Monday, November 14, 2016

Learning to Use our Three Sacred Documents: The effect of Ignoring Truth..Nullification, Article II:4..

Jon Roland's Constitution blog "2016/11/13 --Trump's first 100 day agenda"  at,
is the basis for this lesson giving the Essence of Destruction should We the People-Elected continue, as if no 'thing' has changed in this Treason, Ignoring, again 2010, 2014, 2016-- Consent of the Governed in Ordained by God-Person-Spirit Truth, by failing to enforce AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.

I did not support anti-Republic under God's destruction in Treason against God and my Nation by voting...lie and steal in murder of min, heart, will-conscience of my Nation -- Both Come Before My Life.

Following this will be re-arranging President Trump's 100 into The Three Sacred Documents so that he and everyone can better appreciate the magnificence of what our Colonists, Founders, and every American's story from our Heritage in Legacy of issues right to this flashing cursor, have given you, me among those you know and will never know, any location here on our Father's Planet, with the future of our 'commerce' in the world- that is God's and thus, our accountability to Him to "alter the long train of abuses and usurpation'...lack of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.

Since We the People is Marriage to Consent of the Governed, every-single-one-Fellow-Country-Person also shares ignorance in "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God Entitle One Person composing the Whole of One People, with this President; and We the People Own our responsibility of those elected who have no intention at any time, nor under any circumstance to obey Oath in our Three Sacred Documents, exemplified In CA's TTVG - in the absurd rules of conduct-force--"regardless of political party affiliation" as long as it is socialist-delusional democracy's collective, mass people sorted into their groups by life's physical and environmental characteristics-labeled on ballots as DEM--demonstrated lie in fraud, to continue subjugation- demonstrated in Senate-farce -- absolutely no choice;  -- given that an unbiased, informed Consent was forbidden by fraud and hate of our Republic by our REP-segment who loves "Papal Authority's socialist-delusional-democracy-collective people in group-think- who are subjugated by few persons as rulers of conduct-extortion, they perpetrate as false-god's 'rule of law'--grapes from thorns and figs from thistles, absent The Holy Living Trinity in the Trinity of our unique in all God's Eras of His History, He Reveals past, right now-present- among the Greatest Opportunities to Know and Understand Him in His Son, and yet to be future of our children's children's children... :

Because THE January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime is Government-over-man's Oligarchy:...supplication and veneration to their very own, very great and sacred vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number,' as 'arbitrary rule of conduct-force, for absent Truth socialist-delusional-democracy of collective, mass people forbidden knowledge- degradation and anomaly of all language and communication, especially of The Bible by ecclesiastical -government-over-man–Papal Authority-bodily, circumcised, "Virtual Unreality"-Group-think, that Must Always perpetrate the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and most important of all, transgress- through its greatest tools: ignorance by wanton obliteration for  perpetrating wickedness among collective-adults and children’s Right to "Gaining knowledge by instruction or reading, by study, by experience or observation; acquiring skill by practice," liberty of most good or most evil-Learning of supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere--ALL OFFICIALS OF THE UNITED STATES AND SEVERAL STATES - BOUND BY THAT OATH/ AFFIRMATION -TRUTH, as you state in the opening Preamble and the Whole of "Declaration of Constitutional Principles".

But as a 'secular' statement,  though the Biblical connections are fairly easy to make,  and to Declaration's statement of "assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (includes the 'Propositions of Euclidean Geometry) and of Nature's God, because A/God=C-Truth, B/Jesus=C-Truth, AB=Truth, Trust, Promise-Oath-Life. Thus, over the years from 1991, our Three Sacred Documents, even though no Colonist, Founder, or any American from that day to about 2013: “Monday, November 4, 2013, Two Indispensable Essence of Governance” at

So many persons who do know AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, support deriliction of duty-dishonor, and betrayal— blind leading the blind because of blasphmie of Truth-Holy Spirt-God, at the same time they acually enjoy spitting in the faces of our Founders and those Americans who have, quite literally performed and perform.. “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,” repeated many times over the “course of human events in our America, as well as other nations in God’s Mansion, so that this January 20, 2009-usurper of hate taking delight in violating Oath-Truth, Trust, promise in the name of his god-Islamic jihad shared with Islam’s Mohmmed, i.e. A. Islamic Jihad Tribes Shiite and Sunnis = C. Mohamed/ Quran-Shia rules of conduct-force; B. Muslims = C. Mohammed/ Quran-Shia rules of conduct-force, A Radical Jihad = B. Islam in fact and eivdence of Benghazi, Guantamino, and emigration-as collective, mass people–Detroit, LA, SD [Please see "Learning our American God Is Law, The Three Sacred Documents: "An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced..." at ]: "A state is an oligarchy if political power is concentrated in a minority ruling class, based on wealth, birth, connections, or other form of power other than constitutional delegation, and in which the agents of government are accountable to the members of the ruling class, to varying degrees, rather than equally to all the persons living in the state. An oligarchy is not a legitimate form of government"

