOLE OF CASE ARGUMENT, focused into its parts-each-one-part able to define the "Whole Truth and no thing but the Truth" simply builds lie upon lie; then add committee-consensus-lie's vain-idol-god forms of 'bigger number', because Truth is not a matter of 'group-think-opinion-consensus'. It cannot "scatter" weigh some facts and ignore others, i.e', the more than 10 violations of the Three Sacred Documents that both "Climate Change" and "the greatest harm, injury to the greatest number of acute and chronically ill-persons," including those who by life's circumstances preclude any liberty of choice--so internment to convalescent care is mandatory imprisonment by fraud in extortion, using 'precedent becomes a resource for lie and steal among administrative-police-state's application of law as extortion: "Though the application of precedent may appear to be mechanical, a simple means of matching facts and rules, it is a more subjective process. Legal rules, embodied in precedents, are generalizations that accentuate the importance of certain facts [Truth]and discount or ignore others [Truth]. The application of precedent relies on reasoning by analogy. Analogies can be neither correct nor incorrect [Violates Oath of Eternal Spirit-Truth on world-down-below-Jesus- Matt. 12's "..either for or against, and he who does not gather with me, scatters/ secular-untruth"] but only more or less persuasive. Reasonable persons may come to different yet defensible conclusions about what rule should prevail.
In addition, since 1947, article iii perdition in perfidy oath to 1949 papist/ common core brainwashiing, Untruth, udhr, The Eternal God is not The Creator of His Universe years, 1978 re-vision of the definition of injury to "distinct and palpable" means no Truth, then the ability of any judge, or attorney to choose a precedent, especially in light of repudiating argument of the WHOLE OF CASE ARGUMENT, focused into its parts-each-one-part able to define the "Whole Truth and no thing but the Truth" simply builds lie upon lie; then add committee-consensus-lie's vain-idol-god forms of 'bigger number', because Truth is not a matter of 'group-think-opinion-consensus'. It cannot "scatter" weigh some facts and ignore others, i.e', the more than 10 violations of the Three Sacred Documents that both "Climate Change" and "the greatest harm, injury to the greatest number of acute and chronically ill-persons," including those who by life's circumstances preclude any liberty of choice--so internment to convalescent care is mandatory imprisonment by fraud in extortion, using 'precedent becomes a resource for lie and steal among administrative-police-state's application of law as extortion: "Though the application of precedent may appear to be mechanical, a simple means of matching facts and rules, it is a more subjective process. Legal rules, embodied in precedents, are generalizations that accentuate the importance of certain facts [Truth]and discount or ignore others [Truth]. The application of precedent relies on reasoning by analogy. Analogies can be neither correct nor incorrect [Violates Oath of Eternal Spirit-Truth on world-down-below-Jesus- Matt. 12's "..either for or against, and he who does not gather with me, scatters/ secular-untruth"] but only more or less persuasive. Reasonable persons may come to different yet defensible conclusions about what rule should prevail.
The judicial system maintains great fidelity to the application of precedents. There are times, however, when a court has no precedents to rely on. In these "cases of first impression," a court may have to draw analogies to other areas of the law to justify its decision. Once decided, this decision becomes precedential. Despite the Supreme Court's reliance on precedent, it will depart from its prior decisions when either historical conditions change or the philosophy of the court undergoes a major shift,." that is a statement of scatter-secular--government-of-man- supreme to The Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents, God in His Son, In His Father, in Your Holy Spirit-Ghost-Helper-Truth, our Brother, Friend, Counselor, Teacher ask His Father to Give To You.
"FI-DEL'I-TY, n. [L. fidelitas, from fides, faith, fido, to trust. See Faith.] 1. Faithfulness; careful and exact observance of duty, or performance of obligations. We expect fidelity in a public minister, in an agent or trustee, in a domestic servant, in a friend. The best security for the fidelity of men, is to make interest coincide with duty. – PUBLIUS, Federalist, Hamilton.
2. Firm adherence to a person or party with which one is united, or to which one is bound; loyalty; as, the fidelity of subjects to their king or government; the fidelity of a tenant or liege to his lord.
3. Observance of the marriage covenant; as the fidelity of a husband or wife; as [the Ordained by God marriage, demonstrated in fact and certainty of evidence:
C.Laws of Nature's God/ Truth = A.Living God in Living Christ Jesus in your Person/ The Whole Bible = C.Truth = B.Consent-of the Governed/ We the People
C Truth = A Holy Living Trinity connected to B. The separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's Independence composing the Whole of One People in 'of, by, for that person's supreme Law of the Land--bound by Oath in Pledge of Allegiance; and
C Person = A Consent of the Governed
C Person = B We the People
C Person = C Truth = A / B---The Three Sacred Documents--- The Declaration of Independence-Truth opens with a statement of God's Two Greatest Commands applied as The Creator of man in His Universe/ Nature = the 1611 Whole, Unique, 3 Testament Holy Bible, Our, We the People-Constitution, including the contents among the 50 State's Constitutions, Closes its Statement of RULE OF LAW within Article VI--the entire contents of Truth, Trust, Promise contained in All Three Sacred Documents.
4. Honesty; veracity; adherence to truth; as, the fidelity of a witness.
Faithfulness; adherence to right [Truth]; careful and exact observance of duty, or discharge of obligations.
"FI-DEL'I-TY, n. [L. fidelitas, from fides, faith, fido, to trust. See Faith.] 1. Faithfulness; careful and exact observance of duty, or performance of obligations. We expect fidelity in a public minister, in an agent or trustee, in a domestic servant, in a friend. The best security for the fidelity of men, is to make interest coincide with duty. – PUBLIUS, Federalist, Hamilton.
2. Firm adherence to a person or party with which one is united, or to which one is bound; loyalty; as, the fidelity of subjects to their king or government; the fidelity of a tenant or liege to his lord.
3. Observance of the marriage covenant; as the fidelity of a husband or wife; as [the Ordained by God marriage, demonstrated in fact and certainty of evidence:
C.Laws of Nature's God/ Truth = A.Living God in Living Christ Jesus in your Person/ The Whole Bible = C.Truth = B.Consent-of the Governed/ We the People
C Truth = A Holy Living Trinity connected to B. The separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's Independence composing the Whole of One People in 'of, by, for that person's supreme Law of the Land--bound by Oath in Pledge of Allegiance; and
C Person = A Consent of the Governed
C Person = B We the People
C Person = C Truth = A / B---The Three Sacred Documents--- The Declaration of Independence-Truth opens with a statement of God's Two Greatest Commands applied as The Creator of man in His Universe/ Nature = the 1611 Whole, Unique, 3 Testament Holy Bible, Our, We the People-Constitution, including the contents among the 50 State's Constitutions, Closes its Statement of RULE OF LAW within Article VI--the entire contents of Truth, Trust, Promise contained in All Three Sacred Documents.
4. Honesty; veracity; adherence to truth; as, the fidelity of a witness.
Faithfulness; adherence to right [Truth]; careful and exact observance of duty, or discharge of obligations.
5B} Truth, Article III judiciary is directly judging on God's Law within the Three Sacred Documents. Truth does not change for 'historical conditions" or "philosophy of court undergoes a major shift", except as the Three Sacred Documents are totally betrayed in Treason absent one single distinct and palpable bullet in any of its forms, lie, steal, and murder of Person(s) mind, heart, will-conscience "Independence" composing ONE PEOPLE-UNION of 50 STATES supreme to Article II, III's anti-Republic under God Regime---in secret
"At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal [or accountability to their Oaths] gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance."-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Monsieur A. Coray [Koraes] 10/31/1823.
What the triumvirate, NGO-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime to be continued with Article I socialist-atheist, anti-Republic under God Regime-candidates, among CA already elected-before the "voter pamphlets were printed" and among the other deluded-democracy States of anti-California Constitution and Article VI of US Constitution- Article II: 5(a)(b)TTVG regardless of political party affiliation...as long as socialist atheism is supreme to "strip Americans of their Transcendent God, who defile their neighbors as fellow-country-persons, and who have no intention at any time or under any circumstance to even recognize God in their very own-Oath. Article II candidates, one of previous office of Oath already obliterated by anti-The Three Sacred Documents-lie and steal with all manner of people sorted by arbitrary rules of conduct-force- groups by their physical and environmental characteristics; and one candidates, no knowledge of contents in The Three Sacred Documents --let alone how to measure someone's ability to apply supreme Law of the Land--Oath as the First and Second Tables "Government of Laws and not of man" - #3 definition of Religion and our Second President of God and Nation First, John Adams:[Read "John Adams" David McCullough].
Totally ignored, as if this "AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, Rule of American Jurisprudence does not even exist, betrayal by "FI'AT, n. [L. from fio.] Let it be done; a decree; a command to do something".:
"16AmJur2d.,Sec. 155: "Since the constitution is intendant for the observance of the judiciary as well as other departments of government and the judges are sworn to support its provisions, the courts are not at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract evasions thereof, it is their duty in authorized proceedings to give full effect to the existing constitution and to obey all constitutional provisions [a.k.a. The Principle of Nuremberg, Oath in the First and Second Tables "upon which The Whole Law and the Prophets hang"] irrespective of their opinion as to the wisdom or the desirability of such provisions and irrespective of the consequences, thus it is said that the courts should be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution and guard against their infringement by legislative fiat or otherwise in accordance with these basic principles, the rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in accordance with the delivered judgment of the tribunal before which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into question. If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the statute the another in a different rule, it is the duty of the courts to declare that the Constitution and not the statute governs in cases before them for judgment. ...
16AmJur2d., Sec. 255: "In all instances, where the court exercise it's power to invalidate legislation on constitutional grounds, the conflict of the statute, with the constitution must be irreconcilable. Thus a statute is not to be declared unconstitutional unless so inconsistent with the constitution that it cannot be enforced without a violation thereof. A clear incompatibility between law and the constitution must exist before the judiciary is justified holding the law unconstitutional. This principle is of course in line with the rule that doubts as the constitutionality should be resolved in favor of the constitutionality and the beneficiary." "..between law and the Constitution-supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements---bound by Oath and by the Second Greatest Command - to everyone each-one-fellow-country-elected, appointed, commissioned, employed knows and will never know --- Love God with Whole heart, Whole soul, Whole mind is to love your neighbor as your-Self-Soul by which you, alone, are judged both here on world-down-below and on you last day - body dies, not soul, unless...blasphemy of the holy Spirit. ... and that is between your person, through Christ Jesus and God by whatever Truth, Trust and Promise are manifested in any of The Father's sovereign nations or people..
In essence, The Three Sacred Documents Cannot be declared null and void by any Number or Level of We the People or Consent of Governed, Article III, II, or I.....nor by a vain-idol-god's delusional-christian -socialist-atheist-democracy's "Greatest happiness is the greater number deciding wrong," since - right requires being for Living Christ Jesus in His Living Father in each-one-person who obeys His commands/ Oath and who does not 'scatter'- secularize-choose which parts of torn apart, focused, tidbits of issue man performs his devilment by both civil and criminal-lie and steal = fraud, with murder-killing the mind, heart, will/ conscience of any person(s) through omission, commission, neglect, and transgression in language and communication - knowledge, Wisdom for Truth in Trust, Faith - Deeds in Promise, i.e., "The natural rights of persons are inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.."
16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 256: "The general rule is that a unconstitutional statute, whether Federal or State, though having the form and name of law as in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose since unconstitutionality dates from the enactment and not merrily from the date of the decision so braining it. An unconstitutional law in legal contemplation is as inoperative as if it never had been passed. Such a statute lives a question that is purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not ever been enacted. No repeal of an enactment is necessary, since an unconstitutional law is void.
The general principles follows that it imposes no duty, converse no rights, creates no office, bestows no power of authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it.
A contract which rests on a unconstitutional statute creates no obligation to be impaired by subsequent legislation.
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law.
No courts are bound to enforce it. Persons convicted and fined under a statute subsequently held unconstitutional may recover the fines paid.
A void act cannot be legally inconsistent with a valid one and an unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede an existing valid law. Indeed, in so far as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby.
Since an unconstitutional statute cannot repeal, or in anyway effect an existing one; if a repealing statute is unconstitutional, the statute which it attempts to repeal, remains in full force and effect, and where a statute, in which it attempts to repeal remains in full force and effect, and where a clause repealing a prior law is inserted in the act, which act is unconstitutional and void, the provision of the repeal of the prior law will usually fall with it and will not be permitted to operate as repealing such prior law.
The general principle stated above applied to the constitution as well as the laws of the several states insofar as they are repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States." ..
5C} "patient protection and affordable care act" is in The Truth. The Whole Truth and No 'Thing' But The Truth wholly violates all Three Sacred Documents. The Fact in Evidence is the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE ART AND SCIENCE OF MEDICINE BY PERPETRATING violation of the "original text-Hippocratic Oath"-HARM, INJURY, even SLANDER against Constitutional-Person and Fraud in breech of Social-Filial Contract. PPAA performs lie and steal through Article IV:4 - Republican Form of Government invasion - infringement of Right, violation of Amendment IX-Property. so JUSTICE, ETERNAL SOUL SCALIA DECLARES IT NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION -- AND IS TOTALLY IGNORED HIS EXISTENCE IN THE TRUTH OF HOLY TRINITY -- by the 01/20/2009 false god mohammed, 1302 papist/ 1647 westminster confession of triune/ udhr unGLOBAL ENSLAVED MINDS/ HEARTS FLESH, HERDSCMPTPOP re-manufacture, production and distribution of BOTH GENESIS TREES, BIRDS OF THE AIR AND ANY THING THAT CRAWLS ON THE LAND .. AT, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ve_Sx1IwCzivkNEaVbpPZWUFjfOUOVVW/view?usp=sharing
---Double-Think applied by the DEM and among too many REP-progressives of UDHR's Articles 18, 19, 21, 29's duties to their communities among human families upon which their "personalities depend for full development".in a democratic society - absent The Holy Living Trinity in our Three Sacred Documents.
5C} "patient protection and affordable care act" is in The Truth. The Whole Truth and No 'Thing' But The Truth wholly violates all Three Sacred Documents. The Fact in Evidence is the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE ART AND SCIENCE OF MEDICINE BY PERPETRATING violation of the "original text-Hippocratic Oath"-HARM, INJURY, even SLANDER against Constitutional-Person and Fraud in breech of Social-Filial Contract. PPAA performs lie and steal through Article IV:4 - Republican Form of Government invasion - infringement of Right, violation of Amendment IX-Property. so JUSTICE, ETERNAL SOUL SCALIA DECLARES IT NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION -- AND IS TOTALLY IGNORED HIS EXISTENCE IN THE TRUTH OF HOLY TRINITY -- by the 01/20/2009 false god mohammed, 1302 papist/ 1647 westminster confession of triune/ udhr unGLOBAL ENSLAVED MINDS/ HEARTS FLESH, HERDSCMPTPOP re-manufacture, production and distribution of BOTH GENESIS TREES, BIRDS OF THE AIR AND ANY THING THAT CRAWLS ON THE LAND .. AT, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ve_Sx1IwCzivkNEaVbpPZWUFjfOUOVVW/view?usp=sharing
---Double-Think applied by the DEM and among too many REP-progressives of UDHR's Articles 18, 19, 21, 29's duties to their communities among human families upon which their "personalities depend for full development".in a democratic society - absent The Holy Living Trinity in our Three Sacred Documents.
