Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why Newt and Paul must stay in Our Nation's fight to remain Constitutional..

Link to: Dr. No to President Veto:

Newt and Ron are THE ONLY TWO CANDIDATES who understand that The Constitution, and therefore, The Declaration are Under Direct Attack...

The enemy within is Winning.

 And has Centrist Republican Support - pretty much through ignorance of the difference between "Democracy"  versus "Republic".   Our Nation is a "Democracy" in a "Republic" because the majority is a necessary mechanic of any government of the popular type, featuring rule by the people through free, periodic elections. -----There Is A Huge BUT which allows Protection of Person... read on

Santorum gives lip service to "The Rule of Law", but doesn't really understand how Republican form of government under God and with Constitutional Law with its "Oath of Office" - 7 Articles and First 8 Amendments(the original Amendments) -- are Protection of  "Person" against government usurping exactly what this "Enemy within" is removing.

Life which removes Liberty and renders Pursuit of any Action unless 100% dependent on government's (taxpayer $$$$$$$$$) definition, regulation, adjudication without court of law, production  and distribution of all goods and services....which still struggle to survive under government dictate... but shall be removed... should the current Socialist or Progressive Government remain in power.  1% growth Private....15% growth government - don't use the word "public" because it is the New-Speak of Socialists connoting collective, group-think, mass.

Mitt does take more action with "Take Back America"; but when push comes to shove...will not close or decrease the power of the Departments like Education - Indoctrination, EPA, FCC (the Internet Shall be Controlled by the FCC with continued Socialist government), Federal Reserve. He also asks 'the Fox' to determine and justify its use of taxpayer feedings for whatever area of control the Fox would like to continue and increase involvement in;... but the chickens (We the People)... have no say...but are the Food The Fox Must gorge on!

These Acts of the Enemy Within - Include State Government in California and probably the 9 States which are supporting "Popular Vote Only in Electoral College" Amendment -- removed from the media because it is financed by George Soros with Progressive Republicans  involved: GOP Nonprofit Backs Electoral College By Eliza Newlin Carney; Roll Call Staff
Dec. 8, 2011, Midnight.

Socialist shall continue to ignore; and Progressive are very ignorant of how  "The Tyranny of the Majority" is winning usurpation of Centralized Obama's Regime with Progressive unwilling to relinquish the power and control of this Centralized Government:

"..The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority --- of all minorities. ...A Minority of One Protected: The Individual. ...No Majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of A Lone Individual. (from: )".  Thomas Jefferson said that the majority as 'a Whole' comprised of "persons" must abide by "Religion and Morality" of "Rule of Law"; "..that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.".  Oppression is what "We The People - including the elected representatives of Republican form of government - are living under as this essay and from 01/20/2009....until eradication occurs by vote of the people.

Obama's Socialism with Progressive's love of 'Collective Mass" are both Totally "inconsistent and not derived" from our Nation's supreme Law of the Land --- which every-one-elected-substructure employee- takes the "Oath of Office" to uphold;...and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Republic, under God with Liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.  

The "Religion (obedience to God's Laws) and Morality (those who do not have a supreme Lawgiver)" is denied -- is an absolute to "A Democracy in a Republic" because Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes is One Person - accountable to God - and to the Laws which ONLY God and His Son Jesus taught...with the Apostles.  Righteousness, Knowledge, Wisdom beget Truth which is the essence of The Way and The Light of our Lord.......and of Every-One-Person-comprising the Founder's with the Colonists...who did give their lives, their fortunes and their sacred Honor.

EVERYONE:   IT IS VERY IMPORTANT  to Be Aware --- the Smaller Number of of our Lord God HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE FACT OF OUR LORD GOD'S HISTORY!  THAT IS THE VERY REASON - ONE or THE MINORITY MUST AND SHALL BE ALWAYS Law, heard and respected:   Galileo, Martin Luther, The Puritans who came in 1620 - (see "Monumental" by Kirk Cameron and Staff; you will love the story), Tyndale who put King James' Bible in the hands of every plough-sharers, Martin Luther King, and Glenn Beck's "Restore Honor" August 28, 2010!

Remember that!?  Remember how much we said we were, with great patience, just waiting for what is next Tues... in many States; 6 weeks away here in California; and 7 months to November 6, 2012..... But even then....We the People cannot stop our fight and our diligence to correct the misconceptions which abound regarding Congress, Republican form of Government, Consent of the People AND the right of the People to remove or alter their permission given to government (initiative, referendum, grievance).

Because vote means majority number, weighing-in of the actions of gerrymandering-race/culture management groups by ACLU, fraudulent registration of voters - and state allowed all citizens vote regardless - with the opportunity for additional fraud and abuse utilizing Voter ID - a great mechanism of control for the state - (Victor Hugo's - A Tale of Two Cities) identity is essential of life, to liberty, and to pursuit.... and the inanimate object shall have supremacy over person of our Constitution who does not have to prove his identity or his innocence - the accuser does or the state to prove the person is lying... in our Nation of practice "Religion and Morality".  Written like this....because our Vote is, in itself in danger.... !!!!

Still "Religion and Morality" of the Ron Paul - Newt Gingrich Patriots.... Keep Teaching all YOU know; keep sharing, keep working, and never, never give up........No Matter What Happens!!!!!

Do Not Forget --- it is your children and their children and their children...who will live under life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness with understanding of duty, honor, and service to the Nation with every single person past, present and future... as part of God's Universe on the Planet and in the Cosmos.. which is what

1 comment:

  1. Everyone, about Ron Paul, MD. You need to realize that once a doctor performs "Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan (SOAP); he begins "Intervention".

    Ron Paul has completed, and re-evaluated a lot of 'SOAP' as a Representative to Congress! He tends to speak from an Intervention, a.k.a an action to take to arrest, cure, control, or learn to live with...whatever he addresses.

    Having heard the political mantra "I don't like his foreign policy" or "Stand on Israel", this Patriot feels Dr. Paul is intelligent enough to say "Can't fix foreign affairs till we fix our Nation's threat to exist as a Republican form of Representative government under God and Constitution with Declaration". Though, I am nervous about Israel stand... Israel is mandatory for our National Security - if only in relation to "Religion and Morality"!
