Tuesday, October 7, 2014

TO: Escondido's Consent of the Governed of, by, and for We the People: Ballot:



            THERE IS NO ETHICS OF JOURNALISM, NOR OF TELEVISION; AND UNLESS THE COMMENTARIES WHO SPEAK TO STAND AND DEFEND THE ONE LAW WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS, while not really with awareness or recognized, though 99.8% of Colonists and Americans know as AXIOM, -- "God is Not a religion, but RELIGION ITSELF," and an imperative to be removed, slandered, or "Lucifer Alinsky's #13 target, freeze, polarize - coerced and colluded in steal.  THERE IS NO TRUTH, NO TRUST, NO GOD.
"We hold it as a fundamental, that laws to be just, must give a reciprocation of 'Right'; that without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience"---Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (now a Blue Senate, Socialist State), 1782

        Like all good, but ignorant Americans of "What does our unique Republic under God mean to YOU?", "Silence is agreement" is the working antonym for our Republic under God; and all person's religiously adhere to it.  ..Far be it that any American Stand, Preserve, Protect, or in the cases of incumbency -- Obey their Oath of Office, since thinking, in good human precept lip service, earthly-bodily terms, separation of collective-people-church, divinity, secular synonymous with human precept defined, relative truth, from that terrible, tragic great and impenetrable wall synonymous with ignorance, collective-people-state-subservient, servants answerable to 1969-70 Common Law Public Value's government interests is true; and well able to segregate God's Creation of His Love of YOU, Heaven, His Truth in The Holy Trinity, from Earth,
"U'NIVERSE, noun [Latin universitas.]  The collective name of heaven and earth, and all that belongs to them; the whole system of created things;" among ALL LIFE's
CONNECTION, noun [Latin See Connect.] The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing.".  Nope!  Your in deep trouble if you do...the 4 Justices "Dissent" is the actual case...(below's link)

