Obama, Hezbollah, and the End of Israel; David Mark December 30, 2017 at, https://www.israelrising.com/obama-hezbollah-end-israel/
Russian Foreign Minister: US Military Must Leave All Of Syria; Orit ben Tzvi December 30, 2017, at, https://www.israelrising.com/russian-foreign-minister-us-military-must-leave-syria/
Papal Authority's property of the UN- UDHR's delusional adversarial democracy's synonyms socialist, communist atheist- NO ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF HOLY SPIRIT ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, YOUR ARE THE THIRD PERSON - IS THE CONTENTS OF TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS - vote of documented complete slavery and absolute supplication through absolute obedience to spirit of devil trinity, also in each-one-person composing the whole of his sovereign nation. .. all The Creator of heaven and earth all that belong to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED THINGS..
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HOLY SPIRIT - THE ETERNAL LIVING SON OF GOD-TRUTH,-SECOND PERSON IS ORAL LAW-OATH IN PLEDGE, DIRECTLY TO EACH ONE, MISLED PERSON'S MOUTH TO GOD'S EAR- LIBERTY OF MOST GOOD HOLY SPIRIT OR LIBERTY OF MOST spirit of devil trinity-Papal Authority UN-UDHR, COMPOSING THAT ONE NATION:Matt. 12 "¶ Then the Pharises went out, and held a counsell against him, how they might destroy him. ..19. He shall not striue, nor cry, neither shall any man heare his voice in the streets. 20. A bruised reed shal he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quench, till he send forth iudgment vnto victory. 21. And in his name shall the Gentiles trust. ...24. But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doeth not cast out deuils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the deuils. 25.And Iesus knew their thoughts, and said vnto them, Euery kingdome diuided against it selfe, is brought to desolation: and euery citie or house diuided against it selfe, shall not stand. 25.And if Satan cast out Satan, he is diuided against himselfe; how shall then his kingdome stand? 26.And if I by Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whom doe your children cast them out? 27.Therefore they shall be your Iudges. 28.But if I cast out deuils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdome of God is come vnto you. 29.Or else, how can one enter into a strong mans house, & spoile his goods, except hee first binde the strong man, and then he will spoile his house. 30.He that is not with me, is against me: and hee that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad. 31.¶ Wherefore I say vnto you, All maner of sinne and blasphemie shall be forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost, shall not bee forgiuen vnto men. 32.And whosoeuer speaketh a word against the sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but whosoeuer speaketh against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 33.Either make the tree good, and his fruit good: 34.Or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: For the tree is knowen by his fruit. 34. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being euil, speake good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the [ORAL LAW]mouth speaketh.. 35.A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth foorth good things: and an euill man out of the euill treasure, bringeth foorth euill things. 36. But I say vnto you, That euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue accompt thereof in the day of Iudgement. 37.For by thy wordes thou shalt bee iustified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. ..": Missin Taiwan who is forbidden membership, the nine who decided they would be for The Eternal Living son of God included Guatamala, Honduras Lsmand, Marshall Islands, Micronesis, Nauru, Palawan, Toto, -- the Commonwealth voted against the Memory of Dame Margaret Thatcher's 31 years of service to God, Queen and Nation - including Falkland Islamd's very like Israel and these PERSON OF THEIR SOVEREIGN NATIONS IN OUR FATHER'S THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN --- EACH, 1/8TH DOT OF 1 BYTE IN THAT BINOMIAL MACHINE OF HATE..... YOU PAPAL AUTHORITY- UN UDHR-spirit of devil trinity ARE WARNED - though way to completely blinded to even recognize the existence of the 'talking serpent to Eve, before she has taken that bite'! a.k.a., "But now what pietie without trueth? what trueth (what saving trueth) without the word of God? what word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? The Scriptures we are commanded to search. Joh. 5.39. Esa. 8.20. They are commended that searched & studied them. Act. 17.11. and 8.28, 29. They are reproved that were unskilful in them, or slow to beleeve them. Mat. 22.29. Luk. 24.25. They can make us wise unto salvation. 