Monday, February 17, 2014

Anti-The Three Sacred Documents - Neighborhood Legislatures

Consent of the governed to protect Each-One-Constitutional Person's Rights of Property expressed in Declaration "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One People IN ORDER TO EXERCISE the Certain Unalienable Natural Rights from The Creator....In our Republic under God "--- The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity."  There are no physical or environmental descriptions of Person - which is related to Scripture" God Created man in His image" --- Soul.

Person is composed of body traveling earthly journey in their unique, immortal Soul; and our archetypal Republican Form of Representative Government - Protects each-one-Person's Soul, for body is an living object..Soul is what law is written to protect in all rights - not just "among these..."; and that protection is secured by each-one--person who volunteers from among We the People to be a candidate or incumbent for office, or appointed, or Any Person who works in any level as an official of Government- the entire Equilateral Triangle of Organization.  Those persons, within the entire structure of government ARE ALL BOUND BY ARTICLE II;1, CLAUSE 8 and ARTICLE VI OATH OF OFFICE - each-one-person's unique, immortal Soul in Promise to stand, preserve, protect The Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -- and God is Witness to that Oath... at and same with 'person'
---The polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others." at

This is a review and/or new information regarding the sacred nature of God's Laws including His Laws of Nature ...our Archetypal THE ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND TO SAY MAN IS MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE; "I AM IN MY FATHER. MY FATHER IS IN ME. I AM IN YOU. YOU ARE IN ME.  OBEY MY COMMANDS. ASK, SEEK, KNOCK AND ALL WILL BE OPENED UNTO YOU.

 It is necessary to say this because everyone is picking little cherries off the cherry tree; while the Cherry Tree itself is being burned, spit upon, and destroyed by the WASP - Obama Socialist, Atheist, "Climate change", PPAA of Every-one-American's healthy or ill life, Anti-Three Sacred Documents Regime".  WASP is the World Atheist Socialist Properties, UN-Agenda 21/UNESCO/WSIS, human precept, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) where there is no person and every body reports to his community, human family, which alone, allows full development of his personality..and opinion without interference of Truth is a right regardless of frontier, boundaries, or jurisprudence...

Though Mr. Cox does not understand what "Socialism is involved in Cloward-Piven and H. Clinton-Obama Lucifer Alinsky, nor does the Republican party for that matter; his "neighborhood districts" create yet another destruction, spit-upon 'consent of the governed' -- disorganization by tearing apart into where your home is located determines your right to run for office; and creates little, tiny, clumps of  number and location determined by 'local committee-group-think" - socialist cells, no doubt utilizing Alinsky's Delphi Technique which no Republican, Teapartier, or independent recognizes as "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers"Article 19 UDHR), boundaries, jurisprudence, borderless nations and jurisprudence.  Opinion is Not Truth --- not even relative truth since lie, as it is well known within our FB format -- is actually the human precept of all official behavior in every level of government, in Common Core curriculum to guarantee ignorance of our Posterity who shall learn obedience in brain-washing by indoctrination...

Here's how:

As this cursor blinks, there are more than 18 to 22 different Kinds of Districts in every One of the 58 counties within 433 cities and rural precincts.  These are layered, upon layers, something like 12 or 14 layers, in order to juggle the software, written by invisible, unaccountable writers who know nothing about our Republic under God... . Add this to the Voter ID you are not to be assumed an honest person -- you must present ID to vote; then

Add CA Constitution, Article II:5(a)(b) top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation/unless the party is Socialist; "Citizens Redistricting Commission";  gerrymandered districts; cities forced through despoil in coercion to form districts by skin-color-except white; country of origin - except the USA the naturalized citizen has given his word of honor, in Pledge of Allegiance to stand, support and preserve - the rights of Each-One Person as "consent of the governed" in the English language - the language of consent of the governed and We the People; and school/city districts where no citizen of the city is allowed a voice in 100% of either school board or city government and Non-partisan, like budget "ceiling" are meaningless words, unless used for the purpose of dereliction of duty -- failure in office  -- failure to uphold Oath of Office at

An honest vote --- dream on!  Republicans, the lesser, minor party -- even given its further division because of ignorance of leadership in how 1947 and 1971 Clinton--Obama-Lucifer Alinsky, a la Jeff McDermott -- has fooled so many otherwise smart people; who forget to line up the "Sermon on the Mount" and The Ten Commandments as side-by-side to "lucifer - The Devil - father evil-father lie - the slayer of men from the beginning in John 8.  Yes, our nation is formed on The Christian Gospel --- and the Founder's meant exactly what they wrote; for the only way One Person can be protected is if God's Laws form the basis, cornerstone, and foundation of "Government of law and not of man"--John Adams

 -- The Social Contract in which lie, deceit, violence, collusion, coercion, deception and infringement of Person's right Is The Socialist, Human Precept Rules of Behavior...No Constitutional Person can run for any office within a city or rural area, unless his home is properly situated -- but the Mayor is allowed to have 100% of the citizens of the city vote... An egregious eradication of our Article 4:4 Republican Form of Government -- completely absent Article V, VI, and VII -- as well as CA Constitution Article XX:3 -- take a look at CA's Oath of Office for government of, by, and for the people! Please bear-in-mind, there is no Federal Government to obtain the guarantee for there?!  Home is an inanimate, indifferent-object which is not supreme to person and cannot be a party at law, except Socialist-atheist-human precept rules of behavior: "Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.".

Consent of the Governed, the Laws of the Declaration of Independence,  is being fragmented and torn into so many pieces, that destruction of informed citizen voter is obliterated.

 Neighborhood Legislatures are the Cloward-Piven of Socialism taken attack, by "disorganization" into so many parts --- the Individual One Person Protected from Socialist government - government-over-man, that our Article IV:4 will cease -- that is The Three Sacred Documents are null and void by overthrow in despotism by the Obama Atheist, socialist, human precept, great and sacred-vain-idol-god, Majority of despoil and enslave the individual and in a federal community to make a similar sacrifice of the minority of the component States.

No Person of our Republic under God shall benefit by Mr. Cox's, neighborhood districts" grapes from thorns or figs from thistles - except the WASP and Obama Socialist Regime -- which by the way is actually "state infringing on the definition of "church:
1. A house consecrated to the worship of God, among Christians; the Lords house. This seems to be the original meaning of the word. The Greek, to call out or call together, denotes an assembly or collection. But, Lord, a term applied by the early Christians to Jesus Christ; and the house in which they worshipped was named from the title. So church goods, bona ecclesiastica; the Lords day, dies dominica.
2. The collective body of Christians, or of those who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the Savior of mankind. In this sense, the church is sometimes called the Catholic or Universal Church.
3. A particular number of christens, united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed, and using the same ritual and ceremonies; as the English church; the Gallican church; the Presbyterian church; the Romish church; the Greek church.
9. The collective body of Christians, who have made a public profession of the Christian religion, and Who are Untied Under the Same Pastor [a Person who has not joined a denomination/ ecclesiastics]; in distinction from those who belong to the same parish, or ecclesiastical society, but have made no profession of their faith.  

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