Monday, November 7, 2011

You, me, every Natural and Naturalized Citizen are now official members

of the ‘Collective of the Socialist States of America’ created with George Soros, Barak Obama, United Nations, Radical Islam, as the ‘Absolute Rulers’.  Obama’s words, actions and deeds actually prefer the transitional manipulator-descriptor: “Democracy” without the Socialist attached, because that way he can obtain support from Citizen’s, emphasis on college-age demonstrators of ignorance and entitlement who genuinely do not know anything about founders or the Two documents,  who have never questioned government size, force, confiscation, dictate, decree, including absent, censored and twisted information.

Congress-Members, Lawyers, Justices, and Judges of both Nation and State support all actions by the Obama Regime by their Silence.  Their silence combined with the ease by displacement for taxation and maximum damage to our economy, with the losses to business, ownership of property and jobs; which act to divert attention from the violations of our Nation’s “Rule of Law”.  When confronted, too many Congress-members lose their “sovereignty of person”  because they cannot and will not have faith and/or believe the Way, the Truth, and the Light of  “Religion and Morality” contained in Both Declaration and Constitutions of the United States of America..

Our Republican form of Representative government-members do not believe the Founder’s word and work in writing, stating and acting for Both Founding Documents: That unconstitutional Bills, Acts, Amendments, can be stopped from the floor of Congress by filibuster; by absent signatures of 2 members or Less from one Party of the People’s Representatives; by the current majority of Republicans in the House - stopping both Senate (socialist majority with traditional Dems forbidden to be heard) and the President from perpetrating more financial damage on the life, liberty, and pursuits of US(A). Or that declaring on the floor of Congress that a Bill, Act, or Amendment is unconstitutional and the writer of the Bill, Act, Amendment must answer - using ‘logic and classical argument’ with up or down being determined by the Principles in the Declaration and the Law of our Constitution “concert measures of common good and mutual concern” for our Nation as Representatives of “the People”.  Both Document’s support require participation of every one member of the total 524 in Congress.  Both require each person as individual and as member of a political**** party***** in concert with all principles of governance including Internal Government of Conscience manifested by their Oath of Office.

Each one Congress-member is in the orchestra. The Conductor is We the People through Declaration as Principle and Supreme Law as Constitution. That is the Standard of Supreme Law: Internal Government of Conscience - ‘Religion and Morality’.  You see, it is only easy for the power and authority of Socialism to eliminate from Law the “Political” “Party” meaning any group which doesn’t agree with ‘socialism-democracy-union-political party-member of collective humans- controlled and defined by the now, Executive Branch of our Nation’s government.’ If you think Obama is out campaigning for 2012 President— you are wrong. He is out utilizing Lucifer Alinsky’s 14 tactics (#13, 3-5, 8 ranking as favorites, but all 13 are used) often combined with Cloward-Piven (Piven is ‘in Person’ to impress the eager, never-taught America, college student6), but can be Piven alone - not capitalism - they have pretty much devoured that problem; now its regulations, licensing, inspection with write-up penalty decided before entering the business (Ebony at Gibson Guitar, or all plans and requirements met to build a home near the coast- until EPA arrives, unannounced!).

 The saying is that “We are a Nation of law.”; but that law does not include understanding, supporting and defending our Supreme Law of the Land on the floor of Congress before and not require any lower court of man - Judges.  Refusing to support from the floor of Congress one man is qualified and capable of determining unlawful applications and reading of “We the People in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice...”, is an blatant not Truth.  And by making the decision to support the myth that another court, below the Supreme Court must rule, Congress as Representative of Natural and Naturalized, honest citizens must wait - interminably long periods of time while injustice and absent consent of the People continue “Anti-law1”  applications of Regulations, Acts, Fines, Fees, usurpation with violations of just about every Article in our 1789 ratified Constitution, with many of the first 14 Amendments - including the 11th .  Obama’s Laws become signed Law and “anti-law” but wait for court action,  application of bill, act, regulation via 2600 Agency defined illegal penalty of person or person as business, continue to be implemented into the spider-web structures of life defined and implemented by Socialism.

