Saturday, June 30, 2012
Two Essential Reasons Our Declaration..
..and Constitution will remain at the beck and call of absolute power, force, control ‘Opinion without interference,’ “Body Law” of the Open Society Socialism of borderless nations and jurisprudence, for that is what the Supreme Court decided this week:
Here is what is removed from the Laws of Both Founding Documents by using precedents:
The First 2 and Last 2 paragraphs of The Declaration with Every Article and the First 8 Amendments with the 14th of our Constitution. The precedent law changes “of, by, and for” the hands of State, Federal levels of government..
Here are the essential reasons for the submission and subservience of both Documents:
1) All Cases are heard on a ‘precedent’ basis.
Precedent means “Legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example or authority for judges deciding similar issues later. Generally, decisions of higher courts (within a particular system of courts) are mandatory precedent on lower courts within that system--that is, the principle announced by a higher court must be followed in later cases. ....As a practical matter, courts can usually find precedent for any direction they want to go in deciding a particular case. Accordingly, precedent is used as often to justify a particular outcome in a case as it is to guide the decision. The body of judicial decisions in which were formulated the points of law arising in any case. A previously decided case that is considered binding in the court where it was issued and in all lower courts in the same jurisdiction. A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily govern the decision of a later similar case, unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed in some significant way.” (
In lower courts, there is only one judge, so the precedent is much more important for attorney’s to choose – often regardless of the state of the person as plaintiff or defendant; for the Constitution over the last 64 years loses its “supremacy” to the choices of precedent presented to judge or justices.
2) Since the 70's, another, more sublte change occurred: “The Natural Rights of persons are
inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution [Declaration], and persons may Not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.” And “Disablement of all rights other than the rights of majority may only be done by due process for individuals, Not by legislation [or regulation].” And “Only individual persons or corporate “Persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. ..” were gradually ‘precedented” out of consideration.
These constitutional principles were displaced and in doing so, “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.”
Also with the emphasis on Temporal Laws (English Bill of Rights), “Spiritual Laws” of Region and Morality was removed; or put another way... Person is comprised of Body - physiological with neurological - and Soul: “The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system.”(1828 Dictionary).
Body Law has become supreme over soul: “: “..Inanimate objects and Living Objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may Not be parties to an action in law.” dominated with the ongoing use of Precedent “..trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it...(T. Jefferson)”, has become the definition of the Rule of Law; and this week – actually before this week –Body-Temporal Law is The Supreme Law of the Land.
With the emphasis on Body - Temporal Law, there is no reason for government as in Article III to provide Person Protection of natural rights. “The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the Face of the most exalted Freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves.”.—S. Adams
The Constitution All Americans refer and use for reference is the “Soul” law of “Spiritual Laws” based upon legal process to protect One Person’s “..separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..” with “..truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, ...endowed by their Creator..” with natural rights. It is the “Soul” as conscience which Both Founding Documents are written to Protect from government’s Body-Temporal Laws; because.
the Laws of Temporal - Body solely recognized: 1) groups of people defined by government with government’s decision as to what comprises the groups, told to the people within the confines society, and membership within the group defines its members as both excluded and included– “Society determines what marriage is.”; 2) inanimate objects including air–CO2, O2,. Land, water, plastic bags, plastic cups, all minerals, plants, nuclear and atoms flowing as transmitters of wireless communication, and virtually any object, tool, function of money, food, reflected as the Executive Branches’s 2600 Agencies. Like “Government” “Agency’s” are non-entities comprised of people appointed, assigned, and hired; 3) Living Objects are the physiological functioning parts of the human body including skin to cover, ingestion, excrement, sex, neurology for these organs to function, animals - endangered species, plants - also endanger species.
Precedent helps Temporal law due to the more Precedents to choose from...the further away from “Religion and Morality” of spiritual law..Laws Protecting sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation. Courts travel with their attorneys and determiners of adjudication of precedent — not the Articles and Amendments of the Constitution of the United States sworn to uphold — The first renunciation of ‘spiritual law’ - Oath given by One to their God.– or Affirmation of Righteousness as morality, Articles II and VI, “for those who do not recognize a supreme Lawgiver” (1828 Dictionary).
Thus when speaking of people who enter our Nation’s borders in violation of our Federal Laws, privileges and immunities are given by E.O. supported by Appointees who frankly have no intention of obedience to “Rule of Law”; and courts do not throw the Federal Government out of Court for their mismanagement of the Borders, have Constitutional responsibility and accountability for. The court just ‘selects’ parts of the Arizona Law to make unconstitutional. Word game - inconsistent and not derived from that supreme law is unconstitutional... The Federal Government – the President who required the US Attorney General to take this case to court... are not told the 10th Amendment and not held accountable for government wrong-doing in law...
When speaking of “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” – only the commerce clause???? That entire document is completely unconstitutional: Article IV:4 – Republican form of Protection of One from the Majority government is guaranteed.
Article V is violated because of changing the form of government to group/social who negates Person as One Individual the component of our Constitution without obedience to the Amending process. That means representation - not just elected - also consent of the governed – to protect unalienable rights is removed. One entire Party in House and In Senate with 26 members of the opposition party – and each individual from each District and State of Each one of those Representatives ---- Did Not Sign This Bill —.! It is Not law. Congress means “A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.”. Patient Protection and Affordable Act was, and is, 100% Absent any “concert of measures for their common good”. Concert means: “Agreement of two or more in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony.”. That is the reason at least 2 members of an opposing party to a Bill, must sign that Bill Before Article I:7 “..shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall..”.Filibuster is a Republican form of government which states that each-one-person’s voice in Politics the science of ethics of governance among men taking sides and philosophy’s on issues must be heard... and in formal debate...minority wins because “spiritual Law” or Truth is above Number or majority ...
Commerce 1828: “In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffic. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce”
Insurance, an inanimate object of paper, used as party at law, to force compliance of Persons of Constitution to trade with government – no choice.... is not consistent and not derived from that supreme law Is Unconstitutional and Null and Void from Inception...
There is also the inanimate object number as “statistics” to determine which Person of the Constitution obtains what care, under what circumstances within the hierarchy of ‘statistical medical diagnoses of acute, chronic, multisystem diseases processes!
Again, the court picks and chooses what part of the Anti-law they will allow to be adjudicated upon.... Only group of persons - ill, healthy, young not requiring medical care at all; and inanimate objects all production and distribution of goods and services for that group called ill. Not the Person as One... with the skills of physician as One or one among specialties — the group named ill defined and control by state.
5 to 4, inanimate object ‘number’ is irrelevant to the Anti-law contained in patient Protection and Affordable Act which is a lie delivered in the Title absent “spiritual Law”. Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
Society of government definition has decided to change life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for One Equity in which society decides who gets what result from “opinion without interference”. This use of definition of ‘equity’ does not include “impartial” nor does it include non-partisan. It shall make and use judgement for its own “opinion without interference” of history, science, fact unless those resources support its Opinion without interference. Thus CO2 trading of Air is upheld in court as perfectly reasonable to “Opinion without interference” of the absent Truth named “Global Warming”.
Equity means: “ Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason.”
Liberty means “ Civil liberty, is the liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained, as is necessary and expedient for the safety and interest of the society, state or nation. A restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, is tyranny or oppression. civil liberty is an exemption from the arbitrary will of others, which exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from injuring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law are essential to civil liberty.”
[Thanks to Dennis Prager for this insight into Open Society Socialism - borderless nations and jurisprudence, in his New Book “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph” on Mark Levin Show last night.]
[This looks like 2,036 words, but minus the definitions used and principles; it is actually 1, 306 words. I do try not to be long-winded! ]
..and Constitution will remain at the beck and call of absolute power, force, control ‘Opinion without interference,’ “Body Law” of the Open Society Socialism of borderless nations and jurisprudence, for that is what the Supreme Court decided this week:
Here is what is removed from the Laws of Both Founding Documents by using precedents:
The First 2 and Last 2 paragraphs of The Declaration with Every Article and the First 8 Amendments with the 14th of our Constitution. The precedent law changes “of, by, and for” the hands of State, Federal levels of government..
Here are the essential reasons for the submission and subservience of both Documents:
1) All Cases are heard on a ‘precedent’ basis.
Precedent means “Legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example or authority for judges deciding similar issues later. Generally, decisions of higher courts (within a particular system of courts) are mandatory precedent on lower courts within that system--that is, the principle announced by a higher court must be followed in later cases. ....As a practical matter, courts can usually find precedent for any direction they want to go in deciding a particular case. Accordingly, precedent is used as often to justify a particular outcome in a case as it is to guide the decision. The body of judicial decisions in which were formulated the points of law arising in any case. A previously decided case that is considered binding in the court where it was issued and in all lower courts in the same jurisdiction. A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily govern the decision of a later similar case, unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed in some significant way.” (
In lower courts, there is only one judge, so the precedent is much more important for attorney’s to choose – often regardless of the state of the person as plaintiff or defendant; for the Constitution over the last 64 years loses its “supremacy” to the choices of precedent presented to judge or justices.
