ATTENTION Each Electoral College Member of Each of the 50 States
“According to Article II of the U.S. Constitution AND the 12th Amendment - if 1/3rd of the States/17 do not cast their votes in the Electoral College -- then the matter falls onto the House of Representatives to choose the President.[1]
Given our, United States shall guarantee a Republican form of government, which includes Sovereignty of Person, STATE, and Nation, disbanded with “One Nation” of Religion and Morality completely deneggrated, there should not be even 1 Electoral Member Vote for this man, president of the Socialist-collective, mass/ bastardized-democracy here in our Nation and therefore God’s Planet. Because “Equal Station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle – consent of the governed / to secure these rights”, is the Supreme Law of this Planet and Universe.
Ignorance among the populace as a result of “Alinsky Freeze” of “..information needed to make a proper decision [is] withheld and distorted in a way intended to mislead through negligence.”[10], which pervades the “Obama Regime” since January 20, 2009, has resulted in 62,611,250 collective-mass people overtly lied and deceived; and “lawlessness by Majority number combined with Majority of Force - which refuses ‘Reason and The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’.
The 59,134,475 Americans who knew, on their own initiative and ability to garner information to accurately and by ignoring the media as information source, since before August 28, “2010 Restore Honor”; with complete, documented awareness of “Treason, Bribery, High Crimes, and Misdemeanors”[2], are the minority which are at risk for the continued Majority of force as the political standard for which Socialist-Secular-collective-collaboration, mass people, Political Depravity Party (PDP) - Obama Regime reigns.
In researching Electoral College [3, 4, 5, 6], “The first purpose of the Electoral College is to distribute the election power top-down from the Federal government into the hands of the States which is based on the principle of Federalism..”, the Equilateral, Proportional, Nature’s Law Triangle[8].
The choosing June 5, 2012 and every two years, of the members of each party’s Central Committee begin the formation of those who will be the “elector members” from each State[9]. This to avoid “..the perceived danger of concentrating the election authority in the federal government..”; actually, though, through the 2010 Census of the 50 States Districts, concentrating force and power to the “Obama Regime”was the achieved goal. Consent of the Governed, altered by population-number same, decreased, or increased manipulations, was intentional on the part of the Socialist-Secular-collective, mass people.
These, and so much more, post-election words declare; with We the People absent experience of such devious negligence; and ‘We the People-Politicians’, forgetting the parallel, District, Precinct Paths of Republican form of Representation: Direct to the House, and indirect to the Presidency via “elector-members” to the “Electoral College”, pushed-out “Consent of the governed’s straight forward, natural rights in law, inherent Americans since our founding in 1620, got fooled, and tied-up in their own ‘statistical interpretations’ of We the People. All Americans who love God and our Nation must learn and teach the consequences of these errors: to every single kindergarten to 14th Grade and beyond, the Personal Need and duty, to secure, in business and all life, sacred fire Liberty, and pursuits of each-one’s Happiness.
In virtually every post-vote medium the array of number’s formats rule supreme; with the ‘personalities’ of the “interest groups”/collective, masses by descriptor, and are used to ‘explain what happened’. Completely absent is any word, of the knowledge, wisdom and truth of The Federalist or the Words of our Greatest Leaders, turned into ‘relating’ to the attack on our Republic under God
What really happened is demonstrated by the abandonment of Two of the 12 Basic American Principles: 1) that every level of the above Federalist Triangle, is comprised of Every-One-Person, composed of a body and a Soul, which is the principle “..--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, [Nature’s God: Soul] is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. .. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. .. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.”.
This ‘president’, a Person elected from among “We the People”, is not truthful, nor right, and has no intention of becoming obedient to the Oath of Office which connects Both Founding Document’s Laws, nor do his Congressional elected, or not: officers; agents; closed-shop, union administered, boss-worker, employees of unreal, pension guarantees; his Departments, Agencies, Commissions or other entity – White House “visitors”.