2. Tim. 3.15. If we be ignorant, they will instruct us; if out of the way, they will bring us home; if out of order, they will reforme us, if in heavines, comfort us; if dull, quicken us; if colde, inflame us. Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege, Take up and read, take up and read the Scriptures, (for unto them was the direction) it was said unto S. Augustine by a supernaturall voyce. Whatsoevar is in the Scriptures, beleeve me, saith the same S. Augustine, is high and divine; there is verily trueth, and a doctrine most fit for the refreshing and renewing of mens mindes, and truely so tempered, that every one may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if hee come to draw with a devout and pious minde, as true Religion requireth...." - 1611 THREE TESTAMENT WHOLE HOLY BIBLE - REFORMISTS AS PROPHETS AUTHORIZED BY GOD HIMSELF... "THE TRANSLATOR'S TO THE READER" at, https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611-Bible/1611-King-James-Bible-Introduction.php Since Paul in Galatians, and even during our Teacher's earthly journey as Second Person teaching Third Person, scirptutres have been forever perverted... |
Not one person in our nation is even willing to acknowledge their very own person's devotion against God in Christ Jesus - The Trinity Sacred Documents, its perdition extended to the consequences of those nation's TRUSTING US(A) IN PROMISE - against all our friends, notably GB and Israel, S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan;--- AND - in order to properly accomplish this heinous fiend's desire to commit crimes against humanity, walking around unscathed, among his many minions, hidden among the administrative-police-state, and refusing to obey any "words issued directly from the mouth of God" the Trinity Sacred Documents; thus, like the 2,017 years of Papal Authority with the above named nations- totally absent any ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, shall continue to bow down, with chains to all body parts, especially each-one's very own, brain-washed, conformity -mind- attached in slavery absent skin color, subjection, continuing unabated since WWII Hitler, with, not 1/8th dot of 1 byte difference to what Dietrich Bonhoffer gave his life to attempt to teach: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: GOD WILL NOT HOLD US GUILTLESS. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act;" also taught directly by God to Israel -- GB, US(A) - through Ezekiel 33 --- our nation's all die, the consequence is never again to know, nor understand TRUTH --
PROBLEM: Americans of God and Nation First -- have no part in this Sodom and Gomorrah -- but, having never experienced evil's purity in this extent, cannot bring themselves to believe --- how perfect violation of God's 10 Commandments in His Two Greatest Commands --- can demonstrate this; and along the way, UDHR's goal of brain washing, teaches 'every Body's duties to communities upon which full development of 'person-alities' - mandatory judgment of any person, a.k.a., 'friend' in hypocrisy's always throw the stone at the whore -- then see if she survives - like the witch-hunts - you know man-choosing-and serving man-- has spoken..... all bow down --- except, each one person who has learned:
ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, HOLY SPIRIT "THE TRUTH - JOY OF OUR ETERNAL LIVING CHRIST JESUS, THE WHOLE TRUTH - LOVE OF OUR ETERNAL LIVING GOD, THE CREATOR, AND NO THING BUT THE TRUTH - YOUR THIRD PERSON'S CHALLENGE OF JUGGALING - ALONG HOLY SPIRIT v. spirit of devil trinity IS THE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS MUST BE VIOLATED BY MAN-CHOOSING AND SERVING-MAN', especially notable is ARTICLE III's complete perdition -refusing to even acknowledge, the complete falsehood of 1947 high and impregnable wall of separation, a.k.a, - Person is the recipient of his own Declaration of Independence, not collective people church - collective people state, HATE OF REFORMISTS, PURITANS, 1611 WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE - TRANSLATORS TO THE READER - INTRODUCTION FOR THE NEED OF VULGAR LANGUAGE BIBLE FOR EACH ONE 'PLOUGHMAN' among AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST EACH ONE PERSON OF WHOM HAS CHOSEN TRUTH - EVERY WORD THAT ISSUES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD in whole Eternal Soul from conception, Commandment 5 - also delineated in the Declaration - / whole mind, whole heart -
"1.Then was Iesus led vp of the Spirit into the wildernesse, to bee tempted of the deuill.
