Thursday, July 5, 2012


This Is the 1828 Definition of Religion in The First of the Five Rights contained in the First Amendment:
"Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion."

Each One of Our Founder’s knew, had knowledge and wisdom of the Truth of these words. When they wrote Both Founding Documents, instilled was the logic which connected each to Scripture of God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. They’re faith and belief was complete... and fulfilled the promises of Jesus Christ: "I am in my Father. My Father is In Me. I am in You. You are in Me. Obey my commands. Seek and ye shall find, Ask and it shall be opened unto you. There are many individuals who have performed these lessons while studying the words contained in Both Documents. These Documents are the Words of Our Creator and Lord. They are Truth...They do contain answers to every one of the repeated mistakes of man’s actions against man throughout this day and tomorrow and forever ---- because Jesus is exactly who He Said He was... and because the Truth stands on its own.

Have you noticed, The secular - temporal Supreme Court has problems with any Case which addresses Religion and Morality? It refuses to rule on Religious Case: Mount Soledad; Ruled on one absent the subject "Religion and Morality, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder versus Phelps; and influenced the outcome of three United States District Court Cases: Religion and Morality of Oklahoma-US Constitution among States versus. the Courts of Justice supporting Sharia Law; Religion and Morality versus. Marriage is a Right; and Fingers versus Oath of Office, Pledge before God.

Secular: ".. assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence. .."(Wikipedia)

Neutrality in Law is not possible by definition of the reason for law in the first place.

By coming to the “secular” conclusion, and because Truth is inherent in God’s Law, but not ‘freedom from relgious rule and teachings’, Courts of Justice have concluded they are correct and able to serve Both God and Mammon.

--- We the People are all aware of much more... since Religion and Morality of the constitution is not Supreme to the Socialist’s favor of secular Equity of state designed groups comprised of people who are included or excluded; living Objects, and inanimate Objects. Since inanimate Objects are every, single thing – plastic bags, cups, food content, containers, scanners in airports, cameras at light signals and on streets of New York; credit cards, computers; entry-exit any building; curfew, any manufactured item with all related items to produce and distribute any item – we have law, not for Truth in Justice, rather political expedience power and control, determined and defined by "Opinion without interference" - GW, ownership of property, environmental rights of government over governed and United Nations over member Nations.

It becomes no wonder, why complete, unreasoned logic of the Three Branches of Law-making government fail Truth in Justice: "There is no maxim in my opinion which is more reliable to be misapplied, and which therefor needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, force as the measure of right"...James Madison.

The Founder’s "Religion and Morality" is completely repudiated in favor of man’s secular-temporal law; but "We the People" adhere to the First Eight Amendments which are written to protect One Person’s Natural Rights; and "The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights." G. Washington, with like words from James Madison, John Witherspoon, Martin Luther King, Billy Graham, the Bill of Rights of nearly every State in the Union, Benjamin Rush, Supreme Court Justices – before less than all 9 of the current court, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln

Why Truth of God is not acceptable for so-called, modern, secular Law – so Justice is Not the goal of Law? Justice requires Truth and Truth is only achieved through knowledge and wisdom taught by God.

The courts decided this change....There was no "consent of the governed" and the arrogance, conceit, and blind, deaf stiffnecked allows that the Court is much better than any Person of this Nation...

The conclusion of serving both God and Mammon results in serving Mammon’s Open Society Socialism of collective mass people formulated into government, top-down, groups by speciality forms of life - absent liberty of person combined with inanimate Objects and living Objects.

There goes reason in goodness and God’s equity and here comes the following:

Mount Soledad:
Since 1913, " The Cross" of Jesus Christ has been serving as a Memorial for Each-Citizen of Duty and Honor Soldiers who gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor as shorten-life-term for pursuits of each Veterans’s happiness – or their Unalienable Rights from God while here on Earth.
"The Cross" has been, just like Who it represents, the subject of despised, degraded, and ruled by the Political Party named "Atheism", which often acts with ACLU concurrence, to remove all "inanimate objects" of Religion and Morality from Public View as well as kindergarten, Youth through 14th Grade, for learning "Religion and Morality".