To put Obama’s and California’s Socialist anti-law writing another way, they put the law in court--- time passes, We the People wait.  The attorneys decide which question to ask, with which precedent to utilize----time passes; the AG holds off any action by any lawyer in government (in California - simply refuses on personal grounds or ignores completely as non-existent question)-----time passes; a court date is set and the preliminaries take place including whether the court will hear the Bill, Act issue at all ------ time passes.  No information is imparted to the People who give consent or no accurate, often censored information is given to those ‘People’ who depend solely on the TV for facts. The “fair” regulation of FCC infamous definition continues and-------time passes.  It is only 48 months..but look at all the ingrained into every level of life, liberty, and pursuit of people by city-county-state-federal government, taught to children and to aliens coming to America about ‘democracy’, - ‘terrible Republican or Teaparty’; but– never, never the great savior Union Political Party or Islam, or group-think without the think-part of education.. ‘We are a Nation of Law’ becomes the entrapment of Socialist Law into life, fortune, and sacred honor of each “person”; with Law determined and written, .rather than Congress... by appointed Judges and Justices who rule and adjudicate based on the precedent of the decision of what part of the minutia of law decided to be heard - if it’s heard (Obama’s Birth location).

Even though all men are created equal, are Members of the species Homo Sapiens with cognitive attributes5 which include the contents of Proverbs, I and II Timothy, Deuteronomy, Peter, Samuel, Jacob, ‘Maroni, Mormon from The Book of Morman’ and the other Chapters of  The Book of Law for each one “man” in God’s unchanging time as history of mankind.   If the Bill or Act doesn’t have to go to court, the People’s Representatives  prefer to support, either through silence, or passive agreement with Obama’s socialist “greater number” as the absolute determiner of the stature and content of Bills, Acts, or Amendments without Political Party affiliation – exception Union Administration Political Party which taxes without representation via closed-shop payment of government employees wages and benefits  – determined, written, defined, and regulated by the Union’s Administration with union paid attorney’s = quasi-government.  Union Administration is the manager for the employed members of 2600 Agency’s of Federal and Lesser number of Agency’s of States.

Thus the Principles contained in the Declaration:   “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.. with Creator given unalienable Natural Rights, which combined together are the essence of freedom for All Mankind regardless of location or circumstance on this Globe of God’s Universe; and The Principles of the Constitution as Protection: sovereignty of ‘person’ as one-at-a-time; of State, and of our Nation; and
Biblical: I Timothy 1: 6-11 “..Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp. I am well aware that ‘the Law is admirable’ — provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane*, .....immoral persons,...liars, perjurers and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted..2” are inclusively        
over-ruled by ‘collective, mass, greater number-popular vote’ rule commonly referred to as Democracy but are socialist with Obama’s regime, and include the Socialist States lemming agreement.  Obama has the infamous distinction of the Only President in our history to completely abandon from within 24 days of entering office, the entire Federated - Republican form of government; and from Chrysler Corporation edict with confiscation, to many EO’s, to “Patient Protection...”; including all regulations deriving from the Executive Branch, Agency czars, White House policies.

Absent is any  resemblance to government with the consent of the governed represented by “elected We the People”.  Granted, “We the People - elected and citizens” have enough ignorance combined with absent information; and with utter disbelief at the intensity and speed at which this President has demonstrated his failure at “Religion and Morality “;  “ a conceited, ignorant creature, with a morbid passion for controversy and argument which leads only to envy, dissension, insults, insinuations, and constant friction between people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the Truth. ..(I Timothy 6:4-5.)2” of his, from birth, Socialism.

Here are the parts, often totally absent from ‘We the People” and state-federal-local school board’s education of the unique characteristics of America and Americans, acting against our Declaration’s “..when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,..”; and acting against the Constitution’s Article IV:4 guarantee of Republican form of government, with Article V which instructs in how a change in the Republican form of government may take place; and the 9th and 10th Amendments for direction in protection from Obama-Soros-UN governments. The Declaration delineated in the 27 abuses perpetrated by George III; and repeated by Obama in  13 of the 27 abuses as follows: 1) “He has refused his Assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good”: — Chrysler Corp. - Patient Protection - Executive Orders 97/97 many of which were initiated without going through Article I Legislative Process - shifting all Power to the Executive Branch of Government — power, edict, control of money and business through “America’s financial Security Act”.