2) The Majority as a number removes the minority’s ‘consent of the governed - forever. Majority goes There is no Article IV:4 guaranteed Republican form of smaller number ‘consent of the governed or ‘voice’ in any form of public or legislative which allows the loss to extend to private. This is a ‘bastardized democracy’ because of #1 obedience to higher law in duty from conscience and duty to the Laws of Both Founding Documents in the polity of the people regardless of their location on the Federalist Equilateral Triangle. Socialist-commjunist California, Hawaii, and Washington are the States which have seceded from the union absent the consent of their minority party: and “information needed to make a proper determination” is “withheld” and is “distorted” with the full intention to mislead through omission, comission, neglect and positive transgression of the Republic under God.
The Obama Regime is Not Strictly limited in power or in the operation of government. Its Majority of force as the political, and private, standard of right and wrong, is despotic, omnipotent, oppressive, requiring obedience and submission with subservience to the ‘president’ and all decrees by any of his minions. The Obama Regime does not obey the Laws of Nature or even recognize, Nature’s God.
The Declaration is null and void... which means ‘unalienable rights from our Creator’ and ‘consent of the governed are null and void. The Constitution is null and void because Article II and VI, Oath of Office, - moral absolutes: truths which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances,- are both ‘Alinsky frozen,’ working for unfreeze at the new socialist-collective, mass Secular level, the result of November 6, 2012, which are the consequences of “ The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command.”:
—False, inaccurate, and misrepresented numbers of “We the People’s”, “apportioned among the several States”, 2010-Census; resulting in
—Districts precinct and polling place lines of demarcation, gerrymandered by race/culture/non-English, community of interest and; by abolishing as much as possible One Person = One vote, 1620At-large, and replacing it with “By Area Trustee Voting Systme”by the very same physical and language characteristics; and
— by the domination of the Obama regime of majority as force to establish the political standard of right and wrong, in the interest of number, collective, mass, and - complete omission of information required for the People’s decision to the total amount of that ‘number’.
The 01/01/2010 census count-fraud combined with the destruction of “ the Flag, and to the Republic for which It Stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.” are the reasons Mr. Obama, his the ‘minority of people who support and celebrate the demise of Our Republic, had complete confidence in re-running for another 4 years in office; and be elected in All 50 States by the most lopsided vote in the history of this Nation.
That vote result is made worse by the never identified, completely free of responsibility or accountability to the polling place people of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, for consequences of their computer hardware and software, forced removal of the count from the neighborhood precincts which would guarantee the military vote with mail-in ballots returned to the NEIGHBORHOOD, FAMILY/PERSON, FEDERALIST REPRESENTATIVE LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT, for count. Many of the 59+million on the internet, are now experiencing the arbitrary, unaccountable power of the internet software individuals, who consider themselves above the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God: removing of “What on your mind, with that ever-lovin, arrogant, conceited, inanin box of ‘write something’ as you are writing; which will be removed if it doesn’t say the “politically correct” words – absent reference to our Republic under God - and allowing the ‘crucifixion’ illustrated as Obama (appearing on the “What’s on your mind” network), who could not have made two steps with the weight of the cross on his shoulders, let alone to the place they put him; — but with OWS and other young, that is the way they view this ‘president’ - Deception and deceit are so much fun with ignorance reigning supreme for evil edu. of our Posterity:-( Google and FB are infamous. Google is especially ‘fun’ for you get to spend 40 min to an hour, unless you decide whatever the issue was isn’t worth your time, searching FAQ’s, for answers. I like India, and what it is attempting to accomplish for its people- they do a good job, but with our unemployment, hiring them over US(A) for telephone handling of the issues and problems which are usually solved in less than 2-15 mins– not counting the waiting time if you call after-hours (makes employment from home possible); and that relates back up to the immigration of non-Americans’ lossing priority for other nations – lessening our Nation’s Sovereignty and allowing the Obama-PDP-Socialist’s ‘leveling of the Planet’s Nations so that ‘Zeitgiest’s re-defintion of competition’ can rule.