2) Since the 70's, another, more sublte change occurred: “The Natural Rights of persons are
inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution [Declaration], and persons may Not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.” And “Disablement of all rights other than the rights of majority may only be done by due process for individuals, Not by legislation [or regulation].” And “Only individual persons or corporate “Persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. ..” were gradually ‘precedented” out of consideration.
These constitutional principles were displaced and in doing so, “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.”
Also with the emphasis on Temporal Laws (English Bill of Rights), “Spiritual Laws” of Region and Morality was removed; or put another way... Person is comprised of Body - physiological with neurological - and Soul: “The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system.”(1828 Dictionary).
Body Law has become supreme over soul: “: “..Inanimate objects and Living Objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may Not be parties to an action in law.” dominated with the ongoing use of Precedent “..trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it...(T. Jefferson)”, has become the definition of the Rule of Law; and this week – actually before this week –Body-Temporal Law is The Supreme Law of the Land.
With the emphasis on Body - Temporal Law, there is no reason for government as in Article III to provide Person Protection of natural rights. “The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the Face of the most exalted Freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves.”.—S. Adams
The Constitution All Americans refer and use for reference is the “Soul” law of “Spiritual Laws” based upon legal process to protect One Person’s “..separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..” with “..truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, ...endowed by their Creator..” with natural rights. It is the “Soul” as conscience which Both Founding Documents are written to Protect from government’s Body-Temporal Laws; because.
the Laws of Temporal - Body solely recognized: 1) groups of people defined by government with government’s decision as to what comprises the groups, told to the people within the confines society, and membership within the group defines its members as both excluded and included– “Society determines what marriage is.”; 2) inanimate objects including air–CO2, O2,. Land, water, plastic bags, plastic cups, all minerals, plants, nuclear and atoms flowing as transmitters of wireless communication, and virtually any object, tool, function of money, food, reflected as the Executive Branches’s 2600 Agencies. Like “Government” “Agency’s” are non-entities comprised of people appointed, assigned, and hired; 3) Living Objects are the physiological functioning parts of the human body including skin to cover, ingestion, excrement, sex, neurology for these organs to function, animals - endangered species, plants - also endanger species.
Precedent helps Temporal law due to the more Precedents to choose from...the further away from “Religion and Morality” of spiritual law..Laws Protecting sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation. Courts travel with their attorneys and determiners of adjudication of precedent — not the Articles and Amendments of the Constitution of the United States sworn to uphold — The first renunciation of ‘spiritual law’ - Oath given by One to their God.– or Affirmation of Righteousness as morality, Articles II and VI, “for those who do not recognize a supreme Lawgiver” (1828 Dictionary).
Thus when speaking of people who enter our Nation’s borders in violation of our Federal Laws, privileges and immunities are given by E.O. supported by Appointees who frankly have no intention of obedience to “Rule of Law”; and courts do not throw the Federal Government out of Court for their mismanagement of the Borders, have Constitutional responsibility and accountability for. The court just ‘selects’ parts of the Arizona Law to make unconstitutional. Word game - inconsistent and not derived from that supreme law is unconstitutional... The Federal Government – the President who required the US Attorney General to take this case to court... are not told the 10th Amendment and not held accountable for government wrong-doing in law...
When speaking of “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” – only the commerce clause???? That entire document is completely unconstitutional: Article IV:4 – Republican form of Protection of One from the Majority government is guaranteed.
Article V is violated because of changing the form of government to group/social who negates Person as One Individual the component of our Constitution without obedience to the Amending process. That means representation - not just elected - also consent of the governed – to protect unalienable rights is removed. One entire Party in House and In Senate with 26 members of the opposition party – and each individual from each District and State of Each one of those Representatives ---- Did Not Sign This Bill —.! It is Not law. Congress means “A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.”. Patient Protection and Affordable Act was, and is, 100% Absent any “concert of measures for their common good”. Concert means: “Agreement of two or more in a design or plan; union formed by mutual communication of opinions and views; accordance in a scheme; harmony.”. That is the reason at least 2 members of an opposing party to a Bill, must sign that Bill Before Article I:7 “..shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall..”.Filibuster is a Republican form of government which states that each-one-person’s voice in Politics the science of ethics of governance among men taking sides and philosophy’s on issues must be heard... and in formal debate...minority wins because “spiritual Law” or Truth is above Number or majority ...
Commerce 1828: “In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffic. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce”
Insurance, an inanimate object of paper, used as party at law, to force compliance of Persons of Constitution to trade with government – no choice.... is not consistent and not derived from that supreme law Is Unconstitutional and Null and Void from Inception...
There is also the inanimate object number as “statistics” to determine which Person of the Constitution obtains what care, under what circumstances within the hierarchy of ‘statistical medical diagnoses of acute, chronic, multisystem diseases processes!
Again, the court picks and chooses what part of the Anti-law they will allow to be adjudicated upon.... Only group of persons - ill, healthy, young not requiring medical care at all; and inanimate objects all production and distribution of goods and services for that group called ill. Not the Person as One... with the skills of physician as One or one among specialties — the group named ill defined and control by state.
5 to 4, inanimate object ‘number’ is irrelevant to the Anti-law contained in patient Protection and Affordable Act which is a lie delivered in the Title absent “spiritual Law”. Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
Society of government definition has decided to change life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for One Equity in which society decides who gets what result from “opinion without interference”. This use of definition of ‘equity’ does not include “impartial” nor does it include non-partisan. It shall make and use judgement for its own “opinion without interference” of history, science, fact unless those resources support its Opinion without interference. Thus CO2 trading of Air is upheld in court as perfectly reasonable to “Opinion without interference” of the absent Truth named “Global Warming”.
Equity means: “ Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason.”
Liberty means “ Civil liberty, is the liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained, as is necessary and expedient for the safety and interest of the society, state or nation. A restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, is tyranny or oppression. civil liberty is an exemption from the arbitrary will of others, which exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from injuring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law are essential to civil liberty.”
[Thanks to Dennis Prager for this insight into Open Society Socialism - borderless nations and jurisprudence, in his New Book “Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph” on Mark Levin Show last night.]
[This looks like 2,036 words, but minus the definitions used and principles; it is actually 1, 306 words. I do try not to be long-winded! ]
Friday, June 29, 2012
There is really only One Lesson to be learned..
.. from the ‘monumental’ attacks on our 392 years of God’s Law; 236 year of “Declaration” of God’s Law and 223 year of Applied, written God's Law as our supreme “Rule of Law:
There is No Justice Unless There Is Truth
Equity is Not Liberty
As long as our Article I: Legislative, Article II: Executive; and Article III: judicial, Give Credence to “Thou Shalt not bear false witness” with “Thou shalt not steal”; shall be as long as our Nation will Never return to the Declaration and Constitution in our Article IV Republican form of Representative government; for our form of Democracy in a Republic Can Only Exist in “Religion and Morality” of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth Each Founder gave to US as Posterity in 2012 ---- We the People as homo sapiens completely absent physical or worldly characteristic -- simply comprised of "body" and "soul".
Playing with words as politician’s belays the responsibilities of each We the People’s Representative to our government is also a lie. Bad Laws and Governance begets Worse Law and Governance — and no correction toward Truth will occur.
We the People – are wrong as elected, Constitutional person - each-one-individually -- when wrong continues...without repenting.. Denying the requirement to repent. It is a requirement– for Truth cannot be a reality in wrong or evil.
Though wrong and evil can be corrected with Truth.
ALL We the People! If we do not pull together and understand the lessons of our Lord God – Lessons of so many wonderful individuals in Science, Governments, Philosophy and God’s word against all odds....Always in One Person Before God in Declaration, Constitution, and Scripture - The origin of the Republican form of government here in our Nation.
There is Conscience for those of you who just cannot conceive or believe in the Perfection of God and His Son’s 33 years as a member of the species Homo Sapiens with cognitive attributes — absolutely without One Mistake Of Any Kind... Regardless of so-called atheism – how many homo sapiens do you know of 33 years of Perfect Everything and teaching also!? There is Morality and Ethics both connected to righteous behavior on the behalf of mankind.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Republic has been Murdered:
..“To destroy; to put an end to”! The bearing of False Witness, Sophistry, and absurdity of Open-Society-Socialism with the Article III Judicial Branch have declared That their Oath of Office is null and void as well as The Constitution as Supreme Law of the Land. "#6 Thou shalt not murder."
