Tuesday, August 28, 2012

From G. VanVulkenberg FB Mr. Lincoln ..

Yes, but solely if "We the People" will allow the Love of God, Obedience to His Laws of "Religion and Morality": - Laws in Declaration; applied in Constitution.

The entire Declaration is comprised of God's Laws and Lessons: God directly 5 times; and indirectly throughout the entire document. The 5th is buried and states: "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here." and includes consanguinity. The indirect, is only 'indirect", because it is not recognized in the "Relate" and "Reflect" of classical learning: Instruction regarding the evil side of mankind as a source of governance: despotism, tyranny, Treason, usurpation, and the demonstration of the evil: Abuses;  and the action / Act which is a duty and  integral each person's accountability to God in Honor; which leads to the most important - eternal statement of one person to another person all of whom comprise the "Whole": "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred Honor. We as One Person are a Nation of Millions of One Person.  The Declaration is as sacred a document as is The Bible.

The Constitution, with its Principles as the Bridge with the Declaration and with the basis of Republican government in Scripture, Is the Laws of the Declaration applied to Protection of Person / Persons from government-over-man -- "the circumstances of our emigration here".

The Constitution directly relates to God in only Two Locations: "Article II Oath of Office and Article VI Oath of Office = Earth /temporal/acknowledgement of His perfection which includes His complete understanding of every comment made on this FB page and at our Convention.  The Preamble is the Statement of Personal Responsibility of each Natural and Naturalized Citizen or person within our Nation; and those Nations which wish to apply Republican form of Person of One / Minority - all minorities Protection from government-over-man.

The terrible judicial lie, really, of impenetrable wall of separation church and state; --- and the terrible myth that those 56 men, and the We the People of that time, had no idea what they were writing and therefore the "religion and morality" is so much "show"  --- The "mansion" of shouting and false gods - secular looks much more rewarding to too many "elected or not We the People".  Earthly is better and more reliable than "Soul" of Person before his God and in our nation's supreme, 1789,  Law of the Land.

There is a 'state church" it is called "IRS-501C3" which declares as only government-over-man is able to declare: "You may exercise the religion we declare is eligible for tax exempt donations. You may not address person as candidate or issues from the pulpit -  for solely government determines right or wrong, good or bad of "Religion and Morality".  

All men have always stated principles and love of God as the accountability, With the Full Knowledge That No Man, or government, Can Ever Be Perfect; but Each Person's soul travels to God where the only location of Judgment occurs!    

Each and Every Person, who loves our God and our Nations, must reflect, relate and re-in-state the love, faith, knowledge, wisdom and understanding in Truth of our Colonial Ancestors and even of the Ancestors who arrived here from all the Nations of our Planet...for God Is Our Father Who aret in Heaven, Hollowed Be His Name; thy Kingdom come, thy Will be Done, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Give US(A) this day (Convention) our daily bread; and forgive us our Trespasses (forgetting the Truth of "Religion and Morality" Mr. Washington taught us among so much more in his "Farewell Address"); as we forgive those who trespass against US(A) ....and lead us not into temptation, but delvier us from evil; for Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever..........AMEN.  

Part III: This is what shall continue in our Nation under NDA's Federalizing ..

..of city Police force; including the overthrowl of our Republican form of government under "Oath of Office", "Religion and Morality" for the protection of each-one-person:  [Open Society - Socialism - Secular "rule of law"] :

"does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights... ..would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under Open Society-socialism-Secular, Person of our Nation is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The [state of State - Federal Executive and Judicial Branches] in control of [government including justice and truth] and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent [OS-Socialism-secular], with The Individual and the Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy." (H.A. Long - "The Majority - Limited for Liberty"; www.lexrex.com) ----

And several of  the courts where the arguments for "Person" are denied because of 'state-determined' - re-definition - of law regarding living and inanimate objects; and "a person" - who happens to be a member of The Group:"Religious Organization  (of 'state' degradation)".

That 'person' while not targeted, handed the 'state-media',  by random-pull-over-government-force-checks/ the new right of 'state' sanctioned by the courts and practiced by the local-Federal-Police as the inspector and judge of right and wrong,.... This anti-law of inanimate objects "threat" by paper registration and physiology resulting from sharing with family and friends at a party...guilt-complete with the physiology of lving object - exhaled air via inanimate object - breathalyzer; demonstrating "never let fact get in the way of preconceived conclusions" or of course that person -- is a dangerous man and incapable of handling the greater-effects of celebrating a private event!

It is inconceivable tol Individuals of Honor and Integrity, he and all the individuals, who have been and shall be, so judged and convicted,  to realize the incredible loss of liberty-truth-and justice which results in the name of "Pretence of supporting the laws and aiding civil authority; every considerate and unprejuc'd  Perfon was deeply impreft with the Apprehenfion of thefe Confequences when it was known that a [random, drive-by DUI/Registration] under such a Pretext, but in reality to enforce opprefiiive Meafures; to awe and control [the people who are recipient's of the act of seizing, using accusation - dui and improper registration- to impede freedom of choice by 'threat' with imposed punishment], and to Quell a Spirit of Liberty, which however it may have been safely  oppos'd and even ridicul'd by fome,  would do Honor to any Age or Country.." (Boston Gazette and Country Journal; March 12, 1770; pg. 3 of 4)


Socialist-Secular Groups of 'state-defined' inclusion and exclusion; inanimate and living objects shall destroy the Laws of God and of Man as Person contained in Both the Declaration and the Constitution:  There is no Creator. No unalienable rights. No consent of the governed. Force and Control are the sole property of 'state'. There is no Nature's God because there is no God --- and therefore, law shall never be about Truth or Justice, because Both required God's Law.  Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes continues as good as humanly possible and more important in governance, as evil as humanly possible.  Person has no Soul. Man's earthly Law is solely "body" physiology with anatomy - temporal -Pharisee decreed, investigated, adjudicated, and punished without person protected or 'due process' or even court - exactly as stated above.

To repeat, "We the People" may not be able to wait for Nov. 6, 2012 --- the Socialist Anti-Law certainly is not --- and the realization of the complete repudiation of existence - accountability - Grace - Love of God -- shall remain; terribly lacking understanding of way to many of Natural and Naturalized - Posterity - and EACH-ONE-PERSON's SOUL known to Him and Supreme in our 1620-1789-2012..? -Article VI - Supreme Law of our Land ["Spirit is Supreme"].

I know Archbishop of San Francisco -- doesn't realize the above....many Americans are angry, but submit and are subserviant to the 'city/federal police-American-Person who has decided against their personal accountability for" Whenever Any Person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or ehop enforce the constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor.  It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. --- Principle of Nuremeberg".

Here is a suggestion.... but first, Mr. Police officer of submission and subservience, you need to know this 1789 Principle: "In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to All other public acts, whether by offficials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, execuvie order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."; and YOU, Mr. Policeofficer / Citizen are fully empowered --- as is Any Citizen --- because of "Religion and Morality" -- God's Laws --- fully capable of taking the role of "court of competent jurisprudence".   Realize, that the Socialist-Secular Law is free to repudiate God's Laws against Person; then --- you, - any "you", "me", "US(A)" has more than equal reason to oppose 'oppression, tyranny, despotism' --- always within God's Laws.    Now....

When the inanimate object car arrives before you ---- just stand there, wait, and allow it to pass --- no accusation of DUI / wrong registration ---!  Yep, you will be scourged!  So was Jesus!   Go To District Court - Constitution v. Civil and go to work to stand for "supreme Law of the Land".

 I hate to have to be another American to even have to express this action to you, or anyone, but the Socialist/Zeitgeist shall continue Every Evil Stated by Each One of the Founders -- including those who opposed both Documents for even they were more righteous than any 2009-2012Socialist-arbitrary force and power to determine right and wrong / good and evil.  It Takes Honor, Duty, Courage, Faith in Our Father; and It Must Be Done....Any person of Posterity deserves our Duty to Pass the Laws of Declaration and Constitution on.....for eternity of God's will be done.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Part II of II: This Election is All About Honor..

Listened to a talk about the Constitution and locations in Scripture where its contents remain connected. In the talk, The Constitution was used as the basis for most of the Scripture references; but absent Article II and Article VI - Oath of Office.

The Declaration was mentioned once - then solely in relation to inalienable rights... That is the common opinion of “elected and many We the People’s,” over the years since 1947's Everson v. New York Board of Edu.- “Impenetrable wall of separation” mythology of “forgotten American soul:  “These resolutions contained the following stirring appeal, to be always solicitous of moral obligation stemming from the fact that, in any period, the living generation is only temporary trustee of the just heritage of Posterity (emphasis per original)[1]:

"Honour, justice and humanity call upon us to hold, and to transmit to our posterity, that liberty, which we received from our ancestors. It is not our duty to leave wealth to our children: but it is our duty, to leave liberty to them. No infamy, iniquity, or cruelty [2], can exceed our own, if we, born and educated in a country of freedom, intitled to its blessings, and knowing their value, pusillanimously[3] deserting the post assigned to us by Divine Providence, surrender succeeding generations to a condition of wretchedness, from which no human efforts, in all probability, will be sufficient to extricate them; the experience of all states mournfully demonstrating to us, that when arbitrary power has been established over them, even the wisest and bravest nations, that ever flourished, have, in a few years, degenerated into abject and wretched vassals."[4]

It is time to be very, very clear about our Nation’s democracy in a Republic.  Here is the correct “Connections” which intertwine Both Founding Documents:
The Declaration of Independence is the Premise of God and Man stated in the entire document: directly 5 times for God; and indirectly – the entire paragraphs which delineate the evil to good mankind taking action upon other “persons defined as homo sapiens”, with each composed of a body and a soul.

