Tuesday, October 2, 2012

No. 4 Senator Barry Goldwater: Federal Support for Education

Preamble: Do the states and the local communities Need Federal government guidance to solve their problems in education? Sen. Goldwater thinks not and, what is more, point out that federal Aid inevitably means federal Control of education. For the most part, he points our, federal aide simply substitutes the expensive and wasteful tax collecting facilities and the Federal government for the More Efficient Means of Local Government.  Federal aid, once you take off its false disguise of “free” money — which is isn’t and can Never Be—shows through in its true character as one more act of compulsion through centralized government.  As a father and a grandfather, Barry Goldwater has spoken out strong and clear on this subject...

“It is interesting and significant that the demands for federal aide to education have grown louder and more insistent as the need for expanding our school facilities diminishes. It is fully apparent that many of those promoting the idea of federal aid to education are interested only in the element of centralized control and, consequently, refuse to recognize that the states and local communities have been rapidly solving the backlog of problems.

The American educational system strives for many goals: the broadest possible opportunity for Every Individual, in line with his talents; the highest possible quality, from elementary grades to graduate school; and the greatest possible free choice. By encouraging great diversity, and by preserving Local and Family Responsibility, we have come ever closer to all these goals.

I want to see us come closer still. But federal aid is Not the only way. It would inevitably Invite Bureaucratic Federal Control of school curricula. It would add wasteful “freight charges” on money collected by the Federal Government and then parceled out to the states. It would continue to squeeze out the private school and the small college, in favor of large public institutions. And Federal aid programs cannot avoid stumbling over the complex church-state controversy.

I do not want the federal government counseling my children*. I do not want my own state counseling my children.** That is the job of American Parents and American churches. Have we gone so far down the ladder on rubbery legs that was are frightened to death by Russia and must say to parent of the country: ‘Do not bother with your children. We are going to take them over. We will tell them what to study and what we want them to do and how to do it.’

The way to sound support for American education is well fixed in our Constitutional tradition. We should leave in the hands of those who ought to make the key decisions — our states and local communities, the family, the individual—sufficient resources to do the job as they see fit.

This is best achieved by the use of tax credits—taken right off the top of each citizen’s Federal income tax bill. The result would be to increase the financial resources available to our. states and localities, and particularly to the individual taxpayer. They would then be free to make their own choices, to allocate their own resources in support of education — without Federal intervention or the Dead-hand of Federal Control.”

*[or the United Nations in Agenda 21]

**[sex physiology and anatomy-absent Soul, sexual deviation, ok for abortion - never give insulin to a diabetic if you are not a R.N., revisionist History - if any history at all]

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