Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Atheist Socialist state of Religion

is officially the source of removing 'church' from the separation of church and state.  It is no longer necessary to this 'president's' Political Depravity Party of "Socialist-collective, mass people-inanimate and living object overthrow of Article II and VI, the Only God's Law of the Constitution, and "equal station to which the Laws of Nature of of Nature's God entitle them, synonym for Life of the next paragraph "unalienable rights from our Creator" -- sacred fire of Liberty and the pursuits of.....

The +/- 65 Santa Monica coalition of Churches was “..prohibited the free exercise thereof”, Ocean Avenue "Story of the Birth of the son of God - 2,012 years young, as well as “..abridging the freedom of speech, the first two of the five part, First Amendment to our Article II and VI, Oath of Office, to which all officials of any town or city, county, State, and Federal level are bound to as the 1789 supreme Law of the Land.

We the People of Santa Monica, my family’s hometown, Santa Monica Hardware, for 50 years, were opposed by the   ‘state religion, as a belief in a supreme power governing the world, which includes the United States [1], the Socialist-atheist Secular world of numbers, and of collectives as people, living, and inanimate objects as the governing “physiological, anatomy, neurological, selection of facts to support the assets of living objects and the ‘correct-atheist-society-use’ of inanimate objects as defined and subject to power and control. [2]

Santa Monica’s coalition of Churches annual, sometime with volunteers, most often with figures laid out in the scenarios of the Birth of God’s Son Jesus.  “The Story of the Birth of Jesus of Nazareth” started a little south of ‘the Pier’ and extended North on Ocean Ave, to nearly San Vincente.  Hymns were included.  All ages of People came for miles around to drive and walk along to see the Story over most of those years. Trouble with atheism started brewing +/- after ‘62 ; but never reached the dark-depth of the pit of the Atheist of Santa Monica added to the pit of deep darkness and chaos which is this ‘president’ with his “Socialist- collective, mass-people, secular anti-United States of America Law.

The ‘Atheist-Socialist-Secular-state-religion’ declares itself above and superior to God’s Laws in George Washington’s Farewell Address statement of “Religion and Morality”, in equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them synonymous with the unalienable right Life; and the First Amendment stated in the Life, Liberty, and pursuits, good and bad, of Happiness. Remember, the fifth Amendment addresses the rights of someone, Constitutional-Person, who is accused or may have been convicted of a crime.

In our Pledge to our Republic under God and the Laws of Both Founding Documents, Atheist-socialists are no better, nor worse than any Christian-Jew-Buddhist.  They cannot declare themselves the sole judge and jury to decree the degree of any One Person, nor corporate Persons, which are composed of individual persons, public practice of their religion. They have no ‘supreme power’ as one or a group, over any other one, or a group, in the Religion and Morality of 1620 through the early 1960's, and beyond for some of the religions.

To the Santa Monica Coalition of Churches, Do Not Deny Our Lord Jesus; continue your display because so many people need to know; and because of the work of our Founders placing the Laws of God, Nature and Nature’s God, unalienable life, sacred fire of liberty, and pursuits, good or bad of “free agency”, For the First Time in the History of Mankind On God’s Planet. The Displays do not affect any person’s choices of free agency. If atheists want to talk about ‘affront’ or ramming it down their throats ---- they own their beliefs, Not We the People of the United States are “to the Republic... One Nation, Under God,  indivisible...”.

Resources and Comments:
1. “American Dictionary of the English Language” Religion definition : “ 4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, &c. as well as of the christian religion. We speak of false religion, as well as of true religion.
PAGAN: “This word was originally applied to the inhabitants of the country, who on the first propagation of the christian religion adhered to the worship of false gods, or refused to receive christianity, after it had been received by the inhabitants of the cities.”.

There’s more to this definition, but that isn’t the purpose of adding the importance of these definitions to this ‘president’s overthrow of the 1620-1776 Declaration with its Twin The1789 Constitution.    www.

2. “New Atheism is the name given to a movement among some early-21st-century atheist writers who have advocated the view that "religion should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises."[173] The movement is commonly associated with Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Victor J. Stenger.[174][175] Several best-selling books by these authors, published between 2004 and 2007, form the basis for much of the discussion of New Atheism”.

Atheists versus Mt. Soledad Cross, “45% want to skip Christmas” on GBTV, and “Christmas is for Children”; and Israel cannot have Jerusalem as its Capital with God should not be in the Democratic Platform.  “ 45% want to skip Christmas” is what the atheist-socialist’s “alinsky-unfreeze at the ‘new’ level’ – completely absent Person protected from government; Religion and Morality; Oath of Office or any word or action for knowledge, wisdom and Truth — especially absent in most of Article III Judiciary which has removed itself from independence and from God’s Law.  ‘Alinsky-Unfreeze-new-level’ means “Christmas” has absolutely nothing to do with God’s Son, Jesus, neither does The Crucifixion of His son, at Easter; therefore, simple “alinsky-Freeze” that combination out of the memory banks of the uninformed,  the deists, and those who have little or no Faith, Charity, Hope, or concept of love for God and his Creation of this Universe.

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