4 of the 5 are addressed completely in Hillsdale’s Constitution 101: Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature God entitle them; unalienable rights; Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions; [the Everlasting] And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The 5th is a little buried: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.” and includes “consanguinity” or “ancestors”— The Puritans 150 years previous.

The Constitution is the application, in law, of the Perfections required in Honor, to prevent government-over-man, which every individual founder with most of the Colonists, knew absolutely would, again, occur.

This first eight Amendments to the Constitution are directly the laws for Person-over-government protections of the inalienable rights. Unalienable rights are also referred to as Natural Rights from John Locke’s Treatise. Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness are Individual, constitutional “Person’s - body and soul” innate rights from God. Therefore this Constitutional Principle does not entail “precedent” in courts of law: “The natural rights of persons are inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the depravation of those rights to others.”

Reference to God’s Laws occurs as the responsibility of governance with liberty to ourselves and our posterity – ordained for The United States of America.

Specifically, in relation to the Belief and  Perfection of God in the revelation of His will to an individual who is obligated to obey His commands, and whose ‘soul’ is accountable in a state of reward or punishment: The Constitution addresses “Person” accountability in solely two locations: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”—Article II:1(8); and “..shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, .. ..The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution..—Article VI.”

The above represents the years 1620 Mayflower compact through 1947 when the first assault to remove “Religion and Morality” from America occurred.  What follows is the “change” to Socialist-Secular Law which started, with Obama’s invasion of private property - Chrysler Corp., the plateau of Anti-law, making the Open-society-UN/ borderless nations and jurisprudence / Agenda 21 - Human Habitation - Socialist-Secular overthrow of the Republican form of government.  Secular Law’s hallmark is absence of Person’s “Religion and Morality” / “Oath of Office”.

Somewhere in the 70's, our legislative, government-over-men wrote laws which declared that all Persons shall submit their living body excrement - urine - to be cleared of the evil “drug abuse” and that the excrement could be demanded unannounced. Over the years, the excrement graduated to ‘if you want to work here, submit to excrement – or don’t bother to apply’; and by the way, we are going to check your work history out also.  December 2009  added:  “Section 6201:Nationwide Program for National and State Background Checks on Direct Patient Access Employees of Long-Term Facilities and Providers” within “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” - Obama Socialism - makes fingers a Federal Offense to say “No” by Constitutional Person; 9,100,000 x $51.00 x 50 States (which lose their sovereignty to the socialist czar-Executive Department of Government.      [Except the “section” ends with President to be elected Romney with our Vice President in the Senate - Ryan with our new Majority in the Senate – and continued majority in the House----pending the “consent of the American Republican form of government / Oath of Office / First Governed”!]

Then, the living object, fingerprints, with criminal record histories, which cannot be released to the requesting, Appointed ‘Department of Law’ - unless the Name and Specific Criminal Code - are delineated, became required for, in California 26 professions or 9,100,000 Persons @ $51.00/head payable to the DOJ.

The living object fingers, went much further than the living object excrement-urine, for you cannot enter a profession, continue working in a profession; or retroactively, over more than 19 years, and 38 days after Obama took office, for some of the professions. The fingers include:  if you refuse, you shall discontinue your professional work; but “it is not intended to be punitive, because it is a “right of the state in the interest of public safety and protection” - for all citizens except those “Professionals” who dared to study, passed exams and have been practicing with complete honor and integrity – as safe and givers of care and protection to those, of the other, government-defined group: consumer - public - “vulnerable class of citizen”.

Government-over-man’s definition of equality and justice by secular, designated group of “body physiology”, absent “Soul” of “Religion and Morality”- 1620 to 1947.

While “NO” boxes are available for both urine and fingers, they don’t mean “NO”; for if you decide not to submit, forget even having your application considered;...or continuing your professions; or as the census bureau, employment application stated: ‘It is against Federal Law to require you to answer these questions, but you must should you want your application considered.’

The” intended, “non”-punitive punishment” is removal of the profession / life’s work when an individual refuses to submit; or dares to say “NO” with the reasons: - it is against my person of honor to use drugs; or  there isn’t a criminal record history to search for; and therefore, no “honorable-reason” for the state to pursue fingerprints.

Now, with California’s Socialist-Secular Regime of AntiLaw, the Second Amendment right to have arms on your person, for whatever reason, is NULL and VOID. The ‘state’ has declared all persons with guns are “suspicion-less” and a “threat” to public safety.  Again, the state of secular, government-over-man law refuses to acknowledge the contents of either Founding Document..and demands subservience and submission, to its force, power and control.  Guns don’t function unless attached to a homo sapiens — not counting the government-over-man servants of equity and justice defined by government-over-man.

Guns are an inanimate object named “Tool” which cannot function unless Person ‘turns it on / pull its lever / has the bullets which result from pulling the lever.  The ‘socialist state’ declares all persons capable of handling this tool which must be controlled by its government-over-man you are accused – no other option is available for the Socialist-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence  mantra “safety and protection” of people, public, consumer. – except professionals are not members of these groups while pursuing the life-choice.  One appointed board member submitted the opinion “When they get sick, then they are members of the public or consumers.”.

Government-over-man courts, legislatures, and appointed-Departments declares that there is no right of life, as profession or trade, for choosing “No” to the above accusations with coercion.  The Supreme Court declares “profession is not a natural right”.  – It even denies that the Acts of urine, fingers, guns absent human hands, are accusations at all! Here is the meaning of accusation: “1. The act of charging with a crime or offense; the act of accusing of any wrong or injustice.
These Secular-Anti-Religion and Morality of the Founders Acts against unalienable rights by the government-over-man state Federal and several of the States, repudiate:
“ 5. To attempt to name all of these rights--starting with "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" mentioned in the Declaration of Independence--would be to start an endless list which would add up to the whole of Man's Freedom (Freedom from Government-over-Man). They would add up to the entirety of Individual Liberty (Liberty against Government-over-Man). Innumerable rights of The Individual are embraced in the Ninth Amendment, which states: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." (Here "Constitution" includes the amendments.) Some idea of how vast the list would be is indicated by just one general freedom which leads into almost all of Free Man's activities of daily living throughout life: freedom of choice. This term stands for the right to do--and equally not to do--this or that, as conscience, whim or judgement, taste or desire, of The Individual may prompt from moment to moment, day by day, for as long as life lasts; but always, of course, with due regard for the equal rights of others and for the just laws expressive of the above-mentioned "just powers" of government designed to help safeguard the equal rights of all Individuals. Spelled out in detail, this single freedom--freedom of choice--is almost all-embracing.”[ibid 1]

Further, and much more important, complete rejection of any protection for “Person” as Individual with “Soul” who determines each-one-person’s “free agency” as obedient, love of serving God and as Morality: “The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed.”.

What needs to be said about all herein contained, including Part I, is that government-over-man at the State and Federal levels, are declaring that Constitutional Person, with each-one’s-unique Soul before God and before our Republican form of government - Oath of Office and Pledge of Allegiance - “Religion and Morality”, are null and void from January 20, 2009, because it Is court Enforced as “2009-2012Rule of Law”. That in reality, no universal truth exists; and that Person of soul is incapable of honor, integrity, knowledge and wisdom; and that solely, Open Society-Socialist-Secular law is the only possible source of its self-defined, use of the words: equity and justice.

This ‘opinion-position-actions of state’ has been adjudicated in one, relatively small, United States District Court as a “Pro Forma”; Constitution v. Civil; absent attorney, In forma Pauperis Complaint; and all the above statements are proven true by the Plaintive’s Argument for the Declaration’s natural rights in Honor; in 1620-1879-1947(60's) Rule of Law as violations of the I,  IV, V, IX, XIV Amendments verses the two Defendants A and B with the Attorney Generals (3) of the State of California defending secular-living object fingers as prints:

There were three Amendments to the Plaintive-written, Complaint: “Eleventh Amendment: Injunctive Relief”:
Defendants used the following partial-list of Socialist-Secular 2009-2012 “rule of law, group and living object, precedent cases, utilized throughout their responses:
---Lupert v. California State Bar 761 F.2d 1325, 1328 (9th circuit 1985) - “is well-established that the right to pursue one’s chosen profession is not a fundamental right”;
—American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v. Mast, 670 F.3d 1046, 1052-1053 (9th circuit 2012) [which is a case occurring after any consideration in the Plaintive’s complaint] - “court must decide if impose a criminal punishment or intent is nonpunitive regulatory scheme”.
—United States v. Lujan, 504F.3d 1003, 1006 (9th circuit 2007) - A law is an unconstitutional bill of attainder if it legislatively determines guilt and inflicts punishment upon an identifiable individual without provision of the protections of a judicial trial.”
— Skinner v Railway, Labor Executive ‘Ass’s, 489 U.S. 602, 627 (1989) - “well established that an individual who participates in a closely regulated industry or activity has a diminished expectation of privacy because they participate in a pervasively regulated industry and thus, may be required to submit to suspicion-less drug testing.  Three other precedent cases attend this “secular - group-designated / absent equal protection under the law — state defense.
Skinner also worked to “balance the state’s interest against the plaintiff’s expectation of privacy and the intrusiveness of the “search” and important “governmental interest” was furthered by the [excrement urine].
—The state also has “access to information necessary to determine whether the applicant for a nursing license has been convinced of any offense”, Accusation,.substantially related to the qualifications, functions and duties of a registered nurse from B&P Code.
—Hayes v. Florida (1985) addressed intrusiveness as defined and opinionated by the court for its own interest.

