Friday, May 4, 2012

Went to Ron Paul's speech tonight at UCSD.

Disappointed:-(   Neither Romney, nor Paul recognize the intertwined Declaration with Constitution so neither completely understand "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?"...G. Washington.

Paul understands life, liberty and pursuit for individuals all the way through 'free agency' ---including making the individual responsible for the consequences of their own choices to do wrong...pregnancy before marriage; sexual choices; drug and smoking habits..

Because Paul does not consider the 1st or 2nd paragraphs of the Declaration connected to the Constitution, he does not understand why America has a responsibility to defend Nations who are unable to defend themselves against radical jihad, tyrannical dictators of murder and mayhem in the name of complete subjugation and control of all life...forget the existence of liberty and of God's Law which is for ALL men --- not just Americans. He wants to be peaceful and friends with borderless nations and jurisprudence and open society with control of the mass, collective of the group named people --- he wants to love evil in the name of cooperation.

He is correct and does understand the reason for Gold and Silver standard of coinage as responsibility of the Federal Level of government...and the closing of the Federal Reserve of control over investment and cash flow by the group of banks....Never given Consent of the governed...completely self-contained and unanswerable to any American..and comprised of large, private banks as supreme over any "Rule of Law".

Romney doesn't know anything about the above. Constitution is in the hands of the Supreme court. Congress does not have oversight to the lawless regulations implemented by the Departments of the Executive Branch of government.. Romney is aware that the Regulations are unlawful  ... but is incapable of saying "unlawful" - let alone unconstitutional.  He does well with right to work returned with open-shop and secret ballot for union formation in private industry...but never, never addresses the extra-quasi government of union administration as the controller of an individual worker under the top-down -- absent accountability, socialism of union structure.  The taxation resulting as retirement pensions is prohibitory... neither Romney, nor Paul can handle that topic... such is their fear of union power --- Not Authority --- POWER!!!

"We the People", we just have to keep working.. Now I am worried about Paul's foreign policy...I wouldn't call it isolationist...I call it ignorance of the importance of fighting for God's Law in other Nation's of the world -- where that fight cannot be started or won...and Satan can continue to dance over millions of people in too many corners...and growing parts of this Globe.  Our Lord does not want this...that is the reason Declaration with Constitution was written the way it is. Romney's idea that both Documents cannot meet today's requirements stems from his love of life and quantity of liberty determined by society over the decision of  "conscience is the most sacred property" of sovereignty of Person.

The absence of "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" is very apparent in both candidates.  The "principle of fairness" is nowhere to be found in Romney's world...and Paul considers the individual as supreme in free agency ... with "fairness" having no place in government any level  - especially when government is going to define the word.

It is an unhappy time for "obedience to Gods law because of man's accountability to Him" with practical piety of human relations..; but a very happy time for socialism's living object and inanimate object laws over all mankind including the supreme Law of the Land.

Such is the forgetting, ignorance, and absence of our Founder's principle and basis of our government since 1620:  where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?"...

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