In 2011, Judge McKeown found for ‘The Cross’ as "free exercise thereof..", but stated that The, 99 year old, Cross ".. does not mean that the Memorial could not be modified to pass constitutional muster nor does it mean that no cross can be part of this veterans' memorial. We take no position on those issues."

While Judge McKeown performed a great demonstration of ‘fence sitting’ to avoid accountability to God through the Scriptures and Laws of Both Founding Documents: Declaration: "..And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Devine Providence.."; and Constitution: ".. Oath of Office intertwined with his personal accountability at his Professional, his levels of gifts from God as person comprised of body and soul.

The damage to the fence in justice in Truth of our Nation’s "Soul" remains unrecognized by him, by Political Party - Atheism -, and of course, by the Open Society Socialist’s ‘equity’ of group more important than individual liberty.

Removing The Cross from Mount Soledad is denying our Lord Jesus Christ in our "great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens..(Washington)"

The Law Is Truth In Justice and is the Origin of this Nation: One Person’s accountability on That Person’s Word of Honor, Pledge of Allegiance, Oath of Office — which is actually taken by every Citizen of Our Nation —The Republican form of representative government under Laws of both Declaration and Constitution.

In Oath of Office, Pledge of Allegiance, or Duty, Honor, Country, do you understand that there is virtually No Difference between what is requested of each Person in Scripture and Both Founding Documents with what each person must to the best of his/her ability – achieve while here on earth?

Lance Corporal Matthew v. Phelps
As some of you know, you can listen to the Supreme Court’s’s Cases at their website. It is the only avenue for Citizen to Justice contact, for Each member-Citizen of We the People. Justice in Truth, as judges, justices, and some attorneys’ reside as above the equal station entitled in Nature and Nature’s God of "We the People"; but then that attitude is present in many parts of the Three Branches of Government.

The first 20 odd minutes of this Case deal with a megaphone, its proximity to a driveway, at the cemetery where the Matthew’s Family of Exercising their Catholic Memorial to a very young man, good enough to be a Corporal in the Marines, who gave his life in duty and honor.

Those inanimate objects of speech and ‘temporal, opinion without interference’ utilized by Baptist Minister Phelps, and his wife with two children, became the Center of the Phelp’s argument of abridgement of freedom of speech by the action of this lawsuit.

The non-sense of the line of questions limited listening, and unless mentioned later in the audio / written case -

The Poster-Size, Capital Letter: "GOD HATES THE USA" sign may , or may not have had role as evidence within the Case.

Regardless, Minister, or just plain individual, or representative in court of law, no Person aware of God’s Laws, should have missed this sign’s words; for ".. in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; .." do, clearly, apply to this Supreme Court Case.

Too many individuals, forgot until reminded, God’s Laws violated by this case: "3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."; "9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."; and "Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself."; "Judge not that ye be judged.".

Mr. Matthews has had to pay the court costs to defend his absent " exercise of his Catholic...right. Minister Phelps may still be traveling around with his family, megaphone, and signs for Supreme Court Justice: "as egregious as this may be..", Freedom of speech" does rule for Phelps over The Laws of God. Stated the Supreme Court, secular-temporal, law way "Freedom to speak... does over-rule God with the Constitution of the United States..

Religion Oklahoma and the several States’ Constitutional Law v. Sharia Law with assistance of Appellate, District, and Supreme Courts, re-definition of religion to include "culture".
When you Google the court cases throughout several States regarding the various areas of Sharia Law in opposition to the above; 1828 Puritan and Founder’s definition of religion; the quantity is immense, and how deeply wrong the Court is regarding: " The case is Awad v. Ziriax, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 475 (January 10, 2012). One of the central issues was the claim that virtually no one could challenge the law - an increasingly (and disturbingly) common argument in federal court. In Awad, Oklahoma argued " that Mr. Awad does not have standing because he has not suffered an actual or imminent injury .