All of the key words in each of the above “precedent” cases are excellent examples of George Orwell’s “1984" Black-White meaning the court with attorneys that “punitive” isn’t punitive; accusation isn’t “conviction”, “criminality of ALL”,  “suspicion-less”; and punishment inflicted was not applied because “closely regulated industry” by state is superior to Person’s practice and demonstrated “sacred honor”. Neither Plaintive, nor Defense substantially changed their arguments: Plaintive “unreasonable seizure” “accusation with application of criminal punishment for no crime whatsoever” of Natural Rights; repudiation of Person as One Protected from government-over-man - secular, Socialist law v. complete repudiation and abstinence of any idea of the contents of Both Founding Documents, of “religion and Morality”, or of the duty-service-and honor absent from both Defendants and the Attorney Generals evidenced by the writing of the case [5]. At no time was the Defendant’s-Attorney case to include any reference to the Founding Documents – though the case is about Life, Liberty and pursuit. Solely, Secular Law - Body Part and Regulation absent the above Amendments - Honor - duty - service or integrity of One Person.

Plaintive argued that: In 1789 fingers, living object, would not have been heard in a court of law and therefore invasive doesn’t apply.  “Equity, its other name - justice -, are not required.”

Punitive - punishment means “Any pain or suffering inflicted on a person for a crime or offense, by the authority to which the offender is subject, either by the constitution of God or of civil society.”.  The only true parts of this definition are the words “suffering” and “inflicted” because the authority as an official agent of state - instituted removal of life and liberty for absolutely No Crime or Offense ... since fingers are not capable of taking action - as prints and attached to person become “privacy”; and 38 years of demonstrated safe, clinical practice of the Art and Science of Nursing far outweigh - any definition by that official agent of wrong-doing of any sort – to “require” a search or to determine that the Plaintive’s word of honor is not acceptable to her appointed judgement in regulation.[This definition wasn’t address by Plaintive].

“Suspicion-less” is an inherent misnomer that is almost funny, if it weren’t so socialist against both our Founding Documents and the very essence of our Nation’s American Soul of God, Nation, Duty, Honor and Service most of non-government-over-man - Americans.

“..Unreasonable seizure means no warrant - justification or probable cause to remove Plaintive’s sole source of income”;.. 38 years of demonstrated, safe and competent practice of profession without either fingers or criminal record checks required. ..”

“The most important and deciding reason the ‘unreasonable seizure’ is the complete absence by Defendant A’s Personal, Sworn “Oath of Office” violated in supporting and enforcing this unconstitutional regulation with the Force of Law combined with the presumption of innocence (accusation) ignored; while Plaintive has performed to the letter of the regulation’s requirements which is also combined with “The Florence Nightingale Pledge” taken at Our Lady, Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Cardinal McIntyre, presiding:
“I solemnly pledge myself before God and presence of this assembly;
To pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.
I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous
   and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession
   and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping
   and family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.
With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work,
   and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.”

This Pledge contains every single requirement of the regulation “required” of the state in Plaintive’s chosen Profession; and is full witness to God in complete understanding and practice with accountability to Him.  There were approximately 40 men and women diploma, RN graduates participating in “The Florence Nightingale Pledge” that day..who also represent 38 years of nursing practice according to the Oath - two were Nuns.

The Declaration and Constitution are intertwined and our Republican form of government is “Oath of Office” as “Religion and Morality” – all of which derives from Scripture. Religion means: “Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties.”.  In Law before socialist-Secular ‘rule of law’, “Only Person or corporate persons which are composed of individual persons may be subject to legal process”.  An individual was assumed to be righteous and accountable to his/her God or conscience in righteousness – that’s why the innocent before proven guilty exists only here in America and no-where else on God’s Planet.

That is also the reason “Oath of Office” occurs in only two locations: Article II and Article VI. Many Americans - especially of the government-over-man group think-force and control - do not realize that because our Article IV:4 is a guarantee of the Republican form of government; “elected We the People, and any office holder appointed”, may be the Right-Hand in the air - speaker; but is stating the Oath as if each-one-American is in the room.

The Oath is not limited to “body”. The Oath is one person’s soul, made before God - who is the Supreme Lawgiver. Those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver Oath as Affirmation means Morality.

Majority means the Philosophy “The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration..and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority—of all minorities....
No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual—may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small—even a minority of a lone Individual.”[1] Majority is also force: There is no maxim ...which is more liable to be misapplied, and....needs elucidation than the current [1786 - 2009-12] one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong...”—Madison.

Plaintive was raised, made a conscious decision to act on behalf of both Founding Documents and in the name of God; for, since long before 1990, Plaintive had been among the recipients of God’s unalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness, in honor and integrity all areas of her life’s “free agency”. While challenging, difficult, to say the least, the learning in adversity with the support, presence, love and comfort of Jesus and The Holy Ghost are as absolute in confirming every promise He makes; as is Socialist-Secular Law in denying His existence, or Any Individual’s innate honor - duty - service, our Nation is Rooted firmly in practice and in belief.  Smile at the beauty that creates the continuum of life’s “free Agency” – God on the Right with Lucifer on the Left, For Each Sovereign Person-One-at-a-Time Protected unalienable rights to continue “Freedom of choice” ---- even the Defendants, Attorney Generals, and Judge - no person is left out and each soul is known to our Creator.

“The reversal from rights of person originating in our 1620 Society; to government defined, designated: social groups’ of inclusion and exclusion; inanimate objects, living objects; allows statutes, regulations, Executive Orders, court rulings, virtually unlimited avenues to write law from plastic bags; to “top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliations”; to allow “fish” as party to an action at law over the life, liberty, and pursuit of agriculture of tens of thousand persons; or Defendant A to consider her jurisdiction includes a role in: “Potential License Denial or Suspension for Failure to Pay Taxes (AB14244, Perea, Chapter 455), Statutes of 2011".

The state’s ability to write, enforce and adjudicate law and regulation, or regulation as law, without any accountability with Oath of Office / Religion and Morality of government serving People – not the other way around.

For Defendant B - refusal in the face of Amendment I grievance, to acknowledge, if not have the State-pay – for the unemployment insurance which had nothing to do with a previous employer or with Plaintive’s reason for leaving the professional  position.  The State removed the License — the State should pay the unemployment insurance. [Sorry taxpayers; but that’s the other reason state Must be “strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government” — even ridding ourselves of Obama – finding his Black-widow cocoon’s and web of legacy — means ridding of the power of Anti-Law.]

When a law is wrong, it stays wrong.  The wrong grows upon itself which is what the opening paragraphs of this essay address...and the major reason, all of US(A) are in the adversity which this Anti-Law-Secular-Anti Religion and Morality, results; – because the generations involved are mid to late 40's and younger, public school indoctrinated, who only learned to correct the indoctrination through military service and/or just being the natural rights/Religion and Morality individual the vast majority of US(A) are just in pursuing life, liberty and happiness.

The unemployment insurance was refused because of the grievance against Defendant A.  The Defendants had to be the Heads of their respective appointed quasi-legislative Department’s because of the definition and modern implementation of the Eleventh Amendment. ----“modern”.  In 1789 or 1785, the integrity of person giving their “word of honor” as Oath of Office to perform their responsibilities and duties of office was an assumption when the 11th was written.  John Adams is famous for:
“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

There is only one reason for the fingerprints – obtaining a criminal history record because DOJ files convicted persons by fingerprint whorls - Not by name. An Accusation has occurred since arrest with charge of crime has occurred for the fingers of the accused professional to be printed at all. Plaintive has never been arrested – has never even been in a police headquarters at any time in 38 years of professional work.  Excrement of urine wasn’t involved at all in the Plaintive’s case.

There is a lot more to Plaintive’s case...the techniques of investigative reporting common to Yellow-journalism; the famous “double-think” of never let facts get in the way of preconceived conclusions (the guns in the hands of people state of socialist California  v. 2nd Amendment right to formation of militia in our Nation’s history; the fishies v. people of life, liberty and general welfare as a leading “Nation” within the States in the field of food to the Planet, etc.); the need to investigate the “criminality”(accusation) of ALL REGISTERED NURSES due to the preconceived conclusions of wrong-doing. Protection and safety of consumers cannot be an issue if there is no act!  Secular Law seeks to enforce before the wrong or offense has occurred, or even been thought of by constitutional person, and then sets out to prove it is righteous when all it really becomes is power-force-control-of person’s life and liberty — no “Religion or Morality” required any more than wrong.  Person of Wrong isn’t even part of the witch-hunt!

