Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sen. Barry Goldwater, 1994 Republican Party of Principle: The Conservative Belief is Our Republic under God

We the People of God and Nation First are "the standard bearer for Republican Party - conservatism in our Republic under God:  "..But in summing up, let us make sure we know what is meant by "conservatism" -- exactly what the conservative philosophy stands for..."; and Ronald Reagan, though he, like too many Americans, did misunderstand and mistake "Democracy" for our archetypal Republican form of Representative government,  campaigned for Senator Goldwater and expresses these views  "We always must ask: Is government working to liberate and empower the individual? Is it creating incentives for people to produce, save, invest, and profit from legitimate risks and honest toil? Is it encouraging all of us to reach for the stars? Or does it seek to compel, command, and coerce people into submission and dependence? Ask these questions, because no matter where you look today, you will see that deveolpment depends on economic freedom."-- Address to World affairs Council of Philadelphia, October 15, 1981

"First, conservatives are not limited to the Republican Party. They are found in increasing numbers throughout the Nation, wherever thinking people take a long, hard look at the [50 year nearing catastrophe] 30 year trend toward centralization of power and decision-making in Washington.

What the conservatives seek is not a counter-revolution ---nor at headlong dash back to the 19th century --- but a brake on Federal expansion. Led by Sen. Goldwater [only We the People in 2014, for our party-leadership has deserted its tenets - though RNC is asking for your input. (Having trouble finding the link it is not apparent at the website)], they believe there Is an alternative to the relentless course toward an authoritarian state, a course that has seriously imperiled individual liberty. What is more, this alternative is intellectually respectable and economically workable.

The conservative believes in a restoration of balance between government and individual powers. .." 

[though right now, a full-blown-dictatorship with administrative-police-state writing, enforcing and colluding with the other 15, 16 is news-slave to the tongue of falsehood, for the dictator's cabinets; so only Article II:4 is Truth of, by, for consent of the governed and We the People:  "You Cannot serve both God and Mammon" ]

"This is neither negative nor backward; it is positive and "Progressive. ..[meaning a. Moving forward; proceeding onward; advancing; as progressive motion or course; opposed to retrograde.   1. Improving. The arts are in a progressive state."]. .."
          [Progressive, like "sick", is one of the black is white if the WASP/UDHR-Obama-socialist-atheist decrees it so. "Retrograde means 1. Going or moving backwards.      2. In astronomy, apparently moving backward and contrary to the succession of the signs, as a planet.      3. Declining from a better to a worse state.  RET'ROGRADE, v.i. [L. retrogradior; retro and gradior, to go.]  To go or move backward.   So, when Americans of God and Nation First are referring to the Progressive Republican Leadership, we are addressing 'retrograde-robo-think of kingship, emperor, no truth and only human precept exists for all decreed and dictated behaviors especially against the good and honest American and all individual persons on God's Planet.]

"..For in the final analysis Only Individual Initiative promotes, as no state domination ever can, the general and material and spiritual welfare. Both history and the course of every state-dominated country in the world today rove this to be true.

The creative forces of our economy of free and competitive enterprise are Individual forces ["And assume among the powers of the earth.."]. THIS IS OUR HERITAGE. BY VIRTUE OF IT, OUR NATION HAS FLOURISHED LIKE NO OTHER IN HISTORY.  It will continue to flourish as long as this same basic institution --- Individual Freedom--- .." 

["..the separate and equal station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Entitle One People for the purpose of demonstrating and establishing, enabling Among the Certain Unalienable Natural Rights" to occur. Those two entire sentences are the entire world of Absolute Love of God to each-one-of your own unique, immortal-soul, in body - which comprise "Person" of Constitutional Law, magnificent Gifts of His Everlasting Presence]

"..is our guiding principle.  We the People of God and Nation First ["Barry Goldwater is..; Ronald Reagan Is... George W. Bush Is... Michele Bachmann Is..; John Boehner Is..; Sarah Palin Is..; Ron Paul..Is; and others who still have a bit of 'learning to complete" hopefully assisted by Barry and Ronald, Tom and James, George and John, Ben and Alexander..] are dedicated to preserving that principle." 

--- So, please Help US(A) my/our Lord God -- Christ are waiting...and working....Barry Goldwater is here; the Founders are here; and most importantly You - reading this is Here... and you are no longer "socialist progressive-republican word's 'Members of the Choir' " --- You Are One, Very Important Person of Soul, Person - Part of the "Whole of the Polity" which you help define: of, by, and for yourself, those you love and those you know, and those you will never know...most especially among the Youth from kindergarten through sophistry, graduate school of human precept completely absent wisdom, knowledge, Truth... and Article III Judicial -- abandonment of Justice; for there is no Justice unless God's Law is The Supreme Law of the Land.

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