Obama’s “Majority” of unconstitutional force, power, dictates with civil lawlessness is much preferable to God’s Laws which prevail throughout our Land in spite of Government and Judicial Lawlessness of blackmail, coercion, lie, and all abominations in Scripture – .
BE CLEAR: Romney and many commentators are wrong – this ruling has nothing to do with what was said about money, commerce, taxation, or any issue. It is about lie and distortion of government against We the People and Consent of the Governed. It is about Oath of Office of every Person concerned because the Lies are violations of Religion and Morality.
The Majority is The state of being greater. This Judicial System with its Open Society Socialist personnel - is the government of power, control, force, and dictate... The Supreme Court decisions of the last 72 hours have removed the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the land... in favor of Social Groups – living objects(body parts requiring medicine) – and inanimate objects (money, commerce,) as the subject of law. "#9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."
It isn’t about law. Constitution As Written with its relation to Declaration and to Scripture!
What is Lost Is Truth in Law — resulting in absent Justice. It removes the first 8 Amendments which protects “One Person’s most sacred property – conscience”.
These Justices, two of which are hired by the Socialists to perform exactly as both did - Integrity was never a part of each one’s selection - have given permission to “Americans are considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by the majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time.
Congress with too many Candidates enjoy the power.
All have decided that the Founders had no idea what they were writing in calling the Constitution the supreme Law of the Land; for the Constitution Shall go to Court for ruling... before any law already written – can be declared unconstitutional...
Mitt Romney just repeated that absurd belief about 2 ½ hours ago! Make no mistake, many Americans actually believe that the founder’s could not have had the wisdom to predict a government like ‘Open Society Socialism of Borderless Nations and Jurisprudence’ – we are experiencing and witnessing!!!
This horrible belief has resulted in Every Single Aspect named law, Our Nation is experiencing all the Anti-Law from 01/20/2009 to this moment and each and every one...
Listening and thinking – Justice Roberts is 100% correct..isn’t he!?? “We have to pass it to see what it says.” is the hallmark of irresponsibility of the Socialist Party of Lie. Then it was followed by ignoring the Founder’s writing Constitution: The PPAA Did Not Pass Either House or Senate of our Nation — PPAA was ABSENT 100% AND 27 DEMOCRATS - there was absolutely NO AGREEMENT ...PPAA should never have proceeded to the President for Signature into Law. There was NO Consent of the Governed from every Republican Citizen and 27 States... An Entire Party of Minority was Actually the Majority!! Legislators in Power ignored this Truth. Congress Representatives -both houses - ignored this fact. Death stroke among the first in relation to PPAA
Justice Roberts bring about a second Truth — elected Representatives Must be Bound by the Constitution upon their Word of Honor made before God of Our Nation to stop Poetics absent Ethics - before Nation!! Should elected Representatives, Any Level Of government continue to deny God’s Laws and Ethics...nothing will change.
“We the People” - not only our votes – we have to overwhelm the Socialist Sophist-Frauds both sides of the Table voter and Secretary’s of State – and the concepts that inanimate object - “number” rules. We may still have to act – as commentators says to keep the feet to the fire – especially in the Truth and Justice which resides solely in God’s Laws.
Should our Nation actually make it to the elections on Nov 6! Remember the fraud. Remember the Lie. Remember that Word of Honor is absent. in the election Occurs BOTH SIDES of the PRECINCT TABLE AND MAIL!!!!
Our Nation Can Only Succeed with God's Law and the Integrity of responsibility and accountability to God of each One Person regardless of what chosen life, liberty, and pursuits chosen!!
Let Truth Prevail this day ... and every day into the future of our lives with God...
06/23/12 - I have to add this:
Listening to Michele and the info that CO2 is now traded on the Stock market... Our Republic under God's Laws are Stone Dead... Not maybe Dead ----Dead! For air is not tradable.. except as the inanimate object being Allowed a Party at Law.
Since Only Persons can be subject of legal process, but the inanimate objects insurance papers, air, water, land, petroleum,. plastic bags, plastic cups ...
When inanimate objects (pull over by police for DUI and DL Checks) can become the supreme in Law over "The Rule of Law" -- Everything on earth becomes subject to law - including the UN's communist borderless nations and jurisprudence!
That is what I mean by We the People - Must Call this Treason - Before 11/6/2012! Only We the People can change this. Not congress, not government, not judiciary who has totally abandoned any semblance of US Constitutional Law of their Oaths of Office... Integrity in service and duty is Dead among those individuals who deny our Founder's work
I'n not confident that Mitt Romney understands ALL implications of this Obama Care. I am sure he underestimates the intelligence and understanding of Americans. Having said that, as Glenn says "I'd vote for a pineapple over Obama!"
Listening to Mark Levin tonight and Michelle Bachmann--- You Republicans of Love of God and Nation with Declaration and Constitution First ----- Please Help Michelle! We Lose Huge -- if we lose her---Don't we!!!???
Definition 1828 treason: "Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power..". This man and all his civil officers are Guilty of Treason against our "Rule of Law"!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Those who listen to me, Know The Truth..
..are the last words of the only “Person,” of the “species Homo Sapiens” with “essential cognitive attributes, including Both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, And the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid Depriving Others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a Whole or for their common posterity,” to Walk about 33 years on this earth Without One Mistake from His Birth to His Crucifixion. Jesus Christ Is the Son of God. And With The Holy Ghost, who is a ghost because He is the essence Soul determining One Person’s free agency here on earth.
Our ancestors, The Puritans crossed the Atlantic Ocean in November, dead of Winter, in a tiny, always wet, sailboat, smaller than many of the sailboats purchased for pleasure at tens of thousands of $$$ today, to state that God’s word is their Love, Right and their Duty to themselves and what would become both their posterity; and the fulfillment of the posterity of the Person’s of Nature’s God - Indians. The Puritans would not have survived were it not for the Indians and the Indian Chief was fully aware that the Puritans would arrive and he would help them He didn’t know anymore about them than they would, probably, sort of, look like Indians.
250 years later, Colonial Government in God’s name would have Constitutions, handshake and formal contracts between persons and persons as members of each Colony, “to agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, And to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of “government,” they had escaped from in Europe, which were “destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.”.
The Puritans and The Colonists accepted the “terms of the social contract... which is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the “filial contract”, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of polity or society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.”.
The Colonists inculcated God’s Laws with “Those who listen to me, know the Truth” and expanded the social contract as “..Transitive, so that it Extends to and Includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but ALL THOSE with whom one is in direct contact with are bound by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to ALL Those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them.” — Or even if not directly connected to that part of God’s Planet which is occupied by the United States of America; for
When The Declaration was written, it was as a result of “destruction” of [person], and of the
“polity of the social contract of those [persons]”, which was initiated by their 24/7 faith, belief, and comprehension in lifestyle of “Religion and Morality: “ Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.”.
The Declaration of Independence Is Law. For, God’s Law Is As Cemented In Law As Physical Law, and because it answered, the age old: “depriving others of those rights; ..sacrifice their self’s for the greater good of the “filial”, “social contract”, which was destructive by violence, deception, collusion, and violation of the “human events” effecting, “..and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God Entitle them; And
All the statements contained therein delineate the specific causes, how to recognized them and what actions, in the name of natural rights, it is their duty to take to right the wrong – even if they were and are members of the same ancestors and heritage.
The Constitution was painstaking in wording and in effect by directly applying God, Common, Philosophy as supreme Law of the Land in concert and synonymous with The Declaration.
The Essential and Indispensable Constitution Does Contain, just like The Bible, all information required to solve any National and International Issue. Both Documents are Logic in Truth. It is the Founders who stated that The Declaration and The Constitution have origin in God’s Laws; and it is Noah Webster as Preface to “The American Dictionary of the English Language–1828” who states the American form of Republican government “requires an appropriate language of the definition of words” and “that the principles of Republican government have their origins in Scripture.”.
There was contention. It was directed at Posterity’s ability to maintain faith, belief, and Act on behalf of the knowledge, wisdom, and Truth that is God in His Son Jesus Christ. Truth and Justice Must Coincide and be inculcated into every Act or Action derived from understanding of “We the People”: “The Whole..polity... is the Sum of Each One Part..Person “.
Any Person asking and seeking the knowledge, wisdom and Truth about our Nation has only to research, relate, reflect, and record, to Know the Truth of Listening to Christ. The knowledge, integrity, wisdom, and Truth remain very intact and well known to Most Americans this day. It must be remembered that adversity is a great instructor, and it rains and snows on evil as well as good. That is the why of “know your enemy”.
The Founders did make some assumptions:
---- Children, posterity, would be taught the religion defined above and the patriotism of a nation grounded in the best choice of righteousness to follow The Way, The Truth, and The Light. Removed by Horace Mann in 1850 stating that Noah Webster, The Father of American Education and Master of Languages, Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth, was no longer required.