We also shared that 'scatter-secular-apostasy', for me right up to my first arguing in US District Court, The Bible - Oath- in The Declaration, in the Constitution as circumcision-body's fingers of 38 years of Nursing Practice supreme to my God, my Nation, my Person, I sent you by email-Pdf in about Aug. 2011, then the eviction, argument of the same-- sent about December 2015-- 06/08/2015, by direct violation of all Three Sacred Documents, not only by the 'manager' but also by Plaintive attorneys, and the two judges-of-iniquity - still in Appeals, but making progress.  --It Took the Court's Clerks more than a month to find 'transcript' that I was told, by court clerks did not exist, 12/24/2015, in the ROA.

Just to among many who also, hide in their silence is agreement, obedience to violating our own Oaths in Pledge of Allegiance, thus Our own Holy Living Trinity - or how you use your, among those you know and will never know–members of Constitution Society- “two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one..Principle of Nuremberg" that required that name, precisely because of few-men-ruler's arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct--violation of Oath Jesus placed in each-one-person who composes the Whole of the 50 States, territories, land, water, atmosphere of our Embassies -- that should never, under any circumstance, nor at any time be guarded by any--except our Own Person in Service of Duty, Honor, Nation, Living God-Living Son-Living YOU,a man, a woman, A CHILD of separate and equal station-- a Person, composed of a Soul, a.k.a. alone first,--not fully revealed "The social contract is transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them", in the Old Testament. Christ Jesus is with His Father all through the Old Testament's dynamic interchanges of all forms society takes with very few, especially the transgression of Treaty of Ghent that removed or scattered Apocrypha (you have one of the few sites with the original 1611 KJV Bible.

Since you do have the most complete site for Government of Laws and not of men"--J. Adams "An Essay on Man's Lust for Power", and a link to Apocrypha, I wonder if you have read Tobit, Judith, Esther and the devil-in-man graphically expressed among the Whole of Apocrypha, but notably in "Wisedome of Solomon"; and wondered at Esdras as he has some potent conversations with Angles and God, HimSelf; as Adam did upon awaking right after our Eternal Father, The Creator made him form dust--Noah's "Introduction-Origin of Language". When you consider the 12 Tribes being fruitful and multiplying, separated from the Gentiles under Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; ..why woman APPEAR, unless they are Whores, Harlots, to have no part in civil-affairs, but how could they be, just considering the amount of time involved for a newborn, who might not make past his 4th year, let alone, 12-20, and the needs of a household or at least 96% of which production was woman.

Why Living, Eternal Jesus came "To Fulfill (Matt. 5)" but "You imagine I came to bring peace. No. I came to bring dissension. There are Five-at-Issue in my house, III against II, and II against III, genetics/Biblical Heritage-Commandment V-father against son, son against father; mother against daughter, daughter against mother; "relationships of 'Personality-government of man--mother-in-law against daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law (Luke 12(think of this here-but especially in the Orient, where it is quite literal with concomitant obedience, son and daughter-in-law) -THE ONLY TRUTH--'our Flag in our Republic under God.

