Wednesday, August 1, 2012

and lets US(A) remove Holder from office based

Response to the new Over-Sight FB page:-):

Thank you very much, Representative Issa...and lets US(A) remove Holder from office based on this Constitutional Principle:
            "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is Illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, REGARDLESS OF WHAT TRAPPINGS OF OFFICE OR COLOR OF LAW he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against do so."

This Constitutional Principle is especially for Sen. Harry Reid,  A Leader of violating "That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their JUST powers from the consent of the governed.." who is, by tabling House of Representative's ‘contempt’ against Holder, allows himself to be above the Law against  Justice In Truth.

Reid, the DOJ persons, and Holder are in complete violation of their Article VI Oath of Office; ....are equal in saying that "Religion and Morality"/ God's Laws,  are not part of secular, man's  temporal, body laws; and therefore, there Is No Declaration Laws and no Constitution " the Supreme Law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."

Representative Issa, everyone in our Nation needs to realize there are TWO "RULES OF LAW": FIRST:  the words of Article VI: 1789 to 1948 Declaration of Independence Laws, intertwined with Constitutional Laws, with origins in Scripture of our Republican form of government.  The second is Secular Law from (1948) 2009 to 2012, is  Secular Law which is solely man's law, denies God and Morality, sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation,  especially denies  "..derives their just powers from the consent of the governed".

In regards to the Puritans,  Article VI and Part 1 of 5 of the First Amendment: Recognition that “The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.”( Hamilton Long; “Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. The Spiritual is Supreme”;; 1976).

For Sotomeyor and Kagan, with Ginsberg, who have trouble comprehending the families of 1620 with the Native Indians;  56 men plus the People of the Colonies, and all history in-between,  here are a few of the Declaration’s Laws both of God and of Man:
— “among the pwers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (that includes the physiology of sex, drug testing,  petroleum, air, water, land, plastic as bags and cups, knives used to kill person – living and inanimate objects which are the tools for homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes/Person - absent any descriptive characteristics); and of Nature’s God (marriage, kill, steal, covet, love neighbor as self, do unto others.., Prodigal Son and his older Brother, Jesus as homo sapiens 32 years without One Homo Sapien Mistake; and all the magnificent men, women, children, animals, and God’s universe which is “Soul” eternal – the Reason for Truth and Justice in Law;
— the unalienable, natural  rights; but equally important: “to secure these rights government is instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed....”
Just Powers are violated as it refers to a “majority” by number or by force of determining right and wrong, which forbids any Oath of office or obedience to God’s Law  - “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual— may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small—even a minority of a lone Individual.”(“The Twelve Basic American Principles” by Hamilton Long at; Spirit of 1776; 1976).
— “Consent of the governed” is equally involved with securing their rights – the Just is comprised of “We the People” as citizens elected or not,  control “number of X’s” - top two vote getters, regardless of political party affiliation; time as a moral measure of elected person’s responsibility to Oath of Office with physical sitting in the office or chair;
— “..whenever any Form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, ...
— “..but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government and to provide new [renewed] Guards for their future security.
— All the abuses, many of which are present in 2009-2012's dictatorship
— August 28, 2010- 1 Million We the People’s grievance “Restore Honor” - of “They’re Nazis fame by the “elected majority of no Oath of Office”; Teapartiers emails, letters, Social networks, actions as True-the-vote and Election Integrity project, Property Rights v. UN Agenda 21; Parental rights v. UN Agenda 21; silence from Congress as Executive Departments systematically remove life, liberty of person, freeze assets of State and nation, perform betrayal against Israel in the interest of Islamic, factions for Middle East subservience of people in the nations surrounding Israel, hiring of two justices, who knew their decision in law of a question - before even opening the doors which house the court, — the result; –  for the purpose of changing the Republican government of Law and men to government-over-men;...and much more
—this is little known or recognized sentence: “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. ...They too have been deaf to the voice of justice...”
— “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” The common classroom and Citizenship of this statement is taken to mean in 1776; but because of ALL the Above Reasons in God’s Law and in Man’s ‘Reason” in Law the good side of governance, the Statement has and is being taken by Teapartiers and Americans Throughout this Land and in GB, Canada, Japan, Israel, and all “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness” for all Nation’s of God’s Planet and His Universe, yet to be adequately explored or used as yet another Living and Inanimate Object for Man’s benefit forever more.....

Our Spiritual, Democracy (the Majority is a necessity, but strictly limited in power and operation of government) in our Republican form of Representative Government under Constitution with its Article II and Article VI Oath of Office which includes “affirmation” for those who do not believe in a Supreme Lawgiver, but none-the-less, are obligated to righteousness: “ This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin” (Hamilton Long; “The Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. Spiritual is Supreme”;; 1976)”; ; And

Like scripture, the only form of Obedience to those "Supreme", as in supreme Lawgiver, is One Person's acceptance of The Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth in following God,  and The Oath of Office in concordance with God and Nation before “party absent ethics [Party’s do need to re-read their By-laws, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the Every-One-person, comprising their party membership preferably before MIAMI!!!!!!!!- Ron Paul and Sarah Palin speak!] .

"Majority", "One Person or corporate Persons comprised of person, and any Minority-- each-one-person within the "Whole of the Polity"--, must be answerable to earthly man "Religion and Morality" or there will be no Truth; and The Republic Shall Not Stand. Because Person is comprised of both ‘Body’ and ‘Soul”, when body dies person dies; but “Soul” is eternal for each One man who’s image is God’s.  It is “soul” which answers and is accountable to God, regardless of trappings of life, color of position, obviously, physical characteristics.