Our third branch of government, courts, have removed God’s Law which is "Soul" of the Person
of the Constitution. Constitutional Principle: "The individual component of the polity is the ‘Person’, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species ‘Homo Sapiens’, including Both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the ‘Natural Rights" of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, And the Capacity to regulate its competitive actions to Avoid Depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.". Person is comprised of body, physiology with neurology, and soul - conscience of free agency. When the body dies, the person dies. The soul does not die and is separate from...the body.

Jesus: "Those who listen to me, know the Truth."

It is a Person’s soul which is accountable to God. It is One Person accountable to God and one Person Protected by the Promise of the Declaration and the Fulfillment of that Promise in the Constitution. Both Documents allow what is the unique, in mankind’s history: recognition of sovereignly of one person – totally absent either body physiology and neurology, physical or social or environmental characteristics. God’s Law is written to seek, find knowledge in wisdom for Truth....

"Mr. Awad does not have standing because he has not suffered an actual or imminent injury ." is a statement of ‘temporal, mankind’s earthly, collective, mass, people, with, inanimate Objects (air, atoms of nuclear and wave lengths, minerals, petroleum) and Living Objects (physiology with neurology) of animals and plants.

The Third Branch of government, because God’s Law of "religion and morality" is not supreme Law of the Land and is not relevant of precedents of secular- temporal law, cannot comprehend "actual or imminent injury" occurring to Mr. Awad’s "most sacred property - Soul: " The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.".

Law requires Truth which is in Scripture as the teaching and parables of Jesus and of the Apostles as well as in the lessons of mankind’s history

Though each justice and judge used, or misused, his own ‘soul’ as self-defined, opinion, with or without All knowledge and wisdom that encompasses God’s universe, to arrive at the conclusion of his professional ‘opinion in law’: Law does not require Truth.

Revenge; inequality in both truth and law; doing harm to young girls; man as Mullah with Mohammed - both over God; eradication of a sovereign nation; absence of sovereignty of One Individual in law; at Mullah’s word: cruel and unusual punishment - knifing wife; filtered or absent knowledge for wisdom and truth to each individual. Do unto others as ye would have others do unto you." absent. Some Islam don’t agree with the actions of other Islam, but they are silent and take no action to correct those who are practicing wrongly. Silence is Agreement.

These precepts are not consistent with our Nation’s Christian Religion. These inequities to Person or Persons are diametrically opposed to the above, origin of the Definition of Religion in Truth of God’s Laws, Common Law, as the basis of law.

Truth in Justice is not served when God’s Law is abandoned in favor of intolerance and abuse.

"Society Defines Marriage"
"Marriage is a right".

1828 Definition of Marriage: "The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity,and for securing the maintenance and education of children."
1913 Marriage: "The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony."
2012 Merrium Webster and 2007 ed. Oxford Dic.: "a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant. festivities or formalities 3 : an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry" - J. T. Shawcross>

Notice the changes in definition, as the years pass and God’s Laws are removed, for those who love secular-temporal Society more than Truth in God. Marriage is now, a ceremony for the "Body" of Person. It is absent "soul"; for soul is that untouchable part of life which holds the accountability to God for earthly actions in the giving and receiving of morality of friendship as well selflessness and humility.

By any definition, marriage requires two individuals. Therefore, a group which can be comprised of the "right of marriage to the group of two male or 2 female gender (physiology and neurology) homo sapiens.
Scripture, The Declaration and The Constitution exist for the protection of the ‘soul’ of One-Person-At-a time wherever on this planet, that individual is located.

A group, collective of specialized people cannot have ‘a right to marriage’ which deprives other’s of that word in exercise of the definition of marriage intertwined in the sanctity definition of Religion.
For Open Society Socialism, it is essential that Alinsky’s "unfreezing" of marriage in religion, to be defrosted into "special-group by gender specific designation" homo-sexuality or other deviation of the living Object, physiology and neurology of organs required for sex – absent religion. Then "moving" of the definition of marriage into "society defines marriage" occurs; and what has just been accomplished, "Freezing group life" on a new level! Thanks be to the judges and justices of courts of Temporal Law, absent God’s Law. This court ruling is "Inconsistent to that supreme law and not derived from it is Unconstitutional and Null and Void from Inception".