The best part of "silence is agreement" (from Ezekiel 33) is that Matt. 15's "They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. Vain is their worship of me, for they teach but HUMAN PRECEPTS" with "If  You abide by what I say, You are really disciples of mine: You will understand the truth, and the truth will set You free. ...Truly, truly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave,"  is a very well demonstrated fact in evidence; a,k.a arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, Anti-Republic under God Regime which states: "There is no Law in the Declaration. The Isolated Constitution is written to be violated.  The moral rightness of an/ any action is determined by its consequences.  From Quran and "You shall not murder,....-unless you have a right to," an original text source of human precept's profanity against God and His Son of man, 09/11/1673 Catholic Empire - Vienna vs Conqueror Islamic Empire-Ottoman's "arbitrary rules of conduct - force, the reason for attacking Vienna, the 9/11/01-Twin towers, and 09/11/12 -American People and Soil Not Guarded by U.S. Marines-Beirut, Lebanon; Jesus Is a prophet, but God is lying when He names His Son of Man, Jesus Christ.  Lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm; and the single, most important of all their very great and profane-vain-idol-god, bigger number - devoid Conscience/ unique, Immortal-Soul/ Heart/ Mind/ Will, a.k.a 'deluded demockracy, majority, Districts of any kind or reason, EXCEPT ONE PERSON IS ONE VOTE, popular, top-two-vote-getters-regardless-of-political-party-affiliation (TTVGRPPA); survey-poll, street marches preferable with yelling;" and full and complete demonstrates in fact and evidence of their right totally frozen out of existence by the CLPV-government interest -the supreme, UDHR-NGO UN, EU, and this current usurper of 1789RATIFIED UNITED STATES LAW Regime's newest cabinet position "Mission to the UN, a.k.a PROPOSITION 1's WATER BOND;" and especially demonstrated by skin-color, except white supreme to Constitutional Person's Consent of the Governed to protect and secure RIGHT - vote,  the 26 days, Escondido Socialist-athies by edict, alone, 4 City Council and 5 EUSD (which has no reference to Board-Districts at their website), i.e any city or town among the 433 in our California Republic undergoing complete destruction.
         Districts where 1/9th, or 1/4th or 1/5 of the geography of a house/ apartment, determines, Consent of the Governed of 100% of that City's governance, violating We the People Law of Article IV: 2, 4 (invasion also means "infringement of 1776 'Right/ Positive Law' One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -- The Pledge (Duty, Honor, Service) of Allegiance), but not the now, sultan-hood 'mayor' who is still permitted 100% of the city's citizen resident vote.
         Dividing, 37.3 square mile, Escondido into 4 Districts, NewSpeak's, especially the 'trustee' part,  "By-Area Trustee Voting System (BATVS),"  to be in conformance with EUSD's 5 districts (never to be mentioned again at their website), was instituted by the "American Rule" / FEAR-threat that if we go to court -- the cost to taxpayers will bankrupt the city (not "Our City" as if openly presenting it to citizen resident's would be to "defy the necessary repudiation of God and our Nation, 'secret'); and in addition, the whole issue is based on CVRA; absent Truth, for just look at Demographics -- note which skin color has the vain-idol-god's, bigger number.  "...under God, with Liberty? Justice? of all?".  Understand, under socialist-atheist-rules of conduct-extortion, citizens of Declaration's "..Just powers are derived from the consent of the governed.." are permitted both  to vote for a City Council member, and to be allowed to run for any city office, is determined ONLY by geography, when the house you purchased, probably long before the socialist-atheist started destroying our Republic under God, officially on January 20, 2009, and by skin color  except white, no skin color can be permitted to understand or perceive that not speaking the English Language is to deceive their unique, Immortal-soul's Right, as One Person is One Part of the Whole System of Created We the People/ Consent of the Governed's "..whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the One People forming the 50 UNITED STATES to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as the them shall seem most likely to effect their SAFETY  AND HAPPINESS. - vote
            Districts Must Be Kept A Secret, for no Resident citizen shall be informed that his Own Person/ Vote to protect and secure his Own Person, alone, then those he loves, knows, and Will Never Know, a.k.a the "Whole System of Created 'Republican form of Representative government of, by and for the One People. In addition, 3, councilmembers, Diaz the writer, of the 5 city council member's wrote an edict, disguised as some sort of ordinance, that the Districts "could revert to our Republic under God's One Person Is One Vote, a.k.a "At-Large" any time the "By Area Trustee Voting System" didn't appear to be "working" for the Anti-Republic under God Regime's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct - extortion, devoid Truth, Trust and God per "The Paper" Yellow Journalism article in full support of Olga Diaz's socialist-atheism, against the Current Mayor.  Thus, arbitrary  rules of conduct - extortion's 'deluded demockracy', the servants of government, collective, mass people are only permitted to "vote" on specified items, like whether 2012 #36 Three Strike's blue collar criminals are worse than white collar criminals, and 2014's #47 felon's should never be felons if the amount of money is less that $950.00; for $950.01 pennies makes all the difference in the world -- to the quantity of omission, commission, neglect and transgression, and besides, reducing already convicted felons of the new misdemeanors, should 47 pass, means that those use to be felons can now join-in the collective, mass people's filling-in-dots, 'deluded demockracy' vote because of another Assembly Bill.

     ....No One shall ever confront the socialist-atheist-collective, mass people, instigator of both CVRA and ECHHO, incumbent, Council-member-gender not important because Oath in Law is much more important, who is using Lucifer Alinsky's "The organizer knows that the real action is in the reaction of the opposition. To realistically appraise and anticipate the probable reactions of the enemy, he must be able to identify with them, too, in his imagination, and foresee their reactions to his actions...."...the organizer must be able to split himself into two parts -- one part in the arena of action where he polarizes the issue to 100 to nothing, and helps to lead his forces into conflict, while the other part knows that when the time comes for negotiations that it really is only a 10 percent difference." p.78" as "I agree with you." for the purpose of increasing the vain-idol-god's bigger-number through steal/ collusion-power base;....as she continues underground, deceit in disorganization - disconnect from the Three Laws; even though she, not unintelligent, just ignorant of both John 8's father evil - father lie and Jesus is really teaching Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Promise in Faith. --- Axioms freely chosen by 99.8% of the Colonists, Founders among them ---, and Religion and morality in the "Moral GOVERNMENT of GOD," our Archetypal Republican form of Representative Government -- One Person protected and secure in ALL his 'Right' by One Person's, chosen from among  "Consent of the Governed" by his Oath of Office in any and all positions within the Federalist, Equilateral Triangle/ Holy Trinity: God/ Heaven/ Bible; His Son of man, Jesus Christ/ earth/ Declaration of Independence; YOU/ Holy Ghost - Helper/ Conscience, but NO "Lucifer-Alinsky #13 Personality"  supreme to "deeds, supreme rule of action here on earth, each-one-person's, absent physical and environmental characteristics, Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will = Conscience with Courage and Strength.

