Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Word and Work for our Nation - Tuesday, June 5, 2012...

..2012 Reaffirmation of God's Law in our Republican government whose origins reside in Scripture....not ecclesiastics...rites... ceremonies ------ The Ten Commandments with Each-One-Person's accountability to God with love, service, and duty to the Nation He and 58 Persons created for each-one-of-US for We Are Their 235 year-old Posterity.... and 235 yrs from this day --- the Posterity of the great, great-great grandchildren and youth Each-One-Person is accountable to in the Name of this Short Beautiful part of our Lord God in Christ:
The Calling of the Original Twelve Apostles

Don't be fooled by Words without deeds, Society as definer of Righteousness absent Religion and Morality --- If you are not sure -- Read George Washington's Farewell Address --- and Congress-We the People---if you have been sitting on your hands ----- JUST STOP--- "ANY CITIZEN who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an ap0parent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, Has The DUTY to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION."

"WE THE  PEOPLE" with "and to secure these RIGHTS, governments are instituted among men DERIVING their just powers FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.." The Oaths of Office: ARTICLE I and IV with THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: are the Physical Law of the Scriptures and of the Morality of mankind.  The Flag Is Our Banner of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America are SACRED DOCUMENTS from God's Law in Scripture

Plastic Bags, sexual deviation - absent God's Laws ,  the czars appointed by and the responsibility of Oath of Office by Obama-Soros Open-Society's LAW regarding: the children of the parents who bore them, 32oz sugar-contained sodas, how electricity shall be utilized and not be utilized, minerals like petroleum; fishies - snails - land with water - and the air we exhale and cannot exist on this planet without CO2 as UN's devotion to 'the false god' named GLOBAL WARMING TRADED AS A COMMODITY; the absent God's Laws United Nations affect on Planning development of the cities throughout the US(A) in violation of our Nation's Person, city, county, State natural rights...Agenda 21...with  the epitome of denigration and opposition to both our Declaration and Constitution --- --- AND

THE "Person" and "Persons" who support in silence, refuse accountability, refuse to use the word "Constitution" as unlawful because of "The Majority rules -- completely absent physical and moral Law of "The Whole is the Sum of Each ONE of its parts" -- for 'majority' means solely the bigger, larger, more popular, inanimate/indifferent object named "Number" as very much more superior to this video and all it represents to One Person Before His God and Before THE SUPREME LAW OF OUR LAND!!

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