That Census is First to count One Person - One Vote apportioned into Re-doing, reviewing the demarcation-lines of the Districts, Precincts, and Polling Places, within each of the 50 States. Because of the inaccuracy’s, (If you don’t fill-out the Long-census form, of private information; we won’t count you in the census), resulting in the complete, one-sided, lopsided:— ‘collective-collaboration among non-English’, incapable of understanding the language of “Consent of the governed,” and could not make a One-Person - One Vote decision, whether or not each-one choose to, or even knew they had a choice, — as One Person Protected in our Republican form of government;
— ‘collective-collaboration of special interests’ were told, and were lied to regarding resources to provide sex organ function, anatomy, physiology, neurology-objects required for any kind of sex activity, control or activities, health, gender, government entitlements and college support $$ as grants, -sold to uninformed, State/Federal indoctrinated, collective-youth-people as “free money”,
Except, regardless of Legislative and Executive ‘Alinsky freeze’ opinion, Social Security - is Not An Entitlement: Earnings were “withheld” for +/- 53 years of work, and after receiving the “benefits earned by SS calculations”, taxes are laid-on when there is working hours which increase the personal income of a retired person; and information regarding the risk/benefit of private investment is withheld in order for Personal Choice regarding future benefit loss/risk, in the interest of safety of business and private investment for the economy of the nation verses the completely absent the safety of that same money in the hands of public government responsibility. This particular recipient could have used the Choice of investment, at a considerably higher rate of return than the government’s, to save the home of investment over the ten years which transpired between 2001 and 2011; and who is now ‘locked’ into the “FDR-government’s-slush fund for the purposes of funding the ‘social- ist programs’ he started and are now, especially with PPAA, about to cause the largest disaster touching every-One-Constitutional Person-absent any physical or environmental descriptor; including just days ago, the abridgement of the Article IV: the Person/Family Article 2, and the Fournteenth’s: “No State (Congress-members are from States) shall make or enforce any law which shall abride the privilages and immunities of citizens of the United States..” for immigrates. All elected representatives forget the reason there is not physical or environmental descriptors for constitutional Person: 1) God didn’t use them; and 2) there is no homo sapien way, that ‘all circumstances of Nature or Nature’s God’ as homo sapien’ can be accounted for except by the individual componet of the polity – the Person-one-at-a-time.
One of the worse lies has a lot of names, but always the same effect, removing ‘consent of the governed’ from the Ballot Box - no matter what the PDP says to the contrary!:
— “Winner take All”; top-two vote getters regardless of Political Party affiliation by candidate or by voter, with the parallel State’s Party-Elector-Delegates going to “Winner-take-all” in Party’s convention, or in the ‘elector-members’ to the Electoral College, is, yet another, Anti-law against our Republic under God and the Laws of both Founding Documents; for it is neither derived, nor consistent with the Laws of the Founding Documents.
‘Winner-take-all’, top-two vote getters, popular, greater number, majority completely removes the minor party’s equal rights, and voice of ‘reason’ to allow the majority of force absent Morality and Protections of Person, corporate Persons, and all minorities. The Person(s) and all minor party’s are denied their equal rights when the Majority is not and does not, acknowledge Its violations of the Laws of Both Founding Documents. The removal of our Congressional We the People’s voice, by this ‘president’s instruction to his 2009 Congressional ownership’, as “Filibuster” is also an example of ‘majority of force-over reason’.
The purpose of “Debate” is not “opinion” of the Sponsor or Co-sponsor’s and all Committees involved, but to Answer the question: Is this Bill derived, and consistent with Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, unalienable Rights and the 1789-Constitution of the United States? That is the sole method to determine if the majority as a number is representative of the “Religion and Morality” and Laws to secure the unalienable rights: Life is synonymous with the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
The Founding Principle of One Person as the individual component of the polity is deeply rooted in the Republican and Federalist forms of government. The Republic under God cannot stand unless this principle of our Lord God Stands.