Though Religious Education in public school is not removed from many States
----That the Elected Representatives as Leaders would also take Oath or Affirm their duty, service, and Requirement to protect the safety of the “Soul” of person in law as Sovereignty - unique - to Person, City as Corporate Persons, State, and Nation. This was first removed in 1948 McClelland, and currently, several State, District, Appellate, and Supreme Court Rulings which are “inconsistent and not derived from” either Founding Document, though the Declaration was removed from Court back in 1947- 48.
“We the People” as “consent of the governed” and “One Person Protected in our Republic started the current denial of God and Morality which we are hearing this week of June, and have been experiencing at a phenomenal rate of speed since just before the June Primaries; but really since 01/20/2012.
---- Justice and equity in law would remain within the Word of God – Scripture and Representatives as Justices, Judges, Attorneys, Legislators, and Appointed People who enact the legislation as regulators would perform their Service and Duty of, by, for and with the consent of The Constitution’s We the People combined with respect of The Declaration’s “Consent of the Governed” in the name of “Person” with unalienable, natural rights (John Locke), from God.
----Natural Rights of person are inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others. Because God created Person comprised of Body and Soul, in His Image and Jesus taught that if you obey God’s Laws, Love your neighbor as yourself and your enemy; then each person who seeks, finds; ask as, has opened unto him; and is able “leave your nets, and come follow-Me... It is the soul of our life, liberty and pursuit choices that government must protect if it is to perform Justice and Equity.
----Removing or “modifying” the symbol of Christ’s Crucifixion and resurrection expressed as “religion and morality” and the First Amendment’s exercise of religion;
----Allowing an appointed Department of Government to define religion for the purpose of obtaining revenue as taxes at that Department’s pleasure of definition of “free exercise there of..”
----removing the word illegal in State and Federal Law, from those people who choose to enter our Nation violating our Laws.. And refusing to uphold and protect the rights of lawful citizens;
—changing the District/Precinct lines to create “mini-nations” within a State to accommodate naturalized citizens based on skin color / race – other than white, or country-of-origin - other than the United States that naturalized citizen has Pledged his Allegiance. This is commonly known as The California Voting Rights Act and effects 432 cities and their school districts; And
—allowing ‘mini-nation-districts’ their languages other than English, the official language of both Nation and State, in this Republic form of government to create another form of special, society group named non-English Speaking, Naturalized Citizen ..
All of this was discussed, today, on Glenn Beck’s GBTV: two books: Jonathan Cahn’s “The Nine Harbingers and Jonah Goldberg’s “Tyranny of Cliches”.
Americans, just as each-one-of-US are realizing and more of the “accountability Leaders” to Religion and Morality are joining, We the People must enter this battle between “I am well aware that the Law is admirable—provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane, for parricides and matricides, murderers, immoral persons, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.”(I Timotheus: 8-11) versus mammon’s denial of any justice in God’s law or the morality inherent in righteousness, demonstrated and enforced by a Majority-comprised and represented by Force, power, control and submission with subservience to Open Society socialism-borderless nations and jurisprudence with “Zeitgeist for our Posterity, a.k.a OWS and public education by indoctrination from State and Federal government.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Law of God Absent Rule of Supremacy of Court
Yes, that would be true of this Supreme Court of Man's Law absent God's Laws of Scripture - the origin of our Republican form of Representative Government under Oath of Office they took.
Would that each-one of them could see that Memorial to every War Fought and Men who died - not only for nation - but for each one's lost life, liberty, and pursuit... for them and for what they offered - alive - to the posterity of this Nation.
Such hate and disparaging love - goes unrecognized by this set of homo sapiens is the statement: "Do Not Attend Court for Justice." It is absent without leave of our "Rule of Law" and of Each Person as Citizen with honor and duty and service to our Nation.
They're continued denial of God in Person of Constitution, continues unabated; for they deny person is comprised of 'body' and of 'soul'. They deny that Law is written to protect each person's most sacred property "soul". They favor that Government does not answer to the "Protection of One" -- and that Person, State, and even Nation shall be subservient and submissive to the "dyslaw" of force, power, with tyranny.
Evidenced by "Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder v. Phelps"; "Professions are not entitle to the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (1997); Living Objects shall be allowed to legal process as parties at law: urine and identity of all persons who work in every aspect of health care - especially skill nursing facilities -Nationwide-testing fingers, criminal records (part of the Health Plan we'll hear about on Thurs); and the 1948 McClellan separation of church and state - denial of Scripture connected to Church.
Demonstrates that God's Law shall be Truth and never change; while Man's law cannot be trusted to: 'We know that law is good if a man uses it lawfully. Knowing that the law is good, law is Not Made For the Righteous Man, but for the sinner and wrongdoer, ... and any unsound doctrine.. of I Timothy 1:8-19.
And, simply, if those homo sapiens with cognitive attributes of physiology - can leave their grey matter in the sand long enough, they can take pride in their success at removing God's Applied Laws in Both Declaration and Constitution - from our Nation in favor of the now germinated, waxy, thorns, of dryness and darkness named Open Society Socialism with UN borderless nations and jurisprudence!
Thank you so much Jusice Scalia -- especially for your Anger -- in your opposition to: illegal people are no longer illegal under Federal Law according to this man who is in a 'POSITION OF GREATEST IMPORTANCE AS AN MISTAKE. THE BIGGEST AND MOST DEVASTATING MISTAKE IN OUR NATION'S HISTORY'
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Law, Anti-law, Dyslaw What has happened to Both Founding Documents
Below is what has 'contributed' to the success of the OpenSocietySocialismUNBorderless nations and jurisprudence. With borderless, meaning law is made in the name of living objects and inanimate objects of, by and for the omnipotent Majority, - Force and Power greater than number of, -- which has absolutely no intention of recognizing the existence of One Person's right to life, liberty, and pursuits of anything; and Control of jurisprudence especially delectable to this Socialist Enemy Within our Nation and most Nations on this Planet.
While aspects of the problem are older than Obama, his dedication combined with his Islamic and absent God's Law and Morality, have brought this Nation into the deepest pit. We have never known or experienced 'deepest pit'! This Pit is made worse when you add the effects of indoctrination education by Federal and State Agencies, fully supported by too many Local, City and County Boards of Edu. What should be out Posterity inheriting love of Nation, knowledge, wisdom and the Truth that is The Lord God, and has been null and void since at least 1954.
Legislative, Judicial and of course, Executive fail completely to even consider or recognize unqualified rights of the Person or corporate "Persons", which is comprised of Person, of our "Rule of Law". Our "Consent of the governed" is nearly completely nullified through not only corruption by the State, but also, by the convincing of people that number is the only measure of decision-making for all "Elected We the People". The 1828 Dictionary definition of 'corporate' is important: "1. United in a body, or community, as a number of individuals, who are empowered to transact business as an individual; formed into a body; as a corporate assembly, or society; a corporate town. Do you see why? Town or city is part of the 10th Amendment which states "..nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.". Person is One Individual and "corporate" persons = cities and towns.
You'll read and learn of the terrible dichotomy which is the "root" of this "grape vine" or "fig tree". It is important to read, because as the last paragraph states it will be difficult to return to the Truth of Religion and Morality as the origins of "Rule of Law". ---We are doomed unless...
"We the People" become 2012 Puritans and Colonists for the Truth in God's Law. Naysayers will say not possible, but that would also be "dyslaw", because there are millions of Americans who still believe The American's Creed - second paragraph "I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to Love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its Laws, to Respect its Flag, and to Defend it against all enemies." -- William T. Page
This is to give another "callup" because "Persons", if we are to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and pursuits to our Posterity and theirs, It Will Probably Have To Be Directly By Each One Person as a Member of the Whole - in the Name of our Founders' Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States...:
Law and Antilaw
Copyright © 1995 Constitution Society. Permission is granted to copy with attribution for noncommercial purposes.From Constitution to Emergency Rule
The establishment of the U.S. Constitution in 1789 and its Bill of Rights in 1791 was a fundamental innovation in jurisprudence. It introduced the first constitutional republic, with a written constitution that superseded the Common Law that preceded it, while incorporating that part of the Common Law not in conflict with it, and provided that all subsequent statutory law and official acts must be based on its provisions and not in conflict with it. Any statute or official act not so based, or in such conflict with it, was to be considered unconstitutional, and null and void from inception.
Unfortunately, despite the nominal commitment to compliance with the Constitution, legislators and officials have failed to comply with it in many instances. Most of these instances were justified as necessary to deal with perceived crises, especially war and depression. Some of these instances include the Dick Act of 1903 and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. But perhaps the most important was the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, and particularly its amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, and its ratification of such executive orders as the Proclamation 2040 by President Roosevelt issued on March 6, 1933, sometimes called the Emergency and War Powers order. This act, codified as 12 USC 95(b), effectively declared the Constitution suspended and conferred dictatorial powers on the President, a situation which continues to this day.
