Friday, November 11, 2016

Learnig our Three Sacred Documents..continued: "Trump's Elected. I Feel Safe Now":....

So, How does one-separate and equal station-fellow-country-Constitutional-Person, who is quite genuinely one-fellow-country-person that  shares the ignorance of the content of American God Is Law, in the above statements, with the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's collective-people in delusional-democracy-socialism, forms of 'bigger inanimate, inorganic object, an tool, instrument -- numbers, votes in $$$$, as the standard supreme to the contents of The Three Sacred Document's Truth innate to the Holy Living Trinity?

Here is the POSTULATE that is the connection binding The Three Sacred Documents to the Holy Living Trinity:
[Note: I rarely, if ever, will give only verses. The Bible, like the Declaration and Constitution are Perfect demonstrations of Reason in Logic that orders Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.

 also don't give verses, because if you Love Your God and This Nation, You have an imperative to own your own Whole Mind, Whole Heart, Whole Soul, that collective people church, ecclesiastical-government-of-man, can never Know, nor Understand - because it is your-unique-SELF, read The Bible in as many versions as you desire, bearing in minde the differences of the Laws/ truth of balance in recognizing God's Double-Edged Sword, Hilt and Point, of Direct Translation - any very, very old manuscript, and 'modern man's devotion to his own conceit in arrogance of "look at me, aren't I great, proud and totally a fool floating ignorance, the devil's most perfect tool and instrument for your person destroyed, that destroys any nation in Ours - if we don't obey the Lessons, Instructions, and Commands.  

>>>THE BI'BLE, n. [Gr. βιβλιον, βιβλος, a book.] The Book, by way of eminence; the sacred volume, in which are contained the revelations of God, the principles of Christian faith, and the rules of practice. It consists of two parts, called the Old and New Testaments. The Bible should be the standard of language as well as of faith. – Anon.

Genesis: before, day and night; then, the 40 days of "great deep" and "floodgates of the sky;"

To Matt. 4 - spirit taking Jesus,Who had not eaten for 40 days and nights, to the devil who commands and pleads to Jesus to join him at the Trinity of ---stones to loaves/ Man does not live by bread alone; top of the highest Temple--"You shall not tempt the Lord your God;" 'exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the rhelms of the world and their grandeur, a.k.a. land, water, atmosphere, 1869's Periodic Chart of the Elements - June 1992 UN-GW, EU Empire, 12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty; December 24, Jesus 2009th Celebrated Birthday-violation of Amendment I Free Exercise thereof, all Congress members, except Republicans with 34 Democrats who refused to sign -- wholly and completely violations of The Three Sacred Documents, intertwined to the complete and through destruction of American Art and Science of Medicine, the Patient's protection - abomination against Truth, Trust, Promise, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" the REP's of socialist-atheist-delusional-democracy insist on sustaining, absent Truth-Oath, thus their silence is agreement to the anti-Republic under God Regime'sGW/ Climate Change that innately includes the 'loaves, Temple, Jesus: "Be Gone...Satan! It is written, you must worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone." 

But the Pharisees, Scribes, High Priests, ecclesiastical-government-of-man leaped into the "marvelous" devil as their response, to the thousands of years old-world of what would become the home of pride-rulers-as very vulnerable and open to underestimating the intelligence of the devil's ability to 'displace,' 'neglect' and 'be completely blind to truth' language and communication-knowledge-issues---secular: "Who's likeness is on this coin," asks Jesus; "Caesars", answers the Pharisees, Scribes, High Priests - socialist-ecclesiastical-delusional-democracy of collective-group-think run by government of man. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.":

