Thursday, February 13, 2014

Representative Duncan Hunter’s TownHall Phone Call - email response 02/05/14

I participated in Representative Hunter's Town Hall Phone Call and in Senator Cruz's both regarding the heineous "PPAA" which is Repealed since it is Not Valid fact, truth in any part of its content especially "Affordable" for it alone,

Representative Hunter - Yes, there is a "reason" for that word in relation to Article IV:4 including protection from invasion which includes infringement of ALL Rights of Constitutional Person - "The individual component of the polity is the Person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity."  There Are No Physical or Environmental Characteristics of Person; and Law is written to protect the inherent righteousness of men - The assumption of Trust in Truth - "Religion and Morality" person to himself, to those he knows, and to those he will never know, any location on God's Planet administrated by our King of Kings. Gender does not matter -- "Deeds" in all roles of life is what is judged; and not by personality of UDHR's Article 29 enforced by 30 or by the Executive Branch's administrative-police-state-martinet's minnie kingdom.
"The polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others." at

---Thank you so much for your Townhall Phone Call; and your opening statements of concern -- especially the reference to this "Person" in the White House who has completely repudiated his Personal integrity in Promise - Article II:1, Clause 8 Oath of Office:  The Person occupying the People's House is more than simply a "liar" -- read both the Constitutional Principals carefully; for our Republic under God --- means ALL GOD'S LAWS, expressed in the "forbidden and denial of any form of law" in the Declaration of Independence -- so that before you have certain, unalienable natural rights, you, person, must have the entitlement of your unique Immortall-Soul as “separate and equal station, and the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God”, that is James Madison’s Essay “Property” at founders/documents/v1ch 16s23.html,  in order to exercise your rights... and Oath of Office; like your Oath into the Service, my Nightingale Pledge, and a physician's Hippocratic Oath, each-one-Person with God as Witness, are the unique in the history of mankind, Republican Form of Representative Government.  

It's Important, Rep. Hunter and completely ignored by to many Americans and the World’s - Obama Socialist Atheist Properties (WASP)  -- because the "Constitution is "see law" and a dictated and decreed, isolated Document which has absolutely no connection to either the "Moral Government of God", or the Declaration's 1137 words of God's and Founders Lessons, Instructions, abuses, definitions and promises from that day to this; aka Patriarch Washington's "Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. ...and let it simply be asked...perhaps you know the rest of this succinct statement of our Archetypal government protecting One Person from the man sitting in the White House doing exactly what you described in your opening remarks. (Among machine-gun fire, this person, who is accountable to God, was called a liar at least three times)

That No Person of God and Nation First understands what the Colonists, Founders among them, absolutely understood without any doubt whatsoever in our Everlasting Father and His son our King of Kings, Counselor and Friend, Jesus --- The Three Sacred Documents.

I had to preamble this, for your remarks accurate as there were, though the US Debt clock at  requires updating and spend a few minutes in some simple percentage math... especially "business which has absolutely no relationship with government except taxes and licenses, (US called private enterprise; Socialist atheists “The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer - sorry, but that’s from the new Catholic Bishop who has never even experienced the greater risk/ and great rewards, SWOT of planning), in order to have the business be permitted privilege and immunity"; i.e the 16+Trillion on your right side! Then cross over to the left side's 6 largest budget items and note first, the only numbers spiraling downward is Defense; 5 of the top 6 - especially cursor over "income security"??? where in the constitution is that located???? -- alone -- draw  approx. 15% of the 16 Trillion + in revenue; and don't forget the 1.07 Gross debt to GDP ratio --- to say nothing of the "Gross National Debt"  $60.840+Trillion to the $16 +trillion revenue --- and a Federal Level of government who cannot comprehend or define the word "ceiling".

