Tuesday, July 3, 2012

‎"It is foreign to my purpose to hint at the argument which establish the truth of the Christian revelations. My only business is to declare, that all its doctrines and precepts are calculated to promote the happiness of society, and the safety and well being of civil government. A Christian cannot fail of being a republican. The history of the creation of man, and of the relation of our species to each other by birth, which is recorded in the Old Testament, is the best refutation that can be given to the divine right of kings, and the strongest argument that can be used in favor of the original and natural equality of all mankind. A Christian, I say again, cannot fail of being a republican, for every precept of the Gospel inculcates those degrees of humility, self-denial, and brotherly kindness, which are directly opposed to the pride of monarchy and the pageantry of a court. A Christian cannot fail of being useful to a republic, for his religion teacheth him, that no man "liveth to himself." And lastly a Christian cannot fail of being wholly inoffensive, for his religion teacheth, him in all things to do to others what the would wish, in like circumstances, they should do to him." Benjamin Rush 1700. Physician, founder of 5 universities, and served under 3 Presidents, and more...

American, Do you still believe in your God? Not just the words fair, right; but more important "get knowledge and wisdom." Get Truth for that is God. Faith, Hope, Charity, Love -not just people -- God's Universe, for could you do it!? Understand you Person of unique gifts and talents -- doing what you can do... You can't do it all, but you can do what you can do!

Our Republican government cannot survive unless each-one-person comprising the Whole of our Nation -- return to "Religion and Morality" of action in Personal Duty, Service and Truth in all we do --- And in humility, state to Our Lord God -- that We Can and do Make Mistakes. God does forgive and will help, but we have to ask....

And you know what? Millions of US(A) Have. It is incumbent upon those who doubt or refuse a supreme Lawgiver to find their righteousness in Truth.

It is incumbent on the accountability of Representatives of We the people to respect the Equal Station of Nature and Nature's God, to secure Natural Rights; and to remove and oppose the oppression of those who mislead the youth -- "Majority" of number or of force and power -- to exercise the integrity and ethics that Republican Government requires.

">>But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is Their right, it is Their Duty to throw off such government.."

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