The City Council Member is running for Mayor. If elected, by 100% of the Citizens; and dividing the  vote between the other two candidates, results in an opportunity heighten by that Council Member's  endorsement of Prop. H, the "Consent of the Governed" to protect 'Right' will be silenced for 4 years -- her position becomes 'appointed' and they live in the heavily skin-color, already the bigger number by demographic's of physical characteristics- district with the advantage of geography's bigger number, "apartment buildings" of dubious and very inaccurate Citizenship as well as other side of consent of the governed ---the interests of government supreme to the collective, mass people, vain-idol-god-bigger-number - repudiated 1789 RATIFIED LAW, and utilizing arbitrary, rules of conduct - force the people are servants despoiled and enslaved to that government interest.

This Council Member was the subject of Recall the months before July.  Remember she is elected to her current position by 100% of the "consent of governed". The circulators of the Petition were instructed by the City Managers, that ONLY THE CITIZENS OF HER NEW, NO CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED-DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY WOULD BE PERMITTED TO SIGN THE RECALL PETITION.

Here is the most incredible part of both our City, our State, and our Nation -- not one of the circulators -- even gave a passing glance, at how unlawful a lie it was they were presented by the 'City government???'; and that is the Ezekiel 33 Silence is agreement for State (hundreds of Bills -- Not One Republican signature Assembly or Senate signed passage of the bill, giving demonstrated fact in evidence, irrefutable Truth, that the vain-idol-god is supreme to God's One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents... You can read more about the effects of believing in father evil-father lie at
http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com/2014/09/documents-federal-prosecutors-misled.html ; and on my FB page.

Do You, Citizen-Resident who Pledges Your Duty, Honor, Service; and teaches the same, to those they know, love, and will never know, Transitive and Recursive, for failing Wisdom, Knowledge, Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise, does carry severe consequences -- which lead to increasingly, never ending severe consequences, this person should receive your Vote?

Now can You answer that opening statement question, at least better than before you read this: What does our Republic under God Mean to YOU?
            You do need to continue learning -- and the journey is YOURS, alone, for that earthly journey is Your Own Unique- never changing/ Immortal-Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will = Conscience courage-strength - for Truth in Trust, Promise in Faith Is You -- at whatever "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle One Person/ Independence -- and many of you are in unions or other forms of compulsory-conformity anarchy of dictatorship, or barriers of not learning and speaking the English Language --- perpetual ignorance and submission to collective people... because English Is The Language of One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents you memorized; -- see without perceiving/ hear without understanding (Mark 4)-- Bible, Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the 1789 UNITED STATES...of America, --- not Executive - Administrative-police-state with the Judiciary support in "CLPV-government interests, the supreme arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion just since 01/20/2009 of both ceded from the union, including Escondido, CA.

