Monday, June 4, 2012

The mayor's race and "Top-two vote getter regardless of political party affiliation..

.. from ABC 5/31 poll:, "..City Council Member Carl DeMaio gets 31%, Congressman Bob Filner gets 28%, State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher gets 23%. .."

31 for Carl -- 28 for Filner / Obama --- 23 for RINO Fletcher a participator in Filner's Politico Fest at Liberty Station 09/17/2010; 11 for Bonnie Dumanis.

Here is the 'lie' that California's Article II:5(a)(b) causes by top - two vote getters regardless of political affiliation: 1) Obviously there is political affiliation -- No to Obama/Filner is 28% -- a distant 4th Place, because 31+28+11 = 65% of Republicans, change-over, Libertarians, and other parties. The 7% left over belong to others.

The Unconstitutional part is the violation of Article IV:4 guaranteeing our Republican form of government; and Article V - because our Nation and State are not solely a democracy of collective mass... We are a Republic of "The Minority of One Protected"...and the Constitution cannot be changed unless Article V is used.

2) Numbers are great for survey and poll to sway opinion -- aren't they!  It looks like the majority or popular vote likes Obama / Filner doesn't it!!!  That's the Lie --- Big Time... and the ABC reporters have no idea ... nor do many others reading  "NUMBER of Collective mass -- majority Is Much, Much more important than Open-society/UN Agenda 21 / home of Acorn - Filner; and RINO of the New Majority Party of Filner -- who really doesn't have any interest in the City --- simply a counter-support for the unions and Spanish, special interest - other than America groups as his endorsers - against Carl    He is running against Carl --- not for the City of San Diego

Carl is so successful at changing Union's stranglehold on life, liberty, and pursuits of San Diego City and County ... that any and all tactics from during the hundreds of us volunteers working for the petition which brought in the most signatures in the History of this City.... Proposition B - Pension Reform and Proposition A - the fair and open competition which removes the same unions from the stranglehold on construction and other substructure activities of our City.... and it is Our Ctiy -- County - Incorporated, Charter or not!!!

Please do not be fooled!

Do not cave-into the union-pitch of Fletcher that person of life is much more important than the work of each day of each year that Carl DeMaio has been and will continue to serve This City...

All the junk about lifestyle is just that and if you want to rule and judge on Sin--- Then be Fair and judge the sins of all mayoral candidates.... not just the union's  self-declared enemy of all time --- Carl DeMaio.  The union's sin alone covers two: Filner and Fletcher,  possibly Dumanis.

 If you still have problems supporting Carl - The Only Candidate Who Has Actually Produced The Change Needed for our City; then let Fletcher (54%) be second... But, for Pete's sake --- Not 28% Filner!  He is the property owned and delivered by Obama as well as Unions. and taken together by the demonstrated, party affiliations not even a consideration in view of his Loving, service to his lord and master -- Obama!!!

PLEASE VOTE CARL DEMAIO FOR MAYOR OF OUR CITY TOMORROW--- he is the only Candidate who has worked, demonstrated the truth of his words and actions both in Road to Recovery, the Bay front PRIVATE Business taking 100% of risk - benefit development; and the Unions unabashed usury control over taxpayer resources in our City.

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