Tuesday, May 3, 2016

RE: Clinton, candidate for CEO's Oath of Office-preserve, protect, defend ...

The Creator in the Declaration is the Same Creator of supreme Law of the Land, of necessity water, atmosphere and witness to clinton's already violated "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.".   God Is Law - Truth - Justice...... and .....American God is Law, Oath because it is God Is His Son, His Son in Him, His Son in You -- The Holy LIVING Trinity.....RELIGION AND MORALITY- THE FIRST AND SECOND TABLE OF LAW --  THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD - MATT.22 TAUGHT BY OUR ETERNAL-PERFECT, CHRIST JESUS, WHO ALSO ASKED HIS FATHER TO GIVE EACH-ONE-PERSON, ANY LOCATION ON HIS FATHER'S WORLD-DOWN-BELOW, A HOLY GHOST/ SPIRIT/ TRUTH.  BECAUSE "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF" IS LOVING GOD - YOUR NEIGHBOR INCLUDES THOSE YOU LOVE, KNOW, AND WILL NEVER KNOW, a.k.a., transitive and recursive to all Constitutional Persons.

"RELIGION, noun relij'on. [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.]
1. religion in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion
2. religion as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. James 1:26.
3. religion as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law.  "Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion" President Washington's Farewell Address
4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, etc. as well as of the christian religion We speak of false religion as well as of true religion
5. The rites of religion; in the plural.  "RITE, noun [Latin ritus.] The manner of performing divine or solemn service as established by law, precept or custom; formal act of religion, or other solemn duty. The rites of the Israelites were numerous and expensive; the rites of modern churches are more simple. Funeral rites are very different in different countries. The sacrament is a holy rite " at http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/religion

THE TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD ARE NOT A -GROUP, CONSENSUS-BY-OPINION which is ABSENT ANY "PROBABILITY OF TRUTH", TRUST, OR PROMISE : "OPINION, noun opin'yon. [Latin opinio, from opinor, to thing, Gr., Latin suppono.]  1. The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.    OPINION is when the assent of the understanding is so far gained by evidence of probability, that it rather inclines to one persuasion than to another, yet not without a mixture of uncertainty or doubting.  ... at http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/OPINION

----Clinton's email's most definitely, shall continue to pass by Tuesday, Nov. 8 ----

Just as her crime in office of Truth, Trust Promise - actually failed when she decided to fire the United States Marines as Guards of Americans on American Soil in A well-known, enemy- antagonist nation, Benghazi, Libya. Then hire using taxpayer money --- "foreign nation(s) ' guards, thus confirming, our Teacher-Jesus lessons in John 10's Robbers and thieves and in His lessons in John 8-- truth of evil, which violates our archetypal Social in Filial Contract to protect Person(s) "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle that Independence composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE for any of Our Father's Children on His Planet earth stated in Commandment 5 - the WHOLE statement of Heritage/ genealogy of father and mother.

The crime is not in the emails.  It is in failure to uphold "Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official [any violation of 10 Commandments] acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution, means to obey or help enforce The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg" (at http://www.constitution.org/consprin.htm ); and because "Nuremberg" necessitates Bible by definition of God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is and His Son, Christ Jesus has been with Him from the beginning per "fallen angle", then, "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary.... to alter " when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends..".

Clinton cannot be a candidate for CEO of Oath-Bible in Declaration, in Constitution; and Sen. Sander's cannot because he does not believe in Constitutional-Person's Soul in world-down-below traveling in body's physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for exercising Life, Liberty of both most good and most evil - exemplified part of John 8's capture in act of whore - and in Galatian's cutting of of fleshy - man's law of circumcision - Peter, rather than Liberty of God's taught by Paul.

Donald Trump, who states he is "doing a favor" for Americans," thus, wolf in sheepskin since he also believes that figs from thistles and grapes from thorns are a matter of Opinion of which his is the best possible among corporeal bodies; and among most Americans, especially Posterity of now 100% control public and private-kindergarten to grad school-all life of posterity-government-supreme to Person's education control, since common core since about 1961, has no knowledge of the connections in the contents of Bible in Declaration in Constitution ...