You see, at the now increase to $191,634 per taxpaying citizen - not adding the interest, -- every one taxpayer is now an "Indentured Servant of government". There's more here in these numbers -- you have to use logic or relate and connect;.. and your observational skills as a Marine.. check out number of Fed Employees and realize they pay their income taxes with taxpayer dollars, ie it is not money from the "businesses which are not attached to government”.....(you cannot call it 'private enterprise' for those words are also extinct in socialism)

Next visit -- note the number of Article II - closed-shop-SEIUnion-dictatorship-administrative-state - lawmakers -- not regulation...Law, Rep. Hunter!  Go here for "Administrative-state" info (2 Sites): (BTW if you haven't subscribed, please do.. and think of your son with Dr. Arne :-) !) and, though Jim DeMint has a great article at Heritage and BTW -- look at the work it has done at Heritage President Jim DeMint who has kept the work of the Republicans in the Senate.

Regarding 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: at -- Not only is there not One Republican Signature to PPAA from either House or Senate; but also 10 States of Socialist-Socialist (used to be DEM-DEM, but that party is extinct since they still support in law the Three Sacred Documents i.e Republic under God) Representatives --- every single Republican in those States had ZERO - consent of the governed, aka Voters, i.e the Blue States of "top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation" as long as it is socialist; and except for One Person, from among We the People, who REFUSED TO PARTICIPATE in the vote Ya or Nay regarding PPAA, - Sen. Bunning of Kentucky - who does not know that "silence is agreement" ( it is in Ezekiel 33: 1-22 but really the whole chapter if you want to look at what God instructed Ezekiel directly), in refusing to vote, -- disowned-disenfranchised 50% of the State of Kentucky.  Please realize that means the Declaration's consent of the governed to protect all rights not just "among these are..." -- see,-- also declared and decreed non-existent-forbidden null and void.

Four Justices of the Supreme Court eradicated the Entire PPAA from law; which justice roberts (lower case is intentional as is his malice prepense) was required to stop; especially since he is the 'ravenous wolf of sheep's clothing' in which you cannot obtain grapes from thorns in Matt. 7:15-23 He refused:  "The Court sustains this legislation by assuming two deviations from the facts of this particular case; first, it assumes a state of facts the record Does Not Support, and secondly, it Refuses to Consider facts which are Inescapable on the Record."--Justice Jackson 1947

There is more I could help you understand; but if you will spend about, well I'll leave that to you..;for the most important part of our Founders was their wisdom, knowledge, truth and Trust in I Timothy 1: 3-19... and Proverbs especially 8 "I have been here from the first, before...."; and Learning directly from them, for yourself, will increase you Joy in wisdom, knowledge and Truth in and of itself -- and the presence of our Lord all locations of our organizational chart, the Equilateral Triangle of Representative Government of, by, and for The People...

Always use "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" for the meanings of words relating to The Three Sacred Documents.  It is The original Text for our Archetypal Republican government of One person and all minorities protected; for unless God is Law, it is impossible, as witnessed in PPAA's majority absent reason-truth-knowledge-wisdom with "Malice Prepense" (which you will find in the word "murder" as in the 9th Commandment and look at #4 definition of our Article 4:4

Last, look up  the word "precedent"(at,
 noting One man equal to another man and remembering that Person of unique body and eternal soul - is Not the "Every Body" in the "Human Family" reporting to his "Community" from which, alone his free and full development of personality is possible" - Article 29.1 at --- and don't forget the importance of "climate change" at where the NonGovernmental, Appointed, few men of Kyoto Protocol, UN/UNESCO have determined with our EPA - Interior have declared control in force of all life on God's Planet earth because of the "Threat" of too much C, but solely when attached to O2 --- only one of the tiniest elements among CON-H and Sun mandatory and inherent to all plant and animal life..”Climate Change”: Executive Order 13653 of November 1, 2013 PREPARING THE UNITED STATES FOR THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE connects to UN/UNESCO/WSIS/UDHR - Agenda 21 Global Warming and therfore to PPAA for both depend exclusively upon One Gas C...O2 :

There is a Cherry Tree and a Peach Tree for Socialist's, using Cloward-Piven at because this is exactly what you are experiencing when you spoke of how you have learned to write a Bill --- You see with the Socialists you will never write a Bill correctly - for UDHR Article 19.

