The article re the redistricting question is the above link and so is the following quote:
“Population deviations, though, aren't all about partisan politics. States often draw legislative districts with unequal populations in order to keep communities intact or make life more convenient for election administrators. State lawmakers hope they'll be able to keep that power."
This in answer to one question: How many States use Popular Vote /Majority, inanimate object number, to determine Party affiliation/Person as Candidate dominance by redistricting using race; and to determine right and wrong as issues?
Since the Supreme Court, and District Courts adjudicate based on the "collective people -- inanimate and living objects", Precedent as supreme to the Laws contained in Both our Founding Documents, specifically against this "Constitutional Principle": Only individual persons or corporate "Persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate Objects and Living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law."; and
since that little paragraph is sophistry and capricious, it is no wonder why all elections have become, too often, too close to call, and Why This Current, Anti-Religion and Morality President actually dares.... to place his face in any public office; let alone President --- AGAIN!?
The Article below is very revealing especially in relation to "The Numbers Game"(2009), because also remember the 435 seats reflecting "Consent of the Governed" are 'frozen' because there isn't more room -- so statistics, completely absent our Republican form of government: ---"A government of laws, and not of men"(J. Adams) ---, to allow Democracy of the collective 100% law of men both within the 'collective number' and in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Federalist organization of government.
The Founders knew "Democracy" of number. Here's what President John Adams said: "Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few." Pretty much Exactly what is occurring here in our Republic and in the other nations of the world, isn’t it!?
To reiterate President Monroe: "There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more specious form, Force as the measure of right.."; AND
Hamilton A. Long in "Spirit of 1776" in 1976 [literally Heaven only knows what will be in 2076 if "We the People" remain silent about our unique in mankind's history Republic of Religion and Morality with Person as one, responsible from the foundation of our Federalist, Equilateral Triangle, through each rung of the horizontal ladder right up to our President] : "The Majority Limited for Liberty: 1. The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities. 2. Self-government's system of rule by majority vote is based on necessity. Rule by majority vote is a necessary mechanic of any government of the popular type, featuring rule by the people through free, periodic elections such as, for example, those held in the United States. Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
See where Articles I, II, and III in forming law; and V, VI in protecting "A government of laws, and not of men."? Our Republic has been de-legitimized and number/with collective legitimized: ""Population deviations, though, aren't all about partisan politics" and "legislative districts with unequal populations in order to keep communities intact"; and make life more convenient for election administrators." is the replacement!
And this sophistry started in Florida with the paper ballot's pieces not removed -- only a 'few Persons' in that-one State had this problem, but it was "legitimized" all the way to the Supreme Court; and compared to the occurrences of fraud -- much greater with more effect on "consent of the governed" -- really the little flaps were just that "flap"!
The Socialist-secular was present in Florida, as it is today, just not well-known really until the current President overthrew his office in January of 2009; and that is the date that all of the above has occurred, including State #7 Amending the Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College next week.
What makes this President stand-out as the Traitor to our Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation is that he has never disguised "change" to full-blown Socialism-Collective- Secular-Islamic Law. He maintained, with his minions, 3 separate websites throughout his campaign for President --- all 3 were full blown Socialist; he has continued his quest to thoroughly complete the destruction of our Constitution when he put his 'big toe' on private property of Chrysler Corp. --- This President’s Actions as announcement that Socialist collectivism and secular/amoral law would reign and replace Article VI of the Constitution, and our 1789 Constitution would be terminated,.. be extinguished.
This President's ownership of this Supreme Court just finished, by 'Alinsky-freezing' the Four Justices who Threw the entire "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" out as unconstitutional (which it is before you even begin to have the Executive Branch of government practice Medicine); to add to the tyranny of the Majority which reigns in the ownership of the President's Senate in the NEVADA-REID, 'few men's' "rules of law making" by: ---tabling that Anti-Law Act to give it more time to be implemented; ---the U.S Attorney General's lawless gun-running removal of border sovereignty and security; ----the ability to write "American's Financial Security Act - while never passing a budget in 3 years; and ---aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States in the murder of Embassy Personnel and betraying the Trust of their safety; threatening to remove a Military Officer who went to the aide of the persons attacked; and lied about it in the "Halls of Lie Against Mankind" -- The United Nations. This Person sitting as one of our President's, like Kagan and Sotomeyer, does not recognize the Laws of the Declaration and consider that Document irrelevant to 'modern' history, which adds evidence that God's Laws are also irrelevant and immaterial. Just to be sure you are listening, each-one of the 50% DEM who decided it wouldn't be a good idea to remove God from the Platform; - though you can see that "Deeds not words." speak much louder! Deeds do say that our Lord God, is indeed, removed from this current Executive with Senate and Judiciary government.