“Black-white” is a socialist tactic of  lie. It is an “iniquity against that which is good”. It is  actually are very characteristic and identifiable to the Anti-Law of Open Society-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-2009-2012-Socialist-Secular rule of law, which is supreme to the 1879 Article VI rule of law; and with “Double-think” added to “crimestop” - diverting attention by the socialists in power from criminal deeds by anyone in a position of power (Reid’s support of Holder against our Nation’s laws; Feinstein /Obama’s betrayal of Israel’s plans for Iran; Obama’s citizenship and direct lawlessness Chrysler corp, solar, petroleum to Venezuela - no ocean drilling of our nation’s asset; the incredible debt to be paid by generations - his children and their children’s children).

The “fingers” remained dominant over 2009-2012 Socialist-Secular Rule of Law over 1620-1789-1947Rule of Law-Article VI.  Fingers are much more important than an individual which in fact of actions – is the working of the Socialist-Secular group-think-government-over-man: there is no more Declaration especially related to Natural unalienable rights, consent of the governed, equal station entitled by person to Nature and nature’s God – there is no God; and therefore no Constitution to have an “Oath of Office” or “Religion and morality to for obedience to God’s Laws to occur. And last but certainly not least — only the state of force and power – is able to determine the right and wrong / good or bad of people.  This Anti-Mankind-think dominates and supports international chaos absent “Religion and Morality”; - in $$$$$$$; - in the removal of the blindfold of independence of courts and the removal of the balance of justice and truth for the Lady of Law on front of the Supreme Court... and the removal of the 10 Commandments for public places including teaching posterity.  Posterity includes those who do not recognize the accusation with the removal of natural rights because the state says it makes for “safety and protection” of people and “Oh well, sometimes we have to give up a little liberty.[!!}”; and the Defendants - Attorney Generals of this Complaint.

We the People of Both Founding Documents continue to read them as written and given out in the millions of little pocket editions.  But Socialism’s worldly power-control-Secular asserts the right to be free from religious rule and teachings and imposition of religion upon the government’s duties and litigation. Secular declares itself neutral on matters of belief; but from all herein — secular is anything, But Neutral;.. And it perpetrates its “preconceived conclusions” - “black-white” - “crimestop” upon the majority of its court, legislative, substructure-Department-bureau-board-agent-official-closed shop-union- precedents upon each-one-constitutional person.  Those who support this anti-law do seek to overthrow the Article IV Republican form of government and replace it with the above.... unless “We the People” speak and act — not only with our “consent of the governed vote”; but also becoming involved in all school boards, legislative events, political parties - with their factions and establishment changes, and in teaching all Posterity as one person - the beauty and magnificence of “Religion and Morality” intertwined with individual Oath of Office intertwined with Scripture - Honor - integrity —intertwined with The Laws of both Declaration and Constitution — intertwined with God’s Laws.

Resources and Notes Continued:
1. “The Just Heritage of Posterity Always Uppermost in The Founders' Minds” in “1776 American Ideals; Hamilton A. Long; 1976; www.lexrex.com

2. infamy: “Total loss of reputation; public disgrace. Avoid the crimes and vices which expose men to infamy.    2. Qualities which are detested and despised; qualities notoriously bad and scandalous; as the infamy of an action.    3. In law, that loss of character or public disgrace which a convict incurs, and by which a person is rendered incapable of being a witness or juror.” ;  iniquity “  1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade.
2. Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author.
3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice.  Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Is.59.  4. Original want of holiness or depravity.  I was shapen in iniquity. Ps.51";   cruelty :” 1. Inhumanity; a savage or barbarous disposition or temper, which is gratified in giving unnecessary pain or distress to others; barbarity; applied to persons; as the cruelty of savages; the cruelty and envy of the people.  2. Barbarous deed; any act of a human being which inflicts unnecessary pain; any act intended to torment, vex or afflict, or which actually torments or afflicts, without necessity; wrong; injustice; oppression.  With force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Ezekiel 34.

3. Pusillanimous: “1. Destitute of that strength and firmness of mind which constitute courage, bravery and fortitude; being of weak courage; mean spirited; cowardly; applied to persons; as a pusillanimous prince.  2. Proceeding from weakness of mind or want of courage; feeble; as pusillanimous counsels.

4. Ibid 1; “..1774 in "Resolutions of Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania" which constituted "Instructions from the Committee to the Representatives in Assembly" of Pennsylvania as drafted by John Dickinson, a signer of the Constitution and distinguished in other respects as a leader in the period 1774-1787.

5. 11-CV-1760 MMA (POR); “No clear statement of ‘claim for relief” is available.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Part I of II parts: Last night this writer was informed....

..That electing Romney and Ryan as President was more important than the Truth in God with Colonial men words and work in creating and implementing Both Founding Documents.  

Though, doubted and not well understood by many legislative, judicial, union departments of group-think and too many ‘Americans of forget the Founding’, Both Founding Documents were not involved in the separation of church and state which evolved from the, now terrible, misread of Mr. Jefferson’s Letter to the Danville Baptist Church which stated quite plainly in all but the last sentence or two, the importance of One Person accountable to God with obedience to His Laws, The “Religion and Morality” in Mr. Washington’s “Farewell Address”, all 56 men, and Noah Webster in “The American Dictionary of the English Language 1828".

While attending Bible Study, the other “never let facts get in the way of preconceived historical conclusions, occurred: “Washington had lots of horses shot-out from under him.” as a response to the semi-blasphemy which states Washington could not be a prophet.  It is true that Washington had lots of horses shot-out from under him; including at the French and Indian War where Gen. Braddock received mortal wounds, and were it not for Colonel Washington’s

“..I called to my young men and said, Mark yon tall and daring warrior? He is not of the red-coat tribe—he hath an Indian’s wisdom, and his warriors fight as we do—himself alone is exposed. Quick, let your aim be certain, and he dies. Our rifles were leveled, rifles which but for him knew not how to miss —‘twas all in vain; a power mightier far than we shielded him from harm. He cannot die in battle.

I am old, and soon shall be gathered to the great council fire of my fathers in the land of shades; but ere I go there is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy.  Listen!
The Great spirit protects that man, and guides his destinies—he will become the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire!  (Eyewitness Dr. James Craik) an Indian Trader “conducting a party which consisted of a grand sachem...chief was a very great man among the northwestern tribes, and the same who had commanded the Indians on the fall of Braddock....15 years afterwards.” 1

The reverence for separation of church and state is absent two obvious facts which interfere with the “preconceived conclusion” of the Supreme Court comprised of men as homo sapiens Person’s body, absent soul: 1) You cannot remove Scripture from the word “Church”; and 2) in point-of-fact-secular law, there is a “state religion”. It goes by the name of IRS 501C3 which instructs that in order to be state-judged as “..or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..”, a church shall not make opinion on the political position or practice of another homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes; not any Bill, Act, or Issue which belongs to the ‘state’.  ‘State religion’ defines and judges the privilege and permission of the “Nature’s God” in the ethics and practice of the church – body of person is well able to be separated from soul of the person, or corporate persons which are composed of person.  Body, secular or temporal man’s law is superior and therefore has the right to declare the ability of any church to exist, for without the donations – church cannot exist or perform the duties, responsibilities, and service of its existence.
And now our Republic is confronted, for the first time in its history, by a few, body absent soul and God, “Religion and Morality”, or “any unsound doctrine” homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes which state that: mankind is incapable of competing unless the state defines and allows certain practices of government-over-men: the infamous “Open Society-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence/Agenda 21 determined, “opinion without interference”, life-liberty and future of air, land, water, minerals, foodstuffs, behaviors, and all inanimate and living objects, Socialist-SECULAR RULE of LAW.

The Obama-2009-2012-Socialist-Secular-Rule of Law is now, reign of enforced, Anti-law, with the “change”, to Overthrow the Article IV Republican Form of government with VI supreme Law of the Land as written 1789.  Court decisions abound in adjudicating this anti-“Religion and Molarity”Law.  The overthrow continues as initiated by Everson v. New York Board of Education in 1947, – though the Supreme Court doesn’t like to go back that far since history in court of Precedents3 over natural rights, common law, or respect for One Person in brotherhood of the lessons of God’s Laws, continue...

We the People are well-able, as were each and every-one of the Colonists from1620 forward — with the Indians (think Tecumseh:- The George Washington of ALL Indian Tribes in the East and Plains extending nearly to the Rockies at his height of influence), – intuitively know this is not a true or accurate statement of “Spiritual is Supreme”:
“The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.

2. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.2".

Because of the ‘focused’, blind, stiff-necked, deaf, opinion without interference of “anyone but Obama”, the legacy of repudiation of the Founding Father’s words and work, is removed as irrelevant to any actions resulting from the Open Society-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence/ Agenda 214 which has resulted in “Rule of Law” – “Oath of Office” – Person of Accountability and Responsibility to Both God’s “Religion and Morality” in combination, intertwined within each: Scripture-Declaration-Constitution-each Individual’s “free agency with consequences thereof’; or the arrogance and conceit of “We the People” cannot comprehend more than just one idea at a time - so just argue get rid of Obama; and ignore the repudi8ation of both Founding Documents with The Republic.

