Thursday, November 17, 2011

Listening to Glen Beck today re...

his "unsettling feeling" brought more than 109 comments.  One was:  snowleopard (cat folk gallery) 9 hours ago:
"Glenn let me try to explain some of it why you are probably having the same feeling many of us around the nation are as well; those of us listening to the warning bells from God and looking to see the pattern.

Today we seen the part of the OWS and their protest linked to the Nov 17 date, the N17 terror group in the nation of Greece, and why many of the Muslim extremist groups are holding American style civil rights era protests --- world stage productions, this is a global movement.

Another link -- Van Jones, declared about phase two of the 99%s movement, that there will be 2000 new candidates running for offices around the nation in the next coming series of elections under that particular party and groups.

Another link -- You mentioned a great clue, austerity packages Greece and now Italy are facing; while the fact is clear Obama is spending us into the grave, and no end is in sight.

Consider this though...

Before the next elections; the super committee fails completely (as expected by the Democrats design and intentions). The expected blame will be dumped solidly upon the conservatives and the tea party by the administration and the media...the warning bells of impending disaster will sound yet again over the debt and so forth...

Europe destabalizes even more, the "experts" sound the panic buttons here at home, mass sells go across the place, banks have runs made on them and the government over the next few months calls for a 'do not panic, we are here to help...' series of bailouts and such with more massive debt...

Our credit rating internationally tanks, and with massive supplies of money in circulation, hyper inflation begins with no end in sight; another economic collapse appears to be imminent.

Warnings go out of draconian cuts will need to be made, austerity packages to "save what we can" while blame falls again on the rich and the conservatives...

During the spin up of the election cycles, the Democrats slam home the repeated messages of the failure of both conservatism and the free market system with the usual suspect reasons (too little regulation, too little government, etc.)

Mr Obama and many others come right out and declare their support for a "new society" with the phrase of "FDR gave us the new deal, we will give you the New Dawn or something along those lines.

The counterfeit tea party, the 99%s arise suddenly (via Soros backing through Van Jones and the many groups he supports), and when swept into power as an alternate third party to the Democrats and the Republicans, make the final transformation into a socialist-progressive nightmare that is the end game for the Republic and our nation forever.

Think it cannot happen?
Just consider it from their point of view and see how crazy it really sounds?  

I added to snowlepard "
Your right! Problem and reason Glen is feeling, with a lot of US(A), the uneasy? Choices regarding which law to support between internal government of Conscience with Declaration of Principles-Independence with applied Law as Constitutionally protected sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation versus External Government of "Group-think socialism" is heading it's tyrannical, usurptive "Flagship - The Patient Protection and Affordable Act (forget the word 'care')" to the "Supreme Law of the Court" sans "Common Law" and Declaration of Principles because at least 3 of the 9 Justices deny the existence of the Declaration as a document of the rights of the Individual and of the individual as part of the whole named America with security to those rights inherent by the Consent to Governed....!!  "We the Elected People" have chosen not to support law which is unconstitutional from the Floor(s) of Congress...for many years; but now there is G. Soros and B. Obama with all the cohorts including the traditional-heartbed of socialism - Unions especially as Government-taxpayer supported income of control...and the biggest difference:  FDR finished his Socialism, our Soldiers came home, we had General Eisenhower, and a NATION  with complete FREEDOM from government to produce, distribute, R&D in virtually every aspect of Life and Liberty with Pursuit the goal..of every person.  WWII was also clearly a statement against the blatant inhumanity by certain few, well-known, friends of the most deadly killers of person..their 'spirit' against Jews and other races including POW's.  That came together to save our Nation.  

But in 2011, forget all of post-WWII's opportunities because we now are locked-signed-sealed and delivered to:  write EO to disregard Congress, Central controlled including all cabinets joined into each one cabinet - interlinked (See EO 13575) -  Executive Branch of Congress. 

Our resources, assets which include each person and person-as-business, and everything that is part of "But we know the Law is good, if a man use it Lawfully; Knowing this that the Law is NOT MADE FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners (those not of "Religion and Morality"), for unholy and profane,....for liars..and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine..(I far as you want to read); is being removed to control by the Executive Branch. This usurpation is not recognized by the general public and is not addressed by Congress. There is no business or thought of business which will take place.....unless the one or more of 2600 Federal (and State) Level Agencies determine, define, write Regulations, enforce Those Regulations, and adjudicate without a court of law regarding their own inspector's reports of violations of those regulations. 

If you aren't sick, you should be. If you don't think it's important, that's why Glen and everyone else (mostly Teapartiers relating to 2nd and 4th Amendment violations) is worried; and that's why the One Candidate for President, Ron Paul, who has said he will defund Agencies like EPA, Education, FCC and Energy, is ignored!  He represents the best impediment to the Socialists, because more and more of America of "Religion and Morality" KNOW the Law is Good, but there is 100% absent lawful use of the Law...and the law is mostly very, very "inconsistent and not derived" from the Law which is Supreme - "..superior to ALL OTHER public acts, whether by officials or private citizens.  Any Statute, EO, or COURT RULING.."

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