Our Unique in all God's Eras of History Republican Form of Representative Government--Is Not Lip service/devoid Heart-Love of God and Nation First; intertwined with control and manipulation of all language and communication, for its "assume among the powers of the earth(land, water, atmosphere)" 'the other side' of The Eternal Living Father in His Eternal Living Son--Swift, Double-edged-Sword, Hilt and Point, mans' inhumanity to himself,  Ellsworth called "Liberty of most evil-out of mouth of some means any 'Thing' (paraphrase of Matt.15)", ... government-of-man/ circumcision, used for the era of man's history before knowledge-speech for the cogitations--not yet written-passed by those of word/ honor-of-mouth, thereof body's physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for that life on land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements, the same of which composes The Creator's Universe in which planet earth is located in a special, thin, elongated, Milky-way-galaxy in precisely the correct location with its very own moon, powers of the 'GW/ Climate Change land, water, atmosphere - all addressed in Matt. 4 by Jesus, but leaped upon in, by the Pharisees, Scribes, taxgatherer among the Jews-- "marvelous adoration" of ‘scatters’ == synonymous with the false-god-‘secular's’ – the other story of – Caesar's likeness on the land, fire, atmosphere of the tax-coin (ignoring Temple's tithing)"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's (circumcised-bodily-earthly treasures for the use of the few-government ecclesiastical intertwined-civil authority arbitrary rules of conduct - tyranny of the few over the many) and unto God that which is God's (circumcised or uncircumcised is not the basis of "Any One Who Is Not For Me Is Against Me and Any One Who does Not Gather With Me Scatter's "disperse, dissipate, for the goal to separate or remove things to a distance from each other" in 'Rule of conduct-force, for the word ‘law’ means God/ Truth, government-of-man’s body-circumcised-physiology of urine, skin of fingers, saliva, and body scans-especially of children and aged adults, is--devoid The Holy Living Trinity.

The Living Eternal God in His Living Eternal Son in Your person who follows Truth, Trust, Promise–Is...Not.....a....matter of UDHR's Article 19 "Opinion without interference from Living God in His Eternal Living Son in His Father, IN YOUR PERSON should you choose Government of The Law: Oath in Pledge of Allegiance - Two Greatest Commands upon which Hang "The WHOLE of THE LAW and the Prophets (Matt. 22).

Secular's contradistinguish , a.k.a,  omitted contents-connections composing The Three Sacred Documents --- continued repudiation of:
>>The Creator in The Declaration is...
>>...the Same Creator of Article VI- supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere---that period of mankind's history before Mendeleev named The Periodic Chart of the Elements, number as supreme to...
 >>...The Creator Who Is Witness to Each-one-Person's Oath, in Pledge of Allegiance that places God in His Son in You, "whenever two or three are gathered in my name, I am There (Matt. 18, that also talks to those who teach posterity about placing a granite stone around their necks and jumping into the sea, rather than  "Hindering any Child..or adult") of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.

The Holy Living Trinity in the Three Sacred Documents Is Religion  and morality ITSELF --  and not of person, not the collective-government-over-man's denominations, rites, forms, creeds, ceremonies, compulsion of conscience/workers of iniquity-collective-people-church,a 'matter of opinion without interference from  truth, trust, promise'

But Jon, my fingers .11-CV-1760-MMA POR-U.S. District Court, now Section 6201 of TOTAL-VIOLATION OF ALL THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS AND THE LOCATION OF THE GREATEST DESTRUCTION OF THE ART AND SCIENCE OF AMERICAN MEDICINE, PPAA'S: NO "PATIENT" NO "PROTECTION" NO LIBERTY, thus NO AFFORD-ABILITY SINCE $$$ IS NOT SUPREME TO TRUTH, AND NO "CARE" WITH ACT MEANING - OPPRESSION OF EVERY-ONE-PERSON IN OUR NATION--INCLUDING THE POSTERITY OF THOSE WHO THINK THEIR PERSONALITY IS GREATER THAN THEIR LEGACY OF HATE from the elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, Employee positions they held, ...started about 32 days after the current usurper's anti-Republic under God Regime with its Administrative Police state intertwined, officially demonstrated by 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty in 12/24/ 2,009th Celebrated Birth of Jesus, violating all fellow-country- Congressional-person's volunteering to be "separate and equal station to their Social-Filial- Liberty of most Good Contract of Congress" Amendment I "..Free Exercise, thereof.." continued his tyranny in lie and steal, and because of 'secular' while completely forgetting "Papal Authority's ecclesiastical inquisitions every nation of Western European and Asian, as absolute ruler's over kings, emperors, czars -- arbitrary-government-of human precept, few men rulers.

Blatant violation of The Three Sacred Documents for the purpose of  Treason by extorting government-over-man's vain-idol-god-- socialist-communist-delusional-democracy -- packed ballot boxes by fellow-country-persons,, forbidden to even know those Three Documents of The Creator - the abomination-in-deceit that occurred against Every One Person in our Republic, especially among those few-men-party-ruler's, RNConvention’s Fraud-Apostasy against their Fellow-Country-Persons, that did, indeed, blasphemy of each-one's- own Oath with God as their witness- sold their souls are with your pointing out how ignorant and therefore, real and present danger to our Person's of The Three Sacred Documents—Violation of Article V with the vain-idol-god’s personification of ‘bigger number’ $$$/ votes - delusional is a polite-word for lie and steal innate to democracy–even from Greek Era of history.