 2) No change in 2010-11 from 1776 required:  “He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained...”---- Illegal crossing into Arizona, who lawfully wrote law to correct and protect its Citizens - Natural and Naturalized; providing taxpayer money for medical and education benefits as edict and decree via ‘appointed Department Heads (HHS, Homeland Security); supported illegal gun-running for drug cartels who use Illegal aliens as a means to cross and control border trafficking.

3)       2009-2011 Obama Requires  adjustment in word order: 1776 “He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in legislature, ..”  Changes Article I:I defines “..a Congress..” as 2011 “coitus” or rhythm of intercourse verses 1828 “concert measures for common good” with “The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic”; resulting in relinquish the right of representation of the people living in the Districts of 171 Republicans and 34 Democrats elected House of Representatives. These 205 elected Representatives in the House of Representatives by Not Placing their Signatures to “Patient protection and Affordable Act”, did not arrive at any harmony in concert of measures for common concern; and while not the majority of both a Republic when One Party does not participate in Law formation, – the  law is not passed by both houses  – before signature to Law by the President (Article I:7,8). And Obama’s instituted ‘collective’ mass of people as greater number or popular - without Party Affiliation, - as the Standard by which all Law in our Nation Shall be written.

Party designation is removed from the “writers and sponsors” of Bills, Acts, Amendments - in Congress (see; and in Hawaii, Washington(see websites of respective states with attention to socialist (D) v Repub.); and California’s Constitutional, Republican form of government,  new Article II:5(a)(b) as expression in anti-law of  “the candidates that are the top two vote-getters” “may have his or her political party preference or lack of political party preference disclosed by the candidate”. Please Note, all readers: The Republican Party (of party affiliation must not be mentioned by candidate or voter and party cannot endorse) of Congress and of California’s Senate are the minority party. It Is The Smaller Number Party in Both Houses of Legislative Government, in governments currently PREVENTING in Congress ‘steam-roller, socialism with spending to completely destroy or reduce the 1% increase in the people’s business world of jobs and life with liberty to less than 1% while, socialist-obama government increases 15%; and in California from the Socialist Legislature from increasing taxes because there are just enoough Republican Senators to stop the 2/3rds Majority Socialists from passing tax increases..and our Referendum for Re-mapping precincts and districts for those running for Congress, State Offices-Senate, and the little known, but very dictate-decree-demand with force Board of Equalization shall go to the California Supreme Court for re-drawing.

 ‘We the people’ are also members of “a Congress” or assembly.. Demonstrated by the ‘concert measures of the common good and adjust mutual concerns’ echoing by our Votes- our consent to our Legislators in Congress and in our State.  Obama declaring Democracy does not make it so.  California’s Union Political Socialist Party (demise of Democratic, with Republican under attack) also may not declare a State- to be a Democracy - in opposition to Supreme Law.  Open-society, a..k.a “zeitgeist” can’t have a group-mind named party affiliation.

4)         In relation to “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” requires no alteration and occurred exactly as stated 1776 and 12/2009: “He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository or their public Records, for the sole purpose of
fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.” This is Mrs. Pelosi’s contribution to unconstitutional force, dictate, control.

8)        “He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.”  Guantanamo and the Radical Jihad; the building of a mosque on American soil by a member of Radical Jihad; using taxpayer money to sue Arizona and attack BP an accidental (albeit suspicions) spill - outside of Law...Executive Marshall Law with the entire closing of all America’s offshore drilling thus allowing foreign nations - with at least one enemy of this Nation, access to drilling platforms and equipment for the President’s “Opinion without Interference” of Petroleum Companies in General and BP specifically — absent equal protection. His selection for Supreme Law of the Land Justice Kagen at You Tube video - has no idea of the connection between the Principles of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States - let alone the Bible of Divine Law from which Magna Carta and Common Law derive - even grating the Senators allowed and gave permission for this injustice to occur.

10)        is another which requires no change word for word 1776 to 2011: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat** out their substance.

13)       “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation”. Obama’s acceptance of the United Nation’s 100% belief in the Truth and Accuracy of global Warming with the addition of the UN right to affirm that it can define, decree, and enforce via World Court parental absent rights with regard to their family’s children3; then the new expression of Socialism-Open Society: “Opinion without Interference” manifested by taxpayer-EPA going to cities to enforce or fine EIR’s by requiring fees for placing DUA housing on city property4 - there is no due process in the EPA vs City in 50 states - simply decree and dictate. The city is using taxpayer dollars to pay the fees and fines; and losing the land rights to boot! Loans from China with imports to such a large degree, that no USA products are available and few other nations import such as Indonesia, Taiwan, Cambodia, South American not under dictatorship, but increasing agricultural products from Mexico while shutting off water to California’s Delta.  The Marxist-Alinsky  “The end justifies the means is out-dated in dictate, centralized Socialism of the Soros’ mentality and replaced by  “opinion without interference3”.