Open Society Socialism can thus create "Group Rights" over the unique sovereignty of One Person Protected by Constitution of God’s Laws - stated in the Declaration.

As One Person, they have full right to ‘marriage’ to anyone they choose. In California Law ‘marriage’ is the exact equivalent, in law, to "Domestic Partner" which allows gender specific...or not Each-member-of the two...choice.

In no case can Judges compel religion’s marriage to same-gender group’s marriage that conflicts with US constitutional law. It has no powers of enforcement ( a sideways addressing of court interprets Judaic religious law - beth din).

Fingers v. God’s Law
Living object fingers, as scanned-prints, for one professional among 26 professions, who has been working for the period of 1975, and more years, to this date, without either fingerprints or criminal record history, requirement in the work-day, practice of their profession, without any crime committed, must be proved - by the state’s definition - that no crime has been committed. A self-evident fact - not needed by the state. This regulation, graduated to law by the state, started enforcement 38 days after this President entered office. It was not enforced for 38 years.

Like Mr. Awad, the ability of the court to recognize actual and imminent inujury to the "Soul" is not comprehended in the court's quest for "neutrality".

The state does allow a refusal by checking a "NO" box to the requirement; but the box is meaningless; just as is the law requiring inspection of demonstrated righteousness is unreasonable, as well as "Inconsistent with that supreme law and Not Derived from it is Unconstitutional and Null and Void from Inception.".

The state does not consider this law punitive ---- as long as you comply! Whether you fall into the group of criminality or not – does not reside with "Person" of our Constitution, but solely in the government’s disguise of public safety and protection, enforced by oppression of professionals – especially the Person of professional group with greater than 65 years of practice – absent any criminal activity. In 1997, the court found that Profession is not among a Person’s natural rights of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness.

Compliance is coercion.

The DOJ does not file criminals by name. Only by fingerprint. In order for the professional board to receive the criminal history summary, the specific criminal code number with the Professional’s name must be submitted, either to DOJ of FBI, before the summary can be obtained by the state. Remember, 'due process' of the accused criminal involves 'Miranda Rights', the exact charge with code number, before fingerprints are recorded for both the purpose of preventing forgery and the individual charged. Scripture is related as the Prodigal Son Parable - forgiveness after repentance and completing the consequences of the crime as incarceration. Yet, another absence of state in secular-absent God, fact-in-law absent justice.

Many, of the 9,360,000 plus, Constitutional Persons, who are also members of ‘the secular, unbiased, neutral law ‘Professional group’ have no idea why any Person would say “No” to the Fingerprints and Criminal Record Histories. The attorneys and judges consider public safety and protection sacrosanct; for the “requirement” is the reason All government substructure, of all level of government Agencies in human and business relationships,  – including Section 620 of PPAA as Federal Law over State Law. Open Society Socialists, AINO’s are unable to recognize the sovereignty of Person, State, or Nation under any circumstance.

Sovereignty of Person as assumed to be righteous, accountability to God, and as Protection and Safety from Government’s inevitable power, force and control is The Republican form of Representative government under Constitution which is under God as The Oath of Office to uphold both God’s Laws, Religion, and Man’s Temporal, secular, body Laws, - Morality for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver.”. Unique Person comprised of “Soul”, with the Temple of “body” as the earthly, physiology and neurology,  is the Law, Lessons, and Truth of God’s Love of All Mankind and All His Universe.  

The Fact-in-Law of the Body Part - Fingers, is Mandatory for Person’s “Soul” to continue Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness as the Individual Minority of One Protected, is the rejection-in-law – of the “Free Agency” Choice of righteous, “Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes”, obeying the Laws of God.

The state with its court is Wrong in the conclusion that there are no righteous, moral  Person’s of God able to comprehend their person of good and character. That the court to remain ‘neutral’ while its purpose is Truth in Justice is chicanery logic.

It is not up to Person in America to prove each-one’s innocence. It is not a decision of righteous American to Defend himself against an intrinsically, one-sided-agree only, coercive fact-in-law which carries the weight of removing Natural Rights.

