Thursday, May 5, 2016

On Sen. Cruz folding to the vain-idol-god's forms of bigger number- $$$ and Votes

As if the very great and vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' intertwined with the greatest bid for 'name-calling-hypocrisy' among those who are ignorant that The Creator in the Declaration is the same Creator of supreme Law of the Land, necessarily water, atmosphere, and Periodic Chart of the Elements --- as well as Witness to "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.".

" Sen. Cruz: The Budget Deal Is a Corrupt Betrayal of the American People at with this comment by Sixpackfish "This is the most profound speech I have ever heard. Cruz is the foremost Statesman of our our era. THE WASHINGTON CARTEL WILL TRY TO KILL HIM"...!!!

YES - TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE ARE DEAD - AS IS OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD for as Samuel Adams said, "The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, lest us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the face of the most exalted freedom {Justice in God's Truth], WE SHALL IN REALITY BE THE MOST ABJECT SLAVES.".

"DEBAUCH', verb transitive [The general sense of debauch in English, is to lead astray, like seduce.]  1. To corrupt or vitiate; as, to debauch a prince or a youth; to debauch good principles.      2. To corrupt with lewdness; as, to debauch a woman.      3. To seduce from duty or allegiance; as, to debauch an army."

Because Consent of the Governed in We the People cannot believe in our Father, Creator of His Universe, and all INDIVIDUAL-PERSON[S] IN HIS IMAGE , nor trust the Truth, Promise of Wisdom, Knowledge of our Heritage, AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST STARTING IN 1620, TRY #3 of the Puritans of the Holy Living Trinity, God in His Son, His Son in Him, His Son Who asked His Father to Give each-one-person, their unique, immortal-soul - Holy Ghost-Truth-Spirit.  That Spirit which if blasphemed in apostasy shall NOT BE FORGIVEN in this life or in the life to come.

Thus, the two speeches and all Sen. Cruz has been working for -- The Bible in Declaration in The Constitution is "SCAT'TERED, participle passive
1. Dispersed; dissipated; thinly spread; sprinkled or thinly spread over.
2. In botany, irregular in position; without any apparent regular order; as scattered branches;"  and all join-in, by "silence is agreement"  with "He who is Not with Me Is Against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters....Saul Alinsky's No Fixed Truth in Hegel/ Marx's consensus-group-think, because no=-one can act for their own Religion and morality -committees of never be for God in Christ -- our Archetypal, First and Second Table Government of Laws - The Two Greatest Commands of God.

Rather that very-Great and vain-profane-idol-god's bigger number -deluded democracy of few men over the many --Sen.  B. Sander's confessional-socialism of rich getting richer while in point of fact -- government gets richer off the work in commerce of its own people while telling them, and young people are greatly fooled by this since group think is instilled from kindergarten through grad school who become the teachers of the self-perpetuated control of all knowledge in, yes, G. Orwell's very accurate-truth Double-think-in NewSpeak  commanded by binomial-no-liberty-yes/ no computers ....   Then there is Clinton - the EX-secretary of her state- UN-EU Empire first-  by firing US Marines from guarding Americans on American soil in Benghazi, Libya, in favor of using taxpayer money to support  for "The hired man, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, deserts them when he sees the wolf coming, he runs away, leaving the wolf to tear and scatter them, just because he is a hired man, who has no interest in the sheep. I am the Good Shepard and my sheep know Me (just as The Father Knows me and I know The Father), and I lay down my life for the sheep. .John 10).".  Had the Marines been guarding -- do you really think Benghazi would have occurred?

So, We have a traitor - who willfully violates her Oath... and a Socialist - who even admits he loves, thus debasing his Oath, what this current, 01/20/2009, anti-Republic under God Regime has performed as administrative-police-state grown 99.6% over the 7.5 years -- especially the debacle called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which is still around only because supreme Law of the Land must be interpreted as both "Constitutional and unConstitutional by an absent Justice court disguised by group-think-committee-arbitrary rules of conduct-extortion, absent truth, trust, promise, Oath, in which at least 3 of the 9 have already decided their consensus before June 25, 2010!

And last, and also least, a comedian-of-self-interest who states "I am doing Americans a favor. I don't need this. ..." when confronted with his own ignorance of issues -- thus the content of Bible, in Declaration, in Constitution.  His arrogance in showmanship - so well documented by his own shows with his own money which he supports his own vain-idol-god?

Do you really want this trio?  Or, do you want God in Christ Jesus in You -- Your right to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God in the separate and equal station that is every-person's most good and evil in all roles of life --- family being just one of the roles --- and the following of The Father's First and Second Table Government of Laws is truly an individual activity -  each one person will decide, NO MATTER WHAT LOCATION ON GOD'S PLANET EARTH.  This is stated as the rest of Commandment 5's sanctity of marriage:  "..THAT YOU MAY HAVE LONG LIFE IN THE LAND WHICH THE ETERNAL, YOUR GOD, IS GIVING YOU, because, don't you understand, no person has to know the name of God or of Christ Jesus -- but each-one-person must know Truth of most good - even when located in truth of most evil.... God in Christ knows every 'thing' He Created and Christ taught as Truth of your Soul.....