Sen. Cruz does know completely,  Gov. John Kasich has some knowledge as does Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Rand Paul, and most of the other Americans of God and Nation first who remain as candidates in support of our Three Sacred Documents; but nearly all-Americans of God and Nation first, have become convinced of the importance to fear man much, much more than God in Christ in each-one's "PERSON, noun per'sn. [Latin persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound; a Latin word signifying primarily a mask used by actors on the state.]
1. An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person It is applied alike to a man, woman or child.  A person is a thinking intelligent being. John Locke FRS (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism" - Words: Cunning, Person, Conscience, Will, Principle, Idea, Right, Understanding, Matter
2. A man, woman or child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them.  A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things. Thomas Sprat (1635-1713), B.A., D.D.  Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster; (c) C. West, "Who's Who and Why Important in 1828 American Dic."
3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only [a.k.a, human precept's circumcision/ fleshy]. The form of her person is elegant. You'll find her person difficult to gain. John Dryden 19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668.   The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage. Sir Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St. Alban, QC ( 22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626), was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England.
4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect.
6. Character of office.  How different is the same man from himself, as he sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a friend. Robert South (4 September 1634 – 8 July 1716) was an English churchman, known for his combative preaching.  “It is the property of an old sinner to find delight in reviewing his own villainies in others”. Words:  Cunning; Person, Sophistry, Conceit, Probable; Trick, Teach, Property, Apprehension, Obsequiousness   ....
8. In law, an artificial person is a corporation or body politic.  Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England.  Words: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal  
In person by one's self; with bodily presence; not be representative.    The king in person visits all around.  J. Dryden    ..."  [the names that follow each numbered definition are "..III. Accurate and discriminating definitions, with numerous authorities and illustrations"--N. Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language"-- Language and Communication]

This is taught as "practicable" among those of Hegle-Marx-UN-EU Empire's few men rulers who also follow, as does Clinton (her Master's thesis) Saul Alinsky's "There is no fixed truth" -- as though, in 1947, he knows more than any other human-corporeal-family member of UDHR's Preamble, than all collective-mass-people placed in their physical and environmental-group-think designated :
"Briefly, the Hegelian dialectic process works like this: a diverse group of people (in the church, this is a mixture of believers (thesis) and unbelievers (antithesis), gather in a facilitated meeting (with a trained facilitator/teacher/group leader/change agent), using group dynamics (peer pressure), to discuss a social issue (or dialogue the Word of God), and reach a pre-determined outcome (consensus, compromise, or synthesis).

"When the Word of God is dialogued (as opposed to being taught didactically) between believers and unbelievers... and consensus is reached – agreement that all are comfortable with – then the message of God's Word has been watered down... and the participants have been conditioned to accept (and even celebrate) their compromise (synthesis).  The new synthesis becomes the starting point (thesis) for the next meeting, and the process of continual change (innovation) continues.

"The fear of alienation from the group is the pressure that prevents an individual from standing firm for the truth of the Word of God, and such a one usually remains silent (self-editing).  The fear of man (rejection) overrides the fear of God. The end result is a 'paradigm shift' in how one processes factual information. (at http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/brainwashing/dialectic.htm );" thus, the reason all, but especially Article IV"s Representative-fellow-country-Person(s) absolutely refuse to call a Socialist - atheist (because he violates Matt. 12 - TRUTH of God never forgiven either in this world or the World to Come; and absolutely refuses to stand, protect, preserve all our 1620 Puritans - Colonists - Founder's stated when forming our Republic under God - "IN GOD WE TRUST" -- THE ONLY NATION IN GOD'S ERAS OF HISTORY - OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.

See, Rep. Issa, with Readers among American of God and Nation First?   Once you decide father evil-father lie is better than "Abide by what I say and you really will be disciples of mine. You will understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free...", then "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing;" or have pre-determined-conclusions committees of consensus -- ALWAYS FAIL TO TAKE ACTION... exactly as stated above; for then displacement occurs for the purpose of Consent of the Governed in We the People - forget, or simply ignore their existence, so that each-younger-trained in absolute, unquestioned obedience to government's---authority---  gets to join into the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number': votes, dollars, term limits, too big a number of people for any representative - therefore, committee-law makers, a.k.a., local/subsidiarity rules and regulations not derived from or consistent with Bible, Declaration, or Constitution, become arbitrary rules of conduct - Force, devoid conscience; and  none of that posterity's Constitutional-Person is ever permitted knowledge, wisdom for truth in trust, faith in promise....

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