5D} While a 'soul' exists, how it attaches to a person is through "blasphemy of the SPIRIT never FORGIVEN in this world or the world-to-come" --- that has arrived manifesting Matt. 12 as, "scatter against Jesus": When Article III decreed in continuing supplication and reverence for their very great and sacred vain-idol-god's "consensus," with the assistance of Hegel and Marx via Lucifer Alinsky - 'bigger'number' 4 Justices of Truth, is lesser than 5-group-think-socialist FDR years-1947, the wall of separation regarding collective, mass people in their ecclesiastical-government-over-members or civil authority's government-over-collective-people-state, then decreed several hundred times, that The Creator in the Declaration does not exist - because of "Metonymy-Nature as cause by God...The opinion that things are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent Author, is atheism, a.k.a., monkeys, and "All life forms are constructed from the same basic elements—the same sorts of atoms—as are nonliving substances, and these atoms are made of subatomic particles that have been recycled through many cosmic events before becoming part of us or our world. Humans are the current result of a long series of natural evolutionary changes, but not the only result or the final one. Continuous change can be expected to affect ourselves, other life forms, and the cosmos as a whole. There appears no ultimate beginning or end to this process. ...3. There is no compelling [constrain; to oblige; to necessitate, either by physical or moral force] [distinct and palpable, concrete-mind-senses] evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we [i.e., arbitrary UDHR-socialist-ecclesiastical rulers-over-man] know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife. ..".
5E} eradication of THE CHIEF/ ARTICLE VII HOLY TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS: Common Law Public Value {CLPV}: In 1978, "Article III standing in the federal courts [therefore all courts] has required the litigant to show that he or she has suffered or is threatened with "distinct and palpable" injury, that the respondent's actions caused the injury, and that the relief requested will redress the injury. As these requirements suggest, thee keystone of standing is injury..."; and that means the Constitution must have 'standing' before it can be given, by government-over-man- to be supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements, environmentalists-organics-nuclear fall out, living-organic and inanimate-inorganic objects GW, Climate change, body parts, are not God's Law/ Truth taught by Paul in his first letter to Timothy: "the Law is admirable---provided one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people," except arbitrary rules of Conduct-force government-over-man's law written that has no location in Liberty of God "Law is not as subjects at law]
" Without injury, there is no need to proceed with the analysis. Furthermore, the definition of injury radically affects application of the causation and redressability requirements.":
The keystone is Not the word 'Injury'. It is the addition of "Distinct and Palpable" to re-define injury, a.k.a, arbitrary humanist-precept-30 articles of PAPAL AUTHORITY TWO KINGDOMS of UNTRUTH, "udhr's creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, sects, factions, denominations, compulsion of conscience (i.e. gender, matched, mixed, re-manufactured sex organs; abortion for any human precept reason, except THE UNIQUE ETERNAL LIVING SOUL, THIRD-PERSON, MOTHER'S Whole Mind, Whole Heart carried in her HERITAGE = '1' UNIQUE OVA, '1' TIME/ +/- 30 EARTH TIME-DAYS, exemplified in arrogant, conceit of ARBITRARY HUMAN PRECEPT, RULES OF CONDUCT power of extortion, total carnal mind- death to that one person, alone -- NO GROUP/ COMMITTEE shall every be counted in judgement by Christ Jesus, in pica-seconds of blasphemy against ALL THREE PERSONS-HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH,
"3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification. [at http://heinonline.org /HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/hascq13&div=10&id=&page= ]
"3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification. [at http://heinonline.org /HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/hascq13&div=10&id=&page= ]
With cross-outs for "distinct and palpable" added, here is the original text, 1828/1844 American Dictionary definition of "IN'JU-RY, n. [L. injuria; in and jus, juris, right; Fr. injure; It. ingiuria; Sp. injuria.] 1. In general, any wrong or damage done to a man's person, rights, reputation or goods. That which impairs the soundness of the body or health, or gives pain, is an injury. That which impairs the mental faculties, is an injury. These injuries may be received by a fall or by other violence. Trespass, fraud, and non-fulfillment of covenants and contracts are injuries to rights. Slander is an injury to reputation, and so is cowardice and vice. Whatever impairs the quality or diminishes the value of goods or property, is an injury. We may receive injury by misfortune as well as by injustice.
2. Mischief; detriment. Many times we do injury to a cause by dwelling on trifling arguments. -The Reverend Isaac Watts, D.D (/w?ts/; 17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748) was an English Christian hymnwriter, theologian and logician. A prolific and popular hymn writer, his work was part of evangelization. He was recognized as the "Father of English Hymnody", credited with some 750 hymns. Many of his hymns remain in use today and have been translated into numerous languages. Words: Steal, Injury, Self, Betray.
3. Any diminution of that which is good, valuable or advantageous..".
And the next betrayal by apostasy's few men of Treason, even in ignorance that is Not an Excuse, few men-rulers of Pope Pius XI with Hitler Social Order Paragraph 80 Subsidiarity's law-making-police-state against medicine's Art and Science Hippocratic Oath: "I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. .. Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. .. First Do No Harm" - 24/7 violated under UNCONSTITUTIONAL VOID FROM DATE OF INCEPTION-TRUTH not one person in Article I or Article III shall stand, preserve, protect against "PPAA" among the acute and chronically ill-more complex the diagnoses, the more harm inflicted, word "H`ARM, n.1. Injury; hurt; damage; detriment. Do thyself no harm. Acts.16. He shall make amends for the harm he hath done in the holy thing. Lev.5.
2. Moral wrong; evil; mischief; wickedness; a popular sense of the word.
H`ARM, v.t. To hurt; to injure; to damage; to impair soundness of body, either animal or vegetable;" and
DET'RI-MENT, n. [L. detrimentum. Qu. deter, worse, or detero, detritum, worn off.] Loss; damage; injury; mischief; harm; diminution. We speak of detriment to interest, property, religion, morals, reputation, and to land or buildings. It is a word of very general application.".
Latest example, from late June to this flashing cursor,We the People are forbidden to know, the secrets of--- FDA and Medicare administrative-police-state, decreeing-in-law, absent both Article I and any Physician whose Board Certification specialty is Anesthesiologist-Pain management-relief, that only collective-people-grouped by "cancer" are permitted to use Fentanyl - oral sucker, or transdermal patch.
There are no other "living-object's-diagnoses" can be permitted the use of Fentanyl, a very important 1990's breakthrough in pain relief, both of which bypass the GI Tract for pain relief; for you see, there is no person suffering from pain which Fentanyl was specifically developed to relieve excruciating pain. A person's pain may not have a 'living object's diagnosis' of physiological-bodily cancer ... huh! But subsidiarity police-state-of collective-group by environmental characteristics carefully chosen to rule-to forbid any relief from pain for Constitutional-Person's non-cancer diagnosis.
5F} SUBSIDIARITY: Pope Pius XI with Hitler Social Order Paragraph 80: "The Oxford English Dictionary defines subsidiarity as the idea that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level. ...As with many social encyclicals in the modern period, this one occurs in the historical context of the intensifying struggle between communist and capitalist ideologies, exactly forty years – hence the title – after the Vatican’s first public stance on the issue in Rerum novarum [of the new 'things']. Promulgated in 1931, Quadragesimo anno is a response to German National Socialism and Soviet communism, on the one hand, and to Western European and American capitalist individualism on the other.
5F} EXEMPLIFIED to produce --as great desolation against person-in-pain as is arbitrary human precpt, predetermined conclusions imposed totally absent any knowledge of the History of physical in emotional pain management history: among the world-down-below's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent Truth, Trust, Promise, of ecclesiastical, Papal-authority-civil authority-group-consensus-government-over-man-circumcised-exclusively-body's temporal-health is Institute for Healthcare Improvement - all statistical - (IHI) in conjunction with government-over-man's administrative-police-state FDA:
This because one 'famous' person died from an accidental Over-dose' ---specific to general-distinct and palpable-route of administration-of-medicine for relief of pain, to another Person of pain. Actually Persons-of-Pain throughout the 50 United States (The former Usurper of Article II's sneak-in leader of destruction of medicine, Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow's Institute of Healthcare Improvement, IHI predetermined-conclusion of "Addressing the Opioid Crisis in the United States," 90 day, Oct.-Dec. 2015, statistical-chart-review, by, through "health care workforce"- not clinical-practice-MD or Person-suffering-pain-), thus, causing that One-Person to suffer excruciating spasms of the sclerotic-beaded/ pouch, harden bile-duct, and 5 surgeries on the bile duct's partner, the pancreatic duct's Sphincter of Oddi, with cirrhosis secondary to these malfunctioning digestion into the IBS of small intestine, resulting in excruciating-spasm-pain-harm upon ingesting any food unless baby-pureed, small bites, when only a breakthrough pain medication is permitted, the long-acting pain reliever forbidden--due to the IHI study's wrong, incorrect set of diagnoses, given to the FDA who adjudicated "drug overdose - forced "detox"-never sharing with that person-of-pain, -- simply by tyranny in extortion, because the Medical Record did not carry the WHOLE of that Person's medical and surgical history, such that eating or living a regular, gluten-free-diet for ADL's of life is impossible.
Update May 2017 "NewSpeak, bipartisan Appropriation's Committee continued funding of this IHI "a precise example of arbitrary, mandatory perspicuity, obscureness of evidence demonstrating 1. Darkness; want of light.; 3. Darkness of meaning; unintelligibleness; as the obscurity of writings or of a particular passage" devoid Right Reason: That Individual, Constitutional-Person is found guilty with punishment by IHI's pre-determined conclusion by their very sacred void, vain-idol-god's 'bigger number", FDA to Pain MD to "Drug over-useage and over-dosage"---no due process of law, not even any Law whatsoever involved - was told by her Pulmonologist that her prescribed and followed, more than 20 years of on-off opioid/ narcotic meds she was taking, they have been altered, did not have any adverse effects relating to her pulmonary diagnosis. Her improvement is totally due to going from CPAP, pulsating, to BiPAP, steady stream for tracheal support during sleep and post general anesthesia.
When Constitutional-Person reported that statement to her pain MD, he smiled and Did Not Believe her Oral Law that she has been careful to maintain during the years her pain MD actively supported her medical diagnoses required use. Note: now at drug Internet, when giving general reasons of stronger, or other routes of administration for opioids-narcotics SOLELY FOR THOSE WITH CANCER, exempted from IHI's study, BYPASSING THE GI TRACT IS NOT INCLUDED AS A REASON THAT OPIOID/ NARCOTIC CAN BE THE DRUG OF CHOICE as trans dermal or submucosal route of administration.
The Fentanyl Sucker was arbitrarily removed without any explanation, except the "IHI, Health Care Work Force"-drug company-provider, refused to cover the very expensive-cost and after several months, including one trip to the ER for injected-pain relief, the Patient was informed by her Anes.-Pain MD - and in shock and disbelief, that the only medication that permitted a Regular, gluten-free diet, with all digestion requires, is forbidden because she doesn't have a living-object-diagnosis: body government of man's distinct and palpable-"circumcised" diagnosis of physiology, upon which 'cancer' is affecting neurology, psychology, anatomy, though the person is status-post excision of a meningioma located in the center of physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy - Medulla, Pons, Brain Stem, symptomatic years before diagnosis, true by hindsight, with remaining slooow-growing meningioma 11 years older, and not on any medical record to this flashing cursor, as part of the 'current health problems'. -- So harm and injury is a fact in evidence basis for FDA judgement by Punishment of "Whatever impairs the quality or diminishes the value of goods or property, is an injury. We may receive injury by misfortune as well as by injustice; i.e., Constitution's "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.".[Resources used #1] and the 'fellow-country-person's employee of "health care professionals at Providers, Medicare for LAW-CREATOR-FDA individual fellow-country-persons violate their very own, unique Oath/ Pledge of Allegiance stated in WWII's Principle of Nuremberg:
There is no Article III Judiciary/ Court of Law, because there is no "Oath". Though; and Extortion is tyrannical - the prescribing correctly Pain Specialist MD for "Threat"-no crime involved because FDA bypasses "Accused" requiring Due Process --- and extortion extends to the Person, who using Fentanyl at all, is because of the nature of that pain on that Person's unique, good-Soul, circumcised/physiology, or un-circumcised, is never part of judgement by our Father to His children, assumed--until fact and evidence prove evil-unlawfulness-, traveling in physiology.
Worse, because the Pharmacy that fills pain-medication is the go-between the entanglements of reimbursement, physician order repudiated by FDA - IHI's false-bias-based-statistical-study, causes its own set of rules of conduct-always extortion, since the Person living in that genuine-pain- won't receive, or won't receive timely to the next dose, any form of that medication, for the Pharmacy, too, is under its own laws for extortion. The 'yes is not'--'no is yes'-binomial-decision-tree of distinct and palpable tool instrument - computer/ Ipad - invisible-accountable to world-down-below only because the lie is diffuse and grows upon itself--until Stopped by Standing For Truth, but very accountable to "world to come". Among the January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative-police-state, there are various forms of this extortion by tyranny, and always shut-up, sit down, and be enslaved, since the vain-idol-god's bigger $$$ allows fear of government-over-man to be supreme to American Government's Liberty of God.
Don't forget, Pharmacy must watchdog pharmacy to be sure that fellow-country-person is acceptable to even be considered to have a refill or prescription-opioid- filled - elsewhere. That patient with the GI digestion tract in severe spasm intermittently during the hours of meals, cannot even think about changing pain-MD's --- not that she wanted to, but the MD was very Threatened, because of course, the nanosecond the new pain-MD wrote a prescription---- the whole FDA, IHI cycle restarts in circumcised-government-of-man's supremacy over Truth of The Holy Living Trinity - Oath in Pledge of Allegiance.
There are no other "living-object's-diagnoses" can be permitted the use of Fentanyl, a very important 1990's breakthrough in pain relief, both of which bypass the GI Tract for pain relief; for you see, there is no person suffering from pain which Fentanyl was specifically developed to relieve excruciating pain. A person's pain may not have a 'living object's diagnosis' of physiological-bodily cancer ... huh! But subsidiarity police-state-of collective-group by environmental characteristics carefully chosen to rule-to forbid any relief from pain for Constitutional-Person's non-cancer diagnosis.
5F} SUBSIDIARITY: Pope Pius XI with Hitler Social Order Paragraph 80: "The Oxford English Dictionary defines subsidiarity as the idea that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level. ...As with many social encyclicals in the modern period, this one occurs in the historical context of the intensifying struggle between communist and capitalist ideologies, exactly forty years – hence the title – after the Vatican’s first public stance on the issue in Rerum novarum [of the new 'things']. Promulgated in 1931, Quadragesimo anno is a response to German National Socialism and Soviet communism, on the one hand, and to Western European and American capitalist individualism on the other.