‘Winner-take-all’, “top two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation..”; And ..
..District/Polling Places by: skin-color - except white/race, country-of-origin - except the United States the naturalized individual is a Citizen with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic under God, a.k.a, –the formation of “Tiny nation-districts and precincts”, in addition to non-English, the language of “We the People” and “Consent of the governed”, optional, because the “collective-collaboration-of master makes the ‘choices’ over the ‘individual’s indentured-servant to Non-English speaking’ will instruct accordingly, to the ‘Atheist-Socialist-collective, mass Secular’, regarding, and too often including pre-marked ballots, for the use of the non-English speaker; who, also, has no idea what a Republic under God means to their, unique person, let alone the meaning of the marks on their pre-filled ballot.
‘Meaning of marks on the pre-filled ballot’, is a great example of how PDP performs usury against the honor and integrity which are hallmarks of Each-Person’s duty and service as One Vote.
This violation of the polling place, one person-one vote, Trust, is difficult to ‘see-body’-prove-law, precisely because of the ‘open-nature of Trust, inherent to American ‘You are who you say you are.’ without question - especially in voting. The vast majority of the time, That Truth is exactly the fact. Americans don’t lie - especially in view of responsibility to themselves in relation to candidates and issues, and among the 59 million - sickened by the destruction of our Republic, which are important. But in absence, or spoken-disobedience to Oath of Office by employees of the government; or the absence of “Thou shalt not bear false witness” for any person of religion and morality, the Socialism of truth is relative and changeable. Truth is not relevant to the goals of ‘collective, mass secular people”; and paid to observe the lists; and fill-out the ballots or have voters from vacant lots, is perfectly OK. In-other-words, the PDP does not recognize honor and integrity; stuffing the ballot box is easy and a great idea of the “bosses”. There is more to this, but not right now...
Of course, it that is not all inclusive; but with 3,475,775 - 2% popular vote difference which equals 69,516 per State, collective-collaboration by race and culture, absent the language of Constitutional Person and the “special interests of gender for sex, for employment opportunities, for education, for food stamps, Head Start, and all entitlements, health care for healthy people who will lose jobs because of being healthy, PPAA Federal requirements for employment of healthy by $250,000+ employers; could easily make the difference.
Regardless of ‘number’ as a total, inanimate object-tool, defined by the usurpations of this ‘president’s’ regime, cannot and must not change our “the Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.”.
The supreme power of the atheist-socialist over public celebration of the 2012 Birth of Jesus, the Son of God, allows the ‘PDP, ‘state’s religion’ of coercion to reign.
Atheist’s do not reign supreme because of their ‘body-see-judgements’, or of their choice to not believe in “Religion and Morality”; and like homosexuality, it is a personal choice.; and both share the same wrong: ‘each-person within the polity of the Whole’.
Atheist-Socialist’s are not more special, or less special than any person; and equal rights prevail over the disrespect of person by the atheist’s who demand that religious teaching and celebration be banned; but their ‘state-religious/belief in supreme power of anti-God, is allowed anywhere and anytime they so choose; and they can include the domination of “Zeitgeist’s 13 men” and “Allah of Revenge” greater than God’s Laws. These, atheist-socialist-society bans extend to many areas of public celebrations: the 4th of July – must be banned or so severely limited, that families can no longer have those great Block parties of barbeques and games because the people cannot handle their own safety on their own property; and parks cannot, unless city and county government issue paper to give permission for the use of matches to make the noises and color of fireworks and “My Country Tis of Thee” or “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, “Grand Old Flag” and speaking the Gettysberg Address or the Declaration with each-one choosing which part they want to read... Knowledge, Wisdom, and truth of the Patriotism of our History is removed. The word ‘Equity’ is re-defined by the Socialist, while yelling “Not fair!” for the American.
