Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Part III: This is what shall continue in our Nation under NDA's Federalizing ..

..of city Police force; including the overthrowl of our Republican form of government under "Oath of Office", "Religion and Morality" for the protection of each-one-person:  [Open Society - Socialism - Secular "rule of law"] :

"does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights... ..would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under Open Society-socialism-Secular, Person of our Nation is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The [state of State - Federal Executive and Judicial Branches] in control of [government including justice and truth] and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent [OS-Socialism-secular], with The Individual and the Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy." (H.A. Long - "The Majority - Limited for Liberty"; www.lexrex.com) ----

And several of  the courts where the arguments for "Person" are denied because of 'state-determined' - re-definition - of law regarding living and inanimate objects; and "a person" - who happens to be a member of The Group:"Religious Organization  (of 'state' degradation)".

That 'person' while not targeted, handed the 'state-media',  by random-pull-over-government-force-checks/ the new right of 'state' sanctioned by the courts and practiced by the local-Federal-Police as the inspector and judge of right and wrong,.... This anti-law of inanimate objects "threat" by paper registration and physiology resulting from sharing with family and friends at a party...guilt-complete with the physiology of lving object - exhaled air via inanimate object - breathalyzer; demonstrating "never let fact get in the way of preconceived conclusions" or of course that person -- is a dangerous man and incapable of handling the greater-effects of celebrating a private event!

It is inconceivable tol Individuals of Honor and Integrity, he and all the individuals, who have been and shall be, so judged and convicted,  to realize the incredible loss of liberty-truth-and justice which results in the name of "Pretence of supporting the laws and aiding civil authority; every considerate and unprejuc'd  Perfon was deeply impreft with the Apprehenfion of thefe Confequences when it was known that a [random, drive-by DUI/Registration] under such a Pretext, but in reality to enforce opprefiiive Meafures; to awe and control [the people who are recipient's of the act of seizing, using accusation - dui and improper registration- to impede freedom of choice by 'threat' with imposed punishment], and to Quell a Spirit of Liberty, which however it may have been safely  oppos'd and even ridicul'd by fome,  would do Honor to any Age or Country.." (Boston Gazette and Country Journal; March 12, 1770; pg. 3 of 4)


Socialist-Secular Groups of 'state-defined' inclusion and exclusion; inanimate and living objects shall destroy the Laws of God and of Man as Person contained in Both the Declaration and the Constitution:  There is no Creator. No unalienable rights. No consent of the governed. Force and Control are the sole property of 'state'. There is no Nature's God because there is no God --- and therefore, law shall never be about Truth or Justice, because Both required God's Law.  Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes continues as good as humanly possible and more important in governance, as evil as humanly possible.  Person has no Soul. Man's earthly Law is solely "body" physiology with anatomy - temporal -Pharisee decreed, investigated, adjudicated, and punished without person protected or 'due process' or even court - exactly as stated above.

To repeat, "We the People" may not be able to wait for Nov. 6, 2012 --- the Socialist Anti-Law certainly is not --- and the realization of the complete repudiation of existence - accountability - Grace - Love of God -- shall remain; terribly lacking understanding of way to many of Natural and Naturalized - Posterity - and EACH-ONE-PERSON's SOUL known to Him and Supreme in our 1620-1789-2012..? -Article VI - Supreme Law of our Land ["Spirit is Supreme"].

I know Archbishop of San Francisco -- doesn't realize the above....many Americans are angry, but submit and are subserviant to the 'city/federal police-American-Person who has decided against their personal accountability for" Whenever Any Person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or ehop enforce the constitution. This duty CANNOT BE DELEGATED to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor.  It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. --- Principle of Nuremeberg".

Here is a suggestion.... but first, Mr. Police officer of submission and subservience, you need to know this 1789 Principle: "In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to All other public acts, whether by offficials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, execuvie order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."; and YOU, Mr. Policeofficer / Citizen are fully empowered --- as is Any Citizen --- because of "Religion and Morality" -- God's Laws --- fully capable of taking the role of "court of competent jurisprudence".   Realize, that the Socialist-Secular Law is free to repudiate God's Laws against Person; then --- you, - any "you", "me", "US(A)" has more than equal reason to oppose 'oppression, tyranny, despotism' --- always within God's Laws.    Now....

When the inanimate object car arrives before you ---- just stand there, wait, and allow it to pass --- no accusation of DUI / wrong registration ---!  Yep, you will be scourged!  So was Jesus!   Go To District Court - Constitution v. Civil and go to work to stand for "supreme Law of the Land".

 I hate to have to be another American to even have to express this action to you, or anyone, but the Socialist/Zeitgeist shall continue Every Evil Stated by Each One of the Founders -- including those who opposed both Documents for even they were more righteous than any 2009-2012Socialist-arbitrary force and power to determine right and wrong / good and evil.  It Takes Honor, Duty, Courage, Faith in Our Father; and It Must Be Done....Any person of Posterity deserves our Duty to Pass the Laws of Declaration and Constitution on.....for eternity of God's will be done.


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