5F} EXEMPLIFIED to produce --as great desolation against person-in-pain as is arbitrary human precpt, predetermined conclusions imposed totally absent any knowledge of the History of physical in emotional pain management history: among the world-down-below's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent Truth, Trust, Promise, of ecclesiastical, Papal-authority-civil authority-group-consensus-government-over-man-circumcised-exclusively-body's temporal-health is Institute for Healthcare Improvement - all statistical - (IHI) in conjunction with government-over-man's administrative-police-state FDA:
This because one 'famous' person died from an accidental Over-dose' ---specific to general-distinct and palpable-route of administration-of-medicine for relief of pain, to another Person of pain. Actually Persons-of-Pain throughout the 50 United States (The former Usurper of Article II's sneak-in leader of destruction of medicine, Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow's Institute of Healthcare Improvement, IHI predetermined-conclusion of "Addressing the Opioid Crisis in the United States," 90 day, Oct.-Dec. 2015, statistical-chart-review, by, through "health care workforce"- not clinical-practice-MD or Person-suffering-pain-), thus, causing that One-Person to suffer excruciating spasms of the sclerotic-beaded/ pouch, harden bile-duct, and 5 surgeries on the bile duct's partner, the pancreatic duct's Sphincter of Oddi, with cirrhosis secondary to these malfunctioning digestion into the IBS of small intestine, resulting in excruciating-spasm-pain-harm upon ingesting any food unless baby-pureed, small bites, when only a breakthrough pain medication is permitted, the long-acting pain reliever forbidden--due to the IHI study's wrong, incorrect set of diagnoses, given to the FDA who adjudicated "drug overdose - forced "detox"-never sharing with that person-of-pain, -- simply by tyranny in extortion, because the Medical Record did not carry the WHOLE of that Person's medical and surgical history, such that eating or living a regular, gluten-free-diet for ADL's of life is impossible.
Update May 2017 "NewSpeak, bipartisan Appropriation's Committee continued funding of this IHI "a precise example of arbitrary, mandatory perspicuity, obscureness of evidence demonstrating 1. Darkness; want of light.; 3. Darkness of meaning; unintelligibleness; as the obscurity of writings or of a particular passage" devoid Right Reason: That Individual, Constitutional-Person is found guilty with punishment by IHI's pre-determined conclusion by their very sacred void, vain-idol-god's 'bigger number", FDA to Pain MD to "Drug over-useage and over-dosage"---no due process of law, not even any Law whatsoever involved - was told by her Pulmonologist that her prescribed and followed, more than 20 years of on-off opioid/ narcotic meds she was taking, they have been altered, did not have any adverse effects relating to her pulmonary diagnosis. Her improvement is totally due to going from CPAP, pulsating, to BiPAP, steady stream for tracheal support during sleep and post general anesthesia.
When Constitutional-Person reported that statement to her pain MD, he smiled and Did Not Believe her Oral Law that she has been careful to maintain during the years her pain MD actively supported her medical diagnoses required use. Note: now at drug Internet, when giving general reasons of stronger, or other routes of administration for opioids-narcotics SOLELY FOR THOSE WITH CANCER, exempted from IHI's study, BYPASSING THE GI TRACT IS NOT INCLUDED AS A REASON THAT OPIOID/ NARCOTIC CAN BE THE DRUG OF CHOICE as trans dermal or submucosal route of administration.
The Fentanyl Sucker was arbitrarily removed without any explanation, except the "IHI, Health Care Work Force"-drug company-provider, refused to cover the very expensive-cost and after several months, including one trip to the ER for injected-pain relief, the Patient was informed by her Anes.-Pain MD - and in shock and disbelief, that the only medication that permitted a Regular, gluten-free diet, with all digestion requires, is forbidden because she doesn't have a living-object-diagnosis: body government of man's distinct and palpable-"circumcised" diagnosis of physiology, upon which 'cancer' is affecting neurology, psychology, anatomy, though the person is status-post excision of a meningioma located in the center of physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy - Medulla, Pons, Brain Stem, symptomatic years before diagnosis, true by hindsight, with remaining slooow-growing meningioma 11 years older, and not on any medical record to this flashing cursor, as part of the 'current health problems'. -- So harm and injury is a fact in evidence basis for FDA judgement by Punishment of "Whatever impairs the quality or diminishes the value of goods or property, is an injury. We may receive injury by misfortune as well as by injustice; i.e., Constitution's "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.".[Resources used #1] and the 'fellow-country-person's employee of "health care professionals at Providers, Medicare for LAW-CREATOR-FDA individual fellow-country-persons violate their very own, unique Oath/ Pledge of Allegiance stated in WWII's Principle of Nuremberg:
"Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution, means to obey or help enforce The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders;" a paraphrase of Oath-The Two Greatest Commands of God, and the Actions of government-over-man in WWII - place God in our Nation, and any Nation that calls upon The Eternal Living Father in His Eternal Living Son in His Father, and in each-one-person who Knows and Understands Truth of The Holy Living Trinity in YOU among those whom you count as neighbors and out of respect for those You will never Know, but will KNOW YOU by the legacy of your Actions/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience while traveling "world-down-below".The FDA is a "arbitrary rules of conduct-extortion--lawmaker-absent any authority of any form, because it adjudicates, absent the WHOLE of facts and evidence to perpetrate great harm in neurological-psychological, therefore, mobility of Life for that Person among those Persons living in the United 50 States.
There is no Article III Judiciary/ Court of Law, because there is no "Oath". Though; and Extortion is tyrannical - the prescribing correctly Pain Specialist MD for "Threat"-no crime involved because FDA bypasses "Accused" requiring Due Process --- and extortion extends to the Person, who using Fentanyl at all, is because of the nature of that pain on that Person's unique, good-Soul, circumcised/physiology, or un-circumcised, is never part of judgement by our Father to His children, assumed--until fact and evidence prove evil-unlawfulness-, traveling in physiology.
Worse, because the Pharmacy that fills pain-medication is the go-between the entanglements of reimbursement, physician order repudiated by FDA - IHI's false-bias-based-statistical-study, causes its own set of rules of conduct-always extortion, since the Person living in that genuine-pain- won't receive, or won't receive timely to the next dose, any form of that medication, for the Pharmacy, too, is under its own laws for extortion. The 'yes is not'--'no is yes'-binomial-decision-tree of distinct and palpable tool instrument - computer/ Ipad - invisible-accountable to world-down-below only because the lie is diffuse and grows upon itself--until Stopped by Standing For Truth, but very accountable to "world to come". Among the January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative-police-state, there are various forms of this extortion by tyranny, and always shut-up, sit down, and be enslaved, since the vain-idol-god's bigger $$$ allows fear of government-over-man to be supreme to American Government's Liberty of God.
Don't forget, Pharmacy must watchdog pharmacy to be sure that fellow-country-person is acceptable to even be considered to have a refill or prescription-opioid- filled - elsewhere. That patient with the GI digestion tract in severe spasm intermittently during the hours of meals, cannot even think about changing pain-MD's --- not that she wanted to, but the MD was very Threatened, because of course, the nanosecond the new pain-MD wrote a prescription---- the whole FDA, IHI cycle restarts in circumcised-government-of-man's supremacy over Truth of The Holy Living Trinity - Oath in Pledge of Allegiance.
6} The reason for iniquity by injustice, is that " Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Rights are Violated: Common Law Public Value Adjudication at Work," and "Having legitimized a legal interest model of injury analysis for statutory rights, the Court could easily apply that model to rights secured by the Constitution. However, the Court has steadfastly refused to do so. Of the numerous anomalies in the current... [1988 worsened by Article III's atheism-no Creator of Law in the Declaration, Constitution is an isolated document written to be violated]"...law of standing, perhaps the most puzzling is the Court's refusal to acknowledge the Constitution as a proper source of legal rights, the invasion of which constitutes injury for standing purposes...". 10 years old in 1988, and 28 years old, when , all of these words achieve violation of Oath in the Second Greatest Command of God, and in that, involve Laws of Nature and of Nature's God in separate and equal station, for God does not judge, nor does the Declaration or Constitution obeyed, by Galatians and Peter, Biblical physiology-circumcised or uncircumcised-body's physical and environmental, living and inanimate objects as characteristics, rather by Truth, Trust, Promise of His Commands and His Son teaching, so 'distinct: "So separated as not to be confounded with any other 'thing'; clear; not confused. To reason correctly we must have distinct ideas," and palpable: " by the touch; that may be felt; as a palpable substance; Gross; coarse; easily perceived and detected; as a palpable absurdity; Plain; obvious; easily perceptible; palpable proof"./ proposed, waved-in-air exhibit list are not the basis of AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, but very much arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-truth./ arbitrary human precept, absent God's Law.
update as of May 2017:
Hence, world-down-below's arbitrary human precept, 'international court of iniquity', now includes Article III as immerses itself into that DoubleThink word 'court' of #2 of 3, article 9- civilization law forms...:
...2) Exclusive arbitrary human precept, Government-of-man, Socialist-' re-manufacture word, 'christian'-deluded-democracy-Communist-group-think-rulers by hierarchy-privilege, serfs as collective people in their groups by life's physical and environmental characteristics, Soviet and Chinese, "Socialist law is similar to common law or civil law but with a greatly increased public law sector and decreased private law sector.
---partial or total expulsion of the former ruling classes from the public life at early stages of existence of each socialist state; however, in all socialist states this policy gradually changed into the policy of "one socialist nation without classes"
---diversity of political views directly discouraged.
---the ruling Communist party was eventually subject to prosecution through party committees in first place.
---abolition of private property considered as a primary goal of socialism, if not its defining characteristic, thus near total collectivization and nationalization of the means of production;
---subordination of the judiciary to the Communist Party
---low [oops! Never] respect for privacy, extensive control of the party over private life;
---low respect for intellectual [The Creator-Spirit Truth] property as knowledge and culture was considered a right for human kind, and not a privilege as in the free market economies.
---extensive social warrants of the state [UDHR Articles 22-27]the rights to a job, free education, free healthcare, retirement at 60 for men and 55 for women, maternity leave, free disability benefits and sick leave compensation, subsidies to multichildren families, ...) in return for a high degree of social mobilization.
---the judicial process lacks adversary character; public prosecution is considered as "provider of justice."[Justice does not in any form mean God--therefore does not even consider Truth, Trust, Promise, though 'faith" is tossed about to sound good -- not that few men rulers have to worry about how they sound.
and #3 of # forms of injustice - no Constitutional-Person of honesty-unique, immortal-Soul, traveling world-down-below in body's physiology-Biblical 'fleshie', circumcised-fingers, urine, saliva, driving records, Citizens proving they are citizens, while Illegal==socialist-atheist-Kamala Harris- candidate for her triplets, violator Oath in the Three Sacred Documents, decreed: "undocumented" duplicated by, Boxer, -- and "Kumbyya, My lip-service Lord, Kumbyya" Loretta Sanchez, the Triplets of "TTVG, regardless of political party affiliation, stated or not" by the candidate's "Greatest happiness if the biggest number-absent Truth, Trust,, promise-Constitutional-Person's no groups and no physical-environmental characteristics--love of Radical Jihad-Islamic-Muslims who share Mohammed in tribal "religious supreme power governing the world and worship of that power," i.e., "Things equal to the same thing, Mohammed, are equal to each other;". and #3 of 3...
3) Civil law, civilian law, or Roman law is a legal system originating in Europe, intellectualized within the framework of late Roman law, and whose most prevalent feature is that its core principles are codified into a referable system which serves as the primary source of law.
This can be contrasted with common law systems whose intellectual framework comes from judge-made decisional law which gives precedential authority to prior court decisions on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions (doctrine of judicial precedent, or stare decisis):
[In American Law, changed by judges-precedent-law Justice Brandeis' "..settle but not settle right/; and : The phrase pro forma, in an appealable decree or judgment, usually means that the decision was rendered not on a conviction that it was right, but merely to facilitate further proceedings"]
This is what happened to American God is Law, and it happened intertwined to post WWI through the 1950's though without much "open" strength and a lot of underground, behind the back untruths in Article III and in the growth of Administrative-police-state especially emphasizing the advent of brainwashing education well begun in early 1960's... with about 4 to 6 generations fully indoctrinated to No God permitted...The Declaration and Constitution are socialist-dogma of physical and environmental of the rich and business manipulators over the working class-proletariat and "divine truth is very different from secular's scattered-torn apart-truth--untruth supreme to God:
Maybe placing all four of these together will help you see/ understand how connections of language and communication define Who The Creator Is and the reason arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct-force to tyranny is so often "fear man" more than "fear God".
"GOV'ERN-MENT, n.1. Direction; regulation. These precepts will serve for the government of our conduct.
2. Control; restraint. Men are apt to neglect the government of their temper and passions.
3. The exercise of authority; direction and restraint exercised over the actions of men in communities, societies or states; the administration of public affairs, according to established constitution, laws and usages, or by arbitrary edicts. Prussia rose to importance under the government of Frederic II.
4. The exercise of authority by a parent or household. Children are often ruined by a neglect of government in parents. Let family government be like that of our heavenly Father, mild, gentle, and affectionate. – Kollock.
5. The system of polity in a state; that form of fundamental rules and principles by which a nation or state is governed, or by which individual members of a body politic are to regulate their social actions; a constitution, either written or unwritten, by which the rights and duties of citizens and public officers are prescribed and defined; as, a monarchial government, or a republican government. Thirteen governments thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without the pretense of miracle or mystery, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind. – J. Adams.
6. An empire, kingdom or state; any territory over which the right of sovereignty is extended.
The right of governing or administering the laws. The King of England vested the government of Ireland in the lord lieutenant.
7. The persons or council which administer the laws of a kingdom or state; executive power.
8. Manageableness; compliance; obsequiousness. – Shak.
9. Regularity of behavior. [Not in use.] – Shak.
10. Management of the limbs or body. [Not in use.] Spencer.
11. In grammar, the influence of a word in regard to construction, as when established usage requires that one word should cause another to be in a particular case or mode.".
"CON-NECTION, n. [L. connexio; It. connessione. See Connect.]
The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing.":
7} Why The Three Sacred Documents -Truth is the Whole of the Bible with Apocrypha in The Declaration in the Constitution -- which is the reason, with God's Direct Presence throughout our history..at least until "Blasphemy of His Holy Spirit" became dominant within our government because our collective-people-church leader's forgot what "reformation'-Papal authority's arbitrary, circumcised, fingers, urine, saliva, always honest man is the subject of rules of conduct-extortion-force, and guilty before the fact of even contemplating a crime, -contrary to God, human precept means to body of groups of people, since man cannot control an individual-person as much as his inhumanity can control people-as-groups---even groups by government itself-as collective, meaning these groups actually believe they may as well be evil in lie, since they are just "Arts Council's mantra: "In dust we trust" after death; and...
Understanding, among Americans of God and Nation First, why our Living Father in His Living Son in His Father Is Calling YOU, just as He did in Isaiah, Jeremiah, only in God's Eras of history among His sovereign nations, AMERICAN GOD IS LAW- Holy Spirit-Ghost-Comforter-Truth in You, if you choose to follow, as did our Colonists, Founders among them, who knew their Whole KJV-Apocrypha-Bible such that it was a part of every day activities inherent in every-day life and among ALL Americans, natural or naturalized since who taught themselves exactly --TRUTH -- as "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually [any issue, any of our periods of history's legacies in Liberty of most good and of most evil, among Person(s) composing ONE PEOPLE-UNION of SOVEREIGN STATES] pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor," that is also, the same Truth-with or without their 'distinct and palpable names - The Eternal Living God in His Eternal Living Son in Your unique, alone Holy Ghost-Spirit, is a universal whole of every nation whether the diffuse-connections of the Glory in Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, or / and...for good and evil are within each-one-person's entire roles-of-life,...