‘Obama’s Regime of majority in all life’ does not recognize an individual’s unalienable rights; cannot function unless it owns a designated collective-mass people; and unless it denigrates “Religion and Morality’s” absolute truths which are binding at all times and in all circumstances, by inculcating it into churches governance; and into the coercion of the ‘Obama state’ of control against the “free exercise” of religion by ‘threat by coercion in removal of the inanimate object ‘donations’ which represent the alternative to charity and service to those in need, 501C3, but not by government usury of taxpayers resources.
..Understand, that not allowing church to be involved as an important resource for the “Soul” of person in “Religion and Morality”, will decrease another avenue of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth; as well as the very personal coping and trials that each-of-us bear in just doing life, liberty, and pursuits. No to school, no to courts of truth in justice, no to public display, no to church, no to crosses on hillsides, but the memorial can stay because the judge of the court would be “indifferent”.....Re-defining words — the other hallmarks of get rid of Person in Republic under God!
“Exceptional”, is said in respect for our Republic, but falls short; because the word fails to recognize that God and His Son Jesus, do consider our Nation, the Leader of this Planet, because “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL in STATION TO WHICH THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE’S GOD ENTITLE THEM”; but then “We the People” tend to underestimate our skills and knowledge, at least until persons like Sen. Duncan Hunter writes “Victory in Iraq, How America Won” telling of ordinary men, performing extraordinary acts to assist the Newborn Iraq, over the hurdle of more “People giving consent” to their government and less tribal, force and control in the name of the Islamic Religion which, also does not recognize or value the Person of Soul, much less Body of an individuals at certain ages and circumstances of Man’s Law-over-its own Posterity.
All are demonstration of infestation of Atheist-Socialist-Secular-collective, mass-don’t question or think people subservient and submissive to the Obama Regime pinnacled from the Liberal love of power, conceit and arrogance; and using Saul Lucifer Alinsky’s definition of “no fixed truth, relative and changing, no dogma shackles” with “freeze, unfreeze, and refreeze, among the rest of his tactics mixed with Cloward-Piven thrown-into the foray in courts of law, outside courts of law as The American Rule utilized by Federal and State Departments; all for the purpose of what is contained herein; and in other writings “Veterans Day and The Sword of Truth”; “Refusing Religion and Morality”; “Last Minute Considerations of our Republic v. this Majority of force ..”[11/4] at These are mentioned because the real outcome of Atheist-socialist-collective, mass people is complete absence of truth in life, in courts and in legislation, or any so-called, debates of: “conclusions resulting from carefully sorted and selected facts” to declare any Bill essential and necessary to socialist society of force and control by majority mandatory. And
For the Party Convention, and therefore the Electoral College, there is a complete misrepresentation of “We the People” and of “Consent of the Governed”; and declares that what each-person-as one part of the Whole of Polity in society or in Convention, or the protection of the People in their State of Citizenship, is totally removed for a ‘number’ which allows “Government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.” And “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we therein them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.” –Both President Jefferson.
“Electoral College Members”, anonymous as they are, MUST ACT ON BEHALF OF OUR REPUBLIC AND ON BEHALF OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE, and NATION. But the selection problems, will be changed when reasonable-members of the party return “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.” to its proper place, with “Robert’s Rules of Order” among the people of ALL party factions with equal voice because it is the Laws of Both Founding Documents which are the ‘winners’ of debate to
“Government of Laws,..”
These anti-laws attached to the nefarious, sophistry must be removed – not by initiative, but by representatives who understand the wrong, whether or not, the district demarcations, majority number, majority of force absent fact or reason, at their respective locations in the triangle of governance, must expunge such laws, including the tens of thousands of laws disguised as Regulations from the Czars under this ‘president’ including “Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPAA)” lawlessness.