2 And when hee had fasted forty dayes and forty nights (Genesis -'deluge'), hee was afterward an hungred.
3 And when the tempter came to him, hee said, If thou be the sonne of God, command that these stones bee made bread.
4 But he answered, and said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread alone, but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
5 Then the deuill taketh him vp into the holy Citie, and setteth him on a pinacle of the Temple,
6 And saith vnto him, If thou bee the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe: For it is written, He shall giue his Angels charge concerning thee, & in their handes they shall beare thee vp, lest at any time thou dash thy foote against a stone.
7 Iesus said vnto him, It is written againe, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8 Againe the Deuill taketh him vp into an exceeding high mountaine, and sheweth him all the kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them:
9 And saith vnto him, All these things will I giue thee, if thou wilt fall downe and worship me.
10 Then saith Iesus vnto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue.
As long as treachery of dissimulation in lie as "constitution is supreme law of land" -- remains supreme to the Creator of Land and Law - with consequence the TRUTH - ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE - FAITH IN PROMISE - rules --- THE END IS NEAR ---- BE AWARE, OUR FATHER IS TELLING YOU --- those of you TOTALLY BLIND LEADING BLIND IN COMPLETE ARROGANCE OF PERDITION --- ARE FOREVER LOST, AS IS THE PERSON IN THE ABOVE PICTURE, among any of his numerous, both sides of party's by numbers in factions of meaningless labels, WON'T EVER COMPREHEND:
John 8's Father evil-father lie wants war --- then so be it!
Bit of a Problem, President Trump needs to be able to use the stick-- as well as raise it in the atoms of atmosphere --- not idle, Mr. President --- and not open for compromise. This American thinks he will do fine, but Article I --- has not even recognized the arena of Papal authority's Property of UN--letting computers with robot humans attached wander around the floor of Congress taking notes - the liar claiming our nation is a liar - in fact, the biggest problem of the label 'REP' - is its repudiation of Trinity Sacred Documents in order to obey father evil-father lie, Papel Authority's 'illegal-alien' is above the law of honest man and God, delusional-adversarial democracy's socialist, communist atheism-NO ORAL, COMMON LAW OATH IN PLEDGE, is greater than each-one-person's ORAL, COMMON LAW-OATH IN PLEDGE DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR --- CONGRESSMEMBER --- YOU ALONE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD IN OUR TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS. THERE IS NO SUCH IDEA AS COMPROMISE -PARTITION, ARBITRATION, MEDIATION, ADJUSTING ALL LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION TO LIE AND STEAL EACH-ONE-PERSON'S MIND/ HEART/ CONSCIENCE FOR WILL THROUGH SLAVERY TO SPIRIT OF DEVIL TRINITY
PER-DI'TION, n. [L. perditio, from perdo, to lose, to ruin. Qu. per and do, or Gr. περθω.]
Entire loss or ruin; utter destruction; as, the perdition of the Turkish fleet. – Shak. [In this sense, the word is now nearly or wholly obsolete.]
1. The utter loss of the soul or of final happiness in a future state; future misery or eternal death. The impenitent sinner is condemned to final perdition. If we reject the truth, we seal our own perdition. – J. M. Mason.
2. Loss. [Not used.] – Shak.
SCAT'TER, v.t. [Sax. scateran, to pour out, to disperse; L. scateo; Gr. σκεδαω, to scatter, to discuss, L. discutio, This word may be formed on the root of discutio. The primary sense is to drive or throw.] 1. To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other. From thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Gen. xi. I will scatter you among the heathen. Lev. xxvi.