Though all Escondido's government need do is enforce:
 "16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256:
    The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:
    The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.
    Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it.....
    A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the lend, it is superseded thereby.
    No one Is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.
Jon [my 'j' is stll broke] Roland:
Strictly speaking, an unconstitutional statute is not a "law", and should not be called a "law", even if it is sustained by a court, for a finding that a statute or other official act is constitutional does not make it so, or confer any authority to anyone to enforce it.
             [And under the Anti-Republic under God Regime, if we do call an unconstitutional law/ No Truth - No Trust - No God, lie violates 9, 8 steal by stealth clandestinely or gain by imperceptible means;  We are traitors of the most evil - because not only do we place our individual Souls in jeopardy, we also dictate that Life/ Commerce shall be forbidden our Posterity; and that doesn't even address tearing apart our heritage within our hearts of our Flag; and spitting in the faces of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN OF GOD AND NATION FIRST FROM 1620....THROUGH YOUR CHILD'S CHILDREN - 3 GENERATIONS IN THE FUTURE, given we don't just vanish, as have had some nations in early history]
All citizens and legal residents of the United States, by their presence on the territory of the United States, are subject to the militia duty, the duty of the social compact that creates the society, which requires that each, alone and in concert with others, not only obey the Constitution and constitutional official acts, but help enforce them, if necessary, at the risk of one's life.
Any unconstitutional act of an official will at least be a violation of the oath of that official to execute the duties of his office, and therefore grounds for his removal from office. No official immunity or privileges of rank or position survive the commission of unlawful acts. If it violates the rights of individuals, it is also likely to be a crime, and the militia duty obligates anyone aware of such a violation to investigate it, gather evidence for a prosecution, make an arrest, and if necessary, seek an indictment from a grand jury, and if one is obtained, prosecute the offender in a court of law.".
 RE:      Measure G: CHARTER; Measure H: LAKES SPECIFIC PLAN; USD BOND E for Excellence:
Measure G CHARTER:
Since Marie was in our City Council, the entire Council, except the socialist-atheist-anti Republic under God - extortion, "Alinsky, cloward-piven Community Organizer" of District's "cell" -- has worked for Our Great Need for the Charter Form of City Government, if only to protect it, as much as that may be possible under the Anti-law against the One Law within the Three Sacred Documents, including California Republic's Constitution, VOTE YES ON THE CHARTER

"This term in its particular application means "that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual."
>In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage.
>In the former sense, a man's land, or merchandize, or money is called his property.
>In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.
>He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.
>He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.
>He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.
>In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.
>>>Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. .<<<." --- James Madison, equally and separately with Thomas Jefferson" -- i.e the socialist-atheist-arbitrary, human precept, rules of conduct - extortion, repudiating Wisdom for Knowledge in Truth with Trust, Faith in Promise: The Holy Trinity interposed with our Archetypal Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Article IV: 2, 4 Representative Government - protection with Safety from invasion, infringement of Right and Article V.
Not understanding, nor contrasting our Unique in Mankind's history The Eternal "Universe: the collective name of Heaven,- earth/ Christ/ our Lord all that belongs to it, the Whole System of Created things"  with human precept, "get thee behind me, Satan" to Peter, and  Matt. 5, 6, 7, 15, 18 and John 8, 10 with Hebrews 6, arbitrary-power, rules of conduct -extortion, No Truth, No Trust, No God; the confusion of President. Madison's word "Property" is massive; and that ignorance, every single citizen resident involved, elected or not, any location in this 37.3 square mile City, has entirely disorganized and disconnected UNITES 50 STATES LAW OF ONE PERSON's BODY HOLDING SOUL/ MIN/ HEART/ WILL/ CONSCIENCE, NO PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS, PROTECTED BY ONE PERSON'S OATH OF OFFICE, a.k.a POSITION or JOB DESCRIPTION PERFORMANCE, which is the council-woman Dias' reason for existence in Escondido --- the largest number of Constitutional Republicans Persons in the County -- in the name of Obama-Lucifer-Alinsky; and if she attended college, the only way of obtaining her degree was to become a "Community Organizer" and then teach others...."Lucifer" Is the Middle Name because there in not One of God's Commandments missed in being violated ---- all Ten; and though it is probably safe to say -- Alinsky only has this 'dust' blowing in 'air'.
[EXTOR'TION, noun The act of extorting; the act or practice of wresting any thing from a person by force, duress, menaces, authority, or by any undue exercise of power; illegal exaction; illegal compulsion to pay money, or to do some other act. extortion is an offense punishable at common law.      1. Force or illegal compulsion by which any thing is taken from a person.