Thus, AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, means that the vain-idol-god's bigger number forms - cannot decide our election for President.  Nor can the President be elected directly,  for then number, votes-democracy,$$$, term limits, group-think-consensus, laws created by anyone under any circumstance except Truth of any issue, is the only standard and never, ever speak out-loud of Oath in our very Great First President's Farewell Address, the whole of which is so much a description of our practice in belief of falsehood - lie and steal are justified if the benefits out weigh the harm -- defined by the administrative-police-state:

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality [AMENDMENT I's FIVE PARTS] are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.  A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity [expression of separate and equal station, i.e., you life in liberty is uniquely yours - as good and as bad as it is --- there is no hierarchy to person, any more than physical or environmental characteristics - especially Not Gender -- good or evil]  LET IT SIMPLY BE ASKED WHERE IS THE SECURITY FOR PROPERTY [AMENDMENT IX], FOR REPUTATION, FOR LIFE, IF THE SENSE OF RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION DESERT THE OATHS, WHICH ARE THE INSTRUMENTS OF INVESTIGATION IN COURTS OF JUSTICE? AND LET US WITH CAUTION INDULGE THE SUPPOSITION, THAT MORALITY CAN BE MAINTAINED WITHOUT RELIGION. WHATEVER MAY BE CONCEDED TO THE INFLUENCE OF REFINED EDUCATION ON MINDS OF PECULIAR STRUCTURE [Jacobians/ early Socialists], REASON AND EXPERIENCE BOTH FORBID US TO EXPECT THE NATIONAL MORALITY CAN PREVAIL IN EXCLUSION F RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLE. ..".

So, in spite of the RNC's ignorance of our Republic under God...Bible in Declaration, in Constitution - since God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing Exactly What He Has Planned and continues to reveal... even when blind, deaf, all language and communication, the 7th Operation God gave to each-one-Person  to understand #6 Operation good and evil, "degraded and made an anomaly" Webster, by revisionists of all descriptions in all of life...

Consent of the Governed in We the People shall have ALL EIGHTEEN CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT, if only because they represent Truth, Trust, Promise of God in Christ in His Father in YOU... Living Holy Spirit . The outcome of Truth, Trust, Promise those 18 Americans of  The First and Second Table Government of Laws...... and Not of men (President John Adams).

Much more accurately, though, Sen. Cruz and among Americans of God and Nation First who are daring to say their support -- not just the Constitution, for that is the WHOLE SYSTEM of Our Archetypal REPUBLICAN FORM OF REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT WITH PROTECTION FROM INVASION - INFRINGEMENT OF RIGHT, understand and stand, support, defend "supreme Law of the Land, water, atmosphere, periodic chart of the elements -- life as The Creator continues.....  thus,


IMPEACH HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED IN FACT AND EVIDENCE SINCE 01/20/2009 AND CONTINUES RIGHT THROUGH THE CANDIDATES OF THE SOCIALIST-ATHEIST (because these-group-thinker- VIOLATE OATH- GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMAND - whether or not that individual-person-believes in God -- or doesn't believe) -- "AND CONVICT"  -- is demonstrated in this 'farce of democracy's 'bigger number' money and votes, current road to oblivion-by-ignorance, #11 below in the P.S. ..... changing by ignoring Article V's existence simply because that is how many among the UN-EU Empire nations have been over-run... .


No one can fight for our Constitution unless they include The Bible - The Declaration - The supreme Law of the Land --- the Whole of the Articles with just Amendments I - XI - XIV, remove blank check XVI.... and Law Is The Two Greatest Commands of God reflected in The Ten Commandments  with Dr. Noah Webster's "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language -1828" --- ALL IT CONTAINS.

Americans should We Continue to wait for a government which has no intention of God in Law?
Isn't this another 1620 - in 1776 - in 1930-40's - in Common Core - disintegrating language, communication -- all knowledge -- especially Pres. Washington's Whole Farewell Address?
Do We the People go down -- herded-chickens in cages to the poultry-killers disguised as gift-givers of any 'thing' you want -- except what you are not permitted?
Are We Staying Fools, or are We Who Madison said we are... 'Americans are uniquely suited to this their country' -- in Publius 10, I think.  I've met thousands of you as a visiting nurse -- I know your stories.  I know you are out there, and I know YOU know Truth, Trust, Promise - even if our Federalist Equilateral Triangle is now an obtuse-degraded-travesty to eliminate the Holy Living Trinity in favor of "mere rules of arbitrary rules of conduct, fleshy-circumcised, repudiate the existence of Proverbs 8's Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise -- in God's Justice in Ezekiel 33 a good man... lost, evil man...turned to good... .

Most important -- It Is Christ Jesus in His Father We have been given the Gifts of our Three Sacred Documents with the accountability and responsibility to our neighbors here and abroad God's Planet.... neighbors, those we love,  know and will never know.