16) “For cutting off Trade with all parts of the world.”  Does need change because it is backwards: Debasing, closing, fining out of existence via EPA, Sanitary, Agriculture, Mining and any of the 2600 Dept. at Fed + thousand at State Level Departments with regulations and requirements costing thousands - so that the United States shall not remain a world leader in production, research and development of goods and services with the benefits to the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of its people over the other nations of the World as Obama-Soros-13 men of Zeitgeist interpret government on this globe sans God, but trade as imports overflow our markets.

17) “For imposing taxes without our consent.”   That’s the PPAA redo named “Super-committee” job of finding dollars throughout the United States by “opinion without interference”   And the silence of the Union-Political-Party of Guaranteed Seats in State and Federal legislatures and all “super trains” - roads, bridges, public buildings, communications, computer airwaves, drugs, agriculture, energy, mining, public lands as parks, private lands as EIR’s with coastal commissions, and now utilizing - majority-greater number-popular, without political party as sole means of top two  vote-getters, to keep the 2/3rds minority party from stopping the relentless  “Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and with regard to any census or enumeration.” The 16th Unconstitutional Amendment masquerading as an important addition to the Supreme Law of the Land, but as you can experience now in 2011 and throughout our history since its inception, a very, very “inconsistent” and “not derived from it” and is therefore Null and Void from inception. Again, not directly related to Obama, i.e. Obama didn’t write it, but he sure does love it for its Socialism applications!!  Unions are the employers of all government workers City, County, State and Federal – except for the 3 or 4 States which are open-shop. It is tax money which pays these “workers” their wages, benefits, and dues to their administrations. No member of “We the People” elect, or have any say over the use of Minimum prevailing wage- retirement packages, or the 15% growth of employment at the government levels versus 1% in what has become the socialist’s antithesis and what is left of business in America...the location of real jobs with income which gives taxes in proportion along with the life, liberty and pursuit of individuals interests, hobbies, and life in general.

18)     “For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of  Trial by Jury.”. Trial of any sort: the antithesis of ALL Departments, Agencies, Commissions, agents, contractors, and people of all sorts hiding behind the 11th Amendment (bearing in mind the 11th hadn’t been written yet; and when it was..didn’t even consider these actions by government as part of protection of government’s actions).  What is one of the worse parts of government without “Religion and Morality” or Law based on God’s Laws, is that there is 100% absent accountability in any real sense of the word, for the damages as loss of life, liberty, fortune and sacred honor suffered by any one person or ‘person as business’. Disaster happening in real time against real people - like California’s Delta water - stopping nuclear and petroleum development - exploration of outer space, and the inner space of spirit and mortal man, regulation by decree, dictate, enforcement and adjudication will continue to occur under our Nation’s Obama-Socialism.

20)      “For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging it Boundaries *** so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies.”  2011 change province to State with airports for Homeland security’s government approval of accusation of criminal act of bombing by performing searches and seizures, via promotion and enforcement of Law against the honest person with confiscation of not only possessions, but also life and liberty – no due process!

21)      “For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our government.”  Constitution is abolished, unless it helps “opinion without interference” or the 11th Amendment; Socialist of collective mass with greater number and without political party. Voter-getters of greater number. Political Party of Unions unaffected and unaltered in quasi-use of taxpayer money to seat elected officials of their “opinion without interference” throughout government from mosquito abatement to President of the US with every substructure of government in between. Union is synonymous with Socialism - communism.

24)      “He has plundered our seas (commercial fishing), ravaged our coasts (no offshore drilling for the asset named petroleum, natural gas, forestry and other valuable minerals),  burnt our towns, and destroyed via regulation, the lives (and fortunes, liberty, and pursuit) of our people”.            

The Obama Regime, the United Nations, George Soros’ “open-Society”with Zeitgeist are the descriptor of absolute totalitarianism: “centralized control by an autocratic authority; 2.  the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority (Merriam Webster)”.