This 2009-2012 man has learned about the Constitution to finish destroying our Sacred Document; and removed does include Laws of Nature and of Nature's God; unalienable rights from our Creator, "the circumstances of our emigration here", and most important -- We Mutually Pledge to Each Other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor: Each-One-of 56 men with the Colonists right there behind themin an article in The Boston Gazette and Country Journal, Containing the fresheft Advices, Foreign and Domestic"; March 12, 1770
The Supreme Court from 1947 onward has chosen Democracy over Republic when they equated 'separation of church and state' with President Washington's "Religion and Morality". This made the change in our Republican form of government under God as "Religion and Morality" evidenced by Article II and Article VI-Oath of Office in our 1789 Constitution; the Colonists of March 12, 1770 v. George III; 1776 Declaration of God and Man... of "..Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God Entitle them..".
The Supreme Court, one hopes, didn't really intend this consequence; but absent history and understanding that God's Laws of Religion and One Person's Accountability to God Is Genuinely the UNIQUE NATURE'S GOD of our Republic. It actually cannot be removed --- but that is where "We the People" must realize their "consent of the Governed" starting this Tuesday.... and continuing until "Religion and Morality" with oath of Office return to "...the instruments of investigation in the courts (broadest meaning) of justice?"
The reason for the above question posed is that in California, Proposition 40's "States often draw legislative districts with unequal populations in order to keep communities intact or make life more convenient for election administrators." is known as "Communities of Interest (COI)" drawn on the bases solely of skin-color-except white/race; country-of-origin-except the naturalized citizen's duty to the United States/culture; Language except English, the official Language of "We the People" and "consent of the Governed" for Each-One-Person's unalienable Natural Rights, - unless it isn't included among the languages translated for the benefit of the citizens of their 'tiny nation' within the US so they can elect the same living object, physical-characteristic more important than the 1789 Constitutional Person of Soul accountable to God in "Religion and Morality", who is a member of the species homo sapiens, but is also absent any physical characteristics.
You see voting "NO" on Prop. 40 Redistricting Referendum next Tuesday, does acknowledge that Gerrymandering has occurred and does require correction. This writer has done a lot of teaching regarding how to look at the included Maps demonstrating the gerrymandered Districts. other manifestations of "Socialist-collective-Secular law" include: ---fact must never get in the way of preconceived conclusion; and — "Information needed to make a proper determination [is] withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead [and] has the effect through negligence."
Since, Tom Del Becarro and the other of us Californians who knew the effects of this gerrymandering, through our State's Initiative Process would and could shift our State's Senate 1/3 Minority which stops the only method of our State's majority of force-government-over-man--Secular (+ a few Progressive Republicans of great damage to our State) from increasing taxes.
The Initiative passed through with overwhelming success; but the California Supreme court refused to initiate the "master [designers]" before the June 5th Primary. Tom, with the others, more alert to 'political depravity', took a great risk in following through to be sure this Prop. 40 did arrive for our Vote .next Tuesday by writing its inclusion into the Initiative.
That control over increasing taxes is virtually the only control remaining in law-making of, by, and for "consent of the governed-Persons as members of the minority Republican Party; for the majority of oppression does rule California and the U.S Senate. The majority rules completely absent reason or respect of any Person or corporate Persons.
