Friday, July 20, 2012

Comment for the Love of God and Our Nation

Hawaii Official now swears: No Obama Birth Certificate
From Lee Sandvik link on FB

It is important to remove Obama and before Nov. 6, though not probable, would be a very Just action of "We the People!

It is equally --- Equally --- EQUALLY important that Obama is just one small, Person of Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes. He is a grain of sand --- as are of each-one-soul- homo sapiens on God's Planet which He has Prepared and Given The Whole!

In the Declaration this is expressed:  "and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.."; and you know what else?

This is the Reason Americans do Not Bow. Man is not supreme to God, and in our imperfect nature, each Person is as liable for the opposites of good-evil, right-wrong, Truth-falsehoods/deceit.. No individual is greater, lesser, bigger, smaller for 'Soul' is God's Creation -- man has nothing to add or subtract.  

Elitism, kingship, dictatorships, democracies, cannot last -- man isn't capable of handling What Hamilton states in Federalist #51: "If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure. There are but two methods of providing against  this evil: the one by creating a will in the community independent of the majority--- that is, of the society itself; the other, by comprehending in the society So Many Separate Descriptions of Citizens as Will Render An Unjust Combination of a majority of the whole Very Improbable, if not impracticable."

Obama, Clinton, Holder, Reid and all the minions of "..revealing of the Lawless One, the doomed One, the adversary who vaunts himself above and against every so-called god or object of worship.."(Thessalonians:2-3): -- Open Society Socialism borderless nations and jurisprudence, EU, IMF;...

Remember, all vestiges of absent Knowledge, wisdom in Truth, must also be removed.  Only returning to God's Laws in Religion and Morality, - remembering that morality is for those without a supreme lawgiver, but remain lovers of Truth and righteousness And act on their beliefs,- with The Laws In Both The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America;

This starts by returning Scripture and Patriotism defined by Noah Webster in his Education Program...for our Posterity --- even if they are past the legal age!  18+ must understand, or have the opportunity to understand, - the Power, Love, and Joy of obedience to God, His Son Jesus and The Holy Ghost of Truth.  Anything less is falsehood, deciet and abuse of the "Soul" that is everlasting as God has Created.

Every single issue discussed on these pages, in the right-side of this FB, Twitter, Commentators pro and con America and all the Founder's created in law and in the lives, liberties, and fortunes- or not - of every man, woman, and child from 1620 to this moment, and to the future with God in His Universe, can be rightfully dealt with - in the honor and love of Americans as Representatives in Government and as just, plain, hardworking, US(A)!  The 'But' is not and never absent from US(A), while submerged in error sometimes as members of the animal kingdom known as mammals, our homo sapien essential cognitive attributes --- lead us 'down the garden path' to the falsehoods of the evil side of our human-nature. Falsehood is ever-present. It is important to understand because then it doesn't join-into our lives, fortunes, liberties, and sacred Honor as easily. Knowledge lessens falsehood's ability to work evil.

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