Sunday, September 2, 2012

Both Founding Documents, The Republican Party’s Six Dimensions Platform

..To Secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity, and our Planet with God:

Here are the People of our Political Party’s 6 Tenets of, by, and for our Republic, Under God going forward..:
1) Restoring the American Dream: Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs:
2) We the People: A Restorations of Constitutional Government
3) America’s Natural Resources: Energy, Agriculture, and the Environment;
4) Reforming Government to Serve the People
5) Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods
6) American Exceptionalism

The Platform format is essentially a statement of the Problems and Consequences of the Obama anti-law Regime; American historical perspective; and the direction of, by, and for Our America – regardless of Party; but needing “We the People” to stand, defend, support, and Act to bring fruition.

It is important for Libertarians, Independents, Decline to State, and angry-frustrated-refuse-to-participate as One Person in the Whole of Our Nation’s “consent of the governed” to Know “It’s in there” whether Parental Rights, Property Rights, Agenda 21, 2nd Amendment, Courts of Legislation and Lady of Law’s absent Blindfold of independence and removal of the Balance of Truth and Justice, immigration / Migrant Farm Worker Program, by Amendment areas of abuse, usurpation, neglect, omission, commission, active transgression in law; but never in relation to
taking action to defend or support the 1789 “Rule of Law”/Constitution of the US – That is ignored;

What is supported in the courts and in legislation, especially California State is Open Society Secular Law; and it is adjudicated as the 2009-2012 Secular, supreme Law of the land.  The adjudication includes all precedents chosen by the attorneys and the judges - justices.

Because Secular Law is absent God’s Laws and Person as One Protected from government, there is never truth or justice, just accommodation for more secular anti-law.   See:—  5 CVRA v Cities of Delta CA; —  Brown’s usurpation of 433 cities “General Plans” complete with the formation of a new, appointed, closed-shop union run contracts pre-usurpation, ongoing, and newly arranged; — the sexual deviation without regard to the mental abuse the law imposes upon the children. They have neither choice, nor any way to learn the opposite to sinful use of their sexual physiology of their own body — absent any information regarding their ‘soul’.  To the socialist legislators, this Active transgression  is right, correct and fully comprehensible to the homo sapiens of cognitive attributes absent God and Morality.  — More evidence: Agenda 21's human habitation via Obama regime Executive Order to EPA for enforcement, and rarely, if ever are the ‘sustainable city plans’ offered to “consent of the governed”, let alone inform citizens of this Nation of the UN’s Mission and Charter which is the basis of the borderless nations and jurisprudence against its member nations.

The Platform does recognize the anti-law; but not the Act to be specific to correct the “An unconstitutional statute is Not a Law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law”.

These Six Areas are fairly, comprehensive answers to what has occurred since January 20, 2009. It is a PDF File at RNC website.

The purpose of this “Founding Father’s Patriot” is to instruct: ---Majority is Demock-racy with Madison’s admonition that Majority should not be the standard for right and wrong - when it is, then oppression of force is the rule of law;---- intertwined Laws of Both Founding Documents – relationship to our Article IV Republican form of government and to the First Table of Law Principle of One Person accountable to God and protected by Both Documents.

It is important to understand that unique-person’s soul- Is One — there is no duplicate – once gone, that’s it! And, Person is only 1 grain of sand on God’s Universe of Beach.

It is the legacy of each-one-person, wherever on the Continuum of Life, Liberty, and pursuits wrong to right, good or bad,  which affect each-one-other/alone or within a role. Only God and His Son Jesus Know their Universe of the Whole.  Any person’s perception and acceptance, or not,  of accountability to the Perfection of God - is that person’s choice, alone.

 But the First of the Five parts, of the First Amendment does address God, in our Nation, as the Perfect, supreme Lawgiver; and this Truth dates from 1620 Mayflower Compact. Generally, 1620 is not thought about as ‘God with the Indians’ as the First gift of survival for those Mayflower Puritans; but the Indians were the reason, this second try, the colony survived and became so vibrant, that 1776's Declaration could contain and become a statement of One Person before God and Before our Constitution.