Precedent means:  One judge or legislator or administrative-state-martinet will decree that Cherry from one to whatever inanimate, indifferent-object, number, from the whole cherry tree as mandatory to determine the 'settled, but not settled right"(Justice Brandis 1932) or "“— "The Court sustains this legislation by assuming two deviations from the facts of this particular case; first, it assumes a state of facts the record Does Not Support, and secondly, it Refuses to Consider facts which are Inescapable on the Record. ".Justice Jackson of 1946-47 Everson v. Board of Education of the Township of Ewing in New York, to”fix”-Kill, the Peach Tree.

Right means "2. In morals and religion, just; equitable; accordant to the standard of truth and justice or the will of God. That alone is right in the sight of God, which is consonant to his will or law; this being the only perfect standard of truth and justice. In social and political affairs, that is right which is consonant to the laws and customs of a country, provided these laws and customs are not repugnant to the laws of God. A man's intentions may be right, though his actions may be wrong in consequence of a defect in judgment.
5. True; not erroneous or wrong; according to fact. If there be no prospect beyond the grave, the inference is certainly right, "let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die."      6. Correct; passing a true judgment; not mistaken or wrong. You are right, justice, and you weigh this well.     adv. 2. According to the law or will of God, or to the standard of truth and justice; as, to judge right.      noun. 1. Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. Right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.    
2. Conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice. When laws are definite, right and wrong are easily ascertained and understood. In arts, there are some principles and rules which determine what is right. In many things indifferent, or left without positive law, we are to judge what is right by fitness or propriety, by custom, civility or other circumstances.      3. Justice; that which is due or proper; as, to do right to every man. Long love to her has borne the faithful knight, and well deserv'd had fortune done him right.      4. Freedom from error; conformity with truth or fact. Seldom your opinions err, your eyes are always in the right.".

Yes, socialist-atheists-"no fixed truth" (at are creating, and establishing a new case or bill  called ‘cherry-peach tree’; both of which have a stone.

Precedent’s fruit- Stone's other name is Man in the Cherry Tree is equal to Man in the Peach Tree; and Nature's Law, to say nothing about fruit tree’s nature,  "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other"; or a Cherry Tree equals a Peach Tree.

Now that's a fairly clear absurdity; but Cloward-Piven-Obama-H. Clinton Lucifer Alinsky -- absent a fixed Truth and with the aid of "The moral rightness of any action is determined by its consequences; lie and steal (steal is more than object see www.1828.mshaffer,com) are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm" stated in UDHR as "Article !9: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" [boundaries, jurisprudence]; and you may need to look up "Truth" in the 1828 because of the extensive and unique definition you will find there; -- and check-out "Person" and "Soul" also, for you will never find another AMERICAN DICTIONARY  which utilizes Scripture as Testimony and attestation to Truth of words for communication and language as succinctly stated as in Dr. Webster's 25 years of work for our archetypal republican form of government...

 Mr. Justice Jackson’s “Dissent” has become the single most reliable statement of predicable outcome of the Supreme Court; and is the watchword of prophecy in violation of Truth and more important, sometimes, Trust in the assumption that Person is honest and righteous - innocent with the responsibility for guilt on the accuser because of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God within The Three Sacred Documents.   Everson is the never to be argued in any court again, "great and impenetrable wall between church and state, where church is synonymous with "Religion and Morality" of an Individual person, i.e that is not the definition of church; and therefore, a horrendous error of human precept rules of behavior, which is now demonstrable as repudiation of The Creator of the universe as just another religion; and never “Religion itself” especially applied to the stone in cherry and peach tree..

But let us not lose track of our cherry and peach tree analogy, for it is essential to understanding the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, Majority "..interest in every community to despoil and enslave the minority of individuals; and in a federal community to make a similar sacrifice of the minority of the component States..."--James Madison. See ---Section 6201 of PPAA “Direct Patient Access Employees of Long-term Care Facilities and Providers.” in which more than 17,500,000 (2009 figures of health professionals primarily RN’s) Constitutional-Persons, within the 50 States, including those States which do not collect fingerprints from honest people, shall not continue work, nor providers, within the entire world of persons who produce an distribute all medical, diagnostic, care and treatment supplies in the USA, unless each-one-person at his own expense, declares his innocence of criminality through his living, indifferent-object fingers. "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law." at , again except the 2009Obama Atheist Socialist Anti-law, Human Precept Regime - government-over-man in The Federalist Papers.

