Sunday, March 25, 2018

Portents of quagmires in Syria Caroline Glick November 25, 2017 Conflict, Politics

from 11/25/2017, adding, 03/30/2018, "UN Official Gives Speech to U.S. Group That Advocates Destruction of Israel....Amid funding showdown, top official welcomed by BDS group".. A top United Nations official is facing criticism following a recent speech before a well known anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state, denies Israel’s right to exist, and has promoted anti-Semitic materials. ... Adam Kredo March 20, 2018, "Israel Rising"

The Koran---, of Muslim/ Sharia sharing Mohammed with ISIS/ Hezbollah, Hamas/ Palestinians in Syrian; Lebanon-Russian flitting -like gnats, all around everyone- especially the axis-socialist, communist- muslim world -- Saracen/ Ottoman - v Kurds - ---is now Papal Authority's UN-falsehood udhr #4," Article 9, the membership of the court is supposed to represent the "main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of the world" -- form of International court of iniquity [can't use word justice - they have abolished God -- Holy Spirit-ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD.
Both TORAH and TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS ARE FORBIDDEN as is TAIWAN, and all little states under the thumb of sprit of devil trinity's top of the highest mountain and all the kingdoms ruled by the tiny-minds of despotism thereof/ 2018 - world currency in borderless nations and no jurisprudence whatsoever -- worse, I am much feared that God Loving nations are preferring to fear man-choosing and serving-man -- as very much supremacy over fearing God.... So, I add to your article-- not just "cutting back'' --- Why should any Nation of HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, ONE God IN THREE PERSONS, THIRD PERSON/ ETERNAL SOUL/ HOLY GHOST, is any person, any location who chooses to Love, obey and follow God/ Christ Jesus, support any axis nation of sprit of devil trinity's imperative to lie, steal and kill?

This brings us to the US, and what Washington wants to do in Syria and the wider Middle East.

So far, the Americans have made every possible mistake in Syria and Iraq.

Then president Barack Obama allowed Assad to commit a genocide of Syria’s Sunnis and foment the refugee crisis in Europe. He allowed Iran and Hezbollah to take over Syria and Iraq. He allowed Erdogan to organize an anti-Assad rebel force dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, which over time morphed into ISIS. He allowed the Russians to use the war as a means to reassert their position in the Middle East 33 years after the Soviets were humiliated and expelled from the Levant.

For his part, Trump has maintained Obama’s Syria policies in relation to Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad. He expanded US military assistance to the LAF. He permitted Iranian militias controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to cooperate with US-trained Iraqi forces in seizing Kirkuk from Kurdish forces. In so doing, Trump betrayed the Kurds, the US’s only reliable allies in Iraq.

If the Americans wish to maintain their record of failure, they have many options for doing so. They can abandon the Syrian Kurds. They can help Putin by underwriting Syrian reconstruction.

They can continue to arm the Hezbollah-controlled LAF. But the Americans do have an option to succeed, as well.

If Trump keeps US forces in Syrian Kurdistan, and if he refuses to help pay for Syrian reconstruction so long as Assad remains in power and Iranian and Hezbollah forces remain on the ground and if the US ends its civilian and military assistance to Lebanon, the US and its allies will be strengthened, and Russia and its allies will be weakened."

To this very 5W and H journalism excellence, a fine example against, our usual and customary media's always ignored truth, trust, promise, please realize what has happened to our God in our Nation, commencing with a vengeance on 01/20/2009: ---- Consent of the Governed in We the People - Oath in Pledge - Oral Law of God/ Two Greatest Commands of God in Deuteronomy and in Matt. 22/ Deut. 6.5 --- are, by edict in decree, nullified and voided-overthrow of RATIFIED 1776/ 1789 The Creator of "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle each-one- Person's "Independence" composing the UNION of ONE PEOPLE within each-one State, that Constitutional-Person's place of residence, protected from invasion's "Infringement of Right/ Truth/ God; The Creator of supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, summer of 2014 by Article III -to a delusional-adversarial-democracy's synonyms, socialist, communist atheism (no Oral Law of God/ man-choosing and serving man, N.T. Galatians 1), - the 5 living presidents, three of whom live in distant, past history of hierarchy ruler's of conduct-force, socialism-FDR in Mrs Roosevelt's Chair of the socialist, communist 1949 UDHR-blasphemy, including the current president's 09/19/2017 General Assembly speech of capitulation and surrender of our 1620 Puritans in 1776 Revolution, at the Papal Authority's UN.
---- our President, among most Americans of God and Nation First, who have never in the history of our nation, have tolerated such hate in violation of Holy Spirit, One God in Three Persons, you are the Third, John 17/ Psalm 109 in 14, nor been lied and stolen in all 10 Commandments, #5 is the Eternal Living Souls of our Heritage "In the land, the Lord, your God, is giving You (most often removed in the interest of perversion of scripture, Paul in Galatians 1-man-serving-man, - as you note in your article; but always without the "connections" to your O.T. with Interval between the O.T. and the N.T.-Captivity APOCRYPHA-Ecclesiasticus Chap. 17, rampant throughout today's 194 nations with axis surrounding the above noted to includes China, Venezuela (in the same shape as Syria) - among the now EU/Commission's, Papal authority members, 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty --- i.e., Papal Authority's property-194 UN nation's General Assembly Resolution A/58/314 Participation of the Holy See in the work of the United Nations 16 July 2004 — Fifty-eighth session, every Committee and PLO, at, ; ; "U.N. Issues Order To Trump As Officials Claim ‘Warning’ Signs, Urgent Action, Posted by Georgette Walrath | Aug 24, 2017 | Breaking News ----- at,