President Trump's 100 indicates he may well have strength in business of $$$, but absnet Truth in the definition of ‘commerce’ in Government-of Laws-God, he is a liability because of his , and the vast majoirty of individual Americans, complete ignorance of the contents-connections between all that The Three Sacred Documents are in our Love of God and Nation First; rather than the Usurper--who signed his name with witnesses, including NBC New-TV, and in spite of sweeping it under-the-"How displacements defeat justice and law" at ,  to an E.O. eliminating the Pledge of Allegiance in Public Places, quickly shoved under-the-rug-trash barrel ‘’‘as...if...he...never..performed...that Treason...again...and again... and again...and again  because: "He is a good man. I look forward to working with him-- form of blasphemy of Oath before Trump has even taken it--but he does Pledge Allegiance-- at least unless he can avoid the opening ceremonies of any meeting, enough Wisdom-Knowledge for Truth in Trust Faith in Promise,-- leaping down the road--Consent of the Governed in We the People have just finished repudiating..see Political Red-Republican with the Blue-government-over-man's very great vain-idol-god's 'bigger numbers' distinct and palpable location in HIGH POPULATION-CITY-CENTERS at , --ESPECIALLY WASHINGTON DC'S 6TH LARGEST METROPOLITAN AREA OF 9,000+ PER SQUARE MILE-POPULATION EVEN GIVEN NOT ALL VOTE, perpetrated at the Republican Convention--Ryan's love of Papal Authority" even with his majesty supporting the "Pardon-Forgiving Before The Verdict" from "Judicial Watch" [please see Learn - e-mails never Three Sacred Documents: "Our Republic Under God: Learn how to use our Three Sacred Documents... Nullification....Article II:4 -- .

Nullification because the whole of the Election-especially the repudiation of the Whole System of Created 'Things' -- Preamble-establish Justice/ Truth..and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourSelves and our Posterity -- do ORDAIN and Establish This Applied-Organization-Chart of Priority-Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Representational, with protection from invasion-infringement of Right-Truth Government...of , by and for those we know, and those we will never know...that includes our children's children's children...continuing until 'captivity' to "very own, very great and sacred vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' as 'arbitrary rule of conduct–never law that has no truth - "Virtual Unreality"-Group-rulers of the few over the many-think in absolute tyranny.. has become rule-of-conduct-force, deciding legislative, executive, and especially, Judicial man-form-monkeys-no Creator since no Law in the Declaration-Constitution is an Isolated-distinct and palpable-civil-Roman/ precedent-neither true, nor not true--chosen from scattered-secular-parts spread apart from "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and No Thing, But The Truth, so help Person-Self/Soul - God." --- The Union of Person composing People--- allowed to parade, party-conform in oppression, never permitted information--- among yellow-journalism's media -- written and Speech, an interpreter of the cogitations,'s most evil- repeated crucifixion's of our Lord, Friend, Counselor, Teacher - Holy Ghost/ Spirit/TRUTH-CHRIST JESUS, LIVING AND PRESENT IN THAT RNCONVENTION OF DECEIT/STEAL/ HATE OF OUR REPUBLIC--- BY ITS OWN PARTY LEADERS -- FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAUDING BY THEIR VAIN-IDOL-GOD'S DELUSIONAL-DEMOCRACY, FORGET-CHRIST, JUST REMEMBER HOW MANY TIMES -- THE PAPAL AUTHORITY HAS BEEN WANDERING AROUND -- "If I could vote---I would vote for H. Clinton during the email-trial--- then Trump the nominee, note by supreme Law of the Land bound by Oath in Pledge of Allegiance, rather solely by that very great and sacred vain-idol-god's devotion to power of treasure---$$$$ and votes.

Well, in spite.., except here in Communist-socialist-dictatorship all land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements within the Governor's Natural Resource Agency - but really his majesty--...government-over-man-arbitrary rules of conduct measured by hate, where the vain-idol-god is CVRA-Citizens's Redistricting Committee -- skin color, except white-even in downtown LA where white is the minority skin color, country-of-origin, except the United States that Federal/ State Code is English, as the Language of Consent of the Governed who take action based upon We the People's information and knowledge in Government-of-Oath/ Laws-Truth, Trust, Promise---Code, not UDHR-Article 18, 29, 21, 29, 30's-illegal-socialist communist-delusional-democracy's rule of conduct-force-absent truth-"undocumented" with privileges and immunities -automatic "equality"---.