Here are two of many of the violated, Constitutional Principles: “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual— may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small–even a minority of a lone Individual.  To be an American, Any Person must take action to “Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America.” ; And

“The natural right of persons are inalienable, preceding the social contrct and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.”.

The so-called neutrality of secular court is destroyed in this self-made, anti-law of the essential Puritan to Founder to every generation of American from the day of “secular” to this day; but One Person can stand and say “No” for that is the Power and Force of Both Founding Documents.

The Fact-in-Law, that any Person is guilty of criminality until proven innocent to the state’s determination and judgement, the requirement for the Body Part – Finger

The Board of the Professional has by right of government power, force and authority, removal of a professional’s practice., from the 1975 to date years of work, without crime, probable cause, warrant, or due process, his or her professional practice. The Board of the Professional states " not intended as a form of punishment.." is not the Truth of the fingers in law.

The excision of justice is not located in the finger’ whorls. The loss of Truth in Justice is the assumption that all professionals of 65 or more years of professional practice, are now guilty of a crime. The criminal record summary which is solely obtainable via fingerprints, must prove that person innocent, of a never-committed crime.

Among the professions involved is nursing, and in graduating from nursing back several dozen years, "The Florence Nightingale Pledge" was part of the ceremony for graduating as a Registered Nurse:

"I solemnly pledge myself before God and presence of this assembly; To pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.
I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.
With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care."

This Pledge contains every single element of the law of required fingerprints and criminal record histories. It was given in Church with full accountability to God.

The Oath of Office of the Constitution, requires that the government officials and agents are bound to uphold the supreme Law of the Land; and Scripture states that honor in word given to God is sacred and that each Person is accountable for his behavior and actions in performing responsibilities of that sacred law. That some Persons do not have a supreme Lawgiver, does not release them from the responsibilities to righteousness in behavior and secular does not eliminate right from wrong for person or corporate persons which are comprised of person (example: cities and school districts are corporate persons).

That courts declare ‘secular’ laws are supreme law more important than our Republican form of government under Constitution and under God does not make it law. "An unconstitutional statue is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is envforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constituional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but Anti-law."  That law does not have to result in Truth or fact. 

Precedent chosen by attorney and decided by judge and justice of temporal man = man's social regime.

While the state declares "not intended to be punitive", the Truth is that "sacred honor" before God is the  "Soul" of Person which is the Law of all three:  God, Declaration, and Constitution. "What good are earthly gold, silver things, if you have no soul?".

Secular government as law and legislation, declares : ".. the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. . ". The imposition of religion upon the people? A state that is neutral — neutral(!!) on matters of belief!

Neutral means " . Not engaged on either side; not taking an active part with either of contending parties. Indifferent; having no bias in favor of either side or party. 3. Indifferent; neither very good nor bad."

It is hardly "neutral" to sit between good and evil, — right and wrong actions and beliefs whether false gods or God or whatever directs the ‘soul’ of the behaviors of homo sapiens beyond their physiology and neurology.

It is a false world if you think for one minute there is no opinion either as person or as group – for the nature of "religious rule" or the absence thereof – is a rule in itself! Whose definition of imposition? Based on what imposition - right, wrong, blind, deaf, sitting in the bleachers yelling foul – while getting dirt all over each player!! What sophistry!?

The court not neutral, bias of submission, conformity, subservience to the idea of arrogance, pride, and someone is always better than someone else..reigns.

Secular is a terrible trade for "and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind..." with divine Providence.

Each of the Founder’s lived and gave their examples;... and so many more Americans - famous or not – simply because they choose love of country, constitution, laws, flag, and the willingness to defend our Nation from the enemies within: — secular law and Open Society Socialism of collective, mass control of all production and distribution of all goods and services; and with eradication of sovereignty of Person, State and Nation.

Many American’s disagree and have never allowed the serving of both God and Mammon concept...and more join every day while experiencing Anti-Law in speech and actions throughout these Executive and Judicial Branches, with occasional love of power by Congressional - though that slowed considerably thanks to those Republicans who stood their ground and supported our "Rule of Constitutional Law".

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