What was the neglected, omitted, but well understood knowledge of the Law, that made the contempt of Jesus so easy?  ....Tithing is ecclesiastical-government-of-man's treasure in the name of "..will faithfully execute the Lessons, Instructions, Commands of  and for the persons composing this Tribe among the whole of the Jews; the OFFICE of The President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability -- preserving, protecting and defending The Constitution of the United States... securing tent, or house of The Arc of the Covenant, Word of God......each-one-Person's Soul, First Greatest Command, and because of Arc in Constitution--Second Greatest Command-in Oath in each-one-Person composing the The Whole of ONE PEOPLE, Pledge of Allegiance, even though, word-handed-down by heritage did not require a Pledge until about the beginning of WWII -1923 when "to the Flag" was added,  

There was no way for The Blind leading Blind Pharisees to think any 'thing' but "how marvelous"--He agreed with us! While Jesus quietly looks at them leaving, planning how He would proceed in fulfilling Truth in HimSelf in His Father in Promise to His Disciples, that does include Judas Iscariot for 'perdition' is not Judas -- alone ---. Government-of-man hired him. Judas Knew his pinnacle of betrayal, did what he could to refund [remembering Jesus will forgive any sin and blaspheme - God defines Justice in Ezekiel 33]  that betrayal, and in his act to refund, he also gave those High Priests an opportunity to repent and refund,though they are totally blind from blasphemy of Truth never forgiven.

Judas hung himself, for his whole body holding his soul, betrayed the Son of God; but the Pharisees, walk away, unscathed from hiring the person to assist them in murder-of-Truth,The Son of God, didn't even bat-an-eyelash-as vaporizing-each-one-individual-soul, for like 'consensus,'-- they nearly always were in groups, rarely if ever, one-on-one with Jesus/ Truth, hence, will be alone---on that last Day of world-down-below, they failed as one Person-alone, as well as among those they knew and will never know.

---- Why did the Pharisees remain Blind? Secular rewards government-over-"man's Lust for Power"--John Adams at where he perfectly describes the coin Caesar's likeness -  Secular is that coin with Caesar's likeness, few men rulers over the many:
"Democracy will soon degenerate into anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life, or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or very few."
The Eternal Living God, The Creator, Truth, created that coin from land, fires required atmosphere, and water to shape that coin, so that its 'nature' would be accurate to its weight in value; and the 'governments' among the tribes of the Jewish, then of the 'likeness of Casesar' on Gentile world, then mixing the two; person among men, wisdom, knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise -- each-one-person defines for himSelf, no matter what location on world-down-below, must understand  The Living Father, The Living Son, Are The Lord-Teacher, He reveals, and man - may or may not comprehend; for a lot of history and circumstances are required before the commas, iotas [9th letter of Greek alphabet], get past the countradistingusihed, "least of these and teaches men so"...the "superintends and governs the temporal affairs of men, the civil or political power," as if collective-people are supreme to God in which their knowledge, untruth, with, "whoever obeys them and teaches them, he will be ranked Great in the Rhelm of heaven"...intrinsic-connection to "The Holy Living Trinity", though we had to Join God in Christ Jesus after He was crucified, choosing Paul, a sinner and persecutor, who taught circumcised, government of man's law, or uncircumcised, is the Liberty of God -mission; skip from the time Peter was chosen by men to build the collective-people-church-circumcised-man's law, to Papal Authority all of Western Europe and Asia, monks writing Latin Bible, through John Wycliff Bible, to Dutch, Tyndale Bible, Luther, Calvin Bible to the 1611 KJV with its Bridge between Old and New Testament, Apocrypha, from Westminster, Cambridge, Oxford, Third attempt to arrive at Plymouth Rock for the Indian Chief to act on his dream that he should help these stranger-people.