2. To throw loosely about; to sprinkle; as, to scatter seed in sowing. Teach the glad hours to scatter, as they fly, / soft quiet, gentle love and endless joy. –Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat. He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ WORDS: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter, Mediate, Image
3. To cause to separate in different directions; to reduce from a close or compact to a loose or broken order; to dissipate; to disperse. Scatter and disperse the giddy Goths. "Titus Andronicus, Act V, Scene 2" -William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". Words: Right, Thing, Virtue, Will, Arrogance, Pride, Read, Warrant , Violence, Knowledge, Trust, Truth, Displace, Compulsion, Property, Vault, Valor, Ordain, Way(s), Self, Cringe, Interpretation, Idleness, Untruth, Wanton, Fight, Affirmation, For, Censure, Spear, Pierce, Shake, Law, Quality, Actual, Envy, Soul, Palpable, Attaint, Learn, Replenish, Tung/ Tongue, Bound, Medicine [1844 and 1913 Revised, Noah Porter], Debt, Race, Void, Transgression, Faithfully, Spirit, Holy, Imputation, Thought, Tempt, Murder, Perverse, Petrify, Infer, Scatter
4. Hence, to frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow; as, to scatter hopes, plans, or the like.
DIS'SI-PATE, v.i. To scatter; to disperse; to separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to vanish. A fog or cloud gradually dissipates, before the rays or heat of the sun. The heat of a body dissipates; the fluids dissipate.
DIS'SI-PATE, v.t. [L. dissipatus, dissipo; dis and an obsolete verb, sipo, to throw. We perhaps see its derivatives in siphon, prosapiaand sept, and sepio, to inclose, may be primarily to repel, and thus to guard.] 1. To scatter; to disperse; to drive asunder. Wind dissipates fog; the heat of the sun dissipates vapor; mirth dissipates care and anxiety; the cares of life tend to dissipate serious reflections. Scatter, disperse and dissipate are in many cases synonymous; but dissipate is used appropriately to denote the dispersion of things that vanish, or are not afterward collected; as, to dissipate fog, vapor or clouds. We say, an army is scattered or dispersed, but not dissipated. Trees are scattered or dispersed over a field, but not dissipated.
2. To expend; to squander; to scatter property in a wasteful extravagance; to waste; to consume; as, a man has dissipated his fortune in the pursuit of pleasure.
3. To scatter the attention. [to Displace]
SPIR'IT, n. [Fr. esprit; It. spirito; Sp. espiritu; L. spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.] 1. Primarily, wind; air in motion; hence, breath. All bodies have spirits and pneumatical parts within them. – Bacon. [This sense is now unusual.-----{NOTE: very interesting for Dr. Webster to say "unusual" -- because he is correct this word "rendered significant by usage, though in this case, by malice prepence - Insignificant by crime of omission! Throughout ecclesiastical and civil-state, magistrate, even among at-large men, women and children being taught, Matt.4, in 7, in 12, 22, Luke 12, and the Apocrypha - the connection between ]
2. Animal excitement, or the effect of it; life; ardor; fire; courage; elevation or vehemence of mind. The troops attacked the enemy with great spirit. The young man has the spirit of youth. He speaks or acts with spirit. Spirits, in the plural, is used in nearly a like sense. The troops began to recover their spirits. – Swift.
3. Vigor of intellect; genius. His wit, his beauty, and his spirit. – Butler. The noblest spirit or genius can not deserve enough of mankind to pretend to the esteem of heroic virtue. – Temple.
4. Temper; disposition of mind, habitual or temporary; as, a man of a generous spirit, or of a revengeful spirit; the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Let us go to the house of God in the spirit of prayer. – Bickersteth.
5. The soul of man; the intelligent, immaterial and immortal part of human beings. [See Soul.] The spirit shall return to nod that gave it. – Eccles. xii.