... The other side of that Blade, the diffuse, very blind and deaf-dark pit that the devil, by his many names acts for destruction of what-ever man-over-men -- by arbitrary power-government-over-man in tyranny in oppression its goal; though it loves its ability to use deception among the ignorant of Freedom/ Truth, who actually think borderless nations and jurisprudence is a good idea...., thus, NGO_UN-EU Empire-01/201009 anti-Republic under God continuing whether Consent of the People-Person's ballot reads 'DEM' or 'REP's including complete sanctity of Article III Judiciary who does not even acknowledge the existence of God or His Two Greatest Commands, as well as ignorance of The Three Sacred Documents obtains the "Greatest Happiness is the Greatest Number deciding wrong and right--devoid of any information-knowledge-Truth, trust or promise; and that triumvirate answers solely to itself as absolute dictatorship of lie, steal and murder of person(s) composing each-sovereign nation's One People minds, hearts, will-conscience-ability to take action in the name of Right-Truth-Justice God in Christ Jesus in Your Person-soul Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness// blessedness.
... The other side of that Blade, the diffuse, very blind and deaf-dark pit that the devil, by his many names acts for destruction of what-ever man-over-men -- by arbitrary power-government-over-man in tyranny in oppression its goal; though it loves its ability to use deception among the ignorant of Freedom/ Truth, who actually think borderless nations and jurisprudence is a good idea...., thus, NGO_UN-EU Empire-01/201009 anti-Republic under God continuing whether Consent of the People-Person's ballot reads 'DEM' or 'REP's including complete sanctity of Article III Judiciary who does not even acknowledge the existence of God or His Two Greatest Commands, as well as ignorance of The Three Sacred Documents obtains the "Greatest Happiness is the Greatest Number deciding wrong and right--devoid of any information-knowledge-Truth, trust or promise; and that triumvirate answers solely to itself as absolute dictatorship of lie, steal and murder of person(s) composing each-sovereign nation's One People minds, hearts, will-conscience-ability to take action in the name of Right-Truth-Justice God in Christ Jesus in Your Person-soul Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness// blessedness.
They are not opposites, rather, human nature, as His children we must learn our own Person, according to The Father's Two Greatest Commands, emphasizing Self-does mean your Soul-Truth with your neighbor - no physical or environmental characteristics, and never in a group-think-bigger number consensus of arbitrary human precept, with and without the discipline of God's Law. That's just like Commandment 5's father and mother who must let you be as bad and as good as your are---so you know your own evil...as well as your most good:
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Behold, I Paul say unto You, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.4. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. for we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.6. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. of God, [The Father, for thus, you will love your neighbor, friend or enemy.]7. Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of Him that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.10. I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded; but he that troubleth you shall bear His judgement, whosoever he be. And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased. I would they were even cut off which trouble you.13. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for the occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.15. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.16. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh/ For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. ..".-Galatians V
Body is "gender-male newborn-circumcised" "Flesh/ Fleshie"==physiological-body's neurology, psychology, anatomy upon which your soul's adventurous, multifaceted-journey on world-down-below takes place-a.k.a., "distinct and palpable the body, this UDHR-humanist arbitrary human precept for their soul, you are supposed to unquestioningly follow in devotion to wrong.
"Never imagine I have come to destroy the Law or the prophets; I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. I tell You, reader, truly, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota [9th letter GR alpha], not a comma ',' will pass from The Law until it is ALL [WHOLE] in force..."[6]
In short, 2015-2016 Elections is the overthrow of our Republic "In God We Trust" - Articles IV, V, VI and in violating VI-II in VI - I, III, with The Bill of Right, Americans, you shall vote against God in Christ Jesus in Your Person, The Holy Living Trinity of The Law intertwined to The Three Sacred Documents; and in deceit of lie and steal, have conducted as though our nation has revoked Article IV's guarantee of a Republican Form of Government with Protection from Invasion that also means infringement of Right-Truth; for, the triumvirate of UN-EU Empire-01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime-few men rulers by arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-UDHR's human family--Articles 18, 19, 21, 29 as John Adams succinctly describes in "An Essay on Man's Lust for Power":
"Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of the the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, ll the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.".American you have been....lied to... when taught that your individual-person can do nothing to stop- Prince-of-the-earth appearances as the serpent talking to Eve, Cain, Catholic inquisition, and climate-change's 100% control of the production and distribution of all life on world-down-below's land, water, atmosphere, --permitted and forbidden Periodic Chart of the Elements-the triumvirate's very own-tyranny of administrative-police-state-CA as cohort to 'Article II's Usurper-president', and their candidates among the several States-hiding behind the DoubleThink-label on your ballot as whether DEM or REP, because forcing, absent Law a delusional-democracy of collective-mass people who shall be ignorant by control and manipulation of language and communication-knowledge, is lie, steal and murder of your mind, heart, will-conscience, among those you know and will never know..It is hate and despise.
This untruth is the reason We the People can voice the unlawfulness occurring 24/7, the Fellow-country-persons-elected to Represent the Truth within their Oath in the Three Sacred Documents, decide to completely ignore your voice, thus their very own soul-against themselves; then by refusing to enact Article II:4, because there isn't enough deluded-democracy of collective-people to produce the "Greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong, for in their blind-deafness -deep in that dark-pit, they're repudiating the Holy Spirit-God-Truth and they cannot ever 'see-understand' again, until they ask for help from our Father. God explains in Ezekiel 33; St. Paul in I Tim I: "..I render thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has made me able for this; He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to the ministry, though I had formerly been a blasphemer and a persecutor and a wanton aggressor. I obtained mercy because in my unbelief I had acted out of ignorance; and the grace of our Lord flooded my life, along with the faith and love that Christ Jesus inspires. It is a sure word, it deserves all praise, that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"; and though I am the foremost of sinners, I obtained mercy, for the purpose of furnishing Christ Jesus with a supreme proof of His utter patience, a typical illustration of it for all who were to believe in Him and gain eternal life. To the King of eternity, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever: Amen.".
--- Government-collective-group-think-over-man is never accountable to anyone for its consequences of destruction by lie and deceit manipulating language and communication so that no Person composing the Whole of our Republic can never obtain knowledge, wisdom upon which Truth exists -- Liberty of most good.
Unless your father and/ or mother were of their own Holy Living Trinity-Truth, fully known or not, You never have been taught, especially in collective-people-church ecclesiastics intertwined to public-government-over-man's common core -ignorance, your unique-Soul-Holy Ghost's very silent, flowing Ghost-Truth you have to have great Christian discipline: "A pure heart, good conscience, and Sincere faith"-Moffatt Bible-I Tim. I; to understand and perceive your very own Liberty of most good choice to follow.
Your very own, unique Holy Ghost-Spirit of Truth is Not and could never be a group activity. "Modern man's"-Church-Temple is not the location of Truth
Beelzebub has many forms of ignorance, but "Practicability" in "I have no power to change any 'thing,' " in running away and hiding because you fear government-over-man much more than your Father-The Creator of His Universe! Many of you even know that He can kill both Your Soul and Your body -- the devil cannot -- only your body, and by that pain- physical and emotional- when you won't "Join-up" or follow your "hate in wickedness of injustice-"Trained Facilitator" who is probably designated as "Community-group-consensus of opinion absent fact and evidence" leader or worse, runs for Office-- any level -- repudiating not only the idea of "soul" but also any Truth, Trust, and Promise- accepting a false Oath against his own person in the mirror --meaning many candidates, any level of our Federalist equilateral triangle, have no intention of ever obeying Truth, Trust, Promise - The Two Greatest Commands of God - Oath in Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God in separate and equal station, but you Mr/ Mrs. Ms Consent of the Governed - will have no idea what that fellow-country-person would stand to preserve, protect and secure among those he knows and will never know in accountability here on world-down-below intrinsic personal accountability and to fellow-country-persons to obtaining heaven on his last day of judgment, alone, directly to God ; and judgment from Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth is never forgiven at this flashing cursor, and forever until man destroys himself, because our Father cannot intervene.
9} What can you, alone do? The Truth exactly as Jesus has instructed, and The Father in Ezekiel 33 - enforce in every role of your life: God's Two Greatest Commands---as you do, you will find "The Principle of Nuremberg-- violated in your workplace, in your political affairs, remembering that politics occurs when-ever two people are together at all times and under all circumstances-Life Is Politics-even a "stage," in your city, especially in you children's entire roles as student from kindergarten to grad. school's-common core's- mandatory instruction in how to violate The 10 Commandments as they learn to despise Their own Holy Living Trinity they are forbidden to even understand: "To thine own self be true, thou canest not be then false to any man[person].".... and look, perceive... that #1 brown scroll - you will find it at http://www.constitution.org/consprin.htm; along with learning your own 9th Amendment flowing into the First, that flows throughout the Ten into the 14th.
.. Don't BE Silent-- you must speak - even if no-one-believes you, or your "personality does not fit the group's opinion of your duties to your communities among "human family is the most important "value!," or even lower's its conceit in ignorance to listen to The Truth.
Always remember "The Lord's Prayer" Jesus taught you... It Is A Complete Statement that will if you are disciplined to your Holy Ghost-it is a lot of hard work worth every nanosecond to 'knock, ask, seek, find' never failing.... YOU. Learn and Teach "POL'ITICS, n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance" and ".P`ARTY, n. [L. pars. See Part.] 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs [GOP of Principle] and tories. [deluded democracy of strong Article ii absent I and III sustaining them--collective-people-delusional-democracy-socialist now]"
Any part of your 'party' that refuses debate in fact and evidence-- requires silence in obedience-- Don't -- obey-challenge, them, and if they --isolate your for being impertinent with their arrogance and ignorance of power--tell them what "separate and equal station means, and if they won't listen to Truth in God---they need to leave, or be removed from whatever they are doing --instructions are in Joshua 1, Proverbs 8, Ezekiel 33; Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus Chapters 2, 15, 17; Matt. 12, 15, 18; John 8, 10, 13, 14 The Declaration, and The Constitution
If our Father who loves us on both sides of His Double-Edged Sword He Holds The Hilt to, then each-one-person-in His Spirit-Ghost-Image, will never learn His Spirit-Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise over the Birds in the Atmosphere, Fish under the Water, and any 'thing' that crawls on the ground...The Periodic Chart of the Elements of His Universe. His children have learned a lot since the Father gave clothes and tools and taught Adam and Eve to use them...especially over our very young in God's Eras of history, United States of America; - but only to 01/28/2008's Pres. Bush's Speech given at the Emerald Hotel, Las Vegas. From that speech forward, Consent of the Governed in We the People were sold to the UN-EU Empire with Mohammed's religious tribal, mutually shared between Muslim-Islamic Jihad in socialist-christian-delusional "The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty"--Fisher Ames, Massachusetts House of Representatives.
"LI-CEN'TIOUS, a. [L. licentiosus.] 1. Using license; indulging freedom to excess; unrestrained by law or morality; loose; dissolute; as, a licentious man.
2. Exceeding the limits of law or propriety; wanton; unrestrained; as, licentious desires. Licentious thoughts precede licentious conduct.".
Evidence is as diffuse in father evil-father lie as "He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God; you [collective-deluded democracy's few men government-over-man-ecclesiastical-socialist-communist-rulers], do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God;" but God in Christ, working as they do, had two leaders: One of Papal Supremacy" and one of Socialist-atheism's 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime follow Matt. 10's: "A scholar is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.; enough for the scholar to fare like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If men have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they miscall his servants!
Fear Them Not:----no thing is veiled that shall not be revealed, or hidden that shall not be known; what I tell you in the dark, you, must utter in the open, what you hear in a whisper, you must proclaim on the housetop.
Have no fear of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul: rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. .." .
10} THE PAPIST HERITAGE & DESCENDANTS: The two Leaders of government-over-man, civil authority enjoined to ecclesiastical-collective, mass people-church now enjoined by UDHR's human family, Articles 18, 19, 21, 29, to 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's civil authority-collective-people-state genuinely express their common membership in government-over-man is superior to Person's "Independence" composing the Whole of One People-Union, a.k.a, The Holy Living Trinity, John 14 in 15: "If they persecuted me, they Will persecute you; if they hold to my word, they will hold to yours. They will do all this to you on account for my Name sake because they know not Him who sent me. They would not be guilty, if I had not gone and spoken to them, but, as it is, they have no excuse for their sin---he who hates me hates my Father also. They would not be guilty, if I had not done deeds among them such as no one has ever done; but as it is---they have seen and they have hated---both me and my Father. It is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled: they hated me for no cause. When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, he will bear witness to me; and YOU too are witnesses,for You have been with me from the Very beginning..":
----A few weeks ago, not to be left out of his role of arbitrary human precept's body physiology-circumcised-not God's Truth Law, government-over-man in collective people-church ecclesiastics, concrete, distinct, and palpable rites, ceremonies, creeds, compulsion of conscience as workers of iniquity in the destruction of Bible in Declaration, in Constitution Oath, control and manipulation of all knowledge, deluded christian socialist-democracy, the "Papal Supremacy declared that, 'if he could vote he would support Hilary Clinton for President'.
- Papal Authority in bias is the inheritor, chosen by man, since St. Peter, "Papal Infallibility," the First Vatican Council, Jesus-., because Jesus' physiology, always absent that He remains the Eternal Living Son of Living God in His Eternal Spirit of Truth, before He was born of St. Mary, on the Cross, and after to continue as Holy Ghost, He asked His Father to give those who obey His commandments, that are The Father's also. Our Eternal Brother, Friend, and Counselor - uses Himself to show You - the 5W's and H of The Father's Spirit-Truth in You, according to American God Is Law....and only our nation, though many other nations are close, but arbitrary human precept, well described in John 8, including the only time Jesus taught a Pharisee, scribes, and they obeyed, how He asked His question of them, has prevailed in most of God's sovereign nations. ...