When the person’s unalienable rights are not defended because of 2009-2012-secular law superior to 1789 Rule of Law, then all liberty and the entire Platform is useless. Such is the case with sexual deviation here in California to children, youth, and young adult where living object-body physiology and anatomy of sex organs, is superior to God’s Law which is forbidden.  This Is Anti-Law, but is going forward simply because We the People do not speak — believing their sole voice is at the ballot box; and elected persons don’t Act, beyond never signing the Bills of the socialists, because the socialists have more numbers than we do!  That is the epitome of surrendering our Republic...It isn’t number, it is “Rule of Law” with Oath of Office — and basic righteousness in morality.

Here are some contradictions inherent to the consequences of 1947's Everson v. New York Board of Education - Supreme Court creation of the blasphemous accused atheism of Pres. Thomas Jefferson, “impregnable Wall of Separation; which removed The Laws contained in the Declaration, the “Rule of Law” in the Constitution with “Religion and Morality” and Article II and VI’s Oath of Office...and Republican government based in Scripture:

“Consent of the Governed” which have consequences to the Posterity from that 1947 case to this date in time – where kindergarten children with all Youth and via college professors, college grads. whose credentials reflecting education for the purpose “to imbue with partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle”, including omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression of all history especially American.   Those “graduates” are attorneys, legislators, judges, teachers, and in business who carry their ‘grade to pass’ into life’s continuum.  Bad law with state-approved and taught amoral behavior begets more amoral behavior which is taught to each succeeding generation...

Since “Religion and Morality” is and was forbidden, the absence of the “Person before God – Oath of Office – is lost to a ceremony, or even less,  just a get-together; and Innovation before Pledge of Allegiance, often removed from meetings, a irrelevant statement of meaningless words.

Too often “..meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies,  particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns”, proceed completely absent “Robert’s Rules of Order” – become top-down, one-way, bias, railroad-stiffnecked, exhibitions of “opinion without interference”.

This is not out of design, per se, more, just because of forgotten and absent “Religion and Morality” - the respect, worth, esteem and practical contribution of any individual’s life experience to the reason the assembly occurs.

While our 2012 “We Believe in America” Platform contributes more than any previous Platform to our first Principle: “The Spiritual is Supreme: The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.
 This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin”.[1], while given lots of constitutional service in many of the 6 dimensions - is completely absent intertwine with The Declaration.

The absence of the Laws of the Declaration are ‘standard operating procedure’ throughout all levels of Federated form of government, and all too often, private sector as Rental and Homeowner’s Association Bylaws; BUT

The “Rule of Law” could not exist without the entire content of The Declaration of Independence.  Since, our Platform also has a purpose in “Freedom of Religion, the Sacred, full equivalent of Scripture contained therein, must be returned to Its Position of First Axiom of Our Nation’s Law:

 While Mr. Jefferson, did not write it to be the ‘Scripture’  its contnet became, by the weight and intensity of that historical period of mankind, on both sides of the Atlantic, and the past history from the Apostles, the Declaration could not have occurred, nor the requirement of One Person’s Natural Rights.  God’s Laws and 250 year colonial history without a king or central government of any kind, - just 13 colonies with men who could transact whatever was necessary for their life, liberty, and pursuits with a handshake and sometimes a written document. Contrast is their chosen, with full knowledge of Republican form of government’s expression of God’s Laws directly 5 times, and indirectly, the entire Declaration of Independence through the lessons of recognition of wrong - usurpation, tyranny, treason; examples: abuses; actions of God-loving PERSON as One----accountable to God, reasons for emigration and settlement, consanguinity, duty, service, honor to Nation directed to ONE Person. The Founder’s were so complete, and lived “Nature’s God”: Scripture; as well as understanding Learning’s: Research, Relate, Reflect, Record / Act - not acted upon..  Our Republic form of government loves and respects God - understands the 5W’s and H of one person, as well as man in the ‘whole’ of the “Polity,  The form or constitution of civil government of a nation or state; and in free states, the frame or fundamental system by which the several branches of government are established, and the powers and duties or each designated and defined.”