All Law is written for man’s Soul in God.  

We are experiencing violations of Oath of Office demonstrated by the above in :  The Oversight Committee's work; in nearly every level of Article III's Judicial - especially the Supreme Court; in Rep. Bachmann and that Committee's work; And

 in our State of California has placed Pres. Obama's E.O. in support of Global Warming, United Nation's Agenda 21 - Human Habitation, into ‘government-over-men, State's control over City Government; without One Word of the action to either Congress or “The Polity of the Whole”; and with California's Supreme Court's complete support and blessing:  Please see Proposition 31, First read the summary for the ballot, then the Text of the Law , Section Eight. Section 29 of Article XIII...pgs 17 approximately 20. Please realize that a " City" is a "Corporate Person (see 'corporate')" -- not a State or a Nation!

A "City" is where We the People reside-home-property. or the absolute area of life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness.  City is therefore, the 10th’s “or to the people and also the 9th Amendment..Secular Law cannot comprehend or allow this concept.

Proposition 31 is action  against the Both Founding Documents effectively removes Article IV:4 guarantee of or Republican form of Representative government; as well as violating Article V – changing the form of government completely absent the Amending and ratifying process.

In California’s Constitution Article XX:3, Proposition 31 is violation of Oath of Office: “And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means..”
Here is Wikipedia's ‘Secular ‘definition -- many secular judges and attorneys do not like because of its colloquial, but true,  description: " is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief.  In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.

2009 to this date and until after 11/6/2012's spoken / ballots,  Secular Law is the basis of 100% of all Bills, Acts, Federal and among the Several State's appointed Departments, Agencies, Commissions - not regulations - Laws with judgement and  punishment.  Secular Law is absent “the totality of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at law may be resolved justly, intended to allow all parties to the dispute a fair opportunity to argue their positions on their merits.”.  It is important to note the Difference between the Legal definition of “Regulation” v. “Law” (which is best taken from it historical definition at

Americans, Rep. Issa and Elected / public employed, closed-shop union employees, agents or any person engaged, in any area of Government, our Nation,  have never experienced this nearly successful overthrow of our Republican form of Government by the secular, absent “Religion and Morality”-therefore,  Justice and Truth in law; and “other unlawful  means”; force of majority; use of groups defined of, by, and for government’s needs. Including indoctrination of posterity; use of living and inanimate objects as subjects of legal process; and deceit, lie, distortion, censorship and removal of Nature and Nature’s God in fact and/or information not in agreement with this current government of ‘Open Society Socialism - UN borderless nations and jurisprudence’.

We are counting on our voice November 6, 2012; but one State Iowa, is already out of the running; one State California has layered, gerrymandered 10 plus kinds of districts into one software program with a constitution recognizing only “top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation for most offices; and ‘nonpartisan” word disguising huge political agendas including not allowing an invocation before a meeting, not using Roberts Rules for Order for new and old business from the Person as a member of the whole;’ for city mayors, councils of taxation and issues, schools of indoctrination.

Fraud is not as bad among we the people; as it is on the other-side-of the precinct table – State and County Government.  Voter ID cards help the Socialist government’s control of righteousness Americans – and shall not change the problems of naturalized citizens who never learn their duties and responsibilities of citizenship because of the domination of those among them who do learn and speak English.

There are many reasons for We the People who are responsible for our Family named City, State, and Nation – as good or as bad as it is; and all the consequences we have set-out to correct..

It is going to take more time, than Nov. 6.

 Some States, shall not accurately reflect the minority’s right as equal to the majority because of greater number — number deciding right and wrong or Force, control, and subservience with submission of all people.  Madison said “There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong....In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a mor specious form, force as the measure of right.”

We need to think ahead, for Not compromising – if Open Society Socialism UN borderless nations and jurisprudence, is able to continue the overthrow of the Republican form of Representative government under God as Oath of Office and for the Protection of Person against the onslaughts of Open society Socialism – and don’t forget the youth and college age – including pursuits as in outer space and inner peace!  Co-incidently there was a petition to impeach Obama on the right-side ads page on FB which was checked because we might just have to! [Usually careful to check the resource of any stuff like this, but right now, more American than to worry about whether this is an Obamanite-lover looking to make a list on “..the pretence of supporting laws and aiding civil authority; every civil and unpreju’d person among us was deeply impressed with the apprehension of the ocnsequences when it was known that [city police as Federal Police under NDA]..were ordered under that pretext, but in reality to enforce oppressive measures, to awe and control the [residents of the city], and to quell a spirit of Liberty, which however it may have been safely oppos’d and even ridicul’d by some, would do honor to any Age or Country. ..”(Boston Gazette and Country Journal; Monday, March 12, 1770; pg.2, column 1).

What a great election day...and yea keep working...:-)..

1 comment:

  1. Teaprty wins! Obama's E.O. with his EPA czars and UN borderless nations and jurisprudence, Agenda 21 global warming is banned from 131 cities throughout the USA -- though it is unconstitutional -- so a ban shouldn't be necessary!

    But watch CA's Proposition 31 -- Agenda 21 is fixed into Section 8: section 29 Article XIII to change and Add State control over all city government and country for that matter..see pgs. 17-20. Title: State Budget. State and Local Government. but summary is 100% absent any mention of Action Plans!
