Monday, June 25, 2012

Law of God Absent Rule of Supremacy of Court

Yes, that would be true of this Supreme Court of Man's Law absent God's Laws of Scripture - the origin of our Republican form of Representative Government under Oath of Office they took.

Would that each-one of them could see that Memorial to every War Fought and Men who died - not only for nation - but for each one's lost life, liberty, and pursuit... for them and for what they offered - alive - to the posterity of this Nation.

Such hate and disparaging love - goes unrecognized by this set of homo sapiens is the statement: "Do Not Attend Court for Justice." It is absent without leave of our "Rule of Law" and of Each Person as Citizen with honor and duty and service to our Nation.

They're continued denial of God in Person of Constitution, continues unabated; for they deny person is comprised of 'body' and of 'soul'. They deny that Law is written to protect each person's most sacred property "soul". They favor that Government does not answer to the "Protection of One" -- and that Person, State, and even Nation shall be subservient and submissive to the "dyslaw" of force, power, with tyranny.

Evidenced by "Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder v. Phelps"; "Professions are not entitle to the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (1997); Living Objects shall be allowed to legal process as parties at law:  urine and identity of all persons who work in every aspect of health care - especially skill nursing facilities -Nationwide-testing fingers, criminal records (part of the Health Plan we'll hear about on Thurs); and the 1948 McClellan separation of church and state - denial of Scripture connected to Church.

Demonstrates that God's Law shall be Truth and never change; while Man's law cannot be trusted to: 'We know that law is good if a man uses it lawfully. Knowing that the law is good, law is Not Made For the Righteous Man, but for the sinner and wrongdoer, ... and any unsound doctrine..  of I Timothy 1:8-19.

And, simply, if those homo sapiens with cognitive attributes of physiology - can leave their grey matter in the sand long enough, they can take pride in their success at removing God's Applied Laws in Both Declaration and Constitution - from our Nation in favor of the now germinated, waxy, thorns, of dryness and darkness named Open Society Socialism with UN borderless nations and jurisprudence!

Thank you so much Jusice Scalia -- especially for your Anger -- in your opposition to:  illegal people are no longer illegal under Federal Law according to this man who is in a 'POSITION OF GREATEST IMPORTANCE AS AN MISTAKE. THE BIGGEST AND MOST DEVASTATING MISTAKE IN OUR NATION'S HISTORY'

1 comment:

  1. This may be removed from FB due to the supremacy of the FB police monitoring the qualifications of words that may appear... The absent 5th Amendment to be face to face with an accuser!

    This "dyslaw" see requirements for Constitutionalist.