EXTORT', verb transitive [Latin extortus, from extorqueo, to wrest from; ex and torqueo, to twist.]
1. To draw from by force or compulsion; to wrest or wring from by physical force, by menace, duress, violence, authority, or by an illegal means. Conquerors extort contributions from the vanquished; tyrannical princes extort money from their subjects; officers often extort illegal fees; confessions of guilt are extorted by the rack. A promise extorted by duress is not binding.      2. To gain by violence or oppression.
EXTORT', verb intransitive To practice extortion."]

Yes, the are the Constitutional Person, singular, property owners of homes.  Yes, the "Investor," is Constitutional Person, and corporate persons composed of individual persons,  in what NO ONE ELSE would RISK, a Property Owner.
          Investor: He probably had no idea what a beehive he would walk-into. It has been an incredible journey to observe, especially since investment with development are business-absent-government-of-any-kind, a.k.a 1789's definition of COMMERCE, noun  1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce    
2. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.
4. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas.
3. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.
COMMERCE, verb intransitive  1. To traffick; to carry on trade.      2. To hold intercourse with. And looks commercing with the skies.".  Commerce is and was Life/ Liberty/ and pursuit of happiness, 99.8% of Colonists, Founder's among them, lights years advanced in wisdom, knowledge, Truth, Trust, Promise, God and His Son of man, that any person -- of "modern man" -- since them selves....; made worse because YOU don't really Believe that God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Doing Exactly What He Said He Would Do in Genesis; and His Son of man, our wonderful, Jesus Christ Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing in the Love of His Father, and Both of YOU, because He Loves His Father and Because He Chose Of His Own Accord...
      In the human precept, arbitrary rules of conduct- extortion, permanent violation of the 10 Commandments,  "capitalism', Life/ Commerce of each-one-person's liberty and pursuit of happiness, is the most dirty, profanity of swear word in all socialist-atheist-UDHR's "opinion without interference " NewSpeak Language and Communication; meaning the home owner's because of "all evils[except them] are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists, have become the "proletariat, collective, mass people" who are genuinely upset they have to face the fact in evidence of business risk/ reward (which many of them achieved) "golf course green, manicured lawns;" within a Socialist-atheist economy -- you just have to drive to any mall or street of business for the "moral rightness of any / an action is determined by its CONSEQUENCES, no less what happened, 3 times to the golf course.
      The home owner's angst is expressed as losing an easement, sacrifice of back yard, common to all homes situated around golf course, else there would be a lot of golf balls in windows with folks ambling in gardens.
         But, on the Investor's side, in home owner's angst, - common sense died a violent, confusing death; for Why would an investor in Single Family Homes want to make the "Lakes Plan" unsightly??  Wouldn't that be counter-productive?  Now about the easement, the Investor did go to home owners regarding the "Property line between the 'defunct golf course' and the home.  He Had To....Didn't He?!! After all, he plans to use the earth composing his property, doesn't? And He has to be able to negotiate whatever IMPROVEMENTS are required...doesn't he?  If You, home owner, wanted to do something with the back part of your home within your yard, You would have to know the location of the Property Line, wouldn't you.
         This gentleman, businessman, started with more than 600 homes, I believe; and brought, in conjunction with You Homeowners, that number down to a  "SPECIFIC Lakes Plan" which could not be more thoughtful of the very beautiful northwest side of Escondido; for he is a business man who expects to sell his plan that includes a place for public, political meetings as well as all other events..
         But, because, the City Council said, and I quote because I was there "We can make it very hard for [the investor] to build [anything on his property]" to which every other person in that room, sat-up, straight, and said "Do you hear what I just heard?" -- to answer "Yes"; because the City Council, with the City Attorney, and the entire STATE Republican Party, are as ignorant of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, our unique Republic under God, as they are of this current Islamic-human precept-Socialist-atheist-president's  new cabinet level "Mission to the UN"-Agenda 21/GW /sustainable /climate change's extortion of anti-law known as Proposition 1's Water Bond which has absolutely nothing to do with 25 year old, 5, unsold water quality Bonds, aggregated, between then and now, into " acute shocks’ and ‘chronic stresses’... Leaders in government and non-governmental, non-profit under George Soros' "Open Society" organizations are pushing the public to accept new programs that they say will create ‘resilience’ to these ‘acute shocks’ and ‘chronic stresses’. Please make a mental note that all plans, programs or initiatives labeled ‘resilient’ are part of the Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 plan. ..." at  http://www.exurbiachronicles.com/?p=956; now the boiling black cauldron is really-big, in confusion and disconnections because of ignorance; and besides, it acts as "displacement"  to the Recall Petition going on in Olga Diaz's District 4  skin-color of 73,802 to total of 'pacific islanders,' the next highest skin color, plus white of 65,805; within our our Article IV:4 Constitutional Person of body and soul/ mind/ heart/ will/ conscience -- NO PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTIC'S WHAT SO EVER, Archetypal Republic under God---.
         And Brown Wrote it knowing full well that Proposition 48 allows Indian Tribe Casino's on NON-tribal- land; and the specific Casino is more than one hour's drive away from the tribal land; AND mr. incumbent-anti-Republic under God/ seceded from from the Union, socialist-atheist-Pacific Region, Brown -- also is fully aware that Proposition 1's $44,000,000,000.00 is written to give grants for the "create ‘resilience’ to these ‘acute shocks’ and ‘chronic stresses of 'air' but only when C is attached to two molecules of O2, absent H, N. and sun (the reason they stopped using the "oops-word "green" or greening"), as well as all the other gases on the Periodic chart of the Elements, a.k.a the Laws of Nature" and "Chicken Little's Falling Sky".  The Legislative Analyst, the Legislative, Isolated Constitutional anti-law Counselor, and the Incumbent Attorney General failed to permit the collective, mass people forming the 'deluded-demockracy' to know, a.k.a the crimes of neglect, omit, commit, and transgress -- just plain, cunning in deceit.


