Saturday, September 22, 2012

Senator Mark Wyland's weekly column.. "THE PAPER"(Lyle Davis; San Marcos/N.County SD) re pension "spiking". There is a poorly enforced law against spiking.  "Last week, the State controller's office released a report stating that many school districts routinely spike their member's pensions. They have gotten away with this abuse because because there is inadequate oversight within CalSTRS.  The report Revealed that, at the current CalSTRS auditing rate, each school district [that's a Minimum Number of 433 school districts = the basic number of cities in the 58 counties of our State] would be reviewed ONLY ONCE IN 48 YEARS!  Remember, Los Angeles Unified School Districts requires 40% of the General Fund.

There are 3 Tax Increases forced-demanded by this governor: Propositions 30,38, and 39, though 39 is another "lower the oceans and heal the planet - AB32/Agenda 21/ CO2 - anti-business proposition.

There are 652 State Agencies of which Governor APPOINTS his political bias to 302 of them.  All 652 are Union Administered-closed shop-top/down-Pensions. The Governor in February and March this year, Absolutely Refused to release information regarding our State Budget per our California Constitution " ARTICLE 1  DECLARATION OF RIGHTS.... "SEC. 3.  (a) The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.     (b) (1) The people have the Right of Access to Information
concerning the Conduct of the People's Business, and, therefore, the meetings of public bodies and the writings of public officials and agencies shall be open to public scrutiny.
   (2) A statute, court rule, or other authority, including those in effect on the effective date of this subdivision, shall be broadly construed if it furthers the people's right of access, and narrowly construed if it limits the right of access.  .."

The current Federal Debt per Tax-paying Citizen is $181,252.00 + $10,279.00 here in California's decreasing citizen-business-high regulation-absent Declaration and Constitution-"Government-over-man"-Secular law.  That is $191,531.00/California Homeowner/Taxpaying Citizen.

Now add the Real Estate Market with its new bubble -- The Federal Reserve purchasing, with thin-air-borrowed-$$$ from Posterity's life and liberties, all Mortgages in the 50 States.  Home owners who cannot pay their mortgages - also have great difficulty paying their property taxes.  Howard Jarvis  - Proposition 13's consent of the governed -- has been protecting home owners; but now mortgages exceed the property value of the homes purchased.  You think the Schummer, Frank,Obama bubble was bad, you know you haven't seen anything YET ---- have you!?

Now add the above not even close - pension costs: regardless of fire, police, teachers - don't even count them....Just 652 State Agencies with their Bureaucrats of Law maker/enforcement absent our Republican form of government with the Laws of Both the Declaration and Constitution.

Now add the 'STUFFED BALLOT BOX' of "California Voting Rights Act/CVRA Trustee Voting Districts"; Citizens Redistricting Commission's (CRC) gerrymander State Senate Districts including Congressional and Assembly, and Article V's "top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation" with a greater 'god of number' for the 'government-over-man-DEM - DEM Districts absent balance or accuracy from REP-REP Districts.  Please Note --- we are not even concerned, anywhere herein with 'Voter ID'!  It is one 'distraction tactic' to the entire content of ACTs by government-over-man noted above.

Proposition 40 is a "NO" vote if you would like the California State Senate Districts redrawn to eliminate the CRC  gerrymandered Districts.  Voting "NO" on 40 could also assist the REP in maintaining its Prevention of Tax Increases via the required 2/3rds vote.  That is the reason the Governor Had To Present 3Tax Increase Propositions: 30, 38, 39 to "consent of the governed'.

This will not affect the CRC gerrymandered Congressional and Assembly Districts; or the greater 'number-god', government-over-man secular laws.

Here is Secular, as demonstrated on the floor of  "government-over-man's Convention" and currently enforced: " principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.

Now the Obama Regime's newest tactic to remove the stigma of their Convention Floor, taking the name of "The Lord thy God in Vain" with Judges of other Nation's Property,  cover any and all Declaration - Constitution - We the People - Take Back America - Teapartier, Libertarian, Independent, left-over-not progressive-Republican and any Candidate which espouses agreement --- COVER with the BLACK VEIL of silence - ignoring - removing from sound or view/media - bearing of False Witness, Distorting and down-intelligence of collective people.  OBAMA KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING AND IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHAOS WHICH IS ENSUING HERE AND ABROAD - All any Person has to do is observe his handling of Netanyahu and Israel with his anti-law/EPA/Agenda 21/UN implementation , absent law of our land, human habitation/sustainable growth.  What our "President Romney" correctly said "Lower the Oceans and Heal the Planet" god-.  

Republican government is why the Federalist Paper's phrase is 'government-over-man' because it is the SOLE way our Nation's unalienable natural rights can be enforced --- conscience and responsibility to Oath, duty, and service of Each-One-Person.

Republican government is "Religion and Morality (affirmation)" per Pres. Washington's Farewell Address.

1 comment:

  1. See Steve Frank's California Political News and Views re more on the union's Governor Brown with the union's Legislature.