Why would an otherwise intelligent group of individuals subjugate ‘self-rule’ of our Founder’s magnificent works named Declaration and Constitution to Totalitarianism? Largely because of allowing ‘forget’, ignorance, and lack of foresight regarding the effects of removing the 1828 definition of Religion, with morality recognized a “practical deity” for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver, as the separation of church and state.  Where church means denomination and  is not synonymous with religion as obedience to God’s Laws (www.1828, All 13 abuses combined with ceasing to instruct regarding the Bible, with history, and allowing ignorance to advance combined with absent of Truth. Now add socialism’s requirement of indoctrination induced by Federal and State control, but not by Constitutional Law, over the education of Posterity from Kindergarten through technical schools, and universities.  Controlled censored learning with an idea of “focus” rather than the obtaining of learning techniques revolutionized by Maria Montessori and others which encourage Research, Relate, Reflect, Record/take action with the joy of attaining life’s journey to Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom reflected in Proverbs.  This while rewarding Islam and conformity of person inside the group; rather than ‘concert’ of each member of the orchestra contributing to the successful production of harmony of the whole in the expression of beauty of music with or without words. Education and many areas of ‘person’ with duty, love of nation, combined with the need to support it by voting and participating to protect and defend our Nation of Law Under God.  The problem has been present for more than 40 years.  This President studied Constitutional Law to undermine it and destroy it utilizing cohorts brought together with Soro’s assistance directly or indirectly.

1.        “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.”  Declaration of constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland.

*profane:1828: “1. Irreverent to any thing sacred; applied to persons. A man is profane when he takes the name of God in vain, or treats sacred things with abuse and irreverence. Irreverent; proceeding from a contempt of sacred things, or implying it; as profane words or language; profane swearing. 3. Not sacred; secular; relating to secular things; as profane history.
    Profane 2011: “: to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt : desecrate
                     2. : to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use”.

2.  THE BIBLE A New Translation; James Moffatt, DD,D.Litt, M.A. St. Andrews, Oxford;1954.

**eat: 1828 and 2011 “2. To corrode; to wear away; to separate parts of a thing gradually, as an animal by gnawing. We say a cancer eats the flesh.”

3. United Nations: Charter and Mission Statements; WSIS - Declaration of Principles #4 “..freedom to hold opinions without interference..”; UNICEF “The Children’s Rights and Business Principles Initiative”; “Annex I. The State duty to protect human rights” does not include God’s Laws and is written so that dictators and lawless behavior is tolerated because the UN is the Globe’s Government and could not possibly protect one-person-one-at-a-time; Ecosystem Management.    

4.  City of Escondido, California 10/05/11; Agenda Item 18. “General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report (Case No.: PHG 09-0020)" request for $250,000.

***boundary “A limit; a bound. This word is thus used as synonymous with bound. But the real sense is, a visible mark designating a limit. Bound is the limit itself or furthest point of extension, and may be an imaginary line; but boundary is the thing which ascertains the limit; terminus, not finis.”.

****1828 Political: “Pertaining to policy, or to civil government and its administration. Political measures or affairs are measures that respect the government of a nation or state. So we say, political power or authority; political wisdom; a political scheme; political opinions. A good prince is the political father of his people. The founders of a state and wise senators are also called political fathers.”

*****1928 Party: “1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.

5.  The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common Posterity.” Declaration of Constitutional Principles by Jon Roland.

6.  I had the opportunity to observe young, college socialists in training while working for the “Pension-Reform Initiative”.  They have their ‘duckies in a row’ as long as you don’t give them to much in the information as fact department.


  1. We need to realize that the Socialist-Democracy Obama Regime are also just one-person-at-a-time in their disobedience to Supreme Law. That Lucifer Alinsky's writing is one person who believes his statement of tactics: 3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.) 4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." Please note #4's "for they can no more obey..than Christian.. . And We the People - elected or one-hard working-person- who loves God and this Nation!!!

  2. - CommieTunes Episode 13 showcases George Soros. He bought the 2008 election and America's President. Now he's running the country -- Starring…
    00:09:57 is a link to 13 videos regarding George Soros who is an expressed enemy of the United States of America - even though he decided and choose to become a citizen. That, alone, should tell you something about this man of no god, no morality except as defined by cohorts of no morality Marx - Alinsky - Obama