Following this there was a long train of unconstitutional legislation and executive orders, made possible by intimidation of the federal courts. Although some reference to provisions of the Constitution was made to justify them, especially an expanded interpretation of “interstate commerce”, it is argued that what was really done was suspension of the Constitution as the “Supreme Law of the Land” and the extension of the “Law of the Sea” over the land, making all federal courts admiralty courts, under the executive authority of the President. The “Law of the Sea” is a branch of Common Law under which the President and admiralty courts exercise essentially dictatorial powers, akin to martial law.
Under this assumed authority, the U.S. Congress, the President, and the federal courts have extended their powers and jurisdiction far beyond the limits imposed on them under the Constitution, in violation of the 10th Amendment.
Senate Report 93-549, written in 1973, said “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.” It goes on to say:
“A majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of National emergency. In the United States, actions taken by government in times of great crisis have ... in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of National emergency.”...
“These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule this country without reference to normal constitutional process.
“Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.”
The problem, of course, is that the Constitution does not provide for its own suspension, under some Rule of Necessity, only for temporary suspension of the right of habeas corpus, nor does Congress have such emergency and war powers or the power to delegate them to the President. Such a doctrine of “emergency rule” is a legalistic façade, perhaps providing a defense against summary judgement by a lawful court, but not providing true legal authority. The Constitution is not just the Supreme Law of the Land, but of all operations of the institutions it establishes, as agents of the People, including those at sea and those involving the laws of nations, forbidding them to exercise any powers not specifically delegated to them, in any field of action.
A difficulty for this regime is that the vast majority of people in and out of government are unaware of such emergency rule. As far as they are concerned, the Constitution is still in full force and effect. Many of them continue to take an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Some of them are aware of their role as militiamen, as defenders of the State and its Constitution, with a duty to not only obey the Constitution and constitutional laws, but to do what they can to enforce them as well, singly or in concert with one another.
Two Bodies of Jurisprudence
What we have, then, is two bodies of jurisprudence: one based on the Constitution, the other not based on it, and, indeed, in fundamental conflict with it. Unfortunately, the full force of de facto government acts to enforce this second body of jurisprudence, and this puts it in fundamental conflict with the Militia and its duty to defend the Constitution and enforce it and its laws.
Since the statutes and official acts not based on the Constitution are null and void from inception, and in conflict with the real law, which is based on the Constitution, we may call this body of jurisprudence antilaw. It is sometimes referred to by the euphemism “public policy”.
Almost any effort to enforce such antilaw infringes on the civil rights of persons, and is therefore itself a crime, specifically, violation of 18 USC 241, Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights, or 242, Violation of Civil Rights Under Color of Law. These statutes are arguably constitutional, under the authority of the 14th amendment, therefore citizens have the duty, as militiamen, to enforce it against officials who attempt to enforce antilaw, to arrest them and bring them before a grand jury.
What we have, therefore, is the potential for conflict between two groups of Americans, each enforcing what they consider to be the law against the other, each trying to arrest the other, with armed force if necessary. The forces of de facto government may, for the most part, believe they are in the right. Most of them are just doing their jobs, following the orders of the people who pay their salaries, and many people, not knowing any better, think they are indeed the lawful government. They are better organized, funded, and equipped. On the other side are a growing number of citizens who are becoming aware of the situation and their duties as militiamen, and while they are not yet as well organized, they are becoming more numerous and better organized, and they are even gaining support from within this de facto government.
Corruption and the Crisis of Legitimacy
This dysfunctional situation is exacerbated by pervasive corruption that infects almost every level and agency of government and institution of society. This has brought compromise of the integrity of those institutions, and the loss of their ability to meet the needs of the people. Computerized elections are often rigged. Many judges are compromised or intimidated. It is not uncommon for people to take a case before a federal judge, asking him to enforce the Constitution, and have him refuse to rule, saying “If I ruled on this, I would be dead before morning.” Take a case of high-level official misconduct to law enforcement authorities and they refuse to consider it. Investigating and exposing such corruption and the abuses it brings all too often results in the harassment, persecution, or even the death of the investigator and his witnesses, and the confiscation or destruction of their evidence.
This crisis of legitimacy and corruption is causing severe conflicts within government as well, between factions that extend across institutions and align themselves with citizen activists. This conflict has become a kind of low-level civil war, in which there is real violence and the loss of lives.
Antilaw as Dyslaw
Antilaw might prevail if it met the needs of the people, eventually acquiring a kind of legitimacy, but it does not. It is fundamentally dysfunctional, as well as illegitimate, and therefore dyslaw. As such, it is doomed, and must eventually give way to a return to the Rule of Law under the Constitution. This will be a difficult transition to manage gracefully. Once the dominoes start falling, it may be difficult to avoid a sudden collapse that will bring chaos and economic upheaval.
The first shot across the bow of antilaw from the Supreme Court may have just been fired, in the case of U.S. v. Lopez, which, for the first time since 1936, struck down a federal criminal statute based on the interstate commerce clause.
For more information contact:
Constitution Society
6900 San Pedro #147-230, San Antonio, TX 78216, 210/224-2868V
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Since it is right and fitting for The President of the United States to make Law through..
..Executive Order in complete violation of The Constitution of the United States and therefore, The Declaration of Independence of our Nation, as well as Federal Law; then "the Consent of the Governed" becomes NULL AND VOID from its inception in 1776; and since
The President's action, combined with the support of Top House Dem Steny Hoye, completely justify "NewSpeak", government defined, word-- "illegal" becoming Null and Void from inception, then merged into the old, 1776 word 'legal'; and since
"This Constitution , and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made- (or not made in UN's Agenda 21, Section 7: Human Habitation applied EO Law 16,300 against all US Cities-Global Warming/CO2-sustainable energy), under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in Every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary not-with-standing."— becomes --- Null and Void; and since
The Supreme Law of the Land Must go to court to obtain “Permission” before any of the above is declared Unconstitutional, -- thus making Prevention of many Anti-Laws, between 01/20/2009 to this Date, and Protection of the people, according to the guarantee of a Republican form of Representative government under Constitution and under God’s Laws,---- Null and Void; But
“The judgement of the consistency of an official act with the Constitution is called “Constitutional Review”. When this duty is performed by a judge, it is called “Judicial Review”. It is NOT a power of government but the exercise of a duty of Citizenship.” which is a statement that Any Citizen can take a stand and act for Both Declaration and Constitution for they are Not Separate Documents – even though the inanimate object ‘number’ spaces the 13 years between the two.
Open-Society-Socialist government of Soros, Obama, UN, Clinton, Holder, Reid, et al, have and shall continue to declare in both words and Acts of positive transgression against Both Founding Documents. Holder is playing the ‘waiting game’ all he has to do is get to 11/7/12 because collective, greater number of “X’s” attached to people of all descriptions with or without citizenship shall be counted, or location within the precincts in gerrymandered districts which comprise “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, COUNTING THE WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS IN EACH STATE,...”
Then Americans before God and Nation shall we continue to ignore: "The President, Vice President and ALL civil Officers of the United States, SHALL be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Article II:4 with "Judgement in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of Honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject of Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment, according to Law.” Article I:3:.......
Definition of Treason: "Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power."; And .......
in the Declaration: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, throw off such government, and to provide new Guards (resume the original contained herein with Constitution) for their future security.".......
Definition of Bribery: “The act or practice of giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices; the act of paying or receiving a reward for a false judgment, or testimony, or for the performance of that which is known to be illegal, or unjust. It is applied both to him who gives, and to him who receives the compensation, but appropriately to the giver.” ......
Definition of high Crimes: “high”: “34. Great; capital; committed against the king, sovereign or state; as high treason, distinguished from petty treason, which is committed against a master or other superior. “Crimes”: “. An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance.” ?
If “We the People” continue “..all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right THEMSELVES by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed, Each Person within --We the People-- acknowledge and accept all contained herein, but absent sufficient book-length - well beyond the 27 George III Abuses of the Declaration, though there are duplicates from this Open Society Socialism, to our and our Posterity’s life, liberty, and Pursuits of whatever...
“Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is ILLEGAL, and while performing that act the person Ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more other constitutional criminal laws against doing so.”
Please Note: The ‘number’, position and rank of the persons — pleural— involved “evinces” their acts against our nation as demonstration of the Cloward-Piven overload to destroy capitalism - more accurately “We the People in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility... and secure the blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity..” combined with S. Lucifer Alinsky’s: “"From the moment the organizer enters a community he lives, dreams... only one thing and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army. Until he has developed that mass power base, he confronts no major issues.... Until he has those means and power instruments, his 'tactics' are very different from power tactics. Therefore, every move revolves around one central point: how many recruits will this bring into the organization, whether by means of local organizations, churches, service groups, labor Unions, corner gangs, or as individuals."