6. An immaterial intelligent substance. Spirit is a substance in which thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving do subsist. – Locke. Hence,
7.An immaterial intelligent being. By which he went and preached to the spirits in prison. – 1 Pet. iii. God is a spirit. – John iv.
8. Turn of mind; temper; occasional state of the mind. A perfect judge will read each work of wit, / With the same spirit that its author writ. – Pope.
9. Powers of mind distinct from the body. In spirit perhaps he also saw / Rich Mexico, the seat of Montezume. – Milton.
10. Sentiment; perception. Your spirit is too true, your fears too certain. – Shak.
11. Eager desire; disposition of mind excited and directed to a particular object. God has made a spirit of building succeed a spirit of pulling down. – South.
12. A person of activity; a man of life, vigor or enterprise. The watery kingdom is no bar / 13. To stop the foreign spirits, but they came. – Shak.
14. Persons distinguished by qualities of the mind. Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges. – Dryden.
15. Excitement of mind; animation; cheerfulness; usually in the plural. We found our friend in very good spirits. He has a great flow of spirits. To sing thy praise, would heaven my breath prolong / Infusing spirits worthy such a song. – Dryden.
16. Life or strength of resemblance; essential qualities; as to set off the face in its true spirit. The copy has not the, spirit of the original. – Wotton.
17. Something eminently pure and refined. Nor doth the eye itself, / That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself. – Shak.
18. That which hath power or energy; the quality of any substance which manifests life, activity, or the power of strongly affecting other bodies; as, the spirit of wine or of any liquor.
19. A strong, pungent liquor, usually obtained by distillation, as rum, brandy, gin, whisky. In America, spirit, used without other words explanatory of its meaning, signifies the liquor distilled from cane juice, or rum. We say, new spirit, or old spirit, Jamaica spirit, &c.
12. An apparition; a ghost.
13. The renewed nature of man. – Matth. xxxi. Gal. v.
14. The influences of the Holy Spirit. – Matth. xxii. Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. [Note continued from #1 def.: Understand? Every uses "third Person" but not one, connected to Matt. 12 in 22, John 17 in 14 among the WHOLE Gospel of the SECOND PERSON IN HIS FATHER, THE ETERNAL/ CREATOR - OF THE WHOLE LAW AND ALL PROPHETS -- TRUTH]
SPIR'IT, v.t. 1. To animate; to actuate; as a spirit. So talk'd the spirited sly snake. [Little used.] – Milton.
2. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; as, civil dissensions spirit the ambition of private men. – Swift. It is sometimes followed by up; as, to spirit up. – Middleton.
3. To kidnap. Blackstone. To spirit away, to entice or seduce. [tempt, spirit of devil trinity]
STONE, n. [Sax. stan; Goth. staina; G. stein; D. and Dan. steen; Sw. sten; Dalmatian, sztina; Croatian, stine. This word may be a derivative from the root of stand, or it may belong to some root in Class Dn. The primary sense is to set, to fix; Gr. στενος.] 1. A hard concretion of some species of earth, as lime, silex, clay and the like; a hard compact body, of any form and size. In popular language, very large masses of concretions are called rocks; and very small concretions are universally called gravel or sand, or grains of sand. Stones are of various degrees of hardness and weight; they are brittle and fusible, but not malleable, ductile, or soluble in water. Stones are of great and extensive use in the constriction of buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers, abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture, and the like. When we speak if the substance generally, we use stone in the singular; as, a house or wall of stone. But when we speak of particular separate masses, we say, a stone or the stones.
2. A gem; a precious stone. Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels. "King Richard the Third" – Shak.
3. Any thing made of stone; a mirror. – Shak.
4. A calculous concretion in the kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
5. A testicle.
6. The nut of a drupe or stone fruit; or the hard covering inclosing the kernel, and itself inclosed by the pulpy pericarp. – Martyn.