What many of our party's politicians don't also realize, is the COI + the gerrymander + Article V(a0(b) of CA Constitution declaring regardless of political party affiliation stated by candidate or by voter + more DEM-DEM Districts throughout the State, than REP-REP; + CA Voting Rights Act's (CVRA) - declares that "By Area Trustee Voting System" shall replace "1620 - At Large - Republican form of Government, + the other 8 kinds of districts, are layered one on top of another, then placed in the software of each of the 58 Counties' Registrar of Voters -- , which is the only State that cannot tract and change the Voter's Registration Roll security --- one, software program written by a few persons unaccountable to anyone = “Consent of the governed’, especially to our Republic "Religion and Morality" of Oath of Office is abdicated in favor of the Vertical-Top-Executive down to Person/family functions in all Natrual Rights according solely to the Executive/Legislative “opinion without interference”.. By-Area Trustee-Voting means that the consent of the governed votes for one candidate in 1 of the +/-5 area districts of the City, water District or School Board, and if elected, that One Candidate represents 5/5 or 100% of the District!!! Both the California and the Supreme Court have refused to hear the case. Virtually – Not One person, has looked at this debacle; except maybe for the Open Society-Socialist-Collective-Secular-current President with his minions.
But of course, the omnipotent, vertical, top down, dictate/subservient and submit-organization of governance of Socialist-collective-secular-few men lawmaking has absolutely nothing to do with the ‘consent of the governed, because both the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal level; and all three branches of CA State government have vaporized The Declaration; and are about to completely destroy the Constitution this next Tuesday.
The House and Senate are not complete ---- Those States with their ‘Class of Senators” (1/3rd every 6 years) - do need to be removed who supported the “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” the abomination which goes by the name of “Obamacare” because it has every semblance of both Protection and Affordable — and care in addition, ‘does’en’ it!
The State Republican Party "Alinsky-Froze" the Redistricing Referendum, along with Proposition 31 the Socialist-collective-secular law to rewrite the a huge part and value of our State Constitution --- when this Socialist-bunch-of-persons cannot handle a one year budget; and their minions in 653 State Agencies remain writing Law absent Legislation and disguised as Regulations; and add the pure socialism of borderless city’s "Community Strategic Action Plans" to form coop's; -- just like "Patient Protection and Affordable" practice of medicine by the Executive Branch of this Socialist-Collective-Secular- dictatorship now in office.
Yap! and the loss of our Republic gets worse, because many Americans have no idea they are losing their individual-soul as sovereign Person. We were born with that concept even before 1620, the founder’s, and the Roxbary Colonists lived and stood for that concept; and any American who has taken risk/reward in their life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness between then and this date of “the course of Human events..”. They just sit back, listen and watch the Republic die; angry over the absence of “Religion and Morality” but not aware of how to “Just Say No!”.
The Socialist-government-over-man’s earnings perpetrates onto the only revenue source – Taxpayers; but the citizens taxed $150.00 for living in high fire danger rural areas of many of the 58 counties in our State did ACT in one instance: There was a brush fire and a pair of “mother-tree” which would have extended the fire. The fireman chopped the trees down. One of the Departments of.... came by and said “You can’t cut those trees down, they are rare. We’re going to fine you for cutting those trees downs.”. The Americans said: “No you aren’t.”. the Department person said: “I’ll give you a permit for the wood.”. The Americans answered “No you won’t.”. The Department person left. This ‘Mother-Tree Story’ isn’t in the “Rural Residents Chafe at New $150.00 State Fire Tax” - “disguised as a fee” by the Socialist Legislator who discovered this little source of revenue to offset its bludgeoning-spending-deficit of $382,875,454, 920 or $10,272.00 per citizen debt., article in N. County times; Sunday, 10/28, Section 1-p.9.
And here is how the March 12, 1770 issue of .“The Boston Gazette and Country Journal” regarding a meeting of the Freeholders and other individuals of the Town of Roxbary, held March [5], 1770 “ know The Minds of the Town, whether they will do Anything to strengthen the Hands of the Merchants in their Non-importation Agreement....”. Here’s what the Freeholders and other individuals did:
“That Captain William Heath, Col. Joseph Williams, Mr. EleazerWeld, Captain Joseph Mayo, and Doctor Thomas Williams, be a committee to take this matter into confideration, and report to the Town, to what they shall think proper to be done thereon. .”. [They wrote a Resolution which starts:]
“WHEREAS, The merchants and Traders of the town of Bofton, and most all the Maritime Towns on the Continent from a principle truly noble and generous, and [with] sacrficing of their own private interests, not to import British Goods (a few necessary articles excepted) until the Act of the parliament imposing certain duties on Tea, Glaf, Paper, Painters Colour, Oyl, &c., for the express purpose of raifing Revenue in America, be repealed; which agreement, if strictly adhered to will not fail to produce the oft falutary effects. Therefore....Voted that.[6 clauses]”:..1) acknowledge what the merchants had already enacted...and will join-in with not buying ...;
2) derides those in the colonists who support the “miseries and selfish Spirit, and calamities resulting.... 3) names the merchants working with George III and will not continue business with them.. 4) no foreign teas for our families until tariff is repealed; 5) committee of inspection chosen to time to time to see how this vote Is Complied with; and 6) that the record of this vote be sent to the City of Boston.
