Friday, August 17, 2012

Glenn Beck radio today, Overthrow

Glenn, It is past time to understand the TWO "RULES OF LAW", because the 'second Open Society-socialist-Secular rule of law' is the Supreme Law of the Land. It has nearly successfully Overthrown all the Courts of Article III, California's Legislative and Governor, and changed the Appointed State and Federal, Departments of Regulation to Departments of Law enforcement; absent the Entire 1789 Constitution, but especially the First 8 Amendments + the 14th, and the entire contents of the Declaration.

The First "Rule of Law" are the faith, love, belief and words of Both, Intertwined Founding Documents.  Both address the First Rule of Law - "Religion and Morality", "Oath of Office", or for that matter, any part of life, liberty, and pursuits, - One Person's Accountability to God and to the duty and Service to this Nation founded upon God, His Son Jesus, and the Apostles, in concordance with "Affirmation" for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver: ".. and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion.".  

Before you say, changing the Constitution requires Article V, realize that Obama's removing Private property of Chrysler Corporation, in February of 2009, was the Socialist removal of the 1789 Article VI supreme Law of the Land.

No-one, especially in the Leftist-government States and their seats in Congress, among "We the People - Representative or not" could ever have conceived of exactly what we are in your program, 3X's, today, and just about daily, through the Czars of Law as President's Cabinet, complete REPUDIATION and DENIAL of God, Jesus, Holy ghost and "doctrines or principles, practical piety, for the Practice of Moral Duties.."!!!

Americans, you must realize that when Both Founding Documents, our Republican government are Bound as SUPREME Because of their Basis in Scripture: The first American Principle "1. The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. ... 2. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin." ("The Twelve Basic American Principles"; Hamilton Long;

Since the second,"2009-2012OpenSociety-Socialist-Secular rule of law"  are, in courts of law - by precedent, group-think, inanimate and living object,  adjudication and punishment in the name of  "social-decree";  over 1789 Supreme Law of the Land; and God's Laws are repudiated as are the contents of Scripture, and the words of the Greek and other Philosophers throughout history, There are no limits to the group-named government-of-control-force-decree whose partner is located, on life's good bad continuum, to the end-side of the Left: Lucifer.   It looks something like this;
Lucifer......communist UN...socialist-Open Society(Soros-Obama-Clinton .........................................
sort- of center .............................................................................................................................God/Jesus  .................................. with each dot representing "persons' as the grains of sand on God's Planet of 'beach'.

Rules of life and liberty are no protection for natural rights, no equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them; no consent of the governed, no "just powers" since that assumes individual integrity and honor of One Person's Soul; and ethics -- forget that newsreporter (he's been writing bias-Open Society news for a long time now) and forget the Attorney General of the United States or the Leader of the Senate of the United States, or even The President of the United States - ever accountable to any earthly man in Truth or Justice.  It Shall Never Occur; until each Soul of Each One of these men --- lose their earthly physiology of living object 'body'    
to meet God as their "eternal soul".

It's true, that you might think that doesn't help US(A) much right now; but you would be wrong; for like Ecclesiastics (I think) says 'It rains and snows on evil too'!! And, we have to understand and repent Our Nation, State, County, City, Family, Work, Home, and all relationships down to One-Person-One-at-a-time-Person of the Constitution who must teach and do every action, in each-one's power, to assist self and all others you are in contact with --- especially Posterity's youth --- of their unique, sovereign Person --- responsible to self and their own accountability to life, liberty and pursuits of Happiness,  With Inherent Accountability as well as joy of service to our Lord god and everyone in the past, present, and future of God's Planet and of His Universe, as we move into the next frontier -- living life, liberty and pursuits in the Universe --- where God is patiently, lovingly, waiting..............

Has this essay made clear?  The Overthrow of our Republican form of Representative government under "Oath of Office" - "SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND" - "Religion and Morality"; eqaul station-unalienable rights - governance of- by- and for We the People, Is Nearly Complete and removes our Puritans-Colonists-founding Fathers- and the entirety of Posterity to US(A)2012; Both Founding Documents from the existence of Truth, Justice, Law in God.

This Overthrow is perpetrated against our Nation by the following: Open Society-Socialist-UN borderless nations and jurisprudence-Agenda21 human habitation -SECULAR law of the land;  and is performed with action through, primarily the use of the courts; for that is the reason "In order for the Supreme Law of the Land to be supreme, it must go to court for official approval, Before it can be enforced.", or simply allow unconstitutional crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and the positive transgression to continue as they have throughout the Anti-Law of the 2009-2012 Obama Regime.  

Secular law of the land supplants, replaces, removes and rules supreme over "Religion and Morality" of Person 1789 Supreme Law of the Land - The First Table of Law.

PS: I hear the conceited, arrogant, harbringers of earthly Zeitgeist, Laughing at the words like "repent", "belief", "faith", Honor and Integrity, etc.:  "Those who listen to me, Know the Truth."

1 comment:

  1. Don't get excited with Glenn! He isn't 'overthrowing' --- read on!