Problem is that, especially here in Socialist-communist-government-over-and ignoring-of ‘consent of the governed’, or the Laws of the Declaration: “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTI-LAW.5 ; the Anti-law Is the ‘Rule of Law’ and because it Is Secular, there can never be truth in justice; for those concepts require knowledge and wisdom from God or from righteousness of philosophy ante-dating God.  To undermine “We the People” as not capable is an unwitting insult; for once learned, the Laws of Declaration and Constitution rooted in Scripture or even most Philosophy; is the basis of mankind on God’s Planet.

One Person’s soul is what all “the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,.... life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,...we have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here; consanguinity, recognition of despotism and tyranny - usurpation, and “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor..”, is about. There is Nothing on this earth, of more value, than what God has given each-one Person, in our Eternal Soul....

End Part I:

Part II: is the This Day, in our Nation’s history, evidence, enumeration, and application of One Person as a member, alone or with others, for “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,.”.  This is the ‘Relate’ and ‘Reflection’ of each one American as ‘The Whole of the polity is the Sum of Each One of its parts” of our Republican form of government....Each One of US(A) owns his/her ‘grain of sand on God’s Universe of beach’ and He does hold US accountable.. As many, including this Person does in the sacred nature of conscience.

 Polity is another important word...perhaps you, reader will look it up and visit Noah...he will teach you a lot...

Resources and notes:
1. “The Real George Washington, The True Story of America’s Most Indispensable Man”; “He Cannot die in Battle”; Jay A. Perry, Andrew M. Allison, W. Cleon Skousen (who also authored a casette series on both Declaration and Constitution, circa 1980's);  pp.48-50; National Center for Constitutional Studies; www.nccs.net.

2. “The Twelve Basic American Principles”; “1. Spirit is Supreme” as in Article VI “supreme Law of the Land”; Hamilton A. Long; “American Ideals 1776"; www.lexrex.com

3. Legal Definition of Precedent is important:
“As a practical matter, courts can usually find precedent for any direction they want to go in deciding a particular case. Accordingly, precedent is used as often to justify a particular outcome in a case as it is to guide the decision.The body of judicial decisions in which were formulated the points of law arising in any case. A previously decided case that is considered binding in the court where it was issued and in all lower courts in the same jurisdiction.A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily govern the decision of a later similar case, unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed in some significant way.

The decision of courts of justice when exactly in point with a case before the court are generally held to have a binding authority, as well to keep the scale of justice even and steady because the law in that case has been solemnly declared and determined.

To render precedents valid they must be founded in reason and justice; must have been made upon argument, and be the solemn decision of the court; and in order to give them binding effect there must be a current of decisions.

According to Lord Talbot, it is "much better to stick to the known general rules than to follow any one particular precedent which may be founded on reason unknown to us." Blackstone says, that a former decision is in general to be followed unless "manifestly absurd or unjust," and, in the latter case, it is declared when overruled not that the former sentence was bad law, but that it was not law.

Precedents can only be useful when they show that the case has been decided upon a certain principle and ought not to be binding when contrary to such principle. If a precedent is to be followed because it is a precedent, even when decided against an established rule of law, there can be no possible correction of abuses because the fact of their existence renders them above the law. It is always safe to rely upon principles.

"In Law, a previous decision, rule or practice which, in the absence of a definite statute, has whatever force and authority a Judge may choose to give it, thereby greatly simplifying his task of doing as he pleases. As there are precedents for everything, he has only to ignore those that make against his interest and accentuate those in the line of his desire. Invention of the precedent elevates the trial-at-law from the low estate of a fortuitous ordeal to the noble attitude of a dirigible arbitrament." -- Ambrose Bierce”  http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/p069.htm
4. Here is the “Table of Contents” for Agenda 21.  Please notice the all-encompassing government-over-all member nations decree, control, and power — ALL Secular / using common phraseology and words of Scripture and world documents of rights; but absent any meaning according to American History of the Founding documents.:
Table of Contents

Chapter Paragraphs
1. Preamble 1.1 - 1.6

Chapter Paragraphs
2. International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development
                in developing countries and related domestic policies 2.1 - 2.43
3. Combating poverty 3.1 - 3.12
4. Changing consumption patterns 4.1 - 4.27
5. Demographic dynamics and sustainability 5.1 - 5.66
6 Protecting and promoting human health conditions 6.1 - 6.46
7. Promoting sustainable human settlement development 7.1 - 7.80
8. Integrating environment and development in decision-making 8.1 - 8.54

Chapter Paragraphs
9. Protection of the atmosphere 9.1 - 9.35
10. Integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources 10.1 - 10.18
11. Combating deforestation 11.1 - 11.40
12. Managing fragile ecosystems: combating desertification and drought 12.1 - 12.63
13. Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development 13.1 - 13.24
14. Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development 14.1 - 14.104
15. Conservation of biological diversity 15.1 - 15.11
16. Environmentally sound management of biotechnology 16.1 - 16.46
17. Protection of the oceans, all kinds of seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and development of their living resources 17.1 - 17.136
18. Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources: application of integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water resources 18.1 - 18.90
19. Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products 19.1 - 19.76
20. Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes, Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Hazardous Wastes 20.1 - 20.46
21. Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and sewage-related issues 21.1 - 21.49
22. Safe and environmentally sound management of radioactive wastes 22.1 - 22.9

23. Preamble 23.1 - 23.4
24. Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development 24.1 - 24.12
25. Children and youth in sustainable development 25.1 - 25.17
26. Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their communities 26.1 - 26.9
27. Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners
              for sustainable development      27.1 -  27.13
28. Local authorities' initiatives in support of Agenda 21 28.1 - 28.7
29. Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions 29.1 - 29.14
30. Strengthening the role of business and industry 30.1 - 30.30
31. Scientific and technological community 31.1 - 31.12
32. Strengthening the role of farmers 32.1 - 32.14

33. Financial resources and mechanisms 33.1 - 33.21
34. Transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity-building 34.1 - 34.29
35. Science for sustainable development 35.1 - 35.25
36. Promoting education, public awareness and training 36.1 - 36.27
37. National mechanisms and international cooperation for capacity-building in developing countries 37.1 - 37.13
38. International institutional arrangements 38.1 - 38.45
39. International legal instruments and mechanisms 39.1 - 39.10
40. Information for decision-making 40.1 - 40.30 “                               (  http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_00.shtml )                  

5           .“DECLARATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES”; Jon Roland; www.constitution.org;  menu “rights, Powers, Duties”: This document does exactly what Jon intended it to accomplish: “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution for the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language.” [This writer must add: using Noah’s 1828 Dictionary, readily fills-in many gaps of the definition of words for the unique Republican government. Just following the train of nouns, verbs, adjectives contained in any one word, leads to an inherent understanding and relate/reflect of our Founding Father’s with their wonderful knowledge, wisdom and Truth in God and in History — www.1828-dictionary.com ]                

Friday, August 17, 2012

Glenn Beck radio today, Overthrow

Glenn, It is past time to understand the TWO "RULES OF LAW", because the 'second Open Society-socialist-Secular rule of law' is the Supreme Law of the Land. It has nearly successfully Overthrown all the Courts of Article III, California's Legislative and Governor, and changed the Appointed State and Federal, Departments of Regulation to Departments of Law enforcement; absent the Entire 1789 Constitution, but especially the First 8 Amendments + the 14th, and the entire contents of the Declaration.

The First "Rule of Law" are the faith, love, belief and words of Both, Intertwined Founding Documents.  Both address the First Rule of Law - "Religion and Morality", "Oath of Office", or for that matter, any part of life, liberty, and pursuits, - One Person's Accountability to God and to the duty and Service to this Nation founded upon God, His Son Jesus, and the Apostles, in concordance with "Affirmation" for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver: ".. and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.".  

Before you say, changing the Constitution requires Article V, realize that Obama's removing Private property of Chrysler Corporation, in February of 2009, was the Socialist removal of the 1789 Article VI supreme Law of the Land.

No-one, especially in the Leftist-government States and their seats in Congress, among "We the People - Representative or not" could ever have conceived of exactly what we are in your program, 3X's, today, and just about daily, through the Czars of Law as President's Cabinet, complete REPUDIATION and DENIAL of God, Jesus, Holy ghost and "doctrines or principles, practical piety, for the Practice of Moral Duties.."!!!

Americans, you must realize that when Both Founding Documents, our Republican government are Bound as SUPREME Because of their Basis in Scripture: The first American Principle "1. The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. ... 2. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin." ("The Twelve Basic American Principles"; Hamilton Long; www.lexrex.com).

Since the second,"2009-2012OpenSociety-Socialist-Secular rule of law"  are, in courts of law - by precedent, group-think, inanimate and living object,  adjudication and punishment in the name of  "social-decree";  over 1789 Supreme Law of the Land; and God's Laws are repudiated as are the contents of Scripture, and the words of the Greek and other Philosophers throughout history, There are no limits to the group-named government-of-control-force-decree whose partner is located, on life's good bad continuum, to the end-side of the Left: Lucifer.   It looks something like this;
Lucifer......communist UN...socialist-Open Society(Soros-Obama-Clinton .........................................
sort- of center .............................................................................................................................God/Jesus  .................................. with each dot representing "persons' as the grains of sand on God's Planet of 'beach'.

