Monday, February 27, 2012

Wishing Upon Iran

"Author Ben Coes:   ‎"What will it take to persuade the U.S. intelligence community that Tehran's nuclear intentions aren't exactly peaceful? Perhaps nothing short of an explosion." - Wall Street Journal, today

Pearl Harbour 20 times more distructive.......! The coercion alone...shall cause 15 times damage as Living Death of "Threat"....forget life, liberty and purusit of for any Nation, including our USA... . Religion and Morality:  Morality, while not a religion, is piety of life with the practice of all moral duties for those who do not believe in a supreme Lawgiver.  Religion is Law and ...:

Anyone ready to learn the difference between "Rule of Law" as Republican form of Representation government under God as "Religion and Morality" and Declaration With Constitution?

Law Does Mean God's Law as the teachings and instructions from Jesus and the Apostles with Deuterotomy - especially note Chap. 28 & 29. Versus

Obama-soros-UN-EU-now add -World Bank - Man's 'Law of inanimate objects (money, air, land, water) and living objects' defined by inclusion and exclusion / allowed and not allowed, controlled, judged and punished sans any Constitution -- let alone the United States Constitution's protection of "Person".

Remember, Each-One-Unique-Person- is made in God's Image. Each person is comprised of "body - inanimate living object as fingers and orifices which allow testing of products of digestion"; and "soul - The Story of the Bible cover to cover - in history of mankind from Man's first use of this day, tomorrow and forever.

Truth is "person" obtaining Knowledge and Wisdom of Proverbs, Psalms, and all the Bible. God's Truth extends throughout "heaven above, the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"; and all  contained as life, liberty, and pursuit for all animals (homo sapiens), vegetable, and mineral ... including those "tools" which Shall Allow mankind to enter and pursue the valuables in God's Universe.  But

Only with understanding the Love-Each-One-Person gains from adversity and life, liberty, with risk-benefit of pursuit -- person decides and defines within and without the polity which that person is a member of as "The Whole is the sum of EACH-ONE of its parts." This is the America of 1620, with the Colonists who became the Founders of 1776's Declaration and 1789's Constitution of the United States of the already 150 year old America.

Obama and minions, including many Progressive Republicans, Laws as Socialism functions as 'group-mind', "opinion without interference - history, fact, truth are relative to 'wind of mouth' and Alinsky-Piven Tactics requiring cooperation and submission, without question. "Opinion without interference" is "The end justifies the means." It is taught from Kindergarten through 14th Grade. Many public school graduates of State-Federal Education demonstrate the 'tactics' because they have no knowledge of any other method dealing with injustice of "depriving those Natural Rights" from others.

The Difference means: When "Elected and many We the People" say "We are a Nation of Law." - They mean Constitutional Law; BUT

when Obama's fist and Czars with many State Leaders say "Rule of Law" - they mean 'Social Justice' as all complete anti-law against The Constitution as ""Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION."

Their Democracy is a 'collective, mass comprised of inanimate objects attached to people. The objects are the source of law and power....people - absent borders, jurisprudence except as the 'ruler's' define and delineate people who are "in" and people who are "out". Rulers do not have to account for history, fact, Nature, or Nature's God...and since there is no Creator...there are no Natural Rights.

Injustice and ignoring of Natural rights in defining, controlling, punishing, absent due process, the Natural Rights of Persons and Persons as Corporations- which are composed of individual persons,- Is Socialism's USA and World Order of their Law.

It is important to recognize the difference because The Ten Commandments do not exist for Socialism any more than with Radical Islam the above article references. BECAUSE False Witness, murder (living death under few men Socialist dictators), Stealing (steal includes coercion and indoctrination of mind attached to soul - children through lifespans); - covets people's home, animals, vegetables, and minerals;

THEREFORE, socialist's are free to lie, change treaties, assault with or with intent - person or persons as corporations -; ignore person and facts with principles in "Rule of Law"; incorporate and diffuse anti-law throughout this nation and all nations. The goal is remove competitiveness of person and can be viewed on you tube as "Zeitgeist: the Movie" with its very proud OWS gang's updates.

Generations not taught God's Law with Principle and practice in righteousness by man and not understanding principles of adversity with risk and reward based upon "The Rule of Law", are doomed to all the bad things in Deuteronomy 28, 29.

The Difference is Important because Each-One-American-elected or not-in each part of each air, water, and land comprising this Nation is in this moment, and for every moment---until We the People commence: "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government,..".

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