At RNC convention -- there is a survey on FB.  Take it -- and don't let yourself be limited by its survey-itis, inflammation of pre-determined, group-think-bigger number-conclusions --

Answer What You Know Is Truth of Our Nation and demand - The Three Sacred Documents....   Rand Paul is separate and equal to Dr. Carson - to Sen. Cruz.  Any Person who chooses  to follow ""And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our For;tunes and our sacred Honor..."never  meant to be just on 07/04/1776,,,but forever and forever in God in Christ's name You alone, then among the 10 persons you know who know 10 persons -- who know 10 persons ...

REMEMBER, this is coach and buggy with horseback, for there is no media of any form.... and all information is restricted... and all persons under 50 years of age are never to think unless told what is acceptable, obedience to church which is synonymous with collective-mass people state. Don't expect what doesn't exist.... and don't continue to mistake lie and steal with the vain-idol-god's forms of bigger number control - "Opinion without interference of Truth, Trust, Promise - God.  

Our Father and His Son have not left US(A) ---- We have left Them and our Founders among all Americans from that day to this flashing cursor...; and we shall not return, until the WHOLE of those Three Sacred Document's Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise - The Christian Discipline: A Pure Heart, Good Conscience, and Sincere Faith, return and We "Knock, Ask, Seek, to find... The Way, The Light out of this darkness that is currently engulfing and overwhelming US(A) and therefore, "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL ...ENDOWED WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS..."

P.S. Here's a huge example of the reason the Socialist atheist, borderless nations and jurisprudence of UN-EU empire's UDHR - delusional democracy - Federal Reserve among World Bank's 7 or 8 forms of money control in absolute, uncontrolled-power--- requires all collective people ARE GUILTY OF FRAUD, MEANING SUPPRESSION OF TRUTH, Ex Post Facto, UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT, mandatory holding of all individual-person's money deposited with them and including Western Union where cash is used - as in Money Orders, Cashier's Checks drawn from a bank but not permitted to be cashed in any bank of another name, and most important of all --- why plastic money - debit cards will be mandatory and cash will all but disappear..... and M1 will never be permitted, it gives too much information to our  banned- repealed by 01/20/2009 supreme court of iniquity (marriage is not sanctified, The Creator in Bible, Declaration, Constitution does not exist, and Consent of the Governed - in We the People --- is forbidden all:  From "Declaration of Constitutional Principles", Jon Roland, Austin, TX; at

"There are several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional:
 1.   It may be contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution.
 2.   It may not be based on one of the powers delegated to the government under the Constitution.
 3.   It may violate the provisions for the structures and procedures of government, such as the delegation of legislative or judicial powers to an executive agency in violation of the separation of powers principle of the Constitution.
 4.   It may neglect to perform some duty imposed under the Constitution.
 5.   It may involve the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction.
 6.   It may not be applied in the way it was intended by those who wrote and adopted the original act.
 7.   It may be vague or incomprehensible to the people who must obey or enforce it.
 8.   It may have been intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly.
Proper notice of the law or act may not have been given in a way that would allow people subject to it to become aware of it.
 9.   The aggregate of laws or regulations may become so burdensome that it becomes unreasonable for everyone subject to it to be sufficiently familiar with it to comply with all of it.
10.  It may have never been properly adopted, or due process may not have been practiced.
11.  Information needed to make a proper determination may have been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.
[12.]   The supreme court of iniquity by consensus-committee-group-think decides by the vain-idol-god's bigger number supreme to Oath-Truth, Trust, Promise thus, violating the First and Second Table of Laws - God's Two Greatest Commands, Religion and morality Pres. Washington, John Adams, PUBLIUS, governor of first Western European nation to say God Is Law - Acts 28, pen-name of Hamilton, Jay, Madison, Jefferson,  Franklin, Fisher Ames, Oliver Ellsworth,  Signer and major drafter of the Constitution James Wilson (started out a Tory and changed to a Whig), , Dr. Benjamin Rush, Dr. Joseph Warren...Samuel Adams "If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation"--letter to Elbridge Gerry, 11/27/1780.

DO NOT BE FOOLED BY DOUBLE-THINK'S NEW-SPEAK "PRACTICABILITY" COMBINED WITH - "i'M JUST ONE PERSON. I CAN'T DO ANY THING." -- That is the mantra of no God in Christ:  God's Era's of history are full of One Person... standing alone... and the Reformation would never have occurred unless John Wycliff, Tyndale, Calvin, Luther... Catherine of Aragon, Sir Thomas More, George Bush, Sen. Cruz, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Darrell Issa, Dr. Carson, Glen Beck, Billy Graham, and each-one-person who just says "NO" remembering when before a tribunal, Jesus says 'They did it to me first;'  They being "Jewish government of Pharisees, scribes, high priests, few men rulers who cannot comprehend past their noses that "We lay it down as a Fundamental, that Laws to be Just must give Reciprocation of Right, that without this they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, force, absent conscience" ---Thomas Jefferson

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