Rules of life and liberty are no protection for natural rights, no equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them; no consent of the governed, no "just powers" since that assumes individual integrity and honor of One Person's Soul; and ethics -- forget that newsreporter (he's been writing bias-Open Society news for a long time now) and forget the Attorney General of the United States or the Leader of the Senate of the United States, or even The President of the United States - ever accountable to any earthly man in Truth or Justice.  It Shall Never Occur; until each Soul of Each One of these men --- lose their earthly physiology of living object 'body'    
to meet God as their "eternal soul".

It's true, that you might think that doesn't help US(A) much right now; but you would be wrong; for like Ecclesiastics (I think) says 'It rains and snows on evil too'!! And, we have to understand and repent Our Nation, State, County, City, Family, Work, Home, and all relationships down to One-Person-One-at-a-time-Person of the Constitution who must teach and do every action, in each-one's power, to assist self and all others you are in contact with --- especially Posterity's youth --- of their unique, sovereign Person --- responsible to self and their own accountability to life, liberty and pursuits of Happiness,  With Inherent Accountability as well as joy of service to our Lord god and everyone in the past, present, and future of God's Planet and of His Universe, as we move into the next frontier -- living life, liberty and pursuits in the Universe --- where God is patiently, lovingly, waiting..............

Has this essay made clear?  The Overthrow of our Republican form of Representative government under "Oath of Office" - "SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND" - "Religion and Morality"; eqaul station-unalienable rights - governance of- by- and for We the People, Is Nearly Complete and removes our Puritans-Colonists-founding Fathers- and the entirety of Posterity to US(A)2012; Both Founding Documents from the existence of Truth, Justice, Law in God.

This Overthrow is perpetrated against our Nation by the following: Open Society-Socialist-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-Agenda21 human habitation -SECULAR law of the land;  and is performed with action through, primarily the use of the courts; for that is the reason "In order for the Supreme Law of the Land to be supreme, it must go to court for official approval, Before it can be enforced.", or simply allow unconstitutional crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and the positive transgression to continue as they have throughout the Anti-Law of the 2009-2012 Obama Regime.  

Secular law of the land supplants, replaces, removes and rules supreme over "Religion and Morality" of Person 1789 Supreme Law of the Land - The First Table of Law.

PS: I hear the conceited, arrogant, harbringers of earthly Zeitgeist, Laughing at the words like "repent", "belief", "faith", Honor and Integrity, etc.:  "Those who listen to me, Know the Truth."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Re Aug. 28 Convention, Majority, 1776-1976 Tools of Government v. OpenSocietySecularLaw