"Liberman: “Iran won’t be allowed to get nuclear weapons” - Gavriel Dan March 25, 2018 at,
"..With the Russia back Shiite axis clearly coming out ahead in the Syrian civil war, the threat from Iran has grown significantly. Although Russia has promised not to let Iran become a danger to Israel, the opposite has occurred and the fanatical Shiite regime has assumed an ever more threatening position. Last month Iran sent its first UAV into Israel, which sparked a reaction from Israel destroying many of the forward bases it had built in Syria. Despite the strong stance taken by the IDF, Iran continues to expand seemingly realizing that Israel is increasingly on its own. ..."

Papal Authority's, who came, in person, to bless Speaker Boehner on his retirement, while Speaker Ryan took over the helm of faction-force-political party's support of a delusional adversarial democracy hiding behind REP, where there are so many factions, "The Party of Principle" cannot even find God -- not a division of the Trinity Sacred Documents, rather, the opposition starting from "Tories" in NE States, 01/20/2009 socialist, communist atheist's- no God/ Oral Law or even recognition of the Contents in the WHOLE, Three Sacred Documents UN hiding behind the, on your ballot, label, DEM/ LIB "Speaker Ryan, a.k.a. UN Papal Authority, tells Trump to lay off Mueller", Thursday, July 27, 2017, - link is no longer available at the Washington Post search - for now, obvious reasons....then, just ABDICATED PRINCIPLE, i.e., UDHR's Article 19 in 29's "person-ality" persistent judgement by Matt. 17's hypocrisy mixed with John 8's whore in the pit !
Papal Authority who would vote for Hillary Clinton if he could vote, and had - Obama protected as as an "Exiled government", UN Commanding the 2016, saved by our Electoral College, Republican form of Government protection of each-one-person, Consent of the Governed's Article II President to never touch the (above-exemplified) legacy of Obama"-- which everyone loves to forget occurred, the is the other - axis - Russian Orthodox-Putin/ Papal Authority - UN -

In Matt. 4, also Deut. 8.3, Psalm 91, Deut. 6.16, 13, 10.20, Holy Spirit-Truth, Jesus has fasted 40 days and 40 nights (God's promise never again to 'deluge'), then taken to spirit of devil trinity - residing in each-one-person of The Eternal God's Holy Spirit - Ezekiel 33 Swift (nanosecond in modern man's terms) sword - Your Nation is the Trumpeter -- spirit of devil trinity #3 of 3's property in grandeur, highest mountain with 360 degree visual effect, and all 194 nations of Papal Authority's UN-UDHR, Agenda 21, GW, 2017 World Bank Group's, necessarily including Federal Reserve/ IMF, Sustainable Development Goals: Another source of support and of revenue to the Putin - interests and to all three axis failed nations Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Syria... and counting.. -- World Bank, IMF, Federal reserve's "plastic money", borderless nations and jurisprudence, hat is, the 2015-2017's abrogation of Alithia/ Truth/ Paul's Christian Discipline (I Tim. 1), a non-word "BiPartisan"; meaning Papal Authority UN because our Article I is so blinded by "abrogating the prerogatives of The Eternal"-blasphemy - it is in not only complete ignorance, but also, Matt.12, cannot comprehend either each-one-fellow-country-person's ORAL LAW OATH IN PLEDGE, but also the first sentence of, devoted ignorance of language and communication, Article VI "All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation...", as, the chains of debt are passed forward to the children, of the children, of the children, already under 'common core's devotion to the collective, mass, plebeians' absolutely forbidden 'Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, a.k.a., Understanding- also well stated in your Article, a $ 4 trillion budget DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH TAXPAYERS,the sole purpose of a Person is to supply its megalithic, administrative police state which makes China and Russian police-states look like a gathering of swans' bad tempers, NOR ENOUGH 'COMMERCE' which is absent any form of government control --- and dares to remain in its birth nation's Trinity Sacred Documents.... Fellow-Country-Person and in God - both our nations -, Glick - I am very aware you have never seen, or have been permitted, not by your Temple, but by the common core - you were probably, genuinely - no figure of speech, brain-washed, never to make 'connections' or 'inferences', as you have done in this article, but limited to the here and now, not in what in nursing is called "Retrospective Review", God's Eras of His History among His Nation-Children, but that doesn't affect The Eternal, Living God - His Eternal Living Son, 'Present, but not yet Revealed' in Apocrypha/ Captivity...nor the Eternal Living Souls of "upon which HANG THE WHOLE LAW and the PROPHETS, Reformationists against Papal Authority, 1300's through our Founding - 1770 "Boston Gazette and Country Journal for week of March 12 - and Founders, among others, sent but never recognized to this flashing cursor...and future...unless Matt. 24/ Dan. 9.27, Esay 13.10, Joel 2.31, Ezekiel 32.7, Genesis 7

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