It Is Time to Return:  “I or We Promise” to be synonymous with Truth in Act / Actions in all law whether in court, legislation, private contract, union administration versus its members, departments, agencies, agents, commissions, commissioners, or Any Person to any Person. That is the only “Transparency” and “Accountability” possible by government at any level.

The Oath of Office makes additional amendments to the constitution such as ‘balance budget’ - personal responsibility to legislative no matter where that person is located - in public or private service and duty.  Honor is Honor. It is before God.  And It does Stand Alone - both in execution and in mutual belief with another person, state, or nation.

Another contradiction, with ongoing “Socialist-Progressive Secular law” consequences,   occurred in the “Rules Committee” numbers 12 and 15. While attempts were made, on the floor of the convention; Morton Blackwell notified every person he could on his email of the intent, and asked US to tell our delegates to fight the rule changes from the convention floor.

The Republican Party completely refused any hearing.   At least one of the two, prevents the States from dividing their delegates in a “Winner-take-all”, popular, democratic -collective mass, majority. Ron Paul, correctly, stated the rule Is Unconstitutional.  There were a couple of our radio commentators who noted not only the positive transgression, but also, the absence of Teaparty speakers from this convention.  For the Teaparty is Not a ‘Faction’. It is, in fact and in action, the sole source of stand and defend both Declaration and Constitutional; and inform in the Republican Party

How many of you have noticed the “Top-Down, Boss-worker, Majority is the sole determiner of right and wrong because the organizers of the Convention; who probably had no idea how to plan a “Robert’s Rules” time and intervention - from the floor, and anyway, committee’s work is never questioned – just decisions made?

Popular, Collective Mass, Majority is De-mock-racy, and is also the reason The Founders hated it so much: “Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens”. — Collectively: “ In a mass, or body; in a collected state; in the aggregate; unitedly; in a state of combination; as the citizens of a state collectively considered.”.

 The Platform addresses the slide under the table,  malady named change the Electoral College to “popular vote” only; and the Rules Committee addition of removing the citizens of each state’s desire for their Presidential Candidate — not by money, but by the above Philosophy of “majority governance”.

Since 2010's “RESTORE HONOR”, related to Governance, Declaration and Constitution, the vast majority of “consent of the governed” citizens understand is being removed by: gerrymandered; by  removal of “1620-at-large-one man-one vote”  for ‘by area trustee’ Districts drawn with regard to the formation of “tiny nations” comprised of naturalized US citizens allowed their particular skin color except white; country-of origin - except the United States they have pledged their allegiance to; and except the official language of the United States and of the several states: English; Secretary of States who never cleared voter rolls, illegals with work permits - registering to vote the day of the election – without any need to identify – just drive-on-in; and last but not least the state’s “top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation”.  You see, voter ID, is minor compared to the other side of the voter table ---- Secretary of the several State and county recorder!

Here is the Constitutional Principle: “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statue, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it Is unconstitutional and null and void from inception.”.

 Hamilton Long in his 200th Anniversary of “1776 American Ideal; The Majority – Limited for Liberty”: The traditional American philosophy teaches that The Majority [synonyms: Popular, Democracy, number]  must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities.
     .. The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.
      ..A Republic is a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others. As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure.
      .. Any Democracy, either Representative or Direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy.
        The foregoing explains why the traditional American philosophy requires that the central (Federal) government and the State governments be Republics. (See Pars. 6-7 of Principle 5.) Each State is guaranteed the form of government of a Republic by the United States Constitution (Art. IV, Sec. 4). The foregoing also makes clear why this philosophy requires that The Majority, at any time in temporary charge of government, administer its affairs in keeping with the Constitution's limitations and for the benefit of all Individuals composing the people as a whole, meaning The Minority and all minorities as well as The Majority--not merely for the benefit of those constituting only The Majority of the moment.”.