The Creator is precisely Who He Says He Is, He could not scatter"dissipate, disperse, separate or remove things to a distance from each other" -His Truth, His Whole Truth, and no 'Thing' But His Truth of Heaven and earth, ALL THAT BELONGS TO THEM, the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created 'THINGS', thereof....  What is said herein, may be the first time you are hearing/ reading The Three Sacred Documents. I can say to you that the combination of those documents is so complete in Perfection, adding the Origin of Language and Communication by Dr. Webster's 1828/1844 with Preface and "Introduction to Grammar" --- is easily the most joy in love of The Holy Living Trinity you can experience...and all by your-Self.  The Holy Living Trinity is the original source text of  The Three Sacred Documents, -- with the addition of Language and Communication from 1828/1844 American Dictionary, plus cut and paste to the original letters and documents of everyone from all God's Eras of History. The combination of these documents genuinely do solve any and all issues, and many problems among persons, especially to note, relationships that attempt, without knowledge, to get together one side secular, man's arbitrary human precept's of judgement by hypocrisy of personality-rules of conduct -force, the word 'law' cannot be utilized since there is no Truth originating from The Creator and His Son, and the other, "Abide by what I say and you really will be disciples of mine. You will understand the Truth and the Truth will set you free;" including:
"All has been handed over to me by my Father: and no oneknows the Son except the Father---nor does any one know the Father except the Son, and he whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
Come to me, all ye labouring and burdened, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find your souls refreshed; my yoke is kindly and my burden light."  
The Magna Carta, because our Article III Judiciary has established itself as "Man evolved from apes"-not God,  a basis of 40 days to 1) Nullify Election 2015-2016 violates Article IV, V, VI-supreme Law of the Land-Oath; 2) per our instructions in all Three Sacred Documents, Enforce Artilce II:4 against the January 20, 2009, anti-Republic under God Regime -- especially including the vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' -- the abomination of repudiating Truth in California's Legislative, Executive, and Judicial; and Maryland's overwhelming population of employees in the interest of the 96.4% increase in oppression by Article II's administrative-police-state over the last 8 years, for the patent lie of forbidding knowledge of both Citizens-at-large and Posterity the language and communication in Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise in the contents of The Three Sacred Document's Colonists, Founder's Knowing and Understanding, choosing to follow The Creator of man in His Spirit-Truth, the "Separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle One Person's Independence composing the Whole System of Consent of the Governed in We the People ... Republic "In God We Trust".
 Magna Carta #61 "Since, moveover, for God and the amendment of our kingdom and for the better allaying of the quarrel that has arisen between us and our barons, we have granted all these concessions, desirous that they should enjoy them in complete and firm endurance forever, we give and grant to them the underwritten security, namely, that the barons choose five and twenty barons of the kingdom, whomsoever they will, who shall be bound with all their might, to observe and hold, and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties we have granted and confirmed to them by this our present Charter, so that if we, or our justiciar, or our bailiffs or any one of our officers, shall in anything be at fault towards anyone, or shall have broken any one of the articles of this peace or of this security, and the offense be notified to four barons of the foresaid five and twenty, the said four barons shall repair to us (or our justiciar, if we are out of the realm) and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay. And if we shall not have corrected the transgression (or, in the event of our being out of the realm, if our justiciar shall not have corrected it) within forty days, reckoning from the time it has been intimated to us (or to our justiciar, if we should be out of the realm),...." at ;

To THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE  -- the opening statement is the dissolution of the word "secular", though it appears, no-one noticed that, or probably more accurately, since God Is The Creator, then, secular could not be scattered as countradistinguished, even though all the world-down-below's rooms in God's Mansion -- depended upon secular's scatter, but that is not having "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and no 'Thing' but the Truth -- messed around by the devil, father evil-father lie; Oliver Ellsworth, before he became a Justice, realized when he defined "Liberty is a word, according as it is used, that comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly  Understood it is sacred next to those we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths of some it means any 'thing';" and Thomas Jefferson, the primary source of elucidating Truth of the Declaration, states, "It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful,so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all it good disposition." --- a paraphrase of Matt. 15 in Matt. 12 and John 8:

"When in the Course of human events [preceding, occurring in 1770's, and our history to this flashing cursor , and to the future of our children's children's, children -- forever...unless...]  it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness [Blessedness] — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just [Truth] powers from the consent of the governed," is a complete statement that, in Faith in Promise means The Eternal Father did, indeed create Adam from dust, Eve from the protection of physiology's need for atmosphere in order for its pump to give life, and the talking-serpent who could not yet appear in human form..until Cain, evil who walks away unscathed from murder, grew-up enough to know envy and power over goodness-Able; and The Father did place His Eternal, Living Son in the womb of Virgin Mary who Loves and Serves Her Father - God, alone, and among those she knows and will never know.  "Whenever any Form becomes destructive of these means, it is the Right of the People to alter...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism ["Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of the prince..president;  An arbitrary government"], it is their right, it is their duty, too throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security--in truth, trust, promise of Oath

To CONSTITUTION of THE UNITED STATES---Preamble's "in order to form a more PERFECT UNION, establish Justice/ Truth-Due Process-of, by, and for "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and no Thing, But The Truth", the blessings/ happiness, through "Oath in Pledge of Allegiance, to which "The Whole Law and the prophets hang upon these Two Commands -- which also cover The Ten Commandments-- in Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus, Chapter XVII, supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere-Life that is Law of Nature and of Nature's God - that brings all Three Documents in One - God Is The Creator of Man in His image... and man is of separate and equal station of his own risks/ rewards, opportunities/ threats, strength/ weaknesses -- alone, then among his neighbors as himSelf/ Soul-Spirit-Truth becomes the Whole System of our Republican Form of Government - Equilateral--Holy Living Trinity- Triangle of Organization among two or more people gathered in His Name...He is There.

Observe, God is the the First Book of Genesis, the opening statement of the First Paragraph, and well into the Second of the Declaration; but in the Constitution...God is the last Article VI as supreme Law of the Land-Life of Soul, in journey required by body's physiology, bound by Oath....our Republic's First and Second Tables Government of Laws;  

The first two Documents present The Creator and place Him in all that Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise mean to each-one-person's Whole Soul, Whole Mind, Whole Heart, alone, then among their neighbors as themSelf/ Soul, as clarified in society by Sermon on the Mount's "Do unto others as your would have others do unto you," among life's total dynamics of widkedness and goodness throughout the Whole of The Bible, but more concise in fewer essence of words  within the Declaration's 1337 all of The Creator--that's the reason for reference rather than 'The Eternal,' or 'God' or even the word 'Truth' which doesn't occur, per se, in the last Two Documents.

The Constitution has purpose as combined "Mission Statement"--Organizational Chart of priority, not hierarchy, since person has no physical or environmental characteristics, and since human precept is arbitrary by nature, requires chains or evil-lie is able, especially when knowledge of the difference is forbidden by ecclesiastical-civil authority's government-over-man, overthrows good, that leads to "The Whole Law and the prophets hang upon these Two Commands" -- due process--- that closes by  "In the name of God the Father, His Son Christ Jesus, and The Soul-Truth of Person, a man, a woman, a child" Oath is addressing as Legislative, Executive, Judicial, The Person in One People-State with protections of infringement of Right---and of removing the connections between The Three Sacred Documents by Article V's instructions specific to the 5W's and H of very careful Alter... to avoid abolish altogether, since no man is supreme to God, and since all three recognize His Person in His Son in His children, as One People, then among all the Nations of His Children on His most carefully placed planet earth in Milky Way Galaxy, in His Universe still expanding from His Big Bang. 