7. In Great Britain, the weight of fourteen pounds. [8, 12, 14, or 16.] [Not used in the United States, except in reference to the riders of horses in races.]
8. A monument erected to preserve the memory of the dead. Should some relentless eye / Glance on the stone where our cold relics lie. – Pope.
9.It is used to express torpidness and insensibility; as, a heart of stone. I have not yet forgot myself to stone. – Pope.
10.Stone is prefixed to some words to qualify their signification. Thus stone-dead, is perfectly dead, as lifeless as a stone; stone-still, still as a stone, perfectly still; stone-blind, blind as a stone, perfectly blind. To leave no stone unturned, a proverbial expression which signifies to do every thing that can be done; to use all practicable means to effect an object. Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as after the displosion of a meteor. Philosopher's stone, a pretended substance that was formerly supposed to have the property of turning any other substance into gold.
2. A gem; a precious stone. Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels. "King Richard the Third" – Shak.
3. Any thing made of stone; a mirror. – Shak.
4. A calculous concretion in the kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
5. A testicle.
6. The nut of a drupe or stone fruit; or the hard covering inclosing the kernel, and itself inclosed by the pulpy pericarp. – Martyn.
7. In Great Britain, the weight of fourteen pounds. [8, 12, 14, or 16.] [Not used in the United States, except in reference to the riders of horses in races.]
8. A monument erected to preserve the memory of the dead. Should some relentless eye / Glance on the stone where our cold relics lie. – Pope.
9.It is used to express torpidness and insensibility; as, a heart of stone. I have not yet forgot myself to stone. – Pope.
10.Stone is prefixed to some words to qualify their signification. Thus stone-dead, is perfectly dead, as lifeless as a stone; stone-still, still as a stone, perfectly still; stone-blind, blind as a stone, perfectly blind. To leave no stone unturned, a proverbial expression which signifies to do every thing that can be done; to use all practicable means to effect an object. Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as after the displosion of a meteor. Philosopher's stone, a pretended substance that was formerly supposed to have the property of turning any other substance into gold.
STONE, v.t. [Sax. stænan.] 1. To pelt, beat or kill with stones. And they stoned Stephen calling on God and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit. – Acts vii.
2. To harden. O perjur'd woman, thou dost stone my heart. [Little used.] "Orthello, Act 5, Scene 2"– Shak.
3. To free from stones; as, to stone raisins.
To wall or face with stones; to line or fortify with stones; as, to stone a well; to stone a cellar
STONE, a Made of stone, or like stone; as, a stone jug.
TOR'PID, a. [L. torpidus, torpeo; perhaps W. torp, a lump.] 1. Having lost motion or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; as, a torpid limb. Without heat all things would be torpid. Ray.
2. Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive. The mind as well as the body becomes torpid by indolence. Impenitent sinners remain in a state of torpid security. Barrington.
THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ..
2. A relation by blood or marriage.
3. An association, or united body; as, the Methodist connection. - The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation
2.Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt. Gen. xlii. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges xviii.
3.An animal; as, every living thing; every creeping thing. Gen. i. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. Tillotson.
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Swift.
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are. Shak. The poor thing sigh'd. Addison. I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville.
7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, / Thou noble thing! Shak.
2. Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive. The mind as well as the body becomes torpid by indolence. Impenitent sinners remain in a state of torpid security. Barrington.
THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ..
2. A relation by blood or marriage.
3. An association, or united body; as, the Methodist connection. - The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation
2.Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt. Gen. xlii. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges xviii.
3.An animal; as, every living thing; every creeping thing. Gen. i. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. Tillotson.
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Swift.
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are. Shak. The poor thing sigh'd. Addison. I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville.
7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, / Thou noble thing! Shak.