PROPOSITION E for EXCELLENCE:  is a "NO"  if only because it requires ignorance of the socialist-atheist's arrogance and conceit, that you cannot understand language and communication, anyway, so why not alter or abolish it all together....: EX'CELLENCE/ EXCELLENCY, noun [Latin excellentia.] The state of possessing food qualities in an unusual or eminent degree; the state of excelling in any thing.
1. An valuable quality; any thing highly laudable, meritorious or virtuous, in persons, or valuable and esteemed, in things. Purity of heart, uprightness of mind, sincerity, virtue, piety, are excellencies of character; symmetry of parts, strength and beauty are excellencies of body; an accurate knowledge of an art is an excellence in the artisan; soundness and durability are excellencies in timber; fertility, in land; elegance, in writing. In short, whatever contributes to exalt man, or to render him esteemed and happy, or to bless society, is in him an excellence
2. Dignity; high rank in the scale of beings. Angels are beings of more excellence than men; men are beings of more excellence than brutes.
3. A title of honor formerly given to kings and emperors, now given to embassadors, governors, and other persons, below the rank of kings, but elevated above the common classes of men.".
      Where is there money for classrooms, especially for the tool of yes/ no, black/ white, yes/ no, decision-tree, arbitrary, human precept, absent the human part -- it is unaccountable, invisible and irresponsible ---?
             PROPOSITION E: a $29.00 per $100,000 assessed valuation Property Tax Increase for the purpose of “Excellent Schools” because in the arbitrary, rules of conduct - force, “see absent perceive” Excellent is synonymous to tablets, computers, buildings, classrooms rewired to accept internet and wireless for learning must be Yes/ no, Open/ Close Binomial-Robot-think where no control of Truth, Trust, or God is required for all is performed, anywhere no just in a classroom by those very invisible humans totally omitted from accountability for the “decision-tree-robot-think of the software in hardware they write and perpetrate on others”  — No One Would Ever Know if an whole sentence, section, part of any whole of any book was altered, removed, or reworded; and if you take away all hard bound books in ownership of that student or freely available without bias or preconceived UDHR #18 or #19, no -one would ever know....unless a careful observer of connections along with Research, Reflect/ Reason, Relate/ Connections, Record/ Decide/ Act and not for a ‘grade;’ – for there word ‘excellence’ does not ever require a classroom, any location is works at all times and in all circumstances, for it comes from each-one-child learning his own unique, Immortal-Soul accountable to the Perfections of that Child’s Heavenly Father. Proverbs is a Must, as is  Truth, Trust, Faith in Promise Must Be Learned and Present.