I know lie, that is fraud in steal, is a mandatory, manifestation of Arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-force, absent person-of-"a pure heart, good conscience, and a Sincere Faith- the Christian Discipline" taught by Paul, has, at its "roots of rotten fruit," obedience to never gather in Truth, always scatter-arbitrate-mediate-subsidiary/ bigger number-consensus-committee, a.k.a, 'Papal Authority's subsidiarity, as synonymous with secularize;  secularize "Pertaining to the present world, or to things not spiritual or holy; relating to things not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the body; worldly. .. Secular power is that which superintends and governs the temporal affairs of men, the civil or political power; and is contradistinguished from spiritual; spirit; soul; holy; or ecclesiastical governments, affairs, history, policy, courts, disciplines, power;Trinity's God-head from The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, except that ecclesiastical-government of man refuses John 14 when Jesus asks His Father to Give each-one-Person's soul, when that individual chooses to follow His Commands, among which is Oath's Two Greatest "the Whole Law and the prophets hang upon these Two Commands",  a Helper, Comforter,  The Holy Spirit-Truth; and therefore, from Matt. 12's each-one-person is for or against Jesus and each one, gathers with Him... or scatters; in John 8's hypocrisy of stoning, the Pharisee-government-over-man-judge who commands the stoning and the persons who are extorted, they will be punished for disobedience if they refuse to commit that death sentence by suffering, as the Lesson continues to "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone", in John 8's 5 lessons, includes, that stoning contradistinguish, the One Time in the New Testament's Whole of Truth, working on world-down-below since before the universe was formed, our Brother Revealed as a Person to world-down-below, Truth-Jesus, Is Obeyed, as Jesus says to that person-woman, "Go and sin no more." [Do you think she did? Why does it matter that you ask your-Self/ soul, this question? Then, how about that for One Person's choosing to follow The Son's commands],intermingled by Matt. 15's:
"Then, Pharisees, Scribes, High Priests at [J]Hierusalem-"Why do thy disciples transgresse the tradition of the Elders? for they wash not their handes [the words, not yet time--physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for Life] when they eat bread. But Hee answered, and said unto them, Why doe you transgresse the Commandments of God by your tradition?  [Uses Commandment 5 as illustration of fact in evidence, then..] Yee hypocrites, well did Esaias prophecie of you, saying, 'This people draweth night unto mee with their mouth, and honoureth mee with their lips : but their hear is farre from me. But in vaine they do worship me, teaching for doctrines, the commandements of men. ...' ";-- 1611 with Apocrypha's Lessons of  Captivity, as bridge between Old and New Testament---...
...Lie: the government of their own persons, speak out of mouth and lips:"Abraham is our Father", I know you are Abraham's kill a man who has told you the, the truth I have learned from God..If you are Abraham's children, then do as Abraham did..", -- John 8, leading to 14's Person's in our Eternal Father's Spirit-Image in our Brother, in our Father's Eternal Son, who asked Him to give, Eternally to those who obey His Commands, each-one-person's very own Holy Spirit, Comforter, "Helper", as that which defines and delineates The Living Creator of Truth-Nature-Universe in the  contents of our unique Soul-Truth of our United States of America, Three Sacred Documents, in Oath, Pledge of Allegiance-Truth.

Jesus was crucified because He came to teach government-over-man's precepts because life innately includes "The union of a number of rational beings; or a number of persons united, either for a temporary or permanent purpose"--society, as well as the separate and equal station of all person(s) Soul, Mind, Heart, Will-conscience - Truth, and what He had to fulfill, in addition to Chapter 5's "I tell you truly, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a comma, will pass away from the Law until it is all in place". You are one i-ota.  How you "teaches men so" is what gives you, not power, not hierarchy, but Rank as Degree of dignity, eminence or excellence countradistinguished from least, smallest degree below all others, sinful, insubordinate, profane.

In Matthew, was how man is inherently his own enemy whenever he chooses wickedness over righteousness/ goodness; or in Peter's case, his personal battle to genuinely put his Faith in Jesus, Person-Son of the Eternal God, standing in front of him, beloved teacher and mentor; all persons habituation to choosing man's law of "health"-ignoring fact of uncircumcised-Gentile-health, exemplified in Egypt-Assyria's conquering Jews to scatter them into captivity, resulting in, The Father's Plan that physical and environmental characteristics are never the basis of Truth, mixed 'religions', forbidden by government-of-man, among whom Samaritans- Jesus used at least twice, in His parables.  'Circumcision-gender-age-fear of those who own property of arbitrary rules of conduct-force as power of the few over the many, rather than Paul's circumcised or uncircumcised, for the word--physiology--"is not yet time" meaning the Liberty of God - Judge by Truth, Trust, Promise of each-one-person's "accountability to Him as his [own, alone First, then to those he knows and will never know]-- supreme rule of action"--N. Webster, in all roles of that Person's Life.  