In-other-words, “We the People” Acted without Court – against violations of Constitutional Principles and Laws with the ‘mother-trees’ and with ‘tariffs and teas’ of British Law not equally enforced in the Colonies; and they Did Have Courts which utilized, roughly and inconsistently, British Common Law, to go to; but you well know the Courts WERE OF NO USE for Justice and Truth were not required; Just Like 2009-2012!
“THEREFORE, ....VOTED THAT,.” Actions taken. There is not One among these Colonists, a.k.a We the People - Consent of the governed, who is among any of the 56 men involved in the signing of the Declaration still 6 years and 4 months in the future;.....or the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773 still 2 years and 9 months, in the future. Ben Franklin is publishing his Newspaper — this isn’t Ben’s newspaper! There is a court of is British Law determined and adjudicated by the appointees of King George. There is a Parliament, but it is 3466 miles away – sailing ship time; and is deaf, blind and stiffnecked in its obedience to its King, who is genuinely ill with a neurological disorder of the body, so oft times his rule is adjusted by commission, omission, neglect, and positive transgression by his nearest appointee Dukes, Baron, Lords. .......[cursor is flashing!.....reason, reflect and relate reader...]
Quite incredible isn’t it! It took many months, and several readings of “The Gazette”, before this Founding Father Patriot ,who loves these men right up there with Jesus Christ, to even realized its importance! Further, its importance, as far as my reading has gone today, has Never been included in any historian, anytime has put together what this beautiful, little example of the Soul of Person writing, publishing, distributing [one of the exceptions is paper] and reading this ‘other-magnificent-gem’: The ORIGIN of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, 12 years in the future, and of WE THE PEOPLE which reason-derived about 19 years later The Preamble.
Neither is it taught to Youth as Posterity or to LEGALLY ENTERED NEW PERSONS working to become NATURALIZED CITIZENS because it has never needed, up until 235 later years of this 2006-2012 Posterity from the Founder’s history, per se. While the Founder’s knowledge of The Textbook of Learning was the Bible, the Classics in their original languages, their current history (un-simplified to “make learning easier” for the ‘MO-Dern’ of the todays between the 60's through this date), including Mohammed; and in view of Proverb’s “Is it not Wisdom calling Knowledge raising her voice?..” and The Eternal (among President Washington’s favorite words for God and Jesus) formed me first of his creation, first of all his works in days of old; ..”:Truth in Proverbs 8: It is also very important to point-out that the 56 men who signed the Declaration and were involved in the Constitution, directly or indirectly, Never Had to state in words...the Truth of the Intertwining of Scripture (the Basis of Law in our Republic) with the Declaration and with the Constitution, because of “Axiomatic” — not Church..... but “Religion and Morality” of Each-One-Person’s unique Soul!
New individuals, whether or not they arrive as an enclave of race and culture - Islam, Arabs, Cubans, Iranians, Russians, Spanish – in our Republic they can be “One person of One Conscience and Soul; but like all Students of public school indoctrination, Never, Never allow them to understand the Founder’s unique in mankind’s history — that the Whole of a Nation is composed of One Person accountable to God and to his America in duty, honor and service! The Naturalized memorize so that they can be good little parrot-birds, reciting in unison the words — not the deeds — of pledging to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
There are two more pieces of ‘state insult’ to the “Mother-tree” story: 1) When a group of “We the People” complained to Legislators and the State Board of Equalization (another of the District-types loaded in the above ROV software), the Article I of the California Constitution and Amendment I of the US Constitution — were “Alinsky Frozen” — not a wee-little-peep of acknowledgment. 2) As the NCT article states, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is challenged in court; but the property owners, with the ‘nerve to own property in high fire areas’ shall submit and be subservient to the “tax disguised as a fine for the benefit of the ‘state’. This is the infamous, like the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, buys time for both State and Executive Branch Departments to implement Anti-law.
