Sunday, September 9, 2012

Among Socialist-Secular 2009-2012Rule of law's ..

...preconceived conclusions is one which 'argues' living object-body parts are the sole determiner of innocence of criminality/malfeasance or the "threat" of criminal malfeasance. This is commonly referred to as "suspicion-less" drug or body part testing. Socialist-Secular law states that living and inanimate objects are parties to an action at law.

This preconceived conclusion is especially directed to those persons who have pursued and accomplish professions which give care to the public and/or the production and distribution of the means to give that care.  A professional has no expectation of the right of privacy because he/she chose a care-giving profession.  A Person's liberty of profession is not a natural right of the Declaration of Independence. The Laws of The Declaration of Independence do not exist.

Therefore, only the excrement from kidneys is allowed as proof there is no drug in the urine; and  is the absolute, method for a person to be drug-free.  Or, like-wise,  fingers, the None-else is acceptable "see law" that a professional person has no "criminality".  Fingers are an indispensable, effect, property, body part and instrument for the assessment and provision of the professional person in giving or supplying  an ill person's care.  

In 1776-2008,written Article VI supreme Law of the Land, Person is an individual who  "..asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances.." and accountable to "Religion and Morality". Article VI Rule of Law states the principle "Only individual persons or corporate persons, which are composted of individual persons may be the subject of legal process.  Person is composed of body and soul. When body dies, person dies. In the meaning, before 1620 and to this date with eternity, christian, 1789-First Amendment, religion: Not soul.

Living and inanimate objects cannot be parties at law, because the law cannot be applied in all cases equally...  How a gun is used is totally dependent on a person performing the mechanics of operation -- in the life-milieu of target shooting to criminal and criminally insane killing; or how a person(s) plan to use their body's physiology and neurology to have sex which results in an embryo or not.  1789 to 1960's, neither gun, nor person(s)'s choice of sin, or no sin sex, would ever have been heard in court, much less, a subject of legislation especially as the Second Amendment Natural Right of Person; or a person's personal free agency with their responsibility of consequences.

The living and inanimate object are totally dependent on person(s) or corporate persons - for its outcomes in terms of good-bad, right-wrong, productive-nonproductive, functioning or not-functioning -- therefore, not possible to mount a defense in its own behalf --- let alone understand concepts of the "soul" of person like "binding truths".

This "overthrow" of the 1789 Rule of Law principle: "The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin."(H.A. Long 1976),  is actually what was "demanded" by 50% of the Socialist Party Convention, a.k.a. usurpated Democratic Party, which supported removal of God from its Platform; and the center of the world for both God and Jesus - Jerusalem - as the Capital of the Nation of Israel.

2009-2012Socialist Secular rule of law Is The Law of our Land.

Socialist-Secular rule of law does not recognize truths, person as one individual accountable to those truths, and declares itself the sole determiner of the privileges of 'negotiated', precedent-adjudication, absent Nature and Nature's God.  

Secular law does not require Oath of Office, integrity, or the Pledge of Allegiance, or of physician, lawyer, nurse or other Profession's code of ethics, or Pledge of Pledge of performance.  Sin does not exist, except as the collective mass government defined and is relative "body-temporal-belief systems acceptable versus traditional.

Truth and Justice are relevant and immaterial -- especially applied to One Person.

It occurs at all levels of State and Federal legislation.

The Center of Action against 1789-Article VI-supreme Law of the Land, occurs in our courts of law / Article III judicial which, having determined God's Law unlawful in court -- prefers "body, temporal, Phari-"see", collective. mass people law" as supreme to God's Law.  

The proof of the above 2009-2012Socialist-Secular rule of law as supreme abounds; and is, also a specific, completely adjudicated United States District Court Case.

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