Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC is Officially “The Socialist-Secular Party of the United States”:

How many Americans are out there  recognize the,  missing Both Founding Documents,  purpose in DNC”s video “The Government is the Only Thing We Belong To”?  Its  clearly expressed opposition to our Pledge of Allegiance " the Flag, ... and to The Republic for which we Stand, One Nation, under God, indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All.";  AND the removal of "Religion and Morality", and therefore, becoming completely Secular in the collective mass people as groups, inanimate and living object law applied to all life “Things” and forms, liberty by permission and privilege only; and no pursuits - unless government mandated, defined-controlled, adjudicated, investigated and judged. The official arrival of  Open-Society-Socialist, hiding behind the old words "DEMOCRATIC"?

Many Americans, including this one, have been stating that "We the People" may not make it to November 6, 2012, before the Open society-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence -Socialist-Secular overthrows our Republican form of Government:

Removing God from the "Socialist" Platform, which exploits the words "Democratic party" and including this video, the Obama Regime’s  Socialist Party of the United States of America declare they are seceding from: The Republic of the United States of America, The 1776 Declaration, The 1789 Constitution", and The lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor of not only The Founders and Colonists; but also of the entire history of our Nation up to January 20, 2009.

The Socialist-Secular Actions to undeniably overthrow: 1789 Constitution include, but not limited to: Article I - Legislation, Article II - Oath of Office, Article III Judiciary as Lady Law's blindfold -independent and Balance - Truth and Justice, removed; Article IV: Citizenship and the guarantee of a Republican form of government; violation of Article V by  "changing" the Constitution and form of government by usurpation;  and Article VI, which  has its own paragraph; and

.... Are present in each level of our  Federated form of government 's sovereignty of  Person/Individual, City, County, State and Nation.

“We the People in order..establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do Ordain and Establish” — the  need to Act on this Constitutional Principle: Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a CALL-UP to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and all  persons who receive that CALL-UP have a duty to respond and act as a militia to meet the threat. In the context of the social contract, an act of "self-defense" is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself." With "A militiaman is any citizen or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution [Declaration]/ A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The General Militia is the totality of all such persons, which because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution [Declaration]." (

The Socialists have accomplished overthrow of the Republic, through the Anti-laws of Legislation, of Decree and Dictate by appointed Departments under Executive Branches of State and Federal governments, and by removing ‘independence’, - the Lady of Law’s blindfold, and removing her ‘Balance” the Truth and Justice from God’s Laws from nearly all courts or sources of truth and justice — including the Attorney General of the United States of America.

The Socialists, by removing “Religion and Morality (affirmation)” also repudiate One Person’s accountability to God, to our Nation in Honor, Duty, and Service – “Oath of Office” in Article II and VI.
When Mitt Romney, beautifully stated “Freedom of Religion” with the few seconds of silence; and then later in his speech: “Obama has promised to lower the Oceans and health the planet”..., that has turned-out to be the Exact Truth stated in both video and Socialist Platform. — And—  he isn’t alone in the control of air, land, water, living and inanimate objects, collective mass nations with jurisprudence according to affirmation of “opinion without interference”, there is the United Nations of world control with radical jihad / brotherhood of Islam to support – G. Soros’ continued profit-building in Gold for it will exceed $16,000/oz with the above becoming “supreme Law of the Land”!

Open Society Socialists have succeeded in usurping  1789-Article VI-supreme Law of the Land And "Oath of Office" with 2009-2012-Socialist-Secular supreme law of the land:  Secular Law repudiate "Religion and Morality":

"Secularism is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence." (Wikipedia).

Removing God's Laws from the courts of law is removing Truth and Justice.  --- Americans are very, very aware this Act  is the enemy within our nation  occurring;.... and why Holder;  - Socialized Control, distribution and production of medicine for the collective named ill and healthy, persons and are moved to after 11/6/2012.

 ---- The collective mass - Democracy of Number - majority - popular --- top-down, do not speak or oppose is believed to be the "winner by number" shall prevail in on Nov.6.  They have worked hard to be sure all ballot boxes are properly stuffed and packed.  Collective people that use body parts to make “x”and punch buttons as the best method of remove and repudiate Republican representative government under Constitution.

God is the basis of our Republican Law stated in the Laws of Both Founding Documents: Constitution: - "Oath of Office" which is one Person’s Soul  with his "sacred Honor before God; intertwined with the Declaration of God in Nature, Nature's God, natural rights of One Person, and the Protections which are the Promise of our Lord God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Ghost -- Truth---intertwined with scripture. When that Elected-Individual raises his/her own right hand, it includes the visible-concrete each-one-person in the Whole of our Republic – raising their hands together in a contract of natural rights as unalienable with Nature (living and inanimate objects) and Nature’s God – the Soul of Person.

The definition of our Republic is found in Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary by the definition of the Article I:1 word “Congress”: “ 1. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.
2. The assembly of delegates of the several British Colonies in America, which united to resist the claims of Great Britain in 1774, and which declared the colonies independent.
3. The assembly of the delegates of the several United States, after the declaration of Independence, and until the adoption of the present constitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. During these periods, the congress consisted of one house only.
4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States...”.  

This TYRANNY OVERTHROW is despotism and usurpation.  There may be Centrist-Left Republicans who also subscribed to the Obama regime’s overthrow of the Republic.

To repeat, the Overthrow is the usurpation and removal of 1789-Article VI supreme Law of the Land” with Bound by Oath of Office which is repeated from Article II - God’s Laws.

Article #6 is, if the Socialist-secular-supreme law of the land continues to go forward in their tyranny, becomes the collective-mass people composed of government, groups by living and inanimate objects which define the masses functions and reason to exist, demonstrated by the Socialist (a.k a. DEM) Platform and by “ DNC"s video "The Government is the Only Thing We Belong To".  Another affirmation of the same age-group denoted in the video (notice the background youth) this as a Fact: a Winner of the best essay on the Founding Documents stated this sentence: “We the people answer to our government”.  No-one at the Socialist Convention and No-one judging the essay entries recognizes the errors.

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution [and Declaration] as a whale goes through a net.  Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."(John Adams).

Tyrannical, despotic overthrow of 392 years of government by “Religion and Morality” This Is another Call-up, among many*, the 11/6/12 ballots of one person – one vote,  may be so stuffed fraudulent by gerrymander, and the covet of sacred racial/culture/sanctity of non-English language; that the result could be a false god of socialism!  We the People — the election’s results may not be enough,....but we shall see......every day that passes wakens more and more Americans of God, Nation, before anything else...

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