California has been a “.. The Majority, at any time in temporary charge of government, administer its affairs in keeping with the Constitution's limitations and for the benefit of all Individuals composing the people as a whole, meaning The Minority and all minorities as well as The Majority--not merely for the benefit of those constituting only The Majority of the moment."; for

At least the last 19 years and celebrating its complete overthrow of the Republic,  to socialism on January 20, 2009 placing in office “The Obama Regime”.  Article IV:4 is repudiated.  It doesn’t appear, in the Constitutional dimension of the Platform, that the Federated - legislative branch of our government has any idea how to enforce Article IV:4 – so we have plastic bags, guns with registering bullets, types of magazines, state refusal of open carry, and wealthy can afford to be taxed at a higher rate, than other citizens; AB32's trading and selling air and putting the diesel equipment companies out-of-business with millions of dollars and private business lost - employees also. All these and more – are delineated within our Platform.

We Californian’s know, first hand, the effect of submission and subservience to the majority.... and the reason our Party isn’t wasting “campaign money” here in CA!

The Rules Committee is subjecting our grassroots - to their, particular popular, top-down, stay in line, and do not say one word in opposition to the majority’s all encompassing decree in complete agreement with the worse part of Socialism’s Secular 2009-2012 Secular, Article VI, Rule of Law.

This secular rule of law is has usurped and is supreme over 1620-1789Rule of Law which most of US(A) carry as a little pocket edition “The Constitution of the United States”.

We the elected or not elected,  read the 1789 Rule of Law; while courts, legislatures throughout practice and place into law – 2009-2012-secular, collective mass- group of inclusion and exclusion, inanimate and living objects laws also known as “body - temporal - Sharia law”.

This results in the majority of the dimensions decrying the Obama Regimes Anti-law, while sitting on their hands, as that anti-law moves forward.  Both Congress and several of the States, where not one Republican has placed his/her signature on any of the majority’s anti-laws especially relating to raising taxes, and including “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”. Attempting to stop Anti-law with yet another law against the Anti-law — is Not the Answer!

Paying attention to “a Republic in they can keep it.” for the meaning of “Republic” Representative is in every possible direction of Person of “Religion and Morality” — life, financial, business, politics with ethic of righteousness, The 10 Commandments understanding the broadest sense of murder, steal, covet, honor, His name in Vain - vanity, The Parables especially the forgiveness of the Prodigal son and the Older Son who is doing the right thing and should continue.  The best government is government of personal conscience with the often expressed realization that a person is not perfect; any more than the “government person as one in the whole of Congress or any governmental body—emphasize BODY.  God’s Law is for Person’s Soul protection. Body is earthly-temporal

 This because you do not believe the Founder’s definition of Congress - harmony which requires at least two signatures of the minority party before the Bill may move forward to law.   No elected Republican stands and supports our Republic, each time the majority Acts upon “. administer its affairs in keeping with the Constitution's limitations “.

Realize, when there is not one, minority signature to a Bill, that each and every citizen constituent each Representative’s district or NOT receiving the Representative republican, Government under Constitution and  Oath of Office.  That Bill Is Not Law.  That Bill, Act, department law/regulation, commission finding,  is inconsistent and not derived is unconstitutional! But if Elected Representatives - remain silent - they agree and the consequences are spread throughout the entire 6 dimensions of “Believe in America’.

You must enforce both the Laws of the Declaration and of the Constitution.  God’s Laws for protection of a person’s soul, are as cemented as any “body” inanimate / living object law == Nature and Nature’s God. Otherwise, the Protections of Person or corporate persons, which are composed of person, will again be removed; and you must realize that any state/federal educated public school individual has no knowledge, wisdom or truth of any of the above content – either the Socialism or the Republic and absolutely no idea of the unique, sovereign nature of their “soul” and “Body” comprising their Person of the Constitution.