"Change comes from power, and power comes from organization." p.113
"The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new." p.116".
President Obama, Secretary Clinton, Holder, Reid are not going to wait for Tuesday, November 6, 2012; for complete destruction of Rule of Law and Declaration of Person accountable and “entitled” to “Nature and nature’s God”, “change” to Open Society Socialism of bastardized Democracy’s collective number over the “reason of Religion and Morality” of the Person Protected in Both Founding Documents and our Republican government. The contents of Both Documents are nearly complete in Null and Void as this is written.
What does it take for Each-one-American to realize that your Person comprised Soul – does Not Exist –!!
You must and shall be a group-think member of the Subservient and Submissive Omnipotent Majority as Open-Society-Socialism-borderless nations and jurisprudence-of George Soros, Baruck Obama, Hiliary Clinton, Eric Holder and the Czars in every appointed position under the President’s Administration from Commissioner to agent to department - to bureau - to board - to State government — and now, through Executive-many States / CA AB32 Cap n Trade of CO2 interlinked with UN’s Global Warming as sustainable energy Agenda 21 Human Habitation and Children’s rights, absent parent, and God’s Laws.
This is The Principle stated in Article VI: “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which Is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED FROM IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.
Open Society Socialism intertwined with UN’s borderless nations, jurisprudence, and Global Warming-CO2- Agenda 21, all Sections especially Sec. 7 titled “Human Habitation” currently Law and Enacted – No Congress, No We the People, No Information except to City Planning who are Told – not asked – what their city’s “Development Plan” shall consist of and how The State of California (if not other States) shall enforce and guarantee implementation of the Agenda 21 Anti-Law. These omissions, commission, neglect and positive transgressions against Both Founding Documents and therefore Against the United States of America, are NOT CONSISTENT or DERIVED FROM Constitution or Declaration... They are Unconstitutional.
Here is what Open Society Socialism with bastardized Democracy has and is continuing to accomplish against Both Founding Documents: “An unconstitutional statute is Not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTI-LAW.”
“Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as Crimes the DEPRIVATION of constitutional and civil rights of persons by agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statutes to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every such deprivation.”
Here are Each-One-Person’s Location to Act against, as opposed to “acted upon” from our Declaration and Constitutional Laws:
“Whenever ANY PERSON is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the Duty to Know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the Constitution, means to obey or help enforce the Constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.”; And
“ANY CITIZEN who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the Duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent [We the People because of Both Founding Documents originating in Scripture; and because of our Founding Father’s belief that the Posterity of Americans made them inherently honest with conscience are competent] jurisprudence for PROSECUTION.”
Americans, we are of a nature to suffer while ills are sufferable – it takes a lot to get us aware that all we think in every aspect of every person’s lives – including their Church of Faith – is in danger of extinction. If we decide to wait — as the daily between Baruck (national), Hiliary (international), Holder (justice?sicK), and our various Secretary’s of State of disorganized and absent respect for “Consent of The Governed” in the past Iowa, California, and many other State’s primaries, may result in such a skewed-voice of consent— that results may not allow return to the Republican form of representational government of Person as One Protected from government.
What needs to be said is: Be ready! The election results may not rid our Nation of is Open Society- Socialist-UN disease.... and if posterity continues to be ignored, then we will lose our nation, anyway!!! We Must, again, Pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred Honor....until the turn around is complete.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Too many members of We the People express..
the 'opinion without interference (UN Declaration of Principles, Geneva, 2003)' Our Constitution Shall and Must - go to court BEFORE It is Allowed to be enforced as:
"In a constitutional republic, the Constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY STATUTE, REGULATION, EXECUTIVE ORDER, OR ---COURT RULING [includes Supreme Court]---- which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED FROM IT is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."; with its partner:
16 AM Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256 "The general rule is that na unconstitutional statute, though hving the form and name of law, is in reality ---no law---, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's Enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it...NO ONE IS BOUND TO OBEY an unconstitutional law, and NO COURTS are bound to enforce it.".
The Problem is that many legislators -- all levels of government Do Not Realize how egregiously absent equity in justice, morality, and God's laws have been are are being violated and will continue -- because of the 'Absent Truth' that a court of law is required before The Supreme Law of the Land can be enforced.
The depth, height, and all encompassing absence of: "..the Law is admirable'---provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane,....", testifys to the degree of Our Error of knowledge, wisdom, and truth laid before us as This Constitution of the United States of America.
These actions by Obama simply continue his AINO-Open Society-Socialism of Islam he has perpetrated on our Nation since entering Chrysler Corporation 02/2009... These actions Shall Not Stop, for this man cannot comprehend the wrong he has assisted history to evolve.
We have made an unlawful and egregious error in law; and in our "judgement" as one Person-playing clarinet, among all the other instruments, in our Orchestra of Handel's Messiah with God's Laws as conductor. "We the People" Own This Error!
It is our wrong-doing to deny and abandon the words and deeds of our Father God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Ghost... which includes the Truth of every word contained in Both Declaration and Constitution.....
Jesus said to Pilate: "Those who listen to me Know the Truth.".
It is time: Each One American who understands the Word of God - Must in the name of each Person from 1620 to the children of the babies held in your arms -- Must declare our wrong action and ask for Jesus' help to regain what we have lost. Yes, it is that old-fashioned, often used word "Repent"! It is each-one of US(A), here and on God's Planet, duty to our Nation. "to love it, to support it Constitution, to obey its Laws, to respect its Flag and to Defend it against all enemies.(W. Page "The American's Creed" 1917)".
Make No Mistake, Our Lord Is There and Does Hear Each-one-of-You --- He has actually been working on this enemy within --- before we knew there was an enemy!
Please Return to Trust and Truth in Our Lord God, His Son, and The Holy Ghost --- Believe, Love, Faith, Hope, and Charity.... and REMEMBER THE GREATEST GRIEVANCE EVER PRESENTED TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY ITS PEOPLE: AUGUST 28, 2010 "RESTORE HONOR"; "RESTORE COURAGE" OF CONVICTION AND CONSCIENCE for our-self's and for each and every Person in Israel, Venezuela, under the guise of religion - radical jihad in Egypt, every corner of God's Planet.
Those Elected Americans sitting in any Legislative body any location in our Nation, it is time to obey "Rule of Law" --- stand on the floors of your legislature and state what the unconstitutional action is ... and that it "Shall Be Removed" from further consideration. Relearn the First Principle of Law Formation -- where is it Derivation in the Constitution with is it Consistent with the Laws and Principles with instruction in Declaration as well as Constitution... Declaration is the Premise in God; Constitution is Therefore .. our laws shall....
Yesterday is gone forever, as are the minutes it took to write this...Doing the Righteous Action in the name of God and Nation is paramount to each-one-Person's -- and Any Minority v. The Majority -- We Must Prevail... "and Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity do Ordain and Establish this Constitution For the United States of America.
Americans If too many of US continue to believe that..
..our Constitution Shall and Must - go to court BEFORE It is Allowed to be enforced as:
"In a constitutional republic, the Constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY STATUTE, REGULATION, EXECUTIVE ORDER, OR ---COURT RULING [includes Supreme Court]---- which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED FROM IT is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."; with its partner:
16 AM Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256 "The general rule is that na unconstitutional statute, though hving the form and name of law, is in reality ---no law---, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's Enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it...NO ONE IS BOUND TO OBEY an unconstitutional law, and NO COURTS are bound to enforce it.".
The Problem is that many legislators -- all levels of government Do Realize how egregiously absent equity in justice, morality, and God's laws have been are are being violated and will continue -- because of the 'Absent Truth' that a court of law is required before The Supreme Law of the Land can be enforced.
The depth, height, and all encompassing absence of: "..the Law is admirable'---provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, for the impious and the sinful, for the irreverent and the profane,....", testifys to the degree of Our Error of knowledge, wisdom, and truth laid before us as This Constitution of the United States of America.
We have made an unlawful and egregious error in law; and in our "judgement" as one Person-playing clarinet, among all the other instruments, in our Orchestra of Handel's Messiah with God's Laws as conductor. "We the People" Own This Error!
It is our wrong-doing to deny and abandon the words and deeds of our Father God, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Ghost... which includes the Truth of every word contained in Both Declaration and Constitution.....
Jesus said to Pilate: "Those who listen to me Know the Truth.".
It is time: Each One American who understands the Word of God - Must in the name of each Person from 1620 to the children of the babies held in your arms -- Must declare our wrong action and ask for Jesus' help to regain what we have lost. Yes, it is that old-fashioned, often used word "Repent"! It is each-one of US(A), here and on God's Planet, duty to our Nation. "to love it, to support it Constitution, to obey its Laws, to respect its Flag and to Defend it against all enemies.(W. Page "The American's Creed" 1917)".