November 11, 2016../ 4 days after the anti-Republic under God Regime is removed by Consent-of-the-Governed, not necessarily by vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number'-where collective, mass people are forbidden "Information needed to make a proper determination is withheld, distorted in a way that is intended to mislead and which has that effect through negligence" - in California, there was no choice whatsoever for replacing delusional-democracy-socialist-communist-collective-people of control and manipulation of all land, water, atmosphere-UN-EU Empire-01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime-GW in Climate Change for borderless nations and Jurisprudence-Boxer. Because of TTVG in absurd "regardless of political party affiliation- the tyranny of delusional-democracy's vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' devoid Truth, Trust, Promise/ Oath, the TTVG were hiding behind labor's DEM- and both shall not at any time, nor under any circumstance obey their Oaths or AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.
information to make , rather by Truth of our Three Sacred Documents -- contradistinguished by repeated-all DEM's violation of Oath - arbitrary rules of conduct-force---hidden in E.O.- wholly violating Bible in Declaration in Constitution by persons who have no intention of obedience to Oath or Pledge of Allegiance. but I published this on 9/17/2016,
-----While signing his decree against our Republic under God with 9 witnesses, a few smiling, a few with an aporetic expression, while thousands watched on NBC-TV media, as "During the press conference, the [legacy against Oath - the Job Description of the CEO in Article II, of the current anti-Republic under God Regime's-'Article II-usurper President' explained his decision was based on a personal belief that the language used in the pledge [lower case 'p' the writer']-Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag in our Republic under "In God We Trust"] is “divisive” and “contrary to America’s deepest held "VALUES, n.; for "blown-by-the-wind-values" is a arbitrary rule of conduct-force, no Truth-God in Christ Jesus." the NBC newscast is at http://abcnews.com.co/obama-executive-order-bans-pledge-of-allegiance-in-schools/.---PUBLIC=ownership by government-over-constitutional person(s):
From Merriam Webster, because of the change in the definition of this word over 171 years, from integrity to fluctuations and --opinions without interference regardless of outer boundaries of knowledge-frontiers"-- Article 19 of udhr's no God or Truth:
"VALUE, n 1. a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for some 'thing' exchanged
2: the monetary worth of something : market price
3: relative worth, utility, or importance <a good value at the price> <the value of base stealing in baseball> <had nothing of value to say>
4: a numerical quantity that is assigned or is determined by calculation or measurement <let x take on positive values> <a value for the age of the earth>
5: the relative duration of a musical note
6a : relative lightness or darkness of a color : luminosity
b : the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness
7: something (as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable <sought material values instead of human values — W. H. Jones>
8: denomination 2"
REP's bigger number declares "E.O. 13738 isn't going anywhere;" - it was put aside as if the 7.9 year usurper-occupier of Article II never violated his Job Description-Oath taken as Senator and as President among fellow-country-person's he sees as a collective, mass bunch of ignorant sheep going to slaughter, occurred.
But that falsehood is what fools all We the People in Consent of the Governed, REP and DEM, though the socialist-atheists , "In Dust [scatter-secular] We Trust (Arts Council)" hiding behind "DEM" wouldn't care one iota or comma who it violates "In God We Trust," The First and Second Table Government of Laws; for what you totally ignore is that this 'anti-Republic-under God-usurper' was signing his own statement of lawlessness that started on January 20, 2009 with not one piece of legislation, not one piece, obedient to The Three Sacred Documents.
His absolutely irrefutable signed with witness'statement of "the offense
E.O. 13738 bans American God Is Law in Pledge of Allegiance in civil-authority-government-over-man's public places, especially among those nasty Semper Fidelis, Marines, who don't conform to untruth-except force of treason--the 'Article II-usurper-pres.' is immune to suffer, among the military, police service, the Marine's Truth Protection of their fellow-country-person(s) as any individual-Constitutional-Person to the "Principle of Nuremberg;"/ Second Greatest Command of God, who "Always" tell the President his lie and steal, as does Christ Jesus, not with those words, throughout the most important location for His Father in Him in New Testament directed-teaching to the "group-think-Pharisees, Sadducee (before they disappeared), scribes, High Priest in or very near their temples. So-Be-It. Thus this 'Article II-usurper's legacy', as follower of his mentor Saul Lucifer Alinsky's "there is no fixed truth"-UDHR human precept's "-decrees..., as does the Pope, though the Pope is totally ignorant of the contents of connections to The Bible applied in The Declaration in the Constitution, including that he, alone, is in "separate and equal station" with the 'Article II-usurper', as well any person, on God's Planet land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements, carries the ultimate Spirit-Truth of God--Hebrew's VI, Oath 24/7.
The Pope's recommendation, in his personal UDHR Articles 18 beliefs in 19"Opinion without interference regardless of frontier - outer limits of knowledge, ecclesiastical control and manipulation- of The Bible, while demonstrating his total ignorance of St. Paul's uncircumcised, Galatians Liberty of God in our American Three Sacred Documents; and is also a violation of His sanctity in Oath to God his Father and to God's Son Christ Jesus -- for no-where in the God's Truth, Bible, is there any suggestion that a man, chosen by other men could have authority to forgive the sin, let alone keep lie, steal, fraud, robbery and murder secret; and this includes person(s) in the professions of Attorney-Psych "privilege," or among attorney's and judges, to actually believe themselves as they state lie and steal are justified--analogy of precedent's picking and choosing truth, then moving lie, pro forma, along to facilitate a case argument where one of the sides has to submit to a double standard--if they lie, the other side can lie as much as it desires---also to facilitate or debase the other-side's argument,-they forfeit their Amendment IX Property by whatever 1828/1844-injury-harm-suffering-pain is involved in their "unbiased-argument" where unbiase isn't even a word with definition, since no man-person is free of his own evil to "Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you dealout to others will be dealt out to yourselves"--all God's Eras of History on His Planet in His Universe, especially the circumcised-body's physiology under complete control and manipulation of Government-over-man imperative supremacy to --The First and Second Tables of Law-God's Greatest Commands; specifically, the death on American Soil of individual-Constitutional-Americans, because the Commander-in-Chief refused to send the already loaded on transportation - US Military to defend the Embassy of the 'hired-tax payer-guards who, most likely by prior arrangement with the mad-mob.
Pope Francis also blessed Speaker Boehner, Catholic, as he left his seat in the House of Double-Think label on your ballot-REP, absent REP as GOP/ Party of Principle, with progressive, socialist-christian-delusional-democracy-government-over-man, never truth of Government of Oath in God's Two Greatest Commands, keeping the lead -- while disparaging the Truth among the Conservatives of Goldwater, because there are also conservatives who think we are going to be fooled into lying to God in our Three Sacred Documents.... and some of them call themselves "Constitutionalist," refusing any Citizen because they are not 'properly credentialed in UDHR's lie, steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm" absolute obedience to the wall of separation- collective-people-church -- collective-people-civil authority-state, Oath of personal accountability ignored, neither The Creator, nor does The First and Second Tables of The Law, or the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God; because man is from monkeys; and PPAA of manifested complete harm, injury and as much suffering as a police-state can inflict in its arbitrary-outdated--yes/ no decision-tree science absent fact and Art absent God, "hospitalists" as extortion, must be rammed down the throats of every single American in this nation---including the Article I, II, III-perpe-traitor's offspring, never 'officially' repealed because no-one else other than the supreme court, of No Truth-No Oath, says so.... and must absolutely be obeyed---.
A few weeks ago, the same "Papal Supremacy" paid a visit to bless- in human precept-Mr. Be Happy-Don't Worry--smiley-face Zuckerman, the CEO of FaceBook, among all "social networks" and "Party Pages" and Newspapers, that take great pride in supporting delusional-democracy of confederation of CMP-Environment/ CLIMATE CHANGE,-ALL LIFE'S HERDS-TPOP, anarchists-24/7 violations of Articles IV, VI in VII - supreme Law of the Land, Oath innate to Any State Constitution and Laws to the Contrary NotWithStanding, means the word, RIGHT Whole definition at, http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/right , "..UNLESS THOSE LAWS AND CUSTOMS ARE REPUGNANT TO THE LAWS OF GOD,,", his pride and arrogance of "policing" who "friends," "public" limited right to language and communication by air-wave's atoms that is 24/ 7 continuous violation of Amendment I: free exercise of Religion, Speech, Press, Assemble -even so, only atoms of Air-waves, see the ultimate use in demonstration "To make law worthless, of no avail, nullify, as the evidence of fact iniquity's importance to atoms of online-frustration at "World Court of Justice," [ 01/29/2020 no longer exists -- http://www.truth-and-justice.info/wcj-v-icj.] -- Want to say something about how bad lie and steal are-- great, just put fingers on keyboard and allow atoms of wasted air say whatever you want--- it passes by-- never to be heard again.
Much more important, because of its "scatter-secularize-no God/ Truth --unless of course it is politically correct, socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy- UDHR-or Muslim-Islamic jihad-Sharia-Mohammed", there will never again be "Paul Revere to wake-up the Duty Honor Service in Truth of our Father in His Son in my - Your Person- composing the WHOLE OF OUR UNION-ONE PEOPLE to Stand Preserve protect the most wonderful Gift of our Father -- our 'self' in all of our risk/ rewards, Opportunities/ Threats, Strengths/ Weaknesses every child should be able to learn in God's Truth in our nation in Noah's "Preface"
"...It is not only important, but, in a degree necessary, that the people of this country, should have an American Dictionary of the English Language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England, and it is desirable to perpetuate that sameness, yet some differences must exist. Language is the expression of ideas; and if the people of one country cannot preserve an identity of ideas, they cannot retain an identity of language. Now an identity of ideas depends materially upon a sameness of things or objects with which the people of the two countries are conversant. But in no two portions of the earth, remote from each other, can such identity be found. Even physical objects must be different. But the principal differences between the people of this country and of all others, arise from different forms of government, different laws, institutions and customs. ..The "Papal Supremacy" has no idea of the contents within The Three Sacred Documents, but the triumvirate-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime - does, because it has been working since just after WWI-continuously, though very much underground until those who survived and lived in its hate, despise, persecution exactly as Christ Jesus - Crucifixion "for no cause"--since His Truth Is from His Father The Eternal God, by the then, government-over-man-ecclesiastical because the Romans wanted nothing to do with the Jews, after WWII died, so their Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise of the very pronounced ".. execrable cruelty of one or a very few" would be forgotten, or among the grandchildren, great-grand-children of those survivor's become convinced - man is never inhuman to himself, to eventually self-destruct in its lawless, 'udhr's article 19's "..freedom -Untruth- to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, meaning outer boundaries of language and communication of all knowledge reflecting revisionist's of The Holy Living Trinity-Bible, history, arts-the perfect expression of 'scatter'- 'secularize': "In Dust We Trust", science, religion and morality, as "5. Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions."
....No person in this country will be satisfied with the English definitions of the words congress, senate and assembly, court, &c. for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country. With our present constitutions of government, escheat can never have its feudal sense in the United States. ...
...A life devoted to reading and to an investigation of the origin and principles of our vernacular language, and especially a particular examination of the best English writers, with a view to a comparison of their style and phraseology, with those of the best American writers, and with our colloquial usage, enables me to affirm with confidence, that the genuine English idiom is as well preserved by the unmixed English of this country, as it is by the best English writers. Examples to prove this fact will be found in the Introduction to this work ..
...The United States commenced their existence under circumstances wholly novel and unexampled in the history of nations. They commenced with civilization, with learning, with science, with constitutions of free government, and with that best gift of God to man, the christian religion. Their population is now equal to that of England; in arts and sciences, our citizens are very little behind the most enlightened people on earth; in some respects, they have no superiors; and our language, within two centuries, will be spoken by more people in this country, than any other language on earth, except the Chinese, in Asia, and even that may not be an exception.
....It has been my aim in this work, now offered to my fellow citizens, to ascertain the true principles of the language, in its orthography and structure ; to purify it from some palpable errors, and reduce the number of its anomalies, thus giving it more regularity and consistency in its forms, both of words and sentences ; and in this manner, to furnish a standard of our vernacular tongue, which we shall not be ashamed to bequeath to three hundred millions of people, who are destined to occupy, and I hope, to adorn the vast territory within our jurisdiction.
....If the language can be improved in regularity, so as to be more easily acquired by our own citizens, and by foreigners, and thus be rendered a more useful instrument for the propagation of science, arts, civilization and Christianity ; if it can be rescued from the mischievous influence of sciolists and that dabbling spirit of innovation which is perpetually disturbing its settled usages and filling it with anomalies; if, in short, our vernacular language can be redeemed from corruptions, and our philology and literature from degradation ; it would be a source of great satisfaction to me to be one among the instruments of promoting these valuable objects. If this object cannot be effected, and my wishes and hopes are to be frustrated, my labor will be lost, and this work must sink into oblivion. ..
....To that great and benevolent Being, who, during the preparation of this work, has sustained a feeble constitution, amidst obstacles and toils, disappointments, infirmities and depression; who has twice borne me and my manuscripts in safety across the Atlantic, and given me strength and resolution to bring the work to a close, I would present the tribute of my most grateful acknowledgments. And if the talent which he entrusted to my care, has not been put to the most profitable use in his service, I hope it has not been "kept laid up in a napkin," and that any misapplication of it may be graciously forgiven." New Haven, 1828. - N.WEBSTER.
In fact, in order to be a member of the triumvirate---socialist-communist-atheism of tribe group-think in goose-step, any indication of obedience to Oath in an individual-person is strictly prohibited, thus neither person-Pope or his "papal infallibility,' among other religion's dead-body-Jesus-absent His Eternal Living Spirit of Truth, nor 'Article II-usurper's legacy', because "UDHR's judgment -by-personality:
---"Obama is leaving office and isn't a problem anymore" total carnal mind, ignorance passing to the DEM-sick-candidate of love in the UN-EU Empire's UDHR-body's physiology of matching sex organs, groups by physical and environmental characteristics, Benghazi's private hired-tax-payer-run-away-guards; and Master's thesis on Saul Lucifer Alinsky--candidate who shall at all times and under all circumstances continue the socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy's - anti-Republic under God Regime, for she has already violated her Oath under Article VI and now might add Article II with its 96.4% increase in its administrative-police-state and her pronouncement that she will increase taxes on "the middle class" absent "separate and equal station" to which she, as a woman, is fully and completely accountable, along with The Pope as a man, the Article II-usurper's legacy-pres-label as a man, for their individual "against me, in not gathering, but scattering, notably by their index finger attached to their thumb- to form a microscope of "focus'-"to disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove 'things' to a distance from each other" so that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth is mandatory.
The other REP, of American "exceptionalism," candidate for Article II's "Three Sacred Document's - Oath, First and Second Table of Law-job description" - barely knows among his own untruths, a person who thinks he is doing Americans a favor, as if he were standing some-where in a never-never-land of his own making through his vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' bought and paid for, as his ignorance, alone will continue the destruction of the Three Sacred Documents; and he has no idea whatsoever of the consequences of his ignorance.....fact in evidence, he doesn't know he has violated Article IV and V, therefore II and VI-before he has even taken an Oath- of our Republican form of Government with protection from invasion---infringement of Right/ Truth each-one-person --- not a collective and not a group activity.
He has a great case of inflammation of " it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.....and includes the other anti-Republic under God Regime-s person absent truth, especially among the other candidates--as personalities with duties to their communities"--Sen. Cruz, the only Candidate who has applied, or attempted to apply Truth To the Constitution, for even constitutionalists have no idea they cannot have a constitution unless there is God in Christ.
WORSE, and this is the essence of our ONE PEOPLE-UNION SIN, that Candidate, among the 50 State's candidates-in our Federalist Triangle are Not Alone....every single One of US(A) is married to our The Sacred Documents --- so we Own the failures to be obedient to our Nation, alone, AMERICAN GOD IS LAW - HIS NEW TESTAMENT TWO GREATEST COMMANDS that DERIVE FROM His OLD TESTAMENT Ten Commands -- LINKED AND BRIDGED BY APOCRYPHA-"Captivity by repudiation of The Creator" to "Release from Captivity"--- depending on We the People---here and Great Britain, who has chosen to take the first step... leaving two of the three members of the 'triumvirate', -- even the third...decisions to enforce or ignore the instructions and commands in The Three Sacred Documents..
recognizing that Article III is the First Betrayer-- though fooled a vain-idol-god's forms of bigger number, and by losing their Constitutional-Unique-Person's Soul.