This “American Rule” that the 1789 supreme Law of the Land must go to court before it is “allowed” to be The Supreme Law of the Land: “..superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizen Any Statute, regulation, executive order, or Court Ruling which is INCONSISTENT and NOT DERIVED from it Is Unconstitutional and NULL and VOID FROM INCEPTION.”; and the “American Rule’s” other anti-law utilized extensively by the Departments of Federal and State Government versus Person or corporate persons (inanimate ‘state’ can’t fine an inanimate or living object) about to be shut-down or fined: You can pay the accusing Department $65,000 now, or you can take yourself to court with $650,000 – your choice. This was and is used extensively in City, School Board (CVRA isn’t enacted with water districts - it’s an inanimate object also v. CVRA plaintive one person’s ‘tiny nation-naturalized citizen’s’ attorneys - often non-profit groups and ACLU).
We the People, regardless of the outcome of next Tuesday, which is predetermined here in the Socialist-collective-secular-inanimate object (the magazine which hold the bullets for one type of gun, plastic bags, carbon dioxide/GW, what kinds of buildings and where they are located and built in 433 City’s General Plans - including Escondido’s Proposition N “NO”) and living object(sex organ use for sexual deviation to the entire Posterity of the State entering school through the 14th grade– allowed by the Secretary of State, into law because there were the number 5% to “state-allow” the collective-people to vote – therefore Anti-law this one both civil and criminal law violations – is taking place while it too is challenged in the “secular-inanimate and living object courts of Law) ---- ALL of which deny “Religion and Morality” because that founding Axiom is synonymous with the word “Church” as in the 1947 impregnable wall” between church and state. Church is the ecclesiastical governance of an assembly of ‘Souls’ who choose how they exercise thereof... the Christian religion of God’s Laws. State is the governance, now of the decree and dictates of omnipotent majority of force – governance which American shall submit and be subservient in obedience. Since it is god-like, it is a form of a ‘state religion’ -nothing like the 1700's Anglican Church, though or even the deists with their atheists declaring their secular privacy as more important than Morality.
Americans of our City, County of San Diego, State and Federal levels, need to become “mother-tree firefighters” and “March 5, 1770 Roxbary Freemen and Individuals including the Maritime colonies” and start using our “Tools of the Republic” — We the People — Individuals of the whole – minority or not ---- government does not rule Americans ---- does it....!?
This “Founding Father’s Patriot has already written 3 Constitutional Reviews; One United States District Court Case; and has served as the CA State Student Nurses Association Resolutions Chairman and has written Resolutions attempted in our State Republican Party. I do know and continue to Learn and will write — more importantly Teach how — to write.....the “Grievance and the “VOTED That”..... involved in both of the above... and much more.
I have asked Fallbrook Teaparty to let me work with a “legally assembled meeting..” re the “Mother Trees” to show and make “Just say NO” the equal protection and mutual respect and regard in accountability to God and to our Nation of “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens....Let is simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instrument of investigation in courts of justice?”. President Washington
There is no response. There is a huge amount of disbelief. When you consider that all contained herein, is but a small portion of the complete opposite to “Religion and Morality”; and the (some Republican supported) National Defense Act – local police become Federal Police; not that any riot s are even contemplated - still leather boots with leather straps (oops! That wouldn’t be fair to the cows, would it); but if 2076 rolls around and slavery is the watch-word — then wouldn’t it be better to die or be imprisoned, free in God’s and our Republic’s Name .....than just sit under the tree like “Ferdinand the Bull” and smell the flowers – which is exactly what many Elected and regular We the People are doing; if they aren’t “alinsky-freezing the person, persons, or ideas absent government!?
As long as this essay is, below is another essay named “Refusing Religion and Morality”. Both of these co-mingle together. BTW, the NewSpeak word of the day: “Public-Private Partnerships” which are government-over-man-using man’s taxpayer dollars- to perform some living or inanimate object or collective people item – It deems as a societal blessing; or sometime just the word public as synonymous with government. It is inherent to the City’s General Plan with the State Laws 8-step, GW requirements.