Make No Mistake, Our Lord Is There and Does Hear Each-one-of-You --- He has actually been working on this enemy within --- before we knew there was an enemy!
Please Return to Trust and Truth in Our Lord God, His Son, and The Holy Ghost --- Believe, Love, Faith, Hope, and Charity.... and REMEMBER THE GREATEST GRIEVANCE EVER PRESENTED TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY ITS PEOPLE: AUGUST 28, 2010 "RESTORE HONOR"; "RESTORE COURAGE" OF CONVICTION AND CONSCIENCE for our-self's and for each and every Person in Israel, Venezuela, under the guise of religion - radical jihad in Egypt, every corner of God's Planet.
Those Elected Americans sitting in any Legislative body any location in our Nation, it is time to obey "Rule of Law" --- stand on the floors of your legislature and state what the unconstitutional action is ... and that it "Shall Be Removed" from further consideration. Relearn the First Principle of Law Formation -- where is it Derivation in the Constitution with is it Consistent with the Laws and Principles with instruction in Declaration as well as Constitution... Declaration is the Premise in God; Constitution is Therefore .. our laws shall....
Yesterday is gone forever, as are the minutes it took to write this...Doing the Righteous Action in the name of God and Nation is paramount to each-one-Person's -- and Any Minority v. The Majority -- We Must Prevail... "and Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity do Ordain and Establish this Constitution For the United States of America.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
To Republicans, Candidates, Teapartiers regarding 11/6/2012..
..and all the days between this day and that day....Washington, The South, Battles in all Wars, and Standing For Honor in Declaration With "Rule of Law" Under God.....HAS NEVER HAD ENOUGH MONEY!!!!!!! OR SUPPLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!; BUT
Each-One-American -- any campaign with or without "Arms" --- has been and for the most part WON by VOLUNTEERS!!!
Republicans must embrace Teapartiers... for the continuing attacks against our Declaration and our Constitution.. shall not abate --. Open Society / Socialism / with leftist Progressives (who wrote top-two vote getters..) have bastardized the word "Democracy" by merging the definitions of society with polity. SOCIETY: the collective mass-people, obedient to the top leaders and moved with their "decisions as to what is best..", utilizing money, time, survey, poll and personality with compulsion of society's conscience. POLITY: " The form or constitution of civil government of a nation or state; and in free states, the frame or fundamental system by which the several branches of government are established, and the powers and duties or each designated and defined. Every branch of our civil polity supports and is supported, regulates and is regulated by the rest. ..1. The constitution or general fundamental principles of government of any class of citizens, considered in an appropriate character, or as a subordinate state." (1828 Dictionary - N. Webster).
The enemy within believes it will win in November. It doesn't just need the Presidency. In fact the race for Presidency serves as a 'mighty distraction' to the local, county, Sheriffs, School Boards, judgeships, State and Congressional, with the money as bonds - commissions- popular number concepts which flood each Person's Consent to Govern as a servant to the omnipotent Majority ---which in reality, is comprised of Union well as Obama, Clinton, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, czars of Departments --completes the circle to Union Administration--UN, EU, and Soros--the proud originator of Open Society.
Because of all the manipulations of: redistricting; drive-in voting; provisional ballots; skin color other than white, with country-of-origin - other than naturalized citizenship each has giver their Pledged their Allegiance; fraud from the State-side-of-the table --counting; States with "Winner Take All" which is synonymous with "Top two vote getters regardless of party affiliation; the purveyors of power, force, and strangled "Law as Truth" are in a hurry --- speed is essential because it exacerbates confusion especially mixed with ignorance of the defenders of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- freedom in equity of " Nature and Nature's God".
Many Americans insist on separation of God's Laws / Church and State, many doubt that God or His Son exist, and most of all, those denying that both Founding Documents are the Word of God, have managed to stop, slow, and even remove the THE LAW OF GOD IN THE DECLARATION AND its APPLICATION IN OUR CONSTITUTION in our REPUBLICAN FORM OF REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT - THE MINORITY OF ONE PROTECTED:
In John 19: 34 -38 --- "Then you are the king of the Jews?" said Pilate."Your own nation and the high priests have handed you over to me. What have you don?". Jesus replied, "My rhelm does not belong to this world; if my realm did belong to this world, my men would have fought to prevent me being handed over to the Jews. No, my realm lies elsewhere." "So your are a king?" said Pilate. "You!". "Certainly," said Jesus, "I am a king. This is why I was born, this is why I came into the world, to bear testimony to the Truth. EVERYONE WHO BELONGS TO THE TRUTH LISTENS TO MY VOICE." "Truth!" said Pilate, "What does truth mean?". --- James Moffatt, D.D., D.LTT., M.A. Oxford [There is nothing like a Briton to write Beautiful, clear verse and discourse!]
We the People have always Volunteered, have always been Honest and value integrity, and Our Lord God - in whatever practice of Freedom we have chosen: "He that is faithful with a trifle is also with a large trust, and he who is dishonest with a trifle is also dishonest with a large trust. So if you are Not faithful with dishonest mammon, how can you ever be trusted with true Riches? And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, how can you ever be given what is your own? No servant can serve two masters: either he will hate one and love the other, or else he will stand by the one and despise the other-----You--cannot serve God and Mammon" said Jesus in Luke 16:10-13.
We the People, embrace the Nation of our Puritans, Colonists, Separatists of Civil War, and our History ... end the lawlessness of: "The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. ...NO ONE IS BOUND TO OBEY an unconstitutional law, and NO COURTS are bound to enforce it." [16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, See 255]; with "An unconstitutional statute is Not A Law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law bu ANTI-LAW."; AND "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is ILLEGAL, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, REGARDLESS of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. it is also almost certainly a deprivation of civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so." With "ANY Citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction [includes "We the People" as One with Scripture and law] for PROSECUTION." With "Whenever ANY person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the PRINCIPLE OF NUREMBERG."
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Constitution speaks to Open-Society...
..of sexual deviation. In just writing 3 core words, our nation’s “Rule of Law” says “What the Heck is this about? Open, society, sexual as a deviation. We are very aware of the meanings of Open - 24 definitions plus 22 as a verb transitive; but Society v. Polity; Sex, and deviation require more:
1828 N. Webster ‘deviation’ needs to be stated:
1. A wandering or turning aside from the right way, course or line. 2. Variation from a common or established rule, or from analogy. 3. A wandering from the path of duty; want of conformity to the rules prescribed by God; error; sin; obliquity of conduct.
The definition of ‘sex’ is an excellent word to define for history of society is illustrated in the time of the writing of the Constitution and the end of 20th Century and beginning of 21st Century:
1828:1. The distinction between male and female; or the property or character by which an animal is male or female. The male sex is usually characterized by muscular strength, boldness and firmness. The female sex is characterized by softness, sensibility and modesty. In botany, the property of plants which corresponds to sex in animals. The Linnean system of botany is formed on the doctrine of sexes in plants. 2. By way of emphasis, womankind; females Unhappy sex! whose beauty is your snare. Dryden
Merriam Webster: : either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as male or female 2: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of living things that are involved in reproduction by two interacting parents and that distinguish males and females 3 a : sexually motivated phenomena or behavior
Both Holder and Obama have their most difficult problems with fitting the required ‘groups’ into Open-society. The Republican form of representative government in the Constitution - Oath of Office and “under God” of One Person Protected is an antithesis. This is illustrated by the above two words; but especially their definitions of ‘society’ and ‘polity’. Actually ‘polity’ is never utilized forming the concept, Society is Open and that places Polity within its purvey of life, liberty, and pursuits; if Open Society allowed pursuits — they don’t; for that encompasses absolutes and variables based in Truth and In History:
Again, ‘society’ and ‘polity’ have to be contrasted at the time of the Constitution with the turn of 21st Century:
1828 ‘Society’: “1. The union of a number of rational beings; or a number of persons united, either for a temporary or permanent purpose. Thus the inhabitants of a state or of a city constitute a society, having common interests; and hence it is called a community. In a more enlarged sense, the whole race or family of man is a society, and called human society. The true and natural foundation of society, are the wants and fears of individuals. 2. Any number of persons associated for a particular purpose, whether incorporated by law, or only united by articles of agreement; a fraternity. Thus we have bible societies for various objects; societies for mechanics, and leaned societies; societies for encouraging arts.
1828 ‘Polity’: “The form or constitution of civil government of a nation or state; and in free states, the frame or fundamental system by which the several branches of government are established, and the powers and duties or each designated and defined. Every branch of our civil polity supports and is supported, regulates and is regulated by the rest. With respect to their interior polity, our colonies are properly of three sorts; provincial establishments, proprietary governments, and charter governments. This word seems also to embrace legislation and administration of government. 1. The constitution or general fundamental principles of government of any class of citizens, considered in an appropriate character, or as a subordinate state. Were the whole christian world to revert back to the original model, how far more simple, uniform and beautiful would the church appear,and how far more agreeable to the ecclesiastical polity instituted by the holy apostles.”
