Friday, September 21, 2012

Number 1 of a Series of word and actions: Barry Goldwater

Americans! We Are Our Government — as Good and as Bad as it is.  Do not Blame Politicians, Parties as if their activities are somehow, separate for Each-One-Person’s Life, Liberty, and pursuits of Happiness. Blame belongs to Each-One-American who says “Just tell me where to put my “X”.”; “That’s too difficult - I don’t understand.”; “If you use that word — you will turn people off.”; “All politicians are dishonest I don’t care what party they come from. I can’t trust any of them. I’m not going to participate in government any more.”.  The last two quotes are the most damaging to the work of our Founders and to the Two Most Unique In Mankind’s History Laws in Both Documents.

When “We the People” decide they need to ‘compromise’ the Truth of history by mitigating words; or decide “I’m not going to play with you anymore! You are not nice and I don’t like you!”, rule ---- then Socialist-Secular government will prevail as it is in our State and in our Nation.  Americans, don’t put the words government, politician, party in a location in front or behind your person!  All 3 Belong to Each American — naturalized and natural.

 It is each one of US(A)’s responsibility to Learn and Teach — even the most “Money Only -opportunist or illegal” usurping the right to vote given to them by the dishonesty and disrespect of State and Federal government’s few, elected-Un-American Persons of power and greed, before God and Nation.
Because of the irresponsibility and dishonesty of Our State Government, and of the content of the Propositions on the November 6, 2012 “Consent of the Governed, this is going to be #1 of a series of An American like me, and like millions of US(A) who attended Washington Mall with our First Amendment Grievance on August 10, 2010.

The Man is Barry Goldwater. The time is 62 years ago, 1950.  The Subjects of this series are what has actually occurred in EVERY single issue he addressed, along with the Republicans who gave everything they could — to get him elected*:

The series will speak for itself. It does not require comment or translation or talking down; for every single American of God and Nation First will recognize our Declaration and Constitution in action.

As a businessman, Senator Goldwater knows from experience that no enterprise can ignore the methods os sound management— least of all, the world’s largest enterprise: the U.S. Government.  He has always run on a platform of fiscal responsibility, even when it was “unpopular”, as in his vote against the tax cut. While he agreed with the Wish to curt taxes, in the absence of a corresponding cut in government spending he could only consider the move fiscally irresponsible and dangerously inflationary in the long run.

More than lip service and more than reduced light bills at the White House are contained in these statements of fiscal responsibility by Barry Goldwater...

“The first fiscal responsibility of government is to preserve the value of the dollar. It can do this by prudent budgeting, by living within the means of the people who pay the bills, and by encouraging individual enterprise.

The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimat3e business. As long as the Federal government acknowledges responsibility in a given social or economic field, its spending in that field Cannot be substantially reduced. The only way to curtail spending is to eliminate the programs on which excess spending is consumed.

 BG quote: “I believe that, as a practical matter, spending cuts must come before tax cuts.  If we reduce taxes before firm-principled decisions are made about expenditures, we will court deficit spending and the inflationary effects that will inevitably follow. The nation’s younger citizens will live under the hysteria of inflation throughout the rest of their lives—if it is not checked now.

By reducing taxes and spending we will not only return to the individual the means with which he can assert his freedom and dignity, but also guarantee to the nation the economic strength that will always be its ultimate defense against foreign foes.

I believe individuals and individual local governments, city councils, county supervisors, and state legislators must reassert their independence and responsibility. The tendency of the Federal government persistently to live beyond its income has seriously weakened fiscal responsibility at every level.

What we desperately need are some clearly stated and clearly understood Priorities for national programs. We cannot do everything at once and there are many things the Federal Government shouldn’t be doing al all. Local governments must take on more and not less responsibility in meeting needs when those needs are fully established.” “

*Editor—Martyn J. Hodes; Keyfax Publications Inc; Statler Center; Los Angeles, CA

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