OOPS!! My Mistake! Re: My comment a couple of days ago on our 8/28 Convention, Mitt and Ryan! That's when "We the People" from Rednecks to Teapartiers-Libertarians to Centrist to RINO's all get together for Restoration of our 1620--2012 Article IV Guaranteed Republican form of "Religion and Morality (affirmation-those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver)", "One Person Protected / all minorities from The Majority:
Let’s hope our Party can understand "The Enemy Within" is "Open Society Socialism - UN borderless nations and jurisprudence - Agenda 21's - control of all life on this planet, 2009-2012- Secular Rule of Law as the "supreme Law of the Land"/complete denial of the Laws in Both Founding Documents and therefore Articles I - VI especially the Oath of Office connected to "Religion and Morality (affirmation)", with many courts of law supporting abrogation of Protection of One Person, corporate persons, which consist of person, and all minorities of any kind.
Here are areas of despotism, tyranny of Secular, daily occurrences: 2/12 from "The Twelve Basic American Principles" violated (additional can be found at:"A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic" www.patriotsunion.org;
www.veterandefenders.org : "12. The Majority - Limited for Liberty
- A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy: The Principle:1. The traditional American philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities."; With No Majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual—may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small—even a minority of a lone Individual.
Since 11/2006 to the 01/20/2009 entrance of Soros-Obama-Zeitgeist (OWS)-UN Agenda 21-EU-Secular-Socialist-government definitions; with MAJORITY, number, the sole determiner for "Rule of Right and Wrong", and "double-think" of never let a fact get in the way of Preconceived-Conclusions, which is exemplified by re-definition of words, such as, "Threat", "Safety and Protection" of Socialist government’s collective, mass people.
Examples abound but the most frivolous include the "opinion without interference" - "1984Orwell-NewSpeak: "doublethink" of never let a fact get in the way of preconceived conclusions; known as "Top-Two Vote Getters Regardless of Political Party Affiliation", otherwise known, and reverently obeyed, as "Only the Number counts!
The question has relationship to Obama’s, one of many, despotic decree: drive-by-illegals given work permits which allows other immunities and privileges that other Legally Naturalized citizens had to obey the law to obtain - paid with food or money to vote – bused-in, etc. on "We the People’s-side of the voting table. Obama’s blackwihite, State demonstrate’s its own lawlessness and mis-management of "consent of the governed", California Constitutional violations of accountability for " ARTICLE 2 VOTING, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, AND RECALL; SEC. 4. The Legislature shall prohibit improper practices that affect elections and shall provide for the disqualification of electors while mentally incompetent or imprisoned or on parole for the conviction of a felony.".
"Man Organizes Governments To Be His Tools; A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men . . ." - (LAW of the Declaration of Independence); The Principle - 1. The traditional American philosophy teaches that government is merely the creature and a tool, or instrument, of the sovereign people. " Corollary to: The concept of "tool" includes "Socialist-Secular: inanimate objects as parties at law" and all humanity on the planet’s devotion to the binomial/Boolean/Yes-No-Absent Reason and Logic of Critical Research - Relate - Reflect – Record as fact-in-truth search and/or conclusions.
Example: The newest Socialist Education idea is "A computer for every student!" - No Books - especially on politics that reflect "Religion and Morality" - Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation; or other Anti-Zeitgeist/competition is what causes human problems by its 13 authors.
Here is 1828 Dictionary on Tool: "1. An instrument of manual operation, particularly such as are used by farmers and mechanics; as the tools of a joiner, cabinet maker, smith or shoemaker.
2. A person used as an instrument by another person; a word of reproach. Men of intrigue always have their tools, by whose agency they accomplish their purposes. TOOL, v.t. To shape with a tool.
Government's Primary Function - 2. The people create their governments primarily to serve one supreme purpose: to "secure" the safety and enjoyment of their God-given, unalienable rights. To make and keep them secure is government's primary function and chief reason for existence, according to the philosophy proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence. Violation Example: Primary function of Open Society / Socialist-communist government: defined-groups of inclusion-exclusion comprised of every component of life, inanimate objects and living objects, which encompass, the short, descriptive words: "God’s Universe".
"Government a Tool - 3. This makes clear the correct role of government in relation to the people, as viewed by the American philosophy. It is merely their tool, like any other tool such as saw, or a plow, or a steam engine, created by them to serve its assigned and limited purpose. As the people's tool, or instrument, any government could never soundly be said to possess sovereign power--that is, unlimited, or total, power over all things and all persons. Under the American philosophy, no legal, meaning governmental, sovereignty exists anywhere; while any political sovereignty is possessed by the people alone and even they are limited by the obligation to keep inviolate the God-given, unalienable rights of every Individual. Government may possess and its officials may exercise, as the people's servants and trustees, only such limited part of the people's power as they see fit from time to time to delegate to it through their fundamental law: the Constitution, as amended by them; and this applies to all governments and Constitutions, Federal and State." Violation Examples: "Threats" and "Safety and Protection" by all levels of government using All Living and Inanimate Objects - especially petroleum, mining, fishing, agriculture, food production and distribution, atoms for nuclear and for communication; mass-collective-"X" in proper box - number- believe what we tell you to believe - groups of people who shall be submissive and subservient. Informing "We the People", that the legislators with their appointed Transportation Dept. have decided "The High Speed Train - "to nowhere in Par-tic-u-lar- " from "Mr Toad’s Wild Ride" — shall continue...just like AB32's belief in Global Warming". Consent of the Governed is not necessary – nor wanted and Secular-doublethink-Rule of Law reigns Supreme: religion, both symbols and exercise according to "Religion and Morality, removed from the courts, public places, -4+ attempts of the Mount Soledad Cross; and the State and Federal indoctrination of our Posterity, kindergarten/youth/university level with tyranny of professors of "never let a fact get in the way of preconceived conclusions" supported with tax-payer resources.
"Government Lacks "Just Power" to Violate Rights - 4. Therein lies the significance of the limitation by the people of government's role and power, under the American philosophy. The fact that government cannot have any "just" power or authority--as meant by the term "just powers" in the Declaration of Independence--to violate any unalienable right of The Individual follows from the fact that no Individual can have any right, power or authority to violate any other Individual's unalienable rights. Because it is created by the people (a group of Individuals) primarily for the purpose of making secure all rights of all Individuals, this tool of the people, government, could not conceivably derive from them any power or authority, morally or constitutionally, to do the opposite by infringing any such right. Since no Individual possesses, or could grant, any such power or authority, the many Individuals composing the people of a country are similarly lacking; many times zero equals zero. No vote of the people, by however great a majority--even all of the people but one Individual, opposed to that lone Individual--could give to any government any such authority or power. (This is subject, of course, to the point previously discussed in Paragraph 9 of Principle 3, regarding just punishment of offenders against just laws, or against the rights of other Individuals.)" Violation Examples: E.O./SPEECH-EPA-EIR-UN AGENDA 21-HUMAN HABITATION-"COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLANNING: 11/6/12 CA PROPOSITION 31 (pps. 17-20)"-cities in all 50 States and Territories + all member nations on the Planet- "General Plan (11/6/12 - ballot to "NOT give consent of Residents" for "Escondido General Plan"); Department of Labor dictating to Farm-Property-owner Parent’s of children who work for the family – the rights of the children (also from Agenda 21) — Readers: If you haven’t, you need to Google Agenda 21 because it is part of the $$$$$-deficit created by the Socialist-Secular Rule of Law and most of the reason for 11/6/12's Propositions 30, 31, 38, 39.
Government Cannot Delegate Any Power to Violate Man's Rights - 5. By the same token, it is impossible for the people's tool, government, to possess any authority from the people--any "just power" (to use the term of the Declaration of Independence)--to delegate to others any power which it does not and could not possess under the traditional American philosophy. As such a tool, government could not possibly possess, could not be given, any power to authorize any person, group or organization to do that which it is itself powerless to do. This precludes, for example, government's authorizing or empowering any person, group, or organization to violate any Individual's unalienable rights--including the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"--or any of the supporting rights, such as the right to property and to freedom of association." Violations are SOP for virtually every czar in every Department of the Executive Branch of Government: most notably – private persons shall not mine for Gold in CA rivers per EPA because of the mining process; but the EPA can....and keep the Gold on top of it!!!! The violations shall continue to occur because Departments no longer "Regulate". That word is deleted. It is replaced by Socialist-Secular-supreme Law of the Land - absent any part of Declaration - let alone the First 10 + #14 Amendments or any Article written in the Constitution.
No Coercion of Man as to His Labor - 6. Under the American philosophy, these supporting rights include, for example, The Individual's right to use all of his faculties, talents, abilities and energies--basically his own labor--as, when and where he sees fit without any restraint by government or by others. This is subject, of course, to his duly respecting the equal rights of other Individuals (in part as discussed regarding Equality in Pars. 8-9 of Principle 7) and just laws expressive of the above-mentioned "just powers" of government designed to help safeguard the equal rights of all Individuals. This means, for example, the enjoyment of this right without any such restraint upon his right to freedom of association, to freedom of choice with regard to joining, or not joining, any organization--for instance, an organization of his fellow employers or an organization of his fellow workers. Violation of this right involves necessarily violation of his unalienable rights to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as well as of the supporting rights--notably the right to property (money or any other type), including acquiring, possessing and using it. Such violation results in any case of coercion of The Individual to join, or not to join, such an organization. This is true whether perpetuated by government directly, or by it indirectly through others acting with its sanction--for instance, by any group or organization of other Individuals who exert pressures of any kind or degree to induce, or impel, him so to join, or to refrain from joining. As Man's tool, government not only can have no just power so to perpetuate any such violation but is affirmatively obligated, under just laws, not only not to tolerate but actively to prevent such violation by others--always strictly in keeping with its limited powers and related responsibilities as prescribed in the applicable Constitution (as amended), Federal or State, as the case may be. To repeat, any Individual's right to freedom of association (freedom of choice of associates) is always subject to the equal rights of others - including their right to similar freedom of choice of associates. This right's enjoyment always involves the essential factor of mutual consent, free from any element of coercion." Example: 'Either you form Districts based Naturalized citizens by their skin color except white / race, nation-of-origin except the USA / culture, and the choice of whether or not to learn English, the official language of the USA, CA, and many if not all States; or we will sue the pants off of the Naturalized and Natural citizen residents of School Districts / City Councils / Water Districts / or any except the already - gerrymandered "Community of Interest" designed and drawn by the misnomer "Citizens Redistricting Commission". The need for Proposition 40: Redistricting. State Senate Districts. Referendum because of gerrymandering by "Citizen’s Redistricting Commission of gerrymandered naturalized citizen-residents of skin color - except white/race; country-of-origin - except the United States / culture; and language of culture - except the official languages of California and the United States – English.
Sovereign Citizen over Public Servant - 7. All public officials are subordinate as public servants to all citizens. Under the American philosophy of Man-over-Government, the American heritage assumes that the most modestly circumstanced Individuals among the sovereign people rank higher than any public officials, even those serving as the highest ranking of public servants. It is a case of The Sovereign over servant--each Individual in this regard representing in a sense the sovereign people as the creator of their tool, or instrument: government. Violation Examples: For the Open Society Socialist of collective mass of people, obedience to this precept is a literal-no-brain-impossibility.
For 26 Professions / 9,100,000 citizen/business people (taxpayers), you shall obtain, at your expense $51.00/head to the DOJ, fingerprints for the purpose of 'searching for a (non-existent) criminal record history (convicted people are not filed by name, but by whorls of fingers. To obtain the summary, the "exact criminal code with the name must be submitted Before the summary will be released); Or you shall not enter your profession (waiting to pass exams for licenses), continue your profession, or...
..in the case of licensed professionals before 08/1990, 38 days after Obama entered office and 19 years after 08/1990, - professionals who were initially "grandfather clause, - revokable at an unknown future date, by the public servant named Board or Bureau under, appointed by Governor, - Department; And...
Should you check the provided "No Box" on your Renewal form, you shall not continue the practice of you profession of greater than 23 years – the years previous to midnight of 07/31/1990.
Betrayal of the American Heritage - 8. It was the firm conviction of those who founded America--notably the leaders of the period 1776-1787 and their fellow Americans in general--that to forget, neglect , or defy this great American principle is to betray the American heritage of Individual Liberty--Man's Freedom from Government-over-Man--and to contribute in practice to its erosion, or subversion. Sins of omission in this connection are as heinous as sons of commission. Any public servants who ignore this truth are guilty of desecration of the spirit of traditional America and the higher the offender's rank, the worse the offense morally. Any Individual who condones such an offense against this heritage is similarly blameworthy. This is our Article IV Republican form of Representative Government, "Religion and Morality" - Protection of the Minority or of One Lone Individual, from the Majority.
Violation Example: Open Society Socialism UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-SECULAR-Rule of Law" - supreme and "superior to all other acts whether by officials or private citizens" blessed, sanctioned, and 100% supported by most of the courts in Article III including the majority of findings of This Supreme Court since 2009: Lance Corporal Matthew Synder Catholic v. Phelps Licensed Baptist Minister - who writes "God hates the USA"; a Muslim man can kill his wife with a weapon because of exercise of his religion Not the Religion of the First Amendment; and other cases taken And Refused to be heard, which reflect on "Religion and Morality", Nation, and Laws of Declaration-Constitution Oath of Office. Remember, at least two justices of the Supreme Court deny any connection between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and the Senate Socialist-Secular-Obama-regime forced wrong – onto the minority of the Senate.
The Conclusion - 9. Each Individual, among the sovereign and self-governing people, embodies a part of the supreme sovereignty of the people in relation to their creature and tool, or instrument, government, and to its officials as public servants--wholly subservient to the people as their superiors, their masters" Quotes from The American Ideal of 1776 supporting these Principles: .Part I: Twelve Basic American Principles:
1. The Spiritual is Supreme
2. Fear of Government-over-Man
3. Unalienable Rights - From God
*4. Man Organizes Governments To Be His Tools - above
5. Limited Government
6. Decentralized Government
7. Equal, by God's Gift, In Sight of God and Law
8. Life and the Pursuit of Happiness
9. Liberty - Against Government-over-Man
10. Private Property--Liberty's Support
11. Taxes--Limited to Safeguard Liberty
*12. The Majority - Limited for Liberty - above
with heartfelt Thank You Very, Very Much Hamilton A. Long; 1976 at www.lexrex.com

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

and lets US(A) remove Holder from office based

Response to the new Over-Sight FB page:-):

Thank you very much, Representative Issa...and lets US(A) remove Holder from office based on this Constitutional Principle:
            "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is Illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, REGARDLESS OF WHAT TRAPPINGS OF OFFICE OR COLOR OF LAW he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against do so."

This Constitutional Principle is especially for Sen. Harry Reid,  A Leader of violating "That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their JUST powers from the consent of the governed.." who is, by tabling House of Representative's ‘contempt’ against Holder, allows himself to be above the Law against  Justice In Truth.

Reid, the DOJ persons, and Holder are in complete violation of their Article VI Oath of Office; ....are equal in saying that "Religion and Morality"/ God's Laws,  are not part of secular, man's  temporal, body laws; and therefore, there Is No Declaration Laws and no Constitution "..is the Supreme Law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."

Representative Issa, everyone in our Nation needs to realize there are TWO "RULES OF LAW": FIRST:  the words of Article VI: 1789 to 1948 Declaration of Independence Laws, intertwined with Constitutional Laws, with origins in Scripture of our Republican form of government.  The second is Secular Law from (1948) 2009 to 2012, is  Secular Law which is solely man's law, denies God and Morality, sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation,  especially denies  "..derives their just powers from the consent of the governed".

