Friday, February 24, 2012

Libertarian, Teapartiers, Independents...

..$$$$$$$$$$.$$ from any source including Soro’s minions, including chief-minion Obama, causing confusion and doubt versus Republican Principles stated as California’s Republican Bylaws:
The Committee's principles are based upon the precepts of our Nation's Founding Fathers as reflected in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, with particular emphasis upon the rights of the individual, limited governmental powers and equity under the law.
The Committee affirms its belief in the free enterprise economic system, private property ownership, individual rights and representative government. The Committee shall forever be open, accessible to all and answerable to the people of the State of California.”.

This Patriot shall defend our Documents and ceasing “spit in the faces” of Washington, Adams - Sam as well as John, Jefferson, Lincoln, and every American who has given their Love of God as  “ of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, We [the People] mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor.”.

To that end, this Patriot is running for my 75th Assembly District, Central Committee because this is the ‘root’ of ‘person’ living in each neighborhood - to County - to State - to National Republican form of Representative Government by Party Principles and Precepts expressed in the State’s Bylaws.....not lip-service with spit covering the lips!

Here’s how it works: There are 6 Representatives to the Central Committee who arrive on the June Primary Ballot by having the ‘persons’ in District 75, or any Assembly District in California’s 58 Counties sign “Nomination Papers”. My name will be on the 75th District’s Ballot along with all the rest of 75th ‘persons’ deciding to become a part of Local, County, State, and National Republican Party principles in action.....  Voter, you will choose 6 of the total number of persons on the “Republican Central Committee” section of your ballot.

The 6 elected representatives then become responsible to be members and volunteer work for the following Committees at County: 1) Voter Registration; 2) Candidate Recruitment;3) Precinct Operations; 4) Ballot Integrity; 5) communication - email newsletters and periodical communications necessary within the Party and to ‘persons of the 75th’; 6) Finance.  There are also 2 “special committees: Ethics and Youth Advisory - education Committees.

Our Spring Convention is taking place as this is written  Burlingame, CA – . Actions at this Convention will go to the Nominating  National Convention in August.

Below is from National GOP:      “Delegate 101
Republican National Committee Coalitions Department

DELEGATE 101: Are you interested in becoming a delegate in your county and maybe even a state or national delegate? If so, the following information will help give you a generic overview of a state's typical process to become a delegate at any level. It also provides some basic tips on how to achieve this goal. Please remember that each Republican State Party's organization and structure is different, so contact your State Party or County Party directly for more information on how to get involved in your local community.


Precinct Conventions: To elect delegates and alternate delegates to the county mass meeting/convention. This meeting also discusses issues pertaining to the precinct and its organization.
County Mass Meetings/Conventions: To elect delegates and alternate delegates to the Congressional District and State Conventions, as well as make party decisions at the county level.
Congressional District (CD) Convention: In a presidential election year, the CD Convention elects CD National Convention delegates and alternate delegates and a Presidential Elector. In other years, it discusses party issues and plans for the upcoming elections.
State Convention: In a presidential year, the State Convention often elects At-Large National Convention delegates and alternate delegates, as well as elects two at-large Presidential Electors. In non-presidential years, the State Convention organizes grassroots activists and generally allows supporters to meet and gain ideas from other supporters. The State Convention often adopts the State Party Platform, as well as the internal State Party Bylaws or Rules.

Know your Local Party: In order to become a delegate, you generally need to be elected by your fellow Republicans at your local party election. The best way to do this is to get involved with your local Republican Party early on.
Making Friends: Once you've joined your local party, it's time to start making friends and networking within the organization. This will allow you to not only meet other Republicans, but also to learn more about how your party works internally.
Carpe Diem: Now that you've become active in your local party, it's time to have your voice heard! Think about running for an office or position in which you believe you can be successful. This will allow you to demonstrate your ability to lead and hopefully gain support to move up the ranks of the party.
Climbing the Ladder: Once you've become an active and influential member of your local party, it is easier to get involved at a higher level of the organization, such as being elected as a county delegate or party officer. As you gain people's respect and friendship, you can begin to advance to regional or statewide political offices and party roles.
For more information on Delegate 101 or receiving more RNC Coalitions updates, please email us at

October 9, 2009"

Everyone from all of the Above Locations on the continuum of the Right Line of Representative Government in the  title of this essay, please note....there is process, there are Bylaws, there is order, and Ethics + Honor under Love of God’s Instruction as Obedience to His Laws...did, does, and will always guide US(A).  You Know Scripture....You Know you must “Obey My Laws.”  You Know: “Ask and it will be opened unto you. Seek and ye shall find.”.  He Is...for our nation and each ‘person’ member of each part of the air, land, water, animal, vegetable, mineral ‘parts of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness!!

MUST REMOVE ‘PERSON’ FOR GROUP-MIND or control of all methods of production and distribution of goods and services throughout our Nation and all Nations on this Planet...Only that way can open-society of slavery continue to produce chaos of money - mind - “opinion without interference (of fact, history or other distracted idea)”.  Opinion without interference is 2009-20??... changed from “The End justifies the means.” of Karl Marx too many ‘persons’ still recognize as the Socialist lie. And shall continue to regulate the use of land, air, water, natural resources as the means of opinion without inference against our unalienable natural rights Life, Liberty and pursuits of ___.

Control of the ‘objects’ air, water, land with resources contained does remove ‘persons’ right to life and therefore liberty.

I am full-well, aware of the vagaries of human-kind — just as in our past...present...and because two things will never, never change: God’s Laws and Mankind’s occupation of a “mansion of worldly irresponsibility, wrong, sin, profanity, vanity” versus the “Iron Rod” path toward the “Tree of Life” – the location of the sweetest, purest, fruit of God’s Love.

God’s Love: The reason our Founders wrote the Declaration and Constitution for “person” — “The Minority of One Protected”.

So rather than commentate on the who is doing what to whom - where in the US - using what techniques — and spending to purchase what influence..............REALIZE the Obama socialists with our Progressives.....must DISTRACT YOU FROM THEIR LAWLESSNESS!

PS: 1828 Party: "1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories."
1828 Political: " The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance."   NOTE: The word "ethics" was removed from 'Politics' by 1913....Removal of 'ethic' allows 'permission' for come-what-may-action;- is relative and subordinate to expediency required of man's manipulation for "Nothing is so contagious as opinion, especially on questions which, being susceptible of very different glosses, beget in the mind a distrust of itself. (James Madison 1790)".

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