RNConvention perpetrated the greatest betrayal of their own Party of Principle when solely the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' $$$ and votes --- became supreme to Truth, Trust, and Promise of the contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
The 17 'other' candidates, among the several State's other REP candidates by the Second greatest Command of God, were defrauded their Constitutional-Person's Right to Social-Filial Contract of Government-of-Laws, and not by "Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression. -tyrannical-abject power fomented-government-over-man's body-physiology, distinct and palpable-scatter-secular, arbitrary rules of conduct, by deceit, lie, breech of Promise and dereliction of duty in permitting 'inanimate-indifferent object $$$ and votes, to be supreme to Truth/ Justice/ Liberty of God-in Christ Jesus-in each-one-person's Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-conscience The Holy Living Trinity within The Three Sacred Documents--- The Three Sacred Documents.
Because most readers have never learned the importance of language and communication, you won't recognize how this statement actually reinforces the deluded-christian-socialist-atheist-democracy, this current Regime about to continue due to the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number,' because these same elected REP's do not think of their Oath, not simply a covenant/ contract, in Religion and morality each-one is accountable directly to God, thus, in their ignorance, pride, and arrogance, have no idea they contribute to the destruction of Truth in The Three Sacred Documents, but then,they also believe they must be obedient to the "separate and equal station" among the Article III Judiciary's supreme court of no God - Truth - or Justice, a.k.a., their years of work since 1947 to decree The Creator did not make Adam from dust, or Eve from Adam's rib /Creationism - no God is Permitted our Posterity and hasn't been through Generation X and Millennium generation, right up to the kindergarten who put their big toe on public and private education just about two weeks ago. This because The Holy Living Trinity is just another religion by UDHR's Articles 18, 29 in the Pope's Family [Groups by physical and environmental characteristics] is the most important value."
But unless Article II:4-- there is only one choice on Tuesday, November 8, 2016; and that is not to violate The Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents.
Remember, there are candidates, the vast majority here in the socialist-atheist world-down-below's-DEM of TopTwoVoteGetters /Regardless of Political Party Affiliation, stated or not by the candidate's choice--- proof of delusional-democracy-socialist atheism of 1947's UDHR's Articles. In California, there is no need for the socialist-atheists to have an election--for their "Greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong"...is virtually guaranteed through perfect gerrymandering by CVRA-Citizens Redistricting committee - that depends on obliteration of One person, no physical or environmental characteristics - is One Vote in a geography that makes the entire State's coastline cities, Counties - the determiner of obliterating private property land, water, atmosphere of the Majority Agriculture of our States a minute minority -- totally absent any voice in either US or 09/07/1850 California Republic Constitution.
Knowing that the Whole of The Bible, with Apocrypha in its proper location, is retrospective, from "Speech for the cogitations thereof.. to written languages---communication, over thousands of years, what else is in the "tempter-devil, talking serpent, Cain, among the Tribes, many warfares, individual persons-good and evil, rulers, or not, nation-Israel to Jew and their opponents, denying and following, with and without direct revelation, especially counting revelation-not understood or perceived- due to almost, but not quite accomplishing understanding and perception, i.e., nuclear energy, Faith in Promise; or even, secondary to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Truth, The Father, but, to His Son, The Eternal Spirit Truth-Christ, in Jesus Body's segment-human precept of 'sacred-three'?
Notice the stones and loaves-bread, "distinct and palpable": here's government-over-man's arbitrary human precept "3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely,.." a.k.a., "distinct and palpable," [see above in definition of thing] is why supreme Law of the land has to have "standing" before it is permitted, by arbitrary human precept's no Creator - man is from monkeys, Article III Judiciary absent Truth-American God Is Law to be superior to "concrete senses" who cannot comprehend their blind lack of truth, self-fulfilling prophesy's incomprehensible command 'you make bread from stones':
The temptor's command, means Jesus Is The Son of God who is The Creator of Nature and Nature's God or this part of Matt.4 would not exist from speech to written language; and
Because human precept, alone, would never conceive, let along be able to perform 'stone to bread', and therefore, incapable, since no Truth, of comprehending why Jesus, could indeed, and Holy Spirit, Truth, does make, every day, 1 to 2 persons any location of The Father's earth, 'from stones to bread,' or any 'thing' else that caught His eye; but performing that is vain, empty, not "Spirit-Truth, Faith - Deeds - in Promise" which includes God did indeed create Adam from Dust, Eve from Adam's rib complete with the symbolism of the choosing of a rib among the 122 bones the human body is composed in anatomy's need for physiology because there is no written words-nor words for physiology-neurology-psychology-anatomy; or even "understanding"-"perception" that Adam, would have known he could take Eve by her hand and Go to God, repent each-of-them, vow never to repeat the sin, and be forgiven. It's not the time for that, yet---it is not yet ready to be revealed, though it exists; evidenced by the years in Old Testament, Apocrypha before our Father places Spirit of His Eternal Son, Christ Jesus as an embryo into the womb of St. Mary who loved God exactly as Jesus will teach in the Father's Two Greatest Commands, very present, but not yet comprehended, -- yet to be revealed.
"The pinnacle of the temple" -- Moses and Abraham's House for the Law among the Jews, temple of the government-over-Jews absolute, unquestioned authority, so much so, they are left to themselves during the episodes that take place in the Old Testament, including the Alexandrian Jews who wrote Apocrypha after release from captivity in the period after Old Testament and before New Testament takes place-no revelations directly from God,---High Priests--- chosen by men who impose rites, ceremonies, creeds, compulsion of conscience, for example,-- crucifixion, torture, or beheading so that person cannot find heaven or paradise; for both are man's rules of conduct-force, absent Truth; and circumcised male infant -- no anesthesia -- that beautiful-complete innocence in Truth, Trust, Promise--- a huge statement of Pharisees-power over life, i.e., the newborn's father witnessing and remembering, as his son undergoes what he did so many years before-and no-one to say "Don't"; leading to ecclesiastical-government-over-man choosing St. Peter, while St. Paul is chosen by God at his birth, revealed by Christ Jesus after He is crucified--uncircumcised-gentiles - body is not God's measure of right and wrong---nor the basis of any judgement of Truth in Holy Spirit-Ghost; or in the Pentateuch, which herd of lambs will be chosen by the leader to be sacrificed to determine if a wife committed adultery against her husband, but the husband, as a ruler, can have a concubine = arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-man's law. This exemplified in the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's body-parts in all movement, travel, profession, art, civilization, as effort to obliterate Liberty of most good - The WHOLE of The Three Sacred Documents IX", Law is never written for a honest man"-I Tim I, J. Madison's Amendment IX - "Property...
The "exceedingly high mountain" - land, water, atmosphere, a.k.a., Dimitri Mendeleev, 1869, Periodic Chart of the Elements (meaning Biblical, - our Two making The Three Sacred Documents, could only use life as its metaphor "land, water, air, fire") if only Jesus would lie and steal - down to arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, absolutely No God in Faith in Promise of Matt. 7's 7-lessons including the #4 definition of Religion, #9 above references, - GW/ Climate Change/ sustainability, communities of duties "personality's" have for their full development in family's important values--UDHR Preamble--Articles 18, 19, 21,29 - 100% government-over-man, a.k.a., UN-EU Empire Madrid Treaty December 1, 2009 with January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's Evening of the Celebration of Jesus 2,009th Birthday, violating Congressional Representatives and their staff's "Amendment I free exercise thereof.., Article IV:4's "Right," as well as celebrating arbitrary rules of conduct-force absent "Person" while continuing their very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's "greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong, since truth is forbidden, i.e. the smaller number was Not One REP and 35 genuine DEMs, refused to sign "DoubleThink's Patient Protection and Affordable Care" devoted to the greatest harm and injury in extortion against people who are acute and chronically ill, buying into the devil, "a slayer of man from the beginning and has no place in the Truth because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie, he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies"--John 8:
Here is the picture of GW-Climate Change-DoubleThink in Trope, UDHR's human precept ":5. Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions.
"man over God-- vain is their worship of me for they teach but human precept... and to St. Peter, "Get behind me, you Satan! You teach the government-of-man and not of God" the rest 22-28 of Matt. 16... and...
Here are three, among National Geographic (Times Entertainment), American Bible Society, which are revisionist- human precept, caranl-minds (collectively) permission to RE-WRITE EVERY PIECE OF GOD'S ERAS OF HIS HISTORY INTO LIE, STEAL & KILL mind for conscience to act/ heart for understanding Whole Truth, synonym for lie, Biblical-concrete-mind-collective people-UDHR attempts at using God without using God....
Review Holy Living Trinity, The Church is not the Location of Truth. It should be for that is The Eternal God in His Eternal Son, Christ Jesus who was crucified by the government-over-man's rulers- Pharisees, High Priests.
Speech came first, before written, cogitations, thereof each one sovereign nation, but explicitly first Hebrew, Israel, Jewish, then Great Britain, then, after one of God's greatest Civil Wars of His Spirit, Bible, in Declaration's "We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here": Wycliff-1350; Tyndale 1525; Miles Coverdale 1535; John Rogers -Matthew's Bible 1537 with revisions-2 in 1539; Geneva Bible 1560; 1582 Rheims Bible-New Translation, German, Dutch, Dietrich Bonhoeffer; then the 1611 KJV with Apocrypha 47 divines/ clergy, priests taking portions-becoming the superseded all preceding versions.
Catholic Priest Martin Luther directly addressing untruth of "Papal Supremacy, Jesus body chosen by human precept-few men-rulers over man, either as the hierarchy of the church or of the state's Kings, Emperors of hierarchy/ circumcised-body's physiology not God's Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, the idea that some persons are of higher-archey than others, to ignore the Whore in John 8, robbers and thieves in John 10.
But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, 'this fellow doeth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.'.And [Eternal Christ, Spirit-Truth-leaving heaven, Continuing Living to bring our Father back to world-down-below] Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdome divided against it selfe, is brought to desolation: and every citie or house divided against it selfe, shall not stand .And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himselfe; how shall then his kingdome stand?
And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom doe your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your Iudges. [control and manipulation of all language and communication - how cogitations of Speech are understood and perceived, then, world-down-below's production and distribution of Laws of Nature and of Nature's God]But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God [Truth]. then the Kingdome of God Is Come Unto You [upper case added here]Or else, how can one enter into a strong mans house, and spoile his goods, except hee first binde the strong man, and then he will spoile his house.He that is not with me, is against me : and hee that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto You, All maner of sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiven him : but whosoever speaketh against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men [person(s)]. And whosoever speaketh against the sonne of man, it shall be forgiven him : but whosoever speaketh against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him neither in the world, neither in the world to come. Either make the tree good [Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - The Holy Living Trinity-The Creator in His Son in Person(s) who own all that good tree represents-including Laws of Nature's God--production and distribution-commerce], and his fruit good : or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt : For the tree is knownen by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speake of good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringth foorth good things : and an evill man out of the evill treasure, bringeth foorth evill things. But I say unto you, That ever idle word that men shall speake, they shall give accompt [account] thereof in the day of Judgement. For by thy wordes thou shalt bee justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
Europe-Orient-South America, among other nations, have never in their history known or understood Living God in His Living Son, a man, a woman, a child's unique-immortal-Soul- IF choosing to following the Commandments, Lessons, within The WHOLE of Bible with 'un-scattered Apocrypha, i.e. The 1611 KJV facsimile -"His Son in His Father in Your Comforter-Truth,, One composing The Three Holy Living Trinity, especially among Japan-Buddha, Israel, Great Britain and America, ; thus, blasphemy of language and communication, the Nature's Law of implements - tools to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise is the consequence in this 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God regime's current human event resulting in complete Blind-Deafness, so Persons composing ONE PEOPLE become, peons to ignorance being forced into enjoining the left side of God holding His Hilt of His Double-edged Sword's ecclesiastical-socialist-Western European-Oriental-government-over-(Biblical) man, delusional-democracy-collectivism's vain-idol-god, "happiness is the bigger number deciding right and wrong"-Jeremy Bentheim's 1832-auto-icon; for "blasphemy of the holy Spirit Is Never Forgiven neither in this world, nor in the world to come,"--Matt. 12.
In that same Chapter, our Father's Son, our Brother, Friend, Counselor, Eternal Living Christ Jesus says He Will Forgive Any sin or blasphemy, except blasphemy of Truth/ The Father, The Creator among all of His children/ Person's Life-Whole Soul-Will-Conscience-Deeds/ Mind/ Heart "Honor your father and your mother that you may have Long Life in the Land The Lord, Your God Is Giving You". One beautiful, innocent-new-Truth, full of reception of love, wisdom in that little-one's person every 4.3 seconds; like unto Adam and Eve, though language and communication, Noah's "Origin of Language," was mandatory, 'the first companions,' were absent wisdom, knowledge, truth, trust, promise, before (both meanings of that communication) the "talking serpent" that could not appear human until Cain was born.
The mind and heart of Adam and Eve, but the 'iota' of man being able to master All land on His Planet in His Universe: heaven and earth, ALL that Belongs to them, The WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED "THINGS; in our Sovereign Nation, but because of The Creator, all contained is Any Person composing a sovereign nation's ONE PEOPLE ; and the Judges [Biblical, including unscattered-Apocrypha] government-over man Pharisees, Scribes-Legislators/ High Priests, Roman Protectorates] in Every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding; and there is not one person, any location in our Nation or any other nation where our Americans are serving on American Soil, who "shall not bound by Oath or Affirmation-Truth ".
The Constitution's Oath in Articles II and VI is The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God, as an individual-Person of All Your unique Soul, All Your Mind, All Your Heart, First, for The Father Who art in Heaven Is Your Judge, after the "course" of your own 'human events/ deeds of Faith' of your journey on world-down-below. "..no religious Test.." is this definition "TEST, n.2 [L. testis, a witness, properly one that affirms.] In England, an oath and declaration against transubstantiation, which all officers, civil and military, are obliged to take within six months after their admission. They were formerly obliged also to receive the sacrament, according to the usage of the Church of England. These requisitions are made by Stat. 25 Charles II. which is called the test act. The test of 7 Jac. It. was removed in 1753. -Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England. Words: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal, State, Trust, Test-2, Right, Institution.
Hence, "no religious Test" is not about checking any person, elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, employed, beliefs...except as that person is Obligated in the religion and morality of his own, accountable person and under his Oath to Truth, Trust, Promise of the First and Second Greatest Commands of God--known throughout the world as Truth, Trust, Promise, one to himself in the mirror, to another, or one nation to another, or business, of life, liberty of most good, in respect one for another, transitive and recursive. Contradistinguished by collective-group-think by "greatest happiness if the greatest number deciding wrong and right, especially by group-vain-idol-god's bigger number-consensus-committee-think-opinion's always "scatter, focus," forbidding Whole Truth since The Eternal, God cannot be comprehended or distinctly and palpably proven, i.e. "the search for the exact location and placement of the manger is a great challenge for Biblical Scholars".