That the DOJ won’t release, because of the 5th Amendment and privacy, any criminal record history unless Both the Name of the incarcerated and the Criminal Code are clearly stated on the request form, represents the mandatory freeze of any form to “seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media to obliterate any semblance of interference in frontier”, boundary, or jurisdiction of the dictates and decrees among the appointed and the Obama Socialist Atheist Regime;

If force and control of government want a useless data base of the privacy of honest Americans...then the police-administrative -state shall have such a record...and do go there...It Does Not prevent In any way, shape or form -- criminal activity; and because it is Marxism -- that isn't the point of the law against honest people see crossroads/Alinsky about the lower third of the page where you dress stuff in moral garments like the lamb, but the Hobbit Dragon is right underneath, like a trap-door spider - size not being necessarily relative to the analogy

From Thomas Jefferson "“It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.”–Thomas Jefferson letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785 [ ]

Rep. Hunter this is exactly what has happened to our Republic under God -- Lie is so permeated and diffuse, every person is blind following blind and dear following deaf --- Patriarch Washington said it this way "It is amazing how people cannot see The Light shining in their eye." -- The Way, The Light of Truth, and The Life;...and it is mixed with denying this definition of Politics "The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.".

Bottom Line: PPAA IS REPEALED because "“The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. "

...except in the 2009Obama Atheist, Socialist, Anti-law, Human precept rules of behavior –“ lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm”: and opinion, probability of Truth is a right of government... and ignorance and want -- the greatest tools of John 8's father evil-father lie.   Our Republican Party of Principle is silent.  Is practicing the Sentinel refusing to warn of God's swift sword... and thereby allowing The Three Sacred Documents to be thoroughly destroyed and overthrown... and yes it is tyranny, usurpation, and despotism...and the 'administrative-police-state is genuine and real....just look at how little of all the work you, Rep. Issa and all Republicans (except perhaps the Progressives who think that there is no loss of the constitution or anyone's rights - especially Amendment IX....) which IS FORBIDDEN COMMUNICATION TO ALL AMERICANS, not just constituents.

This is one of the most insulting things all House Members do, besides hiding their party affiliation of Bills; You sit on Committees affecting the 50 States and Territories and act, as if you only want to hear from those in your District!!!!!?  That's your own, little Cherry Tree, isn't it! I'm addressing this not just to you, Rep. Hunter --- Obama is One Person, You are One person -- exactly as I am One Person-- no difference in Soul/ heart/mind /conscience/ truth or any of the range of New Testament Christ Teachings of Person of Eternal Soul and location when accountability occurs after death of body. Also,  multiple-choice issues all Representatives, are absent The Declaration and Constitution, no Common Core Curriculum, No GW, Restrictions on our Nation's assets both Person and petroleum, outer space, though you mentioned manufacturing and you are correct, but with unions as dictators - business was forced to leave; and agi..we can't compete with mexico because of EPA, water, agi regs,, and on and on law-not regulation; punitive not supportive; and always distrust and not truth;  and No Health care either... and other is forbidden cause your are suppose to choose only from the allowed stuff.  Please open-up the multiple choice and remember We the People are of God and Nation First

So as it is what needs to start the destruction of father evil-father lie in John 8 -- you don't have to believe, simple logic is adequate and you did state the proofs in every word of your opening remarks, Rep. Hunter.

Please -- join Republicans together, and all stand on the floor of the House - as One in the Whole of our Republic - and say P.L 111-148 is REPEALED using Section 265 of 2nd ed. American Jurisprudence; enforce The Three Sacred Documents; and do not continue to deny God, Christ, and spit on our Flag, Puritans, Colonists, and Founders.

That is all you have to say -- and the Republican Minority in the Senate - as closed to exactly the same hour in the same day as humanly possible - or even better, visit each other in each other's House, together, and LOOK those Socialists in the Eye as you slowly, clearly state those words One....At.....A.......Time!!!  "Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.". --Thomas Jefferson  The Truth stands on its own..and must be allowed...right?!