Obama and Holder, with the help of George Soros’ Open Society, formed in 1979, merged 1828 Constitution of the word Polity into becoming One with the word Society; so that Common Law with God’s Law could be absorbed as an “an enduring and cooperating social group” of “, nonviolent, sustainability and social equality advocacy..(Zeitgeist - google at Wikipedia)..”:
Merriam Webster ‘Society’: “: companionship or association with one's fellows : friendly or intimate intercourse : company 2 : a voluntary association of individuals for common ends; especially : an organized group working together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or profession 3 a : an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another b : a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests 4 a : a part of a community that is a unit distinguishable by particular aims or standards of living or conduct : a social circle or a group of social circles having a clearly marked identity <literary society> b : a part of the community that sets itself apart as a leisure class and that regards itself as the arbiter of fashion and manners
5 a : a natural group of plants usually of a single species or habit within an association b : the progeny of a pair of insects when constituting a social unit (as a hive of bees); broadly : an interdependent system of organisms or biological units
Merriam Webster ‘Polity’: “1 : political organization 2 : a specific form of political organization 3 : a politically organized unit 4 a : the form or constitution of a politically organized unit b : the form of government of a religious denomination
Notice Merriam’s #1 definition is not part of 1828 and before history; and that #4 is 1828's definition WITH God’s Law as Religion encompassed. 1828 freely associates meanings with “Persons” of “Principles of government” for the person... 1828 is the Individual joining into the society; while 1979-2012, Holder’s-instituting Open-Society law to “equal rights of the law” – to the group named homosexuality – resulting in, again allowing “Group” status in our Nation’s Declaration and Constitution Laws which also include living objects – Physiological and Sexual Organs -- required for sexual activity to be parties at law.
Holder, Obama, the persons who practice sexual deviation, Soros’ Open Society - all ignore and violate the Issue: — Marriage. The ‘Free Agency’, right of a “Person” to pursuit his/her life and happiness in any sexual activity has never been in question. Many good people do not like that particular sin, and judge the Person - and the Group - which practice it - as ungodly, unethical wrong doers.
Marriage Is Between a Man and a Woman.
For Holder and company, merging Open into Society (groups comprised of homo sapiens, including any inanimate object and living object, useful to law derived from “opinion without interference”) and 1828's Polity, means that equal rights extends to the group named homosexual with other sexual deviations in parentheses and therefore is law ---- of open society.
“Marriage” is the word - from SCRIPTURE of God’s Laws and Creation from which the Sanctity of the man and woman, in the name of all Chapters, Lessons, and Instructions regarding Person occur in The Bible. Marriage is ALL that is Contained in Mr. and Mrs. Adam, the Serpent, the apple, the location, the derivation, - all before and all to this day of that woman - man Sanctity Is...Because God is.....
Our Republican form of Constitutional Government (see 1828 ‘Congress’ #4 definition) does have - “..its origins in Scripture”. --N. Webster. We are formed in the name of God from 1620 at Plymouth Rock; even this day,....with all the inequities that Socialist Obama-Soros-Clinton-Holder-Reid-Pelosi have perpetrated as AINO’s against Both Founding documents, with the full intent and purpose of distorting Constitution from “Person” or “corporate persons” to “Society -Polity” as a single entity. Some of the “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” with “The Twelve Basic American Principles” are below.*
The devil must always have his due: They are successful.
‘We the People’ have not been careful to inculcate the indispensable, lessons of The Bible, of History, of Life, Liberty and Pursuit as not only duty and service to our Nation; but much more important....God’s Perfection and Each Person as his ownership of his accountability to God and His Son in whom God in One Person. It is an imperative that Youth learn their Person of Sovereignty in life, liberty, and pursuits. We see the results of the failure in this indispensable abandoned fact.
The sooner the DEMs and other Political Parties realize this — the better. Some will Never, ever realize the content of the Founding Documents. These Persons must be recognized and stopped. They are no more a “Majority” than Righteousness. Leader’s will always be the One or few at the top regardless of God’s Laws or Lucifer at his worse. That is why, our Founding Fathers knew the Only Sources of safety and protection from government is in One Person’s most sacred property - his “conscience” the expression of his soul.
We the People of this Nation – Do Need to Own and Obtain a readily available copy of both “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland ( ); and “The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hubert Alber Long ( ).
Any Person writing, teaching, learning, about the content of Both Founding Documents must accomplish the accompanying Original Texts, with emphasis on having either the Hard book or computer access to the “American Dictionary of the English Language” by Noah Webster 1828 ( ).
The Best basic location for all of this is “The Center for Teaching the Constitution”; Joseph Andrews’ “Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the U.S. using original texts And the Classical Learning Methods of the Founders” –
Teachers as guides, writers and interpreters of law, writers of regulations as guides (not open-society’s law), judges, attorneys, and just plain, old-fashion and Youth that are natural and naturalized Citizens of this Nation....and any individual from any Nation on this Planet because the Declaration is about You — and All men are created equal — because God is...
Writing any law, legislation, regulation, statute, E.O., or adjudicating without the 1828 Dictionary, Principles and “12 Basic..” or is guaranteed to lead you astray..Below are a few excerpts from Principles and “The Twelve Basic American Principles.*
The absolute goal of learning all this: The Sovereignly of Person to his God And To This United States of America in our “Rule of Law”. That is the reason it is “supreme Law of the Land”.
If they do not utilize these original resources with Scripture, the consequences are contained in all the above and all statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, and Court Rulings - Including the Supreme Court; and the “Modern-day” Amendments starting in 1916's blank check for taxpayer resources; Both Founding Documents will continued to erode and vaporize, with every word they represent to the Progress of mankind to “..Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven...”.
Want to know experience some of God’s humor? Realize that George Soros Did in fact, exercise his “Person” of “Free Will” in creating his definition of merged ‘society’ with ‘polity’ law. He was raised Jewish, so he knows who God is. He has chosen to deny God, but God didn’t ignore him...did He?!!!!!!! You see, God is...whether man chooses Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth(Proverbs).. Or not. Life, Liberty, and Pursuits are the living and inanimate objects of, by, and for Homo Sapiens with cognitive attributes... Homo Sapiens from evolution;..But Without the “Soul” until God was ready to impart Person, one-at-a-time, with all this distinctly separate part of “Body” of our mammal background... All God’s Creatures have “soul” especially those who have been our companions since earliest times: horses, dogs, goats, donkeys, elephants, etc.
Whenever any Person travels the above roads of Scripture, to history, to life-liberty-pursuits, to Declaration-Constitution and all previous attempts of Person to be One, standing as “The Whole is the sum of each One of its Parts”, he cannot but learn why loving God with all your heart, soul, and might occurs naturally...and without question or doubt.... Our Founders and so many of us who yesterday, today, and tomorrow - shall continue as One Person before God...and hopefully with required corrections...Both Our Founding Documents With Scripture and Obedient Love.
Constitutional Principles:--
—The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species HOMO SAPIENS, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.
— The natural rights of persons are INALIENABLE, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.
—In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.
— An unconstitutional statue is Not a Law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTI-LAW.
— Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.
— Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the PRINCIPLE OF NUREMBERG.
—ANY citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the DUTY to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION. [It is very important to realize - Americans - that because we are One Person before God and before our Constitution ---- We Are In Fact among the Court of Competent Jurisdiction – especially expressed in “Consent of the Governed”.
“ The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hamilton Abert Long, c1976:
— “The traditional American Philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights..”
—“No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual— may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small–even a minority of a lone Individual.”
— Any Democracy (distorted, Open Society), ...does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived... A Democracy in America (CA,. HA, WA and Fed. Gov of Obama), as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy (Open society), Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of the Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy...”
Please pay attention to the conventions of party, to AINO / DINO, RINO, Progressive and any mix thereof. Principles also contains 12 ways in which statues or other official acts may be unconstitutional. Do not continue, as some of us did on June 5, to spend without regard to accountability, irresponsible use of taxpayer resources / earnings as property - contained in forming commissions — especially of the DEM variety.
Please understand that you cannot delegate your Person of responsibility – whether you have children or not; that time as term limits, money as the determiner of President, number as top-two, popular, majority allows distortion and lie of our Consent to govern. Numbers can be used with complete flexibility of “opinion without interference” - false science Global Warming - and false data – not converting +/- 0.001 degree of error transducer temperatures to +/- 1 degree of error of mercury thermometers; or medicine ignoring that cholesterol is indispensable to the protection of neurons to brain cell function – statin drugs interfere (sources available).
Good job 6/5/12, here in SD:-) We have a lot of work to do and 11/6/2012 is just the beginning......
Constitutional Principles,
Open Society,
Twelve Basic American Principles
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