You, fellow-country-Constitutional-Person must Know and Understand in your very own Soul all that our beloved of his God and Nation First helping every one-Person-American Know and Understand The Holy Living Trinity--"Experiment" delineated Perfectly in his " Love...Address at . He like most of our Founders,was a "PROPH'ET, n. [Gr. προφητης; L. propheta; Fr. prophète.]  1. One that foretells future events; a predicter; a foreteller.
2. In Scripture, a person illuminated, inspired or instructed by God to announce future events; as Moses, Elijah, David, Isaiah, &c.
3. An interpreter; one that explains or communicates sentiments– Exod. vii.;" though, throughout God's Eras of History, many prophets are, and were never recognized, due to ignorance, or just plain covet of jealousy that their Truth would be greater than collective-group-government of man's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, absent that Truth.

Our Eternal Living Son of God forgave any Person's sins, any location, or circumstance, on His Father's Planet, world-down-below throughout His entire "fulfillment" -- and specifically, in Matt. 12 and you blasphemy...

---To say His physiology-Body died on the cross, is to repudiate in apostasy Christ Jesus Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Continuing to Perform as The Eternal Son of The  Living Creator of Heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED THINGS;" most of you know this Truth, because you have directly received and can Know and Understand His Truth that is a demonstration of Your Faith in Promise.---

Fellow-Country-Person, alone, no physical or environmental characteristics, no number, JUST, both meanings of that word, our God and Nation First --- ARE YOU GENUINELY WILLING TO SURRENDER YOUR GOD TO the devil in man's government of collective-people, father evil-father lie?

Consent of the Governed was lied in absolute tyranny 48+ hours ago. Among We the People are those so heart sick, we really doubt that We the People have --- power to change --- what our Eternal Father has given US among every-one-person, every piece of land, water, atmosphere on this Planet, and in future yet to be Revealed, His Love In His Truth, In His with His most wonderful-Son, our in Person-Personal-Teacher, but only if you have Truth-of-obedience - The Gospel by its names and manifestations in based in living, life-forms- not , worldwide, by any of its worldly forms

Article 2:4 in Nullification of the most egregious overthrow in Treason of our United States of America, even given - President Trump over law-less   - perversion of God in Christ in Constitutional Person--Clinton with the minions of purveyors elected at village, town, city, county, burrough, State and Federal -- Judiciary Police-State:

Washington Post Politics
Trump plan calls for nationwide concealed carry and an end to gun bans
By Katie Zezima September 18, 2015 at

Washington Post Politics
Trump meets with Obama at the White House as whirlwind transition starts"
By David Nakamura and Juliet Eilperin November 10 at 2:38 PM at,

Here in Communist-seceded from the Union, because arbitrary human precept-absent Truth in its devotion to the lie of Climate Change control and manipulation of all land, water, atmosphere, selected Periodic Chart of the Elements, nuclear and magnetic energy forbidden, -- Secretary of State--- devotion to the very great and vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number'.......:
Climate change is over on the very far right, last vertical bars.
If you have trouble seeing it that because it isn't there. Socialist
communist, seceded from the Union, The Three Sacred Documents, is
actually requiring "commerce" to forbid giving its customers plastic
 or paper bags unless they pay for them, because arbitrary rules of conduct-tyranny
is supreme to the individual-group-think-police-state-enforcer's Oath in Pledge of Allegiance--
 the violation of  "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, in Articles IV, V, VI,
in Amendment IX-Property of Constitutional-Person

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