The Constitution [Platform 9] dimension discusses the need to return to the enumerated powers; but short of actually closing down: HSA, Education at the Federal [and state] levels; grants for college - though that is an entitlement as “government’s definition of free money not their own” - or that just closing and removing those un-constitutional areas of personal responsibility – would go a long way to reducing several trillion dollars – especially in pension-costs of closed-shop union administration and members / a.k.a the parallel government of rights over person as a union-member.   Just declaring Open-shop, would immediately ease the pension burden and allow open, competitive bidding of the private sector for public works.

Government/private business partnerships are the misnomer of misnomer; for government rules always — the “purse string rulers” over private; and because government has no money except for other people’s earnings which by “Oath of Office” are to be protected from government; it is impossible for government not to bring its inevitable bias to the business table.  Private business is free to take risks and lose.... government never, never has to take responsibility for its wrong and terrible mistakes – CA delta, borderless national sovereignty on the south; gun-running, anti-law.

Virtually, the absolute sole method of protection and safety of Person’s unalienable rights is Each-One-Legislator-State and Federal-with the members of Article III - Is Your Own Personal Word of Honor in Action. Each Person must Act – to remove unconstitutional sections, subtitles, and parts of any Bill, Act or Amendment; and to remember there is No such ‘state’ of governance which can provide “Healthy families, great schools and safe neighborhoods” that Is Not The Purvey Of the Federal Level of government; or of the United Nations this terminology derives from in Agenda 21.

Looks like “Teaparty-We the People” of The Laws in Both Declaration and Constitution will be ‘eating crow’– again!  Exactly like Pres. Eisenhower, John Welch, and Barry Goldwater ...Jim DiMint, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman...  At least until the writer’s of our Platform and the elected as well as We the People Act to stand and defend 1789 rule of law.

To those of you, who respect the words written here, or in all this “Founding Father’s Patriot” has written herein at both blogs: The Declaration and Constitution Speak to Today’s Issues and the older “Pyrrhic Change” named for Obama’s regime before it happened, these words are not mine alone:

When Any Person does face a conflict, and daily- we do, and shall as long as Socialism-Democracy-Majority of collective mass exist, they have the duty to know God and Nation must be obeyed above and before ALL including family; for Patrick Henry is quite correct - “The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery. And in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate, it is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, I fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of act to of disloyalty towards the majesty of Heaven which I revere above all earthly kings. ...**

*Alienate means:  1. To transfer title, property or right to another; as, to alienate lands, or sovereignty.  2. To estrange; to withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent or averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; with from; as, to alienate the heart or affections; to alienate a man from the friends of his youth.  3. To apply to a wrong use.  They shall not alienate the first fruits of the land.  Ezek. 48.”.

**Among thousands of US(A) in “the Lost state of California ‘law’”, all materials from all the writings of this, “Founding Father Patriot” will be at “Victory 2012 Escondido, CA Headquarters” where I volunteer with all of you, every Tues and Friday afternoons and evenings — because of “Magnitude of the Subject” – This includes the 1930's replica of “The Boston Gazette and Country Journal”; March 1, 1770 ‘s story of 4 Teenagers who took on the housed in Estonia part of Boston – a few members of the 29th Regiment... . The purpose: is exactly what the Blog Says it is and what Joseph Andrews said at a RWF meeting way back spring of 2009: “There Is No Problem National or International Which Cannot Be Answered by The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States.”  Funny, I sort-of doubted that statement when he said it, but being curious and inquisitive, KNOW ABSOLUTELY that Joseph is completely RIGHT and like him....there is nothing more this PERSON desires, than to have every child of God from 6 to 106, understand the complete magnificence of these Two Sacred Documents; and to KNOW that, like Patrick says we may be the sole way...both continue, in God’s name to cover this Planer and God’s universe — to the best of our humble, abilities. I think “Star-Trek” is the future....but only with God as the co-pilot.

1. “The Twelve Basic American Principles, ” 1976; Hamilton A. Long;

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