The 'bigger number' vain-idol-god's candidates to replace Boxer's complete destruction of California's Agriculture including all major United states professions-of-fingers, urine, saliva, body scans, under investigation -- completely obliterated, because of Citizen's Redistricting Committed of Gerrymandering by culture and language, CVRA by skin-color except white-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number'--TTVG-regardless of political party affiliation -- resulting in socialist-communist- running against socialist-communist- to take socialist-communist Boxer's seat where California, my native State, "is the most populous state in the United States. It is also the third most extensive by area. Los Angeles, in southern California, is the state's most populous city and the country's second largest city... includes the nation's most populous county, Los Angeles County.... A few of its socialist-communist-United State's officials wanted to secede from the Union if Trump isn't removed from office, ...but the problem is...that the government-over-man, absent the Article IV Citizens of our State, have since, about 1978-79, GW-first-Climate Change-sustainability public-private-partnerships, with borderless nations and jurisprudence--actually have already completed seceded from the Union– complete with oppression of despotism–though many persons of less than 55 years are also blind and ignorant because of common core’s devotion to implementing lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm,..and like “worms eating away our substance,” without any notice to any-one---.

Are you getting -- why "nullification" of the Whole election Must Occur---that "Government-over-man's Oligarchy...supplication and veneration to their very own, very great and sacred vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' as 'arbitrary rule of conduct [not law] force, "Virtual Unreality"-Group-think, that Must Always perpetrate the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and most important of all, transgress" Is The Destruction of our Republic of Truth, Trust, Promise -- bound by Oath... and not you or any one else, especially not Trump, though he does have an inclination - but only in the 'scatter-secular' world. Trump has already within less than 48 hours after the election--demonstrating his worse weakness --- He Has No Idea What Oath in Pledge of Allegiance contains in the Three Sacred Documents, as "Commerce" as well as Laws of Nature and Nature's God -- well demonstrated by his 100.

Hence, this President is, by his already demonstrated ignorance,  So Vulnerable to Being misled... and that too, is present in the 100, especially Ryan, who actually believes he is doing his nation a favor, has no idea of his Oath, but will follow- in unquestioned obedience to that very sacred-and great vain-idol-god's bigger number as the enjoining of ecclesiastical-Papal Authority-government-over-collective-church-man to Civil-authority-government-over -man-collective people-state permitted to rant and rave as much as they want -- especially using social-collective-group-restrictions of freedom-of-speech and assemble for redress of grievance -- because atoms-of-atmosphere, do not look like -- sign-carrying, yelling- activists.

Having said that..., and it is an imperative, for no man is supreme to God, and no Nation has ever implemented in its entirety - The Three Sacred Documents as "First and Second Table Government of Laws--Oath in Pledge of Allegiance that each-one-person's certain unalienable Right to Risk/ Rewards of Life entitle him...any location, any corner of God's Planet earth -- to follow and enforce ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IN ALL THREE DOCUMENTS-- since Charles Wilson Rightly says "Law and Liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge" understanding in perception that requires language and communication,... President Trump does have strengths -- but only if he apply them within Oath's Two Greatest Commands... and no Jon, just like Principle of Nuremberg -- God did not make persons in His Image so they could never be as Perfect as He Is.

God made Persons in His Image, precisely because each-one-person, from newborn, has the complete ability to become, however far away it is... nonetheless, our Father is never false, is a Father, i.e., He Is Discipline and shall not lessen the power, both sides of His Hilt and Point of His Sword.... obedience to your Holy Ghost is quite genuinely-Joy-Peace through "Abide by what I say and You really will be disciples of mine, You will understand The Truth, and The Truth will set you Free --

Free = Truth, Free = Jesus in His Father, The Creator, Jesus = Truth. Freedom is The Three Sacred Documents in the Soul/Truth of the Holy Living Trinity, Your Person and ONLY AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.   It cannot be delegated. Each-one-person has to find his own f and is not a group-consensus that is vain-idol-god's best form of bigger number for it spans the world-of-government-over-man-few men-group-think--arbitrary rules of conduct-devoid freedom - person, UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime, administrative-Police-state -- humanist-bodily-earthly clothes, treasures, personality by judgment-in-hypocrisy-scatter-secular-UDHR/ Papal authority's "human family is the most important value---for collective, mass people to be obedient to church as supreme to God.

