Thursday, July 19, 2012

There is no maxim .. which is more liable to be misapplied..

..and which therefore needs elucidation than the current on that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong...In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, Force as the measure of right”—J. Madison

Please Read below’s Alexander Hamilton No. 51 Federalist Carefully, while thinking the Legislature and Executive with Judicial  of  California’s “Majority” v. “Minority” who have not placed their Republican Party Signatures on budget or any unlawful - irresponsible removal of the earnings of citizens; and Congress’ refusal to recognize the “Majority” as a monestrous, unlawful, unaccountable, insatiable, sucking-out of all sustenance of our nations - through its refusal to close and reduce its size and elephantiasis configuration and defend States against the usurpation by “majority” of those citizens residing in states which deny political party for number of “X’s” on ballots;

and now...Through the work of Rep. Michelle Bachman and the entire Intelligence Committee, the complete demonstration of  “to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power” by President with his State Department appointee, including the DOJ, who refuse to enforce Rule of Law; to allow documented, known, active enemies of the Sovereignty of our Person, State, and Nation; – full right and power to burn-extract-remove all information, from all resources, including public libraries, regarding known, demonstrated, fact in law – radical jihad.  The FBI, CIA, Military, —all defense areas of the sovereignly of our Nation...shall not learn, nor use any defense tactic for our borders which is in opposition to Radical Jihad; and our nation’s, union based-administration Department of the Inspector General shall not investigate the documented request of We the People’s elected Representatives, this attack against our nation and Our Laws: Both Declaration and Constitution:

Islam-Sharia and Radical Jihad - is a foreign religion-secular government. No American has agreed to removing The Laws Contained in Declaration and Constitution from our Land.

This Regime of Open society - socialism - borderless nations and jurisprudence with the Leader Obama - continues the Removal of our Article IV:4 guarantee of our Republic: “ . A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. And

the assembly [Congress] of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic.

These Opponents of Puritans, Founders, Declaration and Constitution of Unique in Mankind’s history of Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation, shall completely convert our Nation to Open society socialism borderless nations and jurisprudence with Islamic-secular law before the November 6, 2012 election .

This regime completely believes, and has demonstrated in the State of California, that utilizing governmental control, confirmed by the Islamic-Democracy of groups, with collective mass as majority number = approval,   their removal of: One-Person’s Natural rights in obedience to  “Religion and Morality (those without a supreme Lawgiver’s who still bear responsibility to righteousness)”;  as well as,  “assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station  to which the Laws of nature of Nature’s God entitle them..”.

“The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.  This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.”— Hamilton A. Long, 1976, “Twelve Basic American Principles”;

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.

From 2nd paragraph above, this is from  Alexander Hamilton; The Federalist No. 51: On a Just Partition of Power:
[It is so apropos that it could have been read in Today’s California, New York, or Washington DC Newspapers.  As Glenn Beck and though not said - apparent from Congress’ members - the Executive Branch and Most if not all Departments of government mean to complete their quest to bring full force, power, and requirement of person to remain subservient and submissive to Open society socialism’s change of Article VI to:  “government-over-man” – as “Supreme law of the land and rule of law” which all shall be Bound to obey:]

“It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one part of the society against the injustice of the other part. Different interests necessarily exist in different classes of citizens.  If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure. There are but two methods of providing against this evil: the one by creating a will in the community independent of the majority— that is, of the society itself; the other, by comprehending in the society so many separate descriptions of citizens [person or corporate persons] as will render an unjust combination of a majority of the whole very improbable, if not impracticable. The first method prevails in all governments possessing an hereditary or self-appointed authority. This, at best, is but a precarious security; because a power independent of the society may as well espouse the unjust views of the major, as the rightful interests of the minor party, and may possible be turned against both parties.  The second method will be exemplified int the federal republic of the United States. Whilest all authority in it will be derived from and dependent on the society, the society itself will be broken into so many parts, interests and classes of citizens, that the rights of individuals, or of the minority, will be in little danger from interested combinations of the majority.

Reader, you must remember, these 56 men and the vast majority..even the bad guys as thieves. knew : “.. in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. “[For those of Islamic-Secular Law -beliefs]  therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion [of God in Jesus Christ] ,— this statement as a Axiomatic-Fact-of-Life. Doing right is the work of Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes on Earth—One-Person’s soul-at-a-time while respecting and avoiding removing the rights of another person-one-in-soul.  In reading any Original Text, newspaper, journal, diary or any document from this period and pretty much through to 1940's into 50's, without this definition of “Religion and Morality” as part of the background – will lose the unbeliever entirely – just as Jesus said in Matthew – ‘Let them go, for they will not learn and must go their own way..’- [but They must Not Be Rulers of Man!].

This regime with Soros-Obama, UN, EU, IMF, etc.,  problem is this: “The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments [uses departments as branches] in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart is sufficient to satisfy [US]-(A) of the Truth of this position.”—  President Washington’s “Farewell Address” 9/19/1796..

Neither Founding Document is lacking any information regarding We the Citizens People - to act against.. And not tolerate .. Removal of the Republic of One person protected under God !  He is Present.  He knows Exactly What All is Occurring.  He isn’t leaving US(A), but with inaction We could lose Him... and all that His Words Promise us as each Man’s Soul Loved by Him...including the enemy — though they have to stand before Him as One - also!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 is 14 weeks away. We are and have been patient. We our and will remain as righteous as were our Founders.

The enemy within – is not either!  It has learned to gobble-up any Person or Persons standing in its way.  That is the reason for the comparison to Nazis Germany - and George Orwell’s 1984.
In is, like the deadly black widow spider, inculcating itself into the fabric of its cocoon as the People of our Nation. Like the Black, darkness of the widow’s web, it it sticky.. And too many youth and persons under about 45, have not and did not ever learn – tyranny, usurpation, treason or “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”— Thomas Jefferson

From this moment on...each reader who loves God and this Nation.. Shall Act!  Right now, the most predominent means is this cursor ---- Flashing - Flashing at you; but you cannot limit your efforts to this machine – which is and can be dominated and controlled by that same enemy withing.  So, you.. And We...must utiltize anthing and everything we do in our life through contacts.   Communication and Unity are No Different This Day, than when Paul Revere rode to warn his friend, the Minister, ... This is more than a warning... the Bullet of death is slavery and submission and subserviance to the Master Open society - sociealism - borderless nations and jurisprudence  

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