Friday, March 16, 2012

This Founding Father's Patriot..

doesn't know how much time remains. ... The "extremist" is attached by the Socialists with the Centrist Republicans in full agreement.  So you shall hear about the writings being "extremest" exactly as 1 Million of "We the People" gathered on "The Mall", August 28, 2010 to give our government "Grievance" named "Restore Honor".

This Patriot shall not quit.  This Patriot shall not bend to coercion of FCC, Party conformity without question, nor any action against the work of God with our Founders. This Patriot thanks very much our commentators of radio -- all of them -- who continue to speak of Constitutionality and against the actions to destroy our Nation;  and destroying the development of our assets with control of all money flow (an Object of worldly value and meaningless to "Religion and Morality") and allowing UN encroachment without congress let alone "consent of We the People"!

You know what the Socialists called "We the People" with their "grievance"  and you know how it was reported via the Socialist, absent Journalism's Ethics of History, reported it.   Remember, OWS age young folk think of the "Restore Honor" Americans as "those other people of suspect motives against the great Obama" - they have been indoctrinated to revere.

In Socialism, as in communism, inanimate objects and living objects are given law-enforcement right over the Republican form of "Religion and Morality of the Founders" with Constitutional Government.  Body scanners, signal cameras with cameras on streets of NY city and other places, all air, land, sea, animal, vegetable, and mineral are involved...  BECAUSE "constitutional protection of person" is easily erased by the power and control of these inanimate and living objects.  Inanimate means they don't move around and are controlled by the homo sapien Socialists with cognitive attributes who SHALL  deprived others of those Natural Rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness.

And Centrist Republicans:  Brian Bilbray, Duncan Hunter to name two and ALL Democrats who are actually socialists flying for their existence under the Democratic Party banner of lie and deceit.

Recently, here on PBS, John Stiles candidate against Brian Bilbray, was DENIED  participation by our tax payer supported KPBS television forum.

Duncan Hunter does agree with the import of Mexican Produce using Mexican trucks to import produce from Mexico (or any other nation) which does not recognize equal rights of our Fallbrook area and Delta area produce and citrus with avocados... all of which Shall Obey all transportation via trucking laws, taxes, fines, EPA, Water, Worker defined standards; while Mexico is absolutely free of any such laws.   Duncan Hunter perhaps with Brian the public-private health care which KEEPS THE MANDATORY EVERY PERSON JOINS in its program.

Neither have any intention of reducing or even answering unconstitutional activities of the Czars of this Obama Administration. Neither, while stating they are responsive to the State's citizens, have any intention of actually participating in our State's losses due to the Socialist Legislature with its unconstitutional activities.

Both are centrist which means "We don't call the President Socialist. It is uncivil and not polite.".  We certainly don't call this Administration tyrannical, oppressive, or dictatorial.... because they are.  These Republicans are not as apparent because they only agree by cooperation with some of the Democrats.  Duncan Stating "I don't know why I'm the only Republican who can reach across the aisle!".  Duncan Hunter doesn't know anything about the contents of the Constitution he has taken an Oath to Support and Defend.... Wait...He Is Not Alone In This...

There are many members of "We the People" elected or not...which should require of themselves and every member of their staff to complete and study Hillsdale College's "Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution".  This because Brian didn't start out disobedient to the kind of grew on him over time..... and Duncan has never known... he is in the public school population of absent "religion and morality" with revisionist US History.

Because these two are incumbents; and because any "body" is better than Obama or his minions in Congress; the centrist Republican party on its continuum of its own age and power with equal ignorance of Declaration, Constitution intertwined with Scripture... shall remain the "Establishment" of Republicanism sans Principles it gives lip-service too, but shall not support.

This "Founding Father Patriot" who has been a Republican since 10 years of age, and currently a very active volunteer for all its now forbidden to participate because of "extremism" ...  thus aiding the Socialist regime these Centrists so want to continue supporting. These few are Republicans of  "opinions without interference" of acceptable views and conformity in the name of political expediency and cooperation  Versus  Teapartier's of Constitution which this patriot is now aligned in support of...!

The other factor not mentioned which is extremely important:   When Republicans and like minded individuals say "We are a nation of law" --- They mean "The Constitution of the United States" as the "Rule of Law"; BUT
When the socialists of Obama and Congress with the media speak of "law", they mean "Social Justice"  the USE of inanimate and living objects intertwined with dictate, "NewSpeak of Orwell's1984", control, with absolute power.  Inanimate and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law MAY NOT BE PARTIES TO AN ACTION AT LAW.

Not Many Americans understand or realize the implications of  "object-body-temporal law" versus "soul as God's Law / Religion and Morality of the Founders.

"Person" without characteristics beyond definition of a "member of the species Homo Sapiens having the essential cognitive attributes.." is the component of Protection as "Minority of One Protected" from the majority; and

Majority is comprised of "persons", but not a mass or collective of Socialism; rather an Assembly of each-one-person comprising the Whole of the Polity; and

Each Person is One member of  "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them; unalienable rights from the Creator to each-one of ALL Men are created equal; to the first *8 Amendments specific to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness protections; and the Entire Articles and Amendments to the 1913 XVI Amendment of blank check taxation which is not consistent nor derived from the original Constitution.

Do Each One of You "See" the unseen Intertwine?  Because God is..., Man is entitled to all our Founding Father's stated In God's Name and with complete, unquestioned obedience which derives from God's perfection in knowing His Universe with Planet Earth and Each-One Person's part of its land, air, water, animal, vegetable, and mineral.. ..And Man's imperfection requiring that obedience to God's Laws.... as the "Oath of Office" and as The Pledge of Allegiance to our Republic under God".

We are God's Nation... and deservedly so!  We are who James Madison and Noah Webster, with many others throughout our history to now... and with Each-One-Person's Stand against the Socialist tyranny of Obama, and Minion, co-hostess of evil Clinton against our troops - disarmed by the order of the Secretary of State; in our "Consent of the Governed" elections now and the near future of repair and return to our Mayflower Compact with Sovereignty of Person, of State, and of our Nation!

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