Democracy is the vote decided by the larger number, but in Republican form of Government, there is no Party–simply the best interests of our Nation as a Marriage ordained by God, in His Living Person, Truth, 1) only if the ISSUE can have a defined location within the Laws of The Three Sacred Documents; 2) If even One Person declares a Truth, that is not part of the whole issue, then the whole issue is in fact and evidence -- not AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.  Thus, PPAA is not Law, does not require  any vote for it is null and void from its inception of the  2,009th Celebrated Birthday of The Son of God--Amendment 1' free exercise thereof... and because it places $$$ supreme to Hippocratic Oath "to do no harm" in Article VI supreme Law of the land water, atmosphere...that is Laws of Nature and of Nature's God-Oath--- no human can repeal God, can they!

I have re-grouped Pres. Trump's 100 and already recommended  Magna Carta's #61, since our  Article III is very much 'monkeys derive man" - 40 days to enact Article 2:4 against this current Treason--- all involved, especially among the several States of vain-idol-god-bigger number, TTVG-regardless of political party affiliation-absent Truth-freedom: "Learning our Three Sacred Documents..continued: "Trump's Elected. I Feel Safe Now" at ---

So, you will find the rearrangement, so that President Trump is precisely in the very same 'separate and equal station' within the ordained by God, HimSelf, marriage of Consent of the Governed to We the People ---  We are all too ignorant of Liberty of most good and Liberty of most evil--- the contents of The Whole Bible-apocrypha's Bridge included in its place between Old and New Testament, as well as the very, magnificent persons who gave each-one-of US(A) our FREEDOM IN TRUTH within the Whole of The Declaration's 3,337 words in our Organizational chart of priority --- that closes with "in the Name of Living God the Father and of His Living Eternal Son, our Lord --- Oath - Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise....

Trump the man, has not even considered his fellow-country-persons of as much and more knowledge of American God Is Law, so We need all 17 candidates-for-President involved ...we need to put a freeze on all government-over-man- its diffuse all life on world-down-below, we need a President who Know and Understands The Holy Living Trinity...that is our unique Nation... and among our Brother Nations, Great Britain--Israel ---Japan...Taiwan..S. Korea.. Philippines ..American Samoa.

The reason we must enforce Article II:4 in Nullification. Otherwise, a Person of his own Indpendence composing the Whole of our Republican Form of Government — is following the devil, father-evil-father lie, arbitrary human precept’s ‘rule of conduct -force [not law - oppression in tyranny] – in humanist - UDHR...  Blasphemy of God Is Not, demonstrably forgiven here on world-down-below, any more than in heaven... Jesus states He will orgive any sin and blasphemy, except of The Creator - for His Universe is Truth as well as His Spirit: I Am Who I Am – Be Still—Know I Am God. Yes, there isn’t a person on this Planet that can gainsay our His Son; and Aporcrypha’s Stories and Ecclesiasticus, together, not scatter-spread far apart form each other, – candidly demonstrate His Truth and the world-down-below..without The Father.

In the several States in which only the bigger number absent Truth is involved---any socialist-communist candidate cannot take office, for that person has no Oath in the Three Sacred Documents -- therefore, will never act in the name of God/ Truth of, by, and for that person's fellow-country-persons.

This business of continuing on... as if no violation of God's Laws matters much because God has no 'thing' to do with the government(s) He created... arrogance in pride of total abject ignorance--- really has to stop; for even if you are an incumbent at one of our levels in our Equilateral Triangle, or a judge sitting at your 'higher desk' of unaccountable to earthly, bodily man--- but God.... are you sure you want to continue Treason in Abject tyranny  Consent of the Governed has noticed.... where are YOU---FELLOW-COUNTRY-PERSON ?  meaning THAT COLLECTIVELY, Jon, BUT YOU HAVE GOT TO BE AWARE THAT SOME OF YOUR MEMBERS WANT ARTICLE V AS AN ISOLATED RULE OF MAN'S LAW---NOT GOD'S THE WHOLE OF THE CONTENTS WITHIN THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS---AND WE MUST TEACH.....FOR THEY ARE FORBIDDEN BY GOVERNMENT-OVER-MAN'S ARBITRARY HUMAN PRECEPT'S REPUDIATION OF TRUTH AMONG ALL THE ROOMS IN GOD'S MANSION -- PLANET EARTH.

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