[The word 'value' is essential to spirit of the devil's 'every 'Thing' connected to "from loaves to stone - loaves equal to collective mass people servile, including each-one nation's so-'labeled-leaders' to the Papal Authority, a.k.a., UN-/ 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime - not even their sovereign nations, but also, in addition, each-one-person composing their own sovereign nation -- toUN-EU Empire's (though as of 12/01/2009-Lisbon Treaty, the EU no longer exists since the member nations of UN are the member nations of the EU --thus 193 Nations counting the abrogation of God in Three Persons, therefore our Three Sacred Documents, by silent-edict in servile subjugation of Articles I, II, III - totally absent their Oath/ Common Oral Law- of Office -- ]
THOUGHT n. [thaut. primarily the passive participle of think, supra, Sax. theaht.] 1. Properly, that which the mind thinks. Thought is either the act or operation of the mind, when attending to a particular subject or thing, or it is the idea consequent on that operation. We say, a man's thoughts are employed on government, on religion, on trade or arts, or his thoughts are employed on his dress or his means of living. By this we mean that the mind is directed to that particular subject or object; that is, according to the literal import of the verb think, the mind, the intellectual part of man, is set upon such an object, it holds it in view or contemplation, or it extends to it, it stretches to it. Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in any sense to render it true that matter can become cogitative. –.Rev. Timothy Dwight, S.T.D., L.L.D. (May 14, 1752 – January 11, 1817) was an American academic and educator, a Congregationalist minister, theologian, and author. He was the eighth president of Yale College (1795–1817).[1] Words: Virtue, Thought
2. Idea; conception. I wish to convey my thoughts to another person. I employ words that express my thoughts, so that he may have the same ideas; in this case, our thoughts will be alike.
3. Fancy; conceit; something framed by the imagination. Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my only difficulty is to choose or reject."The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1, "Preface to Fables" By John Dryden,
4. Reflection; particular consideration. Why do you keep alone? / Using those thoughts which should have died / With them they think on. "MacBeth, Act III, Scene 2"– W. Shakespeare.
5. Opinion; judgment. Thus Bethel spoke, who always speaks his thoughts. "Satires and Epistles of Horace" –Alexander Pope, at, https://books.google.com/books?id=rSU-AAAAYAAJ&pg=PA219& lpg=PA219&dq=Thus+Bethel+spoke,+who+always+speaks+his+thoughts.+%E2%80%93Alexander+Pope.&source=bl&ots=xiiHEbiOig&sig=Ftzv5jZUbMD8a4O0ySz57z8iY-U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2l-vuguzVAhWphFQKHXQ eCqMQ6AEIMzAD#v= onepage&q=Thus%20Bethel%20spoke%2C%20who%20always %20speaks%20his%20thoughts.%20%E2%80%93Alexander%20Pope.&f=false
6. Meditation; serious consideration. Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, / Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought. –.Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of “Roscommon” (c. 1633 – 18 January 1685), was an English poet. Words: Spare, Break, Thought
7. Design; purpose. All their thoughts are against me for evil. – Ps. lvi. xxxiii. Jer. xxix.
8. Silent contemplation. – Shak.
9. Solicitude; care; concern. Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and anguish before his business came to an end. –Sir Francis Bacon.
10. Inward reasoning; the workings of conscience. Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. – Rom. ii.
11. A small degree or quantity; as, a thought longer; a thought better. [Not in use.] –Richard Hooker/ Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, Scholar, and soldier, who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poetry or An Apology for Poetry), and The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Words: Conceit, Thing, Pierce, Estate, Knowledge, Clear, Thought.
To take thought, to be solicitous or anxious. – Matth. vi.
THOUGHT, pp. [and pret. of Think; pronounced thaut.]"; --- that is Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, or Paul's Church of God in Christ in himself, a sinner, teacher that Jew/ Gentile, circumcised/-among man-choosing and serving man's few rulers over the many by 'groups' - gender/ age majority as newborns /uncircumcised , free man/ slave, man or woman - all are ONE PERSON IN HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH LIVING GOD IN THREE PERSONS, HOLY LIVING TRINITY.
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