Please bear in mind, that in our seceded from the Union, without possibility of assistance in Article IV:4's Guarantee of our Republican form of government;...socialist region once known as California, there are, among the more than 500 anti-law Bills by the Socialist-tyranny of the majority absent knowledge, wisdom, truth, in which there is Not One Republican, Assembly or Senate Signature...such is the perfidy of the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, majority: I have asked Assemblyman Marie Waldron and not directly also, asked her to coordinate with Assemblyman Jones; haven't spoken to Sen. Wyland yet; to do exactly what I am asking you and all Republicans to do...You cannot serve both God and Mammon; and to think you can compromise -- well how would you like to play poker with father evil-father lie?  How much do you think you will win?  At the same time, Christ's 5W's and H written in The Three Sacred Documents are truly the only way.... and there is no human precept that can be supreme to the word of there...

PPAA would not have, and did not come to consideration at any time before spring 2009. It exists exclusively because of tyranny of majority - European King/Emperor-ship of force and control:

 "Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

A Minority of One Protected: The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual." at

Some of what is written, and what I heard you say in our Townhall is among the words of truth I speak in the name of our Colonists, Founders, and Americans of everyday life from that time to this on FB, and in my blogs.  I will be and have been writing a more extensive, in supporting proofs, the intrinsic, interwoven Three Sacred Documents; and more on Judicial especially its complete disrespect of person - and absence of Truth required for justice...human precept analogy of 'precedent'

There is nothing written herein that is absent proof..and you know that truth.

It is important not to spend time in the cherry tree. It is discouraging and impossible for evil is as diffuse in life; as Christ is in His and our Eternal Father in their magnificence; so spend your time in the Three Sacred Documents - Use Joseph Andrews Manuel at He writes with the connections/ relate of the three do I.  Be aware, there are many 'constitutionalists' who have been taught secular human precepts.  Law is The Declaration and Constitution with your innate 'common sense'. Both are written of, by, and for The Whole of the Polity. If you read The Bible, you can understand and use Law....   Trust and continue faith in yourself and in the Truth..using the work of the Founders.  I can and would like to help.  For example, your Bill Summary has the "Constitutional Authority" completely absent The Constitutional Authority" -- I Timothy's Empty Argument of they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes upon which they harp".  I can help with that and have..Cathy

PS I had to leave to pick a friend up in urgent care; but really enjoyed and listened to all you said Rep. Hunter; and I very much appreciated being involved. Thank you. I have personal experience in understanding Gospel, March 12, 1770 "Journal"; The Founder's and what they have taught me...11CV 1760 MMA POR - I wrote it and presented it to US District Court. Among my 26 pieces of evidence was PPAA's Section 6201 -- before anyone knew of the Section's extreme police-state- fingers supreme to person's heart/ mind/ soul/ conscience in honor and integrity.  The 4 Attorney Generals and their staffs saw this piece of evidence...among other proofs of the issue of fingerprints and revoked grandfather clauses.
I have lived the abuses, including just last week in CA superior court in which my "forgiven DMV smog violation" was not forgiven by the judge in the court, because I didn't appear on the proper date of hearing.  I didn't appear because there was no "reason" to appear. I had completely complied with what DMV required of me.  But because my body did not enter the door of the courtroom, there was a $50.00 courtroom use fee; a $15.00 "processing fee for the clerk" and $150.00 for the judge who decided I was guilty of not presenting my body to his courtroom on the date required -- violation cannot be forgiven until body enters court -- there is no such idea as a "forgiven violation" the superior court of CA forbids such a concept..... I'm on SS; and there is another story about an ill Dutchman who was told one thing and forbidden that the same courtroom. No person in that room, except the judge himself, agreed with the complete rudeness and disrespect of that judge...and I don't care what his name is...It isn't his personality.  It is his honor, duty and service in Truth he has completely failed. I think I can report it  to the FBI - something about they investigate violations of the supreme Law of the Land; though isn't that what in silence, we are repudiating its existence and allowing few men to dictate that there is no God and No natural rights or any rights for that matter.....?

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