Put back Medicare dated before Obama’s Anti-law; and before, the ‘punishment of doctor’s for iatrogenic mistakes as fines, +/-2008, absent mistake’s opposite: daily, incredible art and science of perfectly excellent medical care of Person. When I think of the complex diagnoses of patients in their homes, which I had the privilege of working with Physicians, Surgeons and the patient’s with, or without, families; I cringe at the ignorant arrogance of the Obama Regime’s control absent any reason simply to create bureaus and statistics over skill with knowledge and truth.
Obama Regime Government does not make any money at all except by taxing-fining City and State; then State fines City; and City fines or attempts to fine or find - revenue for its requirements, which are nearly, and now, quite extinct – since in California all cities planning are run by the Socialist-collective, mass-Secular absent ‘Laws of the Republic’ ignored by the State; and therefore, President Obama is the primary source for the guarantees in Article IV:4. He won’t support or defend, any more than obedience to Oath of Office he considers beneath his high ‘state’ above the Laws. . “...not of men.” John Adams
Then the ‘elector’ delegates from the convention upward, who are unknown to most of “We the People” in their States because that part of Politics is not well understood; except by Socialist-collective-secular who have a long history starting from the French in the middle 1800's, then Fabian Socialists of George Orwell, who taught to wait and have waited, for this ‘president’ who does have considerable skill at destruction of the Constitution. He didn’t really pay much attention to the Declaration, because no-one has, since 1947's Everson v. the New York Board of Education; and that is a shame for the beauty of our Declaration, for there is not one sentence which can be removed or one word changed, in the entire spectrum of Human Events it addresses, including this 11/06/2012 human event which it helped, this Patriot understand much more completely, and which shall affect the entire Planet, and has already started....hasn’t it!? More, Both can teach a world to any Person, any Age, who is willing to do the self-discovery – exactly as Mr. Andrews teaches, and that is why he teaches it as he does! That’s Cool:-)
59,134,475 Americans who know they love our Nation, most Love God; know what the Obama Regime is; and many among them, naturalized, - legally entered sometimes at great personal sacrifice and loss, who chose The United States of America exactly for ‘reason’ stated in Declaration and Constitution, personal right to just ‘be’ the unique “who” of their Person.
Though I’m sure there are probably both deists and atheists among them, just as there are God Loving Americans “Flushed-away” into the 62 plus millions above, 50% at least who were among the Democratic Delegates who voted “yes”, in the belief that replacing words regarding God and Jerusalem, back into the Platform, mission statement, would “fix” the mistake!
The Obama Regime, from Person/Family through Town, County, State, and federal and including all elected representatives from each level, departments, commissions, agencies, entities, officers, employees, agents, or any and all, ‘special’, White House visitor, has been working to extinguish our Republic under God.
One Third or more of our Nation’s States, must declare Sovereignty of Person, State, and even those, Elected We the People, who shall continue to obey, and renew their obedience to the Laws of BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS; and specifically, to our Constitution by obeying President Jefferson’s instructions: “On every question of construction, [let us] carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”.
This instruction is quite easy to follow, depending on your ability to trust and recognize Truth of wisdom and knowledge lodged in the magnificent connecting classical logic of their work. You need at least these three references: 1) “American Dictionary of the English Language”; Noah Webster; 1828; Foundation for American Christian Education; His work could also be Required Text throughout the United States and its Territories for our Posterity kindergarten through Graduate School. 2) “The Federalists Papers.” 3) “A Guide for Learning and TEACHING The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution Learning From the Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders; Joseph Andrews; The Center for Teaching the Constitution;; and always following through with all lesson plans; always looking up common words of meanings which have changed through the ages. A good example is ‘Congress’ in 1828's “concert of measures”, ‘concert’ with harmony, nearly the same in 1913 (if the site gets repaired); but totally changed in 2012 Please understand, that while words can change, like truth, there are words which will never change in any time or any circumstance. You also need to understand, as George Washington and John Adams did, that Research, Reflect/Reason, Relate, Record/take Action are essential. A Fourth would be to go to the Library of Congress and purchase a digital photo of the very fragile, March 12, 1770 “Boston Gazette and Country Journal” for its absolute Treasure of Americans three years before the Boston Tea party and 6 before the Declaration. Not one of the “freeholders and individuals” involved, well except possibly the Teaparty, were involved with the Declaration; but they were Performing All In Their Power to Correct Wrong. As “We the Colonists”..They worked hard and it is all there, in that little four page, 9 font, old American Journal by Journalists – some not their trade, they wrote and submitted for publication their own notes! It is prized and beautiful – mine is a reproduction from the 30's or 40's.