Group-thinker's wrong and right, happiness of number to establish consensus "reaps what they sow, in exact, equal measure - Matt. 7, meaning, "Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. I tell you another 'thing': if two of you agree on earth about any 'thing' you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three have gathered in my name,, I am there among them. .."--Matt.18's 4 lessons; i.e., Liberty of most evil will always reap its diffuse lie, steal, murder of person, public/ government-over-man-collectivist-people, flowing into private; as Liberty of most good does for each-one-person, alone first, then among those he knows and will never know, Liberty's Joy in Blessedness of following The Holy Living Trinity in the Three Sacred Documents of mind/ heart/ will-conscience-to preserve, protect, secure deeds of Faith; means IF YOU PERMIT THE VIOLATIONS INCURRED WITHIN ANY PART OF THE WHOLE, ARTICLE IV, VII ATTESTATION CLAUSE IS TRINITY SACRED DOCS, QUITE SPECIFICALLY - THE REFORMERS AGAINST PAPIST CORRUPTION...our Original Text, WHOLE, UNIQUE, 1611 THREE TESTAMENT, HOLY BIBLE.
-- Fact in evidence, we're only 229 years young, 397 years young from the 1,620th Celebration of Jesus' Birth at Plymouth Rock, i.e., our 240 years young, "abuses 10, of the 27, which require very little changes in language and communication, with "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here;" and have accomplished more than any other nation by "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's Independence composing One People-Union in order to exercise and Live Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness that comes from God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is and, with His Son, Christ Jesus, in You who chose to follow The Father, Truth, Trust, Promise -- never failing, never forsaking, always Truth, whether or not the person composing any one of God's sovereign nations knows His or His Son's names...they do know, by different life experiences and issues leading to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Promise -- Faith in Deeds, Works, James I, II may vary from nation to nation:
.originally published 09/17/2016
*II. Summary of the Executive Order Executive Order 13673, E.O. at https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/08/23/executive-order-amendment-executive-order-13673
. amended to "E.O. 13738 anti-Republic under God's Consent of the governed in We the People-- Three Sacred Documents which revokes the federal government’s official recognition of the Pledge of Allegiance. Under the new order, it is now illegal for any federally funded agency to display the pledge or for any federal employee to recite, or encourage others to recite, the pledge while on duty. This law also applies to federal contractors and other institutions that receive federal funding such as public schools. Individuals who violate this order can face fines of up to $10,000 and up to one year in federal prison."
(the Order13673) was signed by President Barack Obama on July 31, 2014. The Order contains three discrete parts, each designed to help executive departments and agencies identify and work with contractors who will comply with labor laws while performing Federal contracts.
The first part of the Order directs agency contracting officers to consider contractors' records of labor law violations as the agencies make certain contracting decisions. To assure that contracting officers have sufficient information, the Order requires contractors to disclose their recent labor law violations to contracting officers. Specifically, the Order requires contractors to disclose violations of 14 Federal labor laws and Executive orders and equivalent State laws (collectively, “Labor Laws”). The Order instructs contracting officers to review a contractor's Labor Law violations to assess the contractor's record of Labor Law compliance during the preaward “responsibility” determination and when making postaward decisions such as whether to exercise contract options. The Order also creates a new position—Agency Labor Compliance Advisors (ALCA)—to assist contracting officers.
The first part of the Order also contains parallel requirements that apply to certain subcontractors working on covered contracts. The Order, as amended, and the final FAR rule require these covered subcontractors to disclose their Labor Law violations to the Department, which provides advice regarding subcontractors' records of Labor Law compliance. Contractors then consider this advice from the Department when determining whether their subcontractors are responsible sources.
RNConvention perpetrated the greatest betrayal of their own Party of Principle when solely the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' $$$ and votes --- became supreme to Truth, Trust, and Promise of the contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
The 17 'other' candidates, among the several State's other REP candidates by the Second greatest Command of God, were defrauded their Constitutional-Person's Right to Social-Filial Contract of Government-of-Laws, and not by "Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression. -tyrannical-abject power fomented-government-over-man's body-physiology, distinct and palpable-scatter-secular, arbitrary rules of conduct, by deceit, lie, breech of Promise and dereliction of duty in permitting 'inanimate-indifferent object $$$ and votes, to be supreme to Truth/ Justice/ Liberty of God-in Christ Jesus-in each-one-person's Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-conscience The Holy Living Trinity within The Three Sacred Documents--- The Three Sacred Documents.
REP's Platform states:"We believe in American exceptionalism. ...We affirm — as did the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe in the Constitution as our founding document. We believe the Constitution was written not as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant. ..," then proceeds to the 'focus'-scatter-secular-issues which bypass Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise -- since God is not "Distinct and Palpable" anymore than Truth, Trust, Promise, for REP, He is not around, i.e., only arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct-force, absent truth can be followed - circumcision's living and inanimate objects, especially $$$, and commerce is repudiated in the interest of control and manipulation of all economy and jobs...

Remember, there are candidates, the vast majority here in the socialist-atheist world-down-below's-DEM of TopTwoVoteGetters /Regardless of Political Party Affiliation, stated or not by the candidate's choice--- proof of delusional-democracy-socialist atheism of 1947's UDHR's Articles. In California, there is no need for the socialist-atheists to have an election--for their "Greatest happiness is the greatest number deciding wrong"...is virtually guaranteed through perfect gerrymandering by CVRA-Citizens Redistricting committee - that depends on obliteration of One person, no physical or environmental characteristics - is One Vote in a geography that makes the entire State's coastline cities, Counties - the determiner of obliterating private property land, water, atmosphere of the Majority Agriculture of our States a minute minority -- totally absent any voice in either US or 09/07/1850 California Republic Constitution.
Article II:4 is the Instruction. The Impeach has already occurred from the two statements by ecclesiastical-government-over-men enjoined to collective people subservient to socialist-atheist (violates God's two Greatest Commands 24/7)--whether or not that individual-person choosing his own liberty of most evil or most good among his very own journey to last day of judgement:
The Convict of Article II:4 is also done -- simply because election 2015-2016 primary process was deluded-democracy's UDHR Articles 21 and 29 where "personality" is a judge --- never the Job Description-Mission statement of Oath of Office in all Three Article I, II, III, -- with IV, V, and VI completely destroyed by the vain-idol-god's most important forms of government-over-man, Caesar's face on that coin of Should the people be taxed? buying its power of "focus"-"secular"-"scatter into tiny pieces" never the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created "things", while at the same time -- declaring in deceit-that too much money buys the candidate......thus, with a controlled media -- no person composing the Whole of our UNION can obtain adequate and true information regarding both issues and ability of Fellow-country-Person's ability to perform his Oath - Truth, Trust, Promise of the Contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
Consent of the governed in We the People DO NOT HAVE ANY 2015 to November 8, 2016 CANDIDATE OF, BY, AND FOR -PERSON COMPOSING ONE PEOPLE-UNION PROTECTED IN Article IV: 2, 4 Republican Form of Government among each-one-Citizen composing the Whole of One People, at any level of our Equilateral Triangle of Republican Form of Government - Article IV: 2, 4 innate to First and Second Tables Government-of-The Law-Truth, Trust, Promise.---
The Convict of Article II:4 is also done -- simply because election 2015-2016 primary process was deluded-democracy's UDHR Articles 21 and 29 where "personality" is a judge --- never the Job Description-Mission statement of Oath of Office in all Three Article I, II, III, -- with IV, V, and VI completely destroyed by the vain-idol-god's most important forms of government-over-man, Caesar's face on that coin of Should the people be taxed? buying its power of "focus"-"secular"-"scatter into tiny pieces" never the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created "things", while at the same time -- declaring in deceit-that too much money buys the candidate......thus, with a controlled media -- no person composing the Whole of our UNION can obtain adequate and true information regarding both issues and ability of Fellow-country-Person's ability to perform his Oath - Truth, Trust, Promise of the Contents within The Three Sacred Documents.
Consent of the governed in We the People DO NOT HAVE ANY 2015 to November 8, 2016 CANDIDATE OF, BY, AND FOR -PERSON COMPOSING ONE PEOPLE-UNION PROTECTED IN Article IV: 2, 4 Republican Form of Government among each-one-Citizen composing the Whole of One People, at any level of our Equilateral Triangle of Republican Form of Government - Article IV: 2, 4 innate to First and Second Tables Government-of-The Law-Truth, Trust, Promise.---
In June 3-14, 1992, NGO-UN started physiological-body's-government-over-man, The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Table of Contents all land, water, atmosphere, selected approved by UDHR article 19 Opinion-no probability of Truth, Periodic Chart of the Elements by collective, mass people in their physical and environmental characteristics -- Global Warming - Sustainable - All life on Planet earth with its inanimate/ inorganic tools-implements-binomial-group think by invisible- unaccountable, software-hardware-concrete-sense-mind of computer-consensus-think's "yes is no--no-is-yes" because the computer can't function and its supreme to a Person and living-organic-objects but physiology of body's parts separated - "..against me scatter..." from the person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience to permit government-over-man 100% control over intrinsic to mind/ heart/ will-conscience -- language and communication, knowledge as well as the production and distribution of all products of life.
On December 1, 2009,"Treaty of Lisbon", the NGO-UN-UDHR became one with EU Empire's taxing and commerce - UDHR human-body-circumcised, deluded Christian Democracy of the WWII Papal Supremacy's, elected missing two members of the College of Cardinals because the 'vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' would not matter to the outcome, 1931,Pope Pius XI's with Hitler's Social Order Paragraph 80-- Subsidiarity, a.k.a committees of consensus by pre-determined conclusion of opinion without truth for the purpose of forming laws disguised as rules and regulations - administrative-police-state within private, local, county, State levels of
"DES'POT-ISM, n. [Sp. despotismo; Fr. despotisme.] 1. Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of the prince [--ruler- president, governor] 2. An arbitrary government"
On December 1, 2009,"Treaty of Lisbon", the NGO-UN-UDHR became one with EU Empire's taxing and commerce - UDHR human-body-circumcised, deluded Christian Democracy of the WWII Papal Supremacy's, elected missing two members of the College of Cardinals because the 'vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' would not matter to the outcome, 1931,Pope Pius XI's with Hitler's Social Order Paragraph 80-- Subsidiarity, a.k.a committees of consensus by pre-determined conclusion of opinion without truth for the purpose of forming laws disguised as rules and regulations - administrative-police-state within private, local, county, State levels of
"DES'POT-ISM, n. [Sp. despotismo; Fr. despotisme.] 1. Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of the prince [--ruler- president, governor] 2. An arbitrary government"
In the Bible, Jesus teaches, and John Adams reiterates in different terms, "An Essay on Man's Lust For Power - devil," in Matt. 4:'s version of land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements -- and Laws of Nature's God:
"Then Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights [metaphor from Genesis 7's destroy, by water as rain, land] and afterwards felt hungry. So the tempter came up and said to Him, "If you are God's Son, tell these stones to become loaves." Jesus answered, "It is written, Man is not to live on bread alone, but on every word that issues from the mouth of God-Truth.
Then the devil conveyed Him to the holy city and, placing Him on the pinnacle of the temple, said to Him, "If you are God's Son, throw yourself down; for it is written, He will give His angels charge of you; they will bear you on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone." Jesus said to the devil, "It is written, again, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.".
Once more the devil conveyed Him to an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the realms of the world- [down-below] and their grandeur; he said, "I will give you all that, if you will fall down and worship me." Then Jesus told him, "Begone, Satan! It is written, You must worship the Lord Your God, and serve Him alone.". At this the devil left Him, and angels came up and ministered to Him.
"Then Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights [metaphor from Genesis 7's destroy, by water as rain, land] and afterwards felt hungry. So the tempter came up and said to Him, "If you are God's Son, tell these stones to become loaves." Jesus answered, "It is written, Man is not to live on bread alone, but on every word that issues from the mouth of God-Truth.
Then the devil conveyed Him to the holy city and, placing Him on the pinnacle of the temple, said to Him, "If you are God's Son, throw yourself down; for it is written, He will give His angels charge of you; they will bear you on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone." Jesus said to the devil, "It is written, again, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.".
Once more the devil conveyed Him to an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the realms of the world- [down-below] and their grandeur; he said, "I will give you all that, if you will fall down and worship me." Then Jesus told him, "Begone, Satan! It is written, You must worship the Lord Your God, and serve Him alone.". At this the devil left Him, and angels came up and ministered to Him.
Knowing that the Whole of The Bible, with Apocrypha in its proper location, is retrospective, from "Speech for the cogitations thereof.. to written languages---communication, over thousands of years, what else is in the "tempter-devil, talking serpent, Cain, among the Tribes, many warfares, individual persons-good and evil, rulers, or not, nation-Israel to Jew and their opponents, denying and following, with and without direct revelation, especially counting revelation-not understood or perceived- due to almost, but not quite accomplishing understanding and perception, i.e., nuclear energy, Faith in Promise; or even, secondary to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Truth, The Father, but, to His Son, The Eternal Spirit Truth-Christ, in Jesus Body's segment-human precept of 'sacred-three'?
Notice the stones and loaves-bread, "distinct and palpable": here's government-over-man's arbitrary human precept "3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely,.." a.k.a., "distinct and palpable," [see above in definition of thing] is why supreme Law of the land has to have "standing" before it is permitted, by arbitrary human precept's no Creator - man is from monkeys, Article III Judiciary absent Truth-American God Is Law to be superior to "concrete senses" who cannot comprehend their blind lack of truth, self-fulfilling prophesy's incomprehensible command 'you make bread from stones':
"The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded [stoned] in the realm of human understanding and verification.".Next, the temptor can and does threaten Jesus several times with 'stoning' -- still a modern-day ecclesiastical-tribal form of group-think extortion - everyone is punished, the victim accused, as well as those who participate; for if they fail to participate-- the Mullah of tribal-government-over-life will have revenge, thus fear of man is so great, that no 'person' would even breathe disobedience.
The temptor's command, means Jesus Is The Son of God who is The Creator of Nature and Nature's God or this part of Matt.4 would not exist from speech to written language; and
Because human precept, alone, would never conceive, let along be able to perform 'stone to bread', and therefore, incapable, since no Truth, of comprehending why Jesus, could indeed, and Holy Spirit, Truth, does make, every day, 1 to 2 persons any location of The Father's earth, 'from stones to bread,' or any 'thing' else that caught His eye; but performing that is vain, empty, not "Spirit-Truth, Faith - Deeds - in Promise" which includes God did indeed create Adam from Dust, Eve from Adam's rib complete with the symbolism of the choosing of a rib among the 122 bones the human body is composed in anatomy's need for physiology because there is no written words-nor words for physiology-neurology-psychology-anatomy; or even "understanding"-"perception" that Adam, would have known he could take Eve by her hand and Go to God, repent each-of-them, vow never to repeat the sin, and be forgiven. It's not the time for that, yet---it is not yet ready to be revealed, though it exists; evidenced by the years in Old Testament, Apocrypha before our Father places Spirit of His Eternal Son, Christ Jesus as an embryo into the womb of St. Mary who loved God exactly as Jesus will teach in the Father's Two Greatest Commands, very present, but not yet comprehended, -- yet to be revealed.