In regards to the Puritans,  Article VI and Part 1 of 5 of the First Amendment: Recognition that “The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.”( Hamilton Long; “Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. The Spiritual is Supreme”; www.lexrex.com; 1976).

For Sotomeyor and Kagan, with Ginsberg, who have trouble comprehending the families of 1620 with the Native Indians;  56 men plus the People of the Colonies, and all history in-between,  here are a few of the Declaration’s Laws both of God and of Man:
— “among the pwers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (that includes the physiology of sex, drug testing,  petroleum, air, water, land, plastic as bags and cups, knives used to kill person – living and inanimate objects which are the tools for homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes/Person - absent any descriptive characteristics); and of Nature’s God (marriage, kill, steal, covet, love neighbor as self, do unto others.., Prodigal Son and his older Brother, Jesus as homo sapiens 32 years without One Homo Sapien Mistake; and all the magnificent men, women, children, animals, and God’s universe which is “Soul” eternal – the Reason for Truth and Justice in Law;
— the unalienable, natural  rights; but equally important: “to secure these rights government is instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....”
Just Powers are violated as it refers to a “majority” by number or by force of determining right and wrong, which forbids any Oath of office or obedience to God’s Law  - “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual— may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small—even a minority of a lone Individual.”(“The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hamilton Long at www.lexrex.com; Spirit of 1776; 1976).
— “Consent of the governed” is equally involved with securing their rights – the Just is comprised of “We the People” as citizens elected or not,  control “number of X’s” - top two vote getters, regardless of political party affiliation; time as a moral measure of elected person’s responsibility to Oath of Office with physical sitting in the office or chair;
— “..whenever any Form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, ...
— “..but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government and to provide new [renewed] Guards for their future security.
— All the abuses, many of which are present in 2009-2012's dictatorship
— August 28, 2010- 1 Million We the People’s grievance “Restore Honor” - of “They’re Nazis fame by the “elected majority of no Oath of Office”; Teapartiers emails, letters, Social networks, actions as True-the-vote and Election Integrity project, Property Rights v. UN Agenda 21; Parental rights v. UN Agenda 21; silence from Congress as Executive Departments systematically remove life, liberty of person, freeze assets of State and nation, perform betrayal against Israel in the interest of Islamic, factions for Middle East subservience of people in the nations surrounding Israel, hiring of two justices, who knew their decision in law of a question - before even opening the doors which house the court, — the result; –  for the purpose of changing the Republican government of Law and men to government-over-men;...and much more
—this is little known or recognized sentence: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. ...They too have been deaf to the voice of justice...”
— “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” The common classroom and Citizenship of this statement is taken to mean in 1776; but because of ALL the Above Reasons in God’s Law and in Man’s ‘Reason” in Law the good side of governance, the Statement has and is being taken by Teapartiers and Americans Throughout this Land and in GB, Canada, Japan, Israel, and all “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness” for all Nation’s of God’s Planet and His Universe, yet to be adequately explored or used as yet another Living and Inanimate Object for Man’s benefit forever more.....

Our Spiritual, Democracy (the Majority is a necessity, but strictly limited in power and operation of government) in our Republican form of Representative Government under Constitution with its Article II and Article VI Oath of Office which includes “affirmation” for those who do not believe in a Supreme Lawgiver, but none-the-less, are obligated to righteousness: “ This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin” (Hamilton Long; “The Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. Spiritual is Supreme”; www.lexrex.com; 1976)”; ; And

Like scripture, the only form of Obedience to those "Supreme", as in supreme Lawgiver, is One Person's acceptance of The Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth in following God,  and The Oath of Office in concordance with God and Nation before “party absent ethics [Party’s do need to re-read their By-laws, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the Every-One-person, comprising their party membership preferably before MIAMI!!!!!!!!- Ron Paul and Sarah Palin speak!] .

"Majority", "One Person or corporate Persons comprised of person, and any Minority-- each-one-person within the "Whole of the Polity"--, must be answerable to earthly man "Religion and Morality" or there will be no Truth; and The Republic Shall Not Stand. Because Person is comprised of both ‘Body’ and ‘Soul”, when body dies person dies; but “Soul” is eternal for each One man who’s image is God’s.  It is “soul” which answers and is accountable to God, regardless of trappings of life, color of position, obviously, physical characteristics.

All Law is written for man’s Soul in God.  

We are experiencing violations of Oath of Office demonstrated by the above in :  The Oversight Committee's work; in nearly every level of Article III's Judicial - especially the Supreme Court; in Rep. Bachmann and that Committee's work; And

 in our State of California has placed Pres. Obama's E.O. in support of Global Warming, United Nation's Agenda 21 - Human Habitation, into ‘government-over-men, State's control over City Government; without One Word of the action to either Congress or “The Polity of the Whole”; and with California's Supreme Court's complete support and blessing:  Please see Proposition 31, First read the summary for the ballot, then the Text of the Law , Section Eight. Section 29 of Article XIII...pgs 17 approximately 20. Please realize that a " City" is a "Corporate Person (see www.1828-dictionary.com 'corporate')" -- not a State or a Nation!

A "City" is where We the People reside-home-property. or the absolute area of life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness.  City is therefore, the 10th’s “or to the people and also the 9th Amendment..Secular Law cannot comprehend or allow this concept.

Proposition 31 is action  against the Both Founding Documents effectively removes Article IV:4 guarantee of or Republican form of Representative government; as well as violating Article V – changing the form of government completely absent the Amending and ratifying process.

In California’s Constitution Article XX:3, Proposition 31 is violation of Oath of Office: “And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means..”
Here is Wikipedia's ‘Secular ‘definition -- many secular judges and attorneys do not like because of its colloquial, but true,  description: " is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief.  In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.

2009 to this date and until after 11/6/2012's spoken / ballots,  Secular Law is the basis of 100% of all Bills, Acts, Federal and among the Several State's appointed Departments, Agencies, Commissions - not regulations - Laws with judgement and  punishment.  Secular Law is absent “the totality of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at law may be resolved justly, intended to allow all parties to the dispute a fair opportunity to argue their positions on their merits.”.  It is important to note the Difference between the Legal definition of “Regulation” v. “Law” (which is best taken from it historical definition at  www.1829-dictionary.com).

Americans, Rep. Issa and Elected / public employed, closed-shop union employees, agents or any person engaged, in any area of Government, our Nation,  have never experienced this nearly successful overthrow of our Republican form of Government by the secular, absent “Religion and Morality”-therefore,  Justice and Truth in law; and “other unlawful  means”; force of majority; use of groups defined of, by, and for government’s needs. Including indoctrination of posterity; use of living and inanimate objects as subjects of legal process; and deceit, lie, distortion, censorship and removal of Nature and Nature’s God in fact and/or information not in agreement with this current government of ‘Open Society Socialism - UN borderless nations and jurisprudence’.

We are counting on our voice November 6, 2012; but one State Iowa, is already out of the running; one State California has layered, gerrymandered 10 plus kinds of districts into one software program with a constitution recognizing only “top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation for most offices; and ‘nonpartisan” word disguising huge political agendas including not allowing an invocation before a meeting, not using Roberts Rules for Order for new and old business from the Person as a member of the whole;’ for city mayors, councils of taxation and issues, schools of indoctrination.

Fraud is not as bad among we the people; as it is on the other-side-of the precinct table – State and County Government.  Voter ID cards help the Socialist government’s control of righteousness Americans – and shall not change the problems of naturalized citizens who never learn their duties and responsibilities of citizenship because of the domination of those among them who do learn and speak English.

There are many reasons for We the People who are responsible for our Family named City, State, and Nation – as good or as bad as it is; and all the consequences we have set-out to correct..

It is going to take more time, than Nov. 6.

 Some States, shall not accurately reflect the minority’s right as equal to the majority because of greater number — number deciding right and wrong or Force, control, and subservience with submission of all people.  Madison said “There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a mor specious form, force as the measure of right.”

We need to think ahead, for Not compromising – if Open Society Socialism UN borderless nations and jurisprudence, is able to continue the overthrow of the Republican form of Representative government under God as Oath of Office and for the Protection of Person against the onslaughts of Open society Socialism – and don’t forget the youth and college age – including pursuits as in outer space and inner peace!  Co-incidently there was a petition to impeach Obama on the right-side ads page on FB which was checked because we might just have to! [Usually careful to check the resource of any stuff like this, but right now, more American than to worry about whether this is an Obamanite-lover looking to make a list on “..the pretence of supporting laws and aiding civil authority; every civil and unpreju’d person among us was deeply impressed with the apprehension of the ocnsequences when it was known that [city police as Federal Police under NDA]..were ordered under that pretext, but in reality to enforce oppressive measures, to awe and control the [residents of the city], and to quell a spirit of Liberty, which however it may have been safely oppos’d and even ridicul’d by some, would do honor to any Age or Country. ..”(Boston Gazette and Country Journal; Monday, March 12, 1770; pg.2, column 1).

What a great election day...and yea keep working...:-)..