You See, Both Are Each-One Person’s Documents. We, each-one-reading this as One-Person-in the Whole of the Polity/Federalist equilateral triangle, do Own the Responsibility for Both; and for the sacred Trust of passing them the continuing “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”. Each-One person’s “Watch”; and there is no American from 8 years of age to 105 years old who can read with comprehension, love learning for knowledge, wisdom and truth, who cannot Learn or Teach that these Documents are Sacred and Do Solve All Problems National and International because they are based on live experience of men who knew how to perform the 4 R’s often in Latin and Greek.,..and French as well the difference between GB and American English.
Then, while always possible, it would be much more difficult for usurper’s usury: “If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,”.
We must not allow this ‘president’ with his entire regime, have any position of power or authority over any person(s) or corporate persons; and all regulations, laws disguised as regulations, and usurpations with despotism, from 01/20/2009 are null and void from their dates of inception throughout the remaining days of Office of this Anti-Law Leader of darkness and chaos.
Not One Electoral College vote from any State which places God and Nation-FIRST in “A Government of Laws, and not of men”. John Adams
Resources and Comments:
1. Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 has posted a new item, 'Still Another Way to
STOP the Ineligible Usurper Obama' Many have been talking about this method.
According to Article II of the U.S. Constitution AND the 12th Amendment - if
1/3rd of the States do not cast their votes in the Electoral College -- then the
matter falls onto the House of Representatives to choose the President. In other
words -- if we pressure Congressmen, [...]
You may view the latest post at"
2. See “Veterans Day and The Sword of Truth” at It’s below the Mitt and Adam blog
3. “Electoral College: Election by Representatives”, “Political Science Principle of the Founders” in A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution Learning From the Original Texts Using Classical learning Methods of the Founders; Joseph Andrews, The Center for Teaching the Constitution,; pp144 - 147.
4. “What Is The Electoral College? How It Works And Why It Matters”; Huff Post Politics; 11/6/12. Especially reading in the comments.
5. The Federalist No. 27; No. 7 and 8 have relevance. Hamilton
6. “The Spirit is Supreme” and “The Majority Limited for Liberty”; “The Twelve Basic American Principles” in “The Spirit of 1776; Hamilton A. Long; 1976;
7. “Princeton Election Consortium, A first draft of electoral history
8. “Who are the Electors?” But you won’t get names. That is nearly impossible; is the site CALIFORNIA – State Law – § 6906 and the rest of the States with Codes.
No Legal Requirement - These States are the closest to the purpose of the Electoral College - options to thwart despotic-usurpers demonstrated by this Obama Regime.
Electors in these States are not bound by State Law to cast their vote for a specific candidate:
9. The names of these mysterious people are very hard to get a hold of. Searching did yield results from the Gore election, but I lost the link. There doesn’t appear to be any list available for 2012 for any State.
It should be transparent – because then “We the People” would pay more attention to the 5W’s and H of the Party Central Committee, rather than a rubber-stamp determined by innuendo - not ‘reason’. On that Note, Party, especially Republican Must Return to “Politics”: “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.” – Use #3 in the Learning and Teaching part for your reference. “Party” - “ 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party.
And if you are Republican, then membership on Any Committee should be at-will, not measured by $$$$. Some Persons don’t have $$$$$!
10. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”; Jon Roland: “Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution for the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language.”; and FB.