"The pinnacle of the temple" -- Moses and Abraham's House for the Law among the Jews, temple of the government-over-Jews absolute, unquestioned authority, so much so, they are left to themselves during the episodes that take place in the Old Testament, including the Alexandrian Jews who wrote Apocrypha after release from captivity in the period after Old Testament and before New Testament takes place-no revelations directly from God,---High Priests--- chosen by men who impose rites, ceremonies, creeds, compulsion of conscience, for example,-- crucifixion, torture, or beheading so that person cannot find heaven or paradise; for both are man's rules of conduct-force, absent Truth; and circumcised male infant -- no anesthesia -- that beautiful-complete innocence in Truth, Trust, Promise--- a huge statement of Pharisees-power over life, i.e., the newborn's father witnessing and remembering, as his son undergoes what he did so many years before-and no-one to say "Don't"; leading to ecclesiastical-government-over-man choosing St. Peter, while St. Paul is chosen by God at his birth, revealed by Christ Jesus after He is crucified--uncircumcised-gentiles - body is not God's measure of right and wrong---nor the basis of any judgement of Truth in Holy Spirit-Ghost; or in the Pentateuch, which herd of lambs will be chosen by the leader to be sacrificed to determine if a wife committed adultery against her husband, but the husband, as a ruler, can have a concubine = arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent conscience-man's law. This exemplified in the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's body-parts in all movement, travel, profession, art, civilization, as effort to obliterate Liberty of most good - The WHOLE of The Three Sacred Documents IX", Law is never written for a honest man"-I Tim I, J. Madison's Amendment IX - "Property...
.. In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.Circumcision, removing the foreskin, over the years was justified by man's opinion of "secular's scatter" health needs, but God Created the physiology, neurology, psychology, anatomy of person's soul traveling in body--- newborns are not circumcised all the time, though"compulsion of conscience" dictates power over mind-conscience of self-doubt in Truth of the Father. Thus, the world-down-below's obedience to man's chosen Jesus walking on earth, since He is not Eternal, nor among the false gods of Islam, even the Son of God no Spirit of Truth and St. Paul teaching the Liberty of God when His Commands are met -- our Three Sacred Documents, even though no Colonist or Founder ever referred to them as sacred. They did not have to, for they were, to the best of their individual abilities, followers of Christ Jesus in His Father in His Son in Your Holy Ghost-Spirit of Truth - directly accountable to The Father, and to those you know and will never know--Oath in Pledge of Allegiance.
---He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.
---He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.
---He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.
---In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. ...
---Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.
---Where there is an excess of liberty, the effect is the same, tho' from an opposite cause.
---Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.
---According to this standard of merit, the praise of affording a just securing to property, should be sparingly bestowed on a government which, however scrupulously guarding the possessions of individuals, does not protect them in the enjoyment and communication of their opinions, in which they have an equal, and in the estimation of some, a more valuable property. ..
---More sparingly should this praise be allowed to a government, where a man's religious rights are violated by penalties, or fettered by tests, or taxed by a hierarchy. Conscience is the most sacred of all property; other property depending in part on positive law, the exercise of that, being a natural and unalienable right. To guard a man's house as his castle, to pay public and enforce private debts with the most exact faith, can give no title to invade a man's conscience which is more sacred than his castle, or to withhold from it that debt of protection, for which the public faith is pledged, by the very nature and original conditions of the social pact. .."
Here is the picture of GW-Climate Change-DoubleThink in Trope, UDHR's human precept ":5. Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions.
"man over God-- vain is their worship of me for they teach but human precept... and to St. Peter, "Get behind me, you Satan! You teach the government-of-man and not of God" the rest 22-28 of Matt. 16... and...
Here are three, among National Geographic (Times Entertainment), American Bible Society, which are revisionist- human precept, caranl-minds (collectively) permission to RE-WRITE EVERY PIECE OF GOD'S ERAS OF HIS HISTORY INTO LIE, STEAL & KILL mind for conscience to act/ heart for understanding Whole Truth, synonym for lie, Biblical-concrete-mind-collective people-UDHR attempts at using God without using God....
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Pg. 37: "Both are greater than the sum of their parts: heavenly worship and earthly- simply-body-physiology's
group-think-prayer..voices join like-minded people...We become part of some 'thing' bigger than ourselves. We create a noise more joyful than any 'thing' we could come up with individuality.. .corporate-earthly-body worship brings us closer to one another and [in the writer's opinion without interference] to God...", i.e., Collectivism's group-think -prayer: a.k.a., "Article 19's, no Truth/ Certainty of fact, "Opinion, without interference" from individuality-- --or Matt. 6's "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners that they may be seen by men. ... But You, when You pray, go into your room,and when you have shut your door, pray to Your Father is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly, and when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. ..".
Speech came first, before written, cogitations, thereof each one sovereign nation, but explicitly first Hebrew, Israel, Jewish, then Great Britain, then, after one of God's greatest Civil Wars of His Spirit, Bible, in Declaration's "We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here": Wycliff-1350; Tyndale 1525; Miles Coverdale 1535; John Rogers -Matthew's Bible 1537 with revisions-2 in 1539; Geneva Bible 1560; 1582 Rheims Bible-New Translation, German, Dutch, Dietrich Bonhoeffer; then the 1611 KJV with Apocrypha 47 divines/ clergy, priests taking portions-becoming the superseded all preceding versions.
Catholic Priest Martin Luther directly addressing untruth of "Papal Supremacy, Jesus body chosen by human precept-few men-rulers over man, either as the hierarchy of the church or of the state's Kings, Emperors of hierarchy/ circumcised-body's physiology not God's Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, the idea that some persons are of higher-archey than others, to ignore the Whore in John 8, robbers and thieves in John 10.
But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, 'this fellow doeth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.'.And [Eternal Christ, Spirit-Truth-leaving heaven, Continuing Living to bring our Father back to world-down-below] Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdome divided against it selfe, is brought to desolation: and every citie or house divided against it selfe, shall not stand .And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himselfe; how shall then his kingdome stand?

Europe-Orient-South America, among other nations, have never in their history known or understood Living God in His Living Son, a man, a woman, a child's unique-immortal-Soul- IF choosing to following the Commandments, Lessons, within The WHOLE of Bible with 'un-scattered Apocrypha, i.e. The 1611 KJV facsimile -"His Son in His Father in Your Comforter-Truth,, One composing The Three Holy Living Trinity, especially among Japan-Buddha, Israel, Great Britain and America, ; thus, blasphemy of language and communication, the Nature's Law of implements - tools to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise is the consequence in this 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God regime's current human event resulting in complete Blind-Deafness, so Persons composing ONE PEOPLE become, peons to ignorance being forced into enjoining the left side of God holding His Hilt of His Double-edged Sword's ecclesiastical-socialist-Western European-Oriental-government-over-(Biblical) man, delusional-democracy-collectivism's vain-idol-god, "happiness is the bigger number deciding right and wrong"-Jeremy Bentheim's 1832-auto-icon; for "blasphemy of the holy Spirit Is Never Forgiven neither in this world, nor in the world to come,"--Matt. 12.
In that same Chapter, our Father's Son, our Brother, Friend, Counselor, Eternal Living Christ Jesus says He Will Forgive Any sin or blasphemy, except blasphemy of Truth/ The Father, The Creator among all of His children/ Person's Life-Whole Soul-Will-Conscience-Deeds/ Mind/ Heart "Honor your father and your mother that you may have Long Life in the Land The Lord, Your God Is Giving You". One beautiful, innocent-new-Truth, full of reception of love, wisdom in that little-one's person every 4.3 seconds; like unto Adam and Eve, though language and communication, Noah's "Origin of Language," was mandatory, 'the first companions,' were absent wisdom, knowledge, truth, trust, promise, before (both meanings of that communication) the "talking serpent" that could not appear human until Cain was born.
The mind and heart of Adam and Eve, but the 'iota' of man being able to master All land on His Planet in His Universe: heaven and earth, ALL that Belongs to them, The WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED "THINGS; in our Sovereign Nation, but because of The Creator, all contained is Any Person composing a sovereign nation's ONE PEOPLE ; and the Judges [Biblical, including unscattered-Apocrypha] government-over man Pharisees, Scribes-Legislators/ High Priests, Roman Protectorates] in Every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding; and there is not one person, any location in our Nation or any other nation where our Americans are serving on American Soil, who "shall not bound by Oath or Affirmation-Truth ".
The Constitution's Oath in Articles II and VI is The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God, as an individual-Person of All Your unique Soul, All Your Mind, All Your Heart, First, for The Father Who art in Heaven Is Your Judge, after the "course" of your own 'human events/ deeds of Faith' of your journey on world-down-below. "..no religious Test.." is this definition "TEST, n.2 [L. testis, a witness, properly one that affirms.] In England, an oath and declaration against transubstantiation, which all officers, civil and military, are obliged to take within six months after their admission. They were formerly obliged also to receive the sacrament, according to the usage of the Church of England. These requisitions are made by Stat. 25 Charles II. which is called the test act. The test of 7 Jac. It. was removed in 1753. -Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England. Words: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal, State, Trust, Test-2, Right, Institution.
Hence, "no religious Test" is not about checking any person, elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, employed, beliefs...except as that person is Obligated in the religion and morality of his own, accountable person and under his Oath to Truth, Trust, Promise of the First and Second Greatest Commands of God--known throughout the world as Truth, Trust, Promise, one to himself in the mirror, to another, or one nation to another, or business, of life, liberty of most good, in respect one for another, transitive and recursive. Contradistinguished by collective-group-think by "greatest happiness if the greatest number deciding wrong and right, especially by group-vain-idol-god's bigger number-consensus-committee-think-opinion's always "scatter, focus," forbidding Whole Truth since The Eternal, God cannot be comprehended or distinctly and palpably proven, i.e. "the search for the exact location and placement of the manger is a great challenge for Biblical Scholars".
Group-thinker's wrong and right, happiness of number to establish consensus "reaps what they sow, in exact, equal measure - Matt. 7, meaning, "Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. I tell you another 'thing': if two of you agree on earth about any 'thing' you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three have gathered in my name,, I am there among them. .."--Matt.18's 4 lessons; i.e., Liberty of most evil will always reap its diffuse lie, steal, murder of person, public/ government-over-man-collectivist-people, flowing into private; as Liberty of most good does for each-one-person, alone first, then among those he knows and will never know, Liberty's Joy in Blessedness of following The Holy Living Trinity in the Three Sacred Documents of mind/ heart/ will-conscience-to preserve, protect, secure deeds of Faith; means IF YOU PERMIT THE VIOLATIONS INCURRED WITHIN ANY PART OF THE WHOLE, ARTICLE IV, VII ATTESTATION CLAUSE IS TRINITY SACRED DOCS, QUITE SPECIFICALLY - THE REFORMERS AGAINST PAPIST CORRUPTION...our Original Text, WHOLE, UNIQUE, 1611 THREE TESTAMENT, HOLY BIBLE.
-- Fact in evidence, we're only 229 years young, 397 years young from the 1,620th Celebration of Jesus' Birth at Plymouth Rock, i.e., our 240 years young, "abuses 10, of the 27, which require very little changes in language and communication, with "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here;" and have accomplished more than any other nation by "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person's Independence composing One People-Union in order to exercise and Live Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness that comes from God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is and, with His Son, Christ Jesus, in You who chose to follow The Father, Truth, Trust, Promise -- never failing, never forsaking, always Truth, whether or not the person composing any one of God's sovereign nations knows His or His Son's names...they do know, by different life experiences and issues leading to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Promise -- Faith in Deeds, Works, James I, II may vary from nation to nation:
"17:1 The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it againe.
17:2 He gaue them few dayes, and a short time, and power also ouer the things therein.
17:3 He endued them with strength by themselues, and made them according to his image,
17:4 And put the feare of man vpon all flesh, and gaue him dominion ouer beasts and foules.
17:5 [They receiued the vse of the fiue operations of the Lord, and in the sixt place he imparted them vnderstanding, and in the seuenth, speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof.]
17:6 Counsell, and a tongue, and eyes, eares, and a heart, gaue he them to vnderstand.
17:7 Withall, hee filled them with the knowledge of vnderstanding, & shewed them good and euill.
17:8 He set his eye upon their hearts, that he might shew them the greatness of his works.
17:9 He gaue them to glory in his marueilous actes for euer, that they might declare his works with vnderstanding.....
14 And he said unto them, Beware of all unrighteousness; and he gave every man commandment concerning his neighbour.
15 Their ways are ever before him, and shall not be hid from his eyes.
16 Every man from his youth is given to evil; neither could they make to themselves fleshy hearts for stony.
17 For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord's portion:
18 Whom, being his firstborn, he nourisheth with discipline, and giving him the light of his love doth not forsake him.
19 Therefore all their works are as the sun before him, and his eyes are continually upon their ways.
20 None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord
21 But the Lord being gracious and knowing his workmanship, neither left nor forsook them, but spared them.
22 The alms of a man is as a signet with him, and he will keep the good deeds of man as the apple of the eye, and give repentance to his sons and daughters.
23 Afterwards he will rise up and reward them, and render their recompence upon their heads.
24 But unto them that repent, he granted them return, and comforted those that failed in patience.
25 Return unto the Lord, and forsake thy sins, make thy prayer before his face, and offend less.
26 Turn again to the most High, and turn away from iniquity: for he will lead thee out of darkness into the light of health, and hate thou abomination vehemently.
27 Who shall praise the most High in the grave, instead of them which live and give thanks?
28 Thanksgiving perisheth from the dead, as from one that is not: the living and sound in heart shall praise the Lord.
29 How great is the lovingkindness of the Lord our God, and his compassion unto such as turn unto him in holiness!
30 For all things cannot be in men, because the son of man is not immortal. [Apocrypha is after the Jews come out of captivity, and before the Whole New Testament, hence before John 14's Comforter - even Truth]
31 What is brighter than the sun? yet the light thereof faileth; and flesh and blood will imagine evil.
32 He vieweth the power of the height of heaven; and all men are but earth and ashes."--Ecclesiasticus, Chapter XVII.
.originally published 09/17/2016
*II. Summary of the Executive Order Executive Order 13673, E.O. at https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/08/23/executive-order-amendment-executive-order-13673
. amended to "E.O. 13738 anti-Republic under God's Consent of the governed in We the People-- Three Sacred Documents which revokes the federal government’s official recognition of the Pledge of Allegiance. Under the new order, it is now illegal for any federally funded agency to display the pledge or for any federal employee to recite, or encourage others to recite, the pledge while on duty. This law also applies to federal contractors and other institutions that receive federal funding such as public schools. Individuals who violate this order can face fines of up to $10,000 and up to one year in federal prison."
(the Order13673) was signed by President Barack Obama on July 31, 2014. The Order contains three discrete parts, each designed to help executive departments and agencies identify and work with contractors who will comply with labor laws while performing Federal contracts.
The first part of the Order directs agency contracting officers to consider contractors' records of labor law violations as the agencies make certain contracting decisions. To assure that contracting officers have sufficient information, the Order requires contractors to disclose their recent labor law violations to contracting officers. Specifically, the Order requires contractors to disclose violations of 14 Federal labor laws and Executive orders and equivalent State laws (collectively, “Labor Laws”). The Order instructs contracting officers to review a contractor's Labor Law violations to assess the contractor's record of Labor Law compliance during the preaward “responsibility” determination and when making postaward decisions such as whether to exercise contract options. The Order also creates a new position—Agency Labor Compliance Advisors (ALCA)—to assist contracting officers.
The first part of the Order also contains parallel requirements that apply to certain subcontractors working on covered contracts. The Order, as amended, and the final FAR rule require these covered subcontractors to disclose their Labor Law violations to the Department, which provides advice regarding subcontractors' records of Labor Law compliance. Contractors then consider this advice from the Department when determining whether their subcontractors are responsible sources.
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