Saturday, February 15, 2014

1788 - Letter of Benjamin Rush to David Ramsay - Against Simple Democracies and Bills of Rights

Columbian Herald (Charleston, S.C.), April 19, 1788
Extract of a letter from Dr. RUSH, of Philadelphia, lately received by gentleman of this city.


“I presume before this time you have heard, and rejoiced in the auspicious events of the ratification of the federal government by six of the United States.

“The objections which have been urged against the federal constitution from its wanting a bill of rights, have been reasoned and ridiculed out of credit in every state that has adopted it. There can be only two sureties for liberty in any government, viz. representation and checks.

By the first, the rights of the people, and by the second, the rights of representation are effectually
secured. Every part of a free constitution hangs upon these two points, and these form the two capital features of the proposed constitution of the United States. Without them, a volume of rights would avail nothing, and with them a declaration of rights is absurd and unnecessary; for the PEOPLE where their liberties are committed to an equal representation, and to a compound legislature (such as we observe in the new government) will always be the sovereigns of their rulers, and hold all their rights in their own hands. To hold them at the mercy of their servants, is disgraceful to the dignity of freemen. Men who call for a bill of rights, have not recovered from the habits they acquired under the monarchical government of Great-Britain.

“I have the same opinion with the antifederalists of the danger of trusting arbitrary power to any single body of men; but no such power will be committed to our new rulers. Neither the house of representatives, the senate, or the president can perform a single legislative act by themselves. An hundred principles in man will lead them to watch, to check and to oppose each other, should an attempt be made by either of them upon the liberties of the people. If we may judge of their conduct, by what we have so often observed in all the state governments, the members of the federal legislature will much oftener injure their constituents by voting agreeably to their inclinations, than against them.

“But are we to consider men entrusted with power as the receptacles of all the depravity of human nature? By no means. The people do not part with their full proportions of it. Reason and revelation both deceive us, if they are all wise and virtuous. Is not history as full of the vices of the people, as it is of the crimes of the kings? what is the present moral character of the citizens of the United States? I need not discover it. It proves too plainly, that the people are as much disposed to vice as their rulers, and that nothing but a vigorous and efficient government can prevent their degenerating into savages, or devouring each other like beasts of prey.

“A simple democracy, has been very aptly compared by Mr. Ames of Massachusetts, to a volcano that contained within its bowels the fiery materials of its own destruction. A citizen of one of the Cantons of Switzerland in the year 1776, refused to drink in my presence “the commonwealth of America” as a toast, and gave as a reason for it, “that a simple democracy was the devil’s own government.”—The experience of the American states under the present confederation has in too many instances justified these two accounts of a simple popular government.

“It would have been a truth, if Mr. Locke had not said it, that where there is no law, there can be no liberty, and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain, and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community.

“To look up to a government that establishes justice, insures order, cherishes virtue, secures property, and protects from every species of violence, affords a pleasure, that can only be exceeded by looking up in all circumstances to an overuling providence.—Such a pleasure I hope is before us, and our posterity under the influence of the new government.

“The dimensions of the human mind, are apt to be regulated by the extent and objects of the government under which it is formed. Think then my friend, of the expansion and dignity the American mind will acquire, by having its powers transferred from the contracted objects of a state to the unbounded objects of a national government!—A citizen and a legislator of the free and UNITED STATES of America, will be one of the first characters in the world.

“I would not have you suppose, after what I have written, that I believe the new government to be without faults. I can see them, but not in any of the writings or speeches of any of the persons who are opposed to it. But who ever saw any thing perfect come from the hands of man? It realises notwithstanding in a great degree, every wish I ever entertained in every stage of the revolution for the happiness of my country, for you know that I have acquired no new opinions on principles upon the subject of republics, by the sorrowful events we have lately witnessed in America.—In the year 1776, I lost the confidence of the people of Pennsylvania, by openly exposing the dangers of a simple democracy, and declaring myself an advocate for a government composed of three legislative branches.

“Adieu—from dear sir, yours sincerely.”

As is true of the Founders, and Colonists, this letter is sage - even in its 'Trust' of government more than The People.

Remember the word "Democracy" is synonymous with Socialism which since January 20, 2009 adds the words atheist and human precept rules of behavior to "nothing deserves the name of law"

-- No Truth - No Trust - - therefore No Justice -- and licentiousness pervades all branches and administrative-police-state of Executive dictatorship --- just like abuses - among the lessons of the Declaration; noting that many of those abuses do not require the alteration of one word - in their exact tyranny, usurpation, and oppression -- long since resulting in despotism....and no longer sufferable either; for now babes-in-arms will be the recipients of despoiling and enslavement....

Having said this, were it not for Speaker Boehner and the minority of Republican  Party minority -- refusing to bow to the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, Majority of arbitrary force and control; We the People would have already lost -- and may have given the per taxpaying citizen debt share $191,709 plus interest  $8,148 on a Gross National Debt 60,873,739,000,000 + growing by millisecond. You need to visit . and as you do...

Remember We the People have completely opposed PPAA/H.Clinton's Universal Healthcare over the last 19 years; there is Not One Republican, House or Senate, Signature to Law on PPAA ; and 4 Justices of the Supreme Court eradicated PPAA, thus completing that the 'very reverent supplication to the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, Majority' literally forcing it down our - each-one-person's throat in the interest of despoil and enslave --- thus reflecting " ...Without them, a volume of rights would avail nothing, .... where there is no law, there can be no liberty, and nothing deserves the name of law but that which is certain, and universal in its operation upon all the members of the community. ..".  There are no Three Sacred Documents -

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