Also, Proposition E, being short - on knowledge and long on Only Government Bonds can solve problems; fails completely to comprehend, that Prop. E is only One of the Bonds among the Bonds on Your Property Taxes, in which it remains extremely difficult to maintain ownership of your home in the Socialist atheist anti Republic under God Regime hate of Person who claim their own Life/ Commerce, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness, absolutely refusing to join-in the ‘collective, mass fomenting of ignorance through the crimes of omission, commission, neglect and transgression – all 4 of which are contained in Prop. E.
There is a very creative alternative, but that would require an “Mind/ Heart/ Soul/ Will to look to resources within the Person’s who are our City - Community –..... might you be creative Board of EDU absent God?  You might be able, but you would have to USE Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.... and You are able, but first you have to understand President Reagan: "Wouldn't it be better for the human spirit and for the soul of this nation to encourage people to accept more responsibility to care for each other rather than leaving those tasks to paid bureaucrats?" ---- "On my desk in the Oval Office, I have a little sign that says: 'There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit;" which is a paraphrase for "Obey my commands. Ask, seek, and knock - all will be opened unto you...there are no secrets....there is no extortion/ force....; and "Freedom (see John 8) had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."---Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791.

VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION E, there isn't any consideration of excellence, except as deceitful NewSpeak"

And while on the subject of PROPOSITIONS:  VOTE "NO" ON EVERY ONE OF THEM: 1, 2, 45, 46, 47, 48
#45 -- IMPLEMENTING OBAMACARE/ ACA January 28, 2012, 4 Justices did "sever" the entire "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," as unconstitutional; and 5 judges are unable to contemplete 24 of the 26 Sections, though at least one of them did read the entire anti-Republic und God Law, though you only have to comprehend the  non-NewSpeak forming the words in the Title, to understand the Whole is Extortion by exclusively the Executive Branch;  - the epitome of obliteration of our Republic under God for the collective, mass people - in complete subjugation and servitude of the ADMINISTRATIVE-POLICE-STATE within the DICTATORSHIP IN TYRANNY EXECUTIVE BRANCH, including sustaining and supporting of the JUDICIARY BRANCH, all of it; 46, 47, 48  --- TO JUST MAKE A CANON SHOT TO RETURN FIRE, AGAINST OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD --- VOTE NO ON ALL OF THESE PROPOSITIONS; AND REMOVE FROM OFFICE EVERY SINGLE STATE SENATOR AND ASSEMBLYPERSON -- THE ENTIRE STATE PAGE 50 FROM OFFICE ---- ALLL OF IT.   If you need more proof, and they need your help with donations, go to vote smart at http://votesmart.org/candidate/70372/toni-atkins#.VDRbGmddUxE
especially note Toni Atkins voting record, kindergarten sex by matching organs, all gun anti-law... VOTE FOR BARBARA DECKER, who Knows Agenda 21/ Climate change/ EU/ NGO-UN including PROPOSITION 1's $44,000,000,000.00 water quality Bond disguising full implementation of E.O. Establishment of the White House Rural Council, a.k.a rural wildlife -- Indian tribal land, George Soros' Non-profits/ Rockefeller Center already in LA and SD  by all its names, anti-law, extortion and misuse of taxpayer money --- WE THE PEOPLE OF GOD AND NATION FIRST NEED TO ELECT BARBARA TO THE 78TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT:
 San Diego County – 14.9%:  Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, San Diego – 30.6%, Balboa Park, 
Downtown, Kensington, La Jolla, Mission Beach, Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, Point Loma, Torrey Pines,
University City, University Heights, Solana Beach.

LINKS: "Documents: Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza"

Pamphleteer: We the People v. Abridgment of Speech, Press, Assemble - Information AT

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